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First of all, this Tea Party (TeaParty.org) is an independent non-profit organization, who owes nothing to any group.
BUT, some in the T.Party movement believe some groups have gone soft, have pledged allegiance to weak and middle of the road candidates and adopted a quasi-conservative platform.
Does everyone understand the socialists will do anything to win in November, for if they lose big then they could be extinct, this includes, but not limited to, diluting the message of the Tea Party.
Is that true? Has the Tea gotten weak and cold? What groups have moved toward the center? ...and if so how can the T. Party movement swing back to their Conservative roots?
What do you think?
Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water
Monday, July 26, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)
(NaturalNews) Many of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what I'm about to share with you takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else.
As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from "diverting" water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use.
Check out this YouTube video of a news report out of Salt Lake City, Utah, about the issue. It's illegal in Utah to divert rainwater without a valid water right, and Mark Miller of Mark Miller Toyota, found this out the hard way.
After constructing a large rainwater collection system at his new dealership to use for washing new cars, Miller found out that the project was actually an "unlawful diversion of rainwater." Even though it makes logical conservation sense to collect rainwater for this type of use since rain is scarce in Utah, it's still considered a violation of water rights which apparently belong exclusively to Utah's various government bodies.
"Utah's the second driest state in the nation. Our laws probably ought to catch up with that," explained Miller in response to the state's ridiculous rainwater collection ban.
Salt Lake City officials worked out a compromise with Miller and are now permitting him to use "their" rainwater, but the fact that individuals like Miller don't actually own the rainwater that falls on their property is a true indicator of what little freedom we actually have here in the U.S. (Access to the rainwater that falls on your own property seems to be a basic right, wouldn't you agree?)
Outlawing rainwater collection in other states
Utah isn't the only state with rainwater collection bans, either. Colorado and Washington also have rainwater collection restrictions that limit the free use of rainwater, but these restrictions vary among different areas of the states and legislators have passed some laws to help ease the restrictions.
In Colorado, two new laws were recently passed that exempt certain small-scale rainwater collection systems, like the kind people might install on their homes, from collection restrictions.
Prior to the passage of these laws, Douglas County, Colorado, conducted a study on how rainwater collection affects aquifer and groundwater supplies. The study revealed that letting people collect rainwater on their properties actually reduces demand from water facilities and improves conservation.
Personally, I don't think a study was even necessary to come to this obvious conclusion. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that using rainwater instead of tap water is a smart and useful way to conserve this valuable resource, especially in areas like the West where drought is a major concern.
Additionally, the study revealed that only about three percent of Douglas County's precipitation ended up in the streams and rivers that are supposedly being robbed from by rainwater collectors. The other 97 percent either evaporated or seeped into the ground to be used by plants.
This hints at why bureaucrats can't really use the argument that collecting rainwater prevents that water from getting to where it was intended to go. So little of it actually makes it to the final destination that virtually every household could collect many rain barrels worth of rainwater and it would have practically no effect on the amount that ends up in streams and rivers.
It's all about control, really
As long as people remain unaware and uninformed about important issues, the government will continue to chip away at the freedoms we enjoy. The only reason these water restrictions are finally starting to change for the better is because people started to notice and they worked to do something to reverse the law.
Even though these laws restricting water collection have been on the books for more than 100 years in some cases, they're slowly being reversed thanks to efforts by citizens who have decided that enough is enough.
Because if we can't even freely collect the rain that falls all around us, then what, exactly, can we freely do? The rainwater issue highlights a serious overall problem in America today: diminishing freedom and increased government control.
Today, we've basically been reprogrammed to think that we need permission from the government to exercise our inalienable rights, when in fact the government is supposed to derive its power from us. The American Republic was designed so that government would serve the People to protect and uphold freedom and liberty. But increasingly, our own government is restricting people from their rights to engage in commonsense, fundamental actions such as collecting rainwater or buying raw milk from the farmer next door.
Today, we are living under a government that has slowly siphoned off our freedoms, only to occasionally grant us back a few limited ones under the pretense that they're doing us a benevolent favor.
Fight back against enslavement
As long as people believe their rights stem from the government (and not the other way around), they will always be enslaved. And whatever rights and freedoms we think we still have will be quickly eroded by a system of bureaucratic power that seeks only to expand its control.
Because the same argument that's now being used to restrict rainwater collection could, of course, be used to declare that you have no right to the air you breathe, either. After all, governments could declare that air to be somebody else's air, and then they could charge you an "air tax" or an "air royalty" and demand you pay money for every breath that keeps you alive.
Think it couldn't happen? Just give it time. The government already claims it owns your land and house, effectively. If you really think you own your home, just stop paying property taxes and see how long you still "own" it. Your county or city will seize it and then sell it to pay off your "tax debt." That proves who really owns it in the first place... and it's not you!
How about the question of who owns your body? According to the U.S. Patent & Trademark office, U.S. corporations and universities already own 20% of your genetic code. Your own body, they claim, is partially the property of someone else.
So if they own your land, your water and your body, how long before they claim to own your air, your mind and even your soul?
Unless we stand up against this tyranny, it will creep upon us, day after day, until we find ourselves totally enslaved by a world of corporate-government collusion where everything of value is owned by powerful corporations -- all enforced at gunpoint by local law enforcement.
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This email was sent to me by a dyed in the wool Democrat who is just a little more than disgusted with b. h. obama. Feel free to share with those you know .... Democrats and Republicans ................ HISTORY is ALWAYS THE BEST TEACHER!!!
Do you Remember Jan. 3, 2007?
This is just a History lesson. I am sending it to all regardless of party . I bet I know who wouldn't read it -- those afraid of the truth. It is history and nothing can change it.
The day the Democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007, the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress.
The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:
January 3rd, 2007, the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress:
The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION!
Remember that day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that BarneyFrank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee. [THAT'S TWO ROOSTERS LET LOOSE IN THE HEN HOUSE!!!]
The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
THANK YOU DEMOCRATS (especially Barney ) for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% Unemployment...to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!
(BTW: Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie -starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy). Barney blocked it and called it a "Chicken Little Philosophy" (and the sky did fall!)
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
OBAMA and the Democrat Congress, especially BARNEY!!!!
So when someone tries to blame Bush...
Bush may have been in the car but the Democrats were in charge of the gas pedal and steering wheel they were driving the economy into the ditch.
Budgets do not come from the White House.. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party.
Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011.
In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.
For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budget.
And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009. Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.
If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it fromhimself.
In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is "I inherited a deficit that I voted for, and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th."
There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
"The problems we face today exist because the people whowork for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
The information contained in this message may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Although we attempt to sweep e-mail and attachments for viruses, we do not guarantee that either are virus-free and accept no liability for any damage sustained as a result of viruses.
Every time I see Michele Bachman and hear her talk, I am impressed with her display of her core christian beliefs. Her criticism of the of the other candidates is simply recounting the discrepencies thay have displayed through out their careers. these criticsms or voiced without rancor or laced with vitriolic remarks. she never does or says anything which would compromise her core beliefs. She exhibits the courage to maintain her core beliefs regardless of temptations to compromise them for political expediency. I did not come to a more complete relationship with my maker until I was 70 years old when he inspired me to put some of my lifes experiences to rhyme in my book "Positive Poetry" during that time, i came to realize that so many of my lifes experiences where my being that which God created me to be. Sure I was a sinner many times, as every human has been, but I came to realize that those sins became part of my growing into that which he created me to be.
As I review the things that Michele Bachmann has done with her life, I can see much of the same pattern that I have experienced whereas the the good things I have done and accomplished were a direct effect of my sins. I beleive that my own personal experiences in estasblishing my relationship with God has given me a special insight in being able to recognize the same trait in others and I see that in Michele,
The next leader of this country founded under God which promotes the inalienable rights granted by God must have an eclesiastical communication with God in order to know when Gods wisdom is available to be used.
Michele Bachmann has been blessed with that type of relationship and she will be invaluable in the restoration of this great nation in whatever capacity God wants her to.
We are very fortunate to have a Michele Bachmann available to us and we could use a lot more like her.
Bill Uthe
I have remained undecided to this point, but prior to the Iowa caucus, I feel it is time to support someone. All who are running have perfectly good planks to add to the platform, but I also see things that I don't like in the current front runners. Does anyone out there see a reason why I should not want to put my support behind Rick Santorum? I don't trust Romney, Ron Paul has some great ideas on making our government smaller and more efficient, but he scares me on foreign policy. Newt, I'm just not sure about where he stands on some issues. Bachman may not be electable against Obama.
Again, I see no real reason not to get behind Santorum.
Auction politics came to public attention when the ex governor of Illinois attempted to sell Barack Oboma's senatorial seat to the highest bidder. Oboma has openly endorsed that typ of influence auctioning. On one side, he has the unions siding with the oil company's desire to use domestic and canadian natural resources to create jobs and on the other side he has Al Gore and his supporting cast of "green energy" clowns demanding that we protect the environment, each group are major contributers to his political agenda and ambitions. Are his delaying decisions and actions until after 2012 elections in the general interests of this country or simply a ruse to get the maximum monetary support from both groups with his decisions and actions going to the highest bidder? With this country screaming for energy independance, it certainly is obvious that Barack
Oboma is placing his personal ambitions ahead of his country's financial and security well being. Unfortunatly there are many citizens who are unaware of the seriousness of our financial predictiment and weakend security by having to depend on our energy needs being dependant on other nations who want to destroy our republic and way of life. I can remember when such actions and beliefs were considered treason.
My grandparents on both sides were German immigrants and I rember the susdicions that my parents, my brothers and myself were subjected to during the first stages of world war 2, yet our society seems to have degenerated to the point that obvious actions of treason are ignored. It certainly appears that the JIHAD infiltration of our society is not the only dangerious infiltration theat we have to contend with.
As to the continuous comments that if we don't support Ron Paul, then the Republic is dead, I beg to differ. I spent a few hours tonight chatting one-on-one with some fellow Tea Partiers @ our monthly meeting, round-table informal and friendly. Hard-core RP supporters. On the question of our "interventionist" policies RP supporters are so hard-headed about, I ask a simple question: Was it interventionist policies that caused us to initiate a missle-defense system to neuter the threat of Russian and Chinese aggression in Poland and Eastern Europe...that Obama withdrew? Why were the Eastern Europeans upset that the Kenyan reneged and left them holding their ass in their hands? Did we FORCE it on them? NO. Working off of Reagan's "peace-through-strength" philosophy has been extremely beneficial for many in this world, and many nations in this world look to the ONLY beacon of hope that will sacrifice it's own blood and treasure to PROTECT THOSE WHO ARE UNABLE TO PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM TYRANNY AND DESPOTISM. Do we need to be the world's policeman, many RP supporters ask rhetorically? Does defending yourself and your friends and neighbors make you some vicious policeman? RP's isolationist tendencies will get us killed, and a whole lot of other people as well, because he and his supporters just cannot imagine that just "being nice" and ignoring an ugly reality is going to get you gutted when you're not looking. ObamabinBiden is one of those, although for reasons completely unrelated to "isolationism." There is good and evil in this world, and there is a huge preponderance of EVIL that would love to see freedom smudged out completely.
I will not get into all of my reasons as to why I think Ron Paul is dangerous, but here are a few of the most prominent besides that just mentioned: 1) He has the appearance of an old, goofy looking/sounding crank, with the baggage of his racist newsletter he once published, among other things; 2) There is no way he will be able to beat Barack Obama and his criminal machine, for a variety of reasons, one being his temperment; 3) He, just like every single other Constitutional officer and elected representative, have completely abrogated his/their Article 6 Sec. 3 Constitutional Oaths to uphold the Constitution. Read it. By the abject failure to call to task Obama, Holder, the entire DOJ, all of Obama's appointees and all of Obama's CRIMINAL activities and violations of the Constitution & Bill of Rights they have made themselves complicit, by misprison of felony and more, in all the criminal and un-Constitutional actions perpetrated on their watch, under their noses, and aided and abetted Treason and High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
So James, you may be asking...who the hell do you support then?
That's a damn good question, glad you asked. At this point, it's too early for me to say, which is why my favorite shirt has emblazoned across the front "POLITICALLY UNREPRESENTED." And here's my thinking about all of this: It is absolutely critical that Obama/Biden be removed at the STATE LEVEL from the ballot. INELIGIBLE must be forced to the surface by legislative initiatives in every state possible by forcing him and every single candidate to PRODUCE VALID DOCUMENTATION AS TO ARTICLE 2 ELIGIBILITY. Here in Georgia there are already a few efforts by state reps underway to put this into effect...and it must be accomplished at the legislative level and enforced upon each states' ELECTORS. This is the only hope we have...I do not see any other. Our reps at the Federal level are not listening, have not been listening, and WILL NOT take any action that is required of them and demanded by we the people and the Rule of Law.
Obamabinbiden and the international elite that have been behind this criminal takeover in '08 are way ahead of us. The "elections" of '12 have already been rigged. ACORN was never taken down...they exploded into dozens more new groups flying under the radar. Holder and the DOJ are doing everything possible to allow all the dead & made-up folks of 2008 to be able to vote again in bigger numbers with this ill-concealed effort to sue states that are initiating voter-ID laws. You know, don't you, that you can't even get welfare without valid ID? So just who do you think this "initiative" is geared towards? If it rhymes with "illegal alien" you got it right.
The huge illegal foreign contributions and other illegal donations of '08 to Obamabinbiden have yet to be addressed by the Federal Election Commission...I am SHOCKED. They are still "under investigation." It will be a mere pittance compared to 2012.
So I am not so much concerned with the riff-raff running on the GOP ticket right now, as they so far have completely refused to address the elephant in the room, and show no signs whatsoever of doing so. This must be done at the state level, where it should originate anyway, and the sovereignty of the states and the people of the states must be VIGOROUSLY re-asserted, our Rule of Law and strict adherence to the Constitution & Bill of Rights AND the Declaration of Independence RECLAIMED AND ENFORCED, as they are all inextricably intertwined, along with the future of our children, grandchildren, and the longest-surviving Republic mankind has ever known.
America’s farmlands to be carpet-bombed with Vietnam-era Agent Orange chemical
If Dow petition approved
Mike Adams
Natural News
December 27, 2011
(NaturalNews) A key chemical of one of the most horrifying elements of the Vietnam War — Agent Orange — may soon be unleashed on America’s farmlands. Considered by world nations to be a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” (WMD), Agent Orange was dropped in the millions of gallons on civilian populations during the Vietnam War in order to destroy foliage and poison North Vietnamese soldiers. The former president of the Vietnamese Red Cross, Professor Nhan, described it as, “…a massive violation of human rights of the civilian population, and a weapon of mass destruction.”
A key chemical in that weapon – 2,4-D – is just months away from being dropped on agricultural land across the United States. Dow AgroSciences, which along with DuPont and Monsanto is heavily invested in genetically engineered crops, has petitioned the U.S. government to deregulate a variety of GE corn that’s resistant to 2,4-D, which comprises 50% of the recipe of Agent Orange.
NaturalNews broke this story yesterday and published the details:
If the petition is approved by Washington, it would turn America’s corn fields into chemical warfare zones targeted for mass pesticide poisoning with 2,4-D chemicals. The corn, of course, would be immune to 2,4-D, so it would uptake the chemical and transport it right into the structure of the corn kernels, creating “Agent Orange corn bombs” that would be chemically unleashed when consumed by human beings.
This is just the latest example of how industrial chemical giants and GMO companies of the world are committing acts of genocide against innocents. The introduction of 2,4-D-resistant GE corn is, essentially, an act of war against humanity.
Food crops sprayed with chemical weapons
Agent Orange, which contains roughly 50% 2,4-D, is also cited in numerous war crimes lawsuits. Even the BBC has reported on it:
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
The use of such chemicals on civilian targets is a violation of the 1907 Hague Convention, the 1927 Geneva Convention, and the 1949 Geneva Convention (http://www.iadllaw.org/en/node/353).
TheInternational Tribunal of Conscience in Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orangehas published a document briefly describing the war crimes committed by the U.S. government in its use of Agent Orange:http://www.iadllaw.org/files/charge…
That document states:
The chemical warfare waged by the United States against Vietnam though the use of Agent Orange and other dioxin laced chemicals from 1961 to 1971 has caused severe, massive and prolonged consequences for the environment, ecology and health of the people of Vietnam.
See the photos of Agent Orange victims
Shocking pictures of Agent Orange victims can be seen at the following pages (WARNING, extremely graphic):
Watch the video of children affected by Agent Orange:
Hear the Agent Orange song by Country Joe. Visit:http://countryjoe.com/jukebox.htmand click on “Agent Orange Song” on the top left. You’ll be able to hear the full song.
First Vietnam, now America
Even walking around America today, many Americans are born as mutants thanks to the chemicals used in foods, medicines, lawn care and personal care products. That crime against humanity is about to be made far, far worse with the unleashing of 2,4-D on America’s farmlands.
The gross deformities, birth defects, neurological disorders and physical retardation we have seen in Vietnamese children affected by Agent Orange could soon arrive at America’s doorstep thanks to 2,4-D.
Dow, of course, is widely regarded as one of the most evil corporations on the planet, having already poisoned countless victims with toxic chemicals. Remember the Bhopal pesticide factory explosion in India? That was Union Carbide, owned by Dow. It killed thousands of people, maimed tens of thousands and injured over half a million (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal…).
Read more about Bhopal:http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/…
And learn more about Dow here:
Remember: If chemical weapons are used to produce food, then those who consume such foods become casualties of war.
Food production was once an honorable art, but at the hands of greed-driven globalists, it quickly became a system of profit seeking and then a tool for corporate domination over the People. Now it has become a weapon of mass destruction, and it is being used to decimate the health of both the population and the farmlands.
I would not blame Herman Cain if he said, Lloyd, I know you mean well brother. However, the relentless vitriolic media attacks against me have finally subsided since I dropped out of the presidential race. My family and I are finally having some peace. So, why on earth would you bring up my name again?
Well, in a nut shell, I just did not like the way the whole “Cain Thing” went down. Also, we live in a fast paced news cycle, carelessly nuke a person's life and in two days everyone has moved on, disposable world. Herman Cain's courageous bid to serve his country deserves more than, “Cain, wasn't he the black dude sex fanatic who ran for president as a Republican?”
OK, Cain is gone and we conservatives must focus on selecting our candidate to defeat Obama in 2012. I got it. But, it breaks my heart seeing what happened to this “good man”. Cain was attacked from both sides of the aisle. A few conservative pundits even accused Cain of not seriously seeking the Oval Office, but simply seeking self-promotion.
Please do not get me wrong. I realize playing with the big boys in the national arena is tough. I just did not realize how much tougher and blatantly unfair it is for conservatives. As a conservative seeking to win the Republican presidential nomination, Cain endured a deep rectal vetting not even required of our current president. As a matter of fact, we still know very little about Obama's history.
Obama is a liberal. Thus, the liberal media deems probing Obama's history, associations and even using his middle name to be racist.
As a black conservative myself, I was excited about black America meeting Herman Cain – a brilliant black businessman who loves God and country. Cain's message was a refreshing breath of fresh air; a striking contrast to the absurd victim/entitlement minded garbage coming out of the mouths of too many successful rich blacks who say - Yes, we are multimillionaires, but America is still racist, sucks and owes us.
Unfortunately, here is how this great black role model was introduced to much of black America. My 84 year old dad phoned me, “Do you know this Herman McCain who is involved in all these sex scandals?” I replied, “His name is Herman Cain, dad”. I then proceeded to tell my dad about the great man I know.
Think about this folks, Cain's candidacy and reputation, in the minds of many, was destroyed by unproven “he said, she said” allegations. Please do not come back at me arguing about whether or not Cain was qualified for the office. I am not talking about that. I am talking about the no-holds-barred, nothing-is-off-limits or over-the-top relentless campaign to destroy this decent man.
Good Lord, the allegations went from “possible” sexual gestures to Cain supposedly forcibly reaching under a woman's skirt. Since Cain has dropped out of the race, all of his accusers are gone. Imagine that.
Something has gone terribly wrong in our country folks. Meanwhile, the mainstream liberal media are deaf, dumb and blind regarding all of the huge elephants in America's living room unfavorable to Obama. Why? Because Obama is their rare Teflon ticket to making all of their progressive, anti-America and socialistic dreams come true.
While I “feel” for brother Cain, I am fully confident Herman Cain will be OK. Remember, Cain beat cancer. Using his faith, character and infectious optimism, Cain will find a way to make extraordinary lemonade using the Left's lemons (their evil attacks against him).
Wow, I may have just come up with a brilliant Capitalistic, sorry Occupiers, entrepreneurial marketing idea. Famous Amos sells his cookies, Rush Limbaugh sells his tea; how about Herman Cain Lemonade?
Brother Cain, I just want to say one more time how much millions of us truly appreciated and thank you for stepping up to save our great country. You led the pack for a reason, your business sense, optimism, character and love for America. You and your family remain in our prayers.
Another reason I know Cain will be OK is because referring to Christians, the Bible says, “No weapon formed against us shall prosper”.
I am sure the Left, Obama administration and the liberal media were dancing to the classic Martha Reeves and the Vandellas hit song, “Dancing In the Street”, the day Cain withdrew from the race. But mark my words, God “ain't” done with Herman Cain. Not only will his extraordinary life and story continue to positively impact millions, his success will reach unprecedented levels.
Take that you arrogant godless left-wingers. Lemonade anyone?
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.