rajjpuut (34)

Rajjpuut wishes Glen Beck all the most Scintillating of Successes and Good Feeling at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28; and Success to all the Freedom Movements such as the 9/12 Project and the TEA Party movement, we remind you that Glen is wrong when he says that history repeats itself . . . it doesn't, as Mark Twain said, "History does NOT repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes a lot!"

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
p.s. Just heard that the recent firebombing of a Missouri Progressive Democrat's campaign office blamed by the media on the St. Louis area TEA Party has seen an arrest, of a disgruntled long-time progressive activist (for not getting his check) employed by the office bombed; and that the man had been sabotage-blogging on a TEA Party site recently. The suspect Chris Powers has reportedly confessed his actions and has also been implicated in "astroturf protest" during an Obama visit to Missouri where he pretended to be a racist TEA Party member.

I'm sure the Left is thinking "firebombing the Reichstag worked for our National SOCIALIST buddy Adolf back in 1932, so it should work for us. Representative Russ Carnahan, whose office was bombed and who declared to the press (and was, of course, duly quoted) originally said "It was most likely a domestic terror crime by some right-wing racist." In the media it was printed and broadcast that "some violent TEA Party member probably did this. There's a lot of hate out there." Since the arrest,Carnahan and his staff have reportedly quieted down and purportedly, they are unwilling to proceed with charges against their former employee, think the "correction" will make the mainstream media (MSM)??? Since this is a federal crime, Rajjpuut hopes that the bomber Chris Powers is prosecuted by the FBI to the full extent of the law and that if this sick fellow needs it, he gets the treatment required. Whatever happened to the once great St. Louis Post Dispatch? Proud Missouri U. was once known as the "journalism capital of the nation" back in "better times."
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Last month 55% of Americans called Obama a “socialist”; 68% last week said the country under Obama is headed in the wrong direction; but 64% of us still today say, we believe he’s a “good guy” . . . . Americans, you‘ve let a grown wolf into your midst yet expect a happy home life . . . .

Feeling Sorry for Barack,

Hating His Message

Life is potentially very hard. The natural state of man or woman and the most desirable state for all of mankind is freedom, but life is hard and men must because of their mammalian nature survive by working together. We are both nurtured and enslaved at our mother’s teat. We do not begin as one of twenty-thousand fish eggs which never know their parents, or whose parents might hungrily gobble us up should we meet again in three days . . . we start as absolutely helpless infants who will soon die of lack of nurturing and require at a minimum the perfunctory care that passes for love among tortured souls. Very rarely does one of us turn out to be a hermit happily or unhappily living apart from mankind.

This dependence upon parents or other caretakers throughout all our early years and the virtual necessity of living among other men makes us vulnerable to immense pressure to “conform” to “fit-in” to be and live much like everybody else and thus “win their approval.” Much of this is good and helpful, but too much is crippling. This excess pressure and a certain self-loathing is what in modern times typically creates the statist, the totalitarian the progressive (we must progress beyond the ‘outdated’ and ‘flawed’ U.S. Constitution) when all around him clearly, freedom is beckoning. The phrase “nanny state” says it all. They must hate freedom for you because your freedom is a threat, how much better to have the state nuturing and burping everyone of us (and making us toe the line) all the long days of our lives . . . but then there are the “red-diaper babies.”

Red-diaper babies^^ like Barack Obama are a special breed. While the masses are stunting their own growth and embracing sheepdom, some have deliberately raised their children from the womb to be wolves. The tenets of Das Kapital is preached to red-diaper babies the way some fanatic and corrupt religious fundamentalists teach the tenets of Shariah Law and Jihad or the verses of the Bible to impressionable youngsters hatefully and ceaselessly. Red-diaper babies are raised as sociopathic wolves to prosper among the sheep. Every potential encounter they witness is preached over so that the creators and the givers in society, the capitalists and entrepreneurs, for example, who from nothing create a business and nurture it and some day provide jobs for 80 or 100 people, are portrayed at every juncture as the natural and mortal enemy of the wolf-cub/red-diaper baby.

“Look at that fat cat, lounging around thanks to the sweat of his workers. He gets to play while they’re dying under his oppression . . . etc., etc, ad nauseum every day of his life throughout the formative years and well-beyond (because naturally enough, he only feels semi-comfortable among the sheep and truly comfortable among his “own kind” where there is NO OTHER CONVERSATION because for them, the STATE has replaced religion, love and angst as the topic of their lives. So, Barack Obama is to be pitied, unlike perhaps 60% of the red-diaper babies he has never doubted, never wavered and thus never felt the need to break away. Those who do, tell us interesting stories of growing up wolf cubs** . . . those who don’t must continue to live the lie that they love the sheep and have only the sheep’s best interests at heart always.

Warning, loyal readers will find the following material repetitive of a couple of recent blogs . . . newcomers, sheep and otherwise, this is for you:

Enough of background philosophy, it has come to this . . . . Friends, Couch Potatoes, Babes in the Woods and other Trusting Souls . . . and yes, you SHEEP prefering to be men, these are the facts of life . . . this is where the message of progressivism from the wolf’s mouth has led us . . . .

11 Truths Voters Need to Know

In reverse order here’s what our gullible people should know but don’t. Our mainstream media needs to get real and do its job. I invite all readers to check my facts for 100% accuracy . . . .

11. Our government has been systematically lying to us or covering up for almost eight decades for example, . . . .

10. Obamacare, one law, a) creates 388 brand new government agencies b) funds abortions with federal money c) increases the deficit d) drives up the cost of health care and health insurance. All of this was easily foreseen but most chose to believe Obama’s promises that the opposite was true.

9. In 1975 one in 404 home loans was granted with 3% or less down payment. Five mortgage-guarantee laws later, it became in 2005, 34 out of 100 loans at less than 3% down. That's an amazing 13,600% more presumably bad loans today. The progressive left have pushed our lenders into bad loans by sponsoring these ill-conceived laws. This was easily foreseeable, but we were too busy with sitcoms and, of late, reality shows.

8. The United States used to have the world’s highest private home ownership, now Canada does. Our system was not broken, but the progressives fixed us with the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter and four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees in ’92, twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ’98 (the last three under Clinton). We all know better than to “fix what ain’t broke,” yet we allow the politicians we elect to do it every day.

7. Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer shaking-down lenders to make unwise loans for parts of three years 1994-1996. Once Clinton’s steroid version of the law was passed in ’98, ACORN forced banks and other lenders to make home loans to people without ID; without jobs; with only food stamps to declare as income; without even rental history; with abysmal credit ratings; on welfare; illegal aliens; and other miserable loan prospects. Anyone listening with half an ear could see that all his promises could NOT be kept; anyone inspecting his past could see he was always way to good to be true. His communism was only slightly better hid.

6. ACORN discovered by early 2003 that they could get a $400,000 loan almost as easily as they could get a $120,000 loan for an indigent client and went about it with gusto. Why?

5. Alas, it gets even more sinister. In ’66 Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published their Cloward-Piven Strategy to end poverty by creating GNI, (guaranteed national income). In ’67 these two and George Wiley created the National Welfare Relief Organization (NWRO) put their strategy into action. In eight years they added over six million people to the welfare rolls in New York. By 1975, New York City was bankrupt and needed a federal bailout. New York state just missed bankruptcy. The threesome bragged about their accomplishment even though they made poverty worse and didn’t get GNI. C &P said the next two areas to work their “orchestrated crisis” magic upon were voter registration and housing. The sub-prime lending crisis and the ensuing financial meltdown were Cloward-Pivven at work once again as you'll soon see.

4. When CRA ’77 was passed, ACORN was immediately created in Arkansas (only later would the “A” stand for Association instead of Arkansas) to work C-P Strategy on housing and voter registration. They weren’t hugely successful at first, but they did put Bill Clinton into the governor’s mansion in Little Rock for 12 years; and he became the first ACORN president in ’92. One of his first official signings was the Motor Voter Act (“a license for voter fraud according to conservatives) with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official pictures. Three Clinton mortgage-guarantees followed in the next five years and ACORN went nuts making lenders meet their silly requirements. In effect Cloward-Piven Strategy was unleashed not on NYC this time but upon the entire USA.

3. Republicans in January, 2005, saw the handwriting on the wall and tried to repeal much of the mortgage-guarantee nonsense but were stopped cold by the Democrats. In July, 2007, enough Dems came to see the truth that a watered-down version of the earlier bill was passed. It was, of course, way too little – way too late. Nevertheless . . . .

2. Last week Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised George W. Bush for that 2007 law which he said prevented the recession from becoming much, much deeper and the drop in housing prices from tumbling to dangerous levels. In effect, Geithner altered Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story. You and I now know the bigger story: Obama, ACORN, and progressive Dems and Republicans pushed the car toward a 500-ft. CLIFF. G.W. Bush braked and steered the car into a controlled skid into a friendly-looking ditch.

1. The first ten problems are gnats compared to the herd of elephants in the room right next to us, because with all the unfunded liabilities we face (on top of the National debt and our present economic woes) including unbelievable Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid obligations that amount to $112 Trillion in services the government owes its citizens but has refused to fund (which has been required by law lo’ these last 76 years). Throw-in the always unfunded welfare state and these unfunded obligations likely will hit $200 Trillion.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Evidence is proved in a hundred places in my blogwork, but for now consider the man whose dreams Barack, Jr. referred to in his book "Dreams from My Father. Most of our fathers don't openly advocate 100% taxes; or redistribution of wealth from Kenya's Asian and European populace to its Blacks; or communal ownership of property http://www.politico.com/static/PPM41_eastafrica.html

** http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1893554058/lewrockwell/ or in novel format . . . .


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The acrid mixture of gunpowder and blood was everywhere. The timbers of the two sinking ships rudely joined by grappeling hooks groaned in mutual agony. Two mortally wounded sailors a Limey and a Colonist lie immobile as their life’s blood joins in the splintered deck beneath them. Suddenly, the British Captain somewhere in the smoke and fog to their left yells through his megaphone, “Captain, Do you agree to surrender your ship?”
The instantaneous Colonial reply, “I have not yet begun to fight!”
The dying American sailor groaned, “There’s always 10% that never get the word.”
Americans, Generous to a Fault,
Still Love Obama and Tooth-fairy
In a recent poll conducted by some liberal polling group, 55% of Americans called Barack Obama a “Socialist.” After three and a half years of Obama in the national spotlight that’s your best insight, my compatriots? All the evidence is there for anyone seeking the truth, yet . . . totally unwilling still to face the truth of the Commander-in-Chief’s status as an ex-Red-Diaper-Baby, my countrymen are by this suspension of disbelief very likely to sign the death certificate of the Republic.
Friends, Couch Potatoes, Babes in the Woods and other Trusting Souls these are the facts of life . . . .

In reverse order here’s what our gullible people should know but don’t. Our mainstream media needs to get real and do its job. I invite all readers to check my facts for 100% accuracy . . . .

11. Our government has been systematically lying to us or covering up for almost eight decades for example, . . . .

10. Obamacare, one law, a) creates 388 brand new government agencies b) funds abortions with federal money c) increases the deficit d) drives up the cost of health care and health insurance. All of this was easily foreseen but most chose to believe Obama.

9. In 1975 one in 404 home loans was granted with 3% or less down payment. Five mortgage-guarantee laws later, it became in 2005, 34 out of 100 loans at less than 3% down. That's an amazing 13,600% more presumably bad loans today. The progressive left have pushed our lenders into bad loans by sponsoring these ill-conceived laws. This was easily foreseeable, but we were too busy with sitcoms and, of late, reality shows.

8. The United States used to have the world’s highest private home ownership, now Canada does. Our system was not broken, but the progressives fixed us with the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter and four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees in ’92, twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ’98 (the last three under Clinton). We all know better than to “fix what ain’t broke,” yet we allow the politicians we elect to do it every day.

7. Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer shaking-down lenders to make unwise loans for parts of three years 1994-1996. Once Clinton’s steroid version of the law was passed in ’98, ACORN forced banks and other lenders to make home loans to people without ID; without jobs; with only food stamps to declare as income; without even rental history; with abysmal credit ratings; on welfare; illegal aliens; and other miserable loan prospects. Anyone listening with half an ear could see that all his promises could NOT be kept; anyone inspecting his past could see he was always way to good to be true. His communism was only slightly better hid.

6. ACORN discovered by early 2003 that they could get a $400,000 loan almost as easily as they could get a $120,000 loan for an indigent client and went about it with gusto. Why?
5. Alas, it gets even more sinister. In ’66 Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published their Cloward-Piven Strategy to end poverty by creating GNI, (guaranteed national income). In ’67 these two and George Wiley created the National Welfare Relief Organization (NWRO) put their strategy into action. In eight years they added over six million people to the welfare rolls in New York. By 1975, New York City was bankrupt and needed a federal bailout. New York state just missed bankruptcy. The threesome bragged about their accomplishment even though they made poverty worse and didn’t get GNI. C &P said the next two areas to work their “orchestrated crisis” magic upon were voter registration and housing. The sub-prime lending crisis and the ensuing financial meltdown were Cloward-Pivven at work once again as you'll soon see.

4. When CRA ’77 was passed, ACORN was immediately created in Arkansas (only later would the “A” stand for Association instead of Arkansas) to work C-P Strategy on housing and voter registration. They weren’t hugely successful at first, but they did put Bill Clinton into the governor’s mansion in Little Rock for 12 years; and he became the first ACORN president in ’92. One of his first official signings was the Motor Voter Act (“a license for voter fraud according to conservatives) with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official pictures. Three Clinton mortgage-guarantees followed in the next five years and ACORN went nuts making lenders meet their silly requirements. In effect Cloward-Piven Strategy was unleashed not on NYC this time but upon the entire USA.

3. Republicans in January, 2005, saw the handwriting on the wall and tried to repeal much of the mortgage-guarantee nonsense but were stopped cold by the Democrats. In July, 2007, enough Dems came to see the truth that a watered-down version of the earlier bill was passed. It was, of course, way too little – way too late. Nevertheless . . . .

2. Last week Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised George W. Bush for that 2007 law which he said prevented the recession from becoming much, much deeper and the drop in housing prices from tumbling to dangerous levels. In effect, Geithner altered Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story. You and I now know the bigger story: Obama, ACORN, and progressive Dems and Republicans pushed the car toward a 500-ft. CLIFF. G.W. Bush braked and steered the car into a controlled skid into a friendly-looking ditch.

1. The first ten problems are gnats compared to the herd of elephants in the room right next to us, because with . . . all the unfunded liabilities we face (on top of the National debt and our present economic woes) unbelievable Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid obligations that amount to $112 Trillion in services the government owes its citizens but has refused to fund (which was required by law lo’ these last 76 years).

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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What Progressives Don't Want
Voters to Know
Part I

Americans who listen to and believe the left-wing rhetoric of the progressive Democrats in power today really need to learn to separate facts from historical revisionism . . . the words here below are 100% true, Rajjpuut crosses his heart . . . .

Myth: The Nazis were fascists, and both fascists and Nazis were conservative (right-wing) organizations.


The National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party came into power by viciously attacking the Republican values and Democratic methods of the Weimar Republic. They promoted “a managed economy that was neither capitalist nor communist” according to their literature. The first time the world at large learned of them, was after Adolf Hitler’s “Beer Hall Putsch” an attempt to violently overthrow the government of Bavaria in southern Germany and replace those in power with Nazis. Until Hitler joined and took over, the Nazis were perhaps the most pathetic of about 20 leftist organizations vying for power in the country and most of them had the word “socialists” in their name. They were most jealous of the Communist Party’s large membership and Hitler made a point of blaming the loss of World War I on his three main scapegoats: the Jewish bankers and businessmen; the Communists and the so-called “November Criminals” that he said had all worked together and undermined the army in the field. The same areas so exciting to today’s progressives were big interests for the Nazis: environmentalism, nutrition, emphasis on organic and wholistic health and food-raising, and even state-run exercise and health programs and most importantly their utter conviction that they could create a utopian society.

The Nazis and Communists were both very popular in the 20’s and early 30’s but the two groups were decidedly incompatible. Why? Because Hitler emphasized the Aryan idea of purity and the notion that all things good came from their Teutonic heritage of blood and culture a direct attack on the made-in Russia worldwide communistic movement. For their part, the Reds after Hitler’s attack on Russia also felt a need to distance themselves from the Nazis because the Nazis were proof-positive that all revolutions were not good. They could have pointed to the French for that also. The lower classes were the Nazi’s base; only after Hitler came to power did the industrialists begin to show any attention to him. The Nazi’s burned the Reichstag and blamed it on a retarded communist, and immediately gained “emergency powers” that superceded the Weimar Constitution. Thus Hitler became a powerful dictator.

While we’re at it, today the left calls Nazis “fascists.” This is wrong, but more importantly the fascists (such as those found in Italy under Mussolini), were a labor-union phenomenon, hardly the stuff of right-wingers. The labor unions in Italy took over the corporations. In any case, we conservatives like very small government and do not like the totalitarian states which are found under Communism, Nazism, and Fascism. The Left has made a concerted effort since Woodrow Wilson (a progressive president who wrote his own interpretation of American History) to revise all of American and World History to reflect the notion that all things LEFT are “good.” Anyone who hasn’t read the epic expose` “The Nazi Seizure of Power” definitely should. In a fictional vein, Eric Maria Remarque’s novel “The Black Obelisk” vividly portrays the German landscape prior to and immediately after the Beer Hall Putsch as seen through the eyes of a lost soul who was one of a band of iconoclastic “merrymen” watching their civilization collapse around them.


Communism is a benign political ideology. Che Guevarra and Mao, for example, are world cultural heroes.


“Democide” or killing of citizens of the state by their very own government (including genocide and mass murder) is not a new idea. But the most efficient and ruthless in history were all 20th

Century communist states. While Hitler killed 13 million of Europe’s assorted Jews, gypsies, intellectuals, royalty, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homeosexuals, aged, retarded, handicapped, and other folk they classified as “undesirables” . . . comparatively few German citizens were killed by the Third Reich say perhaps two and a half million. Communism, concentrating itself mostly upon “purifying” their own citizenry, was directly responsible for the deaths of 120-128 million people during the 20th Century. Mao killed 54 million Chinese during peacetime. Stalin killed roughly 50 million in war and peace (not counting the 8 million Ukranians he deliberately starved to death that history likes to overlook) . Pol Pot killed 2.5 million in tiny Cambodia. Viet Namese communists, Tito’s Yugoslav communists, and North Korean Communists round out the sad story. Che Guevarra is said to have said he lost count of how many Cuban prisoners he’d personally killed somewhere after 150. Love those Mao and Che T-shirts, do you?


The Communist Party has always had an evil effect in the USA.

Truth: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3732/is_200601/ai_n17174894/

While a lot of evil and mischief (our current financial crisis for example) are directly attributable to the Communists operating in this country, early on the Communist party was one of the few voices the common working man in America had. A lot of abuse by mega-corporations in the 1890’s and early 20th

Century were vehemently opposed by communists and the early labor unions. Later when unions got big and powerful and virtually lockstepped themselves with communism and sought to gain huge war chests for political power . . . that’s when the whole process became ruinous rather than refreshing. It’s striking that now the left is calling “rednecks” racists and all manner of evil. When coal miners in West Virginia were advised by their communist and labor union leaders to wear red banadannas around their necks so they could identify themselves in a confrontation with corrupt mine owners and their machine gun wielding armies of “detectives” who’d already slaughtered some of the miners’ leaders . . . that was not a racist act but an act of labor defiance and fighting for human rights. “Red Necks” were originally union men or strikers (as the Southern Colorado miners in the Trinidad District Strike were). Only much later was the term applied to so-called “poor white trash” and “trailer trash” lumped together as racists and mental-defectives by the Left. Next time, Part II.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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History-Changers Fool

Some Americans ALL the Time

That great American philosopher Forrest Gump once said, “Stupid is as stupid does,” in other words not by their words but by their deeds do we know who people actually are. The next time you hear someone who loves America called a racist, sexist, or a fascist or whatever, by the left wing progressives or the liberal media remember, that despite all their efforts to change history the Democratic Party is . . .

. . . the party of slavery which justified the practice as “economic necessity” for the plantation system of cotton- and tobacco-growing.

. . . the party of slavery which forbid Black’s learning to read.

. . . the party of slavery which condoned White males raping Black women.

. . . the party of slavery which insisted upon creating new slave states as the young nation expanded westward, just to keep themselves in power.

. . . the party of Robert E. Lee who summarily hung John Brown for freeing slaves.

. . . the party of flogging slaves for minor violations; and hanging them for trying to get their freedom.

. . . the party of selling slaves for profit and breaking up their families.

. . . the party of Jefferson Davis who presided over the Confederacy which was created to keep slavery intact and inviolate.

. . . the party of the Ku Klux Klan.

. . . the party of Dred Scott and allowing slave-chasers to pursue runaways into northern states.

. . . the party of Jim Crow laws for almost 100 years.

. . . the party of ‘separate but equal’ for almost 100 years.

. . . the party of lynching.

. . . the party supporting honor killings by husbands of unfaithful wives.

. . . the party of Woodrow Wilson, the greatest racist who ever occupied the White House.

. . . the party of D.W. Griffith, the racist film-maker who premiered his racist masterpiece “Birth of a nation for Wilson in the White House.

. . . the party of Woodrow Wilson, who first created the idea of propaganda and proved to be the most Fascist president in American history jailing those who talked against his administration; closing down newspapers opposed to his agenda.

. . . the party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who prolonged an ordinary downturn 8 ½ years (until the Second World War saved the economy) into a GREAT Depression.

. . . the party that segregated the armed forces under Wilson.

. . . the party of FDR who forced people to relinquish gold at $20.76 an ounce and then raised the price of gold to $35 per ounce effectively stealing 61% of all private wealth for the government.

. . . the party of Richard Cloward, Frances Piven and George Wiley who deliberately used Cloward-Piven Strategy to bankrupt New York City and just missed bankrupting New York State.

. . . the party of Wade Rathke (Wiley’s lieutenant) who created ACORN and the SEIU and sought to use ACORN to get what Wiley’s National Welfare Rights Organization could not: guaranteed national income.

. . . the party of Jimmy Carter who created the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) which required mortgage companies to make very bad loans that ACORN could take advantage of.

. . . the party of the Black Panthers as clearly Fascist a group as the last half of the 20th Century ever created

. . . the party of Bill Clinton, the first ACORN president, who oversaw three expansions of CRA ’77 and creation of the Motor Voter Act which he signed in a ceremony with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him.

. . . the party of ACORN which used the weak Motor Voter Act to attempt all sorts of voting fraud.

. . . the party of ACORN which used the various CRA ’77 expansions to get zero-down payment $300,000 homes for people without ID; people without jobs; people who listed food stamps as “income”; people with horrific credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people on welfare; illegal aliens; and all manner of people who had NO hope of ever repaying their home loans.

. . . the party of Barack Obama who worked parts of three years as an ACORN attorney brow-beating and shaking-down lenders who tried to avoid making bad loans to deadbeat clients . . . Barack Obama who slashed the brake lines and fouled up the steering cables that put our national economy “in the ditch.”

. . . the party of ultra-left progressives who jumped all over George W. Bush for firing U.S. attorneys that refused to prosecute voter fraud; voter intimidation and to investigate allegations of Motor Voter Act discrepancies.

. . . the party of Barack Obama, a community organizer who taught classes in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for radicals” in conjunction with ACORN.

. . . the party of Obama appointee Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez, who dropped the case of the New Black Panthers intimidating White voters in Philadelphia and threatening a Black poll watcher with a beating; who also instructed Department of Justice (DOJ) employees NOT to pursue cases of voter intimidation or other crimes against Black perpetrators if the victims were White; and instructed DOJ employees to cease investigations of Motor Voter Act discrepancies “because that will just lower turnout.”

. . . the party of Barack Obama who gave us in one law (Obamacare) almost 390 new government agencies.

. . . etc., etc., ad nauseum.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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"Sooner or later, socialists always run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher
“Just Desserts” Policy Will Save
CA, NY, CT and MI
More Importantly Save the Nation
(Our first six paragraphs will give you a panorama of our vicious-circle economic situation and the scope of the problems. Then we’ll show you why “just desserts” <letting the irresponsible “Failed-Four” states go bankrupt> is actually the very best that could happen to them and more importantly the very best that can happen to the other 46 states and to the federal government.)
Just six weeks ago it appeared America had found its “Greece” in big taxing, big spending, union- and Democrat-dominated California. With, as well, a predominance of “Sanctuary Cities” also teetering upon bankruptcy within her borders, the “Golden State” seemed the perfect bad-example of what happens when progressivism is allowed to open the throttle to full speed ahead. Greece’s bankruptcy and riots and the obscenity of corrupt government, thank God was, however blessedly only confined to one ridiculous state. Now, however, it’s obvious that New York, Connecticut and Michigan have also been imitating California’s Greek tendencies . . . red ink has become the progressive fashion of the day not only in these “Failed Four” states but in every state dominated by big government and unions, not to mention those with unionized government employees.
Recently, Obama-Pelosi-Reid made another end run around the American people by passing yet another bailout, Cash-for-Flunkers if you will a $26 Billion bailout, aimed ostensibly at shoring up jobs for teachers, firefighters, etc. which actually is aimed at A. Raising an extra $40 million for union coffers which can be donated to Democratic campaign funds before November’s elections B. Entrapping over 40 of the states into the “Let’s-be-like Greece” web of irresponsibility so that C. Current problems are NOT faced, but rather, glossed over long enough so that Barack Obama can win re-election in 2012.
Yes, the $26 Billion bailout appears to save necessary jobs, what isn’t being said, is that 1. The cost in private sector jobs will be about 2.2/1 in lost jobs for every government sector “saved job” 2. The bill is also a band-aid which keeps states from eliminating waste, fraud and unnecessary programs. As an example of what that means . . . consider a municipal example, Oakland, California, the poster boy for irresponsibility. Oakland has the nation’s highest crime rate, yet they’re cutting a vast number of police jobs, NICE. Meanwhile, Oakland is a proud sanctuary city for illegal aliens that’s being bankrupted by a huge presence of undocumenteds plus violence and drug and associated crime problems, overcrowding of schools and hospitals. Oakland also has a lot of green programs, and arts programs and a huge pension program for city retirees. Rajjpuut has never been a “pile on the rich” advocate; however when it comes to museums, opera, arts programs not to mention fiscally-irresponsible and stupidly designed pension funds standing up against police in a crime-ridden city, do you doubt that Rajjpuut’s vote would go against the opera lovers and the privileged unions?
The real Obama flim-flam, however, lies in the broadness and wording of the new law. All the states mentioned and a huge amount of states that do not need federal money, especially “swing-voting” states are unnecessarily included in the law. Why? Because there’s a provision of the bill that requires any state that accepts the federal money from reducing its budget for three or more years. In other words the money-accepting states will be legally prohibited from acting fiscally responsible – making more of them likely to join the “Failed Four Bankruptcy Club” with California, New York, Michigan and Connecticut.
Just yesterday, China surpassed Japan to become the second largest economy in the world. Depending upon who is asked the lead time before China surpasses the United States varies between a dozen years and thirty years with most knowledgeable commenters opting between 25 – 30 years. Since China doesn’t have Barack Obama and we do, Rajjpuut more wisely puts the number between 12-15 years. Meanwhile, the #12 economy (1. USA 2. China 3. Japan 4. Germany 5. France 6. England 7. Russia 8. Brazil) India seems to be out-doing China and in thirty-five years might pass the United States and China as well as all the other well-known economies now ahead of her.
Our policies in outsourcing jobs to India and in allowing many China-like trade advantages to India are even more shortsighted than we’ve allowed China. Imagine this, if a Chinese company wants to flood our country with their goods, no problem. If a U.S. high-tech company wants to sell in China, we must, the Chinese say, set up the business in China and reveal our technology to them for free. On another front, Chinese "pirates" copy our books, movies, dvds, cds etc. at will and spread them all over the world as pirate goods without Chinese officials doing more than giving a wink and a nod. China wantonly violates U.S. patents as well and meanwhile our impotent federal government says and does nothing. If the whole country goes Greek, blame it upon Obama and the shortsighted diplomats who have sent up and continue to allow today’s present trade and fairness imbalances. The problem is -- as always -- OPM, other people’s money. While there seems to be no direct connection to the emergence of China and India and the decadence of our own economy on the one hand with, on the other hand, the Greecification of California, Michigan, Connecticut and New York . . . they are two intimately related symptoms of fiscal irresponsibility and the anti-business stance that has brought our once proud nation down, down, down. The solution for both problems begins with informing the citizenry and then the citizens of the other 46 states protesting vociferously on their states’ capitol grounds against their states accepting the new bailouts funs to their states and the fiscal handcuffs that go with them.
Let’s get to it! How doe we eradicate this wild mess of economic woes? More of Obamanomics will NOT cure our ills, but rather send us from a Great Recession to a double-dip recession to another Great Depression. The most generous light on the “Cash for Flunkers” $26 Billion bailout is that it’s a band-aid on the arterial bleeding of the four states involved . . . repeat, the most generous light . . . .
This is a complex problem, one of the first things required is to get Mr. Obama and the federal government out of the way. Mr. Obama, who could greatly help these four states by the simple expedient of slamming the southern border shut to illegal aliens thus beginning to eliminate an escalating problem in all four states, insists only “comprehensive immigration “reform” can take care of the border problem – practically guaranteeing us another 4,000 page bill, now for the first time finds himself facing an actually complex problem. You see, the problems he’s decided to face so far were simple, even though he did not handle them that way.
For example our economy’s overall difficulties are best and most simply ended by dramatically reducing A. national debt B. taxes C. government spending and D. the size of government as Harding and Coolidge showed us in making the “Invisible Depression” earn its name by carrying out ABCD without further ado as soon as Harding was elected. The illegal immigration problem mentioned above is handled by considering our immigration laws sufficient right now and securing the borders and cracking down on employers of illegals -- later we can add 60 pages of immigration reform to settle the overall picture. Our rising health care cost problem should have been addressed effectively with the 45-pages of real reform the Republicans asked for instead of 2500 pages of mumbo-jumbo that created 390 brand new government agencies (FDR’s four terms only saw the creation of 40 new agencies). Our auto industry problems were best handled by keeping government out of the picture, but instead a huge bailout, stealing rightful creditors’ money and handing it off to the union that supports Obama’s policies 100% was the preferred solution . . . those all were simple problems requiring a scalpel instead of the artillery canister barrage of voluminous laws Obama’s chosen. Now that barrage is a great deal of the problem. Business cannot operate under Obamanomics. But there are other considerations as well.
Look to New Jersey, there’s where the answer lies. The people of the third-most liberal Democratic state in the union, voted a conservative Republican into office. State bankruptcy loomed on the horizon just as it does for Michigan, Connecticut and New York and already plagued California. Fundamental restructuring of state and local finances and facing up to the unions (labor relations for 60 years in New Jersey have consisted in kissing up to the union demands without appropriate concessions), cutting taxes, cutting spending, cutting government and yes, cutting pay for state union jobs is aiming New Jersey toward fiscal solvency.
In nearby New York and Connecticut, the union-plague is leading to bankruptcy as sure as a cartoon banana means a disastrous slip is coming. In Connecticut for the current fiscal year a one-shot $2 billion federal subsidies drop (13.3 % of its $15 Billion state budget) has saved the day. Barack Obama has provided such grants to other states making up, surprise! Some 330 electoral college votes. Not only is this federal largesse of questionable ethics, it just doesn’t work. The same night last November that New Jersey elected Chris Christie, Virgina’s new governer was chosen – another conservative named Bob McDonnell. Virginia also is now fighting its way out of the red ink and into the black. Mc Donnell has slashed state spending to pre-2006 levels and, just like Christie, he’s refused to raise taxes. This model of responsibility is also evident in Indiana, which next to Michigan and Nevada was among the very hardest hit of our states.
With even more roadblocks facing him and his state than either New Jersey or Virginia faced, governor Mitch Daniels has quietly moved his state into the solid prosperous solvency area that only Texas previously enjoyed. How did he do it? Easy, everything that Barack Obama stands for, Daniels did the opposite in spades. The same business-friendly atmosphere and commonsense fiscal conservativism found in New Jersey and Virginia is in evidence everywhere in Indiana. Daniels has just had a much longer time to put his ideas into practice, five years and seven months in office so far. Indiana is a heavily union state that didn’t get much help from Obama as its auto plants shut down, indeed, Obama in orchestrating the bankruptcy of Chrysler personally robbed three large Indiana pension funds (teachers, police and municipal employees) of the money they were owed in the auto bailouts and instead gave that money to the United Auto Workers mostly in Michigan. So successful has Daniels been that some cry for “Daniels for President** 2012” has arisen. Daniels says he’s got enough work to do in Indiana.
So Obama wants to subsidize the key states and to force them to avoid fiscal responsibility and thus protect his unions and his big government approach. What happens IF the new congress refuses to go along with the Obama bailout-the-states agenda?
Expect the “Oakland Response” from the Failed Four and other profligate states such as Nevada, Illinois, and Massachusetts. In Oakland they’re extorting and shaking down the citizens and the nation by adding alligators to their cesspool. Instead of eliminating the “sanctuary cities” label and supporting their police, Oakland is blackmailing its people and the state and federal government. Perhaps Oakland ought to get out of the mural-painting and museums and opera and art and sanctuary-city businesses and return to the basics . . . but that makes too much sense.
Expect likewise the Failed Four and others to threaten to cut essential jobs and avoid dealing with their union war lords and their out-of-control pension problems. Just as the country has a China problem with lent money, many states have horrific bond problems. If they cannot get money loaned to them, many will dry up and go de facto bankrupt. If the federal government stays out of the mix, the only way they can borrow more will be at exorbitant rates as their state bonds are seen as much more risky. As bond rates jump from 4-5-6% non-taxable to 9-10-11% non-taxable, the crushing weight of the compounding of that debt will force the state citizens to finally understand what’s going on and to boot out the progressive politicians in the state house and in congress and force a return to simple fiduciary integrity. That’s step #1. Step #2 will be a forced restructuring of the unions, of the pensions of state employees and of unnecessary spending in general. This beneficial process can be abetted if the new congress decides to amend the federal bankruptcy laws so that states can declare bankruptcy (they are NOT too big to fail and should NOT be treated as such); and then the bankrupt states can renegotiate the killing contracts that big spending politicians voted upon the taxpayers. Government would return to the people. As Dick Morris has reminded us, the Reagan boom began when Ronald Reagan refused to knuckle under to the air-traffic controllers’ union and ran them out of the government – couldn’t we use another 20 million jobs now?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** despite his incredible success, the otherwise reasonable and far-seeing conservative Mike Huckabee has attacked Daniels’ approach to politics. Daniels says that right now conservativism can save our state and our country – fiscal conservativism. Daniels' TEA Party-like approach has riled up Huckabee who says Republicans (not all of them are conservatives, mind you) must stand up for a “socially-conservative agenda.” Unlike the three conservative Republicans mentioned above (Christie, McDonnell and Daniels) Huckabee wants to reignite the abortion, anti-gay,^^ creationism taught in public school science classes agenda that has doomed Republican conservatives from taking their rightful leadership position since Barry Goldwater in 1964. Daniels is exactly right, we’re locked in a Constitutional and Fiscal crisis courtesy of Barack Obama and the progressives of both parties and that is were intelligent emphasis must lie . . . social issues, in any case, need to be treated mostly on a live and let live basis.
^^ Let homosexuals WED in “gay-unions.” Do not allow homosexual adoptions but keep that as a province of “real marriage” only . . . Americans believe that is fair and responsible. Forget about abortion, creationism, singing Christmas carols in public schools and more intolerant treatment of gays . . . the American people won’t stand for that agenda. Vouchers for private schools, yeah! But vouchers for religious private schools, why? Religions already have a monstrous tax break given them. Let the churches semi-subsidize their own religious schools and parents so inclined can pay for the rest.
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Boobus Americanus Understanding Little
Believes History’s Biggest Lies,
Do We Need a Negative Stimulus Package?
The great cynical journalist H.L. Mencken often talked about that utterly strange creature he called “Boobus Americanus.” Mencken would be greatly heartened to know that in this era of “endangered species” Boobus Americanus has multiplied twenty-fold thanks to cross-breeding with Couch-us Potat-us Americanus and Sitcomus Addictus. Here are four great myths from the 20th Century spread by Progressive historians (“we must progress beyond the outdated ill-conceived Constitution”) and Progressive politicians . . . myths that Boobus Americanus believes with all his heart and soul.
I. Progressive Woodrow Wilson was one of our greatest presidents
II. Warren G. Harding was one of the worst presidents and a crook
III. Herbert Hoover, who did nothing to head off the Great Depression, was a conservative who “fiddled like Nero while Rome burned.”
IV. Progressive Franklin Delano Roosevelt was our greatest president and he saved us from the Great Depression.
Here are the facts:
A. Democrat Progressive Woodrow Wilson was, among other failings, a racist who premiered D.W. Griffiths’ racist classic “Birth of a Nation” in the White House and instigated segregation in government hiring from the White House. He was also our first true tax-and-spend President. He left behind a much worse recession than G.W. Bush did. He also wrote a history of America that called into question virtually everything noble about the country and the founding fathers. He was definitely a progressive and tried to change history to move things more along the progressive path with much greater government size and control of our lives. As Wilson’s last year, 1920, ticked away the economic situation was grim . . . unemployment had jumped from 4% to 12% and GDP dipped 17%. It would get worse.
B. Things got so bad that new president Warren G. Harding’s Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover (falsely characterized as a do-nothing laissez-faire conservative) urged Harding to consider a huge array of interventions in order to turn the economy around. Harding ignored Hoover and calmly paid down the national debt by 33%.
Harding facing a GDP drop of about 25% because of Wilson’s policies, also cut taxes and spending both between 45%-49% and the recesssion became known as the “Invisible Depression” because it ended within 15 months. Indeed within six months signs of recovery were already visible. In 1922, unemployment was back to 6.7% and had dropped to 2.4% by 1923. His vice president Calvin Coolidge continued Harding’s policies and the resulting “Roaring 20’s” was the single most prosperous decade in American history as the standard of living rose dramatically. For the first time Americans in large numbers owned automobiles, indoor plumbing, electric lighting, and appliances like the ice box and radio and took yearly vacations. The Teapot Dome scandal that’s been blamed on Harding by the Progressive historians occurred after his death and was created by fraudulent dealings initiated by his Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall.
C. Hoover, who replaced Coolidge in 1928, was a Republican Progressive and up until FDR was the most interfering president in American History. Almost as soon as he took office he abandoned the business friendly policies of Harding and Coolidge and jumped in to interfere in agriculture and business. To be specific:
Hoover . . . .
1) increased taxes on top wage earners from 25% to 63%
2) increased government spending by 47%
3) ran a deficit of 4.5% of GDP
4) against the wishes of over 1000 economists, he signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, effectively shutting down international trade
5) established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make loans to the state governments
6) appropriated money for public works construction (Hoover Dam among others)
7) met with major industry leaders and put significant pressure on them to maintain wages at current levels, despite the amount of money in the economy falling by one-third. This led, predictably, to massive unemployment thanks to those first wage controls in American history.
8) the myth or misconception of Hoover’s non-interference gets so absurd it’s almost unbelievable. The truth is diametrically opposed to that myth, for example, during the 1932 campaign, Franklin Roosevelt’s first vice president, John Garner, accused Herbert Hoover of “leading the country down the path of socialism.” Furthermore, FDR brain-truster, Rexford Tugwell admitted that, “most of what (Hoover) began would be taken over by Roosevelt and renamed the “New Deal.”
D. Progressive Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigned against virtually everything Hoover did. He promised to return to the policies of Harding and Coolidge (low taxes, low spending and non-interference), but once elected continued Hardings policies with a vengeance. Higher taxes, much higher spending. He also confiscated gold and then soon changed the exchange rate from $21.76 per ounce of gold to $35 per ounce, effectively robbing all savers and investors of 61% of the value of their holdings. FDR made even Hoover’s interference look like penny-ante stuff . . . among other things he created 40 brand new federal agencies. Far from saving the country from the depression, he and his policies turned a little ‘d’ depression into the Great Depression which the rest of the world suffering a little ‘d’ depression avoided. In fact, except for the outbreak of World War II, almost nine years after he was first elected, the Great Depression showed no signs of ceasing under FDR.
E. Just for comparison, Barack Obama is making Hoover and Roosevelt both look like pikers. Imagine this, in just one law (Obamacare), Obama has created more than 385 brand new government agencies about ten times what FDR did in 12+ years . . . in just one law. And, of course, like Hoover and FDR, Obama is raising taxes, raising spending, raising deficits, and raising the national debt while doing nothing about unemployment.
So what’s to be learned now that real history’s been unearthed? Well, the very first time (under Hoover and FDR) that government involved itself seriously in intervening to stop an economic downturn . . . just happens to coincide with the onset of the greatest downturn of all . . . almost as if government interference made things much worse, do you think? In comparison Harding 12 years earlier did what any sensible family or business would do in hard times . . . took in the belt a few extra notches. According to the Cato Institute:
“Harding inherited (Woodrow) Wilson’s mess—in particular, a post–World War I depression that was almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933 that FDR would later inherit. The estimated gross national product plunged 24 percent from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million to 4.9 million.”
So what did Harding do? He cut government spending from $6.3 billion in 1920, to $5 billion in 1921, and then again to $3.2 billion in 1922. This would amount to a negative stimulus package! Income taxes were left as is and corporate taxes were cut. There was no push for new regulations and the Federal Reserve did nothing.
What was the result of Harding’s negative stimulus package? By 1922, unemployment was down to 6.7% and the Roaring Twenties had begun. The economy set new production records year after year until the infamous Black Tuesday on October 29th, 1929 created by Hoover’s profligate policies.
Of course the Progressive historians have altered the facts significantly and made FDR a hero and Harding a villain. And befuddled by their own histories, they’ve made all the wrong conclusions over and over and over again and the country enamored of the false-legacy of FDR has eagerly joined them . . . .
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
My friend Tish Gance forwarded me the following which explains perfectly how false history comes to dominate our reality . . . .

Monkeys --

Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string

and place a set of stairs under it.

Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana.

As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all the other monkeys with cold water.

After a while another monkey makes the attempt with same result, all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water.

Pretty soon when another Monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put the cold water away. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one.

The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs.

To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the snot out of him. After another attempt and attack,

he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one.

The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked.

The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm.

Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth.

Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs he is attacked.

Most of the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs

OR even why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey. Finally, after replacing all of the

original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water.

Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana.

Why not?

Because as far as they know, that is the way it has always been done around here.

And that, my fellow monkeys, is how Congress operates -

And precisely why we need to REPLACE all the original monkeys this November

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Bill Ayers, Ghostwriter for

Obama’s ‘Dreams from My Father,’

Still Angry with Obama and MSM

Well over a year ago the long-suspected fact that Bill^^ Ayers, the Weather Underground bomb planter, edited; and also wrote great portions of Obama’s first autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” was made official in a book by Christopher Anderson, “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage.” It was also revealed at that time that Bill Ayers was angry with Obama for not forwarding his share of the royalties and not acknowledging his efforts; and ultra-angry with the mainstream media (MSM) for not giving him coverage for his “well-deserved” anger.

The same Obama-praising and Obama-protecting media which has long refused to cover stories harmful to the president or his administration has, a year later, still not covered the tiff between Ayers and Obama; not reported on Ayers’ authorship of the book; barely covered the existence of the book at all; and certainly not vetted the book which strongly hints at Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr.’s (his father’s) vehement communism and how it got him thrown out of Kenya’s socialistic government as a radical. Naturally they MSM has not hinted that in the matter of “Dreams from My Father,” the Dreams from our president’s father clearly included 100% taxation, confiscation of foreign businesses by Kenya, confiscation of private property, redistribution of wealth from Kenya’s White and Asian populace to their Blacks, frced governmental control of key businesses, etc., etc., ad nauseum . . . .


Anderson confirmed the fact that Ayers gave Obama “considerable help” in writing; and actually edited “Dreams from My Father.” “Michelle asked Ayers, a family friend, to help Barack with the book after first telling Barack he needed to get Ayers’ help,” according to Anderson’s best-seller. The close relationship between Ayers and Barack came up in several places in the book which also revealed a few times when Barack’s ambition seemed on the verge of destroying the marriage; how Michelle decided it must be Sotomayor nominated for the Supreme Court; Michelle’s extreme jealousy related to a female campaign worker; and that with deadline looming, Ayers received a bit of “finished writing” a huge compilation of notes and tape recorded material and taped interviews of African relatives, and several sections of partial manuscript . . . in short a mess . . . which he than rather expertly turned into the President’s first autobiography.

Anderson, who’s written books on the Bush Family, the Kennedy’s and other polical notables said that Obama took his wife’s advice and got Ayers’ help “. . . they were friends and had worked on various projects together, it was no secret.”

Ayers, who helped in the first effort at bombing a statue in Chicago (for the purpose of “inflicting police casulties”) has, after a long initial silence on the matter told several media people, “Yes, I wrote “Dreams from My Father, I ghostwrote the the whole thing. I met with (Obama) three or four times and then I wrote the entire book. And now I would like the royalties.” That complaint is still heard from Ayers today and still ignored by the MSM.

Anderson in his book said, “in the end Ayers’ contribution . . . would be significant . . . so much that the book’s language, oddly specific references, literary devices and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers’ own writing.” Certainly the subtle but never absent connection to Barak Obama, Sr.’s love of communism which cost him his cushy job in the Kenyan bureaucracy “because he could not keep his mouth shut” according to Barak, Jr.’s half sister . . . is a constant Ayers’ theme.

While his own communistic leanings continue today, Ayers’ who co-authored the book “Prairie Fire” in 1973 (dedicated to over 200 persons from the great Harriet Tubman; convicted Robert Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan; “and all political prisoners in the United States”) with several other members of the Weather Underground and wrote and published “Fugitive Days: a Memoir,” has a distinctive style that is little changed over the three decades since his first book. However, the two books strike completely different tones: the first book defiant; the latter one more thoughtful and even apologetic when describing his days with the “Greenwich Village Bomb-makers.”

Columnist Cashill on the American Thinker website complained about the liberal mainstream media’s desire to shield Barak Obama from all suggestion of problem activities and acquaintanceships. Americans, for example, got a five-minute story on the disgrace and resignation of Obama's "Green Jobs Czar" communist Van Jones where something similar in the Bush Administration would have surely garnered two or even three weeks worth of coverage. Cashill said, "There is no more stunning example of this than the reporting on Christopher Andersen's new best seller. Every major news outlet in the English-speaking world felt compelled to review the book," Cashill wrote, "Yet not a single reviewer, as far as I could tell, dared mention the book's most newsworthy revelation, namely that Bill Ayers substantially aided Barack Obama in the writing of his 1995 memoir, 'Dreams From My Father.'"

Only one oblique media reference mentioned Ayers’ part in creating the book, noting that a conservative blog connected Ayers to Obama’s first book and their Hyde Park (Chicago) friendship contained video of Ayers’ admission, but that “Ayers was joking, of course” without explaining how they had established Ayers’ frame of mind and lack of sincerity. As far as the “conservative blog” in question by Anne Leary in the Backyard Conservative website describing her interview with Ayers the blog was mentioned and discredited (and that was that) without any evidence for doing so by all the liberal media.

So, Weatherman Underground bomber Bill Ayers wrote Barak Obama’s first book and is angry that he’s not received his royalties; and with the liberal MSM who won’t give him coverage to express his ire . . . it’s enough to make any radical furious.

Every time, it seems, Obama has sought to distance himself from someone like Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, and Bill Ayers (on several occasions) and other unsavory types the media has obligingly dropped the matter immediately . . . apparently only patriotic conservatives need to be “followed up on” by the newshounds and extreme leftist presidents are presumed innocent forever. So much for the integrity of the American MSM and the once great "fourth estate."

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Today, by the way, the NY Times ran an extraordinarily sympathetic article on PFC Bradley Manning and the torments of his growing up “a geek” and gay to boot. Too bad that won’t stop any of the U.S. Military or Afghan deaths caused byManning’s willful leaking of 160,000 secret and top secret documents. Rajjpuut remembers a similar compassionate NY Times article on Bill Ayers that even showed understanding for Ayers’ bomb-planting . . . it ran on the morning of September 11, 2001 --- OOOOPS!

** dare we use the phrase “JournOList”???


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Rajjpuut Begins Weekly Media Evaluation

By any measure, July, 2010 was a Bad Day at Black Rock for the journalistic professionals, particularly the MSM (mainstream media). Hoping that July 31, marks the lowest of the low and a media resurgence is in the air . . . .

MEDIA MEASURES July 23 - 30, 2010

Rajjpuut hopes to stimulate the rebound of the American Journalistic Profession by running a weekly blog to be called “Media Measure” highlighting the best and the worst aspects of journalism over the past seven days. Since at present the weakest area of the media is political coverage, until further notice that will be the emphasis for Media Measure. But is such a blog truly necessary? Judge for yourself . . . .

The last full week in July, 2010, saw ten key stories play out in the political arena. Here’s a summary of what’s went on:

#1 Wikileak Reveals over 100,000 leaked Afghanistan War documents:

EVENT: A blogsite releases huge amounts of Field documents on the Afghanistan War many of which are covered in depth by the NY Times, etc.

IMPORTANCE: Unlike the “Pentagon Papers” released during the Viet Nam War this is NOT a case of our government lying to us, but rather someone getting a lot of secret documents and releasing them. It appears that the lives of troops on the ground are not that important and certainly in the Wikileak version, many Taliban informants are outright named in the documents putting their lives in danger. The NY Times ran the story but was about 95% effective in taking out names and GPS coordinates and other key information. Wiklieak and the NY Times both slanted things anti-war.

Best Reporting: ABC FOX NEWS CBS

Other: WS Journ jumped the shark to accuse liberal media of wanting to end the Afghan War without considering consequences. Excuse me? This is journalism, getting inside other journalists’s heads without proof? FACTS, FACTS, FACTS, please.

#2 JournoList Conspiracy to slant news

EVENT: After e-mail leaks, over 400 liberal journalists, academicians, media people are discovered to be involved in a thirteen-year old conspiracy via e-mail called JournoList to slant news coverage in the country.support Barack Obama and distract attacks on him using the terms “racist” and “racism.”

IMPORTANCE: Why is it that some seemingly important news doesn’t get covered while other trivial or even distorted stories are covered in sickening depth? This could be the answer. This 400+ person group conspired to lessen the impact of the “God Damn America” story with Obama’s reverend Wright by downplaying, by ignoring and by seeking or making unsubstatiated charges against conservative leaders. One woman journalist told the boys to bite the bullet on Wright that she was hurt “as a woman and a journalist” by having to ignore Monica, Jennifer Flowers, etc. for the good of the cause. These people conspired to make Barack Obama president and he succeeded.

Best Reporting: Only FOX NEWs covered the story with any depth; only FOX noted that JournoList had become extinct overnight, but that the group was still getting together as a new listserv group called CabalList.

Other: The Wall Street Journal has long criticized the MSM for left-leaning media bias, now when the proof is handed them, they completely bumble the coverage. WSJ did a horrible job on the two main stories of the week.

#3 Obama and Biden Begin “Summer of Recovery Tour”

Event: The President and VP are campaigning under the guise of a “look what great things we’ve done for you” evaluation of the economic situation.

Importance: Media coverage is automatic. If Media doesn’t put the “tour” in its proper light (a propaganda event at every stop rather than as hard news (which Obama prefers) than the Big Lie that “He’s saved us from a Great Depression” has a chance at being successfully sold and the administration's failure to provide jobs will be overlooked. Rather than using the Stimulus money back in early 2009 as one would expect, NOW, the administration is releasing a bunch of it to highlight their “tour."

Best Reporting: only FOX News and WSJ questioned the administrations, facts figures and conclusions every step of the way. Virtually all the rest of the media all the time covered the events as isolated incidents and gave ultra-positive coverage to the adminstration.

#4 and #5 and #6 Reverse-Racism Scandals Rock the DOJ + Sherrod firing by the Agriculture Department

Events: A) Obama appointee Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez, heading up the DOJ, has told a roomful of Department of Justice Employees there is “no interest” in investigating or prosecuting voter-intimidation or discrimination cases with White victims and Black perpetrators; and that the DOJ will not investigate violations of the Motor Voter Law “because it would dampen turnout.” B) the DOJ dropped a case won by the Bush administration against four New Black Panthers who intimidated a Black poll watcher and White voters in Philadelphia during the Presidential elections giving one Panther less than a slap on the wrist “punishment” and exonerating the rest. In another “racially-tinged matter, the administration, the Agriculture Department and the NAACP all rushed to judgment and fired a Black employee for racism; then reviewed the evidence and sought to apologize while accusing FOX News of causing their mistake.

IMPORTANCE: Is that the Department of INjustice? The first “post-racial” president has used the words “race,” “racism” and “racist” as the cornerstone of their reason for being and as their excuse for every charge of incompetence brought against them. Accusations are treated most often by the mainstream media as PROOF without further investigation (such as the “N-word” controversy during the Obamacare vote passage . . . despite literally hundreds of videocameras, the N-word was never used at that event). FOX news actually dragged its feet and did NOT cover the story until after Ms. Sherrod was fired despite administration and NAACP claims to the contrary. Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity of FOX covered the firing and the abbreviated video clip condemning Sherrod as the NAACP had and as the president and Agri-Dept did in firing her. O’Reilly and Hannity apologized to Ms. Sherrod once they had the full tapes (apologies do NOT happen in the MSM even though they have much more to apologize for than FOX).

Best Reporting: No one looked particularly good WSJ with a B- and FOX with a C+ were easily best. The rest of the media ran the NAACP and administration line that FOX had caused the Sherrod fiasco without checking it out, and of course, never apologized to FOX. Most importantly, the MSM ignored the Julie Fernandez and Black Panther stories for the most part and earned an F- as a group.

#7 White House memo on Amnesty by Presidential Edict is revealed

Event: An undated White House memo discusses the option of Presidential Directive to provide Amnesty for illegal aliens without resorting to congress

Importance: President Obama seems bent upon making the U.S. congress a rubber-stamp organization or totally irrelevant. This is clearly an unconstitutional act being contemplated

Best Reporting: ABC A FOX News B+ Too often FOX opinion commentators get off track forgetting that opinion is only valid if facts are there to support them. ABC was truly the “fair and balanced” people on this story. The problem was that there was just too little evidence to allow conjecture of the sort that FOX’s Hannity for example allowed himself to make. FOX New’s straight news coverage was actually a bit better than ABC’s but FOX opinion folk need to learn restraint. Yes, 55% of the voters now DO call Obama a “socialist” but moving from there to dictator in one fell swoop is not professional without evidence to back it up.

Lesser Stories: #8 Gulf Oil Leak Nearing Resolution? #9 Arizona Anti-Illegal Immigration Law #10 Pelosi and Rangel Scandal

Events: Ongoing long-time hard news stories

Importance: is treatment objective and accurate? Does media hold government accountable?

Best Reporting: FOX News far and away A+. Wall St. Journal A- The MSM did its best coverage on the oil spill, BP and the moratorium, but many downplayed the moratorium story, thus protecting Obama. MSM showed very little appetite for Rangel’s corruption proceedings and totally went to bat for Obama in virtually all coverage of the Arizona law. According to the MSM, Rajjpuut, a half-Hispanic is an overt racist because he thinks the prefix “il” in the word “illegal” means something.

OVERALL GRADES for the Week of July 23-30, 2010:


Wall St. Jour C+




PBS 40%

WASH Post 30%

NY Times 10%

CNN Totally irrelevant

Critical Commentary:

FOX needs to remember that no one needs or wants pure opinion without a strong factual basis.

The Wall Street Journal with its narrower “business” orientation does work at a handicap to broadbased news organizations but can do better.

ABC showed itself capable of hard news treated evenly and in depth with: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/immigration-memo-republicans-accuse-obama-administration-scheming-amnesty/story?id=11288210

but needs to totally revamp to once again regain the glory of its earlier history.

CBS “Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? Or you Walter Cronkite?

NBC It’s been a long, long fall since Huntley-Brinkley.

PBS This is what the nation and “viewers like you” are paying for?

Washington Post Until they re-learn what journalism is about there is little hope. One only wonders if Mr. Obama gives them plenty of orgasms while bedding them.

NY Times Pushed the progressive Democrat agenda all week long. While it did much better than Wikileak, it still endangered our troops and Taliban informers unnecessarily.

CNN Back in the '90's, Rajjpuut some days would watch CNN coverage 3-4 hours a day, but look at their vaunted political coverage now:



· Broken Government

· CNN Polling Center

· State of the Union Address

· Midterm Elections

· The 44th President: The First Year

· Edward Kennedy: 1932-2009

· The Sotomayor Vote

· Election Center 2008

· Freshman Year

· Transition to Power

· The 44th President: Inauguration

· The 44th President: First 100 Days

Over all: A very bad week all around. Rajjpuut earned a 3.92 GPA and was his university’s “Academic Excellence Award” in Journalism winner, but takes no pride in that now . . . what a sorry disgraceful week to call oneself a “journalist!”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


Read more…
How, Why the Republican Party has Failed both America
and Conservatives and What's to Be Done about It

Liberal Yahoo and the ultra- liberal Associated Press have both shown great insight and generated greater incitement (stimulus to action) for the opposing parties in the November elections and outlined how they’ll probably play out . . . .


In the excellent article linked just above, Charles Babington of the AP says that “Democrats and Republicans are framing the elections in starkly different terms, with GOP strategists painting it as a national referendum on President Barack Obama and the party in power, and Democrats working feverishly to make all politics local.” Rajjpuut who, in his school teaching days could boast of coaching several Colorado State Chess Team Champions, agrees whole-heartedly because the art of politics should be successfully conducted as a strategic magic act for the have nots; and a strategic trench warfare for the haves. Just as the Democrats were in most people’s eyes, the haves in 2006 and 2008 (they were perceived as having the issues on their side); in 2010, clearly conservatives have the issues favoring them. In a larger sense, however, this strategic view clearly underlines the failings of the Republican Party to represent the needs of the nation and of its conservatives over the last 109 years as Progressivism^^ has progressively brought the country more and more evil and closer and closer to utter ruin.

When good men fail to act effectively, evil gains a toe-hold. When good men fail to understand their cause, evil makes its case. When good men fail to act, evil comes to power. When good men fail to act and to understand, evil comes to dominate. When good men act wrongly either by failing to act or failing to understand or both evil WINS. This short paragraph outlines why and how the Republican Party has failed conservatives and the country in the past, is failing them now, and will (unless serious change occurs) continue to fail conservatives and America in the future. More on this later

. . . .

When coaching his scholastic champion chess teams, Rajjpuut made a point of hammering away at tactics as a blended-subsidiary to strategy so that whether elementary, middle school or high schoolers were involved . . . the big picture always stood out stark and clear: own the center, develop and coordinate your pieces, before you touch a piece or pawn (touch-move rule in championship events) prefer attack to defense; then stop, ask yourself the question “What could go wrong?” If nothing could go wrong, you’ve selected your move and except for finding a better one which also has no downside . . . you’re moving toward victory. Throw in good tactics and knowing how to crush in the endgame and victory was virtually assured.

This approach was gained from studying management principles at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas via the Kepner-Tregoe Management System . . . clearly the Republican Party could benefit from understanding and complying with good management principles, the basic economic and constitutional imperatives of Republicanism, and the underlying common sense fundamentals of free market economics.

Our neighborhood was recently plagued by a Democratic campaign worker for the more liberal of that party’s senate candidates (Ex-speaker of the state house Romanoff who was running against semi-moderate Bennett. Romanoff had been considering running for governor but didn’t wish to contest the seat against popular ex-Denver mayor and the whole nation is, thanks to Obama’s efforts to influence Romanoff to drop the race against Bennett as well as the Sestak issue in Pennsylvania, aware of this particular race). The fellow was a polite and curious sort and discussed politics with Rajjpuut for roughly 25 minutes. Here’s what impressed him – our progresive opposition -- the most:

1. That our $13 TRillion national debt was the least of our problems.

2. That the $110 TRillion in unfounded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid) were not being addressed by either party.

3. That congress had recently done a great thing with its Pay-Go law requiring that before any new spending measure can be passed a way to pay for it either by instituting a new tax or by cutting spending be found . . . . but that congress had since passing that law refused to use Pay-go even once since, just as it had failed to honor the set-asides for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and thus since 1934 has built up that $110 TRillion in unfunded liabilities.

4. That Obama has told the nation his energy policies will “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket” and that he’s told the San Francisco Chronicle his policies will “bankrupt the coal industry.”

5. That Obama has promised (threatened?) to create five million new green jobs when green technology is NOT yet viable. That Spain in 1997 led Europe with a booming economy and only 3% unemployment before they turned to green jobs and today Spain has 21% unemployment and is, next to Greece, the weakest economy in Europe. That according to a Spanish study each green job required $667,000 in subsidies which cost the real economy 2.2 jobs. And because only 10% of the green jobs proved permanent (the vast majority lasted from three months to eighteen months) that meant that IF Obama instituted his five million green jobs it was likely that only 500,000 of them would prove permanent at the cost of eleven million jobs in the real (unsubsidized) economy a 22/1 ratio that perfectly explains why Spain’s economy went south.

6. Yes, green tech would be ideal, but green tech is not yet viable. So it would make much more sense instead of subsidizing $677,000 for one green job . . . to subidize instead $6.77 Billion for research for the top hundred winners in green-tech viability from a national contest judged by the best scientists available and seeing if that stimulus can get us a green-tech Edison and a highly desirable green-tech future based on independent American innovation.

7. And tah-dah! more than anything else the following information impressed the Democrat and he took down the particulars to research later on his home computer:

A. This crucial website (the most famous brief essay in ecomics and the simple and utter refutation of Keynesian approaches such as Obama’s stimulus-stimulus and more stimulus approaches) explains what free markets are and what their strengths are:


B. Information about this site:


and after hearing the “one lesson” (from “Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt, linked just above) he too realized that: when you look at economic situations which present themselves you must get the whole picture not just the supposedly desirable government spending stimulus plan. And then illustrating the one lesson with the briefest of fables: “The Broken Window Parable,” which utterly and totally caught him by surprise and clearly delighted him (both linked right here) . . .



Thus we now come to the logical question, how has the Republican Party failed the nation and its conservatives for 109 years? Remembering that Rajjpuut is a Libertarian and NOT a Republican and that the Republican Party is the minority party in this country . . . .

A. Republicans have failed to understand who and what the enemy is. That enemy is and has been Progressivism and Progressives since Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, became the first notable Progressive. Not saying that Teddy Roosevelt didn’t do any good . . . just that he was the first president to champion Progressive causes which later in the hands of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter and to a lesser extent Bill Clinton and George W. Bush led us to our present disastrous economic collapse. Republicans haven’t been able to effectively oppose progressivism and get support against progressivism from would-be conservatives because they don’t understand it themselves.

B. Most Republicans do NOT understand Republicanism (the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution is the most Republican document in the history of the world; and the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights taken in conjunction with the doctrine of Separation of Church and State are by far the most important parts of the Bill of Rights the spark plug for all the other Amendments) and . . . because they do NOT understand Republicanism, they cannot and do not explain Republicanism well and thus educate liberal, Democratic-conservative and independent-conservative voters.

C. Many Republicans continuously and deliberately violate Republicanism by opposing Separation of Church and state in Public Schools. The Founding Fathers (virtually all of them Christian) did NOT set up a Christian nation, they deliberately set up a nation where ALL religions would be welcome but in which no one particular religion could dominate (remembering the problems with England's state supported church) and endanger our freedoms. If you want one reason why Independent and Democratic conservatives are more likely to abstain or to vote Democtat, this is the one.

D. Two isues here, Republican corruption as shown in sexual and business scandals on the one hand and the simple fact that most Republicans have ceaselessly been UNTRUE to fundamental Republican principles such as fiscal conservativism; limited federal government; adherence to the Constitution; protection of our borders; and balanced budgets. Most Americans are conservative on these issues and have been routinely disappointed by Republican candidates promising to adhere to these principles and then abandoning them once in office. ALL Americans are conservative on political integrity.

E. Anti-abortion and even Anti-contraception are linked in much of the public’s collective mindset as Republican values. History has linked the Republican Party to this stance and it is why many women vote for Democrats. If Republicans had a stance that the Independent voter could buy into that would be one thing, and it would probably NEVER cost even one vote. However, Republicans have adopted a losing argument and paraded it before the public as the most visible aspect of Republicanism.

That losing argument is that abortion should be denied to victims of incest; victims of rape; mothers whose health is endangered; very young girls; and other victims in extraordinary cases.

Americans pride themselves on rooting for the underdog and the victim and consider old Republican opposition to contraception and family planning as totally unjustified state interference (10th Amendment again) into their personal lives.

Because that old Republican stance is so unwieldy, progressive opponents have made the Republican Party look outdated and uncaring. Abortion (unfortunately abortion virtually on demand), has been the law of the land for thirty-eight years now. One could argue that abortion (freedom over one’s body in exigent circumstances like those named above) and contraception and the resulting freedom to plan one’s family size and spacing are actually Republican causes, but in any case, because the Republican Party deliberately adopted the losing argument outlined in italics above . . . for most voters abortion on demand by contrast to the obdurate Republican stand seemed preferable. For women, in particular, this hardened Republican anti-victim stand has made the Republican Party a political destination to avoid.

To sum it up: politics is a game of strategy and tactics. The United States Constitution is the greates winning political game plan ever created. The U.S. Constitution is a decidedly conservative document designed to protect state, county, and local freedoms as well as individual freedoms against the ever-present tendency of centralized governments to expand and become more expensive and more intrusive. We are now in big trouble because for roughly 109 years, the Republican Party, the standard-bearer for conservativism has not stood strong against progressivism. In all strategic encounters, the basic rule of victory is this: find a strategic and tactical path that makes your own strengths the single most important consideration at issue and your opponent’s strengths of negligible import, while effectively managing your own weaknesses and exposing your opponent’s weaknesses and making them them of paramount importance. So let it be written, so let it be done . . . .

Right now and for all the foreseeable future, only overt and honorable conservativism (fiscally and Constitutionally) can save us. The Republican Party needs to re-invent itself in light of and in line with the party’s original conservative, Libertarian values (fiscal and Constitutional conservativism, strong borders and strong national defense, and largely a live-and-let- live social** agenda). No single election has been more crucial in the history of our country and the Republican Party must deliver or the nation is quite likely LOST!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** for example, gay unions are fine and allow them all the rights of cohabiting common-law people, but don’t call it marriage and NEVER allow gay adoption
^^ It's important for ALL thinking Americans to carefully consider this definition of Progressivism: "The perceived need to 'progress' beyond our 'out-dated' and 'ill-conceived' United States Constitution." Rajjpuut believes this is NOT only the most accurate definition of progressivism but also the most telling of the evil inherent in that movement. Progressivism in practice becomes a creeping (Fabian) socialism and moves the nation toward utter statism and communism.

Read more…

Rajjpuut has a pretty shameful story to tell you. A story involving the progressive (We need to progress beyond that outdated Constitution”) politicians’ cap and trade bill, British Petroleum, Al Gore and Barack Obama and all the “usual suspects tied into the shameless Chicago Climate eXchange (CCX), and an incredibly incompetent Ken Salazar and MMS (oops we mean an incredibly incompetent Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement now run by Ken Salazar). There’s plenty of blame to go around, but after doling out accurately and precisely the obvious and semi-obvious blame . . . it’s time to point out what seems to be a potential conspiracy. But, more on that after we take care of “ordinary business” first.

Barack Obama recently claimed during part of his non-ending speechifying that “the Buck stops here” while then going on to blame the Bush Administration for the Gulf oil spill within the next three minutes. Now, ten weeks and counting since the explosion that killed eleven men and caused this disaster, it’s time enough for settling responsibility and doing so accurately. It’s obvious the British Petroleum explosion and ensuing Gulf of Mexico oil Spill is a horrendous environmental disaster. British Petroleum is getting the vast majority of the criticism but in truth, the federal government’s Minerals Management Service (MMS which has now changed its name to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement --a la Nancy Pelosi changing the name of the “public option” to the “citizen’s option” when she was trying to win Obamacare votes) . . . in any case, MMS signed off on safety requirements, not met, from regulations passed in 1990 and 1994 and in Rajjpuut’s eyes MMS, whose job was to protect us from exactly this sort of thing . . . MMS bears most of the blame for the explosion and fire and leak, here’s why . . . .

Most distressing, ten fire booms were required by law to be on the site when in fact there were zero, none, nil, zip, nada to stop the fire. MMS was so deliriously incompetent that they were in the process of awarding BP a safety award for that very same Macondo Drilling Site where the Deepwater Horizon operated. All this becomes even more troubling when you realize that BP began having problems with the Macondo site and mysterious “cracks” as early as February 3rd of this year. At first they did not seem serious, but by February 13th, ten days later, they were acknowledged to be worth reporting and MMS and Ken Salazar and Barak Obama came into that knowledge then or shortly afterward. The American public was never informed.

One University of California engineer described an incident that then happened shortly after this, this way: “I’m telling you, they almost blew the whole damn rig sky high.” Now, if there were ever a time for MMS to insist upon full implementation of safety measures and to “call a moratorium on drilling” at the Macondo site until everything was 100% copasetic and to call in those ten fire booms . . . this was the time. But this was never done, was it even contemplated? Again, the American public was NOT informed. Salazar has not been called to task for his failures which is what Obama would have done were he a strong leader . . . and Obama has still not informed the American public of the full listing of BP problems ten weeks before the explosion or the full listing of MMS failures. Instead, apparently with his approval MMS has changed its name. Now that’s really taking responsibility, Mr. Prez!

So the explosion and SPILL can be blamed about 52% on MMS and Ken Salazar the Secretary of the Interior; about 48% on British Petroleum and roughly 100% of the cover-up of the early problems and not informing the public, can be attributed to Salazar and Obama. ‘Nuff said, now there’s the matter of the clean-up (before we get to the incredible little ‘potential conspiracy’ that needs to be unearthed for our readers) . . . .

While it’s well-known that Barack Obama has never once taken any responsibility for any problems of his administration, the Buck really does stop with him. How surprising is it that after a fire and an explosion that an oil spill might occur? Here it is on his and Salazar’s watch and absolutely NO PROACTIVITY takes place. From his days studying Kepner-Tregoe Management techniques, Rajjpuut can tell you that the first question out of the mouth of Obama and Salazar needed to be, “An explosion, what else could go wrong?” And they needed to be have Salazar on site and the president informed from the get-go. And within hours when it’s known that oil is leaking . . . a plan to avoid the hideous problems we’re now facing needs to be in place to save the beaches, the jobs and the wildlife as much as possible. Let us put 70% of the blame on Obama (the buck stops there) and 30% upon Salazar for not knowing enough about simple management principles that they could immediately spot that oil on the beaches, and oil ruining fishing and tourism was a very likely potential problem they needed to deal with. Obama has repeatedly said he and his administration was “on it” from day one . . . well, once again “Day One” was actually February 13th and they certainly weren’t “engaged” back then. And “Day One” after the explosion didn’t show any engagement either . . . but, in any case, the real problem comes now down to Barack Obama’s total lack of leadership – total lack.

The unions that are so vital to Barak Obama don’t want foreigners coming in to help the clean up . . . so Barack Obama refuses to waive the Jones Act so that none of the 14 nations (many with extensive clean up expertise and clean up experience) who volunteered their time, effort, manpower and expertise to help with the clean-up have been allowed in to help by Obama himself. Obama, only had to say, “that’s nonsense” we’ll take whatever help we can and we'll take it now and then waive the Jones Act, his precious unions be damned.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has in at least fifteen different instances proved to be severely delaying the clean-up, and blocking the clean up, and blocking the protection of the beaches and wetlands, and blocking removal of the oil from the Gulf itself. What? I hear you saying, the EPA is delaying the clean-up? the EPA is blocking the cleanup? The EPA is blocking protection of the beaches and wetlands? The EPA is blocking removal of oil from the Gulf itself? Yes, that’s exactly what the EPA is doing.

Item: The EPA insisted upon running “environmental impact studies” over several weeks before allowing much clean-up activity to even begin. They're worried about little problems ten years down the road, when Aramageddon approaches?

Item: The EPA has decided that virtually no berms, preventing the oil from reaching the beaches and wetlands can be built.

Item: The EPA has decided that all skimmers which remove the oil must comply with ordinary EPA standards (rather than creating emergency standards in keeping with the emergency situation) and others canNOT skim the oil . . . so by insisting that helpful ships not be allowed to go 10% over ordinary very tight standards they have allowed virtually 100% of the oil mess to stay unskimmed.

Item: the EPA has insisted that 200 skimmers located elsewhere cannot come to the Gulf because they just might be needed in an emergency right where they are now. Let’s see once big accident in 30 years of offshore drilling, what are the odds?

Item: the EPA has not approved of even one from the over 2,000 ideas that have been generated by concerned Americans and American businesses for deep clean-up of the spill on the beaches and wetlands. Some of these ideas are so simple and so cheap (like bringing in hay and domestic plant refuse such as corn stalks to soak up about 70% of their weight in oil) and so effective one can only wonder how much better the situation would be if they’d been in place, say from Day three.

Item: that humongus white boat named the “Whale”, you’ve seen in so many stories about the Gulf, has the capacity in one day to skim up virtually as much oil as has been collected in all the days over the ten plus weeks since the Gulf disaster occurred, but she stays in port because she might put some oil into the water, tsk, tsk and the EPA doesn’t approve . . .
And there’s the Occupational Safety and Health Administration a.k.a. OSHA which is insisting that clean-up workers can only work 20 minutes straight in a given hour. That wouldn’t slow things down, would it? The Coast Guard has gone around forcing skimming ships back to port because they were one life jacket short for the number of workers . . . now that’s beautiful! All this nonsense, bespeaks one sad fact: Neither Barack Obama nor Ken Salazar is a leader. When managing any problem and, in particular, when managing a crisis, the most important things are:

1. Get all the information possible from all the credible sources possible

2. Understand what is going wrong, and what must be done about it

3. Among all the possible goals, understand what is crucial, what is merely necessary, what is just “nice”, and what actually impedes success and progress . . . that is set priorities for goals

4. Communicate that big picture and those priorities

5. Keep monitoring the situation closely

It’s safe to say that Salazar and Obama have missed the boat continuously and are still missing it today when it comes to clean-up and prevention of oil spill related problems for the people of the Gulf. Barack, in particular, has routinely and continuously been saying things that aren’t so, (“on the job from Day One?”) and it appears that his lying is contagious, for example his Feds have said repeatedly that roughly 140 skimmers were at work, but the maximum counted by aerial survey was a mere 31 . . . but let’s get to the big surprise story . . . something that smacks of an awful and terrible conspiracy . . . say it ain’t so, Barack, say it ain’t so . . . well . . . .

The well-known point of view of the environmentalists; the cap and trade activists; the global-warming activists; the green jobs industry (for which Barack Obama promised to provide five million green jobs); and Barack Obama and Al Gore and Maurice Strong and all their scores of Chicago Climate eXchange (CCX) cronies like Joel Rogers and George Soros and that other GS and its people (Yep, Goldman Sachs owns 10% of CCX) and Franklin Raines . . . the key fact is that they’d all be so much, much better off if oil drilling came to a virtual stop and America immediately transformed itself (with government help and most importantly with CCX help) into a green energy country like Spain (unemployment there now 21% but was only 3% in 1997). Obama’s ridiculous six month offshore drilling moratorium is just one expression of their malevolent eyes turned against the oil industry, never mind that immediately instituting those policies would scoot our way of life back to about 1890 . . . . Ah, but now comes the crux of the matter. Guess who else is indirectly involved in CCX and likely to benefit from passage of the cap and trade bill Obama’s pushing right now? Take your wildest guess . . . we’ll wait. Answer below . . .

Ho Hum . . . .

Ho hum . . . .

Do re mi fa sol la ti do! Tah-dah
British Petroleum (BP) owns 7.59% of an entity known as ICE which also owns Obama-Gore-Rogers and Sandors' CCX entity. (No, ICE is NOT the Immigration Control and Enforcement agency) This ICE stands for Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. and is just a cover for CCX, indeed the infamous Richard Sandor (“Carbon Exchange will be a $10 Trillion a year business . . . “) who presides over our little CCX is also on the ICE board of directors -- they’re also in the carbon emissions trading business, of course. ICE is an entity nominally located in London, England near Al Gore’s special little operation Generation Investment Management, you may have heard of it – Gore’s the Biggest of GIM's bigwigs and they are a major owner of CCX, but its real headquarters is Atlanta, GA, USA. So BP is an owner of ICE and BP stands to make a fortune doing NOTHING, not drilling, not supplying oil or any product or service but just for owning a big share of the Carbon-Trading Swindle** we're talking about here. . . hmmmm makes a body shiver, no? It's even conceivable that should cap and trade pass, BP would make more money for doing nothing than they now make drilling for oil. Imagine that!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**Yes, George Soros is the second largest investor in Petrobras (Brazilian Oil) and yes they did recently get a several billion dollar loan from the Obama administration to drill at 14,041 feet, but that’s only small potatoes in the scheme of this horrific scam on the American people . . . . here’s the important stuff: Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle his policies would “bankrupt the coal industry” and he’s mentioned on several occasions that his policies would “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket.” Actually that was only a half-truth. Here’s the real truth: The United States economy is $15 TRillion worth of goods and services. Mr. Sandor has fairly accurately stated that carbon-trading (selling blue sky, literally) which adds not a single product or service to the U.S. economy will be a $10 TRillion industry. So without adding any benefit, we will, in effect be taxed $10 TRillion giving us a $25 TRillion economy. All prices will rise on average by 67% ($25 TRillion divided by $15 TRillion = 167%) and entities like ICE and CCX and all those who own and run them (including BP) and non-productive (but non-polluting) businesses created by entities like ACORN and the progressive foundations (mentioned here in the next link) will rob all the rest of us and push our standard of living back 120 years:

So the oil spill response hasn't been very efficient and seems to be dithering along, does it, well that might not be so bad for Mr. Obama, Mr. Gore, BP and the usual gang of crooks involved with CCX . . . just thought we'd mention that just in case you missed it because the American mainstream media refuses to cover any news Obama and his gang don’t approve of, here’s what an ultra-liberal but NOT progressive esteemed European source had to say about Climate Gate and "global warming":


So it seems the Gulf oil spill response has been very ineffective with huge amounts of dithering every step of the way? Perhaps that's not consider too bad by BP, Barack Obama, Al Gore and the CCX people?

Read more…
Climate Alarmists: CO2 Will Cool
Stratosphere, Cause Dangerous Smog

The Climate Gate scandal may have convinced all of Europe that Man-Caused Global Warming was poppycock,


(although if they'd paid attention, long before, almost 31, 500 American scientists including over 9,400 PhDs among them, announced to the world that global warming was junque science and man-caused global warming was the ultimate in junque science)


but all along the American mainstream liberal media has refused to research the story of East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit’s (CRU) Climate Gate, their willful politicization of science to benefit itself with over $34 million in grant money all the while selling out and attempting to discredit real scientific work and real scientists.

Now on top of that, alarmists trying to win back the Europeans and the Oceanic region (Australia was one of the earliest “rebel” groups) to the notion of global warming, have more junque science popping upon their blog scene. If you were to type “global warming upper atmosphere cooling” into your yahoo browser you’d find 1, 870,022 hits. For example take this website run by the infamous weather underground (You know them, don't you? They're the late 60’s bomb-planting radicals including Obama's good friend and ghostwriter Bill Ayers now a "noted educator."):


The weather underground and a large percentage of the blogsites are now saying, "Oooops, we mean to say 'global climate change,' we meant to say the real problem with carbon dioxide is that regardless of what happens here on the surface of the earth, it makes the uppermost levels of the atmosphere COLDER and then that coldness will cause smog around the globe, and that smog will be dangerous to all life on earth, uh, we think. The new crusade for junque science alarmism then is that air pollution we call smog will soon come from carbon dioxide cooling the upper atmosphere and allowing ozone to drop through two layers and back to the earth: balderdash! Should that happen we’d have a tremendous early warning system to warn us it was starting: we’d see the jet streams around the globe increasing in speed by roughly 60%.

Supposedly, the beneficial repair of the ozone layer (you do remember the growing “ozone hole” around the south pole” in 1985?) has now dramatically increased the probability of carbon-dioxide caused smog according to a recent study by Guang Zeng and her colleagues from New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research says that that the repair of the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer (in concert with climate change – she can’t drop that junk science, can she?) may do great harm as well as good.

The good, of course, is increased protection from harmful cosmic rays and is not debatable. The great “harm” she describes is definitely problematical and definitely attached to global warming (which, so far as real sciences can say is a myth), which should be enough said, however, let’s understand this new devil aiming to plague us, and let’s understand him well . . . .

Detailed in the May edition of Geophysical Research Letters, the study supposedly revealed variations in atmospheric circulation due to climate change will inevitably cause a 43% increase in gas leaked between the stratosphere and the troposphere, a layer of Earth's air nearer the earth’s surface and our air supply. As more and more ozone is replenished in the earth’s stratosphere supposedly it will also have more opportunities to seep into the air we breathe . Ground level ozone and pure smog are without a doubt dangerous air pollutants, no doubt, but you’ll notice that it’s again all based upon global warming’s junque science and it fundamentally requires ozone to switch directions mysteriously and then mysteriously cross two atmospheric levels going in the wrong direction . . . . hmmm . . . . let’s just go ahead and call that mysterious “switch-directions decision” by the ozone (caused by increases in levels of carbon dioxide, of course) the “Al Gore factor,” yeah!

So it comes down to a leap of faith, global warming alarmists WILL themselves to believe that ozone which they say tends to rise from the earth’s surface and be found near the border between the two atmospheric layers seeks to mysteriously “reproduce itself” in greater numbers by creating the leak from the upper atmosphere and from the ozone layer itself . . . . excuse me, but it sure sounds like conjecture, not science, and wasn’t it conjecture that first said in 1972, we were polluting and pushing ourselves to an ice age . . . and then in about 1988 began to babble incoherently about unescapable global warming. And last Rajjpuut checked, global warming was still little more than a myth pushed for money, power and other political ends.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


Read more…

A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting Birdie Balls** in the park. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . but first a bit of background . . . .

Since the mainstream media outlets refuse to cover stories that make Barack Obama and Al Gore look bad, such as this one from over six months ago which took the British press by storm:

http://www. timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article6936289.ece


one can’t help but wonder, “What exactly do our mainstream American newspapers and TV networks know that these two leading London papers, including the ultra-liberal London Times, just a stone’s throw from the Climate-Gate scandal nexus at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in East Anglia University haven’t a clue about?” And then there’s this infamous Obama half-truth . . . .


Why “infamous,” and why a “half-truth” you ask? Well, there’s Barack Obama directly telling all of us, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket . . . ” and yet what’s really happening is NOT really an admission by him that “to do the right thing for America, Americans are going to have to suffer a bit at the gas pump and suffer a whole lot more paying their electricity bills” (which is bad enough since global-warming is actually a lie) but all the while he’s saying this, he and his cronies are going to make all prices (not just electricity) in America jump by roughly 67%^^ even without inflation factored in. And 40% of all the money spent in America would be siphoned off by the numerous guilty parties involved . . . .



If these two stories are solid, and Rajjpuut UNequivocally tells you, “They’re SOLID,” then it’s the biggest scandal America has ever known. However, once again the mainstream American media won’t touch the story. Why not? Rajjpuut was his university's Academic Excellence Award Winner in journalism and if there's one thing he understands it's what goes into making a big story from the media's point of view . . . and this one truly amounts to a HUGE story. It amounts to big headlines and . . . it is, we remind you, 100% solid . . . it involves some huge names . . . it represents the greatest scam ever perpetrated upon the American people . . . somehow, somehow that Rajjpuut can't figure out their reluctance is related to the story above which the American mainstream media refused to even refer to once (can they be that committed to global warming as undeniable truth?) . . . and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to follow the story, Rajjpuut has and you can easily do so yourself. The corruption involved touches Barack Obama, Al Gore, the Goldman Sachs investment firm Fannie Mae; 10-12 huge and well-known progressive (“We must progress beyond the U.S. Constitution . . .”) non-profit foundations; and a repeating cast of socialist-marxist characters (whose names keep popping up every time you investigate the leadership of the CCX <Chicago Climate eXchange> Joel Rogers, Van Jones, Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong, etc., etc. ad nauseum); the semi-bankrupt Shore Bank in Chicago and the owners or board of directors all tied into a plan to cheat Americans out of $10 TRillion a year.

So back to paragraph #1 above, this blog began saying, “A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting “Birdie Balls” in the park near his old Longmont home. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . .”

About 40 yards away, a blue-black car (Lexus?) pulled up and parked. About ten seconds later the car’s horn was honked twice after a particularly long and true draw shot. A slender brunette woman in a teal form-hugging dress in heels emerged from the driver’s side and walked half-way toward him, then stopped and said, “You’re Rajjpuut (badly mispronouncing the name in the process -- "RaHHH-Poot" is correct) the guy blogging about CCX and cap and trade for the TEA Party?”

Rajjpuut was stunned, he thought he was pretty much anonymous. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Tipper knows so she’s going to get a divorce.”

Rajjpuut was ultra-stunned. The woman turned and ran back to her vehicle. Suddenly understanding, he yelled after her, “Who are you? How do you know this?” but got no response.

As he felt both his blood and all his power draining away to his feet, Rajjpuut murmurred the only thing that came to mind, “Tell Glenn Beck,” suddenly he realized she couldn’t hear him so he yelled out at the top of his lungs, “Please, TELL Glenn Beck!”

She turned to look at him for an instant, then opened the door and drove quickly away.

It appeared her license plate was the green and white mountains outline that all Coloradoans are familiar with. Rajjpuut had not worn his glasses . . . . Needless to say, Rajjpuut hooked or sliced every swing over the next quarter hour. Was it a hoax? Who was she? How did she find him? Was someone playing an elaborate prank? What was going wrong with his swing? Was somebody right then and there laughing away at his expense? What am I doing wrong to cause all these hooks? Does this women really know something? Can I blog this, dare I blog this, I have no real source? How likely was it that someone in Colorado who knows Tipper Gore reads my blogs? I was doing so great, why couldn't she have come by half an hour later? Was this real? Did I dare blog it?

Yesterday, the news came out that Al and Tipper Gore were getting divorced or getting separated depending upon which source you read. Today the news came out that Barack Obama was making a concerted effort to revive his cap and trade bill “America’s Power Act” and was using the Gulf oil spill to move toward “100% energy independence” based upon green-energy## sources and “totally ending dependence upon fossil fuels.” Sounds like her story’s been confirmed . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



^^ the figure given in the article of $15 TRillion is presumed an exaggeration of 50%; the correct figure is ONLY roughly $10 TRillion. The American economy right now amounts to $15 TRillion so adding $10 TRillion on top of it unnecessarily without adding one single manufactured good or one single provided service means that everything in the economy that costs, say, $15.00 will now cost $25.00 an increase of roughly 67%.

## Which sounds like a plan much worse than what recently bankrupted Spain. Spain had about 3% unemployment and was the economic poster-child for the European Union around 2001. Today they’re suffering under roughly 21% unemployment after instigating a green-jobs program. After Greece, Spain may well be the next European domino to fall . . . .

Read more…

Unable to Live with Husband’s Hypocrisy

and Lies? Tipper Gore Opts for Divorce

A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting Birdie Balls** in the park. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . but first a bit of background . . . .

Since the mainstream media outlets refuse to cover stories that make Barack Obama and Al Gore look bad, such as this one from over six months old which took the British press by storm:

http://www. timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article6936289.ece


one can’t help but wonder, “What exactly do our mainstream American newspapers and TV networks know that these two leading London papers, including the ultra-liberal London Times, just a stone’s throw from the Climate-Gate scandal nexus at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in East Anglia University haven’t a clue about?” And then there’s this infamous Obama half-truth . . . .


Why “infamous,” and why a “half-truth” you ask? Well, there’s Barack Obama directly telling all of us, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket . . . ” and yet what’s really happening is NOT really an admission by him that “to do the right thing for America, Americans are going to have to suffer a bit at the gas pump and suffer a whole lot more paying their electricity bills” (which is bad enough since global-warming is actually a lie) but all the while he’s saying this, he and his cronies are going to make all prices (not just electricity) in America jump by roughly 67%^^ even without inflation factored in. And 40% of all the money spent in America would be siphoned off by the numerous guilty parties involved . . . .



If these two stories are solid, and Rajjpuut UNequivocally tells you, “They’re SOLID,” then it’s the biggest scandal America has ever known. However, once again the mainstream American media won’t touch the story. Why not? Rajjpuut was his university's Academic Excellence Award Winner in journalism and if there's one thing he understands it's what goes into making a big story from the media's point of view . . . and this one truly amounts to a HUGE story. It amounts to big headlines and . . . it is, we remind you, 100% solid . . . it involves some huge names . . . it represents the greatest scam ever perpetrated upon the American people . . . somehow, somehow that Rajjpuut can't figure out their reluctance is related to the story above which the American mainstream media refused to even refer to once (can they be that committed to global warming as undeniable truth?) . . . and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to follow the story, Rajjpuut has and you can easily do so yourself. The corruption involved touches Barack Obama, Al Gore, the Goldman Sachs investment firm Fannie Mae; 10-12 huge and well-known progressive (“We must progress beyond the U.S. Constitution . . .”) non-profit foundations; and a repeating cast of socialist-marxist characters (whose names keep popping up every time you investigate the leadership of the CCX <Chicago Climate eXchange> Joel Rogers, Van Jones, Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong, etc., etc. ad nauseum); the semi-bankrupt Shore Bank in Chicago and the owners or board of directors all tied into a plan to cheat Americans out of $10 TRillion a year.

So back to paragraph #1 above, this blog began saying, “A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting “Birdie Balls” in the park. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . .”

About 40 yards away, a blue-black car (Lexus?) pulled up and parked. About ten seconds later the car’s horn was honked twice after a particularly long and true draw shot. A slender brunette woman in a teal form-hugging dress in heels emerged from the driver’s side and walked half-way toward him, then stopped and said, “You’re Rajjpuut (badly mispronouncing the name in the process -- "RaHHH-Poot" is correct) the guy blogging about CCX and cap and trade for the TEA Party?”

Rajjpuut was stunned, he thought he was pretty much anonymous. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Tipper knows so she’s going to get a divorce.”

Rajjpuut was ultra-stunned. The woman turned and ran back to her vehicle. Suddenly understanding, he yelled after her, “Who are you? How do you know this?” but got no response.

As he felt both his blood and all his power draining away to his feet, Rajjpuut murmurred the only thing that came to mind, “Tell Glenn Beck,” suddenly he realized she couldn’t hear him so he yelled out at the top of his lungs, “Please, TELL Glenn Beck!”

She turned to look at him for an instant, then opened the door and drove quickly away. It appeared her license plate was the green and white mountains' outline that all Coloradoans are familiar with. Rajjpuut had not worn his glasses . . . . Needless to say, Rajjpuut hooked or sliced every swing over the next quarter hour. Was it a hoax? Who was she? How did she find him? Was someone playing an elaborate prank? What was going wrong with his swing? Was somebody right then and there laughing away at his expense? What am I doing wrong to cause all these hooks? Does this women really know something? Can I blog this, dare I blog this, I have no real source? How likely was it that someone in Colorado who knows Tipper Gore reads my blogs? I was doing so great, why couldn't she have come by half an hour later? Was this real? Did I dare blog it?

Yesterday, the news came out that Al and Tipper Gore were getting divorced or getting separated depending upon which source you read. Today the news came out that Barack Obama was making a concerted effort to revive his cap and trade bill “America’s Power Act” and was using the Gulf oil spill to move toward “100% energy independence” based upon green-energy## sources and “totally ending dependence upon fossil fuels.” Sounds like her story’s been confirmed . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



^^ the figure given in the article of $15 TRillion is presumed an exaggeration of 50%; the correct figure is ONLY roughly $10 TRillion. The American economy right now amounts to $15 TRillion so adding $10 TRillion on top of it unnecessarily without adding one single manufactured good or one single provided service means that everything in the economy that costs, say, $15.00 will now cost $25.00 an increase of roughly 67%.

## Which sounds like a plan much worse than what recently bankrupted Spain. Spain had about 3% unemployment and was the economic poster-child for the European Union around 2001. Today they’re suffering under roughly 21% unemployment after instigating a green-jobs program. After Greece's demise, Spain may well be the next European domino to fall . . . . http://rajjpuutsfolly.blogtownhall.com/2010/05/15/big_pies_r_us__ball_now_in_obamas_court.thtml

Read more…