party (424)

Dems Propaganda Cup Spilleth Over.

Below are 2 things that are currently driving the Obummer backers. The Obummer/Dem/Progressive Propaganda Spin Machine is in high gear. The first is a letter sent from the DNC to party loyalists. The second is a piece from Current TV. In the foretelling of George Orwell, the Progressives continue to believe, that Ignorance is Strength.  A word of caution: groups calling themselves Progressive Coalitions are gaining grass roots sympathy by publicly focusing on libertarian causes, but they will ensnare those to their side. A prime example is the Colorado Progressive Coalition. Publicly they work to help unemployed and those facing foreclosure, behind the scenes they are plotting along with the rest to do away with our freedoms. We have to stand strong. Remember when the revolution began, only 3% of the population was in favor of independence. God Bless the United States of America.


In the spirit of the First Amendment, please feel free to comment on this post.




Friend --

Getting in President Obama's way has been the top priority for Republicans in
Congress since day one. But now they've gone too far.

They've been caught red-handed making up so-called 'scandals' out of thin air
to stir up false rumors of vast 'cover-ups' happening in the White House.

Did they find a single shred of evidence to back up their outrageous claims?

But rather than let the truth stand in their way, Republicans actually doctored
emails between administration officials about Benghazi. Then, they released
them to the press, trying to pass them off as real in order to create their
scandal. Fortunately, they got caught in the act when the White House released
all of the actual emails.

Tell President Obama
you've got his back right now, no matter what Republicans come up with next.

While Republican leaders were focused on stirring up controversy, Michele
Bachmann was talking about impeaching President Obama for absolutely no reason,
and Republicans in the House voted to repeal Obamacare -- for the 37th time.

That's how they think they should be spending their time and your money.

Make sure the President knows that you stand behind him and his agenda right
now -- and that you won't let Republican games distract you from advocating for
real change that will benefit all Americans.

Stand with President
Obama today -- and send the message to Republicans that it's time to stop
playing political games and get back to work for the American people:

Its time for them to do their damn jobs.



Brad Woodhouse
Communications Director
Democratic National Committee


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The IRS Tea Party Scandal grows exponentially daily as more and more revelations of the degree of harassment against the Tea Party organizations, and dozens of other conservative groups, deepen. What is clear and certain with each twisted statement uttered by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney at his daily briefings is the drip, drip, drip of apparent cover up conduct.

Now it has been revealed by Fox News that even the IRS Inspector General’s audit report on Tea Party was coordinated between the IRS, Department of the Treasury and the White House Chief of Staff and the White House Counsel well before the president admitted knowledge of it from news reports.

In actuality, according to J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration admitted last week before the House Ways and Means Committee, that he informed officials of a Tea Party conduct audit at Treasury on June 4 2012, according to the Associated Press. Those officials were Treasury’s general counsel, on June 4, 2012, and Deputy Treasury Secretary Neal Wolin afterward.

The facts that are now being strained by the congressional Oversight Committee from administration witnesses in response to the IRS Inspector General Report are merely the tip of the iceberg. The reality that basic civil liberties of all Americans are at stake if a rouge operation exists within this organization and can impede and invade the rights of Tea Party members.

Only a House Select Committee can combine resources and investigators into who is involved, what was covered up and, as Speaker Boehner said, who should go to jail.

After all, this was not just a break-in of a political office, but was a breakdown of the administration of law and an invasion of the rights of America citizens who care deeply about this nation. The crime they committed, according to the IRS’ offensive criminal conduct, was being a member of Tea Party organizations or other conservative groups.

Impeachment Article 2:4 states in part:

He has failed to take care that the laws were faithfully executed by failing to act when he knew or had reason to know that his close subordinates endeavoured to impede and frustrate lawful inquiries by duly constituted executive, judicial and legislative entities.”

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This post needs to be read after reading the last one, "Obama's Saudi Connection."

I didn't write either article.  They weren't written by the same author or for the same audience, but when taken together, it makes better sense.

By Doug Hagmann: 

What do the murders of four Americans in Benghazi have to do with the murders of three in a terrorist attack in Boston? Plenty, if you understand what you are seeing in the abstract expressionism of the Jackson Pollock painting is actually a blood trail, and the Pollock painting you are closely studying is an exact reproduction of one of his earlier works. It is a reproduction of a reproduction. We’ve seen this picture before, a bloodstained tangle of lies being sold to us as an artistic masterpiece. But you have to step farther back, not closer to the painting, to actually see the blood trail.

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Obama's Saudi Connection

This and the next post make more sense in context when the information is considered together. Then it makes perfect, scary sense.

From Obama's Marxist indoctrination from Frank Marshall Davis to the help from Valerie Jarett's father-in-law and help from the Muslim world that propelled Obama to the presidency.

Watch for the next post as well.

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Should Karl Rowe share IRS scandals?

By Oscar Y. Harward




Inasmuch as President Obama and many Capitol Hill Democrats criticize the ‘TEA Party’,  ‘Patriots’, and other conservative groups; and,


Inasmuch as several Capitol Hill Democrats, including Senators Schumer, Franken, Udall, Shaheen,  Merkley, Whitehouse, and Bennet has written letters to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and directed the IRS to investigate TEA Party events, pursuits, and activities as well as other conservative groups; and,


Inasmuch as the IRS may have followed these Democrat Senators instructions, then listened and acted; and,


Inasmuch as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) apparently attacked the TEA Party, their members and supporters, and other conservative groups; and,


Inasmuch as President George W. Bush appointed these last 2 IRS Commissioners defined for the respective relevant times of service; and,


Inasmuch as President G.W. Bush’s Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor, Karl Rowe criticizes the TEA Party, their members and supporters, and many of their TEA supported candidates; and


Inasmuch as George W. Bush’s Senior Advisor, Karl Rowe may have been associated with President Bush’s administration, and aware of his own political view and the appointed IRS Commissioners common dislike of the TEA Party and other conservative groups; Therefore,


Senior Advisor, Karl Rowe may be obligated to share some responsibility of, perhaps, recommending President George W. Bush anti-TEA Party appointments as IRS Commissioner(s).

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                        I received this message in an e-mail from The TEA Party Express and was appalled at what I read.

First Tea Party Victory of the 2014 Cycle

Tea Party Express, the nation's largest Tea Party political action committee, congratulates Mark Sanford on his election victory tonight.

Sanford, a Republican, defeated Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch by a 54 percent to 45 percent margin in the 1st Congressional District race to replace Tim Scott.

Thanks to your commitment to elect fiscal conservatives and your generous support, Mark Sanford was victorious in defeating liberal Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch in yesterday's special election

Yesterday, a grassroots issue-based campaign upset the national Democratic campaign machine. Voters saw past the personal attacks and elected a Tea Party candidate who is willing to stand up for fiscal responsibility and limited government. Mark Sanford was once rated number one by the National Taxpayers' Union for his efforts to reduce spending and the national debt, and we are confident that he will bring that same conservative leadership back to Washington, D.C.


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Unfortunately,  the Rev William Barber is, himself, a ‘racist troublemaker’ who seems to erroneously intent on opening up the election process so as he and his ‘left-wing’ followers are able to violate the laws at will by voting ‘often and many times repeatedly’ to elect whomever they choose; leaving free, open, and honest elections into ‘anarchy’.


Rev William Barber speaks for a small group of those who continue and demand total political control by using a ‘one-sided voice’ of ‘racism’ as a problem, at all costs.


Inasmuch as Rev William Barber seems to be interested only in his version of ‘racial equality’ of ‘civil rights’, should it be ‘equitable’ for NAACP President Barber to ‘demand more racial equality’ in the college as well as professional sports of basketball and football.


On this issue, NAACP President Barber apparently wants anyone and everyone to walk into any and all political ‘polls’ at any and all times and he wishes the ‘polls’ to remain open almost endlessly, and vote as often and freely as he chooses; no checks for preventing ‘Voter fraud’.


Is President Barber’s position related only to enhance African Americans?  If and when will President Barber, many others in the NAACP, and all others elsewhere, ever get over ‘racism’?  Why do ‘bigoted’ individuals continue to practice ‘racism equality’ rather than ‘true equality’?


It appears NAACP President Barber continues to lead and practice his support of ‘Socialism’; all governments to provide all wants and needs to all the people, and all the time at taxpayers’ expense.


President Barber fails to understand the ‘facts’ under a Republic system of government that as the ‘Iron Lady’, Margaret Thatcher once said, ‘The problem with Socialism you eventually run out of other people’s money.’


North Carolinians make up a state where there is very, very little of racism; a majority of my State of North Carolina’s racism being displayed by NAACP’s President, the Rev. William Barber, himself.


Rev. William Barber, ‘bury’ your own ‘racism’.  Get over it.  You are an embarrassment to civilization.  Upwards of near 80% of (y)our North Carolinians support Voter ID.

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Glad to be Here!

This is just a first, test blog post.  I'm just trying to get a feel for the place, and look around a bit.  I've been over at TPC for a few months now, and Deanna gave this place a shout, so I decided to come over and look around.

I'll be back later to tell you all a little more about myself, and why I'm becoming active in the Tea Party.  Until then, thanks for the invitation, and thanks for this very compelling site.  I hope to get to know you all better in the coming days.  Stay tuned!!!


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Democracy North Carolina Executive Director Bob Hall is asking for an investigation GOP contributions? 


Were Democracy North Carolina and/or Executive Director Bob Hall even alive during Gov. Beverly Perdue’s corrupt campaign and/or Gov. Mike Easley’s administration?  Both of these 2 Democrats were found guilty on several cases and came up very short of becoming residents and behind the bars in our NC Prison system.  Even with Democrat Party Speaker of the House, Rep. Jim Black and Agriculture Commissioner Meg Scott Phipps investigated and becoming inmate within our Prison system, that may have been just a start.


While there were several cases for NC Board of Election’s Chairman Larry Leake to investigate, prosecute, and, perhaps, convict of cases submitted to his attention, the Board of Elections usually voted with and for the Democrat Party majority; 3 to 2 in denying any independent investigation against  the Democrats.


Every North Carolinians should be made aware that each of these appointments are based on ‘partisan’ politics.  Executive Director, Gary Bartlett and/or his predecessor, Executive Secretary-Director Alex K. Brock did not get his initial appointment, or his continuous position re-appointments, because he was a good administrator.  They were both ‘good supporting’ Democrats.


Prior to the 1st Republican Governor in 100 years, the Governors made the nominee choice as Executive Secretary-Director of the NC Board of Elections. 


With NC Gov. Jim Holshouser’s election win in 1972, the majority Democrat Party changed the NC General Statues, denying Gov. Holshouser this Executive Secretary-Director selection any many other appointments. 


Wow!  Then the majority Democrat Party changed the NC General Statues again in 1977 after a new Democrat Party Governor, Jim Hunt, providing Gov. Hunt and members in the NC Legislature appointments. 


Again, when GOP Gov. Jim Martin won the General Election in 1984, the majority Democrat Party changed the NC General Statues again denying Gov. Martin’s appointments.  


Again, in 1992 after Jim Hunt won another election, the majority Democrat Party changed the NC General Statues again providing appointments to newly elected Governor.


In November, 2012, and with the ‘Blessings’ of North Carolinians providing GOP victories as Governor, Lt. Governor, and a GOP super-majority in both, the NC House and NC Senate, there is no reason to worry. 


NC elections, and other State government departments, will continue on a ‘professional’ basis under new leadership.


Wake up, Democracy North Carolina and Executive Director Bob Hall.  There were many times for you and your organization to call for investigations against Democrats, while at the same time assisting North Carolinians; but, you turned you head and walked away from cleaning up NC government and its’ attendees.


Oscar Y. Harward

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4063689376?profile=originalChris Matthews Attempted to Pin Boston Terrorism

                              on Conservatives

Chris Matthews Attempted to Pin Boston Terrorism on Conservatives Last week America again became the tragic victim of terrorism. Yet, as Americans were trying to grasp the full measure of an act which caused death, injuries and mayhem, the nation was assaulted again. This time it was the liberal media bias of a pundit whose sole job was to not bring comfort and truth to a nation on edge. Instead, Chris Matthew, anchor of an MSNBC news show, chose to pin this atrocity on conservatives and Tea Party members.

As the nation continues to cope with the possibility of connections to outside state sponsored terrorist plots involving Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, Matthews chose to yet again attack innocent Americans who support and defend America’s laws and the U.S. Constitution.

What comfort does a person like Chris Matthews draw from spewing vitriolic hatred toward the Tea Party by hoping the act of terrorism was committed by a “white person who is right-wing?” The absurdity of this could be easily dismissed if it were dripping from the lips of an inebriated bar fly sitting in a watering hole. But, this salacious assault was spewed into the public arena from his ratings challenged MSNBC cable show.

Unfortunately recent history has been marked by liberal journalists who have chosen to alarm America with unproven statements of condemnation against conservatives and Tea Party members.

ABC did this in July of 2012 when Brian Ross, ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent, erroneously and callously linked an innocent Colorado man and Tea party member as being the bomber in Aurora, Colorado. Instead it turned out the real killer was a James Holmes, who just happened to be a Democrat.

That was left unreported by the liberal media. What purpose does it serve to strike fear with persistent lies, except if one’s intention is to engage in a strategic campaign of misdirection and annihilation? Americans who were seeking as much critical information as possible during those crucial hours and days after this terror attack deserved better.

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By Oscar Y. Harward


Terrorism is growing as it crisscrosses across America.  President Obama, the Democrat Party, and the ‘main-stream’ Medias continue to welcome and support 2.6 million Islamic Muslims and another 11.5 million ‘illegal immigrants’ into our great nation.  Many ‘illegal immigrants’ are ‘demanding’ equal freedoms as ‘legal’ Americans have; a policy supported by President Obama and a majority of Capitol Hill Democrats.  As there are no individual ‘checks’, all ‘illegal immigration’ allows more ‘terrorism’ into our neighborhoods.


On Monday, April 22, 2013, the Democrat controlled Senate Judiciary Committee has a scheduled hearing on ‘Immigration’ and/or ‘illegal immigration’.  The Democrat controlled Senate has scheduled some 15 ‘Pro-Immigration’ witnesses as compared to 4 ‘Anti-Immigration’ witnesses; a more unfair balance in witnesses to any open debate.  ‘Illegal immigration’ and criminal activity is relevant to all ‘immigration’ wherever they come from.


Why doesn’t the ‘main-stream’ Medias demand the majority Democrat Party Senate to allow a more balanced Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing request?  Law enforcement recognizes the explosive potential growth of criminality in (y)our communities.


Islam has hundreds of years of terrorism in their society.  There is one common factor to indicate Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’.  “Allah’s Apostle (Muhammad) said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror” Bukhari V4 B52 N220.


In 1921, Sir Winston Churchill, in a speech to the House of Commons, spoke of a militant Islam sect, the Wahabis, more violent than any in history, which would kill their own sisters for wearing the wrong attire. These fierce zealots would terrorize the West with bomb-carrying Jihadists who would burn embassies and destroy buildings by their passion to sacrifice their lives for guarantee of Islam heaven.


If I may rephrase Danny Jeffrey:  Islam is coming to America.  It is touted to be a religion but it lacks any of the qualities that are part of anything that we here in the west would regard as religion. There is nothing uplifting about Islam. It is a belief based on hatred, death, domination, slavery and blind allegiance to a man who was himself a pedophile.


With all this history, ‘main-stream’ Medias continue their support of a Democrat Party agenda of ‘Islam as a Religion’ and the Democrat Party’s ‘illegal immigration’ policies as established; differently from current ‘legal immigration’ legislation.  It appears the Democrat Party, main-stream Medias, Islamic Muslims, and other ‘illegal immigrants’ are selling the same ‘direction of destruction’ political agenda; and wrongly selling their unjust message of our Constitution based on Christian values and freedoms.


On Sep 5, 2012 in Charlotte, NC at the Democrat National Committee (DNC) Convention, the Democrat Party had more ‘Islamic Muslims’ as ‘Delegates and Alternates’ than ever in their history.  On an open vote, a clear majority of all Delegates and Alternates wanted to continue the removal of “God” within the Democrat Party Platform.


The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. - Psalm 14:1 (KJV)


If we are to use critical thought, we must have a firm foundation. All Muslims agree that:

“There is no god, but Allah and Mohammed is His messenger.”


Would you believe that as recently as on September 11, 2012, President Obama’s administration rewarded Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a Boston Marathon ‘bomber’, with American Citizenship in Boston?  Older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, killed in a wild shootout with police, was a legal U.S. resident who never the less could have been removed from the country after a 2009 domestic violence conviction.  ‘That means the Obama administration missed an opportunity to deport Tsarnaev but evidently didn’t feel he represented a big enough threat.’


Other ‘bomber’, little brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was arrested on April 19, 2013, was granted asylum in Arlington Virginia on September 27, 2002, and later was rewarded with American Citizenship on September 11, 2012 in Boston.


Why did Attorney General Eric Holder direct FBI agents ‘not to read’ alleged Boston Marathon ‘bomber’ Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the ‘Miranda Rights’?  Will the Federal Courts now deny the United States from prosecuting Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?  Will this ‘deliberate legal failure’ set this alleged killer free?  If so, what then?  What may be next?


Islamic Muslims in America, and ‘around the world’, are attacking and killing Christians‘Main-stream’ Medias ignore or fail to report these Islamic attacks and/or killings, for whatever reasoning, as the ‘main-stream’ Medias judge these atrocities.


President Obama and a majority of Capitol Hill Democrats continue their support of more Islamic Muslims immigrating into our USA.  ‘Main-stream’ Medias are in support or are silent on the issue.


The Republican National Committee (RNC) Platform has many social issues agreeing with our US Constitutional ‘Christianity’ values: Support our Constitution; Support  sanctity and dignity of ‘Life’ over abortion; Secure our Borders;  Make our Military number one in the world; All members of our Military will be under US Command; Smaller government, less regulation, and lower taxes; a Balanced budget; Protect the Second Amendment; Freedom of Religion; Maintain a free and secure Israel; to name a few.


As the RNC Platform demonstrates policies equal to our Constitution based on Christian values, the Democrat Party and their DNC Platform is joined by Islamic Muslims and ‘main-stream Medias’ to disrupt our nation; as regular reports outside the ‘main stream’ Medias.


Islam and Sharia Law is conflicting to our Constitution based on Christianity and our Holy Bible.


Do not be misled!  Any new ‘immigration’ legislation in support of ‘illegal immigrants’ from around the world will ‘magnify’ the Democrat Party and ‘shrink’ the Republican Party as more Constitutional freedoms are denied.


It is most ‘dishonorable’ for the ‘main-stream’ Medias to hide behind the ‘First Amendment’ in joining a Democrat Party agenda, ‘illegal immigration’ and ‘unbelievers’ over a Republican Party with a Platform based in support of Constitutional values and freedoms.

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Courage Is No Longer Just a Word

On Sunday, June 26, 2011, the world premiere of the first episode of the new Colony Bay Entertainment series: “Courage, New Hampshire” took place in Monrovia, CA.4063681699?profile=original

The Inspiration channel, which ranks among the fastest growing basic cable networks in America with a broadcast reach of up to 73 million viewers, recently announced it will broadcast “Courage, New Hampshire” nationally on Memorial Day 2013.

See the ISPN trailer:

“We are very excited to make this announcement,” said INSP Senior VP of programming, Doug Butts. “Original scripted dramas are going to play a significant role in INSP’s future programming strategy. Courage, New Hampshire is an outstanding addition to our already strong programming line-up.”

“With the overwhelming success of period shows like Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, North & South, etc., audiences will find Courage, New Hampshire equally compelling,” Butts said. “Courage, New Hampshire fits perfectly with the INSP brand.”

Visionary, screenplay writer, director, actor and co-producer James Patrick Riley noted, “I am looking forward to seeing INSP deliver a large audience.  I am hoping that we will eventually go into regular production, with many more seasons to come.  Likewise, it would be great to establish ourselves in mainstream media, because we have done something really special here.  To have created an American 18th century serial episodic period drama is something really phenomenal.  Not even any of the major networks have attempted that.”

When asked about the future of Courage, Colony Bay Entertainment executive and Courage co-producer Jonathan Wilson replied, “Currently, we are in the pre-planning stages for a season two, so stay tuned.   We can’t say a whole lot about the number of episodes, but we’re pretty sure about one thing…There will be more romance.”

In episode one-“The Travail of Sarah Pine”- The viewer visits the frontier township of Courage, located in western New Hampshire.  When British soldiers arrive in search of deserters their quarry escapes, but one of them catches the eye of Justice of the Peace Silas Rhodes and a dramatic, gripping trail ensues.

Dramatic, believable acting by an outstanding cast of talented actors (featuring Alexandra Oliver as Sarah Pine, Nathan Kershaw as British deserter Bob Wheedle, James Patrick Riley as tavern keeper and Justice of the Peace Silas Rhodes  and Basil Hoffman as royal solicitor Simeon Trapp) propel the show.

In episode two-“The Sons of Liberty”- Justice Rhodes travels to Portsmouth for the execution of two notorious criminals.  Royal Governor Wentworth details how ruling New England will require a “light hand”, and the Township of Courage greets the arrival of a new pastor.

Performances by Donal Thomas-Cappello as the deceptively sinister Reverend Silence Laud, Isabelle Gardo as the desirable Abby Lamb, Greg Martin as the burglar and Joe Massingill as the counterfeiter make this episode delightful and compelling.  Mike Gallagher appears as a jovial barkeep and Andrew Breitbart plays the part of the High Sherriff.

In episode three-“A Snake in the Garden”- Governor Wentworth begins enforcement of the unwelcomed, unpopular white pine act.  The “Reverend” Silence Laud makes romantic advances on the lovely Miss Lamb, and the sons of liberty are the only one who stands between royal imprisonment and a farmer’s freedom.

Donal Thomas-Cappello reprises his role as Reverend Laud, and Isabelle Gardo returns as Abby Lamb.  Jonathan Salisbury as Noah Pine, Allen Marsh as Abraham Fox and Patrick Finerty as William Bramley further drive the drama of this episode.

In episode four-“Ambition”- Reverend Laud becomes ensnared in his own deceit while Governor Wentworth takes steps towards enforcement of royal justice upon Courage.  While at a training day in Portsmouth the neighboring towns’ gathered militias are pushed by Courage townsmen to ponder the question: “are you with us?”

The circle of drama continues as the Sons of Liberty stand against corrupt British rule.

The production quality is top notch, featuring crisp photography and well-paced editing that tells the story while avoiding the pitfalls of encryption or dragging scenes.  The beautiful music is consistently appropriate.  The compelling screenplay employs clever, time appropriate dialogue which evokes a wide range of emotions while conveying time tested morals.

James Patrick Riley and Jonathan Wilson, co-founders of Colony Bay and the driving force behind the success of Courage are to be congratulated for their fine production.  It is highly recommended and can be enjoyed by children of all ages.

To obtain a four DVD copy of Courage, go here:

Give the Gift of Courage


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In a recent blog I suggested a possible way to reverse the domination of the federal government over our lives and return to a true Constitutional Republic by obtaining two things.  Two amendments really.  Term Limits and Voter ID.  It so happens I posted that same blog in three different places on the web and received the same question from several different people which I will attempt to answer here.  I know some will not like this answer, but it is the only one I can envision as being remotely possible.

Allow me to begin with a little background on the enacting of Amendments to the constitution.  Here is what the fifth article of our Constitution states about enacting amendments.  

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

The simple way is to have the congress propose the amendment then have 75% or 39 states ratify it.  The harder way is for the legislatures of 2/3rds or 34 of the states to call for a constitutional convention.  The only way that I see for this to happen is that second way.  I just cannot see the power mad people in our congress limiting their power in any manner.

OK so now we know the mechanics involved; how do we make it happen?  We have the ability and the means to generate a ground swell of support for this.  It is called The Tea Party.  BUT.  Therein lies another problem.  There is not one Tea Party in this country.  There are at least three national organizations calling themselves “The Tea Party.”  They agree on many things.  The main point of disagreement is all in the how.

The ‘Tea Party Patriots’ as seen at I believe was the first to open a site on the web.  They brook almost no outside comment, but do disseminate information.  They have their own set of core beliefs they adhere to.  The second is  They seek comments from members and this blog will be posted on that site.  They also have their core beliefs, which are different in kind form the other two.  The third is the Tea Party Express.  Sorry I don’t have their web site as I don’t personally enjoy some of their methods.  Therein lays the rub.  Their methods.  I will leave an in depth analysis of those methods for another and, trust me, much more boring blog.  Suffice it to say they don’t approach the same problems, on some cases, and certainly go about attacking those problems in vastly different ways.  Now that can be a good thing!  IF they could just focus!  If they got together and used their dissimilar approaches to get those state legislatures to call that convention we could have one in about two years.

Simple, right?  Yeah sure.

Let me close with one thought.  Without, at the very least, the voter ID laws passed in a vast majority of the states, the liberals will continue to win and We The People shall continue to lose.  Because the dead have come back to life and are voting democratic as are the illegals in every state!

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A Letter to Working Class Democrats


                        I wrote an article a few days ago in which I appealed to conservative leaders in many fields to come together and form a 3rd political party to represent those of us not being represented In Congress.   To look at it on the surface one might think I was talking to Republicans and Independents primarily, but they are only a portion of the audience I want to reach.  I am truly perplexed by people who will vote for Democrat candidates when the party stands against everything you say you believe in and value.

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A flagrant horn blowing

Among other things, I am the webmaster and proud member of the Nicholas County West Virginia Tea Party.

Recently  I added the Constitution and all of the amendments thereto to the web site and spent many hours constructing and annotating a table of contents for each.  Want to look something up in one of the amendments or perhaps the Constitution itself?  Just click the link in the table of contents and it will take you right to the described portion in which you are interested.  

I sure hope this doesn't violate some rule here.  If it does just let me know and I will remove it.

If you do drop by please let me know what you think in one of our comment boxes.

Our web site

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Tea Party or CP ?

New Party or What?

Have you heard of the

Conservative Party USA?


I have mixed emotions

  • CP –USA reminds me of …. Communist Party USA
  • Even their image looks like a knockoff of the hammer & cycle
  • Crudely their Eagle is not far from the Hammer & Cycle
  • But….
  • They present themselves as a PARTY…. With a PLATFORM
  • ….something I’ve NOT heard from the TeaParty


I’m concerned and confused………TeaParty or Conservatice Party……….or

………purge the RINOs from GOP and make good use of the leftovers.


What do you think?


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4063663776?profile=originalDr. Ben Carson Scolds Obama about his failings as president

With a father in the hospital dying, the first thought on my mind walking into a high school ROTC class for the first time was not to hear the sharp commands of the cadet colonel Ben Carson. Yet, this was the tail end of the 1960’s and the nation had a new president, and the soldiers in Vietnam were welcoming new army recruits by the thousands who had to be prepared.

But in the city of Detroit at Southwestern High School, in 1969, there was another war occurring. It was a war of ideology based on anger as the city was recovering from riots still smoldering in its inner core from two years earlier. The community and the high schools had a Black Panther Party that was rising as an ideology being embraced by young black teens and older as the correct revolutionary pathway to social justice.

Yet, that morning as the young ROTC cadets looked on at this tall slender ROTC Commandant of Cadets, it was clear by his clear crisp commands there was a better way. His firm but calm demeanor had a different type of leadership that veered away from violent bellicose leftist overthrow demagoguery offered by the Black Panther Party leaders in the school and the neighborhood.

At this first cadet formation , Cadet Colonel Ben Carson spelled out a litany of expectations and goals that he insisted were not his goals but were to be our goals, if we were to ever leave school and go further and higher. His words were planted as nourishing seeds in the minds of those willing to accept and to create their own pathway toward a freedom from the street to the freedom of the ideals created and tested in the mind.

So as Dr. Ben Carson stood before the annual National Prayer Breakfast to speak to a different audience, he reminded them about the higher aspirations of America and an American Dream. This was a dream not built upon scapegoating, and blame and class division and warfare, but on the higher principles of life which are biblically based. It is easy for America to see; his words were not just his principles and beliefs but belonged to the nation as well.

Yet, there were those including Obama who were upset or outraged. Some stated how dare this doctor scold the president, who had just sat in his quiet surliness and listened to Dr. Ben Carson remind him of the fierce urgency of now and Obama’s own failings.

Dr. Carson responded to those critical of his speech by stating, “Well, when did this become a monarchy? You know, we are the people. The president works for us and, you know, we need to remember that. This is a country that is for of and by the people, not for of and by the government and that is the big battle that we are in right now.”

( click to read more )

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4063627637?profile=originalElectoral College Reform would have given America a Better Election Day Result For the Nation

Presidents Day is nearing and conservatives will have something to celebrate that day four years from now when the Electoral College is returned to the voters. Currently, there is a movement in motion in several key presidential electoral battle ground states to return constitutional selection of the president to the voters by using congressional district selection of Electoral College electors. This move would even the playing field in presidential campaigns, to be more reflective of the true will of the people of a state, instead of voters being held hostage by the large urban population centers.

Large urban centers typically out vote the majority of congressional district by stealing votes in cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Chicago. This results in state winner-take all electoral votes swinging unfairly and even illegally to a candidate like Barack Obama. In 2008 and 2012, Obama’s Chicago-style thuggish election machine worked to intimidate, manipulate and otherwise steal a presidential election in dozens of precincts in urban areas with impunity.

This process has created a false narrative that America has chosen a left-leaning socialist agenda that gives permission for citizens to be stripped of their Second Amendment gun rights, or states being forced to stand down against illegal aliens taking their health care, jobs and now their rights.

The solution has been clear for many years, and states like Nevada and Maine have already set the pathway toward a more balanced true representation of a state. They have initiated congressional district selection of presidential electors. In these states citizens can select their presidential candidate of choice, without being held hostage to the will of another congressional district or districts.

Currently, there are several states that have launched efforts to create a more fair and balanced Electoral College initiative. Michigan, Virginia, Ohio and Florida are some that are entertaining the idea. Yet their governors are showing timidity in fully embracing this patriotic concept.

Michigan’s governor, Rick Snyder who is up for re-election in 2014, had previously suggested his consideration for the move for voting fairness. Now, according to TPM, he is backing away.

If Snyder and a few other Republican governors are appearing weak in the knees about restoring electoral power to the state voters, this is probably the best time to know this. It gives the conservatives, the Tea Party and other like-minded voters the opportunity to put them on notice: No support for voter rights – No re-election!

Why is this crucial? Think about how the presidential election would have been turned on its head. Obama would have been shown the White House door, if the will of the people had been truly expressed by each congressional district!

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