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Health Care Bill

I can not believe what the Democrats did in order to pass the Health Care Bill. I thought it was illegal to bribe Senators in order to get there votes on something. The FBI has done stings on Senators and Congressman taking bribes to get votes on certain bills and other things to help companies or individual. Well what is the difference between the Bribes the Democratic Leadership did to get votes on the HCB and what the FBI stings did and arrest certain members for taking bribes. I used to be registered Democrat then registered Independant. I have now come to the realization that we have to come up with a 3rd party. Therefore for the first time in my life I am going to vote outside of the Republican or Democrate party and hopefully the Tea Party will have there own Candidates I can vote for or in the least I will vote for whatever candidate the Tea party endorses. I believe in everything the Tea Party stands for and as long as the Tea Party stand up for conservative values they will now get my vote and support. This country is in big trouble and we have to take it back and the polling booth is where we should start. Get out the vote and lets get these people out of office. You know who I am talking about the ones that say one thing and just does the same status Quo...
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Positive Notes on Tea Party Movement

We have develop a coalition of 30 organizations and from our event in Washington DC we are grown in 2 weeks to about another 2million. We now represent about 7 million patriots natiowide. We have to flood Washington with phone calls, faxes, letters, etc. Additionally we are going to have to do the same for the media. They have flooded the airwaves with only DNC and RNC cronies. They will interlace patriots that have no control to increase their legitimacy, however, these groups are controlled by Republican or Democratic PACs. These PACs can't keep pace with our movement and we are attacking them on mulitple fronts.I will list these coalition groups today to confirm the breath of our reach. I recieved a call last night with LaRouche organization who said the Chinese were quoting little old me. Here is the link of the article, is amazing that a boy from the projects and the barrio is having world leaders take notice.
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Cancellation of Sam Houston Event

There is powers in high places that have resulted in shutting down our event at the Sam Houston Race Park on 2 Jan 09. I had been encouraged to move this event to 16 Jan 2010. This is conveniently after ballot closure in Texas. I cannot have ant event in any public arena because the powers that be, know I will have Real Candidates running for office. My goal was to direct the attendees to meet the needs of the Independent Parties to have real Representative form of Government. It seems we are fighting 4 seats of powers that prevent a solution to the progressive agenda which is either political (DNC, RNC, Whitehouse), business, entertainment or education. The time of the event will be sometime in January but we can take a breath and re-evaluate and force them to yield and support or drive them to bankruptcy for defying the will of the people.I'm Looking for a venue anywhere throughout our Nation. Preferrably where a contingent of Tea Partiers in attendance from previous activities. Please send emails to for propose venues. The events will be Liberty Concert and our New Year's Resolution is "Restore America." Lets take back our political offices in local, county, state and national level.We are exhausting all the dollars from the coffeurs of these political organizations and they are going broke. The only way they can survive if they steal Tax Payers dollars to do it. They desparately need Trillions of dollars and then they will trash our economy and jump ship with their one world government. Al Gore is a perfect example of what these leaders are given for compliance. Gore is now a billionaire for lying and I'm broke from telling the truth. They are losing hope and I have greater hope as Americans are waking up to the truth. If you trust a leader who lies, them we are the crazy one. If you do not change the behavior then the outcome will be the same.
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Is the Tea Party Movement a Political Party?

I had no intention of the Tea Party Movement to become a Third Party. I have Republicans in Florida who are trying to make this a third party and I may have to take legal actions against them. I believe the best course of action is to be a watchdog or Inspector General to keep political parties honest. I will use the movement to attract people and it the political parties responsibility to convince the public that you are the alternative from the major political party or other choices.I get very upset when I see candidates on the main stage, but my structure allows for staging area where candidates can invite audience to hear about the real issues and real solutions. I think this brings value to any legitimate organization, especially when the major players prevent access to the Party Platform via finance, media, influence and ballot access. I believe the candidate with the best message should represent that political platform and eventually to lead the nation.Currently, we have no real choices. It is the progressives (i.e.Elitist, Aristocrats, Nobles, etc.) who own both Major Parties then the question is not choice but rather the rate of speed as a selection. These parties seem to be going the same direction. That is why we call it the lesser of two evils. I think Evil is Evil. Why can't we have a party or candidate that brings value to the American People. So I don't agree that the Tea Party Movement should be a third party. We pole better than the major party and could easily win, however, we as a nation would be lesser for it, because eventually we become the new foxes in the hen house. We need a permanent solution not temporary one. However, we should direct attendees to those who believe their message is the right one for the current situation.God Bless,Dale RobertsonTea Party Founder
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Tea Party Priorities

We must deal with the issues at hand. We cannot be distracted by a million what ifs. I am aware of these new issues and we have solutions to them. However, if I answer that sufficiently enough it will open up more what ifs etc., etc. We need to get back to Representative form of government Now. Once Representative Government is established, I have only outline 4 key areas to focus on: 1) Job Creation 2) Healthcare 3) 21st Century Education and 4) Refunding Social Security. If we do this right I prefer minimal funding for social programs, but must use a hybrid approach to wean the population off these socialistic/communistic models. However, temporarily we have to create a bridge to gap the old draconian measures to the 5000 year Leap Model natural law model.
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Its quite obvious, that even though the socialist/liberal/democrats, say that their bills deny illegal aliens health care; once they've passed their bill they will try to pass amnesty for illegal aliens, thus winning the aliens votes and then the aliens will be able to access health care.
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How to avoid the Perot Syndrome

Organization is necessary to get any attention of the politicians. Starting a new party will take a lot more time than the Obama crowd will allow. By the time we could get on the ballot in most of the states, we will all be in a gulag.The way to make an early impact is to call state conventions and nominate candidates early enough to run the candidates in the Republican Primaries. I believe that the Tea Party candidates could win most of the primaries. If we can't win a primary, we would not win the Election, but I believe we would winenough offices to have a front seat at the Table.This would avoid the problem of the Perot Syndrome causing the Socialists to WIN.
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Chris - Thanks so much for developing this outline of Obama's mission, because he just showed us what the Tea Party Movement objectives are.1. Patriots take over Congress2. Patriots buy up the U.S. Economy as possible3. Patriots regain citizen rights per the Constitution.4. Patriots put God into all our institutions.5. Patriots restore Free Market policies to restore the Economy6. Patriots to remain peaceful and celebrate that we are united in our efforts. (Texas Withdrawal if Constitution is not restored).7. Patriots recall all members of Congress home until we decide on next course of action.8. Patriots declare our Rights are Divine and absolute under Constitutional Law.9. Patriots restore the Honor and Glory of Lady Liberty and proclaiming once again Freedom reigns in the US.10. Patriots disavowed any desire for a New World Order or Imperialism. God is our Lord no international organization or king.
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Health care bill

Are we really just going to stand by and let Congress put us into debt and control how we get medical treatment? Medicare is going to treat patients by age and longevity and deny essential treatment. With private insurance, all claims are tied to Medicare payments. If we can keep our private insurance, our bills are going to be astronomical. It seems that Congress does not listen to the masses. We need to act now before the bill is voted on Christmas Eve.
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Obama's True Mission must be Stopped!

I hope I'm not the only one that sees what Bammer & Buddies are up to!Step 1: Take over CongressStep 2: Buy up as much of the U.S. Economy as possible.Step 3: Take over citizen rights in any way possible. I.E. Healthcare & Energy SourcesStep 4: Kick God Out!Step 5: Begin enacting socialist policies while Destroying the Economy!Step 6: Cause the citizens to get fed-up & Revolt( by the way I'm so for a tax revolt & maybe TEXAS withdrawal from the Nation)Step 7: Declare Marshall LawStep 8: Declare Communist RuleStep 9: Dominate the United NationsStep 10: Join The New World Order!
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What are we allowing our government to do? I have long been a seeker of honesty in our government and I agree that we need to regain our freedom to create value and be wealthy, happy and at peace within our country. For so long we have had our rights to happiness and prosperity taken away in order for career politicians and other cheats to make their unearned living at the expense of us, the hard working individual American. I believe that the only function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill the purpose of human life which is to prosper and live happily. If there was a party that could guarantee that function of government and could prove its intentions in an honest way, I would join it in a second!We are so overshadowed by big governmet that we can no longer see our dream forest for the crooked trees! remI invite all Americans to comment on this blog and perhaps we can make some very real changes happen before we implode as a nation.
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CCTA meets montly on the 3rd Thursday of the month, 7:00pm at Constitutional Crossroads, 322 E. Main St., Havelock, NC. Next meeting is tomorrow, December 17th.The Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association is a grassroots, non-partisan organization which advocates minimum government and maximum freedom. We are dedicated to the preservation of Free Enterprise which, by its nature, requires citizens to reap the benefits of their own labor. Excessive taxing and spending are unconstitutional, immoral, and in complete contradiction of success through the free market system and liberty.
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George Washingtons' Farewell Address

I am often in AWE at the intellect of the framers of our great nation!George Washingtons Farewll address is an awesome read. The warnings and for lack of a better word, premonitions, he writes about are almost chilling. Especially when you look at our current state of union.He warns time and again about Not being devided by parties and to be very watchful for those who will be trying to "Back-door" (my words) our Constitution.The following is a small portion of this Address: If you like this, then read the whole Address at this link."All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations andassociations, under whatever plausible character, with the real designto direct, control counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and actionof the constituted authorities are destructive of this fundamentalprinciple and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to giveit an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of thedelegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small butartful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to thealternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administrationthe mirror of the illconcerted and incongruous projects of faction, ratherthan the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by commoncouncils, and modified by mutual interests."-George Washington-19 Sept, 1796
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Domestic Enemy!

I am Horrified that a White House agency, (The EPA) is threatening OUR Congress to act on Cap and Trade or face a more harshly imposed legislature!Now, I KNOW that Art.I, Sec I of The Constitution of The United States gives ALL power of legislation to OUR Congress. NOT SOME. BUT ALL.Therefore, this being true I cannot imagine an entity like the EPA actually having the authority to threaten OUR Congress, nor the Power to actually follow through with said threat.But just in case there is some twisted, distorted or subversive reason they do. Then, it would seem to me that Our Congress immediately pass a law excluding Co2 emissions from the jurisdiction of the EPA! This would put a quick halt to the Black-mail of OUR Congress.
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DALE ROBERTSON GOES TO WASHINGTON Tea Party Prayer Vigil Launch Opening Prayer and Speech - National Liberty Unity Summit WHO: Dale Robertson, President of the Tea Party Open the Summit with Prayer and Speech WHEN: Tuesday, December 15th at 8:00am WHERE: Channel Inn Hotel 650 Water St, S.W. Washington, DC 20024-2422 Toll Free: (800) 368-5668 Local: (202) 554-2400 As we gather in Washington for the National Liberty Unity Summit, to Unite the Patriotic Organizations to Restore Our Nation we ask Americans to Pray and Remember the Reason for the Season in our Songs of Praise. Let us Unite to Restore our Constitution. Dale Robertson Speaks To Millions Robertson has been a guest on dozens of shows the past several weeks. "The Tea Party is growing like never before, soon I will be able to announce a significant step forward." Robertson said in a resent interview.
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“I am going directly to the top! I will bypass Congress and the Whitehouse and take my grievance directly to the apex of authority, God.” Dale Robertson Robertson, President and Founder of the Tea Party is organizing a historic Washington, D.C. event making a statement about the Godly condition of our nation and the recent troublesome statements by President Obama. Robertson is calling for a Prayer vigil on Tuesday the 15th of December from 10:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M., come rain or shine. Many groups have expressed an interest in joining Robertson in this public event. Phone calls and e-mails are flooding TeaParty org asking for locations, times and schedules, updates are posted daily on the TeaParty org website. “We just don’t have the staff to handle the flurry of inquiries concerning the Tea Party Prayer Vigil, but somehow we are going to get this done! It is that important to our beloved nation.” Stephen Eichler, Executive Director of the Tea Party. The Tea Party has applied for a permit and is following the protocols necessary for a lawful and peaceful assembly of the Interfaith Tea Party Prayer Vigil. All the members of the House of Representatives and Senate have been extended a special invitation to attend. All faiths are invited to participate. The program is well thought out and the event is expected to bring national awareness to a serious dilemma facing America today. Robertson in a recent interview was asked why a prayer vigil? He responded; “I was insulted when President Obama stated, “….we are not a Christian nation”, but failed to state what exactly we are, as if We The People have no faith. I could not believe my ears. America is built on the solid rock of Judeo-Christian values and from those principles all religious freedom springs! Judeo-Christian bedrock beliefs were the foundational cornerstone in the formation of our nation and have propelled the United States into greatness. Anything less is disingenuous to our heritage.” Dale Robertson The seven hour event is open to all religions, the theme being; “Remembering Our Godly American Heritage Through Prayer.” Dale Robertson is a family man living in Texas with his wife and five children. He is a retired military officer. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Washington in Political Science, as well as an Associates Degree in Engineering from Southwest College. Dale Robertson is volunteering full-time for the Tea Party. Dale Robertson and the is represented by Tim Bueler of U.S. Media Direct, Inc. Tim Bueler can be reached for media bookings and appearances by e-mail at:
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Please Sign Up with your State Group

In efforts to make it easier to coordinate activites please sign up in respective state. Our goal is to retake Congress and restore the Constitution. We will continue to improve the site to provide tools make this process easier for all. The wicked freely strut about when the righteous do nothing, we need to take a stand and restore our nation. Healthcare and Climate Bill with Europeans (Cap and Trade) will place a heavy yoke on us as a nation. We do not bow to any world leader and I will not surrender my liberty for European Leadership in any form.
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Tea Party

My son who is a banker in Sarasota Fl was invited to the Kaiser College for a dinner last night and one of the attendee’s was a New York Congressman. After the dinner someone ask the Congressman, who was on his 5th term, whether he was running for office. His response yes he was and didn’t have any Democrats running against him, but had 3 others. When ask who they were, he said the one who was running under the Republicans and he intended to donate some money too. When ask whether that candidate was that bad and his response was, “Oh he one of those racial Tea Party people”. The only way we can shut up those now in congress is to defeat them at the ballot box. Maybe we should have sponsored and helped that person who just ran for office as a Conservative in the NY 23rd precinct.
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