lies (48)


The whole of government consists of the art of being honest.”
Thomas Jefferson
Obama Lies 26 Times in Friday’s,
Saturday’s Speeches on Debt-Ceiling Debate
Holder’s Lies May Bring Administration Down
                As the pressure mounts on the economic front and in the debt-ceiling debate with the loyal opposition, President Obama is becoming more and more comfortable unabashedly piling up “Frequent Liar Miles.” Mr. Obama is now well set to fly non-stop around the globe for the next 84 years. Allow us to present some of the low-lights of our mendacious Liar-in-Chief’s recent utterances: the big picture about the Debt-Ceiling argument according to Mr. Obama is that he says he believes “in a balanced approach.” That single lie should, in all honesty, be worth about a three hundred normal, old fashioned cross-my-heart-hope-to-die-lies while crossing all ten fingers behind your back . . . but propriety demands we only count it as one puny lie, alas! 
Of course, Mr. Obama when a senator told us that the attempt by then President Bush to raise the debt-limit indicated an ineptness in government . . . so Mr. Obama talks to the American people out of both sides of his mouth . . . often at the same time . . . but that’s not surprising anyone anymore . . . just par for the course. President Obama most definitely does NOT believe in a balanced approach. Mr. Obama is the most radical occupant ever to sit in the Oval Office. He has displayed tunnel-vision and one-track loyalty toward rapid expansion of government at any cost. Where is Mr. Obama’s ballyhooed “balance” with regard to energy policy?    As you can verify in the links below: he has sworn in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry”; and will “necessarily cause electricity prices to skyrocket” . . . is that balance? 
And make no bones about it, energy costs and the cost of DEpendence upon foreign oil is a big part of our economic woes and our debt and spending woes.
            He has taken $787 Billion from the taxpayers to create a stimulus program that produced one job for every $678, 000 in subsidies but refuses to consider leaving the taxpayers holding their own money and allowing the free market to create jobs for, oh say, $180,000. Is that the balance he’s talking about? He has given us the most swollen bureaucracy in the history of the country producing one new government job for every 2.3 jobs lost because of the subsidies’ negative effect on the economy . . . surely he’s not calling that “balance.” Rajjpuut is feeling so UNbalanced by all the president’s lying that in this blog he’s only been able to deal with one among all the recent false Obama output . . . Ouch!   Mr. Obama believes we can spend, borrow, and tax our way to prosperity . . . that is surely the product of an UNbalanced mind, eh? Speaking of UNbalanced minds    . . . .
            By the way as the link above shows, President Obama seems to have no monopoly upon lies within his administration.   According to charges raised by Black freshman Florida Representative Alan West, Obama’s attorney general and incompetent-in-chief, Eric Holder, on April 2, 2009 (was he writing this speech on April Fool’s Day?) in Cuernavava, Mexico, told a Mexican audience about a "major new effort” to deal with the violent Mexican drug cartels.
 I would like to thank the Mexican and U.S. experts who have worked so hard on this issue.  On our side, Secretary Napolitano and I are committed to putting the resources in place to increase our attack on arms trafficking into Mexico.

            Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels.  My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion.  DHS is making similar commitments, as Secretary Napolitano will detail.
          Holder, of course, recently lied to House Chairman of the Oversight Committee Dan Issa and said he had no knowledge of the badly bungled “Operation Fast and Furious” which altered the Bush game plan in “Project Gun Runner.”  Holder admitted to only learning about Operation Fast and Furious seven weeks after its role in the deaths of two Americans (one Immigration agent and one Homeland Security officer) was going viral on the internet.
Project Gun Runner, which was in effect when Obama and Holder took office, was an ongoing sting operation which caught Mexican and Americans in the middle of transacting arms deals and arrested them. The ill-conceived and badly botched Operation Fast and Furious (OFF) actually allowed the purchases of tens of thousands of weapons to take place and attempted to follow the guns into Mexico. Of course with almost no variance, once the guns crossed the border, all trace of them was lost unless they wound up at the scene of a crime . . . as they did in the deaths of the two American officers. Mexican officials are enraged, as they suspect that the sharp recent rise in deaths on their side of the border was exacerbated by OFF weapons. They claim that thousands of Mexican citizens may have died from bullets sprayed from OFF weaponry.  If you’ll re-read the Holder quote above from April, 2009, you’ll notice that it appears that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and President Obama were aware and complicit in the creation of OFF as well. 
Besides its obvious stupidity, OFF featured Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Holder’s Justice Department deliberately withholding information from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF or just ATF) which had been conducting Bush’s Project Gun Runner so that the ATF spent huge amounts of time trying to piece together information already in the hands of the other three federal departments (such as the identity of the arms traffic ringleaders in Mexico and the U.S. Was this by design? It appears to be so, because it took ATF a long time to figure out that OFF was dramatically different (and flawed) from Gun Runner. Once ATF discovered this the agents in the field began to howl like stuck pigs about the foolish operation. Of course, right now the ATF is turning tons of documents proving all this to Chairman Issa’s Oversight Committee even while Holder and the Obama administration is trying to push the blame upon the ATF and stonewalling Issa’s committee.  Notice:  not only does it appears that OFF began not later than early April, 2009, notice that in the link above on the second video clip which is President Obama meeting with Mexican President Felipe Caldero`n and answering a reporter’s questions by referring to “gun tracing” initiatives. It appears that President Obama was in on this from the start. Ah, lying, it gets contagious doesn’t it? 
Rep. Allen West has revealed all this and added:
"Eric Holder has to be brought before an investigative committee and if those charges are warranted he needs to be held accountable but at least the President needs to realize that Eric Holder needs to be removed from the Department of Justice or else I believe President Obama is complicit and in approval of the actions of his Attorney General."
 The $64,000 Question is, of course, WHY?  Why was Operation Fast and Furious created?  Why was the temporary head of ATF never replaced by the Obama administration?  Why was temporary ATF Director Ken Melson and the entire ATF deliberately kept in the dark about what exactly OFF was and what was going on in OFF?  Why was Holder referring to "Project Gun Runner" in his speech; why would he publicly alert anyone about a sting project created by the Bush administration?  Why was OFF designed to allow weapons to get all the way into Mexico where we have no jurisdiction?  Is there a logical answer to these questions?
The problem solving principle known as "Occam's Razor" (lex parsimoniae -- "the simplest explanation requiring the least assumptions is most likely the correct one") holds the likely answer to all these questions.  Melson was left in charge of the ATF and he and the ATF were not kept current on exactly what OFF was because they were being set up as scape goats.  Even as late as last week, the ATF whistle-blowers who'd been complaining loud and long about what was going on in OFF and about the change in emphasis and tactics were still referring to OFF by its name under the Bush administration (back in the days when it worked and made logical sense) "Project Gun Runner."  The purpose of all this:  to give Obama data backing up the left's claim that 90% of the guns owned by the Mexican Drug cartels came from American gun sales.  Obama has long been promising the anti-gun fringe of his supporters that he would outlaw automatic weapons . . . apparently thinking that the best way to do this was by helping the Mexican drug cartels get their hands on thousands of automatic weapons -- your tax dollars at work corrupting the world!
Let's see how long it is before the mainstream/lame-stream media begins to cover this boondoggle and the cover-up!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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This is a recent article from The Energy Tribune. The numbers are based on a new report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS). There are graphs and charts available at the link that did not transfer over which show the numbers more dramatically. By the way, the shale oil deposits that are not included in the numbers in this article are estimated to be over 800 Billion barrels, that is per the U.S. Department of Natural Resources.


U.S. Has Earth’s Largest Energy Resources

Posted on Mar. 24, 2011

In case anyone missed it, let me repeat something that is of a magnitude of 10 on the scale of news-quakes for Joe Public USA: America’s combined energy resources are, according to a new report from the Congressional Research Service (CSR), the largest on earth. They eclipse Saudi Arabia (3rd), China (4th) and Canada (6th) combined – and that’s without including America’s shale oil deposits and, in the future, the potentially astronomic impact of methane hydrates.

The energy facts in the CRS report should be making front page news all over America. Mostly it isn’t. Given the devastating news from Japan and New Zealand, it may be right to postpone dancing in the streets. But something else is going on. Even though they are going to dominate global energy supply for decades to come the insidious war on vital fossil fuels continues apace.

Thus it perhaps falls to a friend of the US (i.e. me) to state that if the White House is in any way serious about impacting the economic Black H*** that is the burgeoning national debt, reinvigorating business big-time, creating real jobs and restoring ebbing national wealth, the best shot by a distance if you’re American ... well, you’re standing on it, or rather above it.

While love, spiritually speaking and in fiction, may make the world go around, it is energy – and mostly hydrocarbon energy – that actually drives it. As blockbuster thrillers sometimes put it, “Who will tell the President?”

Political pantomime

From over here, the lack of a comprehensive US energy policy and the incoherence of President Obama’s political take on energy, reminds me of a pantomime I saw last Christmas, Aladdin. The cave is full of energy riches, but ‘Emperor’ Obama – or is it Wishy-Washy? –refuses to allow the words “open sesame” to be spoken.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, Ranking Member of the Senate Energy and National Resources Committee, takes up the theme: “As we debate ways to reduce gas prices and provide relief to American families and businesses, this report should be required reading for every member of Congress.” How about for every American citizen too, Senator? Murkowski adds, “For the sake of our national security, our economy, and the world’s environment, we need to explore and develop more of our own resources.”

“The Obama administration has made a conscious policy choice to raise energy prices, accomplished in good measure by restricting access to domestic energy supplies.” So says Senator James Inhofe, a Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. He adds forthrightly, “We could help bring affordable energy to consumers, create new jobs, and grow the economy if the Obama administration would simply get out of the way so America can realize its true energy potential.”

Wow, heavy stuff. But then there’s much to be ‘heavy’ about.

While the US is often depicted as having only a tiny minority of the world’s oil reserves at around 28 billion barrels (based on the somewhat misleading figure of ‘proven reserves’) according to the CRS in reality it has around 163 billion barrels. As Inhofe’s EPW press release comments, “That’s enough oil to maintain America’s current rates of production and replace imports from the Persian Gulf for more than 50 years”. Next up, there’s coal. The CRS report reveals America’s reserves of coal are unsurpassed, accounting for over 28 percent of the world’s coal. Much of it is high quality too. The CRS estimates US recoverable coal reserves at around 262 billion tons (not including further massive, difficult to access, Alaskan reserves). Given the US consumes around 1.2 billion tons a year, that’s a couple of centuries of coal use, at least.

In 2009 the CRS upped its 2006 estimate of America’s enormous natural gas deposits by 25 percent to around 2,047 trillion cubic feet, a conservative figure given the expanding shale gas revolution. At current rates of use that’s enough for around 100 years. Then there is still the, as yet largely publicly untold, story of methane hydrates to consider, a resource which the CRS reports alludes to as “immense...possibly exceeding the combined energy content of all other known fossil fuels.” According to the Inhofe’s EPW, “For perspective, if just 3 percent of this resource can be commercialized ... at current rates of consumption, that level of supply would be enough to provide America’s natural gas for more than 400 years.”

See what I mean about an Aladdin’s Cave of untapped energy? Could America.........


To read the rest of the article and view the graphs and charts, go here;

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“Showcased” Obama-Endorsed Green Company

Wasted $ 390 Million in Stimulus Funds



            Here’s one more story the mainstream-lamestream media won’t cover. Is that thirty-six or thirty-seven major scandals or lies within Mr. Obama’s corrupt administration we’ve been spared?***

            As the country once again moves toward $4 a gallon gasoline, this time with an anti-oil administration running the Oval Office which swore to create five million green tech jobs and begin the end of oil dependency, do you remember that $787 Billion Obama stimulus that was supposed to keep unemployment below 8%?   A green-tech company that raised huge amounts of  money for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, which then became the poster-boy for  his green-tech initiatives and the first company to receive  Obama stimulus money, Solyndra, Inc. of Fremont, California, has it turns out wasted at least $390 million of $535 Million of federal Stimulus funds.  

          Solyndra, which received three ringing TV appearance endorsements personally from Vice-President Joe Biden and two from Obama himself, is now the subject of a congressional investigation into waste, fraud and abuse by the House Energy and Commerce Committee which has revealed that the company was not eligible for a loan guarantee which the company stated would help them create 3,000 construction jobs and 1,000 permanent green jobs in the manufacture of solar panels. Solyndra is also closing plants instead of opening new ones. The oversight committee has also revealed details of an $800,000 ad campaign designed to promote good eating habits which might have created 2.5 advertising jobs, but did nothing seriously to fight unemployment. While the advertising company did turn a profit from the stimulus, Solyndra has never turned a profit during the six years of its existence despite being a pet project for Oklahoma billionaire George Kaiser who did a better job as a major campaign fund raiser for Obama-Biden 2008 then he did running a green-tech company.

           Mattie Corrao, government affairs manager with Americans for Tax Reform, said the Solyndra loan shows how hollow Obama’s promise to “keep close track over how stimulus money has been spent” has proven itself. “They (the Obama administration) are trying to pretend we’re creating jobs and hoping the taxpayers are dumb enough and blind enough to believe the lie,” Corrao said. “After two years of unemployment about 9 percent, people aren’t going to believe it anymore.” Because of the close personal connection between Kaiser and Obama, Corrao says the loan should never have been considered in the first place. No Solyndra officials would speak with conservative reporters about the story.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



***          Let’s count backwards, OK? But first, when you go to:


You’ll find a 40-page list of the stories that the mainstream media has refused to cover or investigate about president Obama’s administration; their associations; their lies; their failures etc. Stories which, if a conservative were involved, would have each rated about two weeks coverage . . . judge for yourself. It begins with him seeking 1995 political endorsement in Chicago from the coalition (of ACORN and the union SEIU) which called itself:  the “Marxist New Party.” Obama at the time was an ACORN attorney browbeating and shaking down lenders to get them to comply with the deliberate-bad-loans requirement of the CRA-77 legislation that led to the subprime crisis that eventually bankrupted the country and caused the financial meltdown in late 2007.   His rant on “White Folks Greed” is actually a quote of Jeremiah Wright (the pastor he says he never listened to while spending 20 years in his church) which Obama put in his own book “Dreams from my Father” . . .  runs through 175 appointment scandals (44 Czars never vetted by the Senate or FBI include at least 35 with acknowledged communist ties) . . . etc., etc.  How can the mainstream media refuse to show this guy’s true stripes?

Here is a list of ten key stories taken at random by Rajjpuut that 95% of Americans have never heard about because the liberal press refuses to bring this guy’s very suspect record up for examination. He’s their darling and they will protect him. Here are the stories and the nature of the scandal involved:

10.    Solyndra: stimulus money goes to firm of major Obama fundraiser. $390 million of the $535 million stimulus money is wasted and 4,000 promised jobs are NOT created.        CRONY-CAPITALISM

9.  Third revelation of General Motors and Chrysler closing down profitable car dealerships owned by Republican donors so that nearby failing or barely profitable dealerships owned by Obama 2008 supporting dealerships benefit from near monopoly status.       


     8. Two things here . . . . a) Not only was President Obama lying when he said his plan (Obamacare) would allow you to “keep your present plan, if you like it;” and he failed to tell the public that an “interim final rule” filed as regulations by three agencies (among the 390+ agencies created within Obamacare) made it against the law for your plan to make certain changes required to keep them compatible with Obamacare, so these plans (including plans specifically ‘grandfathered in’) are non-compliant and you can’t keep using them. And b) you’ll remember that Obamacare passed first by reconciliation in the Senate so that the 60-40 majority wasn’t required to allow a vote; and then Obama had to sign a last minute piece of paper guaranteeing that no federally-funded abortions would be allowed under Obamacare. This got him 12 last-minute anti-abortion Democratic votes led by Michigan’s Bart Stupak. Over 100,000 federally-funded abortions have already occurred under Obamacare; indeed they were made the very first covered Obamacare operations.         HHS (sometimes called the “Dept. of Health and Abortion Services”) run by Kathleen Sebelius has also not been in compliance with the federal government’s financial management laws so it’s impossible to trace exactly how widespread this federal-funding of Obamacare abortions really is and literally cannot account for hundreds of millions of dollars.  LIES, DOUBLE-DEALING, and DELIBERATE MISUSE OF FEDERAL FUNDS 

7.   Remember all those promises of openness and square-dealing that Obama would insist upon as he dramatically changed the “climate in Washington?”  The Obama administration has on at least 40 occasions denied release of information under the Freedom of Information Act by claiming that “such-and-such report is still in draft form” and therefore exempt from the FOIA and somehow the final form is never ever completed. Most recent case of this broken promise game: The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) promise made in federal court that they’d be forthcoming and release an internal memo detailing their investigation into how and illegal alien known criminal was never deported and allowed to stay in the country long enough to kill a Virginia nun in a drunken-driving incident. When did she get killed?  August, 2010. The latest missed date on this case: January 18, 2011. And, yep, the report is still in “draft” form.

                                DOUBLE-DEALING; OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE; LIE related to OPENNESS

6. You know all those continuing resolutions (CRs) that are passed so that the government continues to operate? Why isn’t any permanent “fix” ever passed? Obama sneakiness. Virtually every permanent spending bill Barack Obama has tried to get passed has been full of freebies and other goodies for his union supporters. One that caught my eye was back in September last year when one bill turned out to contain a $20 Billion list of add-ons benefitting the unions with taxpayer money. For example: the $1.9 Billion “Race to the Top” grants supposedly aimed at rewarding better-performing schools . . . was, it turned out, merely  $1.9 Billion so that school districts could hire $1.9 Billion worth of new UNION teachers . . . the bill discriminated against teachers who would not join the teachers’ union.



5.   You’ve heard of the New Black Panther voter-intimidation case in Philadelphia that was already won which the Obama DOJ chose to drop? Well this one is much, much more serious. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) boss Andy Stern, according to White House logs has been the most frequent single visitor of the President over the first two+ years of his administration. SEIU was the biggest contributor to Obama-Biden 2008. The Federal Election Commission under the Obama DOJ has dropped an election violation case against the SEIU union that was also won. The union required local affiliates of SEIU to contribute to the union’s political action fund violating federal election laws.   Of the $9 million war chest the SEIU amassed how much might have gone to Obama’s Democrats? 97%? More? SEIU is now squeezing its local workers for the 2012 elections. How often do you hear of prosecutors with already won cases dropping them?



4. Goldman-Sachs company is sometimes called “Government-Sachs” because of all their political connections and their ability to come out smelling like a rose no matter how scandalous their behavior.   You’ll recall that G-S earned several billion dollars acting on behalf, supposedly for AIG, in the federal bailout of AIG.   You’ll also recall that G-S was forced to make restitution to thousands of clients for double-dealing when it sold them with glowing reports virtually worthless security options. Now it turns out that a)  Goldman-Sachs “minted” most of the horrible real estate investments that got AIG in trouble and that Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner helped them to hide that information. Geithner is a former Goldman employee as is his chief of staff, Mark Patterson.  According to web watchdog “When a congressional panel convened a hearing on the government rescue of American International Group Inc. in January, the public scolding of Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner got the most attention. Lawmakers said the former head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank had presided over a backdoor bailout of Wall Street firms and a cover-up… Representative Darrell Issa,…placed into the hearing record a five-page document itemizing the mortgage securities on which banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Societe Generale SA had bought $62.1 billion in credit-default swaps from AIG. These were the deals that pushed the insurer to the brink of insolvency — and were eventually paid in full at taxpayer expense. The New York Fed, which secretly engineered the bailout, prevented the full publication of the document for more than a year, even when AIG wanted it released.”  By the way, Geithner also once ran the NY Fed Reserve Bank. The Obama Administration has obstructed a proper accounting of what went wrong in the financial crisis. More from Bloomberg: “The public can now see for the first time how poorly the securities performed, with losses exceeding 75 percent of their notional value in some cases. Compounding this, the document and Bloomberg data demonstrate that the banks that bought the swaps from AIG are mostly the same firms that underwrote the CDOs in the first place. The banks should have to explain how they managed to buy protection from AIG primarily on securities that fell so sharply in value… Professor James Cox of Duke University School of Law says: “They may have been trying to shield Goldman — for Goldman’s sake or out of macro concerns that another investment bank would be at risk.” — points out there are numerous Goldman Sachs pals of Barack Obama and Timothy Geithner who now work for the Obama Administration. They include: Adam Storch, Neel Kashkari, Geithner himself, Mark Patterson, Gary Gensler, Gene Sperling, and Jide Zeitlin.


3. A story that got absolutely NO coverage in the mainstream press was the dissolution of CCX. Funny, over the nine years of its existence the Chicago Climate eXchange’s very existence was dubious; at least the lame-stream mainstream media saw no reason to tell the taxpayers and voters they existed.    Based upon Al Gore’s dubious premises about global warming now proven only supported by corrupt “scientists,” in the background,


Progressive Democrats (including Gore, Kerry, both Clintons and Obama) have been trying to sell Americans for the last nine years on the need for cap and trade legislation. In 2001 based upon money illegally diverted from federal homes programs by Franklin Raines, a patented computer program for carbon-trading was created. A group of about 100 progressive insiders including Gore, Obama, Raines, Goldman-Sachs officials, George Soros, and numerous self-declared Marxists from the sixties established CCX. If Cap and Trade law had ever been passed carbon-trading would have changed the American economy overnight from a $15 TRillion economy to a $25 TRillion one without creating a single new product or service . . . in effect an overnight 67% inflation ($10 TRillion cap and trade charges divided by $15 TRillion REAL economy) as the holder of the patent and owner of CCX this scandalous progressive consortium would have extracted huge commissions on every carbon-trade that ever occurred for the next twenty years and beyond making virtually every member of the group a hundred-billionaire. When Conservative news gatherers like FOXNews caught the scent several participants sold out their shares. When Cap and Trade failed again and a largely Republican House was voted in – CCX dissolved and the participants moved to England where’s Gore’s shell company is still hoping for Cap and Trade to become global.

                SIMPLE PURE CORRUPTION . . . LIES . . . Cover-up’


2. We have a tie for the #2 spot. a) After conservative press and bloggers got wind of the connections behind Obama’s 44 Czars showing that most of them were self-admitted Marxists and other radicals the mainstream media (MSM) refused to cover the stories of these Czars’ background. When two of them made their outright communism evident (Anita Dunn (praising Chairman Mao killer of 58 million Chinese in peace time) and Van Jones (several of his speeches calling for “revolution” got out across the internet), the MSM still ignored the stories. Finally, it came out that Van Jones’ radicalism included being  a “9/11-Truther” who claimed the U.S. government had conspired to create 9/11’s devastation . . . after the conservative press carried the story for three weeks, Van Jones quietly “resigned” and Dunn as well. Total coverage by most of the MSM: two minutes. b) Obama’s plan to seize over ten million acres of land in nine western states using an obscure clause of the Antiquities Act of 1906 to designate all the land as “monuments” went totally uncovered by the MSM. For those of you who don’t know it, the vast majority of federal land is already owned in the west with Nevada, for example, belongs 55% to the Feds rather to its own citizens and in Alaska even a larger percentage is federal land. This proposed law misuse much like the cap and trade scandal was so egregiously corrupt that even with large majorities in both chambers of Congress, the measure was defeated handily when S.C. Senator Jim DeMint of TEA Party fame exposed the facts on the Senate floor. ZERO Coverage by the MSM. 

                                                   POWER-GRABBING UNETHICAL USE OF INAPPLICABLE LAWS


1.  One of the bigger untold stories by the MSM is the absolute idiocy and corruption and total INCOMPETENCE involved in Obama’s energy policies. We’ve already mentioned Solyndra; already mentioned CCX and cap and trade . . . but things get much, much worse very quickly . . . .

       a) During a 2008 campaign interview with the San Francisco Chronicle Barack Obama admitted his policies would bankrupt the coal industry and “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket” his own words. The Chronicle sat on the story and the MSM has deemed it unworthy of print for 31 months now. If all Americans were aware of that story, how much credence would Obama’s confused and contradictory “energy plan” have?

     b) You can thank the FOIA for this little gem. The “success of Spain’s and Denmark’s wind energy programs” frequently touted by candidate and President Obama was disproven by two studies that outright refuted his claims. Immediately Obama turned to progressive multi-billionaire George Soros and his own Department of Energy and former CEO Cathy Zoo of Al Gore’s company to begin massive lobbying efforts on behalf of wind energy legislation despite the fact that more Freedom of Information Act efforts are being thwarted to reveal documents showing that Wind Energy may be fined for pumping water or running a mill here and there, but it does NOT work on a large scale. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is still filing requests for FOIA information still being withheld by the Department of Energy. How many people do you know who are aware of this story?

C. Recent surveys show that only about 8% of Americans have heard this and 82% of those who know about it say they were “unpleasantly surprised” when they learned of it. Mr. Obama has repeatedly promised/threatened to create “five million new green-tech jobs” in America.    Spain which saw its economy go from #1 in Europe and 4% unemployment in 1996 to one of the most fragile economies and 21.3% unemployment now was the leader in the green movement beginning in 1997-98. Mr. Obama frequently cites Spain as an example of a great green success although those unemployment figures make that lie hard to swallow. A study of the Spanish green debacle by a noted Spanish economist gives us these details: 1) government subsidies of Spanish green technology cost 2.2 jobs in the REAL free-market economy for every single green job created 2) cost of the average green job was $676,000 each 3)some of those green jobs lasted less than six weeks but they were counted the same as the permanent green jobs 4) only 10% of all the green jobs proved permanent 5) Spanish green jobs typically paid only $10-$14 per hour which was less than the average REAL job lost ($16) . . . . OUCH! So let’s extrapolate Obama’s promise of creating five million green jobs here in America:   the cost would be eleven million REAL free market jobs for creating the subsidized green jobs; given rising prices, the cost would be around $840,000 to create the average green job; some of those green jobs would still last only six weeks and they’d still be counted as if they were “permanent;” only 500,000 permanent green jobs would be created and they’d be moderate-paying at best . . . in sum 22 REAL jobs would be lost to create one permanent Obama green-tech job.


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What Progressives Don't Want
Voters to Know
Part I

Americans who listen to and believe the left-wing rhetoric of the progressive Democrats in power today really need to learn to separate facts from historical revisionism . . . the words here below are 100% true, Rajjpuut crosses his heart . . . .

Myth: The Nazis were fascists, and both fascists and Nazis were conservative (right-wing) organizations.


The National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party came into power by viciously attacking the Republican values and Democratic methods of the Weimar Republic. They promoted “a managed economy that was neither capitalist nor communist” according to their literature. The first time the world at large learned of them, was after Adolf Hitler’s “Beer Hall Putsch” an attempt to violently overthrow the government of Bavaria in southern Germany and replace those in power with Nazis. Until Hitler joined and took over, the Nazis were perhaps the most pathetic of about 20 leftist organizations vying for power in the country and most of them had the word “socialists” in their name. They were most jealous of the Communist Party’s large membership and Hitler made a point of blaming the loss of World War I on his three main scapegoats: the Jewish bankers and businessmen; the Communists and the so-called “November Criminals” that he said had all worked together and undermined the army in the field. The same areas so exciting to today’s progressives were big interests for the Nazis: environmentalism, nutrition, emphasis on organic and wholistic health and food-raising, and even state-run exercise and health programs and most importantly their utter conviction that they could create a utopian society.

The Nazis and Communists were both very popular in the 20’s and early 30’s but the two groups were decidedly incompatible. Why? Because Hitler emphasized the Aryan idea of purity and the notion that all things good came from their Teutonic heritage of blood and culture a direct attack on the made-in Russia worldwide communistic movement. For their part, the Reds after Hitler’s attack on Russia also felt a need to distance themselves from the Nazis because the Nazis were proof-positive that all revolutions were not good. They could have pointed to the French for that also. The lower classes were the Nazi’s base; only after Hitler came to power did the industrialists begin to show any attention to him. The Nazi’s burned the Reichstag and blamed it on a retarded communist, and immediately gained “emergency powers” that superceded the Weimar Constitution. Thus Hitler became a powerful dictator.

While we’re at it, today the left calls Nazis “fascists.” This is wrong, but more importantly the fascists (such as those found in Italy under Mussolini), were a labor-union phenomenon, hardly the stuff of right-wingers. The labor unions in Italy took over the corporations. In any case, we conservatives like very small government and do not like the totalitarian states which are found under Communism, Nazism, and Fascism. The Left has made a concerted effort since Woodrow Wilson (a progressive president who wrote his own interpretation of American History) to revise all of American and World History to reflect the notion that all things LEFT are “good.” Anyone who hasn’t read the epic expose` “The Nazi Seizure of Power” definitely should. In a fictional vein, Eric Maria Remarque’s novel “The Black Obelisk” vividly portrays the German landscape prior to and immediately after the Beer Hall Putsch as seen through the eyes of a lost soul who was one of a band of iconoclastic “merrymen” watching their civilization collapse around them.


Communism is a benign political ideology. Che Guevarra and Mao, for example, are world cultural heroes.


“Democide” or killing of citizens of the state by their very own government (including genocide and mass murder) is not a new idea. But the most efficient and ruthless in history were all 20th

Century communist states. While Hitler killed 13 million of Europe’s assorted Jews, gypsies, intellectuals, royalty, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homeosexuals, aged, retarded, handicapped, and other folk they classified as “undesirables” . . . comparatively few German citizens were killed by the Third Reich say perhaps two and a half million. Communism, concentrating itself mostly upon “purifying” their own citizenry, was directly responsible for the deaths of 120-128 million people during the 20th Century. Mao killed 54 million Chinese during peacetime. Stalin killed roughly 50 million in war and peace (not counting the 8 million Ukranians he deliberately starved to death that history likes to overlook) . Pol Pot killed 2.5 million in tiny Cambodia. Viet Namese communists, Tito’s Yugoslav communists, and North Korean Communists round out the sad story. Che Guevarra is said to have said he lost count of how many Cuban prisoners he’d personally killed somewhere after 150. Love those Mao and Che T-shirts, do you?


The Communist Party has always had an evil effect in the USA.


While a lot of evil and mischief (our current financial crisis for example) are directly attributable to the Communists operating in this country, early on the Communist party was one of the few voices the common working man in America had. A lot of abuse by mega-corporations in the 1890’s and early 20th

Century were vehemently opposed by communists and the early labor unions. Later when unions got big and powerful and virtually lockstepped themselves with communism and sought to gain huge war chests for political power . . . that’s when the whole process became ruinous rather than refreshing. It’s striking that now the left is calling “rednecks” racists and all manner of evil. When coal miners in West Virginia were advised by their communist and labor union leaders to wear red banadannas around their necks so they could identify themselves in a confrontation with corrupt mine owners and their machine gun wielding armies of “detectives” who’d already slaughtered some of the miners’ leaders . . . that was not a racist act but an act of labor defiance and fighting for human rights. “Red Necks” were originally union men or strikers (as the Southern Colorado miners in the Trinidad District Strike were). Only much later was the term applied to so-called “poor white trash” and “trailer trash” lumped together as racists and mental-defectives by the Left. Next time, Part II.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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According to Margaret Thatcher, “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” According to Barack Obama’s words and actions, there has NEVER been a single problem with socialism or with “scientific socialism inter alia ‘communism.’” Why else would he continue to use Spain as the poster-boy for all the great things he wants to bring us courtesy of his “Great Economy” and violate standing laws to deny real creditors the money due them and instead divert that money into stock ownership to his auto workers union** friends? However, while Barack Obama was putting on his make-up prior to his Oval Office oil spill speech, the Spanish government was telling Spaniards “Oooops, we made a mistake and now we have to undo it.” The brief history is this:

Candidate Obama promised to create five million green jobs in his first term and move the United States “boldly toward” a booming new economy. President Obama has since repeatedly mentioned that goal and repeatedly put Spain out there as his model for America.

Spain, in 1997 was indeed the poster-child for European economic soundness with a booming economy and a miniscule 3% joblessness.

Spain along with Denmark and a few other governments began a shift to a “green economy” by instituting subsidies for environmentally-friendly businesses. They originally expected that roughly $125, 000 could fund the creation of any typical green job. There was an expectancy that these green jobs would be permanent and create a more environmentally-friendly and sustainable economy.

Spain today is almost as bad off as bankrupt Greece is. Last year unemployment reached 17.8%, today it sits at nearly 21%. A Spanish economist finished his study of the green disaster last year and released the results to the world . . . more on this later . . . but in the face of a further collapse in the Euro and a worsening overall Spanish national economy initiating even higher interest rates necessary to sell Spanish bonds and (most Greece like of all) as Spanish unions are calling for a general strike, of the seven endangered European economies, Spain is only marginally better off than the bankrupt Greeks.

Last night, during his speech, Barack Obama again praised Spanish efforts and brought up his promise to create green jobs (as well as the America-killing cap and trade legislation he’s pushing). You’d think that Spain’s green efforts were an unmitigated success, eh?

Yesterday, the Spanish government let it be known that now after a dozen years, they'd begin looking at de-subsidizing green jobs. What that means isn't exactly clear. Removing 10% of the taxpayer backing? Removing 50%? Removing 90%. Let's see what percentage of the new green jobs subsidized every year will now be funded . . . and, under these new circumstances what percentage of green jobs will actually prove permanent. Less than 5%? Less than 2%?

All Obama's words came despite the forenamed Spanish economic study which shows that a) each green job in Spain required a $675,000 subsidy b) the taxes required to create each new green job cost the loss of 2.2 real jobs in the real Spanish economy c) the average green job lasted less than 18 months d) only 10% of the green jobs proved permanent e) the average pay amounted to $10-$14 per hour only, and most importantly f) based upon the very Spanish model Obama’s praising, it’s probable his promised five-million new green-tech jobs would cost eleven-million real jobs and only 500,000 of these green jobs would prove permanent . . . a 22/1 ratio of lost real jobs compared to permanent green jobs created.

For any half-way thinking American, the president’s logic, or lack thereof, amounts to a whole lot to swallow . . . It remains to be seen if so many Americans will once again allow themselves to be taken in by our president. At least 60 lies issued from his facile lips during his first Oval Office staging, but five of these lies are so serious and so obvious that it’s a wonder that a huge collective “Bull-shi-!” did not roar across the nation when those false words escaped his lips, to wit:

1. “We’re running out of places to drill for oil."

2. “We’ve been on top of this since Day One."

3. The unspoken lie: “Bush is responsible for this problem too,” was hinted at in a slightly veiled manner as he talked about the failures of MMS.

4. Mr. Obama talked about converting to “a profitable new green industry” leading the way to future American prosperity.

5. And the illogical conclusion, “This proves we must institute ‘cap and trade’ legislation and green jobs at a cost of TRillions” (that’s right Cap and Trade is a $10 TRillion tax applied to the economy according to Obama associate Richard Sandor president of the Chicago Climate Exchange,CCX, a monstrous conflict of interest that he and Gore and Obama are part of); and the earlier mentioned Spanish green-economy disaster.

Let us now take on the five greatest of Obama’s sixty lies . . . first of all we are NOT running out of oil or lacking places to drill for oil. The environmental fringe has prevented us from building any new refineries here since 1974. The environmental fringe has made it difficult if not impossible to drill on land in this country or for safer shallower offshore wells. And most importantly we now have discovered the largest oil reserve in the world far bigger than the entire Middle East: the Baaken Field . . .

unfortunately, only the Indian tribes owning land above the Baaken oil reserves are allowed to drill there.

Secondly, Obama and his administration have actually been dithering since Day One and have NOT been “on top of it.” If they had been, the easily predictable effect offshore, on the beaches, in the marshes and on the fishing and tourist industry would presumably have been met by an incisive federal effort to combat the spill’s effect starting about Day Ten and Mr. Obama would have made last night’s speech about Day Seven.

Thirdly, Mr. Bush has been out of office for almost seventeen months now. Mr. Obama promised to clean up the mess in D. C. as well as the mess in our economy and has not done either, but instead has resorted to blaming Bush for his own failures since Inauguration Day. This economy and this administration are Mr. Obama’s NOW and it's time for the buck to actually stop with him.

Fourth, his monstrous lie, he called green-tech jobs “profitable.” If they were profitable, we would have a major green industry in this country and we do not. If these green jobs were profitable, there would be no problem with oil and it’s emissions. Mr. Obama believes that an edict by him from Washington is all it takes and then POOF! the scientific breakthrough needed will appear overnight magically and then . . . yes, then green jobs will be profitable.

And lastly, Cap and Trade is a conflict of interest that will enrich Mr. Obama, Mr. Gore, about twenty of their key cronies and ten well-known progressive foundations while crippling the American economy to the tune of $10 TRillion each and every year. And both Cap and Trade and “green jobs” are based on the fringe environmental lie that man-caused greenhouse gasses are creating dangerous global warming. That lie was shown by the ultra-liberal London Times to be an absolute fraud:

Clearly, Obama has a lot of blue-sky in mind for all Americans. For a supposedly intelligent fellow, Mr. Obama (and his progressives) do an awful lot of “thinking” with their emotions. “If I want it, it must happen – let there be light!” is not the basis for a logical energy policy.

Mr. Obama, either really does NOT care about Americans and the American economy; or he believes in word-magic . . . the certainty that his merely saying something is so, makes it so. He owns an administration of lawyers and left-wing radicals and neither he nor any single member of his administration has ever produced a useful good or service in their combined lifetime, but he is cocksure that throwing money down the green rat-hole will produce a viable alternative energy economy capable of sustaining 140 million jobs and adding at least 3 million new jobs every year. Our president is delusional. If George Washington marveling at the antics and electrical discoveries of Benjamin Franklin had insisted upon gambling the economy of 1791 America on creating an “electric power grid” he would have been at least as sane as Barack Obama because if green jobs don’t kill 21st Century America; his Cap and Trade and Green Jobs initiatives surely will.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

**in the case of Chrysler's bankruptcy personally orchestrated by Mr. Obama against 220 years of legal precedent
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As we listen to Obama's lastest cries again for "civility" in order to pass another of his power grabs, it reminds me of the cries "Bush lied, people died", and other horrific statements. It's another weak attempt to bury over a year of polarization, and is the unveiling of a man in conflict. You can always tell what the libs are up to by what they accuse you of doing (Ann Coulter). It's okay to oppose the government when the libs are not in power (à la Hillary), but when the libs are in power and you oppose the government, you're the party of "No", a racist, a terrorist, and more recently -- seditious! Oh my.


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Using the word “vitriol” to describe the Glen Beck program, Barak Obama once again tried to marginalize conservative voices angry at his fiscal mismanagement and transformation of America into a socialist nation. Anyone who's listened to Glen Beck would be more likely to compare him to Martin Luther King than to Louis F. or other hatemongers. The man who for 20 years sat in his pew listenting to Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s real vitriol and never once objected until the media visited the church and recorded Wright saying “God Damn America!” has absolutely NO wiggle room. He is the hatemonger in this country and he is the Liar in Chief in this country and he is the #1 Hypocrite in the country and he is clearly destroying the fabric of this nation and choosing to accuse real American patriots of Nazi-like tactics to cover-up his own abominations, Rajjpuut says, “Impeach the Obamanation!”

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Barak Obama has uttered a string of lies that will probably never be equaled by any man or politician if the earth lasts 50 billion years. Among his last 10,000 or so prevarications, Ol' Rajjpuut here lists some of the most obvious affronts to the truth. In selected cases comments have been added . . . .

"I will serve out my full six-year senate term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough,
sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things. But my thinking has not changed. I will not run for president or vice-president in 2008..”

"This stimulus money will prevent unemployment from reaching 8%."

"I am not an ideologue."

". . . will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

"This is NOT socialized medicine."

"I am NOT a socialist, I’m not."

"There will be no increased taxes for the middle class."

"There will be no tax increases for persons making $200,000 yearly or less or families earning $250,000 or less."

"I will be the jobs president."

"We will clean up Washington."

"We’ll run the cleanest, most open and transparent administration in history."

"We’ll have C-SPAN right in the room with us during the health care proceedings."

"I’m always open to bi-partisan suggestions . . . ."

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States . . . ."

"This bill will reduce the deficit and lower the national debt."

"Before this all happened, I made every possible effort to prevent the housing crisis." Actually, Obama was an ACORN attorney helping the corrupt Cloward-Piven styled organization use shake-down tactics to abuse the three mortgage-guarantee laws and force banks and other lending institution into making dozens of thousands in bad loans to would-be home owners without ID; without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; without downpayments in most cases; to illegal aliens in some cases. Just as C-P's original organization, the NWRO (National Welfare Rights Organization), bankrupted New York City and just missed bankrupting the entire state of New York in 1975 by abusing and overloading the welfare laws . . . ACORN with attorneys like Obama, used the same intimidation tactics to create the sub-prime lending crisis and brought the entire nation to its knees by the end of 2007. The laws in question were all passed by Democratic congresses: Carter's Community Reinvestment Act of '77; the '92 expansion which forced Fannie and Freddie to take part in the same type of mortgage-guarantees; and the Clinton '98 expansion that put the whole process on steroids and played right into ACORN's hands.

"Winning the war in Iraq has always been very important to me."

"Our energy plan will decrease the need for foreign oil."

"I will bring the troops home all of them."

"We’re not going to take over the automotive business, we’re just helping the car companies get over a rough spot . . . . "

"We have created or saved 600,000 jobs."

"We have created or saved 2,000,000 jobs."

"The Atlantic coastline is not the place to look for the answer to our energy problems." Yesterday he gave a confusing set of directives that appear to set in motion a renewal of offshore drilling from the Florida Keys to New Jersey.
"The Recession is over." He's made that statement four different times, perhaps, eventually he may be right when he says it.
"Israel is our most important Middle-East ally, we will never turn our back on Israel." The deliberate creation of a 'crisis' between Israel and us and the recent shunning of the Israeli Prime Minister in the White House speak volumes about our ex-Muslim President's commitments.

"There have been an awful lot of lies told about what’s in this bill, here are the facts: this legislation will improve health care delivery and lower costs for families and businesses and reduce our deficits." The less said about the falsehoods contained in the Obamacare law and the sick process used to pass it the better . . . but those four statements are outright lies.

"America wants this bill."

"I have never been a Muslim. I have never practiced Islam. I have always been a Christian." Actually, Barak Obama was a star student in the Muslim school he attended in Indonesia. He also twice willingly put on Muslim attire to campaign in 2007 on behalf of the Communist candidate for president in his birth-father's country, Kenya. Raila Odinga, that candidate, signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" in exchange for Muslim votes that if elected he would make Kenya a Muslim country. When the 'memorandum' was discovered the revelation of the features of the understanding were so objectionable that purportedly that discovery alone wrecked his chances of election. The Muslims in Kenya wanted laws against radio programs promoting other religions; laws agains missionary activities by other religions; etc. Barak Obama was a knowing part of that. Odinga (educated at the University of East Berlin before "The Wall" came down) and the Kenyan Muslims were responsible for the subsequent riots and arsons against the Christians in that country, but Barak Obama lent his name to Odinga's candidacy and rallied the Muslims to his cause.
"America will have five days to look over this bill."

(at the “Bi-partisan summit”) "That is just not true, we need to get our facts straight." Obama, supposedly moderating this conference impartially, continually interrupted every telling fact or idea of the Republicans attending to call them lies or "talking points" and re-emphasize his own misguided or false principles.

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