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While Mr. Obama moves toward an amnesty bill making all illegal aliens instantly Democrats, er citizens, Mexican Drug Gangs had the audacity to attack two army bases just south of the border. Overall eighteen of the drug cartel’s attackers were killed outright and two more were wounded in the two fracases. How exactly, with what provisions, does Mr. Obama hope to limit the future entrants to our country to just including upstanding citizens? By the way, the Mexican Drug Cartel’s are reportedly threatening parents along the border with their childrens’ death if they in anyway get in the path of their activities . . . “kill your children and torch your homes” unless the threatened people pay five thousand pesos to the Cartel. Reportedly, some families are “making a run northward” now for their childrens’ safety. Makes you respect our nations’ drug addicts financing these cartels all the more, eh? The firepower along the border controlled by the Cartels has caused the Texas governor to call out the national guard for border patrol work.

Item: While Barak Obama clamors for Cap and Trade legislation which would cripple our already crippled economy, for the first time in several decades it appears that the Artic sea ice cover and the Antarctic sea ice cover are returning toward normal levels (the so-called 1980 baseline), but Al Gore and the global warming alarmists and the mainstream media that promote their party line aren’t correcting their rhetoric on climate change. Some scientists are saying that the 2007 low in Artic ice cover was probably NOT the result of extra warmth but rather may have been the result of recently discovered cyclical ocean currents pushing the ice that was there further south than normal where it melted of course. At present, the cyclical currents have shifted to more normal activities levels and directions.

Item: Although the liberal media have made a big deal out of Obama’s decision to drill offshore along the Atlantic coastline and Obama says he’s “increasing oil production,” the truth is anything but what’s being written. Obama’s decision was to “allow exploration” not to drill. The facts are that Obama has actually prohibited far more areas to exploration then he’s opened up; and he’s postponed the scheduled date of new leases. Expect gas prices at the pump to soar and do not expect any new drilling to occur. By the way, the Democrats and the Obama administration aren't talking about the vast Baaken Oil Fields covering about 22% of the heartland. A lot of jobs and a lot of oil and energy independence are waiting there. Right now just a small portion of that oil is available thanks to capitalist Indian tribes in North Dakota who cannot be told what to do by the federal government on their lands. We have deposits in the lower 48 right now that would dwarf what's available in Saudi Arabia and probably create six million new jobs . . . but Barak Obama wants you to remain ignorant of those facts.

Item: Today’s report that over 162,000 new jobs were created in the last month will be an outright fraud. Why? Among other things the 48,000 temporary Census jobs included in that figure are a once every ten year’s aberration and mean nothing to any economic recovery in the long run and over half the 162,000 jobs created are just that: temporary jobs created by the stimulus NOT real permanent jobs. If you include jobs created by the government in the mix, less than 45% of the new jobs are permanent real jobs in the real world.

Item: Despite all sorts of money thrown awkwardly at the economic problems by the Obama Administration (which doesn’t seem to understand that the only way governments can create real non-government jobs is by getting out of the economy’s way by reducing taxes, government obstruction to the free markets and other blockages that destroy the economy’s ability to naturally create jobs) the overall economy seems to be worsening. Bank failings continue at a record rate.

Item: Chrysler seems primed to ask for another bailout.

Item: The ACORN-driven sub-prime lending bust is still alive and the three mortgage-guarantee laws that ACORN abused to create it are still on the books. The Housing bust continues both for new homes and already existing homes. Overall for businesses and individuals loan payment delinquencies continue to pile up; bankruptcies and home foreclosures are running at record rates.

Item: We still have 9.7% unemployment and the overall unemployment rate increased slightly because more young people came onto the job market. It will take an average of 20,000 new jobs every month just to take care of these new workers but this would do nothing to replace or recreate the 8.4 million jobs which have disappeared since the government started stimulating the economy in October 2008.

Item: ACORN is now changing its name in all 50 states so they'll be eligible for government funding again. Remember, Barak Obama has close ties to ACORN and worked a few years as their lawyer forcing banks and lending institutions to make knowingly bad loans in line with three terrible laws created by the Democratic Party mostly but definitely NOT fought against resolutely enough by the Republicans. ACORN ran a Cloward-Piven scheme to overload the system and bring the country to crisis and move the country toward socialism. Until the Constitution is again respected and these laws are repealed and these type of abuses are prevented in the future, don’t expect much recovery, very soon.

ITEM: Item it would take over four consecutive years (about 50 consecutive months) of creating 162,000 jobs a month to regain the 8.4 million lost jobs and in the meantime, five million young people would also have entered the job market and be lacking jobs . . . the “Jobs President” better start earning his pay and his name.

Item: The real American average wage and the real American minimum wage both continue to fall thanks SLIGHTLY to inflation and employers’ reluctance to hire and take on new benefit-receiving employees in the present economic environment. And what is the real reason behind this drop? Illegal immigrants taking on jobs that many Americans won’t consider. Many employers can offer part-time no-benefit jobs because they don’t have an overriding need for full-time benefit-receiving normal American employees. Second prize in this sweepstakes goes to Unions continually out of touch drive to secure ever greater Cadillac benefit structures for their employees which employers have decided they will not pony up for.

Item: This one you WILL see in the liberal media. The N.Y. Times apparently got it right for once and Rajjpuut congratulates them. The Pope via a representative is attacking the Times’ coverage of the child-abuse scandal by Catholic priests saying it is one sided and exaggerated. Thirty years worth of problems is not exaggeration, it is a holocaust of trust. The Pope who once was a Hitler Youth can NOT reasonably hope to pull a Nazi shut-down on the media. This problem of abuse and more importantly of cover-up of abuse by the church and its officials goes back at least two popes and the present Pope appears himself to be implicated in the cover-up from years ago. Children are vulnerable little people and their health and safety and happiness can never be politicized . . . if the Pope wants this problem to go away, he needs to open all the church’s appropriate records on abuse and cover-up to the world’s media and to pledge to track the problem down all the way to a satisfactory conclusion. A church, above any other institution needs to be a place where people are safe, especially children.

Item: Obama’s efforts to change “Undocumented Future Democrats” into citizens is just the latest travesty. For years now, the social security administration and individual states have routinely been issuing identification to illegal immigrants. Even without this type documentation, ACORN was able to secure thousands of mortgage-guarantees for illegal aliens in the southwest. Rewarding all this duplicity by awarding citizenship is a slap in the puss to native born and naturalized citizens. If you thought Obamacare was divisive, watch what’ll happen to the country as a result of the Obama-Citizenship-Giveaway.

Item: Recently Jim Moran (D-Va) refused to answer a reporter’s questions about the “clerical error” that cost $6.4 Billion in lost stimulus funds supposedly aimed to help out in Virginia’s 12th District. One slight problem, there is no
12th district in Virginia. Moran spent about five minutes asking for respect rather than responding to the questions. Somehow the Obama stimulus folks created an untraceable slush fund for somebody, NICE!

Item: Liberal bloggers are labeling the “Faith, Hope and Charity” T-shirts being sold by Glen Beck as “hate merchandise to raise hate funds for bigot war chests.” Proceeds go to charity reportedly and Rajjpuut was unable to prove otherwise. Talking about Beck and the TEA Party and the T-shirts mentioned under the title “Nightmare in White,” one blogger starts ranting with the words, “there are an awful lot of angry white people in this country” as he went on to once again accuse all “Tea baggers” (which he knows is a sexual slur used by Democrats; the proper term is “TEA Party people”) of racism and hate crimes he implied that no TEA Party folks are NOT white; No TEA Party folks are NOT racists and all TEA Party folks are the scum of the earth and also are members in the KKK and other such organization. Certainly, Rajjpuut has seen with his own eyes that of those accusations exactly NONE are true. The aim of Democrats to marginalize the TEA Party people seems like a very short-sighted and even despicable course of action.

Item: The H1Ni vaccine was only 53% successfully issued. Right now virtually all the unused vaccine is in danger of reaching its expiration date and being thrown away. Hmmm after all the hype from the Obama administration and the shortages in vaccine amounts . . . one would have expected an out-of-control H1N1 flu epidemic in the country
. . . but until today’s news, Rajjpuut for one, hadn’t thought about H1N1 in thirteen or fourteen months.

Item: both Vice President Joe Biden’s and the New York Times’ literal admissions that Obamacare was really not about health care reform at all, but rather a wealth-redistribution scheme . . . have not been repeated . . . realizing their mistake the Veep and the newspaper in question have refrained from further responses to reporters seeking more information. Ooops, didn’t mean to tell the truth . . . .

Item: The mainstream media has ignored the fact that Obamacare not only took over 16% of the economy when it became law and began controlling the health industry. It also took over the student loan industry at the same time.
Item: if you are really a patriotic American, may prove to be one of the most exciting and pertinent websites you'll ever visit. Remember when Bill Clinton tried to run roughshod over the country in 1993 and 1994 with a nationwide takeover of the health care industry that only failed because he was NOT despicable enough to use all the dirty tricks and bribes and reconciliation BS that Obama has . . . the country voted huge numbers of Democrats out of office and for the first time in about 50 years installed Republican majorities in both houses of congress. Then the Republicans put into effect their "Contract with America" (they passed nine of the ten items on the contract) and the deficit plummeted and the country's prosperity was undeniable. Today the TEA Party has listened to Americans and come up with a list of 21 items that Americans have decided are important to them. That contract "with" America by the Republicans was a good idea but their "Contract FROM America is a better one . . . The TEA Party wants to find out which are the TOP TEN CONCERNS of patriotic citizens and then to use those top ten concerns to create a platform for politicians to sign for 2010. Go to the website above and vote for your top ten concerns. Rajjpuut's were: 1.Protecting the Constitution 2. Health Care Repeal and then Real Health Care Reform 3. Stopping Cap and Trade 4. Ending runaway government Spending 5. Real Transparency in government 6. No more bailouts 7. All of the above energy policy 8. Restore fiscal responsibility and Constitutionally-Limited government 9. Stop the tax hikes and 10. Demand a balanced budget . . . which is a good list, but probably not your list . . . go to the site and make your preferences known . . . .

Item: Drug Enforcement Act (DEA) officials are now visiting southern Afghanistan in America’s belated realization that opium is at the heart of the Taliban and Al Qaeda efforts in that country with the profits from opium funding their insurgency. The strange thing is that many compatible farm products are more profitable than poppies (almost all the profit from illegal drugs come after harvest and refinement) but it’s believed the Taliban likes the poppy for traditional reasons and because it plays a big role in advancing “American decadence” according to their ideology. Rajjpuut feels a strong bond to the drug addicts who help fund the killing of our soldiers.

Item: President Obama has effectively politicized the EPA (consider the edict to stop irrigation of central California farms and raise unemployment to protect the Delta Smelt <tiny fish>) and will now seek to ram through an EPA directive to ram through cap and trade legislation that Democrats have not been able to pass through the senate. This is yet another “end run” around lawful legislation processes with Obama’s arrogant administration attempting to regulate what they cannot legislate. It’s all just one more huge attempt to erode the Constitution’s authority. Just as Obamacare is, in effect, a tax on living . . . Cap and Trade type laws or edicts are nothing more than a tax on companies that actually build or create something . . . . it appears that Barak Obama intends to turn off all the lights in America . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Yet Out Of The Other Side Of His Mouth...

When obama hooks up the corner of his mouth to the side of his face during a speech, it must make you wonderwhat he is trying to hide, or how is he trying to deceive us with theuse of pretty words.

The body language gives him away.

Katie "Jane, you ignorant slut" Couric suffers the same affliction.

Let's consider obama's takeover of the student loan business and his healthcare bamboozle.

obama's recent gobbling up of private sector business comes in the formof his giving the government full control of the federal student loanmarket.

The problem obama says is that the subsidies the government was payingto banks to run the program was merely a sweetheart deal for the banksand was needlessly costing the government billions of dollars.

So obama takes away the middleman and another revenue stream from thebanks (that ought to help the economy) and says that students willapply for and receive their student loans directly from the federalliberal government.

Doing away with government paid subsidies for student loans will save us billions.

However, speaking out of the other side of his mouth, obama iscurrently on another 'obama tour' trying to indoctrinate the citizenryinto accepting the notion that government paid subsidies to theinsurance industry is change that is good and will also save usbillions.

How does that work when the insurance industry surely dwarfs that ofthe student loan industry and the subsidies will thus be larger?

What role for taxes and fees and fines not called taxes?

obama says this healthcare program is an important first step, abeginning. Does that mean he will eventually bump his head and realizethat paying subsides to insurance companies has also cost us needlessbillions, thus, the government will now take over offering healthcareto it's 'citizens' directly?

And what strings will be attached to student loans? Will applicantsonly receive cash if they attend some college created by the governmentthat has a professor named Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, Pelosi, Reed,Geithner, or Emanuel?

Will applicants have to major in community agitation as theorized by the likes of Saul Alinsky or those at ACORN?

His strings have been there before. Many recipients of his jobsprogram money said thanks, but no thanks, due to government mandated'strings." Not all states applied for Sec. of Education arne "I haveno educational degree" Duncan's recent funding program due to it's'strings.' Under obamacare insurers must offer health care plans thatmeet minimum requirements....requirements set by obama's government.

America wake up.

Before obama steals your alarm clock.

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'Bondage-gate' spurs donor drain for RNC

It's not bad enough that, for some time forward, the words "Republican National Committee" will be the most frequent phrase surfacing in online search terms using the words "West Hollywood bondage club." Now leaders of the RNC have to contend with the defection of key constituencies from the committee's donor base. You just wonder what were they thinking or are they just plain stupid. The later more so than not..
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Come down, come down from your ivory tower, Barak!

Contrary to all evidence from recent history, President Barak, “the Liar,” Obama still thinks that if he “ ‘says it’s so,’ PRESTO! It is definitely so.” Using an EPA directive, Mr. Obama, has decreed that by 2016 the fuel efficiency standards for all models of combined trucks and passenger car fleets of new cars in the country will be 35.5 miles per gallon . . . an efficiency increase of almost 10 miles per gallon. Just as Obama said he will create five million “green tech jobs” without any underlying technology” to back him up

. . . now the anointed wunderchild believes that his magic silver-tongue will overnight create almost 37% greater automobile efficiency. In the real world, Mr. President, cause and effect still rule the day!

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been seemingly pushed to the back burner in Obamaville these days. Besides the mileage demands, the Environmental Protection Agency directive set a tailpipe emissions standard of 250 grams (8.75 ounces) of carbon dioxide per mile for vehicles sold in 2016, equal to what they say would be emitted by vehicles meeting the mileage standard (which again is something Mr. Obama says is so, but which in all probability has no real connection to real physics, chemistry or mechanical certitude). The EPA has now issued its first rules ever on vehicle greenhouse gas emissions following the landmark 2007 Supreme Court decision concerning such EPA edicts.

Since you seem to have overlooked it, Barak, let Ol' Rajjpuut remind you, the EPA is not allowed carte blanche to invent demands out of blue sky or to establish rules based upon foreign say-so (such as the global warming myth now unravelling everywhere as we speak) but must make actual studies, scientific and repeatable studies on its own part, need we remind you, that verify the truth or definite possibility of what it's asking or demanding. So, Barak, where are those studies? When did the EPA invent the new technology to finally and irrevocably replace ICE (the internal combustion engine) on American soil? Show us something, Loudmouth, show us something! How about you spell out U-N-C-O-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N-A-L for us yet again. Does your White House floor mat not say "Welcome" like everybody else's or does it start out "We the people, in order to create ". . . .?

Here's your "satisfy our idiot progressive base" party line: "These historic new standards set ambitious, but achievable, fuel economy requirements for the automotive industry that will also encourage new and emerging technologies," according to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "We will be helping American motorists save money at the pump, while putting less pollution in the air." Such noble goals and such B.S. execution . . . get real, Mr. President! Other countries can fail to meet these ridiculous goals and live with it by selling their cars elsewhere. With your interference today, the U.S. automakers cannot survive unless they meet the goal established . . . did you just personally invent a prototype of a 40% more efficient engine process, Mr. President? If not, butt out, fool!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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NRCC called my home and was so RUDE. Said my name wrong, and just hung up on me! When it was all said and done all I got was a recorded disclaimer...... They can shove the NRCC up where the sun won't shine!
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Barak Obama has uttered a string of lies that will probably never be equaled by any man or politician if the earth lasts 50 billion years. Among his last 10,000 or so prevarications, Ol' Rajjpuut here lists some of the most obvious affronts to the truth. In selected cases comments have been added . . . .

"I will serve out my full six-year senate term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough,
sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things. But my thinking has not changed. I will not run for president or vice-president in 2008..”

"This stimulus money will prevent unemployment from reaching 8%."

"I am not an ideologue."

". . . will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

"This is NOT socialized medicine."

"I am NOT a socialist, I’m not."

"There will be no increased taxes for the middle class."

"There will be no tax increases for persons making $200,000 yearly or less or families earning $250,000 or less."

"I will be the jobs president."

"We will clean up Washington."

"We’ll run the cleanest, most open and transparent administration in history."

"We’ll have C-SPAN right in the room with us during the health care proceedings."

"I’m always open to bi-partisan suggestions . . . ."

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States . . . ."

"This bill will reduce the deficit and lower the national debt."

"Before this all happened, I made every possible effort to prevent the housing crisis." Actually, Obama was an ACORN attorney helping the corrupt Cloward-Piven styled organization use shake-down tactics to abuse the three mortgage-guarantee laws and force banks and other lending institution into making dozens of thousands in bad loans to would-be home owners without ID; without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; without downpayments in most cases; to illegal aliens in some cases. Just as C-P's original organization, the NWRO (National Welfare Rights Organization), bankrupted New York City and just missed bankrupting the entire state of New York in 1975 by abusing and overloading the welfare laws . . . ACORN with attorneys like Obama, used the same intimidation tactics to create the sub-prime lending crisis and brought the entire nation to its knees by the end of 2007. The laws in question were all passed by Democratic congresses: Carter's Community Reinvestment Act of '77; the '92 expansion which forced Fannie and Freddie to take part in the same type of mortgage-guarantees; and the Clinton '98 expansion that put the whole process on steroids and played right into ACORN's hands.

"Winning the war in Iraq has always been very important to me."

"Our energy plan will decrease the need for foreign oil."

"I will bring the troops home all of them."

"We’re not going to take over the automotive business, we’re just helping the car companies get over a rough spot . . . . "

"We have created or saved 600,000 jobs."

"We have created or saved 2,000,000 jobs."

"The Atlantic coastline is not the place to look for the answer to our energy problems." Yesterday he gave a confusing set of directives that appear to set in motion a renewal of offshore drilling from the Florida Keys to New Jersey.
"The Recession is over." He's made that statement four different times, perhaps, eventually he may be right when he says it.
"Israel is our most important Middle-East ally, we will never turn our back on Israel." The deliberate creation of a 'crisis' between Israel and us and the recent shunning of the Israeli Prime Minister in the White House speak volumes about our ex-Muslim President's commitments.

"There have been an awful lot of lies told about what’s in this bill, here are the facts: this legislation will improve health care delivery and lower costs for families and businesses and reduce our deficits." The less said about the falsehoods contained in the Obamacare law and the sick process used to pass it the better . . . but those four statements are outright lies.

"America wants this bill."

"I have never been a Muslim. I have never practiced Islam. I have always been a Christian." Actually, Barak Obama was a star student in the Muslim school he attended in Indonesia. He also twice willingly put on Muslim attire to campaign in 2007 on behalf of the Communist candidate for president in his birth-father's country, Kenya. Raila Odinga, that candidate, signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" in exchange for Muslim votes that if elected he would make Kenya a Muslim country. When the 'memorandum' was discovered the revelation of the features of the understanding were so objectionable that purportedly that discovery alone wrecked his chances of election. The Muslims in Kenya wanted laws against radio programs promoting other religions; laws agains missionary activities by other religions; etc. Barak Obama was a knowing part of that. Odinga (educated at the University of East Berlin before "The Wall" came down) and the Kenyan Muslims were responsible for the subsequent riots and arsons against the Christians in that country, but Barak Obama lent his name to Odinga's candidacy and rallied the Muslims to his cause.
"America will have five days to look over this bill."

(at the “Bi-partisan summit”) "That is just not true, we need to get our facts straight." Obama, supposedly moderating this conference impartially, continually interrupted every telling fact or idea of the Republicans attending to call them lies or "talking points" and re-emphasize his own misguided or false principles.

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The stimulus lie

The stimulus checks we got to stimulate the economy ,you know the one we had no choice but to get.I went to file and I usually don't make enough to owe the IRS well i still don't and I found out that for the first time I owe this year due to that wonderful stimulus check i didn't ask for to begin with! Thanks for nothing!! I did not even bring the vasaline!!
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Yet, similar to how he won the election,his admirers and most important, he himself, are satisfied that usingrhetoric to exaggerate the extent of his successes will be enough toindoctrinate far too many of the voting citizenry with a belief insuccessful change.

The nation's unemployment rate as of February 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, remains just under 10%.

This despite the promise that billions for a shovel ready jobs bill would bring it down below 8% within a year.

And they've added billions more to it while also tying every bill that comes before them as being a jobs creator.

The rhetoric and the reality do not match.

Then there was the trillion dollar purchase of mortgage save people's homes and ignite the home buying market.

For the past 12 consecutive months foreclosures have averaged over 300,000per month and sales of new homes in Feb. 2010 fell by 2.2% to an annualpace of only 308,000, the slowest rate of growth since records werefirst recorded in 1963.

The government's purchase of these securities is expected to end this month, the special $8,000 tax breakis due to end in April, mortgage rates are expected to rise, and withonly 170,000 mortgages restructured as part of this plan, they areapproimately 3.8 million restructured mortgage short of their goal.

The rhetoric and the reality do not match.

Then there's the transparency we were promised. Bloomberg News and Fox Newshad to file separate lawsuits, which a federal appeals court ruled onin their favor, to gain access to documents that show which banksreceived emergency short term lending from the the Federal Reserveafter obama's government denied their requests.

And now we have great rhetoric being hurled about on his healthcare "reform." We havethe line in the sand with Iran being continuously redrawn. We haveChina telling us no, Israel telling us no, and Russia making it looklike Carter is still President.

obama's track record leaves us with little hope.

While those that criticize him do so for the most part with remarkably little informed criticism, the rhetoric wins.

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My Friends:

Please be aware of the growing efforts by leftist groups and posers that are trying to infiltrate and disrupt our events from the inside, they are also trying to convert our faithful members (good luck with that!!).

Also targeted are our web sites such as this one, watch for people coming in with phony names and postings.

Below is a link to a web page that has the instructions of how to do this, where to target and how to act like a true Patriot, what words not to use that would out them. I have also added a couple of comments from their site below this so you can see what we are up ageist.

Folks, if we stay alert and keep our eyes open we will deflect these attempts to subvert our web sites, events and members.

Stand True And Fast

Brando Fontaine

US Patriot

Crash the tea parties!

On April 15th thousands of right-wingers will attend rallies in cities and towns across the United States. The organizers of this nationwide day of protest call it a tea party. This tea party movement that emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers. If the tea party movement continues to grow in size and strength there is a big chance they will dominate this country in the near future. If the tea party movement takes over this country they will really hurt poor people by getting rid of social programs like food stamps, unemployment benefits, disability benefits, student aid, free health care, etc. The tea party movement will say these programs must be gotten rid of because hard-working taxpayers cannot afford to pay for these things especially when the economy is in a depression. There are three options we have with the tea party movement:

1. Organize counter-protests against the tea party demonstrations, same time, same place. This is probably the best option. We need to get in the streets on April 15th and show the tea party movement that there are lots of people out there who oppose their agenda.

2. Get individual tea party protesters to leave the right-wing and move to the left politically. That would involve passing out stuff like this at the tea party demonstrations:

3. Ignore the tea party movement. This is the worst option because without anyone opposing them they could easily gain power.

Some good articles critical of the tea party movement:

Tea party websites, so you can spy on them:

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State Capitol protests

It is very difficult for the grass roots membership to get to washington DC on 4/15/10. Perhaps we should consider a march on the 50 state capitals. The relevance is that the health care bill indeeds burdens the state medcaid programs as well as local businesses. If every state capital saw the level of distain, the state politicans might get the message and attempt a pushback if not outright legal challenge to the bill

steve shoemaker

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The types of folks who don't care for Obama's policies is... a long list. An unsurprising outcome is Republicans jumping on the Tea Party protests in a desperate attempt to scurry to the moral high ground to garner votes.

Yo, Pubs, *you* are Part Of The Problem. *You* are part of what needs changing in DC. Don’t you *even* pose like you’re not.

It’s like we’ve had red pigs and blue pigs gorging at the trough for years - and finally we’re so disgusted with how much they eat we throw a protest - and the red pigs get up and join us, saying "Yup, that's just how I feel too, it’s them durn blue pigs that are causing all the trouble!".

I’m hungry for bacon.

The Tea Party protests across the USA are protesting excessive spending, stupid bailouts, and government support of failed private business.

The big problem is the foxes are guarding the henhouse - we (the people) can’t force them to be fiscally responsible. We can try to vote ’em out, but we (shamefully) re-elect them over 90% of the time (*), and even when we don’t, the person we put in is often just as bad.

(*) - so we (the people) are part of the problem too.

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It's a Small World the US runs around and saves every hot spot in the world. People Can Stay in their own Country and make it Better. I would LOVE to have MEXICO as my Country, the culture , History and the Beauty of it. It NEEDS GOOD People to stay and Make it better. Just Like every other country, don't leave to take a GOOD person out of your Home Country, stay and Make It Better. The Other Big part is most People come here to send the Dollar back and DO NOT HELP the infrastructure of this Country... Previous Immigrants Invested in staying here, everyone I talk to has the plan to go Back someday because its too expensive too contribute here...(I see this in CT, going to South America) They generally do not pay any taxes, or the schools would be working in California.. and nothing to health Care.. This is were DC and Obama are removed from what we see on the ground, America is being dumped on by most of the new immigrants. There are some Great execptions and they do things to ensure their future and their kids future here. Immigration is not what it use to be, we are not being racist, its tough here, we can barely afford it -tax wise- for ourselves and then add 10 million who are not paying income tax or property taxes. We are at a braking point. Somebody check with "Western Union" every Thursday and Friday there's a big line at my local Grocery store to ship money out of the country. Did any of the previous immigrant do that every week? they are not even helping the local economy. They're also guilted by the people in the old country to send money back, so you see there loyalty. **I'm a terrible typist (80's Tech High School)
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TIME AND TIME again he keeps repeating key words that were once used to define oppression. He drives other groups away from this movement and it marginalizes us. WE speak for all REAL HARD working Americans that want the Government to work on real jobs and then Health Care solves it self. These People take Office because they feel sorry for US, they think we do not know how to spend our money. All Americans; BLACK WHITE BROWN YELLOW..GAY..WE ALL want to work. WE ALL FEEL SELF worth when we work Hard and earn everything that surrounds us, Family, a home, a CAR, taxes for our towns. WE do not feel good when we get charity or the Gov't feels sorry for us.. even Americans on Welfare wish their circustances were different.. WE are ALL asked as KIDS what do you want to be when you grow up and we all have answers.. but life may hit some of us hard and we need that help. BUT even as Americans this number is about 10% or less about 90%+ can help that portion.. BUT DO NOT MAKE THAT number grow of Gov't assistance it will take drive from the People who are working.. or make that person with two jobs quit one so they can recieve Gov't assistance.
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With five ridiculous strikes for unions against business, President Barak Obama has struck out on economic recovery and already cemented his place in Fool’s Paradise by showing himself the most avid job-killing president in American history. Two December’s ago, while preparing his transition into the oval office, Obama thrilled the radical left and unions by selecting Hilda Solis to head the Labor Department. Solis long noted for her ties to openly communist and socialist organization has certainly not done anything to advance Obama’s claim that he would be the “Jobs’ President.” Communist Party USA’s “People’s Weekly World Newspaper has been gushing about Solis for fifteen consecutive months now.

A year ago Obama’s key labor move was every bit as shocking and, dare Rajjpuut say it, anti-American. If you thought that AmTrack’s problems couldn’t get worse, think again. Obama appointed Joseph Szabo, Illinois State Legislative Director for the United Transportation Union, to be the Federal Railroad Administrator. Another ill-placed union toadie to push for more benefits and reducing the chance that AmTrack will ever show a profit again.

The third strike by Obama was September’s nomination for assistant secretary of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of yet another believer in “junk science” Dr. David Michaels also yet another academic with no real world credentials who has been a one-man wrecking crew opposed to nuclear energy throughout his adult life. and a carrying 100% anti-business agenda as his proud baggage. Rajjpuut would remind Obama and Michaels that more people died at Chappiquiddick than at Three-Mile Island despite the late Senator Teddy’s similar anti-nuke posture. So Michaels is a job-killer and a betrayer of Obama’s promise of “energy independence.”

But the “most unkindest cut of all” as Marc Anthony reminds us, was the sneaky use of the recent Congressional recess to make two god awful labor appointments. Obama appointed two ultra-unionist lawyers (academics and lawyers make up about 87% of Obama’s administration) on to the two vacant seats on the National Labor Relations Board where they’d be expected to rule impartially on disputes between labor and management for the good of the country: Obama’s head weighs 607 pounds, in other words, FAT CHANCE! The two men selected were Mark Pearce and Craig Becker. Here was a chance for the display of Obama’s much-lauded “bi-parisanship” since members of both parties were concerned about the radical Becker holding down anything more significant than his own supper. Big labor is, of course, the owner of Barak Obama and labor officials have spent more time at the White House than anyone but the Obama’s and their dog. I guess that’s what you get for half a billion dollars in campaign donations. Rajjpuut could have sworn Obama said he’d govern for all the people, not just the union members, ah well. Solis and Obama were orgasmic in discussing Becker before the press . . . forgetting for the umpteenth time that the main reason Obama was elected was the Economy, STUPID! You can probably count on Becker alone to cost the country five million more jobs.

The sneaky recess appointment of Becker, who is not qualified to pick his own nose, is a huge travesty. The man is a big advocate of A. card-check B. denier of secret balloting at the work place C. allowing unions to visit workers’ homes uninvited D. union bullying and pressure at work E. Employee Forced Choice Act (EFCA) and even F. EFCA via Presidential administrative action if 60 senate votes are not available. Get the picture? Anything else that kills jobs, Becker is for . . . .

Craig Becker’s nomination is a monstrous threat to our economy because he is an ardent enemy of small business, the engine of recoveries. Becker believes small businesses “should have no right to be heard in either a representation case or an unfair labor practices case” meaning “employers have no standing to assert their employees’ right to fair representation.” Becker’s own words, published in the University of Minnesota Law Review, 1993.

This extreme nominee believes employers should have no “legal standing” in the unionization process of their own workplace. That is the AFL-CIO and the should have a voice in the unionization process and the guy who started the business should not? Then the only viable choice for the entrepreneur faced with a destructive union is to kill his own business and every job in it? Becker certainly has shown himself in the past to be in favor of many anti-job creation practices and policies when he acted through the NLRB bypassing Congressional action to unilaterally attack this country's economy.

Senators Orrin Hatch and John McCain drafted an open letter to President Obama protesting the recess nominations saying, “. . . this action would install a rejected nominee for an appointed term to the NLRB, setting an unfortunate precedent for all future nominations and future administrations.” Everyone of the 41 Republican Senators signed the letter, citing the bipartisan opposition Becker faced in the Senate if a normal nomination had occurred. Rajjpuut agrees with them. Forced Unionization is probably not as bad an idea as putting people out of work and driving food prices up by stopping irrigation in California to protect the Delta Smelt (little fish) . . . not nearly as bad in the short term but the worst offense against the Constitution since Obamacare a week ago – the hits just keep coming from this incompetent president. How exactly are we to win back jobs in competition with Chinese, South Koreans, Thais and Japanese when 83% of our automobile costs are tied up in union pay and benefits, five times more than the metal and other material making the vehicle?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,Rajjpuut

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With five ridiculous strikes for unions against business, President Barak Obama has struck out on economic recovery and already cemented his place in Fool’s Paradise by showing himself the most avid job-killing president in American history. Two December’s ago, while preparing his transition into the oval office, Obama thrilled the radical left and unions by selecting Hilda Solis to head the Labor Department. Solis long noted for her ties to openly communist and socialist organization has certainly not done anything to advance Obama’s claim that he would be the “Jobs’ President.” Communist Party USA’s “People’s Weekly World Newspaper has been gushing about Solis for fifteen consecutive months now.

A year ago Obama’s key labor move was every bit as shocking and, dare Rajjpuut say it, anti-American. If you thought that AmTrack’s problems couldn’t get worse, think again. Obama appointed Joseph Szabo, Illinois State Legislative Director for the United Transportation Union, to be the Federal Railroad Administrator. Another ill-placed union toadie to push for more benefits and reducing the chance that AmTrack will ever show a profit again.

The third strike by Obama was September’s nomination for assistant secretary of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of yet another believer in “junk science” Dr. David Michaels also yet another academic with no real world credentials who has been a one-man wrecking crew opposed to nuclear energy throughout his adult life. and a carrying 100% anti-business agenda as his proud baggage. Rajjpuut would remind Obama and Michaels that more people died at Chappiquiddick than at Three-Mile Island despite the late Senator Teddy’s similar anti-nuke posture. So Michaels is a job-killer and a betrayer of Obama’s promise of “energy independence.”

But the “most unkindest cut of all” as Marc Anthony reminds us, was the sneaky use of the recent Congressional recess to make two god awful labor appointments. Obama appointed two ultra-unionist lawyers (academics and lawyers make up about 87% of Obama’s administration) on to the two vacant seats on the National Labor Relations Board where they’d be expected to rule impartially on disputes between labor and management for the good of the country: Obama’s head weighs 607 pounds, in other words, FAT CHANCE! The two men selected were Mark Pearce and Craig Becker. Here was a chance for the display of Obama’s much-lauded “bi-parisanship” since members of both parties were concerned about the radical Becker holding down anything more significant than his own supper. Big labor is, of course, the owner of Barak Obama and labor officials have spent more time at the White House than anyone but the Obama’s and their dog. I guess that’s what you get for half a billion dollars in campaign donations. Rajjpuut could have sworn Obama said he’d govern for all the people, not just the union members, ah well. Solis and Obama were orgasmic in discussing Becker before the press . . . forgetting for the umpteenth time that the main reason Obama was elected was the Economy, STUPID! You can probably count on Becker alone to cost the country five million more jobs.

The sneaky recess appointment of Becker, who is not qualified to pick his own nose, is a huge travesty. The man is a big advocate of A. card-check B. denier of secret balloting at the work place C. allowing unions to visit workers’ homes uninvited D. union bullying and pressure at work E. Employee Forced Choice Act (EFCA) and even F. EFCA via Presidential administrative action if 60 senate votes are not available. Get the picture? Anything else that kills jobs, Becker is for . . . .

Craig Becker’s nomination is a monstrous threat to our economy because he is an ardent enemy of small business, the engine of recoveries. Becker believes small businesses “should have no right to be heard in either a representation case or an unfair labor practices case” meaning “employers have no standing to assert their employees’ right to fair representation.” Becker’s own words, published in the University of Minnesota Law Review, 1993.

This extreme nominee believes employers should have no “legal standing” in the unionization process of their own workplace. That is the AFL-CIO and the should have a voice in the unionization process and the guy who started the business should not? Then the only viable choice for the entrepreneur faced with a destructive union is to kill his own business and every job in it? Becker certainly has shown himself in the past to be in favor of many anti-job creation practices and policies when he acted through the NLRB bypassing Congressional action to unilaterally attack this country's economy.

Senators Orrin Hatch and John McCain drafted an open letter to President Obama protesting the recess nominations saying, “. . . this action would install a rejected nominee for an appointed term to the NLRB, setting an unfortunate precedent for all future nominations and future administrations.” Everyone of the 41 Republican Senators signed the letter, citing the bipartisan opposition Becker faced in the Senate if a normal nomination had occurred. Rajjpuut agrees with them. Forced Unionization is probably not as bad an idea as putting people out of work and driving food prices up by stopping irrigation in California to protect the Delta Smelt (little fish) . . . not nearly as bad in the short term but the worst offense against the Constitution since Obamacare a week ago – the hits just keep coming from this incompetent president. How exactly are we to win back jobs in competition with Chinese, South Koreans, Thais and Japanese when 83% of our automobile costs are tied up in union pay and benefits, five times more than the metal and other material making the vehicle?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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Ol’ Rajjpuut says it’s not a question of “IF,” but rather “WHEN” the U.S. Supreme Court calls Obamacare unconstitutional and sends it back to congress for a do-over. Right now ten states, led by Virginia which is suing on two separate fronts, have filed suit against the federal government for Obamacare miscues. At the same time a total of at least 38 states other than Virginia are seeking to pass recommended model state legislation so that they can have their ducks in order to challenge the federal government against Obamacare.

One weakness, Rajjpuut sees, is that some of the states are talking about Commerce Act challenges rather than direct Constitutional challenges or challenging on both issues. This is a major mistake. The court has always been reluctant to screw around with the Constitution but might very well jump at a chance to modify the Commerce Act.
Since bankruptcy of all 50 states is at stake, Rajjpuut suggests every bullet be fired and instantaneous reloading take place.

As it stands the provisions of Obamacare that force individual states to take over a much augmented Medicaid and a very much augmented state role in paying for Medicaid are almost certain to bankrupt all 50 of the states with the possible exception of Texas (which has special doctor-friendly and insurance-friendly laws in place) by 2020 or 2022 at the latest. This much you already know if you’re a loyal reader of Rajjpuut’s Folly here or at . . . Listening to Fox News the other night was quite enlightening . . . .

The United States is not some single monlithic entity called “America” but rather a federal system of government with the national government holding some important dominion over 50 semi-autonomous states. The Bill of Rights of the Constitution is sort of like a protective armor designed to negate much of the potentially most objectionable power grabs that the national government (acting upon the states and upon the individual citizens) might attempt. Perhaps the least appreciated and little understood of all the Bill of Rights’ ten amendments is the 10th and last amendment which limits the power of the national government just to assume powers willy-nilly a la Obama and his czars and Obamacare.

The 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The main reason the states will have a powerful case arguing against the provisions of Obamacare that will bankrupt them is that like so much of what Barak Obama has done his so-called “reforms” under Obamacare are merely commandeering the state legislature’s role in every one of the 50 states for federal purposes which always in the past the Supreme Court has labeled “unconstitutional.” In a nutshell the key question is this: “Should the U.S. Government be allowed to pass laws and programs and force the states to pay for them?” If you wanted a stronger form of the question, “Can the federal government be allowed to pass laws, then force the states to pay for them and bankrupt the states?”

This question about the U.S. Congress regulating state governments has been asked many times and always the answer has been a resounding, “NO!” In Obamacare, as the law now exists, Congress has told the states to modify their health care regulation; they must surrender some areas of health care regulations; and they must spend state taxpayer money in the exact manner that the U.S. Congress is telling them to spend it. The U.S. Congress is removing all self-determination and discretion from the state governments in the health care arena.

According to Fox News senior judicial analyst and former New Jersey Superior Judge and author of the book “Lies the Government Told You,” Andrew P. Napolitano, the longstanding precedent of state regulation of the health care industry and healthcare insurance makes the new sweeping federal legislation “all the more problematic” continuing to say, “Barak Obama is one of the worst presidents in terms of obedience to constitutional limitations. I believe we are run by a one-party system in this country called the ‘big-government party.' " The judge went on to delineate a Republican branch that likes war and deficits and assaulting civil liberties. There is a Democratic branceh that likes welfare and taxes and deficits and assaulting commercial liberties. " President Obama stands squarely with the most leftist portion of the Democratic branch.”
Many people today, believe that the differences between today's ordinary American citizens and their government is much larger than the 18th Century differences between Great Britain and the colonists . . . which is another way of saying what the judge has emphasized here. And the reasons for this? In Rajjpuut's view, the communistic leanings of Barak Obama added to the already entrenched view of the Congress that they constitute a privileged special interest group not beholden to the ordinary voter -- this has made the electorate feel that our country's traditions are being struck down in the name of more power for the politicians.

Napolitano is also no lover of FDR, for the same reasons he criticizes Obama. But he would surprise virtually everyone by saying that when it comes to “constitutional fidelity” the least loyal to the provisions of the constitution was Abraham Lincoln. “He waged war on about half the country, without authority for that in the Constitution, a war that killed 700,000 people if civilians are included. Obama is already close to Lincoln and has surpassed FDR in stepping on the Constitution. Ol’ Rajjpuut has known plenty of southerners who blanched at the term the “Civil War” and preferred to call it “The War of Northern Aggression" as they had been taught in their schools” but from a N.J. judge that’s gotta be a surprise . . . .

Back to Obamacare, the judge continues: “the states have had a role in health care delivery for 233 years, a big role since about 1920, and a huge role since Medicaid was passed in 1965, there is no precedent for the federal government to just move in there. I predict that the U.S. Supreme Court will invalidate major portions of the law the president just signed.” However, according to Napolitano, the bad news is that many of the laws provisions will not be "challengable" until 2014 when they’d go into effect. In any case, the Judge says it takes the average court case four years to pass through the system to reach the Supreme Court. “You’re talking abut 2018 which is eight years from now.

Rajjpuut, of course sees a cleaner, better world and has a better way, the thing to do is for 38 states (the 3/4 necessary for citizen creation of a new amendment to the Constitution) to pass an amendment repealing Obamacare and all its provision, eliminating all the 159 new federal bureaucracies created by the law, and unhiring all 1,650 new IRS agents required by the law. This is the single most magic action awaiting the TEA Party's commitment. There has never before been an Amendment created for the Constitution, this is the TEA Party's divine purpose if ever there was one!

Other points raised by the Judge include . . . .

The federal government lacks constitutional authority to order citizens to purchase healthcare insurance or fine them for not doing so.

The sweetheart deals still in the Obamacare law are definitely unconstitutional. The Gatorade exception, Louisiana Purchase and others “create a very unique and tricky constitutional problem (they violate the equal protection clauses and equal process clauses) because they treat some citizens differently from others” based upon the state they’re living in “so these benefits or bribes whatever you call them” force people in other states "to pay for the benefits of states that pay less.”

The U.S. Constitution created the federal government and it was “not created to right every wrong, but rather to operate only in the seventeen specific, discrete areas where the Constitution empowered it to act.”

One of the more objectionable parts of the law was that a takeover of the student college loan industry was added into the bill so that students taking out loans could partially fund Obamacare. Included in the law was an exception so that a congressional member’s bank (he partially owns it, Rajjpuut believes) could still stay in the student loan business.

Exempting union members from so-called “Cadillac taxes” on expensive health care insurance policies while imposing a direct tax on other citizens is “outright discrimination” and unconstitutional.

“This health care legislation will prove that the UNlimited government folks are WRONG in a very direct and in-your-face way.”

A group very much in tune with Judge Napolitano is the recently-emerged TEA^^^ Party (acronym: Taxed Enough Already) which buys his arguments 100% and seeks to find fiscal-conservatives to back this November. One strong reason for the great distress of TEA Party members: Obama's budget initiatives carried into the future have been shown by the Congressional Budget Office to increase the National Debt to Gross Domestic Product ratio from an alarmingly high 53% to an incredible 90+%. The last nation to embark willingly on such a plan was Japan in the late 80's and early 90's. Today Japan, once thought of as an economic super power, faces a debt/GDP ratio of 192% and her glory days are far behind her.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



Voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party movement than they do to Congress according to the latest Rasmussen poll. 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress while only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of those key issues. 47% think that their own political views are closer to those of the average Tea Party member than to the views of the average member of Congress. On this point, 26% feel closer to Congress. 46% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is more ethical than the average member of Congress. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say that the average member of Congress is more ethical. There is a wide divide between the tiny Political Class and Mainstream Americans on these questions. Seventy-five percent (75%) of those in the Political Class say that members of Congress are better informed on the issues. Among Mainstream Americans, 68% have the opposite view, and only 16% believe Congress is better informed. By a 62% to 12% margin, Mainstream Americans say the Tea Party is closer to their views. By a 90% to one percent (1%) margin, the Political Class feels closer to Congress.,_obama_budget_will_bankrupt__nation.thtml

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There appear to be no French or American officials willing to confirm a rumor from 17tuupjjaR91$$ sources that an alleged 24 year old French hacker got into President Obama’s Twitter account by guessing his password was 71tcOdeR91 and officials in the Obama Administration are pretending the security breach never happened**. In any case, the Frenchman, known as “Hacker Croll” but said to be Francois Cousteix, showed his arrogance by taking bets about his ability to hack into celebrity websites on Twitter and elsewhere and besides Obama got into the accounts of famous folk like Brittney Spears and Lily Allen also allegedly just by guessing passwords. Since his arrest earlier in the week, Cousteix has allegedly admitted responsibility for hacking into dozens of Facebook and Twitter accounts and could spend up to two years in prison for each count of hacking if convicted.

French authorities reportedly took the lead on the investigation, but relied heavily upon the FBI to monitor Cousteix's online activities. The FBI also reportedly took part in the arrest of the hacker. Cousteix who allegedly has admitted to the hacking has reportedly said, "I'm a nice hacker ... It's a message I wanted to get out to users, to remind them that no system is invulnerable," according to comments he made on France 3 television on Thursday after being released from police questioning Wednesday. Cousteix allegedly also leaked internal Twitter documents to other web sites, in 2009. At that time, Google apps were said to be in danger from Hacker Croll. Twitter relies on Google for sharing notes, spreadsheets, ideas, financial details, and other things.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


$$ Ol' Rajjpuut is, after all permanently stuck on his 39th birthday

** There was no word on how long a typical hack takes for Monsieur Cousteix but 71tcOdeR91 would have taken Ol’ Rajjpuut at least five minutes to figure out. Still, it’s not 01learsIlliK02 or 01narIharruH02 : > )

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National Debt Will Grow to 90% of Gross Domestic Project by 2020

You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time and the Congressional Budget Office too much of the time. However, just as it’s not nice to fool Mama Nature, sooner or later the CBO usually does the job they’re paid to do and the fooling around stops. After showing the testicles of an emasculated amoeba and failing to stand up to the Obamacare budget projections last week, this week the CBO finally stopped squeaking liking mice and stood up like men and after projecting Obama’s budgets out into the future said:

The CBO's preliminary analysis indicates the following:

If the President’s proposals were enacted, the federal government would record deficits of $1.5 trillion in 2010 and $1.3 trillion in 2011. Those deficits would amount to 10.3 percent and 8.9 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), respectively. By comparison, the deficit in 2009 totaled 9.9 percent of GDP.

Measured relative to the size of the economy, the deficit under the President’s proposals would fall to about 4 percent of GDP by 2014 but would rise steadily thereafter. Compared with CBO’s baseline projections, deficits under the proposals would be about 2 percentage points of GDP higher in fiscal years 2011 and 2012, 1.3 percentage points greater in 2013, and above baseline levels by growing amounts thereafter. By 2020, the deficit would reach 5.6 percent of GDP, compared with 3.0 percent under CBO’s baseline projections.

Under the President’s budget, debt held by the public would grow from $7.5 trillion (53 percent of GDP) at the end of 2009 to $20.3 trillion (90 percent of GDP) at the end of 2020. As a result, net interest would more than quadruple between 2010 and 2020 in nominal dollars (without an adjustment for inflation); it would expand from 1.4 percent of GDP in 2010 to 4.1 percent in 2020.

The yearly interest on the national debt as a budget entity by 2020 would prohibit virtually any semblance of normalcy. And that's NOT diminishing or paying down the debt, just paying interest upon it. As all truly aware citizens know, the reason for the upcoming drops in deficits shown by the CBO are that a series of new front-loaded taxes are about to be sprung upon the nation (great idea during a recession, eh?) to pay for Obamacare and all the projections for incredible benefits from Obamacare all the while cutting deficits is based upon the most optimistic possible scenarios for economic bounce-back.

Since the “jobs-president” rather than concentrating on jobs has been doing everything possible to annihilate jobs with his jobs-busting economic policies . . . it is very possible that the economic situation come 2020 may be considerably much worse than the CBO projects. Since the president has a whole deskload of initiatives like amnesty and citizenship for illegal aliens on his plate that are all very expensive GIBs and GSBs (Government Interference and Government Spending Boondoggles) . . . it is very possible that the economic situation come 2020 may be much, much worse than the CBO projects. Since Obama is looking to make many more “fundamental transformations” to this country . . . it is very possible that the economic situation come 2020 may be much, much, much worse than the CBO projects. It does NOT appear that Obama is through spending this year or ever.

Rajjpuut suggests three new Amendments to the U. S. Constitution (1. Obamacare and all its effects be immediately repealed 2. Federalism Amendment prevents country from passing laws that state governments must pay for such as Medicaid which is set to bankrupt every state by 2020 3. Federal spending be limited to 12.5% of the previous year’s GDP); that come November the voters reject all those who supported Obamacare; and that Obama be voted out for incompetence and operating contrary to his oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Visit these two links. Read the words from Barak Hussein Obama, Sr., our president’s father, as he tells us the benefits of 100% taxes for Kenya. He didn't think mere socialism was good enough for Kenya, but that the country needed 100% taxes a.k.a. communism and his non-ending diatribes got him kicked out of government. His son devoted his first autobiography "Dreams from My Father" to that man but took great pains never to reveal his politics. As said and proven in these pages often before, President Barak Obama is a communist and his birth-father, mother and grandfather were all communists. The man is doing all he hoped to do, he is overthrowing the American way of life.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The Media loves to play the number games. 3 million people in prison means about 1% of the population. Only 10% of the population do not have Health Ins. Half of the 30million do not need or want, example; the healthy 20 somethings and then the people working under the table, drawn by work and employers who side step our society's laws. The other HALF are Heart braking stories of loss and stress, but still do not have the money for the mandatory monthly premium. This plan makes people decide between food and a place to live, or go to Health Care Prison. Right now a single plan costs $250-400/month and a family plan starts at $500 goes to a $1000. The Price point needed to be fixed first. The money spent now on Health Care by all sectors could include the uninsured. The Doctors and the Hospitals need control of their own futures and not rely on the whims of the Insurance industry to survive. Insurance Companies need to be fixed or turn it over to the Mafia at least with the Mob you know what you'll get. I love that we have made a Control business, full of people who do not do any of the work in the field that they over see.Then, take a big perctentage of the premiums and dispense crap to the the providers.This is truly a legalized Mafia. There was one Insurance CEO's (1 person) retirement package that was $1.5 billion. This is a percentage of the customers paid premiums that did not make it to the providers. If this was one employees package there had to be others paid off at this same time. This also is $5 for every person in the US, it is also 300,000 individual plan's premiums for one year. We are not getting a good return on our money. Why do we need this Mega in between Company to get Health Care.

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Seven Lessons For The Tea Party

What went right and what didn't during the health care fight.By Ambreen AliThe tea partyers who waited anxiously outside the Capitol until House Democratspassed the health care bill late Sunday night were back at work before lawmakerswoke up the next day.Mark Meckler of Tea Party Patriots, the largest coalition in the movement,was already in California meeting fellow activists Monday morning. In Georgia,his colleague William Temple was making calls to Congressional offices.Since last spring, their grassroots conservative movement has grown alongsideand in reaction to the health care debate. Now, with Democrats putting the finishingtouches on the bill, the activists are trying to draw lessons from their first big legislativefight and plan for the next.We asked tea partyers and those who study them what they have learned:You don't always win.Even the best grassroots campaign can't guarantee results. Some activists believethe health care bill would have passed no matter what, but that the tea partiessucceeded by drawing out the debate."We almost destroyed it," Temple said of the bill. He credited the town halldisruptions, national rallies, and Republican Sen. Scott Brown's victory with slowingdown the Democrats' legislative agenda.Brown's victory in Massachusetts special election in January cost Democratstheir Senate supermajority and dampened the momentum around health care.Don't give up.The morning after health care passed, Temple was busy making calls to theoffices of Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) to express disappointment for thelawmaker's yes vote."Let’s not be reactive, let's keep our agenda," he said.Tea party leaders around the country had the same hopeful tone.Some like Julianne Thompson of the Georgia Tea Party Patriots are backingstate initiatives to temper the national health plan and campaigning for conservativecandidates ahead of midterm elections."I believe 1994 will be a mere shadow compared to what is going to happen inNovember of this year at the ballot box," she said, referring to the midterm electionswhen Republicans regained control of the House after four decades.Be part of the process.In the weeks preceding the final House vote on health care, some tea partyersswitched from picketing outside the Capitol to meeting with those inside.Thompson said Members paid more attention to the activists willingto sit down with them."It's easy for them to look outside and see a rally going on and go backinto their office and ignore it," she said. "When you have a line of 50people waiting in your office, that's something you can't ignore."Mark Williams of Tea Party Express in California said his group is focused on"infiltrating the political party infrastructure." He encourages tea partymembers to run for local offices and positions within the political party committees.He is heading to Nevada this weekend, where he will introduce former Alaskagovernor Sarah Palin at a kickoff event for a 40-day bus tour to Washington, D.C."We have to take over from the grassroots up," he said.Vote.Many tea party leaders are setting their eyes on the November election,when they hope to punish the lawmakers who passed the health bill."Elections have consequences. We're where we are at todaybecause of the last election," Meckler said.Dominate the debate.The hundreds of tea party activists who picketed outside Capitol Hillin the final week of the debate may not have swayed enough lawmakersagainst the bill, but they drew attention."[The protest] paints a stark picture in the mind of the American publicthat you have a Congress that's completely out of touch with the people,"Meckler said.That was the idea behind an early tea party success: the town hall disruptions.Conservatives showed up to local meetings with protest signs and angrily shoutedat the lawmakers who were laying out the health plan.Instead of talking about the bill's details, people focused on the protesters."The tea party people were able to shout down what was being said aboutthe health care plan," said David S. Meyer, a University of California at Irvineprofessor who studies protest movements.Control your own.Since there is no official tea party group, pretty much anyone can start a localtea party or show up to a rally. That has been both a boon for the movementand its Achilles' heel.Leaders were put on the defensive when a handful of activists shouted racistand homophobic epithets at Democratic lawmakers last week."We all have an obligation to distance ourselves from any kind of racism or bigotry," Meckler said. He added that his group, the Tea Party Patriots, has zero tolerancefor such behavior."If someone like that shows up to our rallies, they are unceremoniously removed,"he said. Meckler noted that not all tea party groups have that policy.Use resources wisely.Not every activist can afford to leave their jobs and come to Washington, D.C.,to lobby. Nor should they.Modern technology has played an instrumental role in propelling the tea partymovement forward.Whether it is Facebook groups, the Tea Party Nation social network,or the many e-mail lists the groups use to coordinate their efforts,activists have found that they can do a lot from home.Temple said he encouraged fellow activists in Georgia not to go toWashington, D.C., this past week."Rather than tiring out our own people and spending all our money,we've got the Internet. We've got phones," he said.Ambreen Ali writes for
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