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I cannot believe my eyes and ears tonight. I feel like I am watching a movie and any moment Superman will reverse the rotation of the Earth and undo these almost unimaginably horrid events.

My father and Grandfather (separate sides) both fought in World War II. When they came home to the States, they thought The War was over. Our country soon found out that was not true.

Soon started the "Cold War". Generations lived under the threat of a Nuclear Holocaust, which was only helped along by the inexperienced JFK who, running contrary to popular lore, did more to cause the Cuban Missile Crisis in the first place by his inexperience (hint - sound familiar?) than he could possibly make up for by alleviating it.

Finally when I was still in high school the threat of communism seemed once and for all ended, as the wall came down, McDonald's opened in Russia and I clipped an article entitled "Hammer and Pickle" showing a picture of two soviets munching on Big Macs.

We thought it was over. Ronald Reagan has won the cold war for us.

My friends, it was NOT OVER.

We see now that communism and socialism didn't die with the USSR. They only went dormant, like some horrible bacteria hiding in our collective bone marrow. Now, as my young children prepare for a future in this once great country, they have re-emerged more dangerous and deadly to free will and open free markets than ever before.

I know not what tomorrow brings, but I fear it's either bloody revolution or unbearable oppression - forced to live a life as "life partners", driving in a Smart Car with our unsalted celery to eat on the way to our six hour wait to see state funded doctors who are busy murdering babies, careful not to let anyone see the lone plastic bottle we've hid from the environmental police on their latest patrol of our recycling cans.

The scary part is that paragraph should be almost comically paranoid but as of this writing I don't feel at all like it is.

The Who said it best. "And the men who spurred us on now sit in judgment of all wrong, while they decide the shotgun sings their song"

I go to bed tonight expecting to find the world a lot scarier and smaller in the morning. I only hope our baloon can make it across the alps. And hopefully we can fit in some singing.

I'm coming Julie. Wait up for me.

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"The power under the Constitution will always be in the people.It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, & for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; & whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can, & undoubtedly will, be recalled." - George Washington.

Remember today. March 21, 2010. As I write this, it is 7:30 p.m., EST, & those in Washington are preparing to vote on the health care bill. Remember today. Remember how you feel at the moment you hear how the vote went. No matter the out come, our government has failed us. The political "ruling class" have forgotten for whom they work. If this bill is defeated, don't be satisfied... it never should have gotten this far. If, on the other hand, the Progressives (on BOTH sides) prevail... we must redouble our efforts.

Remember today. The pundits & talking heads will blather on about this & that... ignore them. The only hope for us to regain control of our own destiny, our own liberty, is to VOTE THEM ALL OUT ! The Democrats on the Left obviously have to be removed from office, but don't be fooled by the Republicans... It was their lack of character, dignity, & sense of decency that led us to the situation we find ourselves in now.

Remember today. That fire in your gut, that anger that you feel... use it. Just as the Socialists took control of the Democratic Party & the "Appeasers" took control of the Republican Party, so must we take control of BOTH parties. Don't think for an instant that it will be easy. The professional politicians will fight us, they don't want to lose power. At the same time, they will try to co-opt our movement. Don't let them. We must find people among our own ranks to challenge them in primary elections, in every level of government. From local school boards to State houses, vote them out & replace them with one of our own.

Remember today. The last thing any politician wants is for us, average, everyday citizens, to band together & rise up against them. They fear us awakening. They fear us learning how government works. They fear us learning & using The Constitution, that most sacred of documents. That is where our power resides. The brave men who wrote that document understood that unless "We the People" keep our elected officials under constant scrutiny, they will give in to their base desires for power. The Constitution provides us with all the power we need... SO USE IT.

No politician in office today should sleep easy. They should all understand, no matter what party they belong to... THEIR TIME IS UP !

Tomorrow, if you have not done so already, start getting involved on a local level. Find out what you need to do to make a primary challenge, and then do it. Don't trust some politician, YOU run for office. If you live somewhere that leans heavily toward one party or another, run as whatever will get you elected. Don't lie, don't hide your core beliefs, don't misrepresent yourself... that's what politicians do. Since both parties are to blame for this mess, both need to be remade. Only when we have cut out the cancer that is the Socialist Left & the Appeasers on the Right, will this Nation truly belong to every man, woman, & child again. Both parties were stolen from us, the Conservative, hard working men and women of America... it is time we take it back from the "Statist" Left and the "beholden to religion" Right. We must infiltrate the two party system. The system is set up that way, a third party will only keep the two established parties in power. We can do this.


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Healthcare is the beginning of the end

Is it ObamaCare, PelosiCare or is it WhoCares?

Whatever you want to call what's happening in Washington, it's the beginning of the end of Democracy as we know it.

For years the govt. has told insurance companies not to stand between the patient and the doctor, and yet it's okay for them to tell Medicare recipients what they can and can't have. It's okay for THEM to make the rules that can make or break a patient. And now they're telling the insurance companies to pay for all kinds of things that they didn't before....but Medicare STILL won't be required to follow the same rules even though they are the insurance for seniors and those on disability.

Where's this going to end? Are they going to start their own Walmart too?

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Pay Attention: S.3081 - Enemy Belligerent Bill

Better pay attention folks!

S.3081 - Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010
A bill to provide for the interrogation and detention of enemy belligerents who commit hostile acts against the United States, to establish certain limitations on the prosecution of such belligerents for such acts, and for other purposes.
view all titles (2)

What is an " enemy belligerent?" Got any ideas........... Can someone explain this?
Here's another:
S.773 - Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (Looks like no more freedom to information)
A bill to ensure the continued free flow of commerce within the United States and with its global trading partners through secure cyber communications, to provide for the continued development and exploitation of the Internet and intranet communications for such purposes, to provide for the development of a cadre of information technology specialists to improve and maintain effective cybersecurity defenses against disruption, and for other purposes.
view all titles (3)

Only through direct participation can we affect the outcome through democracy. This is the link to the site to cast your vote. A vote is powerful and no one listens to someone who's screaming.
I might not be here much longer but I pray for all of our children and apologize to our forefathers. I hope you will participate in the OpenCongress site.
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Medicare and Healthcare Reform

Several parts of the bill (which looks like it is certain to pass) will take effect almost immediately. Insurance companies will not be able to impose annual or lifetime caps on benefits. Also, insurances will be required to provide FREE preventive care visits.

Medicare IS an insurance for seniors and the disabled. Medicare HAS annual caps on convalescent care of up to 100 days, as well as hospital days.

Medicare only allows 1 preventive mammogram every two yrs, 1 pap smear every three yrs, and a prostate exam every two years. Other than that, there is NO preventive office visits.

If the govt. intends to play fair to private insurance companies Medicare MUST be forced to allow patients with UNLIMITED hospital and convalescent care, the same as it's imposing on them. In addition, ALL Medicare recipients should be allowed FREE annual visits. This means that Medicare must overlook their Part B deductible, and pay at 100%, and not the 80% would be paid for on covered services.

These changes, as well as others will unfortunately run Medicare out of business, but what's fair for the govt. to impose on the insurance companies is only fair if they too abide by them.

Also, insurance companies will be FORCED to accept everyone and anyone who applies. Medicare should also be forced to do so!!

I hope EVERYONE gets the word out that these changes will effect Medicare as well, and if the govt. hides behind the robe of "We don't have to..." then the Federal govt. should be sued over the matter.

So, PLEASE!! Help me and others get the word out that this Healthcare reform is going to be a bigger mess, legally to the govt than they anticipated.



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Many have called the in progress health care propose bill to be Socialism, while many are using this terminology, the Truth is, IT IS NOT SOCIALISM, this nation will never be and it does not have any even remote resemblance to be that.

I totally oppose to any government sponsor health care, it will be the biggest financial disaster after SS and Medicare, this are financial cows that are milked daily and the corporations are bucketing millions of dollars out of taxpayers and only the privileged few are enjoying life the way we all should be doing so.

The better way to deal with the high cost of health, is to reduce the profitability that insurance companies are offering to lure investors to be part of their portfolio, since deregulation insurance companies have "manèged" to keep the costs down, to give out bigger returns to those who invest in their corporations.

We have technology capable of detect what is wrong with our bodies, but unless you pay higher premiums than anybody else you will not be entitled to benefit from it, call me short brained, but wouldn't be a lot more effective if the technology is available to all, that way whatever is wrong can be fixed and the human person can go back to be productive?

One very good idea will be to remove the "INDUSTRY" label from health care, medicine is not an industry, it was not the intention of Hippocrates when he discovered, that doing certain procedures on the human body will makes us better, the last I have reason to believe it was his intention, not that some day in the future after he was gone a bunch of giant corporations will use it to put us in the position of; if you have no money or insurance you will not get the full benefit of the science of medicine.

I do believe that we are entitle to receive the same level of care, how do we achieve it? well somebody has to Run the country and tell the corporations how the people has to be treated, that is not socialism or communism or losing your freedom, that is PROTECTING the people from greedy creators of scam to bleed the population out of money, a Revolution took place in this country because of oppression from the existing government, it had made the people mad to the point they had had it and it paid off, a new Nation for the poor and hard laborer was created, that is till some groups decided that in this modern era, there are other ways to oppress people.

Congress is destroying this country, the foundation is crumbling, give me your tired your poor....those words mean nothing to those in Washington, they were replaced by contributions to their party by those who represent corporations called Lobbyists who work on behalf of the very same companies that are denying us to be care for.

In a TV interview Obama made a statement that he did not want to run the banking industry or wall street, well my answer to that is; Do run the banks, wall street, the utility companies, every industry that is out to get US and while you are at it run the country, FDR did it that way.

Lets say you are a cab driver for a small local company, before that you had a great job where you lasted 22 years, that company right before Ronald Regan became president was offering all the employees 100% coverage BC-BS on 3 years labor contracts, deregulation came into place the so called HMO's were now the favorite of all companies because they were "managed care health companies" and there was going to be a saving for all of us, not so there all kinds of "untold" restrictions that were reveled on the need to know basis, well that same guy lost that good job and chose to be a cab driver, long hours to make a decent pay and have to a work ween of 7 days and not nine to five, that driver has a heart attack ends up in a hospital, the hospital has knowledge of the lack of insurance, helps the person fill out the necessary forms to obtain state sponsor insurance, a letter from the attending physician was attached to the forms, at the end a letter of denial was accompanied by a letter of appeal, sent to the residence of the patient, how do I know this I am the driver that had the heart attack, I now take five diferent prescriptions and not entitled to any help from the comapnies that make this meds Plavix and Lipitor are not life saving meds for the poor!!!

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Why Study the Constitution

Why Study the Constitution? - - - An editorial by David Toy

The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6: 11 to: “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” We can all agree; that is wonderful advice. Now, we must also put on the full armor of the United States Constitution because, sadly, our current crop of politicians do not agree with Barry Goldwater, who said: “I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is ‘needed’ before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible.”

Do you remember who said: “I chopped down the cherry tree; — I cannot tell a lie.” Do you also remember who said: “If you have health insurance through your employer and this bill passes, his premiums will go down 3,000%; —he’ll be able to give you a raise.” George Washington could not tell a lie because he was an honorable man of strong moral fiber. Barack Hussein Obama cannot tell the truth because, if he did, the public would oppose his plans to fundamentally change the United States.

With the president and many members of congress willing to lie continually to advance their agenda and a news media eager to cover for them, we must know and understand everything that is in our constitution or it will soon become an insignificant piece of parchment. If we, the citizens of this great country, do not know and protect our rights, they will erode and disappear until we are mere serfs, fodder to fuel an all powerful, tyrannical government run amuck.

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Another Movement Is Marching On Washington


on Sunday, March 21 "The March For America" organised by WeMarchForAmerica dot org so "Thousands of working families will be coming to Washington, D.C. to show that the 'American People'(?) want a practical solution to the immigration problem. This will be a dramatic demonstration of support for fixing our 'broken' immigration system." Ali Noorani, Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum.

This March On Washington will show the illegal immigrants brazen disregard of the U.S. Immigration Laws by marching in force down Pennsylvania Avenue in our nation's capitol.

The illegals have, Click Link: Better Representation In The U.S. Congress Than We Do!


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Wish I could be there with these great patriots but my mind and heart are with you. I am appalled at the arrogance of Congress. I am not suprised at Obama's arrogance because he showed this all during the campaign. I hope we can beat back this vote but if not let us not forget come November. I pray individual states can throw up roadblocks. I have not heard a lot about what we can do if it does pass. Everyone seems to have different ideas or thoughts. It will be interesting to see what states, individuals can do. Again thank you for going to DC and speaking out for us.

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"Healthcare Hookers Gone Wild....!!!"

A Nation of Fools by Peary Perry(sign up for new columns at“Health Care Hookers Gone Wild!!!)Donna Summer had a line in one of her songs that went like this… ‘I got what you want, you got what I need…beep, beep….’ This should be the theme song for the democrats who are changing their votes in favor of the healthcare bill this weekend.I’m not sure I’ll have enough time and space to list all of them, but here are the ones we know about so far:Nelson from Nebraska gets a deal to remove the citizens of his state from any healthcare payments. What about the other 49 states?Landrieu of Louisiana gets 300 million taxpayer dollars for her vote.The unions toss in their support in return for enhanced benefits and lower costs for union members.2 California representatives get an EPA ruling changed for their districts for their vote.Dennis Kucinich got a ride on Air Force One (wow!!!!)Scott Matheson managed to secure a judgeship for his brother for his vote.The State of North Dakota gets the only bank in the United States to provide student loans outside of the government.The speaker has announced that democrats voting against the bill will not, WILL NOT receive any party funds to help them in the November elections.The president has stated he will not, WILL NOT campaign for any democrat who votes against the bill.Does the concept of Judas receiving 30 pieces of silver come to your mind? It does mine.I’m certain there are many more that we don’t or won’t know about, but these are enough to make you sick to your stomach. Why not just buy off everyone, including the Republicans? Why not carve out a special deal for each and every vote you need for any piece of legislation in the future? Heck, it’s only money. We can always print more. We have tons of paper and ink and can keep the presses going 24/7 for 365 days a year just to keep you happy. The public be damned. Who cares what they think? Let’s get you rich and provide you with enough perks for the remainder of your life and not worry about the concept of fairness.No, the concept of “by the people, for the people, and of the people” is on its way out the door. It’s to be replaced with “All for one, and all for me…” which will be shouted through the halls of both houses of the congress if this passes tomorrow.The latest abomination is for the democrats to line up 217 votes, one more than needed. This is so their congressman can go home to their districts and proclaim that even if they had voted ‘no’ it wouldn’t have done any good since they only needed 216 to pass the matter.What a shame these people think we are so stupid and dull that we cannot see past something this corrupt. At this time over 50% of the voting population in this country thinks all members should be thrown out and for congress to start over again with new faces.Seems to me that was the basic idea back in 1776.Comments go to www.pearyperry.comComplaints go nowhere…..(sign up for new columns at
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Government out of control

I believe our government is made up of crooks, liars and thieves and I am very much ashamed of all of them. I pray that their conscious will get the better of them and they will come to do the right thing. I certainly will vote against them in the next election.
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Pepper blogged this site. It is great because you can send a virtual postcard--actually an email to those Congressman that we can't email because they are not our Congressman. And it is free or you may give a donation.

Here is the Link:

Go to the site and send each Congressman a virtual postcard. And you get to choose a flag to go on the postcard.

This is so easy and covers all of them. I did it then forwarded the link on to all of my contacts. Well over 2 million postcards have been sent. Let's make it 3 million!
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Maybe bamacare is a good thing!

Being THE leader of the teaparty I was thinking perhaps we should hope they do get Bamacare past. It will raise such a ruckus that maybe it'll sweep all the progresives out all together. If it does pass we have to use a technique that the very progrssive Rahm Emanuel suggested: "Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste." This will activate many more people into the tea party, and we surely should start working on getting rid of other progressive ways in our government that go back at least a century. This means we have to stay on it. We do have the perfect mechanism for this built into the government (because it is a republic), we just have to keep the right people in it. We have to remember that left leaning progressives lead to communism, while right leaning progrssives lead us to fascism (Nazis). We need to eliminate progressive Ideas from the federal government(i.e. we need to get back to a small central government) For me they would control national defence and a very little interstate commerice. We could not just make those changes 'right now', it took a over a hundred years to get here, it'll probably take even longer to back out of all the damage that was done, plus there will be more resistance from the progressives to get there than they got from the rest of us getting here. It may need several hundred years to succeed, that is the dedecation we need to keep from the slavery they will put us though if we don't stop them. In there fullness both communism and fascism is marked my a lot of mass murder by the government, and a complete breakdown in the end. The Chinese have a creeping capitalism going on, so they may excape the disasterous downfall the Germany and Russia found (Note how many very rich Russians there were when the USSR fell! (so much for the worker's paradise)) The Chinese had their killing splurges before Nixon went over there. After centuries, the Roman empire fell because of their entitlement programs were taking so much money they could no longed defend their borders. We have to make sure our schools teach this because we need them to carry on for us.
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Jon Voight to join TEA Partiers in Washington DC this Saturday, March 20th at 12 noon EST. Pack an overnight bag and join him, along with Rep. Michele Bachmann to fight against the ACORN brass-knuckle bullies and a tyrannical administration.

Call To Arms: Join Jon Voight In DC Saturday 12 Noon EST To Stop ObamaCare

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Consider this

One solution to the Washington D.C. morass is to hold a Constitutional Convention and revise the United States of America Constitution to replace the House of Representatives with direct, secure bill presentation and voting by “we the people”. This revision will have several benefits including, but not limited to:

1. By spreading the votes to the people it will make lobbying by special interest groups of this many individuals virtually impossible.

2. Conservative direct cost savings estimated at $10 billion per year will be realized because each Representative now has a staff and salary that averages 10 million dollars per year and there are currently 431 representatives.

3. The revision will maintain a system of checks and balances that our founders originally intended.

4. Direct voting by the people will provide incentive for citizens to stay involved because they will have influence on legislative outcomes.

5. Direct voting will also redirect the enormous amount of money (not included in direct savings above) that each representative must spend for re-election or election every two years. How effective and efficient can a representative be when that person is virtually running for re-election every two years?

6. This change in our Constitution will eliminate a dysfunctional component of our Federal government who refuses to listen to their constituents.

It is apparent that details regarding this direct voting by “we the people” need to be worked out as our founders did during the first Constitution “convention”. For example, there may be a need to organize citizen committees to present new bills or rescind laws. Another example is how to maintain and make available secure voting online to all of the citizenry.

A call for a Constitutional convention requires approval by two thirds of the states.

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Senator Coburn....the man with cojones....

By God…it looks like we have finally found one with some COJONES!!!!!!!!I logged onto his site and had my name put on his list for future financial support……I’ll sell a car to help this guy….Peary PerryA Nation of Foolswww.pearyperry.comMarch 18, 2010, 2:40 pmCoburn Warns Vote-Switchers on Health CareBy CARL HULSEThere are senators who use their power to block bills and nominations in the Senate, and then there is Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma.Raising the bar on Republican opposition maneuvers in the Senate, Mr. Coburn on Thursday threatened to put future holds on any Democratic House members who switch their vote in favor of the health care bill, lose their election as a result next November, and then are rewarded with a high-ranking job in the Obama administration.“If you voted no and you vote yes and you lose your election and you think any nomination to a federal position isn’t going to be held in the Senate, I’ve got news for you, it’s going to be held,” said Mr. Coburn, a physician known somewhat affectionately around the Senate as Dr. No.Mr. Coburn, appearing at a news conference with 10 fellow Republican lawmakers who are also doctors, promised to scour upcoming spending bills for any special projects that may be given to lawmakers who reluctantly back the health care bill.“If you think you can cut a deal now and it not come out until after the election, I want to tell you that isn’t going to happen and be prepared to defend selling your vote in the House,” Mr. Coburn warned those making up their minds across the rotunda.With a vote in the House approaching, the intensity of the fight was being ratcheted up significantly on Capitol Hill with Republicans pulling out the stops against Democrats, and Democrats warning that the next few days would see a blizzard of Republican threats and misinformation.“There is no limit to what the other side will do to protect the insurance companies,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.Here is his website……
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PARTS OF THE Health CARE BILL pages 58 & 59


Judge Kithil of Marble Falls , TX -
HB3200 highlighted pages most egregious

Please read this........ especially thereference to

pages 58 & 59


"I have reviewed selected sections ofthe bill, and find it unbelievable that our Congress, led by SpeakerNancy Pelosi, could come up with a bill loaded with so many wrong-headedelements."

"Both Republicans and Democrats areequally responsible for the financial mess of both Social Security andMedicare programs."
"I am opposed to HB 3200 for a numberof reasons.

To start with, it is estimated that a federalbureaucracy of more than 150,000 new employees will be requiredto administer HB3200. That is an unacceptable expansion of a governmentthat is already too intrusive in our lives. If we are going to hire150,000 new employees, let's put them to work protecting our borders,fighting the massive drug problem and putting more lawenforcement/firefighters out there."

JUDGE KITHIL continued: "Otherproblems I have with this bill include:
** Page 50/section 152: The bill willprovide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are hereillegally.

** Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time accessto an individual's bank account and
will have the authority to make electronicfund transfers from those accounts.

** Page 65/section 164: The plan will besubsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retireesand for community organizations (such as the Association of CommunityOrganizations for Reform Now - ACORN).

** Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposedunder this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody intheir
right mind come up with that?)

** Page 241 and 253: Doctors willall be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will setall doctors' fees.

** Page 272. section 1145: Cancerhospital will ration care according to the patient's age.

** Page 317 and 321: The governmentwill impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communitiesmay petition for an exception.

** Page 425, line 4-12: The governmentmandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security
will berequired to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every fiveyears. (Death counceling.)

** Page 429, line 13-25: The governmentwill specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.

HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goeson:

"Finally,it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members ofCongress. Members of Congress are already exempt from the SocialSecurity system, and have a well-funded private plan that covers theirretirement needs.
If they were on our Social Security plan,I believe they would find a very quick 'fix' to make the plan
financially sound for their future."

Honorable David Kithil

Marble Falls, Texas

All of the above should give you the pointblank ammo you need to support your opposition toObamacare. Please send this information on to all of your emailcontacts.

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As Pelosi and Obama attempt to override our Constitution, we can let them know that's not okay. It seems they feel their word is the final word, and like it or not, they will do whatever it takes to make you their serf.

We fought to rid this country of dictatorial rule at the sacrifice of millions and millions of precious lives. It's Taxation Without Representation all over again.

"Democrats are trying to use a sneaky snake oil gimmick..."

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A Nation of Fools by Peary Perry“Cowards!!!!”So when is a door not a door? When it’s ajar….hahahaha.So when is a congressman (woman) not a congressman (woman)?When they hide and look for any method available to get out of standing up in the daylight for a vote on the healthcare disaster.The fact that they (our elected representation) believe that we (the voters) are too stupid and dumb to see what they are doing just highlights their arrogance. Trying to weasel around standing up in the daylight and announcing a yes or no position on an issue of this magnitude is cowardly at best. If the democrats are so proud of the healthcare package, why do they hide?If the democrats are so sure of the passage of this bill (which is opposed by a majority of Americans) why do they run from making a commitment or avoid a straight up and down vote?The answer is simple…they are scared and don’t’ want to be associated with what will happen in the future. A future that looms just over 200 days away. Oh, they want the benefits and the bribes that have been offered in lieu of changing their positions from a no vote to a yes vote.The senators from Louisiana and Nebraska can proudly point to the buyoffs they received for their votes. The unions can puff up their chests and brag about all of the benefits they have or will receive. And the house members who are selling their souls to the administration for as little as a ride on Air Force One can be pleased with their achievements. The two congressmen who are selling out today for water in California are pure prostitutes. There is no other word for their actions. Water is essential, but can they be so naïve to believe there aren’t strings attached to this early announcement made by the EPA? Why don’t they applaud the EPA early decision and still vote no? Because they have no spine, no backbone, no grit, no cojones. Perhaps they can get a job working for the farmers once the November elections are over.But let’s look at what they accomplished. Nothing, nada, zip, zero. If they change their votes or allow themselves to be bought off, they know and we know what they did. They can run, but they cannot hide. They will be remembered for what they did to subvert the process. The voting public, those who vote each and every election, not just the one promising…Hope and Change, will not allow this to continue. They will have their day in court or at the polls in the future. The internet is a powerful tool. How else could the words I’m writing have been disseminated to so many in such as short period of time ten or fifteen years ago? They couldn’t.No, the people who live in the lala land of the political world do not (for the most part) live where you and I do. They don’t have to abide by the same rules as we do. They won’t have to live under this healthcare bill if it passes.No, they are special. Or at least they think they are.Well, I’ve got news for them. They aren’t. And we know it. And we don’t like it. And we will do something about it if they vote on whatever rule, bill or whatever they dream up to get this monster passed. We know what the Constitution (article 1, section 7) says and it does not say what they are doing is legal. You cannot pass a piece of legislation that has not been even been completely written and magically ‘deem’ it to be voted upon. If that rule holds water then I believe I can put in a loan application at my bank and ‘deem’ that the loan committee voted in favor of accepting it. This concept is a total travesty of our political process.The democrats made a lot of fun last year over Sarah Palin with the ‘lipstick on a pig’ remarks. Well, this is a pig of gigantic proportions that is wearing more lipstick then I think can ever be wiped off.Comments go to up for new columns at
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