economy (112)

Quantitative Easing 101

Devaluing Our Currency: why you are paying $4.00 for a gallon of gas and $5.00 for a lb. of hamburger!

In trying to explain what the Federal Reserve and Ben Bernanke have been doing to our money I realized that 75% of the citizens of this Republic are uninformed to what Quantitative Easing is, well lets first look at the origins of the words they use to describe their actions. Quantitative: meaning the measuring of an amount, in this case the amount is money. Easing:Â to move, shift, or be moved or be shifted with great care or in this case to move money into the market with a specific goal.

The goal of this easing or shifting of a measured amount of dollars into the currency pool is to expand economic growth or in the case of our latest "financial crisis" to purchase the toxic Mortgage Backed Securities. The reasons for the toxic assets is a discussion for a later date but in 2008 when the market imploded because of the over-estimated values of these pieces of paper the banks that held them and the investors who owned them realized they were worthless because their collective value was based on the promise of the payer paying his debt. So the Federal Reserve in conjunction with the Treasury Dept. came up with a plan to rescue the economy by purchasing all of these worthless pieces of paper but there was one very significant problem with their plan they had to print the money to buy the assets.

Quantitative Easing:

Now why is this a problem?

Quantitative Easing involves the creation of a significant amount of new base money by a central bank for the buying of assets that it usually does not buy. Usually, a central bank will conduct open market operations by buying short-term government bonds or foreign currency. However, during a financial crisis, the central bank may buy other types of financial assets as well. The central bank may buy long-term government bonds, company bonds, asset backed securities, stocks, or even extend commercial loans. The intent is to stimulate the economy by increasing liquidity and promoting bank lending, even when interest rates cannot be pushed any lower.

Quantitative easing increases reserves in the banking system (i.e. deposits of commercial banks at the central bank), giving depository institutions the ability to make new loans. Quantitative easing is usually used when lowering the discount rate is no longer effective because interest rates are already close to or at zero. In such a case, normal monetary policy cannot further lower interest rates, and the economy is in a liquidity trap.

Asset based Currency:

For many years before most of us were born our dollars had a value, they were guaranteed to be worth something because they were backed (pegged) by a "hard asset" first silver and then gold. The US adopted a silver standard based on the Spanish milled dollar in 1785. This was codified in the 1792 Mint and Coinage Act, and by the Federal Government's use of the "Bank of the United States" to hold its reserves, as well as establishing a fixed ratio of gold to the US dollar. This was, in effect, a derivative silver standard, since the bank was not required to keep silver to back all of its currency.This began a long series of attempts for America to create a bi-metallic standard for the US Dollar, which would continue until the 1920s. Gold and silver coins were legal tender, including the Spanish real, a silver coin struck in the Western Hemisphere. Because of the huge debt taken on by the US Federal Government to finance the Revolutionary War, silver coins struck by the government left circulation, and in 1806 President Jefferson suspended the minting of silver coins.The US Treasury was put on a strict hard-money standard, doing business only in gold or silver coin as part of the Independent Treasury Act of 1848, which legally separated the accounts of the Federal Government from the banking system. However the fixed rate of gold to silver overvalued silver in relation to the demand for gold to trade or borrow from England. The drain of gold in favor of silver led to the search for gold, including the California Gold Rush of 1849. Following Gresham's law, silver poured into the US, which traded with other silver nations, and gold moved out. In 1853, the US reduced the silver weight of coins, to keep them in circulation, and in 1857 removed legal tender status from foreign coinage.In 1857 the final crisis of the free banking era of international finance began, as American banks suspended payment in silver, rippling through the very young international financial system of central banks. In 1861 the US government suspended payment in gold and silver, effectively ending the attempts to form a silver standard basis for the dollar.Towards the end of the 19th century, some of the remaining silver standard countries began to peg their silver coin units to the gold standards of the United Kingdom or the USA. For 86 years after this we used silver certificates as the backing asset for our legal tender. Silver Certificates are a type of representative money printed from 1878 to 1964 in the United States as part of its circulation of paper currency. They were produced in response to silver agitation by citizens who were angered by the Fourth Coinage Act, which had effectively placed the United States on a gold standard. The certificates were initially redeemable in the same face value of silver dollar coins, and later in raw silver bullion. Since 1968 they have been redeemable only in Federal Reserve Notes and are thus obsolete, but are still valid legal tender.

The whole time during this period and up until August 15, 1971 we used the "gold standard" to set the value of the dollar to other world currencies.

The gold standard is a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is a fixed weight of gold. There are distinct kinds of gold standard. First, the gold specie standard is a system in which the monetary unit is associated with circulating gold coins, or with the unit of value defined in terms of one particular circulating gold coin in conjunction with subsidiary coinage made from a lesser valuable metal.

Gold certificates were used as paper currency in the United States from 1882 to 1933. These certificates were freely convertible into gold coins.

No country currently uses the gold standard as the basis of their monetary system, although several hold substantial gold reserves.

What makes this significant is all countries that used the gold standard were limited to the amount of money they could print to the amount of gold they owned. It limited what the Federal Reserve Bank could do in controlling the national economy and had been falsely blamed for several economic downturns and the "Great Depression", "in my opinion and research falsely".

So in 1971 we started basing the value of our money on the Gross Domestic Product of our country.

Gross domestic product:

(GDP) refers to the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. It determines the circulation of dollars and helps project the government revenue (taxes) that will be available each year to run the country. But it also lets the federal reserve monitor how money is being used to buy those goods and services and allows them to step in when the reserve liquidity tightens. Without getting too technical reserves are just that like the extra players on sports teams or the extra products you store at home when they run low or run out they need to be refilled, if a player gets hurt while playing another player needs to replace them. Same with the dollars if a bank or lending institution runs low on money part of the federal reserves job is to replace it by sending them dollars. So in 2008 when all of the banks started asking the Federal Reserve for extra dollars to pay for the bad debts they bought, the only way they could do this was to print it.

And there lies part of the reason you are now paying between 30%-100%Â more for everything in the past 3 years, the dollars being used to buy these assets are not related to the value of the goods and services they represent. The GDP has been stagnant with no real significant growth since 2008 with an annual average of 13 Trillion dollars.


But the amount of money printed and circulated, saved and invested worldwide has grown and it is known as the "monetary supply" of the United States.

The Monetary Supply:

In 2008 the monetary supply which is all the money in our system in every bank, pocket, business etc. where ever there is a dollar it is part of the monetary supply was 8.448 trillion dollars or 64.9% of the GDP. That number includes the original TARP monies of 848 billion injected in the market that year.

The current monetary supply as of March 13, 2012 is 9.578 trillion or 73.6% of GDP. And what is worse is their latest round of cash infusion has not only deflated the value of yours and my dollars but raised the costs of everything we buy by not allowing the exchanges to reset themselves to reflect the actual economic climate. Since the start of Quantitative Easing by the Federal Reserve, everything has almost doubled in cost because of the doubling effect of both market and monetary policy manipulation.

So the Federal Reserve has been printing more dollars but the engine to make those dollars worth more is stalled so in car speak the Fed has flooded the engine. They have not only placed more dollars into the economy making the dollars that were already there worth less but by purchasing stocks, bonds and other hard assets and commodities they have raised the cost of everything related to their purchases. Yes you know about QE1 which bought 1.25 trillion dollars of debt, QE2 which purchased 900 billion dollars of long term Treasury notes. But since the end of QE2, QE3 where the Fed has been quietly injecting more money into the stock market to "prop it up" there latest balance sheet from March, 15, 2012 shows the new assets on their books.

And in the 3 plus years of this fiscal policy the effects are hurting everyone.

Gold in 12/2008 = $850.00 per once / 03/20/2012 $1640.00 per ounce

Oil in 12/2008 = $38.00 per barrel / 03/20/2012 %107.00 per barrel

Gas in 12/2008 = $1.05 per gallon futures exchange and $1.72 at the pump nationally / 03/20/2012 $ 3.09 per gallon on the futures exchange $3.89 a gallon at the pump.

Milk in 12/2008 = $2.79 per gallon / 03/20/2012 $3.89 per gallon.

Beef in 12/2008 = $ 2.89 per lb. 80/20 ground chuck / 03/20/2012 $4.59 per lb.

Not all of the current financial hardship's we face are due to Quantitative Easing but it has not been by any means the panacea it was touted to be for the economy and the other shoe is yet to drop. The Federal Reserve currently holds over 2.7 trillion dollars in debt obligations from lenders and banks. That is more than the GDP of 90% of the countries on this planet. When you falsely base the value of anything and then try to sell it, it will only be worth what the buyer is willing to pay for it. Now just as I am writing this the Fed just released their 2011 earnings stating they made 77 billion dollars but the data is not yet up on their website. We will wait to analyze the statements.

But their fiscal policy has us on the road that has been well traveled.

This has happened before:

After the end of WW1 the German Republic owed reparations to half of Europe for damages and penalties for their invasions of France, Poland and most of the Western European continent. You see Germany had gone off the gold standard in 1914, and could not effectively return to it as Germany had lost much of its remaining gold reserves in reparations. The German central bank issued un-backed marks virtually without limit to buy foreign currency for further reparations and to support workers during the Occupation of the Ruhr finally leading to hyperinflation in the 1920s.

The growing postwar economic crisis was a result of lost pre-war industrial exports, the loss of supplies in raw materials and foodstuffs from Alsace-Lorraine, Polish districts and the colonies, along with worsening debt balances, but above all, the result of an exorbitant issue of promissory notes raising money to pay for the war. Military-industrial activity had almost ceased, although controlled demobilization kept unemployment at around one million. The fact that the Allies continued to blockade Germany until after the Treaty of Versailles did not help matters, either. The allies permitted only low import levels of goods that most Germans could not afford. In its 14 years, the Weimar Republic was faced with numerous problems, including hyperinflation, political extremists on the left and the right and their paramilitaries, and hostility from the victors of World War I, who tried twice to restructure Germany's reparations payments through the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan. However, it overcame many of the requirements of the Treaty of Versailles(Germany eventually repaid a reduced amount of the reparations required of the treaty with the last payment being made on 3 October 2010).

The 1920s German inflation started when Germany had no goods to trade. The government printed money to deal with the crisis; this meant payments within Germany were made with worthless paper money, and helped formerly great industrialists to pay back their own loans. This also led to pay raises for workers and for businessmen who wanted to profit from it. Circulation of money rocketed, and soon banknotes were being overprinted to a thousand times their nominal value and every town produced its own promissory notes.

The value of the Papiermark had declined from 4.2 per U.S. dollar at the outbreak of World War I to 1 million per dollar by August 1923. This led to further criticism of the Republic. On 15 November 1923, a new currency, the Rentenmark, was introduced at the rate of 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) Papiermark for one Rentenmark, an action known as a monetary reset.

In Summary:

We have not yet had to go through that here in this country but it is not far off, under the current economic polices we have been down-graded for the first time in our history and we are facing the possibility that the dollar will stop being used as the "world currency" for trading on the exchanges. One of the benefits of being one of the last countries to come off the gold standard was that the U.S. dollar by default became the preferred currency when commodities such as gold, oil, silver, corn, wheat etc. are traded or sold their value is set in U.S. dollars. If you think it is bad now, what if the world stopped taking our money or stopped lending to us or devaluing our dollar to the levels that we devalued Germany's less than 100 years ago?

The methodology of Quantitative Easing or printing more money when you need it does not fix more than it delays the inevitable and increases the net effect when you add in the additional inflationary factors that it creates by the lessening of the current value of the purchasing power of our dollars. The inflationary costs by making the dollars in your pocket worth less because there are more of them with nothing to make them worth more and the fact that those extra dollars are not purchasing anything but time to delay what should have occurred already and allowed to reform based on real economic metrics.Â

"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it" Lord Campbell

We have to take responsibility for our elected officials fiscal malfeasance and dangerous policymaking if we are to recover from what has already been implemented. We must retract the dollar pool, require a full accounting of the Federal Reserve and then make them answerable to Congress. We must demand that laws and policies that have made for a devalued dollar be immediately rescinded and evaluation of a return to a base standard of currency backing be considered. We must demand a balanced budget both in our own homes and in Washington. We must allow market mechanics to dictate the survival of companies, not the political maneuverings of one party to use Federal dollars to purchase union votes. Â

There is only one thing that is too big to fail and it is this last bastion of freedom on Earth and her name is The United States of America!

But She is disappearing fast!

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.

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What’s disturbing about this picture?

Posted on Prison Planet-By The Economic Collapse-On February 16, 2012:

“You might not want to read this article if you have a weak stomach.  Most Americans have absolutely no idea what is going on in the dark corners of America, and when people find out the truth it can come as quite a shock.  Many of you will not believe some of the things Americans are doing just to survive.  Some families are living in sewers and drain tunnels, some families are living in tents, some families are living in their cars, some families will make ketchup soup for dinner tonight and some families are even eating rats.  Some homeless shelters in America are so overloaded that they are actually sending people out to live in the woods.  As you read this, there are close to 50 million Americans that are living below the poverty line, and that number rises a little bit more every single day.  America was once known as the greatest nation on earth, but now there is decay and economic despair almost everywhere you look.  Yes, money certainly cannot buy happiness, but the lack of it sure can bring a lot of pain.  As the economy continues to decline, the suffering that we see all around us is going to get a lot worse, and that is a very frightening thing to think about.

The following is a half hour documentary produced by the BBC entitled “Poor America”.  Trust me, this is a must watch.  Your heart will break as you hear some American children talk about what they have to do for food….

Wasn’t that video absolutely mind blowing?

Those of us that still live comfortably are often completely unaware of what life is like out on the streets of America at this point.

There are millions upon millions of Americans that have lost all hope and that are living on the very edge of life and death.

And more join the ranks of the hopeless with each passing day.  This upcoming weekend approximately 80,000 people in the state of Michigan will lose their unemployment benefits.

So what are those people going to do after that?

They have already been unable to find work month after month.  Their savings are most certainly gone.  Now the only money they had coming in is going to be eliminated.

Yes, I have written many times about how the U.S. government is absolutely drowning in debt and cannot afford to be giving out so much money.  My point here is to show the other side of the equation.  There are millions upon millions of Americans that are barely hanging on and there are no jobs for them.  The suffering that those families are going through is very real.

Millions of other families are trying to get by on the incomes they pull in from part-time jobs.  According to Gallup, the percentage of Americans that are working part-time jobs but that would like full-time jobs is now higher than it has been at any other time in the last two years.  The number of the “working poor” just continues to increase, but most Americans don’t have much sympathy for them because they “have jobs”.

Well, when you are making 8 bucks an hour it can be incredibly tough to make it from month to month.

Just look at how much it costs to buy the basic things that we need.

Without gasoline, most of us would not even be able to get to our jobs.  The price of gasoline has increased 83 percent since Barack Obama first took office, and it is poised to soar even higher.  Right now, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States is $3.51.  Never before has the average price of gas gone above $3.50 so early in the year.  Many believe that we could set a new all-time record this summer.

But last year was bad enough.  In 2011, the average American family spent over $4,000 on gasoline.

So when you are making just a few hundred dollars per week, it can be a massive struggle just to put gas in your car and food on the table.

The article that I wrote the other day about the decline of Detroit really struck a nerve.  All over America, people can see similar things happening to their own neighborhoods.  People are scared and they want some answers.

Well, the truth is that we should have never allowed tens of thousands of businesses, millions of jobs and trillions of dollars of our national wealth to be shipped out of the country.

Just check out this stunning photo which compares the decline of Detroit to the rise of Shanghai, China.

Do you think that it is just a coincidence that Detroit is falling apart and that cities in China look sparkly and new?

No, the truth is that it is a natural consequence of our foolish economic policies.

There are hundreds of communities all over the country where third world conditions are setting in.  For example, the following is how one bloggerdescribes what life is like in a decaying suburb of Phoenix called Maryville….

Crime and gangs are widespread. Most houses have either fallen into disrepair, or been remade with outside walls sporting spikes and ironwork. Many of the front lawns are now just dirt (or worse, gravel), the pools green and lethal.

Now we stand on the precipice of another major global financial crisis.  Economic conditions in America are going to become significantly worse.  The politicians in Washington D.C. may make sure that the boys and girls on Wall Street are always taken care of, but there will be no bailouts for the large numbers of Americans that are about to lose their jobs and their homes.

If you want an idea of what is coming, just look at what is happening in Greece.  25 percent of the businesses have shut down, one-third of all money has been pulled out of Greek bank accounts and unemployment and poverty are absolutely rampant.

For years, a lot of prominent voices out there were screaming and yelling about the dangers posed by our soaring trade deficits and our soaring budget deficits.

But the American people did not listen.  They just kept sending the same politicians back to Washington D.C. over and over.

As a result, soon millions of those same Americans will find themselves doing things that they never dreamed that they would do just to survive.”


Video: Poor America!-Posted on leenicklen-On February 13, 2012:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. CBO: Longest Period of High Unemployment Since Great Depression!

Posted on US News and World Report-By ALEX M. PARKER-On February 16, 2012:

“After three years with unemployment topping 8 percent, the U.S. has seen the longest period of high unemployment since the Great Depression, the Congressional Budget Office noted in a report issued today.

[Dems Tout GOP Payroll Tax Plan as Political Victory.]

And, despite some recent good news on the economic front, the CBO is still predicting that unemployment will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The report also notes that, including those who haven’t sought work in the past four weeks and those who are working part-time but seeking full-time employment, the unemployment rate would be 15 percent.

The CBO made its comments in a report examining the long-term effects of joblessness, and possible policy options to boost employment, including unemployment insurance reforms and job training programs. The report came at the request of Democratic Michigan Rep. Sander Levin, but Republicans quickly jumped on the chance to bash President Obama’s stimulus program, which is also reaching its three-year anniversary today.

[Virginia is for Lovers—and Politicos.]

“The stimulus is a stark reminder of how the president got the policies he wanted, and how those policies have failed the American people and are making things worse,” said Texas Republican Rep. Jeb Hensarling.

1.     See political cartoons about the economy.

2.    How the payroll tax cut deal could help the economy.

3.    Six Things That Could Stop the Recovery.

Twitter: @AlexParkerDC


II. Unemployment Tricks: Jobs Claim Made by 'Shrinking' Workforce!

Posted on Andrew Henry-On February 6, 2012:

“Last week, the White House claimed that unemployment dropped for the fifth consecutive month to 8.3 percent — the lowest it has been in nearly three years — after adding 243,000 jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But financial experts are saying the figures may have been manipulated — and that the significant drop in employment was because of the fact that the federal agency charged with computing key economic data has significantly decreased the number of Americans in the workforce.

“If you hold the workforce participation rate constant over the past year, unemployment would be about 8.9 percent instead of 8.3 percent,” GOP economist Matt McDonald of Hamilton Place Strategies said Monday on CNBC’s Squawk Box. “So it is a weird number that is out there, and I think people have to be looking at that carefully.”

The same Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report that showed unemployment dropping to 8.3 percent showed total workforce participation — the number of people either working or looking for work — declining by 1.2 million people in one month.

The unemployment rate is determined by dividing the number of unemployed job-seekers by the total labor force. By reducing the number of workers in the overall workforce, the Obama administration can show actual unemployment dropping, when, in fact, improvement has been marginal at best.

Many economists feel the official statistics seriously underestimate how bad the unemployment situation really is. They maintain that the key measure is the number of people who would like to have a job, but can’t find one.

When people retire from the workforce because of the aging of the nation’s population or give up looking for work because of prolonged unemployment, the BLS declares the unemployed person a “discouraged worker.”

At that point, the BLS lists them as “marginally attached to the workforce,” and they no longer are considered to be part of the nation’s working population.

Dropping them off the employment calculations keeps the unemployment rate substantially lower than it would be otherwise and has been key to the improvements in the unemployment numbers during the past year.

Tyler Durden of writes: “It appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million.”

In fact, Zerohedge notes that BLS is breaking records in claims about the shrinking workforce. The most recent unemployment number was based on the assertion that the entire U.S. workforce has shrunk to a 30-year low.

An analysis by Joseph Curl of the Washington Times shows the labor force as a percentage of the available population hit 66 percent in October 1988, and remained there throughout the presidency of George H.W. Bush. It then reached 67 percent or better for 40 straight months during President Bill Clinton’s presidency, and was above 66 percent for virtually all of President George W. Bush’s presidency.

But by the end of President Obama’s first year in office, it had dipped to 64.6 percent, before dipping to just 63.7 percent last month — its lowest point in almost three decades.

One analyst who is stridently critical of the BLS numbers is CEO Charles Biderman. His firm uses what he considers a more modern and timely measurement, actual tax receipts to the IRS, to calculate employment.

By his firm’s calculations, the economy added only 44,000 jobs in January, not even enough to keep the unemployment rate from growing.

The BLS numbers “are just guesses,” Biderman tells Newsmax. “I don’t know whether they’re politically motivated or not.”

The White House is doing “cartwheels” over the positive jobs numbers being promulgated from the BLS, the Christian Science Monitor says.

“These numbers will go up and down in the coming months, and there’s still far too many Americans who need a job or need a job that pays better than the one they have now,” President Obama said. “But the economy is growing stronger.”

BLS spokesman Gary Steinberg tells Newsmax that the bureau publishes its methodologies for calculating the unemployment rate online. While its tweaks its various formulas to keep them up to date, he states there has been no major change in how the rate is calculated in over a decade.

“The definitions have not changed . . . if someone is not actively looking for work for the four weeks preceding the reference week, they’re not in the labor force,” he says. “That was true years ago, and it’s true today.”


III. Obamanomics Has Failed!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Mike Brownfield-On February 17, 2012:

IV. Obama’s Budget Blather!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On February 16, 2012:

V. See, I Told You So: Obama Approval Up, Jobless Rate Down, “Culture War” Revived—All Manipulated by Lib Media to Dispirit You!-Posted on Rush Limbaugh-On February 16, 2012:

VI. Italian police seize $6 trillion of fake U.S. bonds!-Posted on Yahoo! News-By Elisa Forte and Gavin Jones, Reuters–On February 17, 2012:

VII. Video: Italian police seize $6 trillion of fake U.S. bonds!-Posted on Yahoo! News-On February 17, 2012:

VIII. Obama proposes $800 million in aid for “Arab Spring!”-Posted on Reuters-By Susan Cornwell, WASHINGTON-On February 13, 2012:

IX. Heritage Responds to Obama’s 2013 Budget Proposal!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Mike Brownfield-On February 13, 2012:

X. Romney, Ryan, Rubio Rip Obama's New Budget!-Posted on Martin Gould-On February 13, 2012:

XI. White House Spin Machine Hits Brick Wall!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Mike Brownfield-On February 13, 2012:

XII. Budget? Why Follow A Budget?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Mike Brownfield-On February 10, 2012:

XIII. S AMERICA SPIRALING TOWARD FASCISM? (Part 1)-Posted on News With Views-By Dr. Carl Parnell, Ed,D –On February 7, 2012:

XIV. IS AMERICA SPIRALING TOWARD FASCISM? (Part 2)-Posted on News With Views-By Dr. Carl Parnell, Ed,D –On February 15, 2012:

XV. Steny Hoyer: ‘What Does A Budget Do?‘ The ’Fact Is, You Don‘t Need’ One!-Posted on The Blaze-By Becket Adams-On February 8, 2012:

XVI. Job Growth Should Be Stronger!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Mike Brownfield-On February 3, 2012:

XVII. Harvard Prof: Megaupload-Style Cases Will Kill Tech Companies!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On January 31, 2012:

XVIII. Marco Rubio: Obama‘s ’Made Everything Worse!’-Posted on The Blaze-By Madeleine Morgenstern-On January 28, 2012:

XIX. Socialism’s Fundamental Flaw that Liberals Simply Ignore!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By David L. Goetsch-On January 28, 2012:

XX. Video: Allen West to Democrats: Get your leftism the hell out of America!-Posted on The Right Scoop-By The Right Scoop-On January 28, 2012:

Note: What follows is an extremely disturbing letter from Attorney A. Clifton Hodges from Hodges and Associates, a Professional Law Corporation in Pasadena California that was written, on or about June 17, 2011, to Mr. Zhung Yesui, Ambassador of The Peoples Republic of China at the Embassy in Washington, D.C. alleging that President Obama committed treason for not following through with his commitment regarding the World Global Settlement/U.S. Dollar Refunding Project.  Also included are two videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:


Video: TREASON FROM A U.S. PRESIDENT (OBAMA)!-Posted on BoKnowsEntertainment-On February 17, 2012:

Video: The World Global Settlement Funds!-Posted on BoKnowsEntertainment-On February 17, 2012:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/

Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Speaking Truth-to-Power

The Only Hope for America Now





Two recent events emphasized for Ol’ Rajjpuut the importance of never-failing to tell truth to power. In America the TEA Party is the last hope for the voting, tax-paying public to get through the thick heads of our elected officials that fiscal- and Constitutional-responsibility are vitally necessary NOW.   The second instance concerns, Bill O’Reilly of FOXNEWS and will be dealt with in great detail later in this blog. In the first one, Rajjpuut who used to be a health educator and who has hammered away for a long time on the dangers of bureaucratic incursions into health care was gratified to see truth winning out over the Washington health care proselytizers . . . .

The dangers of the federal and state governments’  “one-size fits all medicine” will soon be revealed to all of us unless Obamacare is repealed. However, in a far less obvious story: for 25 years now, the federal government has been insisting that childhood shots required by law were absolutely blameless in causing mental and neurological damage to our children even as the numbers and rate of autism were skyrocketing. While they were doing this openly on the one hand they’ve been running a slush-fund to pay-off on the quiet many of the families involved. The only requirements for these slush-fund pay-offs were two: A) well-documented cause and effect that tie brain or nerve damage to the shots and B) the lawsuit could NOT mention the word “autism” in anyway, fashion or mode.    That dirty-little-secret is now blown to hell and back thanks to those of us who for over a generation have been insisting upon speaking truth to power . . . .

Today your child is more likely to develop autism than he is to have a twin. One in every 84 children develops autism. These numbers have risen steadily since the federal and state governments began requiring shots of all children first as they gained school age and secondly in more recent days infant shots after the first six weeks of life. A second factor no one has mentioned but key to understanding the problem is that instead of single shots, today it is very likely that a “combo-shot” of three, four or even more vaccines will be pumped into the arms of the children at one fell swoop . . . it is only as these combo-shots came into vogue that the autism ratio dropped dramatically from one in every 760 children to today’s one in every 84. The third factor is that mass vaccination drives are often held. No child who is not 100% healthy, displaying absolutely no cold-no fever-no other problems, should ever be given a vaccination and never more than one vaccine at a time should be administered. Finally, however, autism is just now being spoken of frankly and the government being accosted and big pharmaceutical companies and their combination vaccines are feeling the heat and paying up . . . finally.  It’s only a trickle so far, but this truth is finally coming out. Truth to power is vital. Perhaps someday soon we can see some greater responsibility on this issue and the autism ratio rise back to 400 or 500 to 1.

For our major blog coverage, Rajjpuut was aghast to see FOXNEWS’ Bill O’Reilly of The O’Reilly Factor opinion program get absolutely pummeled by liberal-progressive idiots on his program for roughly a week straight. Rajjpuut sent the following short e-mail to O’Reilly with the extensive follow-up information also included. If this information was part of our nation’s shared knowledge bank the financial meltdown would never have happened; Barack Obama would not be in the Oval Office using the Constitution as toilet paper; and our National Debt and UNfunded entitlement liabilities would be already on the road to manageable resolution . . . .



Bill, progressive mouthpieces on the Factor make you look bad when arguing about the Financial Meltdown of 2008 and Obama’s economic policies.  Unlike Truth-Meister Glen Beck, you seem afraid to deal with the underlying causes:  A) CRA ’77 and its five expansions took us from 0.24% suspect loans in 1977 to 34.2% in 2007 and B) the Broken Window Fallacy which virtually every liberal-progressive initiative displays.


Longmont, Colorado

                           More detail for you to research:

Broken Window Fallacy:

The ACORN-Progressive-Clinton-Obama Conspiracy:

1.      CRA ’77 the Community Reinvestment Act of  1977 from Carter and progressives in both chambers of Congress.  64% of Americans owned their own homes then . . . so the F-M system was very healthy and the envy of the world.  Free Market mortgages were no longer allowed.  Bad home loans MUST now be made to unqualified applicants by LAW.  Suspect loans allow 3% down payment or less.

2.      ACORN was created in 1977 virtually simultaneously (as the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now by Cloward-Piven and Wiley Lieutenant Wade Rathke) with the creation of CRA ’77.

3.      After doubling the nation’s welfare rolls in seven years, (1968-75) with their National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), C-P and Wiley bragged publicly and in print about bankrupting NYC and nearly bankrupting NY State and many other states and large cities.  They charged their NWRO followers with using Saul Alinsky tactics in voter registration and housing.  Rathke from the NWRO was sent to Arkansas to get L-G Bill Clinton (he and his wife were Alinsky enthusiasts) elected and to test out the ACORN concept.  Clinton was elected governor for 12 of the next 14 years in Arkansas and by 1985 national suspect loans had doubled to 0.51% just from ACORN in one small test-state.  ACORN went national and become the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

4.      First of the five major expansions of CRA ’77 was under G. H. W. Bush who sustained 45 out of 46 vetoes.  Bush loved the bill given him by Congress in 1992 but hated one “tiny” rider segment of it that expanded CRA ’77 into Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae.  Instead of vetoing it and asking for a  cleaner bill, he signed it.

5.      One of Bill Clinton’s first acts resulted in a signing ceremony for the infamous Motor Voter Act (called a 12-lane highway for voter fraud) with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official portrait:  an ACORN payoff.

6.       Clinton’s next ACORN payoff was four separate expansions of CRA ’77.

7.      Between 1993 when he first took office and 1995, Clinton presided over a huge expansion of CRA law by executive regulatory fiat.

8.      In 1995 he and his progressive Dems outdueled the Republican majority and got two legislative expansions of CRA ’77 passed.

9.      In 1998, despite his Monica scandal, Clinton passed a steroid-version of CRA expansion.

10. In high contrast, “W” as the governor of Texas passed a 1998 law requiring a minimal down payment of 20% on all mortgage loans.  Texas would become the state least impacted by the financial collapse.  Rick Perry would follow up “W’s” work by passing tort reform making Texas the most business-friendly state in the nation and the friendliest for the health care industry as well.

11. Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer for two years browbeating and shaking down mortgage lenders around Chicago to comply (to their detriment) with CRA ’77 law and to give donations to ACORN.

12. After the ’98 steroid-version expansion of CRA law by Clinton, it was easier for ACORN to put a very poor (risk) loan applicant into a $440,000 home than it had been to put a better applicant into a $110,000 home a decade earlier.  Many of these ACORN-prodded loans were granted at 0% down payment.

13. By 2005, folks without jobs; without credit; with only food stamps to declare as “income;” and even illegal aliens were being put into expensive homes.

14. The problem of sub-prime lending and a housing bubble was first noticed by Jim Stack of  in late November, 2003.  He ran a chart of the Housing Industry Bubble on the website’s homepagefor the next 4.5 years as the 1,400% rise in these stocks was part of a bubble brought on by CRA laws that he said threatened the entire American economy.

15. Roughly thirteen months later in January, 2005, “W” made a speech about the sub-prime lending dangers and his administration sought to repeal much of CRA legislation.  They were defeated by progressive Republicans and Democrats.

16. Bush would make eighteen more speeches and attempted often to get the CRA laws repealed.  He was foiled for thirty months.

17. In July, 2007 a heavily watered down version of Bush’s January, 2005 bill was passed by a bi-partisan Congress.  It would prove way too little; way too late to do much about the coming fiscal collapse . . . but it helped a lot.  In August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush’s law and said that it prevented a complete collapse of the nation’s economy by heading off a severe crash in home prices.  This is practically the only positive comment on Bush’s handling of the economy ever breathed by the Obama administration.

18. On no less than 58 occasions (probably more) President Obama has referred to the “mess” caused by his predecessor and the economic hole he inherited -- while using an economic metaphor about a “car driven into the ditch” while referring to Wall Street, conservatives, the Bush administration, and most blatantly false:  the free market system.  The facts are that Wall Street is perhaps 10% guilty; Obama is perhaps 300% guilty; ACORN and Bill Clinton about 10,000% each; and Cloward-Piven, Wiley, Rathke and Progressive politicians are equally 500,000% guilty and Bush, conservatives, and the free market are blameless.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“Civilization and profit go hand in hand.”

“Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.”

“Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.”

“Duty is not collective; it is personal.”

“Economy is the method by which we prepare today to afford the improvements of tomorrow.”**
All quotes by President Calvin Coolidge
Progressivism = Reactionary Politics,
Nihilistic Economics and Human Slavery
           Most thinking voters now realize, progressivism is a hideous political philosophy based upon the belief that we must ‘progress’ beyond ‘the ill-conceived and outdated U.S. Constitution’ in order to make progress toward an earthly Utopia. What most, even clear thinking, people don’t realize is that under the guise of “modernity” progressivism is an utterly reactionary approach to government. Totalitarian states and socialism have been the norm of human existence. Protecting people’s right to self-govern, is something virtually unheard of across history. It is freedom for individuals; and economic freedom; and documents that proclaim those individual and economic freedoms which are comparatively new on the world scene.
This great experiment, this United States that has stood as the “Shining City on the Hill” for the world to aspire to . . . that is something most rare. Despite the specious modernity of the word ‘progress,’ progressivism means rule by elites and that is as old as human history. Until some people somewhere else create a society, a government, a promise of human excellence better than American at her peak . . . the driving force in human political aspiration must be to recreate and imitate America at her peak . . . and for Americans: to return to and surpass that peak.
Has the world really made such great progress since our Constitution was born in 1787 and purified in 1791 with the addition of the Bill of Rights? Think even further back to the Declaration of Independence . . . think on the inspiring words of Calvin Coolidge as true today as when he spoke about the Declaration of Independence a full 85 years ago:
It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern.  But that reasoning cannot be applied to this great charter.  If all men are created equal, that is final.  If they are endowed with unalienable rights, that is final.  If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final.  No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.  If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people.  Those who wish to proceed in that direction cannot lay claim to progress.  They are reactionary.  Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.
In this moment in history when our present American president has no compunction whatsoever about moving us toward his sorry vision of Utopia . . . all of his supporters fooling themselves that they are racing headlong into a beautiful and rarely glimpsed future . . . imagine their shock if they were ever to succeed and then necessarily discover how much of all that they’re striving to so cavalierly toss onto the trash heap of history is what all of mankind has so long been aspiring toward. A great pity that great classics like George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World are no longer read and people instead watch sitcoms and reality television . . . .
As for our “fearless leader,” it’s a great misfortune that unlike Coolidge who treated his place in history very humbly, saying  "It is a great advantage to a president, and a major source of safety to the country, for him to know that he is not a great man” -- it is obvious that Barack Obama mistakenly believes himself to be a great man.  While Coolidge lived to serve his countrymen, Barack Obama lives that his countrymen might more deeply serve him.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** In contrast, in Obama’s world today’s debt is how we enslave tomorrow’s children.  Notice how the Coolidge quotes like Coolidge himself are soft-spoken but when you think about them you see just how powerful the concepts behind them are:  for example,  the ones above a) tying the rise of civilization to the rise of profits or surplus b) putting forward a reverse angle view of the Robin Hood mentality that would pull the rich down by taxation c) and d) tying in with b) and showing collectivism, progressivism, Marxism, socialism, and etc. up for the false religions they are and e) bringing up the duty we owe to posterity and a warning against enslaving them via debt while more obviously showing us the only proper way to live.  By comparison, the more you examine Obama's words, the more empty they become . . . .
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This is from Personal Liberty;


Moe, Larry And Curly Bernanke

June 20, 2011 by Bob Livingston

Moe, Larry And Curly Bernanke
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said he wanted inflation. He got his wish. Now the question is: Is it getting out of hand?

In the 1940 short film “A Plumbing We Will Go,” The Three Stooges pose as plumbers trying to stop a leaky pipe in a large home while a party is going on.

Since they know nothing about plumbing, it isn’t long before the boys have connected the water pipes to a conduit and water is pouring out everywhere. Of course, the party is ruined and the house is wrecked.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is Moe, Larry and Curly all rolled into one, and his efforts to stop the leaky economy have been as successful as the boys’ efforts were in fixing the dripping pipe. Bernanke’s latest effort of quantitative easing — known as QE2 — is running out, and the bubble he created is deflating faster than one of the Stooges’ helium-filled cakes.

Last week, a Chinese ratings house accused the United States of defaulting on its massive debt by allowing the dollar to weaken against other currencies — eroding the wealth of its creditors, the biggest of which is China.

China holds $1.145 trillion of U.S. Treasury securities. That is down from its peak of $1.175 trillion in October, according to a story by the AFP news service.

China, the No. 1 holder of U.S. debt, is now a seller of U.S. Treasuries. Japan, the second largest holder of U.S. Treasuries, may soon be a seller as well. It needs money to repair infrastructure following this year’s earthquake and tsunami.

The stock market was down six weeks in a row before last week, when it finally finished a week on an up note. According to The Economic Collapse blog, that hasn’t happened since the dotcom bubble burst in May 2001.

The false euphoria created by QE2, which propped up Bernanke’s Wall Street buddies by driving money into the market, has worn off. Investors realize this, and they are looking for new places to put their money.

Meanwhile, once again, John and Jane American are watching their meager retirement funds dry up. Unemployment is up (the true unemployment rate, which includes discouraged workers, is 22.3 percent, according to the National Inflation Association), manufacturing and consumer confidence are down and one in seven Americans is on food stamps. Millions of Americans receive some sort of government assistance.

The price of everything is increasing. According to NIA: “90% of sporting goods manufacturers have seen their input costs rise substantially this year and 41% of them have already announced major price increases for athletic apparel, footwear, and sports equipment. As the 8,000 toy manufacturers in China are forced to raise the wages they pay their employees, Toys R’ Us is now beginning to see major wholesale price increases for their products, which they will have to pass on to U.S. consumers. Hasbro recently raised prices on all of their products by 6% to 7%. Mattel recently imposed an across the board high single digit price increase after reporting a 33% decline in quarterly profits (despite sales surging by 8%) due to skyrocketing raw material costs.”

May sales reflected what consumers thought of the rising prices. Retail sales fell for the first time in 11 months. The drop in sales hit autos, electronics, appliances, furniture, groceries, sports retailers and department stores.

Bernanke said he wanted inflation. He got his wish. Now the question is: Is it getting out of hand?


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Only government can take a perfectly useful commodity such as paper, print a few numbers on it and make it worthless . . . 
American Economy Facing
Death by 100+ Trillion Cuts
Today as President Obama tried to shed his rightful nickname “The Spread-the-Poverty President” by blaming Japan, and the world economy and high oil prices for the recent uptick in the nation’s UNemployment . . . you don’t have to be a gypsy fortune-teller to read-between-the-lines well enough to see that the American economy is dying the death by ten thousand cuts (or perhaps we should say by 100 TRillion+ cuts). Of course, many (if not most) of our fearless leaders in Congress and the White House are proclaiming an ongoing recovery. We’re not talking the Mississippi here, but de-Nile, deep, deep denial. Until we’re willing to face up to the truth, no solutions are possible. The progressive leadership in this country over the last forty-eight years (only Ronald Reagan is exempt among presidents and both chambers of every single congress has been guilty with the verdict still out on our present House of Representatives) have destroyed the greatest economic machinery the world has ever known and substantially weakened and corrupted the greatest and freest society ever known. 
Except for producing reality TV series and useless TV networks, we almost don’t create or build anything anymore . . . we certainly don’t create jobs. The American Dollar whose original symbol was a capital “U” with a capital “S” atop it has been led to a slow death. Thanks to our leaders we are almost literally drowning in debt: $14.3 TRillion officially; plus $115 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities (Social Security; Medicare; the federal side of Medicaid) or a total of almost $130 TRillion we purposefully ignore discussing; plus, oh yes, that Welfare State that just got Obamacare added onto it . . . .
In a recent article the Prison Planet website told a sad story . . . when we’re through examining their cataloging of the situation . . . besides some parenthetical comments you’ll see immediately after each item, Rajjpuut has three shocking insights to add to the picture, Prison Planet said . . . .

The Economic Collapse: 24 signs of economic decline in America
#1 Standard & Poor’s just altered its outlook on U.S. government debt from “stable” to “negative” and warned the U.S. that it could very soon lose its AAA rating (the last time this happened was during the three months following the December 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor).

#2 China has announced that they are going to reduce their holdings of U.S. dollars (China, Brazil, Russia, and several other countries have openly called for elimination of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and China, Russia, Brazil and India have been moving out of Greenbacks into gold and silver).

#3 Hedge fund manager Dennis Gartman says that “panic dollar selling is setting in” and that the U.S. dollar could be in for a huge decline (the dollar has lost 24% of its value this last decade).

#4 The biggest bond fund in the world, PIMCO, is now short-selling U.S. government bonds.

#5 This cruel economy is causing “ghost towns” and “ghost neighborhoods” to appear all across the United States. There are quite a few counties across the nation that now have home vacancy rates of over 50% (Las Vegas, Nevada has one of the highest home vacancy rates in the nation . . . it’s so bad there that there’s a mini-construction “boom” going on . . . what? why? because rather than clients moving into one of Las Vegas’ many ghost neighborhoods for a bargain price they prefer to get into whole new sub-divisions with other people nearby rather than a seedy area over-run by kangaroo rats).

#6 There are now about 13 million fewer full-time jobs in America than when the recession began back in October, 2007.

#7 The average American family is having a really tough time right now. Only 45.4% of Americans had a job during 2010. The last time the employment level was that low was back in 1983.

#8 Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in all of U.S. history.

#9 The average large company’s CEO made 343 times more money than the average American worker did last year.

#10 Gas prices reached five dollars per gallon at a gas station in Washington, DC on April 19th, 2011. Could we see $6 gas soon? The President continues to spit on the concept of American oil jobs and American oil while recently loaning Brazil $2 billion for deepwater drilling and claiming “We want to be your best customers1”

#11 Over the past 12 months the average price of gasoline in the United States has gone up by about 30%.

#12 Due to rising fuel prices, American Airlines lost a staggering $436 million during the first quarter of 2011.

#13 U.S. households are now receiving more income from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

#14 Approximately one out of every four dollars that the U.S. government borrows goes to pay the interest on the national debt.

#15 Total home mortgage debt in the United States is now about 5 times larger than it was just 20 years ago.

#16 Total credit card debt in the United States is now more than 8 times larger than it was just 30 years ago.

#17 Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income. In China, average household debt is only 17% of average household income (1/8 as high a percentage on a lot less earnings).

#18 The average American now spends approximately 23 percent of his or her income on food and gas (forty years ago that number was about 7%).

#19 In a recent survey conducted by Deloitte Consulting, 74 percent of Americans said that they planned to slow down their spending in coming months due to rising prices.

#20 Over 59 percent of all Americans now receive money from the federal government in one form or another.

#21 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average length of UNemployment in the U.S. is now an all-time record 39 weeks.

#22 As the economy continues to collapse, frustration among young people will continue to grow and we will see more seemingly “random acts of violence.” One shocking example of this happened on a Metropolitan Atlanta Mass Transit Area (MARTA) vehicle recently. The following is how a local Atlanta newspaper described the attack . . . .
Roughly two dozen teens, chanting the name of a well-known Atlanta gang, brought mob rule to MARTA early Sunday morning, overwhelming nervous passengers and assaulting two Delta flight attendants.
#23 Some Americans have become so desperate for cash that they are literally popping the gold teeth right out of their mouths and selling them to pawn shops.

#24 As the economy has declined; the American people have been gobbling up larger and larger amounts of antidepressants and other prescription drugs. In fact, the American people spent 60 billion dollars more on prescription drugs in 2010 than they did in 2005.

            To understand the full picture, consider this: Barack Obama’s puppet-master, George Soros (the “man who broke the Bank of England” and chief funder of some 52 progressive-foundations that have been working to undermine the U.S. economy for the last nine years as well as funding Barack Obama’s campaigns) is openly calling for the Chinese Yuan to replace the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Soros, who has been called responsible for the destruction of at least six other currencies, is now heavily invested in the Dollar’s destruction. Every day that we refuse to emulate the British and adopt severe austerity measures, the closer Mr. Soros gets to adding another few hundred billion dollars worth of profit to his net worth. However, it’s not likely that Barack Obama will cut his own strings and act for the good of the American people over George Soros.
Real money, such as gold or silver, does not change in value over time although because of supply and demand considerations and new inventions, etc. it may be used to buy more or buy less of certain commodities. Paper money which is NOT backed by gold or silver (fiat money) always becomes worth less over time and eventually worthless. Right now Americans are shocked that the dollar has officially lost 24% of its value in a decade . . . but that’s only the official figure. The Federal Reserve Bankers under Fed Chief Ben Bernanke have not so much been “printing money” but merely creating it electronically. If the official figures took into account all Mr. Bernanke’s shenanigans and the world valued the Dollar accordingly then the 2011 dollar would be worth between 3-4 pennies from the 2001 DOLLAR.  Leave it to government to take a perfectly useful commodity such as paper, print a few numbers on it and make it absolutely worthless . . . by the way, gold prices have risen 45% in the last eighteen months; silver has risen 58% in the last four months as people and nations are abandoning paper currencies like the Dollar, Euro and Yen.
            The combined U.S. National Debt and UNfunded liabilities and Welfare responsibilities of the American government right now is equal to about three and one-half times the Gross Domestic Product ($57 TRillion) of the entire world . . . and yet the highly visible film-maker Michael Moore, all the unions, and the Progressives in congress from both parties claim there is “plenty of money” and refuse to cut spending and are debating when and how and how much to increase the debt ceiling right now. They’re counting on higher taxes upon “the rich” (those married couples earning a combined $250,000 or more who create all our small business jobs) to solve all our problems while continuing to create higher deficits, the one thing NOT on their agenda: spending cutbacks.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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     “The president of the United States, Barack Obama, doesn’t seem to have chosen the right model to copy for his “green economy,” Spain. After the government of José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero demonized a study of different experts about the fatal economic consequences of renewable energies, an internal document from the Spanish cabinet that it is even more negative has just been leaked. 




Green-Tech Model Advocated by Obama

Destroyed the Prosperous Spanish Economy

Undisclosed Debt Revelations Startle Voters



     First Greece, then Ireland and Portugal, now Spain, next America?  Two reports by the every vigilant Pajamas Media (PJM); and numerous other revelations from Spain are painting an ugly picture of political corruption, stupidity and rampant cronyism in eastern Iberia.  The Spanish Socialist government has issued a secret report showing that their green-tech jobs program destroyed the country’s once prosperous economy. 2011’s 21.3% UNEMPLOYMENT  figure confirms their confession as did the PJM’s uncovering of the original story.

     In 1997, Spain was the most prosperous European economy and one of the strongest in the world:  unemployment stood at less than 4%.  The country’s most popular political power, the Socialist Party began movement toward a green economy at that time.  Today, unemployment is five and a half times as high.  The elections in Spain in 2010 sent the ruling Socialists out of power; but people are today none too happy with the traditionally weaker Conservative Party either.  Most people believe that all the politicians in Spain pass laws to benefit themselves and do little for the people.  The country’s tiny Moderate Party made big gains in the 2010 elections and is expected to do even better in the 2012 ones.  The Socialists, however, are truly under-the-gun since recent revelations of heretofore huge unacknowledged debt has dealt an angry surprise to the voters and may force the nation to follow in the footsteps of bankrupt Greece, Ireland and Portugal and require a bailout from the international monetary fund (which American voters largely finance).

     Piles of undisclosed debt in local government associated with the operation of the country’s green-tech jobs programs are shaking up a political scene that was pretty much in chaos to begin with.  Spain, which had been doing everything it could to avoid becoming the next European bailout recipient, is far worse off than its people had been led to believe.  The huge debt revelations in 2010 seemed to indicate that the Socialists were waiting for the Conservatives to discover it after the election so the voters might “shoot the messenger” in the next election.  Unfortunately for the Socialists, the truth emerged and anger has remained rampant along the Costa del Sol and throughout the Spanish countryside over the last year.   Even today Spain has had trouble eradicating the debt and regaining a firm economic footing because of contract disputes with green energy companies created by the Socialist’s green energy programs.

     It all began with the first “offseason” government change earlier in 2010 in Catalonia which revealed a budget deficit there more than twice what had been reported earlier.  Piles of “hidden debt” are still being revealed to the new government related to the green program and to health clinics and other suppliers . . . in short, economists and analysts and numerous anecdotal reports from companies that supply local governments in Spain indicate widespread, unrecorded debt.  Companies complained that the Socialists when in power pressured them to do business off-the-books rather than immediately bill for goods and services according to  Fernando Eguidazu, vice president of the Circulo de Empresarios business lobby group in Madrid.  This chicanery continues to add tens of billions of euros to the official debt figures reported by local and regional governments.

     Undermined by a 21.3% unemployment rate and a perceived slowness in reacting to the country’s economic crisis, the Socialists lost control of the municipal governments of Barcelona and Seville, the country’s second- and third-largest cities.  Young people are protesting everywhere including the main plazas of Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.  Unemployment among those in their 20’s and 30’s reached 50% in many areas at the height of the Spanish crisis. 

      Pajamas Media’s exclusive original story about the leaked Spanish government report in 2010 was confirmed later by several Spanish newspapers.   Yes, the very same Spanish “green economy” policies  that Barack Obama has modeled his administration’s green-jobs programs upon . . . have been cited by the Socialist government that created them as an “expensive, ineffective and unworkable disaster.”  The first Spanish newspaper on the scent was La Gaceta, a Madrid daily.  At about the time the story “went viral” the Socialist government came out with an admission that it was true. 

For Americans the shocker has to be that the headline in La Gaceta (the Gazette) seemed to be aimed squarely at a USA target audience as it screams out (English Translation Provided by Rajjpuut):

“Spain admits that the green economy

Sold to Obama is a disaster.”



     The Spanish public is still up in arms.  An academic team in Spain revealed all this in 2007 and was treated monstrously by the country’s media and by the ruling Socialists trying to discredit the survey’s purpose as purely political and without merit (Americans will recall that when the results of the Spanis study were brought up in a press conference, Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs made fun of the questioner).  Dr. Gabriel Calzada, the Spaniard who first exposed the disaster in 2007 was finally vindicated despite taking mountains of flack from the progressive academic establishment at his own and other universities across the country. 

     Professor Calzada is today often still  featured on all the nation’s most important news and business talk shows.  Despite all the nasty attacks he received, the good professor had enough integrity to stick by his guns these last four years and a year ago even wrote praise for “The dissection of ‘free-ice cream green jobs economics’” on the book jacket of Power Grab:  How Obama’s Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America by American author Christopher C. Horner, a Pajamas Media watchdog whose book bears this enscription on the inside flap:  “Barack Obama’s ‘Green’ Policies Start With Controlling Your Energy…and End With Your Life.”



     This scandal associated with deliberately villifying Calzada and covering up the truth for three years, however, pales in contrast with the undisclosed debt still popping up everywhere in the country.  But Spaniards and Americans would do well to remember that the problems associated with our own financial meltdown** and with Spain’s collapse began years ago with misguided and deliberate progressive policies (more later).  For now remember this, in Calzada’s study:

       A)   2.2 real jobs in the real economy were lost for each green-tech job subsidized by the Spanish government. 

       B)   The average subsidized green tech job there (although counted equally with all the lost permanent jobs in the real economy) lasted less than a year. 

       C)   Only 10% of all the Spanish green-tech jobs proved permanent.

       D)  So, in reality, 22 real jobs in the real economy were lost for every permanent green job created in Spain

       E)   The average green tech job there paid roughly $12.20.

       F)   The owners of Spanish solar plants make 12 times more than what they pay for the energy coming from fossil fuel combustion. The majority of this profit comes from subsidies charged to the consumer via taxes.

     The long-run numbers are even scarier for Spain.  The government itself in recent revelation says that the alternative energies sector are stil scheduled to receive 126 billion euros in the next 25 years.  And things bode very badly for America:   Pajamas Media put it like this: 

      “The president of the United States, Barack Obama, doesn’t seem to have chosen the right model to copy for his “green economy,” Spain. After the government of José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero demonized a study of different experts about the fatal economic consequences of renewable energies, an internal document from the Spanish cabinet that it is even more negative has just been leaked.

     To one of the authors of the first report, Gabriel Calzada, “the government has leaked it intentionally in order to turn the media against renewable energies and to be stronger in negotiations with businesses.”  On eight occasions, the occupant of the White House referred to the Spanish model as an example to follow.  Barack Obama wants us to enjoy the same success the Spanish have known from green energy.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,




** In America, the second wave of progressive sabotage began with the progressives in the Carter administration in 1977 passing the CRA ’77 legistlation that first forced private sector home lenders to make knowingly ill-advised loans to unqualified home loan applicants.  This travesty was multiplied four times by Bill Clinton (Bush, Sr. has a bit of the guilt on his resume as well); attacked this ridiculous law and exposed its weaknesses using Cloward-Piven Strategy by ACORN which controlled Bill Clintons electoral destiny for eighteen years.  Even ACORN lawyer Barack Obama did his part.  Overall the suspect loan rate in 1975 0.24%; became 0.51% in 1985; 14.2% in 1995 (after a Clinton regulatory expansion and two legislative expansions); and 34% in 2005. 

Thanks to ACORN many of these suspect loans after Clinton’s 1998 steroid version final expansion of CRA’77 put people without jobs; with abysmal credit ratings; with only food stamps to declare as “income” into $250,000 to $450,000 homes at zero downpament.  Bush, Jr. who is getting all the blame now . . . in January, 2005 (one of 19 such speeches and vote efforts) tried to repeal CRA laws and only succeeded thirty months later in getting a very weak version of his law passed in July, 2007.  It all proved too little too late, but did help some.  Today, much of the CRA legislation is still on the books waiting another ACORN push.  Of course, the mainstream media runs with the progressive line that “the conservatives and the free market put our economy into the ditch.”

By the way, the First Wave of sabotage ended when the federal government bailed out bankrupt New York City in 1975.  New York State and many states and other large cities were also driven near the point of bankruptcy and the stock market suffered its biggest losses (46%) since the Great Depression (sound familiar?) . . . thanks to the progressive-left’s implementation of Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky tactics to deliberately double the welfare rolls from eight to sixteen million people in seven years and overload the system as promised. This also was a deliberate sabotage by the progressive left.  Rajjpuut has explained the matter in deep detail in numerous blogs.   Find another take on the Cloward-Piven Strategy history leading to the bankruptcy of NYC, here:


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“PAX Americana” to Go
the Way of the Greenback??
            The American progressive-left may have its fondest wish coming true according to a recent projection of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicting that the Red Chinese economy will surpass America’s sometime in 2016, just five years from now. Under an evaluation system known as PPP or Purchasing Power Parities, the IMF compared economies in “real terms” and their comparison shows the Chinese economy expanding to $19 TRillion by 2016 from its present $11.2 TRillion (while the American Economy rises from $15.2 TRillion to $18.8 TRillion) so that China overtakes America’s share of the world economy as it slips down to 17.7% while China’s cut of the pie climbs to 18% and rising. For perspective, ten years ago the American economy was ten times the size of China’s.
            Is this latest IMF projection accurate? There are three good reasons to doubt its veracity in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion:   
1)    The dominant influence of the scoundrel George Soros upon the activities and emphases of the IMF . . . .
2)   The overt proclivity of China to fudge and adulterate the figures when it comes to their money which has been artificially propped up rather than allowed to float free against other currencies. 
3)    It’s unprecedented in history for an already large and booming economy to undergo a 70% productivity increase within a five-year period.
Speaking to the first issue, multi-billionaire Soros has been seeking to destroy the American Dollar for roughly seven years now and the so-called “great philanthropist” (a.k.a. “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England” and “The International Man of MISERY”) who has made his fortune destroying currencies in Europe, Eurasia and Southeast Asia has had all fifty-two of his progressive American foundations funding the rise of his favorite Marxist, Barack Obama, for the last five years . . . his man “on the inside.” In other words the puppet Obama has no interest in becoming a real boy when those strings feel so good. 
On the second issue . . . anyone could take any figures whatsoever from the Chinese and work them any way they wanted and you’d be no closer to the truth than a snowball is to a glacier. And the third figure seems like it’s come from smoke and mirrors and wishful thinking . . . all of which doesn’t say it’s impossible, only that it’s highly unlikely.
For the sake of argument let’s be ultra-conservative and conced that the semi-slave economy in China has the U.S.A by the short hairs because something pretty rotten is going on in Washington, D.C. and whatever that something is . . .  it’s weighing down the American economy so heavily that the IMF figures are 100% accurate . . . it does not take a crystal ball or tea leaves to understand that 100% of Obama’s economic policies have failed on the side of dollar-destruction rather than shoring up the American economy . . . and since Rajjpuut’s antipathy for our Neo-Marxist president is so very high . . . your blog-writer might be allowing his feelings to color the situation. However, given all the available facts, it seems unfortunately that the IMF report if not at least very close to accurate is certainly leaning in the proper direction    . . . which makes it, potentially “a blessing in disguise” or what any sensible patriot would call an “immediate fire alarm” for our so-called “leaders” in Washington, particularly Obama, Geithner, Bernanke, and Harry Reid.
            Unless immediate and significant spending cuts; a balanced-budget amendment; an elimination of about 20% of the government’s activities; and business-friendly environment are created within the next year, the IMF projection is likely to come true within ten or twelve years in any case and then . . . the world will become a very different place. Consider the historical precedents: the United States first eased ahead of Great Britain economically about 1890. Both the United States and Germany were economically more powerful about 1914 when the First World War sprang up. Even before the end of World War II, in mid-1945, when the Labour Party ousted Winston Churchill and began instituting its progressive and highly-inflationary “reforms” the British Pound Sterling (which had been the World’s Reserve Currency (WRC) for roughly 220 years) shifted into deeply-troubled waters. By 1950 the American Dollar had become the new WRC.
            While the Imperial British had some gross failings (as our own colonial experience reminds us) the world with Britain as the greatest military and economic power was a relatively benign place. As long as the Brits got their cut from their own colonies, anything short of the Mau-Mau Rebellion was not going to provoke too much agitation from the London powers-that-be. This situation was continued with the rise of America and the American Dollar . . . except for mistakes borne of ignorance (all too common, unfortunately) the Yanks ran a pretty orderly shop. With America as the world’s dominant economic and military power, generally speaking, things were downright friendly. Consider this almost three-hundred year period of Anglo-Saxon hegemony . . . and most particularly the last 60-odd years of PAX Americana (a generally peaceful time all around a planet dominated by the United States).
            For example, can you imagine Adolf Hitler in charge of an Empire against which Mohandas K. Gandhi is agitating for Indian Independence? Khrushchev ever giving the Panama Canal back to Panamanians? The Spanish Empire that preceded the Brits facing down Martin Luther King’s demonstrations; the rise of Nelson Mandela’s government amidst a minority government of a different race in South Africa under China’s rule?
            How much charitable good has the United States dropped upon the world’s people via its Navy and Air Force? How beneficial has our model of free markets and democratic-republicanism been for the emerging countries of the world as the age of colonialism slips behind us? How much forthright protection has the U.S. military provided against rogue states during the last three score years? Ah, but it appears the “king is dying, long live the new Chinese king.”
How much different will the world be under dominance of a Communist Chinese government that forces sterilization; forces abortion; limits the number of children; fires upon demonstrators in Tiananmen Square; and is among the leaders in human rights violations performed upon its own citizens? Statism; communism, collectivism and fascism have killed nearly 204 million people in the last 75 years (since Spain’s Civil War in 1936) even though those totalitarian cultures never rose to the absolutely dominant level that Britain and the United States have. The implication is easily made that chaos will be the result if and when China becomes the “Mu Gai PanKock of the Walk.” It’s supposed that the hard left in this country will rejoice as one of their own takes center stage but the song (sung to the tune of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes) might become:
We’ve cried cap’lists should
Be removed for good
Barack, of course, agreed
And he took the lead . . . .
There’s a firing squad
Busy in the yard
We just smile and say
As our lovely friends die
Marx, he, told us lies ------
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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Only government can take a perfectly useful commodity such as paper, print a few numbers on it and make it worthless . . .
American Economy Facing
Death by 10,000 Cuts
It's too early to calculate if the recent International Monetary Fund's projection (see link above) that the "Age of America" will end in five years when the Chinese Economy surpasses America's is accurate.  However, you don’t have to be a gypsy fortune-teller to read-between-the-lines well enough to see that the American economy is dying the death by ten thousand cuts. Of course, many (if not most) of our fearless leaders in Congress and the White House are proclaiming an ongoing recovery. We’re not talking the Mississippi here, but de-Nile, deep, deep denial. Until we’re willing to face up to the truth, no solutions are possible. The progressive leadership in this country over the last forty-eight years (only Ronald Reagan is exempt among presidents and both chambers of every single congress has been guilty with the verdict still out on our present House of Representatives) have destroyed the greatest economic machinery the world has ever known and substantially weakened and corrupted the greatest and freest society ever known. 
Except for producing reality TV series and useless TV networks, we almost don’t create or build anything any more . . . we certainly don’t create jobs. The American Dollar whose original symbol was a capital “U” with a capital “S” atop it has been led to a slow death. Thanks to our leaders we are almost literally drowning in debt: $14.3 TRillion officially; plus $115 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities (Social Security; Medicare; the federal side of Medicaid) or a total of almost $130 TRillion we purposefully ignore discussing; plus, oh yes, that Welfare State that just got Obamacare added onto it . . . .
In a recent article the Prison Planet website told a sad story . . . when we’re through examining their cataloging of the situation . . . besides some parenthetical comments you’ll see immediately after each item, Rajjpuut has three shocking insights to add to the picture, Prison Planet said . . . .

The Economic Collapse: 24 signs of economic decline in America
#1 Standard & Poor’s just altered its outlook on U.S. government debt from “stable” to “negative” and warned the U.S. that it could very soon lose its AAA rating (the last time this happened was during the three months following the December 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor).

#2 China has announced that they are going to reduce their holdings of U.S. dollars (China, Brazil, Russia, and several other countries have openly called for elimination of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and China, Russia, Brazil and India have been moving out of Greenbacks into gold and silver).

#3 Hedge fund manager Dennis Gartman says that “panic dollar selling is setting in” and that the U.S. dollar could be in for a huge decline (the dollar has lost 24% of its value this last decade).

#4 The biggest bond fund in the world, PIMCO, is now short-selling U.S. government bonds.

#5 This cruel economy is causing “ghost towns” and “ghost neighborhoods” to appear all across the United States. There are quite a few counties across the nation that now have home vacancy rates of over 50% (Las Vegas, Nevada has one of the highest home vacancy rates in the nation . . . it’s so bad there that there’s a mini-construction “boom” going on . . . what? why? because rather than clients moving into the ghost neighborhoods for a bargain price they prefer to get into whole new sub-divisions with other people nearby rather than a seedy area over-run by kangaroo rats).

#6 There are now about 7.25 million fewer jobs in America than when the recession began back in October, 2007.

#7 The average American family is having a really tough time right now. Only 45.4% of Americans had a job during 2010. The last time the employment level was that low was back in 1983.

#8 Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in all of U.S. history.

#9 The average large company’s CEO made 343 times more money than the average American worker did last year.

#10 Gas prices reached five dollars per gallon at a gas station in Washington, DC on April 19th, 2011. Could we see $6 gas soon?

#11 Over the past 12 months the average price of gasoline in the United States has gone up by about 30%.

#12 Due to rising fuel prices, American Airlines lost a staggering $436 million during the first quarter of 2011.

#13 U.S. households are now receiving more income from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

#14 Approximately one out of every four dollars that the U.S. government borrows goes to pay the interest on the national debt.

#15 Total home mortgage debt in the United States is now about 5 times larger than it was just 20 years ago.

#16 Total credit card debt in the United States is now more than 8 times larger than it was just 30 years ago.

#17 Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income. In China, average household debt is only 17% of average household income (1/8 as high a percentage on a lot less earnings).

#18 The average American now spends approximately 23 percent of his or her income on just two items food and gasoline (forty years ago that number was about 7%).

#19 In a recent survey conducted by Deloitte Consulting, 74 percent of Americans said that they planned to slow down their spending in coming months due to rising prices.

#20 Over 59 percent of all Americans now receive money from the federal government in one form or another.

#21 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average length of UNemployment in the U.S. is now an all-time record 39 weeks.

#22 As the economy continues to collapse, frustration among young people will continue to grow and we will see more seemingly “random acts of violence”. One shocking example of this happened on a Metropolitan Atlanta Mass Transit Area (MARTA) vehicle recently. The following is how a local Atlanta newspaper described the attack . . . .
               Roughly two dozen teens, chanting the name of a well-known Atlanta gang, brought mob rule to
MARTA early Sunday morning, overwhelming nervous passengers and assaulting two Delta flight attendants.
#23 Some Americans have become so desperate for cash that they are literally popping the gold teeth right out of their mouths and selling them to pawn shops.

#24 As the economy has declined, the American people have been gobbling up larger and larger amounts of antidepressants and other prescription drugs. In fact, the American people spent 60 billion dollars more on prescription drugs in 2010 than they did in 2005.

            To understand the full picture, consider this: Barack Obama’s puppet-master, George Soros (the “man who broke the Bank of England” and owner of some 52 progressive-foundations that have been working to undermine the U.S. economy for the last nine years as well as funding Barack Obama’s campaigns) is openly calling for the Chinese Yuan to replace the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Soros, who has been called responsible for the destruction of at least six other currencies, is now heavily invested in the Dollar’s destruction. Every day that we refuse to emulate the British and adopt severe austerity measures, the closer Mr. Soros gets to adding another few hundred billion dollars worth of profit to his net worth. However, it’s not likely that Barack Obama will cut his own strings and act for the good of the American people against George Soros.
Real money, such as gold or silver, does not change in value over time although because of supply and demand considerations and new inventions, etc. it may be used to buy more or buy less of certain commodities. Paper money which is NOT backed by gold or silver (fiat money) always becomes worth less over time and eventually worthless. Right now Americans are shocked that the dollar has officially lost 24% of its value in a decade . . . but that’s only the official figure. The Federal Reserve Bankers under Fed Chief Ben Bernanke have not so much been “printing money” but merely creating it electronically. If the official figures took into account all Mr. Bernanke’s shenanigans and the world valued the Dollar accordingly then the 2011 dollar would be worth between 3-4 pennies from the 2001 DOLLAR.  Leave it to government to take a perfectly useful commodity such as paper, print a few numbers on it and make it absolutely worthless . . . by the way, gold prices have risen 45% in the last eighteen months; silver has risen 58% in the last four months as people and nations are abandoning paper currencies like the Dollar, Euro and Yen. 
            The combined U.S. National Debt and UNfunded liabilities and Welfare responsibilities of the American government right now is equal to about three and one-half times the Gross Domestic Product ($57 TRillion) of the entire world . . . and yet the highly visible film-maker Michael Moore, all the unions, and the Progressives in congress from both parties claim there is “plenty of money” and refuse to cut spending and are debating when and how and how much to increase the debt ceiling right now. They’re counting on higher taxes upon “the rich” (those married couples earning a combined $250,000 or more who create all our small business jobs) to solve all our problems while continuing to create higher deficits, the one thing NOT on their agenda: spending cutbacks.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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The Facts About Obama

After two years of's your:


January 2009


% chg


Avg.. Retail price/gallon gas in U.S.





Crude oil, European Brent (barrel)





Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel)





Gold: London (per troy oz.)5





Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL





Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL





Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. Fob





Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall





Unemployment rate, blacks





Number of unemployed





Number of fed. Employees, ex. Military (curr = 12/10 prelim)





Real median household income (2008 v 2009)





Number of food stamp recipients (curr = 10/10)





Number of unemployment benefit recipients (curr = 12/10)





Number of long-term unemployed





Poverty rate, individuals (2008 v 2009)





People in poverty in U.S. (2008 v 2009)





U.S.. Rank in Economic Freedom World Rankings





Present Situation Index (curr = 12/10)





Failed banks (curr = 2010 + 2011 to date)





U.S.. Dollar versus Japanese yen exchange rate





U.S.. Money supply, M1, in billions (curr = 12/10 prelim)





U.S.. Money supply, M2, in billions (curr = 12/10 prelim)





National debt, in trillions





Just take this last item: In the last two years we have accumulated national debt at a rate more than 27 times as fast as during the rest of our entire nation's history.

Metaphorically speaking, if you are driving in the right lane doing 65 MPH and a car rockets past you in the left lane, 27 times faster, it would be doing 7,555 MPH! 


(1) U.S. Energy Information Administration;

(2) Wall Street Journal;

(3) Bureau of Labor Statistics;

(4) Census Bureau;

(5) USDA;

(6) U.S. Dept. Of Labor;

(7) FHFA;

(8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller;

(9) RealtyTrac;

(10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ;

(11) The Conference Board;

(12) FDIC;

(13) Federal Reserve;

(14) U.S. Treasury


You realize of course that it is all George's fault, however, - - - So says Commie-Bama & the main stream press

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Obama is purposely trying to collapse the American Economy. He is doing this on purpose. "On Purpose".
Call him out on this. If we just sit here and watch him, he will indeed collapse the Economy. Make noise. Call and write your Congressman and Senator. Tell your friends and neighbors. signs at Tea party;s should say:



We need to talk about it. Spread the word. If Economy collapses, it will be worse than Great Depression.
God Bless,
Alex Abrams, Orlando

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Please take just a minute and just ask your Congressman and Senator why we are allowing Obama to Collapse the Economy. Why do our Congressmen/Senators "NOT" Articulate that Obama and Soros are collapsing our economy. Ask they why this is happening and ask them why they don't stop this in it's tracks?
Please contact your Congressman and Senators and make them accountable.
Alex Abrams, Orlando

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“Soros, you see is making a great BLUFF and his multi-billions are now at risk . . . .”
Are Ben ‘n Barack Deliberately
Undermining Economy for Soros
            Multi-billionaire supposed philanthropist~~ George Soros has now stepped out into the open. The man with the self-acknowledged “God complex” has pulled off the kid gloves and is moving in for the kill. Declaring that the dollar as we’ve known it is dead, not in so many words – but yes, in fact, Soros claimed at a recent conference at Bretton-Woods, New Hampshire that the American Dollar was no longer the world’s reserve currency. The “Man who Broke the Bank of England” (1992) a.k.a “The International Man of Misery,” infamous for preparing and profiting from the destruction of numerous nations’ currencies -- Soros laughingly talked about the badly-weakened Dollar now sharing duty with the Euro, the Yen and several other currencies. For those in the know, that highly gross insult wasn’t lost upon us . . . .
Soros knows as do we that 1) in the wake of bailing out Greece, Ireland and Portugal and preparing to bail out Italy, Spain and possibly Hungary . . . the Euro is a horrifically threatened currency and also that  2) the Japanese Yen has been devastated by the monster earthquake, tsunami, nuclear reactor problems and thirty huge aftershocks (the latest this week measuring 7.1 on the Richter Scale) . . . in short the Dollar (if indeed it’s only on a par with the Yen and Euro), as George suggests, is dead as a doornail. 
George didn’t have his billions back in the late 40’s when the British Pound Sterling gave up its two-century old position as the world’s reserve currency to the United States’ greenback, so he wasn’t able to profit from that terrific misery . . . but “Spooky Dude” definitely knows his history. Because of that, Soros said that efforts to attack the American DEBT were short-sighted and the only way for our economy to survive was to risk incurring a lot more debt to get the economy humming. He put it this way, “The big question is not whether the U.S. Dollar should be the world’s reserve currency. It no longer is. That role is shared with the Euro, Yen and other currencies and commodities such as gold, oil . . . .”
Acting as if he, King George, was the acknowledged leader of the entire world, Soros set up his economic conference on the site of the famous Bretton-Woods economic conference which charted the monetary future of the planet as the end of World War II approached. That first Bretton Woods agreement established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world’s major industrial states in the mid-20th Century.  In planning the rebuilding of the international economic system as the European and Pacific Wars still raged, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton-Woods, N.H. and after proper deliberation signed the Bretton-Woods Agreements during the first three weeks of July 1944. Soros at his Bretton-Woods meetings has called for the renunciation of the American Dollar right here on American soil in a particularly grandiose and self-serving manner.
All that not being enough for Spooky George, he tried his hand at straightforward sabotage as well. In his prescription to rush the fall of the Buck once and for all, Soros pretended he was offering good economic advice designed to save the currency as he pooh-poohed calls for strengthening the dollar by dealing with the debt (such as Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan has made with his proposed 2012 budget) saying, “There is very a strong push to tighten the budget as a way to reduce government spending… In my opinion, the country could actually absorb some more debt in order to get the economy going. If you have a growing economy, you can tolerate a higher level of debt.” Soros, you see is making a great BLUFF and his multi-billions are now at risk . . . . 
That’s right, Soros who has twice before made a play to bring the United States’ fiscal house down around us was NOT counting on the fiscal-conservative backlash that has dominated the U.S. political scene since mid-2010 and sent so many progressive big-spending politicians’ (88% of them progressive Democrats) packing in the most recent elections.  As a result his “bets” against America are deeply at risk. He is heavily invested in futures positions based upon the collapse of our currency . . . thus preparing to once again repeat the successful currency forays that made him a multi-billionaire while helping wreck the economies of Britain (a second time), Russia, Malaysia, etc., etc. ad nauseum.   Next to the radical jihadist element of Islam, no one hates the United States nearly so much as George Soros does. He made his first big play to cut the country down to size, by pouring billions into the Kerry election campaign in 2004 and into anti-George W. Bush propaganda. Bush #2 was not our wisest president, no doubt . . . but he was patriotic enough and wise enough NOT to get under George Soros’s thumb (something that Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama cannot say) and wise enough NOT to consider printing money as a satisfactory answer to any sort of problem. Barack Obama, by comparison, is a George Soros puppet.
Speaking of “the great man who’s now along with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) already spent over $1.2 million to prevent efforts to find his birth certificate” -- less than a week ago President Obama became the first to throw his hat officially into the ring as a declared candidate for the presidency in 2012 . . . now he and his campaign are officially prepared to receive all the millions that Soros and his fifty progressive foundations can pour his way.   If the policies of Barack Obama have been seemingly impossible to understand, one has only to ask three questions to clear up the matter completely. A) What would the international communists and America’s labor leaders want him to do to undermine the United States?  B) What would George Soros prefer? And C) How can he best disguise his loyalties to Georgie S. and his Red Friends.  Usually the first two questions generate the same answer and Barack’s duty is clear. When there is conflict between the two positions, Obama is forced to think for himself and his trademark “dithering” becomes apparent as he seeks to chart Path C.
Whether or not Barack proves to be a one-term president will likely depend upon the economy and/or his ability to sell Americans on his contention that the economy belongs 100% to his predecessor – always has, always will.   With the liberal media on his side, it won’t necessarily be a hard sell.   Surprisingly, 34% of voters still give him good or excellent marks on running the economy although only 14% believe their taxes will go down due to Obama’s governing; only 30% now see their own financial picture as good or excellent; and 69% of American voters call themselves “at least somewhat angry” about the policies of the government. With the unending help of the media, Obama will likely be made a hero by the media for the passage of the 2011 budget with two more challenges ahead: the status of the national debt (he wants to raise the Debt Ceiling up well past $15 TRillion) and the 2012 budget drafted by Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan (which cuts $6.2 TRillion from the debt over the next decade; compared to Mr. Obama’s budget which increased spending 4% and ratchet up the deficits and debt as well.
Obama’s unwitting^^ partner in crime in making King George’s dreams come true is Ben Bernanke, Chief of the Federal Reserve Banking System. The stagnation the country has felt economically is now being compounded by Bernanke-created inflation. At present the ceaseless physical and electronic creation of money by Mr. Bernanke has made the 2011 U.S. dollar technically worth only 3.2 pennies worth if the late 2008 greenback. The treasury department has hidden our current inflation by A) insisting that food and fuel costs don’t count and B) by overweighting the cost of housing in the current inflation statistics.  Since we don’t buy houses everyday and since we do need food and fuel every day, in reality we are now paying 16% more for the everyday necessities than we did when George W. Bush was president. While the civilized world has been ostentatiously tightening its belt Bernanke, Barack, Soros & other Sons of B______ have been seriously counterfeiting the American Dollar. 
You need look no further than the Euro . . . this abysmally weak currency is now trading very strong about 1 4/9 as valuable as the Buck. All over the globe folks are noticing and buying gold, silver, oil, or other currencies with their dollars. Few are eager to embrace dollars unless they’re given bonus amounts. The debt and the inflation scare are two sides of the same coin with Barack, Ben and Soros the edge of that coin . . . trying to sell the world and Americans on the notion that stagflation is a great step on the road to repairing the American economy.   Surprisingly, George Soros might be even more over-extended than the American economy is. If his bluff doesn’t work and doesn’t help rush the American economy into absolute bankruptcy, King George might just find himself a mere hundred millionaire again, more’s the pity. 
Besides that potential problem: 1) George’s funding for ACORN has now proven a major liability 2) Soros, Gore, Obama, Raines, Rogers, Strong, both Clintons, several Goldman Sach’s bigwigs and at least 54 other top progressives already lost their shirts when their little cap and trade scheme backfired and they had to sell out their holdings in the CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange) after neither legislative bullying nor Obama-ordered EPA regulatory bullying proved sufficient to move the nation toward full carbon-trading. Instead of hundreds of billions of profits they wound up collectively losing millions. Al Gore just missed becoming the first “Green Billionaire” and Soros’ foundations suffered mightily. Bottom line, Barack Obama badly owes his puppet-master . . . do not expect him to cave in on the Ryan budget in any way, shape or form. Unlike the first ACORN president who delivered the Motor-Voter Act and four separate expansions** of CRA ’77 to ACORN in payment for their corrupt backing . . . the totally incompetent “Anointed One” Barack Obama has failed to deliver much of anything to his handlers. The Deficit-Ceiling votes and the Ryan Budget Package will undoubtedly be his last hurrah unless he finds unmitigated success . . . which the G.O.P. can hand him or deny.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
~~          Philanthropist is a euphemism used by progressives to describe King George Soros. Like all euphemisms, this is a LIE to hide truth that’s harsh, offensive or blunt.
According to Canada Free Press, “George Soros is a ‘philanthropist’ if by ‘philanthropist’ we mean one who creates chaos, destruction and financial ruin for his own personal gain, it’s a perfect fit.  Calling Soros a philanthropist is rather like referring to the Nazi block wardens as Neighborhood Watch.” They go on . . . .
“Soros certainly gives lots of money away.  But a philanthropist acts to improve the human condition.  Soros acts solely to improve the Soros condition.  Despite the lofty sounding rhetoric about an Open Society, Soros’ objective is to wreck the United States.  Actually Soros never really defines his Open Society.  The concept arose in the 1930s with the notion of a moral code based on “universal principles”.  After tweaking the concept to suit his own purposes, Soros adopted his own version of an Open Society which would be one in which the US has no power. 
“Soros was born in Hungary in 1930 to non-practicing Jewish parents.  His father, a lawyer was able to hide their identities and young George was recruited by the Nazi’s Judenrat to hand out flyers deceptively directing Jews to turn themselves in for deportation to the death camps.  Soros later said he found the work exhilarating.  Later passing himself as an official’s godson, he accompanied his benefactor confiscating valuables from innocent Jews.  Soros would later tell Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes that he had ‘no remorse’ about what he had done.
“In fact, Soros doesn’t have remorse for much, if anything.  In The Shadow Party (David Horowitz and Richard Poe, 2006), Soros is quoted as saying that ‘conscience clouds an investor’s judgment.’”
Additionally, our philanthropist Mr. Soros has been accused several times of illegal currency manipulation and also was convicted in France of insider trading . . . certainly he has no compassion for the victims of his monetary shenanigans.
^^Bernanke is a self-mis-directed-would-be patriot who mistakenly believes he and only he correctly understands American economic history. Big Ben has written several scholarly papers on the Great Depression. He actually believes that by and large Hoover on the one hand and FDR and his administration on the other did a relatively good job and that a huge amount of the blame for the depth and duration of the Great Depression were caused by unenlightened Federal Reserve policies and too-tight monetary$$ policies. The Fed was undoubtedly at fault somewhat, but the anti-capitalistic actions of Hoover and FDR are the root cause. When he’s not allowed to read his own writing, Bernanke makes a lot more sense. Indeed, at times he sounds like he’s got his finger on the pulse of things when he says he favors
a)     “Reducing the U.S. budget deficit by reform of the Social Security and Medicare entitlement programs”
b)      Accomplished by cutting spending, or entitlement payments or raising taxes or some combination of those three actions. 
He notably does not account for the debilitating effect of raising taxes on prosperity . . . .
$$ No one seems to know, much less take advantage of the great historical lesson known as the “Invisible Depression” wherein Woodrow Wilson’s (much more acute recession than the 1929 market crash brought about) severe recession was tamed in fifteen months by President Warren G. Harding’s combination of cutting spending by 49%; cutting taxes by 48% and paying down the debt 30%. FDR, while calling Hoover “a socialist” promised to repeat the Harding formula, but, of course, did exactly the opposite and extended the depression into a 12.5 year Great Depression.
** CRA ’77 was the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 passed by Jimmy Carter and progressive politicians (about 86% of them Democrats). This was the greatest government interference in the free market ever conceived. Banks and mortgage companies were required to knowingly make abysmally bad loans to unqualified would-be home owners. In 1976, 0.24% of home loans were considered ‘suspect.’ Thanks to ACORN (then the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now) working almost totally in Arkansas under Governor Bill Clinton, that rate for the entire nation doubled to 0.51% suspect loans by 1986. When Clinton took office in 1993 he repaid ACORN (become the Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now) with the Motor-Voter Act and a huge regulatory expansion of CRA ’77 almost immediately. In 1995 he twice legislatively expanded CRA ’77. By 1996, 14.08% of all home loans in the country were suspect. In 1998, Clinton passed the steroid-version expansion of CRA legislation. By 2000, the housing bubble was underway and the sub-prime lending crisis was a fact of life by 2005 when 34% of all home loans were suspect . . . but the situation was much worse than the numbers showed: instead of a tiny amount of loans at 3% down payment for $80,000 and $120,000 homes we had a huge amount of 0% loans on homes in the $320,000 to $480,000 range. Instead of “iffy” loans to former military officers attending college on the GI Bill (0.24% in 1976); we now had horrifically bad loans at 0% to people without jobs; with horrible credit ratings; without even rental histories; whose only “income” was food stamps; and even to illegal aliens. If you’re confused by all this and why the word “deliberately” was deliberately used in the headline to his blog: here’s some information on the progressives’ Cloward-Piven Strategy published in 1966, which deliberately bankrupted New York City in 1975 requiring a federal bailout . . . .

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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


The other day on a Southwest Airlines flight back to Houston, I saw him, Cooter. He was one big dude, and he was making his way down the aisle of the plane carrying his duffel bag and his hardhat. As usual, his hardhat was decorated with stickers from most of the plants where he had worked. Since Cooter does contract work, he had a lot of stickers! The row I was in was full. It just so happened that Cooter’s traveling companion, Bubba, was seated in the window seat of my row. So Cooter put his carry-on in the overhead and sat in the row behind me.


Ok, I didn’t really know if his name was actually Cooter, but I know a lot of Cooters. Cooter is a slang name for a group of working people across the United States. Cooter builds cars in Tennessee, raises cattle in Kansas and installs cat crackers in refineries in Texas. Cooter is good at what he does. He takes pride in his work, his family and his yard. You wouldn’t want to make Cooter mad if you were another man. However, he loves babies and little kids.


Cooter voted for Carter, Reagan, Clinton and George W Bush (the first time). He didn’t vote at all in the 2008 election because he was disgusted with the candidates. Cooter often chooses not to vote unless something has him fired up. He can get fired up about anything that he thinks impacts his family.    Continue...
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  Unclothing the Latest Obama Lies



Item: President Obama wants you to think he stopped the economy from entering Depressionville.

            Background: Democrats ascribe the “lukewarm success” of the President’s $787 Billion stimulus to the fact that it was “way too puny,” but, they say, it saved us from a depression, Hallelujah! And now they’re seeking a much richer round of stimulus for the economy. Notice the weasel word “stimulus” from their mouths is much like the weasel word “investment” Obama unveiled during the State of the Union speech eight days ago . . . let’s substitute the more accurate words “government spending,” OK? 

            Facts: As we make our midterm assessment of his presidency, we must realize that Mr. Obama’s stimulus like all government spending comes at the cost of jobs in the real (non-government) economy. Government spending and government borrowing and government regulations and other government interference all kill real jobs in the real economy.   This is why small government is so vital; government is grossly inefficient at doing any but its legitimate functions.


Item: The president likes to peddle two truly great fictions among the dozens of daily lies they put out. The first is that “Our programs have broken the back of the recession.” 

Background: His bureaucracy released a GDP growth rate of 3.4% for the fourth quarter of 2010 using a price deflator that was quite self-serving. The price deflator was 0.3 while the Consumer Price Index rose at 2.6 . . . .

Facts: in layman’s language, what he is calling growth is just higher prices we all face at the pump, at the grocery store and across the board.   If Jimmy Carter had used such lies he would have been bragging about the highest growth the nation has ever known (in 1980 inflation and interest rates both stood at 18%).  

Item: The other great fiction is the “Car in the Ditch” fable that he’s used for two years to deflect responsibility for the economy onto conservatives and the free market and President Bush.

            Background: The Sub-prime lending crisis began in 1977 with Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77). In 1975 only one home loan in 404 was “suspect.” That is roughly 403 of any 404 home mortgages were granted to good risk clients and required virtually always 20% down payment. CRA ’77 forced lenders to knowingly make bad home loans to poor risk clients. After four expansions of CRA ’77 by Bill Clinton (one by regulatory means in 1993; two smaller ones in 1995; and his steroid version in 1998) by 2005 34% of all U.S. home loans were “suspect,” that is, granted at 3% or less (many without any down payment to people without jobs; some without I.D.; without income other than food stamps; many without previous rental history; with terrible credit ratings; and even to illegal aliens). Thanks to the steroid version of CRA ’77 passed by Clinton in 1998, ACORN and other provocateurs (who all used Saul Alinsky tactics for) pushing these unwise loans upon unwilling lenders found it as easy to put bad risk clients into $440,000 homes in 2000 as it had been a decade earlier to put them into $110,000 homes. By the way, working two years as an ACORN attorney, Barack Obama was famous for not only pushing lenders into these bad loans but wheedling “generous” ACORN donations from them as well.

            Facts: George W. Bush saw the progressives including Democrats, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and especially ACORN deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot ditch and jumped into the front seat grabbing the wheel and slamming on the brakes to guide the car into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

            We’ll back this incredible statement up by reminding the voters that Bush saw the increasing scope of the sub-prime lending problem in January, 2005, and sought to have the worst aspects of CRA ’77 repealed. His efforts were defeated, nay crushed, by the Democrats. Bush spoke to the nation and congress 18 more times on this subject and sought CRA ’77 repeal each time. Finally, 30 months later enough Dems were alarmed that a diluted version of Bush’s original bill was made into law in July, 2007. This proved too little too late, but it did help some, so much so that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner credited Bush’s action with limiting the impact of the recession and preventing a truly horrific plunge in housing prices. Only one more word needs to be discussed: the word “deliberately” in the italicized paragraph above. This CRA ’77 damage wasn’t all done because of misconstrued “good intentions” by the altruistic progressives in question but was a deliberate attempt by them to manufacture a crisis they could exploit . . . .


http:// teapartyorg.



This link to another Rajjpuut’s Folly blog immediately above tells the whole shocking story starting with 1) Cloward and Piven creating their “Cloward-Piven Strategy” in 1968 and later bragging about how they doubled the number of welfare recipients in the country in eight years and bankrupted New York City (just missed bankrupting New York State) requiring a federal bailout in 1975.   These are the same married couple Cloward and Piven who often quoted Stalin in their Columbia University (NYC) classrooms “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” 2) How Cloward and Piven told their followers to shift to voter registration and housing activism 3) How Wade Rathke in Arkansas created ACORN as soon as CRA ’77 became law. 4) How the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now became the nationwide Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now after putting Bill Clinton into the governorship (voter registration fraud helped in the first of his six elections) and doubling the bad home loans in the country from one in 404 to one in 196 just by their work in Arkansas 5) How once ACORN put Clinton into the White House he repaid them with the Motor Voter Act and four expansions of CRA ’77; etc., etc., etc. By the way, here’s a picture of the Motor Voter Act signing ceremony with Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven standing directly behind Bill Clinton as he signed into law “a twelve-lane highway for voter fraud.”

            So where does all this leave President Barack Obama? Let us count his most obvious big failures: 1) His stimulus package was a counter-productive disaster*** that made the economy much worse (it jumped from 7.8 to 9.9% unemployment within six months after it went into effect). 2) His financial regulation bill (Dodd-Frank) is choking the life out of the economy that has so harassed small banks that they have stopped loans to small businesses entirely. 3) He appears to be losing Egypt to radical Muslims linked to the infamous Muslim Brotherhood (to learn about their link to 9/11 read Lawrence Wright’s The Looming Towers: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11). 4) He and his Fed Chief Ben Bernanke appear to be inflating our money so terribly that there’s a good chance the dollar will cease to be the World’s Reserve Currency and hyper-inflation will result. 5) His god-awful “Affordable Health Care Program” better known as Obamacare (which would have a) bankrupted the individual states because the federal government was shifting virtually all federal side Medicaid funding upon them and b) was destined to become a $2.5 TRillion boondoggle) has now been called entirely UNconstitutional by a federal judge.   And 6) he has put us all ninety giant steps closer to Marxist-Socialism in the process. God, what a great president!


Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,



*** actually, we’ve become what Dick Morris called  “a nation of inventories.” Businesses are sitting on close to $1 TRillion dollars worth of cash they’re afraid to invest because the business climate is so horrendous. Banks have loads of capital handed out by Ben Bernanke’s fed as they try to “force-feed the economy by printing money” but the economic climate is so prohibitively bad they’re afraid to loan out 98% of it. Consumers now have paid off household debt to the tune of $200 BIllion rather than make any big investments such as homes; real estate; new cars. But real spending is not happening . . . even if the government is spending enough for sixty congresses . . . nobody is really buying anything, as we all wait for the next shoe to drop . . . .

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Voters Losing Faith in Dem Politicians



     According to a Rasmussen Reports survey . . . American voters, who have recently acknowledged more faith in Barack Obama than they’ve shown in several months, are now apparently rapidly losing faith in his fellow Democratic politicians and trust Republicans more on all ten of the nation’s top issues.  Looking at the top-10 issues as selected by those surveyed: Voters trust the G.O.P. on the Economy (their #1 issue) by a 9% margin; on health care (issue #2) by 14%. Only on education (#3) was the matter much in doubt. The voters trusted Republicans by only a 2% margin on education while the minimum trust edge for all the other issues was 8% on ethics; and Social Security; and Iraq. The national security (#9) edge given to the G.O.P. was a whopping 15%; and the edge on handling taxes (#10) afforded to Republicans was a phenomenal 19%.








 Health Care












 Social Security






 Government Ethics



 National Security








          As new House Speaker John Boehner and the G.O.P. take over the House of Representatives this month (the Dems still control the White House and Senate),  this marks the first time according to Rasmussen since August, 2009, that Republicans have been trusted more on all ten top issues. At this time two years ago, the soon to be inaugurated Obama and his Dems were trusted more than Republicans on almost every issue. Republicans have held double-digit or near double-digit leads on generic Congressional ballots over the last few months. Congress means both the House and Senate . . . so possible implications are that Democrats in the House and Congress need to respond to the people’s wishes for sweeping change in their handling of the nation’s business. The election results indicate that voters want that from both parties but perhaps are looking for even more marked change among Democrats.



            Meanwhile Barack Obama today meets with Red Chinese leader Hu Jintao. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama has been even more INeffective on the world stage than he has been at creating jobs here at home.  Jintao's country has abused ours in trade agreement after trade agreement and now he's calling for the world to replace the dollar with their currency (the Yuan).  Mr. Hu Jintao is an enemy intent upon economic destruction of this nation and needs to be handled as such.  Of course, we've hurt ourselves much more than the Chinese have damaged us and it's about time Mr. Obama looks back in history to the last time a President actually made a difference in ending a serious financial downturn.

            Warren G. Harding in 1921 inherited a terrible recession from progressive President Woodrow Wilson, much worse than the one in 1929 Herbert Hoover caused for himself with his economic interference policies (raising tariffs in particular). Thanks to Harding’s decisive action the so-called “Invisible Depression was ended in fifteen months. What did Harding do? He cut taxes 49%; cut spending 48%; and reduced the national debt by 30%. He died in office before getting to see the country’s full rebound, but his Vice President Calvin Coolidge after being sworn in continued the policies and gave us the “Roaring Twenties” the decade in American History which showed us the most dramatic surge in prosperity the country’s ever known. How does Harding’s example relate to Obama’s visit with Hu Jintao? Rajjpuut would suggest seven steps for the country per se; and three more steps with regard to the Red Chinese:


A.    Internally


1. Reduce government spending by 40% and maintain it at that level for a period of 10-15 years depending upon progress in the economy; national debt and UNfunded liabilities.

2. Reduce taxes on individuals and businesses by 60% for a period of five years; by only 40% for years six-ten.

3. Pay down the national debt by 12% per year for the next dozen years.

4. Create a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. And an amendment requiring that each new Congress must in their first 90 days pass a budget.

5. Pass an amendment to the Constitution abolishing income tax for individuals and businesses and replacing it with an 8% Value-Added Tax (VAT) on all individual and business purchases; and a 12% VAT on all purchases of imported goods.

6. Eliminate all foreign aid.

7. Allow refineries to be built in the United States and drilling of oil inland and offshore to proceed and nuclear power plants to be built.



B.  Vis-a-vis China
      Until such a time as China agrees to 100% fair trade with this country in all aspects charge a 40% VAT on all Chinese goods entering the country, and . . .


1. Forbid all knowledge-sharing and technology-sharing with the Chinese.

2. Add a $1 million surtax upon any company doing business with the Chinese.

3. Forbid ownership or exchange of Chinese Yuans in this country.


Rajjpuut states unequivocally that the measures mentioned above will return this country to greatness and put us on the road to curing the worst 85% of our nation’s economic ills within a dozen years.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course and America be damned.” Rajjpuut
His Obstinacy’ Barack Obama
Refuses to Budge
All men are the same in victory; it is defeat that etches character on a person’s face. “We took a shellacking,” Obama told the Whitehouse press corps at the first conference after an overwhelming defeat for Democrats saw 50 House seats; six Senate seats; and nine governorships slip from his party’s hands to the Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections. But this reporter saw only a “false humility and a lot of “personal expressions of feelings” revealed by the conference and not a single clear commitment to positive and needed change. It was quite clear that Obama is not interested in learning anything from the voters whose eloquence was far more powerful yesterday than any feigned contrition by their chief executive this afternoon . . . in a phrase: the president STILL DOESN’T GET IT.
Rajjpuut would like to congratulate the White House press corps which for the first time in the Obama presidency refused to serve up batting practice but instead sent a string of “hard ball” questions at the Commander-in-Chief. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama constantly insisted upon putting his own ball on a special tee and allowing himself several practice swings before dealing with the peripherary of the strong and honest questions he faced. Finally, the mainstream media showed some willingness to put Obama the man and Obama the president and Obamanomics (his policies) under a microscope. The headline writers have not been nearly so incisive as the reporters were in their questioning. Already 90% of them report that Obama has shown a “willingness to compromise.” Wanna bet?
Item: Obama still insisted upon lecturing America, his party and Republicans on the fine points of Das Kapital instead of taking to heart these far more terse, powerful and accurate lessons from the free market:
Item: Obama still danced around issues even when they were put squarely to him. Asked about business and jobs and spending and possible new directions, he unleashed a storm of platitudes and invoked the magic word “emergency” at least ten times during the talk. He had his excuse (emergency) and he never let Americans forget it.
Item: When reminded that he had told Republicans “Elections have consequences” after taking office and had NOT worked openly or transparently with the “other side of the aisle” so far during his presidency, Obama refused to admit that his policies or his direction so far could be anything close to misguided or GASP “wrong.”

Item: He talked in platitudes about business and the economy while consistently talking about green-energy and clean environment. He spoke of “natural gas” and “alternatives repeatedly but never once mentioned the words “coal” or “oil” or talked about electrical prices which is key . . . because Mr. Obama has said before his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry” and “electricity rates would necessarily sky-rocket." Yet here he was talking about energy in one form or another for perhaps 25% of the speech without once mentioning coal, oil or energy prices? If you, the reader, take nothing else from this blog: remember that simple straightforward honesty means simple straightforward talk not "beautiful words" and phrases spoken in appropriately reverent tones. Mr. Obama cannot be blunt because Mr. Obama cannot be honest about his goals for this country which are dramatically different from mainstream America's goals and the truth about this discrepancy would make mainstream America despise him . . . .

Obama never once seriously talked about businesses’ need for predictability or GASP profits. As a result he never connected needed jobs to needed profits and needed actions by government to cut taxes, cut spending and get out of the free market's way so those business profits could emerge naturally. He mentioned directly and obliquely the disproven idea of global warming as justification never once letting out that Europe as a whole has refuted the idea since the revelations of Climategate came to light. For example, much of the American press and intelligent American people are aware that even the ultra-liberal London Times admits that global warming is a hoax:

Mr. Obama, in Europe the climate-change “deniers” (like Rajjpuut) used to call global warming alarmists “mean-greenies,” but now much of the establishment in business and government in Europe calls them “watermelons” meaning “green on the outside and pink to Deep RED on the inside” because now only socialists and communists still push this 100% disproven effort at science while seeking the necessary 100% government control of business and industry that Cap and Trade requires . . . and yet you mentioned Cap and Trade positively twice in your “contrition speech” before opening up to questions.
Item: Just as he insisted six months ago that the main emphasis of NASA going forward was to “outreach to the Muslim world community” he still apparently believes that the main goal of business is to oppress people and dirty the environment and exploit the rest of the planet . . . absolutely nothing he said today would make any careful listener believe differently.
Item: When a direct question was put to him about his “car in the ditch analogy” where putting the car in R (for Republican or Reverse) was the wrong move and it needed to be put in D (for Democrat or Drive) . . . “Do you admit that your policies might have been taking the country in the wrong direction?” Obama grimaced and said “We’ve at least been pushing in the opposite directions,” a good-sounding answer but one which refuses to face up to the excellent question** he was asked.
Mr. Obama refuses to ever consider that anything he’s done could be fundamentally wrong, therefore HE CANNOT LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES AND CANNOT GROW FROM HIS EXPERIENCE. Hopefully he is doomed to be a one-term president, because the answers to our problems and the decisions for our future cannot come from such a man. Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, while some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course (because he knows best) and America be damned!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The BIG TRUTH of the ditch analogy (what in propaganda science is called a “BIG LIE” is this:
George Bush saw Obama, ACORN and Clinton pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500 foot cliff (utter disaster), jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes to coast it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
This shocking counter-analogy would be best proven with a full expose of the problems that caused the financial debacle running from the creation of the Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1966; through the deliberate bankrupting of New York City in 1975 by Cloward, Piven and NWRO leader George Wiley; the creation of the CRA ’77 by Washington and of ACORN in Arkansas both in 1977 with CRA laws forcing lenders to make knowingly bad loans; Bill Clinton’s executive expansion and his three legislative expansions <twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ‘98> of CRA laws . . . an explanation which six or seven pages could barely do justice to. Let it suffice to say . . . .
In January, 2005, (14 months after Rajjpuut had become aware of the serious nature of our housing industry bubble -- subprime lending crisis --- and derivatives bubble and been writing about it) George Bush noticed and acted immediately. His attempts to undo the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977’s most poisonous features were rebuffed by the Democrats. Mr. Bush personally or through other administration representatives talked to Congress at least another 18 times about the seriousness of this matter. Finally, in July, 2007 (30 months later) a bi-partisan very weak bill was passed. It, of course proved to be way too little, way too late and within three months the financial storm clouds were on us. However, Bush’s efforts had gotten us through the worst of the storm. In August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner credited Bush’s actions from preventing a truly disastrous financial meltdown and ugly run on housing prices.
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“Projecting his own corruption and inadequacies unto others, Barack Obama claims that unfounded lies have distorted his marvelous accomplishments and inspirational message and made fearful voters unable to think clearly about the issues . . .” Rajjpuut

Q: Why is golf the perfect metaphor for the Obama presidency?
A: He's continually striving for the perfect lie.

TEA Party Women Deplore What Obama

Refuses to See on the Tip of His Nose

Sarah Palin’s nomination as the 2008 Republican Party’s Vice Presidential candidate has been followed by the rise of the TEA (Taken Enough Abuse? Or Taxed Enough Already) Party and a simultaneous upsurge in the involvement and commitment of Conservative women to returning the nation to small and responsive federal government, lower taxes, dramatically lowered spending and alignment with the purposes and practices of Constitutional Republicanism. Despite mountains of evidence that these women and a whole groundswell of the people are in synch with reality and that he is not, Barack Obama and his media sycophants can’t seem to see the forest for the trees surrounding them . . . .

ITEM: While being interviewed by the New York Times President Obama admitted “. . . there’s no such thing as a shovel-ready project,” they do not exist in Washington’s bureaucracy and thus the stimulus didn’t work.

ITEM: In selling that $787 Billion stimulus, the president swore to us that unemployment would NOT rise above 8% if the bill became law. Unemployment, of course, rose to 9.6% and is now reportedly headed to over 9.9% according to the Gallup polling organization.

ITEM: We are coming to realize that according to all the latest administration projections high unemployment is expected to be a fact of life and the only way to sort of deal with it is to allow them to tax us more and spend more of our money.

Item: One more broken promise, the House of Representatives adjourned for last minute campaigning without bothering to vote on extending the Bush Tax Cuts; and one more broken law, they still have not passed a budget. Is that a problem?

ITEM: College age voters (Obama’s most fanatical multi-racial support group) are in growing agreement that despite all the spending, unemployment is rising and their chances of finding jobs under Obama are shrinking by the day.

ITEM: Mr. Obama states that “most of the unemployed had already lost their jobs when I took office,” failing to mention that their numbers have increased by 40% since he came to Washington, D.C.

ITEM: Progressive economists have been uniformly inaccurate and ineffective throughout history. Four of the five economic “architects” of the Obama job approach (just throw money at the problem) have already left the administration for greener pastures.

ITEM: Speaking of progressive economists . . . their version of truth, known as “Keynesian Economics,” is a progressive (“we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and seriously flawed U.S. Constitution”) tool encouraging politicians to tax and spend and throttle the free market. The country as a whole is now, however, coming more and more to realize that government canNOT create jobs or wealth but can only redistribute wealth so ineffectively that all government programs to either create jobs or spread wealth inevitably destroy jobs and mean individual and overall wealth for our citizens.

ITEM: Progressive politicians cannot intelligently answer the question “How do you create a job?” Yes, they can hem and haw and stumble through the idea of how jobs that are already created can sort of create other jobs . . . but they have no idea. And God help us if you, a voter, don’t know either, here’s the answer:

ITEM: Progressives see naturally arising free market forces as exploitation. They don’t understand that when one person willing trades his goods or services or money for someone else’s goods or services or money . . . pay attention, progressives . . . they both feel like they got the better end of the stick, and that this is the very key to capitalism. They believe only government can intelligently create jobs to benefit all. The true model of reality is that government is a hooligan or a thief, explained here:

ITEM: Fifteen million people are still unemployed and Nancy Pelosi’s and Obama’s solution extend unemployment benefits and multiply food stamp eligibility. Pelosi says that these programs are “biggest bang for the buck” as far as getting the economy in motion . . . claiming they return 179% on the dollar. Since government’s can’t create jobs or wealth and government programs are at best highly INefficient at transferring wealth the true number would probably be much closer to 39% which means that they kill 2.5 jobs for every job they help create in the economy. It’s also a proven fact and demonstrable part of reality (with unemployment benefits now extended to 99 weeks) that a surprising upsurge in job “discovery” takes place during the last three weeks of receiving unemployment checks regardless of whether that is the 23rd week or the 80th week . . . indicating that long periods of “covered unemployment” actually retards job-hunting.

ITEM: The majority of the public wants Obamacare repealed. Why? They’ve come to realize it will be the biggest drain on the economy of all time, won’t make us healthier and won’t lower costs, will allow federally-funded abortions, and actually make access to medicine, much less good medicine much more difficult. Now they’re seeing that Obamacare is jerking health insurance costs sky-high for private companies. So far at least 30 major corporations have been granted waivers to implementing Obamacare (so they don’t have to drop coverage of employees) and hundreds more are applying. And by the way, the reality that more and more Americans will lose their present insurance (“If you like your present insurance, then you can keep it.”) is not what even the supporters of Obamacare bargained for.

ITEM: Among Democrats, at last count only Nevada’s Harry Reid is running his re-election campaign with any mention of supporting Obamacare . . . and Harry Reid looks to be losing to one of the most bone-headed persons to ever call herself a “conservative.”

ITEM: The progressives are poised to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire at midnight on New Year’s Eve and that will surely amount to the largest tax increase in history.

ITEM: Obama’s much promised “transparency in government” and “bi-partisan involvement” allowed bribe after bribe after bribe (Cornhusker Kickbacks; Louisiana Purchase; building a new bank here; exempting a hospital there; etc., etc. ad nauseum) to ram the unpalatable Obamacare law and other unwanted bills down our throats and the process was certainly not broadcast openly but largely played out behind closed doors with only key Democrats invited in.

ITEM: Barack Obama said this in summing up his presidency so far for the New York Times . . . “I think they (people) could say, on a bunch of fronts he (the president) still has an incomplete. But I keep a checklist of what we committed to doing, and we’ve probably accomplished 70 percent of the things that we talked about during the campaign. And I hope as long as I’m president, I’ve got a chance to work on the other 30 percent.”

ITEM: Sorry, Mr. President, if your child was assigned to clean up his room and take the garbage out and he instead opts to scatter the garbage around the house and light the house on fire: his grade is not “incomplete,” it’s utter and horrific “FAILURE!”

ITEM: An “F” is NOT nearly low enough and NOT close to what America and history will someday record. Rajjpuut gives the president NOT a FAILING grade but a -400% grade based not only upon his demonstrated ineptness, but also upon this greater truth which no one seems to be noticing . . . .

Projecting his own corruption and inadequacies unto others, Barack Obama claims that unfounded lies have distorted his marvelous accomplishments and inspirational messages and made the fearful electorate unable to think clearly about the issues . . . the truth, of course, is that the President has been casting about for the last two months searching for the “perfect lie”** to muddy the waters and give him and his toadie progressives some hope of retaining their unwarranted power over our lives. Thankfully, in large part due to the rise of a brave and intelligent new Conservative Women’s Movement, especially noticeable among the TEA Party activists, but found all across our resurgent nation.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Of course Governor Jerry Brown has broken out his own version of the perfect lie; and other versions of it are springing up all over the place, most noticeably in the campaigning of Dem Representative Grayson in Florida. Obama’s latest effort, saying that the Chamber of Commerce is receiving and using huge amounts of foreign donations to support Conservative candidates totally ignores the facts that A. That’s a 100% lie B. Obama’s campaign still hasn’t revealed the origin of about $320 million of us campaign donations with at least $105 million of that coming from foreign sources.

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