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..but the republican effort was quite lame.

Despite what the majority of the public thinks (50.8% opposed,RealClear Politics poll average, 3/28), obama and the main stream mediaare all giddy over the passing of obamacare.

He has won the war of rhetoric and since we will not know for sure thatthis bill is a front and a fraud for another 7-10 years, obama has thewon the privilege to run about the country as egotistical as ever.

Some in the media will print what lies in the bill below obama'sguess-work rhetoric and expose what the bill really means to theaverage American.

Despite the sensibility of some of these discoveries, some exposed byfacts, obama has the advantage in knowing none of it will be actuallyproven until his presidency is dead and gone.

What a wonderful position for a sleazy politician to find himself.

obama has put off the guts of the bill for another 5 years and untilthen he and his foot soldiers will be able to cast any opposingopinions on the bill as right-wing, tea-bagging politicsas usual and as actions of the status quo.

He'll use pretty speeches and half-assed comedic statements on thestump to energize and indoctrinate his already blind supporters inbelieving his continued rhetoric.

Because we will not see the tragic consequences of this bill's passing until it slaps us up side the head.

obama's staff has told us that they have a mega-marketing campaignplanned to get the word out on what is in the bill. Shouldn't thishave been something they did months ago?

Actually they have, using the same rhetoric and dragging out some poorcrippled person or cancer patient to exploit for political gain.

They will not tell us what is actually in the bill or what it willactually mean to us, really, what they will tell you is how greatchange is and this is something you can believe in.

If you are not questioning why we never heard detailed specifics on howthis bill will work and its affects on the country from obama, his footsoldiers, and the media, then obama's rhetoric will fire you up sillyand you will clap your hands with glee while God blesses your ignoranceand the Constitution protects it.

We will be indoctrinated, not informed, with the message theadministration wants us to believe this bill will do and what itmeans. Unless we dig and search for the truth, obama has the advantageof hiding behind the curtain and providing us only with bright lights,pretty words, and stories of woe.

Most presidents will seek support from the public before a bill ispassed, obama has changed this method by first passing the bill nomatter what the public thinks.


Because he is well aware of how infatuated the public can be overpretty speeches and clever denouncements of the opposition's silly, offfocus antics; especially when supported by a biased and unprofessionalmedia.

With that infatuation, that indoctrination, obama can claim a hugevictory for change and thus an even bigger 'I told you so' at electiontime...yet, like his election, a claim based solely on style andlacking substantive substance.

It could have been different. Republicans in Congress should have donetheir job and reported to their constituencies the more egregiouselements of this bill. Similarly, the voting public could have donetheir research and added a little thought to imagine what couldactually happen under this bill and its affect on further legislation.

Republicans instead stuck by the "scrap it and start over" plan whichwas not a crowd pleaser and which was heavily criticized by the media.Not a good plan.

They played into obama's play on the obstructionist angle and they paid for it.

Then when they did offer 29 amendments to change the bill, obama's foot soldiers gleefully rejected the whole lot.

Yet it did not matter, obama has won the war of rhetoric.

obama could sleep with eldrick's leftovers now and it wouldn't matter for health care...he has won the war of rhetoric.

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Some of the technical background for this blog can be found here:
Of all the many betrayals of Barak Obama, some day the one we may all regret the most under a Brave New One-World government may be his “giving away” of the internet. The information superhighway, internet, worldwide web or just the WEB as we know it may soon become a thing of the past thanks to Barak Obama’s need to prove his compliance with the rest of the world’s power structure and just how cooperative, sharing, inclusive and multi-national in thought he can be.
Understanding the nature of this betrayal comes from first understanding that the internet was from day one an American Department of Defense creation so that computers of the American military could talk to one another, easily, accurately and quickly and so that important American military information could be shared among all American military computers. The system has remained in American hands since the beginning so that no foreign power would ever have the power to disrupt it or interdict our communications. The system as it now stands canNOT be given away without giving away immense amounts of knowledge and potential control over America’s cyber-infrastructure.
Within a year, control and key management of the internet by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce may be non-existent. Could this help tyrants control all communications in their country? Could this allow Barak Obama to control all communications in this country? Remember the internet crackdown in China last year? Remember the role the web played in Iran in allowing dissidents to communicate the activities of their illegally elected president, Iran’s police and just to keep them in touch with each other? Today 90% of the most serious internet information thefts in science, industry and even the military are begun in one country: China . . . how much easier might things be for the Chinese communists if we just give away control of the system we created?
It’s a somewhat long and fascinating story, but let’s leave out 99% of the details and look at it in a nutshell . . . (First of all, Al Gore did NOT invent the internet, in reality he had little to do with it so that statement’s just as inaccurate as anything he’s said about global warming.) The information superhighway as we know it began small with a lot of scientists sharing information over the prototypical equivalents of what today we call a local area network (LAN). A few businesses were doing the same thing, but not many because the process of setting things up was labor extensive and very expensive and worked best in small areas, not for widespread large companies. The connections were hardwired and slow and they might serve a dozen or up to a couple hundred individuals in a relatively small area. The whole thing was limited by its relation to old fashioned telephone-switching techniques which were extraordinarily slow, expensive and unreliable.
The first big breakthrough was a method of switching called “packet- switching” which, once invented, made the server as we know it today possible and changed the whole ballgame. Today’s internet grown immensely complicated and widespread since the invention of packet-switching is just the realization of predictions that go back nearly fifty years. In a series of memos beginning in August 1962, J.C.R. Lichlider of MIT discussed the potential of a "Galactic Network" and how social interactions and educational information sharing might be enabled through networking. The Internet today certainly provides such a nationwide and global infrastructure and already interplanetary Internet communication has been seriously discussed.
Just about the time that scientists from multiple universities were seeing the tremendous potential of sharing information on more extended networks, the American military saw the immense value such systems (if expanded to a dramatically greater extent) would have for offering them strategic and tactical advantages in information gathering and sharing, not to mention virtually instantaneous speed of distribution. Beyond anything else, the American military was the driving force for creating the internet.
About that same time a huge bunch of additional technical breakthroughs were happening. More importantly, two more Americans, Dr.Robert E. Kahn and Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, working for the DOD (Department of Defense) in DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) up to and after 1972 conceived of, designed and oversaw the development and execution of a something called “open-arching” (pronounced “arking”) or open-architecture networking, an immense breakthrough in networking and connectivity which gave birth to the internet as we know it today and gave the whole process its “weblike” quality. Instead of the need to hardwire every single connection, the process relied on a combined 1) receiver-transmitter 2) identity recognition device 3) data storage and 4) switchboard-executing machine called a“server” which in concert with virtually unlimited other servers brought together as first a few individual networks and then a whole series of interconnected networks which thus made the information superhighway virtually unlimited in size and scope.
What made the whole thing possible was the server and . . . thanks to Kahn and Cerf’s conceptions each person or (more accurately) each computer connection onto each server was provided with a unique “identifier,” now known as its tcp/ip that could be instantaneously recognized and instantaneously communicate with others and otherwise interact through the server network. When the process went beyond the DOD and became national, the U.S. Department of Commerce was put in charge.
It wasn’t too long till the whole thing went international and soon other individual businesses, universities, groups, and countries created their own webs within the greater worldwide web. Here is the key thing to understand: ALL vital communication is based upon the abilities to send, receive, identify any and all the other parties to the communication and to make your own identity known. IP means “internet protocol”; TCP means “transmission control protocol.” A protocol in computing is a set of electronic instructions that permit these processes to occur. Not to belabor things with the overly technical, but the magic of the tcp/ip identifier is that the system’s entire “integrity” is based upon it. Ceding control over such processes here in America to foreign powers could lead to sabotage of such a nature and scope as to become cataclysmic.

Nevertheless, the Obama administration is without fanfare, surrendering control over the web to foreign powers. Without American ingenuity and investment of the American taxpayer, no internet as we know it today would exist. Our control “imperative” is via management and control over the Domain Name System (DNS) and the humongous servers that service the present internet. Global coordination of the entire internet on behalf of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce is locked into a system of internet protocol resources. Without an IP address and all these other internet protocols, a person or nation would have no access to the internet itself. Allowing foreign powers that control is definitely NOT in the best interest of the United States. For example, let’s say that China or its buddy Iran wishes to black out information on internal squabbling or the quashing of dissent within its borders, what could be simpler than to simply put the whole system on the fritz until such a time as they felt open communications offered no threat to their perceived interests? The Chinese have already demonstrated the most sophisticated national hacking capabilities of any entity in the world. Obama’s actions will certainly make it much easier for the Sino-fox to dominate the world's and America's henhouses.

Within months of Obama's taking office, his administration, through the Department of Commerce, agreed to give “greater representation to foreign telecommunication companies” and countries. Control and management of this American invention is not only the right of America but also our responsibility. That responsibility is twofold: 1) for American’s economic and national security and 2) for the functionality of the web for the entire international community. No better nation than the United States exists to protect these twin interests. Americans developed and invented it; paid for it and the research for implementing it; we are, despite Mr. Obama’s desire for media control, the freest and most tolerant nation on earth; we gain nothing from the user fees paid to ISPs (internet service providers) which are operated by individual companies and countries all over the world; and we have no policy of censorship unlike an awful lot of other foreign powers. Additionally, the ability of U.S. intelligence to monitor financial movements as well as other communications by terrorists and terrorist organizations will become remarkably compromised if the give away is allowed to happen. As usual, the Obama agenda is not just NOT pro-American, but only pro-Obama and mysterious and virtually unfathomable (unless you, like Rajjpuut, understand his underlying Marxism) to those interested in freedom and prosperity as well as open and honest government dedicated to the best interests of the American people.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Normally Rajjpuut himself handles even the most difficult or inconvenient interviews, however, because of a conflicting commitment, the following was farmed out to Liberal blogger Payne Hertz an experienced hand who generally completes even the most challenging assignment successfully . . . . The interview was recorded on location in the Brooks Range of Alaska “above” the Arctic Circle near the “Pink Eye” Glacier. However, because of the bitterly frigid conditions, the equipment loaned to the interviewer (Rajjpuut’s video recorder, normal tape recorder and three individual ball-point pens) all failed to function. So except for roughly the first five or six minutes of the seventy-minute interview when the recorder was functioning, all that can be relied upon now are 96-year old reporter Payne Hertz’s memory of a stimulating and somewhat shocking interview with Al Gore. Thankfully, our man in the frozen tundra’s memory is sharp as a tack.
Q: Mr. Vice President, I’ve never conducted an interview under conditions like this before. Just a few minutes ago I spit and my saliva seemed to “explode” in mid-air, and then again when it reached the snow it really made a “boom-crackle” sort of explosion. How do you take this? Just how much experience do you have living up here north of the Arctic Circle in the middle of winter?
A: Eh, Vice President? . . . . spent roughly twenty years prospecting here near Pink Eye and it gets so you almost don’t need a thermometer ‘n don’t mind the cold much. When spit “pops” on the snow you’re about 50-below zero; when it “crackles” in the air, it’s pre’r near -80. When it explodes both places it’s 2 ---
Q: 2--?
A: Yeah, too damn cold! Little Alaskan humor there . . . .
Q: Uh-huh, Mr. Gore, I can’t help but notice that this outdoor lifestyle is really doing you a world of good, you look fitter, and maybe 60 pounds lighter, younger and healthier; quite frankly, if I didn’t know it was you, I’d swear I was talking to a younger and much more athletic person. You've even grown back a full head of hair!
A: Athletic, huh? Been this way since I finished high school. Anywho, t’aint no chubby boys survives up here.
Q: Ah . . . anyway, can you tell me about your work documenting the polar bear populations?
A: Documanting-spockumanting? Cousin Al from Tennessee, relative of mine, offered it, so ah' got hired, got to kill the damn things.
Q: Kill ‘em? You’re killing polar bears?
A: Damn straight, Mister, get $600 for each left rear paw he gets in the mail
Q: Hold it, a minute? You’re not Al Gore!
A: Wanna see m’ pilot’s license?
Q: Ye-ea-ah . . . .
A: See right there, Alvin Mulford Gore, be 39 tomarrah . . . .
Q: But, but . . . well, who hired you to kill the bears?
A: Cousin Al from Tennessee . . . .
Q: From Tennessee?
A: Just like in the po’m ‘bout “Sam McGee from Tennessee” getting hisself cremated . . . m’ cousin Al from Tennessee he says there’s way too many polar bears for the projections and he pays me $600 for each left foot I fetch him . . .
Q: Holy Shi_! Ah, I mean, how many have feet have you sent him?
A: After he gets this one t’will be 39-hunnert in six years.
Q: Ooh, that foot's more red than white . . . You’ve killed 3,900 polar bears!
A: Was that a question?
Q: You've actually killed almost 4,000 polar bears????
A: Yeah, but gonna need some backup soon . . . .
Q: Backup!
A: Cousin Al says we’re fallin’ way behind
Q: Your cousin Al, he’s Al Gore the ex-Vice President of the United States who’s been preaching “Global Warming for the last dozen years?
A: Globalfrigg’n warming, are you screwin’ w’ me? (here the interview was paused while Alvin Mulford Gore laughed for roughly ten minutes straight). Brother, you’re killing me, thought my heart would give out (he laughs for another couple minutes). Globalfrigg’n warming . . . don’t think I’ve ever, does this feel like global friggin' warming to you . . . .
Q: Back to my question, your cousin Al, he’s Al Gore the ex-Vice President of the United States who’s been preaching “Climate Change” for the last dozen years?
A: Don’t know nothin’ ‘bout that, Cousin Al used to sell cigarettes til’ they killed his sis. He does whatever's necessary to make his business grow . . . you oughta see his jet!
Q: Wow! I mean, . . . just how many “back-ups” will you need to get the polar bear population in check?
A: Lot's, ah' get a $40,000 bonus if ah’ extincts ‘em all, an I can pay 'em say $200 a paw . . . 'bout a dozen or so back-ups oughta do . . .
Q: You mean to say you'd get a bounty from your Cousin Al for killing every single polar bear alive!
A: It would help him with his projections . . . but just 'tween us, ah' couldn't continue to kill 'em if'n they were all of 'em dead, so I aim to leave just a few breedin' pairs around and then do the final extinctin' 'bout my retirement age or just before . . . lots o' good job security that way
At this point all of the mechanical recording devices and pens had all failed and unfortunately our aged interviewer’s memory also failed . . . or so we were told, however, Rajjpuut suspects that the aged Liberal’s political beliefs kept him from giving us the rest of the story, just like Time Magazine’s Joe Klein and Climate Gate, it seems . . . .
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Whether TEA means "Taxed Enough Already" or "Taken Enough Abuse," Old Rajjpuut, has been encouraged by the Tea Party phenomenon beyond that of any other occurrence in political-activism since at least the days of Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi. Patriotic opposition and even a bit of civil disobedience against corrupt government and corrupt politicians is certainly long overdue in this country. The TEA Party, one hopes, will continue to be a vibrant fiscal-conservative backlash against the abuses of both major parties and the federal government and a strong PRO-voice

supporting the U.S. Constitution. Not a cut and dried "litmus test" but rather an intelligent range of views that define patriotism.

Just as the original Sons of Liberty which conducted the Boston Tea Party became the Whig Party; and the original abolitionists became outraged at the impotence of their Whig Party and gave birth to the Republican Party in 1854, let’s hope this new movement leads us back to our conservative, freedom-loving roots once again. Fiscal conservativism and social moderation and tolerance are worthy goals. To those ends here is a Suggested Unity Platform for the Tea Party:

Guiding Principles:

I. We hold the Declaration of Independence's truths to be self-evident that all men are created politically equal and own the unalienable rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS. We believe in equality of opportunity, not forced equality by government theft and re-distribution. Each human life is potentially of great worth and dignity. Diversity of opinion and diversity of support are vital. Patriotism comes in many wonderful packages. We are a party of inclusion not exclusion. We welcome patriotic dissent as well as patriotic agreement. We expect “discussion” to be civil and search for win-win resolutions at all times, but we totally deny the idea of political correctness.

II. We believe that political correctness is gutless and dishonest. In its place we search for political integrity and the best possible results for the American people as a whole. We do not support or agree with notions of affirmative action. The family is sacrosanct, but after childhoold, each person stands on his own within the bounds of reason and compassion.

III. Because the original Tea Party consisted of radicals whose attack on the establishment on December 16, 1773 (flinging taxed tea crates into Boston Harbor) was a defiant act of civil disobedience, we embrace peaceful but intelligent and provocative defiance toward the present political establishment. We are the people and they govern at our pleasure, they work for us, we do not work for them. We loathe their current attempts at "Taxation without Representation" and consider our pocketbooks and our persons equally sacrosanct. The methods of Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Thoreau, our own founding fathers and Ronald Reagan provide a guideline for constructive, intelligent and effective actions.

IV. Patriotism means first of all respect for the U.S. Constitution and the men and women who’ve fought, died and struggled to make this country great.

Be it resolved that we hold this type of federal government to be self-evidently preferible to all others.

A. A Republic featuring Democratically-elected representatives

B. A federal government in line with the principles of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution particularly the 10th Amendment.

C. The smallest possible federal government possible that can protect the people from aggressions foreign and domestic

D. The federal government which taxes the least, interferes in daily life the least and keeps it monetary affairs in good order

E. The federal government that honors the principles of complete separation and balance of executive, legislative and judicial powers and in honoring the 10th Amendment honors the balance of central government powers with state and local governments and with the individual.

F. A federal government that will not invoke nor allow ex post facto laws or ex post facto voting or scheduling of voting to fill vacant seats

G. A federal government which practices a balanced budget except in wartime or real emergency

H. A federal government that does NOT feature a central bank nor (except in wartime) allow national debt

I. A federal government that supports a strong currency

J. A federal government that honors and enforces separation of Church and State and favors no religion

K. A federal government which except as necessary (in keeping with the bill of rights) respects and does not interfere with or subvert the state government or the rights of individuals

Be it further resolved that the twenty-one principled behaviors and attitudes listed below outline the attributes of a true American statesman or stateswoman. We believe that candidates that adopt at least eighteen of them are worthy of our votes. We resolve to revisit and revise this list not less than once every eighteen months to keep it current, relevant and intelligent . . . .

The Twenty-One Statements

A statesman/stateswoman of integrity that patriotically represents the American people . . .

•1. Supports strong national defense

•2. Supports responsible capitalism and minimal government interference with honest and responsible captitalist endeavor

•3. Supports minimal taxation

•4. Supports smaller, more efficient, more effective and less onerous and interfering government

•5. Opposes socialism, Marxism, communism and social-progressivism in all forms and strives for repeal of Obamacare and all socialized medicine

•6. Supports reduction of and elimination of the national debt

•7. Opposes the existence of the federal reserve bank

•8. Opposes deficits and unbalanced budgets

Supports market-based health care reform

•10. Supports full exploration and use of America’s present energy storehouse and potential by the free market, including but not limited to nuclear power; oil-shale development; offshore drilling; drilling in the country itself, especially in the newly discovered huge Baaken Reserve Fields. Supports green-tech with minimal research funds and leaves development of those sources of energy to private businesses and individuals.

•11. Opposes mandatory unionization and card check; and supports secret balloting everywhere in America including in the jury room and work place

•12. Opposes cap and trade or other such energy legislation and is willing to revoke any such measures should they pass. Expects "global warming" to either become a real and proven science or disappear based upon its scientific merits or lack thereof, not on political power grabs and falsified data

•13. Opposes illegal immigration in all its forms

•14. Supports victory in Iraq and withdrawal within four years

•15. Supports victory in Afghanistan and re-building that nation’s infrastructure, especially schools and insisting that nation educate its women before eventual withdrawal. Opposes all terroristic activity.

•16. Opposes “marriage” by same-sex individuals; but supports civil unions without the right of adoption. for such people.

•17. Opposes public funding of elective health care options such as abortion and unnecessary plastic surgery

•18. Supports second amendment freedoms; opposes all irresponsible use of weapons of any sort; opposes violent felons ever getting the right to bear arms; opposes fully-automatic military assault type weapons in the hands of civilians; supports a strong National Guard and other military reserve INDEPENDENT of the federal government except in emergency or wartime necessity

•19. Opposes the irrational and violent governments of North Korea and Iran and supports all measures to stop their nuclear proliferation

•20. Supports all just laws. Supports abortion as the PRESENT law of the land but opposes federal or state funding of abortions. Respects the right of non-violent opposition to abortion and the right to seek a constitutional amendment limiting late-term abortions. Respects the right of peaceful protest and demonstration against all unjust laws and all unjust local, state and federal actions and laws.

•21. Opposes all government jobs creation. Outside of its legitimate limited functions, governments cannot create jobs that benefit the greater public; they can only tax and waste our money. Specifically opposes the present green jobs program of President Obama which will, in order to create the desired five million green-tech jobs, cost the country over eleven million^^^ real jobs. Additionally, the jobs created will be temporary in 91% of the instances; be low-paying in 94% of instances and be a sham. To create jobs and especially green tech jobs the Federal government needs to stand aside, lower taxes and enourage research, period. Supports private sector jobs growth by lowering taxes on business and individuals.

Resolved: candidates whose “track record” demonstrates substantial compliance with both the spirit and the letter of these "Twenty-One Statements" is considered a “friend of the Tea Party” and worthy of our full respect and support. Candidates whose “litmus test” results are very close to the seventeen agreement threshhold may also be supported on a lesser of two-evils basis. Candidates who substantially differ from these standards will be opposed by all legitimate means at our disposal.

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,


^^^ According to a Spanish study of the results of a similar experiment in their country leading to 18.7% unemployment, each government-created job cost the permanent loss of 2.2 real jobs from the wider economy. Some government created jobs were of extremely short duration, only roughly 9% were permanent and not many paid well.

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We are in a serious financial crisis. Obama seems to feel he is playing with Monopoly money, but he is now in a danger zone of economic bankruptcy. He either does not have a clue about economics, or he is deliberate in his destruction. Why this man was never vetted is the mystery of the decade. The public is not aware of his academic career, or the subjects he took, or the papers he wrote, much less his grades. I would be curious to see his college writings, and his theses, irrespective of his "books".

With Health Bill, Obama Has Sown the Seeds of a Budget Crisis

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Missouri Senate Race

I would like to hear from my fellow MO'ers what you think of the Senate candidates to replace Kit Bond.

I personally am concerned about Roy Blunt. Wasn't he running the GOP in the Senate when they went off the rails and

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Tea Party Non Negotiable Beliefs

Illegal Aliens Are Here Illegally.


Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.


Stronger Military Is Essential.

Agreed, to protect our borders, but more importantly, to protect everyone else's borders and solve everyone else's problems.

Special Interests Eliminated.

Agreed - as long as it's just the liberal special interests that get eliminated. Not the conservatives special interests.

Gun Ownership Is Sacred.

Agreed. And if guns were around when Jesus was alive he would have owned one. They are sacred and essential to our safety.

Government Must Be Downsized.

Agreed. Eliminate all big social programs like Social Security and Medicare in particular. They are bankrupting this glorious nation. People need to get off their butts and quit looking for Government handouts. My elderly parents will just have to go back to work or something - they need to figure out another way to pay for their increasing health care costs and stop expecting the Government to step in.

National Budget Must Be Balanced.

Agreed. More military spending, and less education spending to start. Even though it's 10 times what Russia spends on their military, It's not nearly enough. That will help balance the budget.

Deficit Spending Will End.

Agreed. And we all will stop borrowing from ourselves period. No more borrowing to buy a house or car. If you can't afford to pay cash for it, you can't buy it.

Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.

Agreed. I know the past Republican President was the first one to come up with this "bailout" concept by taking $700 billion and bailing out Wall Street thus allowing it to pay itself it's deserved bonuses as planned, but Obama has just continued with the lawbreaking and should therefore get all the blame.

Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.

Agreed. When I hear anything about a tax increase, I just want to scream. That could mean me having to pay another $10 a year or something and I am not having it. I already pay way too much. So I don't care what the tax is for, if I hear the word tax I will vote against it. Taxes are un American.

Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.

Agreed. Less tax on businesses means more profit for businesses. And more profit for businesses means more bonuses for execs and a higher stock price for it's investors. And what could be better for me the line worker than that? If a business has to pay another $100 per worker per year they will fire me.

Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.

Agreed. No more political offices going to members of political families with connections.

Intrusive Government Stopped.

Agree. I am sick of the Gov't regulating everything. Like Wall Street. Or the Food Industry. Or the Airline industry. They need to just leave those industries alone - they don't need the government coming in and telling them how to operate to protect our money, food, and safety. It's been proven throughout history that Industry can regulate itself.

English As Core Language Is Required.

Agreed. You are in America, we speak English here. Don't put up signs for your store in anything other than English. If you have people working for your serving the public, they better be able to speak english.

Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.

Agred. Especially MY family traditional values because they are what everyone should live by.
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Obama's Solution To Declining Poll Numbers

Let's see, we need to replace the D voters we pissed off ramrodding through the healthcare legislation...

what to do, what to do...

I know! We'll create millions of new (likely D) voters by 'reforming' the illegal immigration situation!

Problem solved!

You think I'm joking... I only wish I were! This is coming this summer.

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In case State-run CNN wonders why they are losing their audience, a picture speaks a thousand words. Their deception and biased reporting has them in last place where they belong. CNN reported "dozens" attended the Searchlight, NV Tea Party Rally where Sarah Palin spoke.

Dozens attend Searchlight Tea Party Rally? Really?

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American Spirit

Do you want to be on the receiving end of charity? Do you feel good being helpless and depend on outside forces. All Americans want to achieve for themselves, work hard, reap the benefits or at very least have that opprutunity for our children. I have seen all walks of life, feel so accomplished after a hard days work and be so full of pride and self worth. The same 270 million people who have Health insurance will still have it and the 30 to 45 million who do not, will still be the resistant..Because of finances or illegal status. Ins.would equal the rent payment, so live on the streets and have health insurance. Even if we have assistances it won't be enough. It would be cheaper to all of us to make an aggreement with ins and providers to say you will be paid for all patients and fix the price point. Easily 20% of all Ins. costs can be reduced by the extra customers and over all wastes. Now, if you do not have a plan you fall into a bare bones plan, with office visit payments and preventive care. ( the gov't already offers all prisonors and welfare people a decent plan)
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Avoid Being Assimilated By The Borg (the RNC)

Once again the Tea Party makes national headlines.

And once again the message (government overspending) is overshadowed by the messeger (Ann Coulter).

I'm not knocking Ann - she's politically to the right of me, but I enjoy reading her columns *because* I don't always agree. I think she is intelligent, acerbic, pointed - and an even worse publicist for the Tea Party than Sarah Palin.

And that's saying something!

She exemplifies the Left point-of-view that the Tea Party is an ignorable whacky fringe Republican thing. Which is odd - the Republicans have been spending like drunken sailors on shore leave for years, and they're only now getting in bed with the Tea Party because they're both anti-Obama.

If the Tea Party wants political traction, they'll need some Dem support too.

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Income Tax Preparation Blues


Because It Costs Too Much Green

After your income information had arrived from your employer and you placed it in the drawer, after all April 15 was months away.

Many of the Americans that have lost their job didn't realize that their unemployment payments are taxable until they filled-out their Federal income tax returns.


The big corporations are still firing workers to boost their earnings even as their stock prices are at the highest level that they have been since the market low in March 2009.

When the companise finally start hiring Amerians are going to have, Click Link: A New On-The-Job Experience

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Laser Focus Post # 2

Well it is about one week later, we lost the battle on healthcare, so it is all about our come back in November, but first there is June. The primaries are around the corner. So what do you know about all of the candidates. Do you know where they stand? Do you know what the are going to do for the people of our country?

To be laser focused we need this information at our finger tips. The information needs to be all but a click away. Well if you go on the Tea Party website I have searched high and low and no candidate list can be found. This is a real problem. We should be telling everyone where to go to vet each candidate. We should have a direct pipeline to each candidate with a comments section to each one.

If a person wants to ask them a question, then it should be as easy as commenting on a blog such as this. We have made things too complicated. Likewise, there should be a list of requirements that each candidate should meet before they would be considered a viable Tea Party candidate.

Remember we are not party specific, we are candidate specific, if they fit the bill and are going to support the Tea Party ideals, and are able and willing to vote against their party if need be, then these are our types of candidates. These are individuals that are for the people, for their constituents. That is why we elect them.

So people start asking the Tea Party representatives to show you the candidates, Federal, State, County, City, District, all of them, anyone who will be on the ballot we all need to vet for our local, State, and Federal positions. The current processes are failing and is taking to long. I am willing to help, but every time I mention this it appears to go on deaf ears.

I need everyone to ask the same question and require that these candidates be made available. Oh by the way, just because they are posted on the web, does not give an endorsement, it only lets everyone know who is running and what their social, moral, policy, and fiscal positions are. Once we have that each individual can vet each candidate. Without this, we need to rely on the unreliable NEWS medias.

Enough for now, if you are with me, then join me and lets get the Tea Party coordinators off their rusty dusty and get this information post so that everyone is lock and loaded and ready to vote!!!

Bob Casper for a FREE AMERICA
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McCain and palin

it kinda of sounds like to me palin is trying to play both sides of the fence and you can't have it both ways . McCain might be a republican but he is not a conservitive. the only thing people has to do is check his voting records and some of the bills he has written or help to write. Its like grayson running for the senate here in ky , he is just a rino. you can ask him a question and he is all over the place . you can't get a straight answer out of him. just my opinion
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In the face of this Global Warming farce, don't forget to turn all your lights ON tonight at 8:30, as we did last year. Think where we were one year ago tonight -- still pretty new to what was about to happen. Before all the TEA Party rallys, before all the townhalls, before the 912 March on DC, and before witnessing the corruption going on behind closed doors in our government. Boy, are we a different country today.


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Passivity does not work.
The violent always rules over the weak.
Thomas Jefferson made it clear that
Americans must act aggressively in order to preserve liberty and freedom.

In this day, simply whining and being passive will not work.
Voting has not worked.
Americans need to stand up and force the Gov. to preserve
our freedoms and liberties. If we don't, then we get 100 years of losing
our freedoms and liberties.

Americans must stand up and fight. Americans must stop worrying about
what they will lose in the process. Our founding father lost their
homes, their families, their lives. They did it so we could have liberty
and freedom.

Is their sacrifice in vain?
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By Joe Fitzgerald | Saturday, March 27, 2010 |

A powerful line appeared in a Life magazine review of the Vietnam War, years after that nightmare concluded.

“Americans were at war with themselves,” it observed, “and both sides lost.”

Indeed, national accord had been ruptured.

No one wants to see that happen again, but that’s the kind of antagonism spreading across the land today, a bitter divide created not only by the merits of Obamacare, but by the bureaucratic heavy-handedness that jammed it down the throats of a populace whose questions had not been answered and whose fears had not been allayed.

It was Washington telling us, “Government knows best,” and if there’s anything we know for sure, regardless of which party holds office, it’s that government can screw up a two-car funeral.

That’s why, in his first inaugural address, Ronald Reagan drew thunderous applause in proclaiming, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

All these years later, thanks to a passionate civics teacher named Belle Strickland, this writer can quote such fundamental principles as, “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Yet Barack Obama exhibits disdain for those he governs.

Accustomed to the hosannas of fawning admirers, he turns a deaf ear to anyone suggesting he might not have all the answers.

He simply declared his presidency demanded passage of this controversial legislation, and Congress assured him it would comply, by any means necessary.

Americans will always have contentious debate over volatile issues, but at the end of the day we have time-honored ways to reach a consensus, which is what this president and this Congress totally disrespected, igniting a furious backlash.

“Find out what people will submit to,” Frederick Douglass, the famed abolitionist, noted a century ago, “and you’ll have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.”

So millions of Americans are now telling Washington they do not want to submit to Obamacare, and he’s pooh-poohing their recalcitrance as civil disobedience.

It’s no such thing. It’s just a reminder this government still belongs to the people, which is what most of us were correctly taught a long, long time ago.

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The VAT Cometh

The only way to pay for the behemoth government takeover health care bill is with taxes, taxes and more taxes. You conveniently won't hear much about the upcoming taxes until after the November 2010 mid-term elections, and of course the tax increases already implemented will not hit until early 2011 either. The big push will be the european-style socialized Value Added Tax, more commonly known as VAT.

The VAT Cometh
This massive new entitlement needs a cash cow

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