Bob VanDeHey's Posts (418)

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Exactly Why Progressivism Sucks,

FDR’s/Obama’s Second Bill of Rights

and our Actually $212 TRillion PROBLEM

You do recall candidate Obama’s pledge not to raise taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000 a year? A pledge already worthless? Well consider this, in just a bit over five months, all the Bush tax cuts we’ve been enjoying will be rescinded, but that’s not a tax increase is it? Well, welcome to Bill of Rights Hell, Obamastyle . . . .

Barack Obama would like to take all the credit/blame for his radical legislative program but it’s been around since there have been left-wing progressives interested in “progressing beyond” the United States Constitution which they regard as “outdated” or even “an inferior and ill-conceived document.” Barack Obama himself calls it outdated and adds that it’s merely “a catalog of negative rights.”

Woodrow Wilson was the first recognized Progressive (Teddy Roosevelt was actually the first and mildest** one, however). Wilson, an educator and President of Princeton University wrote several books re-writing history and most particularly the history of the founding of the nation and of the founders. Wilson, according to real history – not progressive history, was an abject racist and the first to segregate the armed forces since Civil War Days. D.W. Griffith’s racist silver screen masterpiece “The Birth of a Nation” which glorified the Ku Klux Klan as the most vital element in post Civil War history, was premiered at the White House for Wilson and his Cabinet.

Herbert Hoover, a Republican like Teddy Roosevelt, believed in government involvement in peoples’ lives to a much greater extent than Teddy did. He sought to involve the government in welfare schemes and to give price supports to farmers among other progressive farm programs. He dramatically reversed the Harding-Coolidge trend of substantially lowered taxes and substantially lowered government spending (over a 45% reduction in both cases in response to the “Invisible Depression” Harding had inherited from Wilson). After the Crash of October ’29 under Herbert Hoover, the Depression was ending with the bottoming out of the stock Market three months after Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s inauguration (in March, in those days). FDR had run on a promise to return to common sense and cutting taxes and cutting government spending which had cut Wilson’s Depression down to size very quickly and left it known as the “Invisible Depression.”

FDR’s policies extended the Depression another nine years from taking office and presumably would not have ended the Depression at all except for the U.S. entry into the war in December of 1941. In the United States that period in history is known as the “Great” Depression but the rest of the world had a rough three years and simple call it a little ‘d’ depression.

FDR’s Second Bill of Rights was aimed, as many progressive schemes are, at redistributing wealth and its been adopted in whole cloth by Barack Obama. The harm done by FDR was incalculable. Hoover only created two new government agencies, FDR created forty. Barack Obama’s Obamacare health care “reform” has created 390+ new government agencies in just one law. Again, as most people sense, Obamacare has little to do with health care and will NOT cut health care costs it is just a method of grabbing more control for the government and redistributing wealth.

Before FDR’s 1944 inauguration (his 4th!) speech he paid homage to the idea but he’d already come out specifically talking about his agenda of redistributing wealth during his earlier 1944 State of the Union Address. The “Second Bill of Rights” according to FDR are “positive rights,” that is what government can do for or to its citizens (after taxing them unmercifully for the money to do it with). He included:

1. The right to a useful and renumerative job

2. The right to earn enough to provide not only food and clothing but

also recreation

3. The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return that

would give him and his family a decent living

4. The right of every family to a decent home

5. The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination from monopolies at home and abroad

6. The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health

7. The right to a good education

8. The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment.

Quite the socialist agenda, whereas the Founding Fathers said, we’ll keep the government out of your hair and maximize the money you can keep from what you earn and thus maximize your freedom to take care of your needs as you perceive them, FDR said we’ll tax the hell out of you and then give you some of your money back in the form of cradle-to-grave Nanny-state protection, not noticing that this would destroy the economy’s ability to create jobs and make it a lot less likely that anyone would have money to be taxed. This is clearly virtually identical to Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” progam.

Let’s look at item #4, in 1977 Jimmy Carter and his dual-chamber Democratic majority in congress passed the CRA of ’77 (Community Reinvestment Act) which for the first time required banks and local lenders to knowingly make bad home loans to otherwise ineligible clients. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were added to this travesty in 1992; these “rights” were expanded again twice in 1995; and the Bill Clinton final expansion in '98 (the third expansion under Slicky Willy) put the whole process on steroids and with the help of the Cloward-Piven Strategics of ACORN . . . created the sub-prime lending crisis at the root of today’s economic debacle.

And think of this, the United States had enjoyed for over half a century by far the world’s highest home ownership percentage (62-65%) so there was no problem. What exactly is wrong with renting a home, especially when one is young? What about the rights of landlords to operate their business and perform a clearly useful service?

Item #2 has raised its ugly head often since LBJ’s days, the right to a “guaranteed income.” Wow! Do you mean the right of the lazy and unproductive to extort money from those who earn it fairly by trading their goods and services and talent and education in the free market?

Item #8 is likewise quite interesting. This is the welfare “RIGHT” is it not? At present, our country not only has a $14TRillion national debt, but also $110 TRillion of UNfunded liability courtesy of Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid. No one ever talks about these things or this UNfunded liability . . . but something that’s even less obvious and even more secret: roughly $88 TRillion in UNfunded welfare liability is also coming our way in the next 44-45 years.

#6 is Obamacare and its travesties are just coming to light. It is a nightmare fiscally, will destroy the health insurance industry and the health care industry as we know it. Count on old folks dying courtesy of the rationing which the newly-appointed health care director openly expressed. As well, a lot of infants also will prove to be “not viable enough” to warrant all the health care bucks and services and time that would be needed to keep them alive. And from having the highest cancer cure rate in the world, count on the United States gravitating toward the rate of Great Britain where early intervention against cancer is somewhat of a joke.

#7 is the right to a good education. Wow, Ph.D’s for everyone? Rajjpuut went through college courtesy of the GI Bill he earned and five different jobs he held and wound up with a 3.92 GPA despite taking as many as 29 hours in two different quarters. A lot of people getting through on mommy’s and daddy’s money wasted their education and their time in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion . . . what’s wrong with people working to put themselves through college? Why should anyone be guaranteed a college education as Barack Obama has promised to provide?

#1 the right to a useful and remunerative job. Really? What about the right of an employer to hire who he needs and only who he needs and to pay them what he must to get good work out of them all the while keeping his company afloat? Study after study has shown that minimum wage laws just put more people out of work and threaten the solvency of more businesses . . . so much for government interference in the marketplace.

#3 means that an inferior farmer has the right to survive and charge enough to cover his ineptitude. He grows cotton in the north and succeeds in half the years but is frozen out in the other half, why should anyone give him more than top dollar for an inferior, at best crop?

#5 Sounds pretty nice. Actually, the policies of FDR favored big business and cut the throat of small business which is one great reason why the Depression lasted almost ten more years after FDR came to power. But if it really were true, big IF that, just as in the case of the farmer, why should someone be forced to pay more than top dollar if the product is inferior or the process to produce it is inefficient? So much for the “Second Bill of Rights!

In other words, FDR who gave the country almost ten extra years of Depression and who ran promising to cut taxes and cut spending but did just the opposite, was the king of the early progressives and the first clearly socialist president and was aiming to move the country toward something quite close to communism. And remember he only created 40 new government agencies Ol’ FDR, while Obama created 390+ just in one law: Obamacare. Gotta love them progressives, don’t you?

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

** Building the Panama Canal and establishing National Parks have to be called progressive by anybody, not that they were bad but that the people had NO say in their implementation; why not have a parks amendment voted on? Teddy feared it wouldn't pass or it wouldn't pass quickly enough or wouldn't set aside enough money, etc., etc., so he abrogated the people's right to decide the issue . . . .
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America as Desired by Obama . . .

Morally, Fiscally Bankrupt

You’ve seen those commercials where someone is saying, “ . . . we don’t make things in America any more . . . ,” a sad commentary on what was once the greatest manufacturing country the world ever knew becoming the greatest outsourcing country the world has ever known. Somewhere along the way America lost its greatness. Now, at a moment in our history where greatness is required of our leaders, instead we’ve been blessed with Marxist ideologue Barak Obama who, eschewing mediocre 2nd World status for the country is aiming us toward abject and utter Banana Republicdom$$. His economic policies have all led in the wrong direction and merely enriched the wallets of his supporters, but out of charity let’s forget all that, let’s look at his plans for our future.

Obama has promised his economic and energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily cause the price of electricity to skyrocket.”

And all of this madness is based upon a lie called “global warming” which even the ultra-liberal London Times has denounced:

It’s never ever been about cleaning up the atomosphere or about us making the environment better, Obama’s “handler” Joel Rogers has admitted that cap and trade will NOT stop “pollution,” it will just tax those who emit . . . which is a two-fold lie . . . it will tax all of America and all Americans virtually out of existence while enriching the pockets of almost twenty progressive foundations (such as the Tides Foundations, the Joyce Foundation and numerous shadow foundations funded by these two) while, must we remind you, carbon dioxide is NOT actually a pollutant. Profit for the liberal elite and power for Obama. Here’s the endgame he’s brought in store for us . . . .

People like Al Gore (5th largest owner), Obama, Rogers, Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong, Franklin Raines, George Soros, about a dozen Goldman Sachs people and the Goldman Sachs firm itself (10% owner), Gore’s London-based Generation Investment Management company -- all of these groups through their ownership of CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) which with the passage of cap and trade legislation will gain commissions on virtually every single “trade” in what Richard Sandor has admitted will be annually “a $10 TRillion industry.” Since cap and trade produces NOT ONE new product and adds NOT ONE new service for Americans or the world . . . this means that America’s $15 TRillion economy will become a $25 TRillion economy overnight (with no new products or services and thus all prices will rise 67% the ultimate tax on breathing . . . . The time has come to ask not “Who is John Galt?” but rather “Where is John Galt”** because the country needs him NOW.

The most important truth YOU need to get out of this blog is this, The situation is bad, critical, nearing meltdown and yet, NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT TRUTHS FACING OUR COUNTRY TODAY. On occasion they’ll mention the roughly $14 TRillion national debt now growing by leaps and bounds under Obama . . . but no one is talking about the $110 TRillion in Unfunded obligations^^ the nation faces from Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid . . . nor are they mentioning that it’s highly likely that our Unfunded obligations from Welfare and similar entitlement programs could add another 80% to that figure pushing the nation toward total debt and unfunded obligations in excess of $215 TRillion.

In fact, the U.S. congresses and presidents have made a policy of definitely NOT TALKING about these matters since about 1977 when the combinations of building social security obligations, the new welfare state, Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” met the new wave of outrageousness with Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment act of 1977 when for the first time the federal government REQUIRED lenders to make knowingly bad loans. The fact that this evil mortgage guarantee program could be expanded four times (’92, twice in ’95 and put on steroids in ’98) while the set-asides since 1934 and 1965 were blithely ignored shows you how corrupt the system was. But in orders of corruption, you ain’t seen nothing yet, baby, because Barack Obama’s now in charge.

Of course, Barack Obama who reportedly was extremely morose during the years 1989-93 when the Berlin Wall fell and the Warsaw Pact nations and U.S.S.R discarded communism . . . now has his opportunity to deliver to the world an utterly bankrupt United States of America and all will end well in the future hee-hee-ho-ha-hee-hee-ho-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha . . . the combination of what progressives have already done to us with their “spread the wealth FDR and LBJ ‘Great Society’ schemes” and what Barack Obama is doing to us, will make disaster concepts like nuclear winter and other contemplated environmental disaster scenarios seem like a day at the beach.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


$$ and meanwhile our media does not report that the real unemployment rate (a.k.a. the functional unemployment rate has reached 17.6% and with underemployment## we're now talking about 22% of the country facing job problems

##underemployment involves only having part-time work; former managers, etc. now having fulltime McDonalds' jobs and the like

^^ Look at how this played into the hands of the progressive enemy among us (folks like Saul Alinsky author of “Rules for Radicals”; and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven whose Cloward-Piven strategy was employed by them to create the American Welfare Rights Organization, AWRO, in 1967 with a black militant named Wiley to bankrupt the city of New York and just miss bankrupting the entire state of New York by using street intimidation tactics to get eight million new welfare recipients on the rolls by 1969. Cloward and Piven when bragging (orally and in writing) about their “accomplishments” recommended that voter registration and housing be their followers’ next areas of emphasis. The picture of President Clinton signing the Motor Voter Act with both C and P of C-P Strategy standing directly behind him is classic. MVA was called “a license for massive voter fraud” for good reason, now a Ms. Fernandez in the Department of Justice, already infamous for not prosecuting the 2008 New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation case and telling roomfuls of people that the DOJ will NOT prosecute Black defendants in voting cases with White victims, in the same roomful of people has stated that Motor Voter Act laws (weak as they are) so that the dead, the moved away, the duplicate and triplicate and other fraudulent voters carried on the rolls of a city, etc. can not be removed from the rolls. And who has been key in voter registration and in housing abuses? Lawyers like Barack Obama shaking down banks and other lenders forACORN . . . ACORN which gave us at least 18 full-out years warring against the system they hate and getting loans for people without I.D., without wealth or income, without jobs, without credit references, with abysmal credit ratings, people without rental histories, people without even rental addresses, and most important of all, even illegal immigrants. Somehow we’re NOT supposed to tie together the fact that the sub-prime lending crisis was the main ingredient in our poisoned soup?

**actually Rajjpuut would NOT recommend either the Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged from Ayn Rand but instead “Capitalism the Unknown ideal,” “For the New Intellectual,” “The Virtue of Selfishness,” or for fiction fans the brief novelette “Anthem.”

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Lame Duck to Quack Vociferously
after November Elections

Rajjpuut's own analysis and a few stray comments taken as hearsay from friends thrice removed quoting blue-dog Democrats who refused to be quoted on the record, in other words nothing a real journalist can take to the bank, have created a potential nightmare scenario for this country. It's all very iffy, nevertheless, you should know . . . . It appears that Obama and his huge majorities in the house and senate aim to "lie low" in the coming months rather than risking alienation of any more voters. After the election, however, things will get lively as the Dems ignoring the standard "gentleman's agreement" that lame duck congresses never deal with controversial matters ignore propriety and instead aim to force cap and trade, union card check, comprehensive immigration "reform," and virtual unionization of police, firefighters and other first responders upon the nation. In effect, the inglorious result of his first half-term will be that Obama will have made the Constitution and congress as well, almost totally irrelevant. If a voting path is created for 12-20 million illegal aliens who will presumably vote Democrat over Republican by 85%-15%, he will have become a virtual dictator for life . . . something even FDR couldn't do.

Another Independence Day has come and gone. We’ve watched our fireworks exhibitions maybe enjoyed a few relatively harmless, but probably illegal firecrackers and modest personal fireworks such as roman candles and even brandished a few sparklers about – never, however, in our history has it been so vital to remember and to understand what exactly the Fourth of July is all about or, by extension, to come to a firm mental grasp of the concepts enlivening our American Constitution. Our Founding Fathers did an excellent job of creating a government for the thirteen entities, the original colonies made into states, and for the numerous individuals inhabiting them.

One might be tempted to say, the Founding Fathers did the most nearly perfect job that’s ever been done of creating a government . . . however, we are surrounded by legions of those who don’t just doubt the near perfection of the job as many of them do, but literally legions who doubt it was even a good job. Some of them, mostly covertly, would consider “Das Kapital” by Marx as formulating a much more apt and perfect solution to this question as to what kind of government is best for mankind. Of course there are all manner of socialists around too, who would argue they’re merely talking about some needed, harmless and over-all beneficial “tweaking” of the Document in question. All of these individuals and groups are what’s called “progressives.” Progressives see the U.S. Constitution as an outdated and flawed document and see the need to “progress” beyond both the word and the spirit of the Constitution. Should we? Are they correct? Is it outdated? Is it seriously flawed?

The continuum of human government runs from anarchy (total freedom, total lack of responsibility, total lack of government, each man for himself) to totalitarianism (zero freedom, 100% duty; 100% government involvement in every aspect of existence, absolute power concentrated in a central government and thus every man exists only at the pleasure of the state and only to benefit the state). The thirteen colonies had just had two very recent experiences with unsatisfactory government . . . in the first instance the autocratic rule of King George III over the colonies went too far to the left, too far toward totalitarianism for their tastes. But when the British were kicked out, the loose pact created by the thirteen states under the Articles of Confederation was unsatisfactory in its closeness to anarchy.

Within reason, the colonials accepted the proposition that the government which governed (that is interfered with and coerced the citizens) the least was the best form of government. The Founding Fathers, “in order to create a more perfect union,” came up with a Republic in which the peoples’ representatives would be chosen by popular vote, democratic process . . . but as they were building a Constitution for the new government, the central government looked a little too potentially malicious and powerful for many tastes and so the powers of that central entity was dramatically curtailed by the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution (ensuring such personal freedoms as freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, right to bear arms, freedom from ex post facto laws, right to due process, etc., etc., and most importantly the 10th Amendment stating that except for the seventeen explicitly mentioned powers and responsibilities of the federal government ALL other power was reserved for the individual states and the individual citizens of the Republic.

Since 1901, the succession to the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt has marked mostly a succession of progressive presidents intent upon expanding their own powers and the powers of the centralized federal government over the states and the citizens. Obviously some good has been done, the National Park System seems, on balance a good thing, that is NOT the question. It’s a question of progressive aims. There’s no provision in the Constitution for the federal government owning huge tracts of land, but beside the national parks today, the majority of several western states is actually owned by the federal government and not the states themselves. The congress or the people could have passed an amendment to the Constitution expanding the federal powers to include, national parks and perhaps another allowing the central government to own such huge expanses of a given state’s land . . . but chances are the second one would NOT have passed, and perhaps the national parks as well . . . but it should have been the people’s choice yea or nay.

Teddy, in many ways seems beneficent, but certainly he was progressive to the core. Certain presidents wielded their progressiveness far more malevolently: Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, and to a lesser extent Bill Clinton and George W. Bush fit that category. Even these did some good things. FDR’s CCC camps come to mind; the Civil Rights Act under Johnson come to mind. The legacy of these progressive "giants" is crushing, today's $14 TRillion national debt pales in comparison to the $110 TRillion in unfunded liabilities attached to Social Security, Medicare, and the federal side of Medicaid . . . of course, Welfare is never attached to this bill, but it certainly should be . . . malevolence surely . . . and now comes cap and trade and the bankrupting of the american coal industry and the skyrocketing electricity prices and the 67% inflation it alone will create, not even talking about general inflation of the money supply by 14X under Obama.

Perhaps we can credit the other four ultra-progressives and men like Clinton and Bush II as being only misguided and truly having good intentions, not so with Barack Obama. From the first days in office, Barack Obama has been poison for the American Dream and his own dream** of a Marxist America has been clear for all to see, unfortunately, the mainstream media has abetted his efforts and the couch potato class has been too busy with their reality shows and sitcoms -- perhaps America deserves the communism he brings -- personally, Rajjpuut deserves anything but . . . so, wake up America!
Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,

** besides the evidence of his origins and point of view from the link above, and the first Obama autobiography "Dreams from My Father," it's worth noting that every scrap of coverage at "Russia Today" and from CPUSA (our own national communist daily) is 100% positive towards Obama, what are the odds?
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Despite His Pledges at the Economic Summit,

Obama Again Pushes America toward Greek Model

It isn’t often that the four loudest and most popular of the Conservative voices in the American media -- Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly (the last three found on Fox News Channel but everyone’s heard of Limbaugh and knows how to find him) align themselves with each other and with the most able of all conservative voices, Ayn Rand. Rand,** as best expressed in her two micro-scopic masterpieces “Anthem” and “The Virtue of Selfishness” is the most logical voice and the most consistent with the intent of the founding fathers as expressed in their longer masterpiece: the U.S. Constitution and their micro-masterpiece the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the Constitution).

Statism and collectivism were anathema to Rand who grew up in Czarist Russia and then endured the Bolshevik Revolution in October, 1917, and the Communist takeover that followed as the Soviet Union was formed. Rand predicted the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union but died about a decade before the full denouement with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact nations, and the disintegration of communism itself.

Had Rand been alive today she would have been pointing long ago at Greece with its top-heavy bureaucracy and glorification of unions as the next big focal point for collectivist excess and destruction . . . and presumably she would have pointed a very sad finger at Spain in 1997-98 when that country with perhaps the freest most open and booming economy in the world (and only 3% unemployment) moved toward grand statism by adopting green-technology a half-century ahead of its time. Today’s Greece and today’s Spain, with its 21% unemployment would have proven her once again to be one of Rudyard Kipling’s “Gods of the Copybook Headings.”

More to the point, she already had been pointing at the United States in 1969 and beyond for its collectivists and dishonest policies and at the country’s youths for their glorification of statism and communal living ; and to all of us voters whose decisions have brought us to the financial ruin we’re now experiencing and she would presumably have abandoned the country as she once did Russia when Obama’s transgressions started to mount up. Obamacare, the takeover of the Student Loan programs, the bailouts, the two stimuluses, the takeover of the finance and auto industries would have angered Rand.

Perhaps nothing would have angered the grand defender of individual rights and of capitalism (another famous book of hers was “Capitalism the Unknown Ideal”) as much as the law suit against Arizona,^^ the repeated Obama effort at drilling moratoriums and the present Harry Reid effort to ram
to ram the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill (S. 3194) through the Senate this week. These are clearly among the most Greek like of all the Obamanation abominations. Reid has even proposed making the union abomination an attachment to bills to fund the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, talk about a travesty! If you want all states to become California and the nation to become a long-sight worse than Greece, support Harry Reid. If you think that America’s worth saving e-mail your senator and tell them to knock off the crap! With liberty and justice$$ for all . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** rather than in her more famous bumbling-masterpieces “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead” (brevity is indeed the soul of wit and no one should need to read 1137 and 952 pages respectively to finish philosophical novels virtually without plot) Rand is a far better encapsulator of freedom’s demands than she is a fiction-writer

^^ A fund to help defend Arizona’s legal defense against Eric Holder and his miscreants has gained $300,000 in just the last few days and now totals over $500,000. That website is:
$$ another couple bits of statism-gone berserk: A) Iran has started cutting hair of its citizens with western style haircuts and hairdos. B) Iran, a member of the U.N. Council on women's rights (?), is into stoning women to death merely for the accusation of adultery . . . which the United States in its righteousness has not opposed (neither the position of Iran on this Council nor the stoning)
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Obama Political Appointees Tell DOJ,

"We Want you to Ignore 'Motor Voter Law'”

Of all our Constitution-granted rights, “franchise,” the right to vote is the most essential. Recently, however, Obama’s political appointees to the Department of Justice have adopted a policy of only enforcing voter laws and voter cases in line with the interests of Obama himself. Wiping repeat voters, dead voters and fraudulent voters off the voter rolls; and stopping voter intimidation against White voters is apparently not considered to be in line with the nation’s interest.

In the world of Barack Obama and the Obama administration, “racism” is a one-way street. In that world racism can only be expressed by Whites toward Democrats or Blacks, Hispanics and other minority groups and only by policemen against these same minority groups . . . in the Obama world racism can apparently never occur the other way around.

Today, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is scheduled to file its case against the second of Arizona’s two anti-illegal immigration bills. The specter of this case apparently filed by the Obama administration to agitate some Democratic-leaning Hispanic voters, is troubling enough (the Obama administration is apparently trying to rescind the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution) . . . but Rajjpuut has just learned from friends in the media that the very same lawyers chosen to prosecute that case within the DOJ, have already proven themselves less than competent and more than politically corrupt supporters of Obama style racism. These Obama toadies, in their disposition of a case from Election Day, 2008 involving the New Black Panthers, have crawled through miles of broken glass to give Barack Obama the legal decision he wanted . . .

Of all our Constitution-granted rights, “franchise,” the right to vote is the most essential. The right to vote regardless of race, creed, color, religion or political persuasion is fundamental. The case involved is one where New Black Panther members in Philadephia appear in black or navy-blue military get-up and taunt incoming White voters with racial slurs while one of them brandishes a night-stick. Since political representation in our republic is based upon the democratic principles of one man one vote, one uncoerced vote . . . this is about as serious as any voter intimidation^^ case one’s likely to see. The fact that the man with the night stick is shown in separate video of a separate instance (when he was trying to agitiate passing Blacks on the street) carrying a microphone and shouting, “I hate White people, I can’t stand them crackers . . . we need to kill some crackers . . . we need to kill they (sic) babies . . .” only goes to prove how bankrupt the DOJ refusal to prosecute the voter intimidation case vigorously actually is.

The fact that DOJ members guilty of dropping this case were quoted as opining that civil rights laws were created to protect only the minorities from the majority Whites is shameful. The fact that on top of that, a Black Republican poll watcher was told by the Panthers “not to show your ni__er face” and repeatedly terrorized by the group gives a far more complete picture of the nature of racism and political bigotry by the intimidators. Black’s who don’t follow the Democratic party-line (the Clarence Thomases of the world) are just as much a target as the Whites all too many of them hate.

Equally important but thus far drawing less criticism or attention in the media is the fact that an Obama political appointee, a Ms. Fernandez has commanded a roomful (reportedly 40-50) people) of DOJ employees not to enforce the ’93 motor voter law. Thus under Ms. Fernandez, wiping repeat voters, dead voters and fraudulent voters off the voter rolls; and the aforementioned stopping voter intimidation against White voters is apparently not considered to be in line with the nation’s interest.

Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of “Cloward-Piven Strategy” infamy were present when Bill Clinton signed the motor voter law into effect. Many political observers at the time called the motor voter law “a license for unlimited voter fraud.” Cloward and Piven (after their “C-P manufactured crisis strategy” created the American Welfare Rights Organization which swelled state welfare rolls by eight million persons and bankrupted New York City in 1975 and almost bankrupted New York state) in 1976 called for C-P strategy to be applied to housing (as ACORN did) and voter registration (as Clinton’s law did and ACORN did) and now the Obama folks have decided not to enforce even greatly weakened voter laws. If voter franchise is the most cherished right in our republic, then voter registration fraud is its greatest threat.

It’s clearly OK under present corruption for the Obama administration to agitate race relations negatively by claiming Arizona police are inherently racial profilers; it’s OK for president Obama** last year to call Cambridge police actions stupid (when he acknowledged he didn’t yet have the facts) and to insinuate racism in mild-mannered TEA Party members whom he’s never met . . . it’s OK for Blacks to only support McCain with 5% of their vote . . . but anyone pointing out racism by Democrats or by Blacks or other minorities is a Fascist hate-monger. What a brave new world you live in, Mr. Obama, brave new corrupt world.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Now let’s talk about the fact that this is NOT the first time Obama’s cause has been aided by these type of shenanigans. Obama’s very first victory during the primaries occurred only because of bussing of large groups of “voters” from Illinois to Iowa. Obama devotee voting tricks (such as illegal bussing and intimidation shenanigans similar to the one by the New Black Panthers on Election Day) cost Hillary Clinton thirteen of the fourteen caucus states (many of which held split popular vote-caucus set ups where she won the popular voting earlier in the day but where caucus site intidmidation won Obama those primaries and the eventual nomination) during the Democratic primaries and cost her the opportunity to be the president but, both
Democrats and the media ignored this corruption just as willfully as Democrats and the media are now ignoring the New Black Panthers' atrocities.

** Now lets talk about even earlier (2007) when Raila Odinga in Kenya asked for Obama’s help and . . . .

A. Obama then went campaigning for a communist Odinga for the presidency of Kenya

B. Obama at campaign stops for Odinga twice appeared in Muslim garb

C. Obama’s letter to Odinga infamously advised him if he lost the popular vote to claim voter fraud and to then use violence to get a foothold because of the likelihood of his being eventually made part of the government and then indeed those events happening in precisely that order. Odinga was months after the election and violence appeased by being made prime minister of Kenya.
Odinga signing a secret letter of accord with the Muslims (roughly 12% of Kenya’s

population are Muslims, there are several other religions represented in Kenya with Christianity

at 43% being the largest) to institute Sharia Law in the country akin to what the Taliban has in

other countries. This agreement was discovered and the discovery basically ended Odinga’s

slight chances of becoming president . . . Odinga said the letter was a fraud and a lie but then

later signing another accord with the Muslims (the original letter was blatant and would have

made Islam the religion of Kenya and made missionary work by religions other than Muslims

against the law and banned radio and television missionary programs as well). The eventual

rapings, burning of Christian churches and killings of many Christians and other citizens of

non-Muslim religions. Odinga never speaking
up to stop the violence and indeed benefitting from it.

Obama never acknowledging the violence
or his own role in it . . . all of this ties in with the present
Obama administration policies.
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How, Why the Republican Party has Failed both America
and Conservatives and What's to Be Done about It

Liberal Yahoo and the ultra- liberal Associated Press have both shown great insight and generated greater incitement (stimulus to action) for the opposing parties in the November elections and outlined how they’ll probably play out . . . .

In the excellent article linked just above, Charles Babington of the AP says that “Democrats and Republicans are framing the elections in starkly different terms, with GOP strategists painting it as a national referendum on President Barack Obama and the party in power, and Democrats working feverishly to make all politics local.” Rajjpuut who, in his school teaching days could boast of coaching several Colorado State Chess Team Champions, agrees whole-heartedly because the art of politics should be successfully conducted as a strategic magic act for the have nots; and a strategic trench warfare for the haves. Just as the Democrats were in most people’s eyes, the haves in 2006 and 2008 (they were perceived as having the issues on their side); in 2010, clearly conservatives have the issues favoring them. In a larger sense, however, this strategic view clearly underlines the failings of the Republican Party to represent the needs of the nation and of its conservatives over the last 109 years as Progressivism^^ has progressively brought the country more and more evil and closer and closer to utter ruin.

When good men fail to act effectively, evil gains a toe-hold. When good men fail to understand their cause, evil makes its case. When good men fail to act, evil comes to power. When good men fail to act and to understand, evil comes to dominate. When good men act wrongly either by failing to act or failing to understand or both evil WINS. This short paragraph outlines why and how the Republican Party has failed conservatives and the country in the past, is failing them now, and will (unless serious change occurs) continue to fail conservatives and America in the future. More on this later

. . . .

When coaching his scholastic champion chess teams, Rajjpuut made a point of hammering away at tactics as a blended-subsidiary to strategy so that whether elementary, middle school or high schoolers were involved . . . the big picture always stood out stark and clear: own the center, develop and coordinate your pieces, before you touch a piece or pawn (touch-move rule in championship events) prefer attack to defense; then stop, ask yourself the question “What could go wrong?” If nothing could go wrong, you’ve selected your move and except for finding a better one which also has no downside . . . you’re moving toward victory. Throw in good tactics and knowing how to crush in the endgame and victory was virtually assured.

This approach was gained from studying management principles at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas via the Kepner-Tregoe Management System . . . clearly the Republican Party could benefit from understanding and complying with good management principles, the basic economic and constitutional imperatives of Republicanism, and the underlying common sense fundamentals of free market economics.

Our neighborhood was recently plagued by a Democratic campaign worker for the more liberal of that party’s senate candidates (Ex-speaker of the state house Romanoff who was running against semi-moderate Bennett. Romanoff had been considering running for governor but didn’t wish to contest the seat against popular ex-Denver mayor and the whole nation is, thanks to Obama’s efforts to influence Romanoff to drop the race against Bennett as well as the Sestak issue in Pennsylvania, aware of this particular race). The fellow was a polite and curious sort and discussed politics with Rajjpuut for roughly 25 minutes. Here’s what impressed him – our progresive opposition -- the most:

1. That our $13 TRillion national debt was the least of our problems.

2. That the $110 TRillion in unfounded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid) were not being addressed by either party.

3. That congress had recently done a great thing with its Pay-Go law requiring that before any new spending measure can be passed a way to pay for it either by instituting a new tax or by cutting spending be found . . . . but that congress had since passing that law refused to use Pay-go even once since, just as it had failed to honor the set-asides for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and thus since 1934 has built up that $110 TRillion in unfunded liabilities.

4. That Obama has told the nation his energy policies will “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket” and that he’s told the San Francisco Chronicle his policies will “bankrupt the coal industry.”

5. That Obama has promised (threatened?) to create five million new green jobs when green technology is NOT yet viable. That Spain in 1997 led Europe with a booming economy and only 3% unemployment before they turned to green jobs and today Spain has 21% unemployment and is, next to Greece, the weakest economy in Europe. That according to a Spanish study each green job required $667,000 in subsidies which cost the real economy 2.2 jobs. And because only 10% of the green jobs proved permanent (the vast majority lasted from three months to eighteen months) that meant that IF Obama instituted his five million green jobs it was likely that only 500,000 of them would prove permanent at the cost of eleven million jobs in the real (unsubsidized) economy a 22/1 ratio that perfectly explains why Spain’s economy went south.

6. Yes, green tech would be ideal, but green tech is not yet viable. So it would make much more sense instead of subsidizing $677,000 for one green job . . . to subidize instead $6.77 Billion for research for the top hundred winners in green-tech viability from a national contest judged by the best scientists available and seeing if that stimulus can get us a green-tech Edison and a highly desirable green-tech future based on independent American innovation.

7. And tah-dah! more than anything else the following information impressed the Democrat and he took down the particulars to research later on his home computer:

A. This crucial website (the most famous brief essay in ecomics and the simple and utter refutation of Keynesian approaches such as Obama’s stimulus-stimulus and more stimulus approaches) explains what free markets are and what their strengths are:

B. Information about this site:

and after hearing the “one lesson” (from “Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt, linked just above) he too realized that: when you look at economic situations which present themselves you must get the whole picture not just the supposedly desirable government spending stimulus plan. And then illustrating the one lesson with the briefest of fables: “The Broken Window Parable,” which utterly and totally caught him by surprise and clearly delighted him (both linked right here) . . .

Thus we now come to the logical question, how has the Republican Party failed the nation and its conservatives for 109 years? Remembering that Rajjpuut is a Libertarian and NOT a Republican and that the Republican Party is the minority party in this country . . . .

A. Republicans have failed to understand who and what the enemy is. That enemy is and has been Progressivism and Progressives since Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, became the first notable Progressive. Not saying that Teddy Roosevelt didn’t do any good . . . just that he was the first president to champion Progressive causes which later in the hands of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter and to a lesser extent Bill Clinton and George W. Bush led us to our present disastrous economic collapse. Republicans haven’t been able to effectively oppose progressivism and get support against progressivism from would-be conservatives because they don’t understand it themselves.

B. Most Republicans do NOT understand Republicanism (the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution is the most Republican document in the history of the world; and the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights taken in conjunction with the doctrine of Separation of Church and State are by far the most important parts of the Bill of Rights the spark plug for all the other Amendments) and . . . because they do NOT understand Republicanism, they cannot and do not explain Republicanism well and thus educate liberal, Democratic-conservative and independent-conservative voters.

C. Many Republicans continuously and deliberately violate Republicanism by opposing Separation of Church and state in Public Schools. The Founding Fathers (virtually all of them Christian) did NOT set up a Christian nation, they deliberately set up a nation where ALL religions would be welcome but in which no one particular religion could dominate (remembering the problems with England's state supported church) and endanger our freedoms. If you want one reason why Independent and Democratic conservatives are more likely to abstain or to vote Democtat, this is the one.

D. Two isues here, Republican corruption as shown in sexual and business scandals on the one hand and the simple fact that most Republicans have ceaselessly been UNTRUE to fundamental Republican principles such as fiscal conservativism; limited federal government; adherence to the Constitution; protection of our borders; and balanced budgets. Most Americans are conservative on these issues and have been routinely disappointed by Republican candidates promising to adhere to these principles and then abandoning them once in office. ALL Americans are conservative on political integrity.

E. Anti-abortion and even Anti-contraception are linked in much of the public’s collective mindset as Republican values. History has linked the Republican Party to this stance and it is why many women vote for Democrats. If Republicans had a stance that the Independent voter could buy into that would be one thing, and it would probably NEVER cost even one vote. However, Republicans have adopted a losing argument and paraded it before the public as the most visible aspect of Republicanism.

That losing argument is that abortion should be denied to victims of incest; victims of rape; mothers whose health is endangered; very young girls; and other victims in extraordinary cases.

Americans pride themselves on rooting for the underdog and the victim and consider old Republican opposition to contraception and family planning as totally unjustified state interference (10th Amendment again) into their personal lives.

Because that old Republican stance is so unwieldy, progressive opponents have made the Republican Party look outdated and uncaring. Abortion (unfortunately abortion virtually on demand), has been the law of the land for thirty-eight years now. One could argue that abortion (freedom over one’s body in exigent circumstances like those named above) and contraception and the resulting freedom to plan one’s family size and spacing are actually Republican causes, but in any case, because the Republican Party deliberately adopted the losing argument outlined in italics above . . . for most voters abortion on demand by contrast to the obdurate Republican stand seemed preferable. For women, in particular, this hardened Republican anti-victim stand has made the Republican Party a political destination to avoid.

To sum it up: politics is a game of strategy and tactics. The United States Constitution is the greates winning political game plan ever created. The U.S. Constitution is a decidedly conservative document designed to protect state, county, and local freedoms as well as individual freedoms against the ever-present tendency of centralized governments to expand and become more expensive and more intrusive. We are now in big trouble because for roughly 109 years, the Republican Party, the standard-bearer for conservativism has not stood strong against progressivism. In all strategic encounters, the basic rule of victory is this: find a strategic and tactical path that makes your own strengths the single most important consideration at issue and your opponent’s strengths of negligible import, while effectively managing your own weaknesses and exposing your opponent’s weaknesses and making them them of paramount importance. So let it be written, so let it be done . . . .

Right now and for all the foreseeable future, only overt and honorable conservativism (fiscally and Constitutionally) can save us. The Republican Party needs to re-invent itself in light of and in line with the party’s original conservative, Libertarian values (fiscal and Constitutional conservativism, strong borders and strong national defense, and largely a live-and-let- live social** agenda). No single election has been more crucial in the history of our country and the Republican Party must deliver or the nation is quite likely LOST!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** for example, gay unions are fine and allow them all the rights of cohabiting common-law people, but don’t call it marriage and NEVER allow gay adoption
^^ It's important for ALL thinking Americans to carefully consider this definition of Progressivism: "The perceived need to 'progress' beyond our 'out-dated' and 'ill-conceived' United States Constitution." Rajjpuut believes this is NOT only the most accurate definition of progressivism but also the most telling of the evil inherent in that movement. Progressivism in practice becomes a creeping (Fabian) socialism and moves the nation toward utter statism and communism.

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It’s been a bad six months for the Democratic Party, Americans have been largely losing trust in them according to Rasmussen’s recent poll of likely voters. Republicans are now trusted more on nine of the voters' ten top issues according to the Rasmussen Report released Friday, July 2nd. The biggest advantage for the G.O.P. comes on National Security where they own a 17% edge. The Democrats for the fifth month in a row are seen as slightly more ethical (2% edge).

Issue Trust Dems more Trust GOP more

Economy 39% 48%

Gov’t Ethics 33% 29%

Immigration 32% 47%

National Security 34% 51%

Abortion 36% 46%

Taxes 36% 52%

Social Security 37% 48%

Health Care 40% 51%

Education 41% 43%

Iraq 36% 45%

Meanwhile, 40% of likely voters call the Obama administration LESS ethical than most past administrations; 31% believe the current administration is MORE ethical than past administrations; and 26% say they’re ABOUT the SAME ethically as past administrations were. This marks a decided loss of trust for the Obama adminstration in the last year when 54% rated the president’s and his people as more ethical.

As far as Obama, personally, 39% say he is LESS ethical than most past presidents; 28% say he is MORE ethical; and 28% are not sure. Since ethics is the only area in which Democrats have earned more trust than Republicans over the last two months of Rasmussen Reports, the broader base of Democratic officials are not being hurt by the President on this issue.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Barack Obama is still highly interested in “redistributing the wealth.” This is a process known as socialism. The standard way of describing socialism is that “misery loves company.” That is, in enforcing their ballyhooed “equality,” socialistic countries bring the populace down to a miserable level of existence.

If that’s true, and Rajjpuut suggests it largely is, than perhaps capitalism ought to be described as “a rising tide raises all boats.” What does that mean? Let’s start with that poverty line statistic: 15% of Americans, 40 million that is, live at or below the poverty line standard of $22,000 income for an urban family of four. But the “rough conditions” for the nation’s poor have been documented over the last twenty years and the results are surprising . . . in a 1990 study talked about below, Nationwide, some 22,000 "poor" households actually had heated swimming pools or Jacuzzis.

"Poor" Americans both then and today are better housed, better fed, and own more property than did the average U.S. citizen throughout much of the 20th Century. In another 1988 study, the per capita expenditures of the lowest income fifth of the U.S. population exceeded the per capita expenditures of the median American household in 1955, after adjusting for inflation. There's that "rising tide" of capitalism Rajjpuut was mentioning. But Obama would have us all equal just a bit above the poor folks' level.

The poverty line established by the Department of Health and Human Services in 2009, means sadly that the average "impoverished" American lives better off than at least 88%^^^ of the world’s peoples. For example: Robert Rector, the researcher at the Heritage Foundation collected data in 1988 and published in 1990 from several government sources for a report titled “How Poor Are America’s Poor?” Recently the study was redone ahead of the new census and conditions for American poor had improved further yet from in the relatively “wealthy” earlier study, today:

  • 43 percent of all poor households own their own homes, the average home having three bedrooms, one-and-a-half baths, a garage and a porch or patio.
  • Two-thirds of poor households have more than one room per person, and the typical poor American has more living space than the average — not necessarily poor — individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, and other European cities.
  • 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning, nearly three-quarters own a car, and 31 percent own two or more cars.
  • 97 percent of poor households own a color television, more than half own two or more color TVs, and 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.
  • 89 percent own a microwave oven, and more than a third have an automatic dishwasher.

Walter Williams, an economics professor at George Mason University and a syndicated columnist, writes in the Jewish Daily Review after examing and analyzing the study, “poverty as it has historically been defined barely exists in the United States.” He added lower income households are “poor” only in relation to the rest of the American population, but not compared to the rest of the world. Material poverty can be measured relatively or absolutely,” Williams observes. “An absolute measure would consist of some minimum quantity of goods and services deemed adequate for a baseline level of survival. Achieving that level means that poverty has been eliminated.”

Poverty levels are typically decided upon by the census bureau. A key reason that the Census undercounts the financial resources of the "poor" is that, remarkably, it ignores nearly all welfare spending when calculating the "incomes" of persons in poverty. Thus, as far as the Bureau is concerned, billions of dollars in in-kind benefits to poor Americans have no effect on their incomes. Out of $184 billion in welfare spending, the Census counts only $27 billion as income for poor persons. The bulk of the welfare system, including entire programs that provide non-cash aid to the poor, like food stamps, public housing, and Medicaid, is completely ignored in the Census Bureau's calculations of the living standards of the "poor." The missing welfare spending that is excluded from the Census Bureau poverty reports comes to $158 billion, or over $11,120 for every "poor" U.S. household.

Williams thinks the Census Bureau's poverty reports should be replaced by a new survey that counts income and assets accurately. With accurate counting, the number of poor persons would be shown to be only a small fraction of the Census Bureau's current estimate of 40 million. Now getting back to brass tacks, perhaps, Mr. Obama ought to help the truly poor by cutting government spending and taxes and allowing the private sector the honor of creating jobs***?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^^ Think of that, our poor are wealthier than 88% of the world's peoples and a good percentage of those wealthier 12% of world citizens are found in this country, so if it weren't for rich Americans, poor Americans could definitely regard themselves as among the very richest folk in the world, capitalism is so, so cruel

*** "Barack Obama," as another blogger put it, "has NO INTENTION of expanding the economy, he only wants to control it."
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Financial Times Limited Reports that GE's CEO

Jeffrey Immelt “Hits out at China and Obama”

The old song says, “This Could Be the Start of Something Big,” well, could it be? Could this be the beginning of the end of corporate sponsorship of naked progressivism and virtual communist candidates who want to gut corporations or want them taken over by ever-expanding and ever- expensive big government? Could “the Naked W-hore, Big Business" be returning to its senses? Could Atlas be shrugging right before our very eyes? YAWN, probably NOT!

On July 1, 2010, the London, England-based Financial Times Limited on its blogsite ( ran the story linked immediately above beneath the headline “Immelt hits out at China and Obama” a story coordinated between two writers Guy Dinmore (in Rome, Italy) and Geoff Dyer (in Bejing, China). According to the regretably mostly UNinformed duo of reporters, “Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric’s chief executive, has launched a rare broadside against the Chinese government, which he accused of being increasingly hostile to foreign multinationals.” Gosh, do you think RED China might be tilting the playing field instead of playing nice, Mr. Immelt? Grow Up, little boy!

The article depicted Immelt expanding upon China’s cut-throat methods (and goals?) and then going on to attack the Obama administration for its anti-business sentiment and legislation. Once again, do you think a child raised by a communist mother and communist grandfather whose Kenyan birth-father wrote the essay linked immediately below (which shows us a typical communist discussion of 100% taxes on the rich, takeover of international business firms in Kenya, and the dire need to transfer wealth from Kenya’s White and Asian citizens to its Black ones) might disapprove of capitalism, Mr. Immelt? Again, Grow Up, little boy!

The story, unfortunately is NOT what it seems to be, here are the facts about Mr. Jeffrey Immelt, GE CEO . . . .

1. GE and Mr. Immelt are in bed with Barack Obama. GE and he personally have not only abetted the campaign funding of candidate Obama but gone out of their way to tie their company into Obama’s pie in the sky “green initiatives” and into the dishonorable lie of global warming (despite the well-known corruption of science in the name of $34 million worth of grants, etc.) and Immelt and GE have been . . .

doing so from the start. When it comes to Washington bucks, no large corporation gets more attention than GE from the Obama’s administration. Here at home GE and Immelt continuously pour praise on the Obama administration and its goals.

2. GE (traces its origin to Thomas Alva Edison, so one would hope the company would be laissez faire capitalistic to its very core) is the w-hore of w-hores in the business world. GE has monstrous holdings in the media and entertainment industry. When it comes to putting its media money where its media mouth is, it takes just three sentences to let the reader know where GE’s sympathies lie . . . . a) GE’s Spanish-language speaking Telemundo went out of its way to ensure Obama’s election and deliver him 69% of the Latino vote in 2008. b) emboldened by Telemundo Group’s propaganda potential, the owner of Telemundo and various media interests in Latin America and Puerto Rico, and Obama and the Democrats surprised Americans and actually sought to bring into law Puerto Rican statehood this April (even though Puerto Ricans themselves have consistently voted against the idea over the last 60 years) for the purpose of giving Obama a much needed two extra senators and five extra representatives in Congress c) GE owns NBC and NBC Universal and MSNBC the cable news channel which has been infamously kissing Obama’s butt-crack for the last three years even more than the rest of the NBC "journalists" do.

3. GE appears to have the inside track for receiving boons to corporations if and when Obama passes his promised legislation “creating five million new green-tech jobs” (Rajjpuut's readers remember that in the Spanish green-experiment taking that country from 3% unemployment in 1997, to 21% unemployement today . . . 22 permenant real jobs in the real economy were lost for every permanent green job because 2.2 real jobs were lost for every single $677,000 subsidized green job created and only one in ten of these green jobs eventually proved permanent).

4. GE is even tied into CCX (the originally Obama-directed Chicago Climate eXchange) which will prosper wildly when Obama's and the progressive** Dems ill-advised cap and trade bill becomes law.

So then, the semi-confused reader asks, ". . . these two reporters for Financial Times Limited got the story wrong?"

No and yes, they reported what Immelt said, exactly what he said. The problem is that if you report on a corporate lamb in corporate wolf’s clothing like Immelt and GE (when they can afford to dress so in foreign lands), it just helps to know the big picture and get that big picture across or the full truth will be lost in the shuffle. Mr. Immelt was trying to impress big European bankers as well as her corporate CEOs, top execs and other bigwigs “at a private gathering in Rome” that he was a realist and a capitalist and well on top of the global situation (where China is using semi-capitalism on top of unveiled ruthless communist techniques tied into spying, piracy and unfair trade practices to eat the rest of the world’s lunch, profitwise). Mr. Immelt presumably didn’t even bother to ponder that via the internet his “unkind” remarks would get back to American audiences.

Accordingly, GE has issued a no-denial denial^^ saying that Mr. Immelt’s words “were misinterpreted, taken out of context and reported inaccurately.” Horse sh_t! GE-sundheit! (Rajjpuut hates sneezing while blogging).

GE, you see, still needs to sell products to China. GE, you see, still needs to be allowed close enough to Barack Obama to run their corporate tongue over Barack’s backsi__ so the great man will continue to favor them . . . you get the idea . . . . hence the non-denial denial by the GE board of directors. Always a bad idea to let a little truth slip, Mr. Immelt.

Yes, China is a ruthless mafia-like entity that may someday soon dominate the entire world’s economy and yes, Barack Obama as you’ve stated, Mr. Immelt, “does not like business and most business (other than GE) does not like him.” Jeff, baby, you even went so far as to praise German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her defense of German industry and commitment to spending cuts and tax cuts (while Obama encouraged all of Europe and the G-20 to continue with the stimulus-stimulus-and-more stimulus spending ideas he’s so in love with) . . . but that doesn’t make you a good guy, Mr. Immelt, quite the contrary. It makes you an unimaginable phony and very, very dangerous to freedom lovers and American patriots.

You and the GE board of directors have taken a mighty and once great American corporation and sold out the principles of capitalism and integrity and corrupted her just as ex-British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward and BP’s board did. BP, by becoming Obama’s biggest oil-company campaign contributor, got in bed with the devil too. Not surprisingly, BP, much like GE owns 7.59% of Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. a London-based company that owns Mr. Obama’s Chicago Climate eXchange . . . not surprisingly both GE and BP will presumably make more money if cap and trade legislation passes, (for doing nothing but collecting your share of the carbon-trade commissions) than they now do by drilling for oil. And not surprisingly, you two who have sold out the magnificent principles of integrity and capitalism will gain your largesse by raping the American taxpayer, and . . . all the while America waits in vain for its John Galt.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Mr. Immelt can thus avoid losing face in front of his European contacts

** Unfortunately, while 95% of Americans think they know what a progressive is, only about 10% do know. A progressive is an ultra-leftist who wants to "progress" beyond the limitations of the "outdated" U.S. Constitution just as Barack Obama does. However, Barack Obama is telling the truth when he says, "I am not a socialist, I'm not," because technically a "socialist" who's interested in 100% taxes and 100% take over of the means of production is a communist, which he is, which is how he was raised. Of course, his first autobiography (ghostwrit by Bill Ayers the Weather Underground '60's bombplanter) "Dreams from my Father" has not been vetted by the media . . . most Americans have never heard of this book, nor has his whole background nor that of those closest to him ever been vetted. Barack is a saint and stories that put him in lesser light or stories contrary to his agenda (like the Climate Gate one linked above) canNOT be aired or printed by the mainstream media.

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Tuesday Marks 63rd Anniversary
of Infamous Alien Incident

On July 8, 1947, roughly 63 years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a burro ranch just outside Roswell , New Mexico . This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force, various American intelligence groups and other federal agencies. However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following famous people were born:

Albert A. Gore, Jr.
Hillary R. Clinton
John F. Kerry
William J. Clinton
Howard Dean
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer

These sort of things often occur whenever aliens breed with donkeys. Why should we expect their offspring to oppose amnesty for illegal aliens.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Al Gore Buys Second Mansion While Preparing

to Become Hundred-Billionaire off Cap and Trade

Crazed sex-poodle” Al Gore may be currently exciting the tabloid news readers with titilating stories from a long ago night in Seattle, but making fun of him is a dangerous policy akin to making fun of Adolf Hitler’s Charlie Chaplin moustache. “Do as I say, not as I do” Al Gore has for years excited the mainstream liberal media with his tales of global warming. The man’s own energy use is absolutely awe-inspiring. According to his latest escapades, not satisfied with a Tennessee mansion that uses 24 times as much energy as the average household, Gore has just closed on a California mansion that is even more imposing.

Then there are not one but two private jets . . . no wonder Mr. Gore, while testifying on cap and trade on Capitol Hill, took much umbrage and refused to answer directly when Marsha Blackburn Republican Representative from Tennessee (Gore’s state of origin) asked him, “Is this item you’re testifying on today, something from which you’ll personally profit?” Gore became snitty and insinuated she did NOT know his history. Well, the thing is . . . ALL that those of us who DO know Al Gore’s history (he did NOT invent the internet) can think of is the word “huckster.”

But the bigger surprise is that Gore (who’s already almost become a billionaire plying his “Global Warming” presentations to confirmed greenieholics) would presumably become a hundred-billionaire if Cap and Trade becomes law in America. This would occur because Gore’s London, England based company Generation Investment Management (GIM) is one of the biggest owners of Chicago Climate eXchange (CCX) an Obama originated entity set to profit in cap and trade monitoring. This might mightily surprise the liberal London Times which for a long, long time was a big believer in global warming and cap and trade schemes:

The Times link is an article on what’s called Climate Gate in Europe. Mainstream media in America do not publish stories contrary to the policies of people like Gore and Obama . . . speaking of Obama . . . .

Remembering that CCX aspires to become the “New York Stock Exchange of Carbon Trading.” One of the founders of Chicago Climate Exchange was indeed Barack Obama. Al Gore; Barack Obama; and such mutual friends of Obama and Gore as the company Goldman Sachs and about ten of its bigwigs individually; more than a dozen progressive (“We must progress beyond the outdated Constitution”) foundations such as the Tides Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the World Resources Institute, Center for American Policy, Alliance for Climate Protection; Green Mountain Energy, The Shores Bank (which liberals recently bailed out with private funds rather than undergo the public scrutiny of its records), the World Bank, etc., etc. (looking them over and the incestuous relations among them one is immediately struck by the thought “money laundering”); and such notables as Bill Ayers (brother to the bombplanter), Richard Sandor, Joel Rogers, Maurice Strong, the Clintons, George Soros, ad nauseum.

And what exactly is their scheme? Once cap and trade passes, their little CCX, now owned at least partially by ICE, Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (ICE is 7.59% owned by British Petroleum, go figure) runs the world of carbon trading. They sell carbon credits (literally blue sky – nothing is produced and no real measurable service is given or granted) to the tune of $10 TRillion per year and take a commission off every sale forever. In the process the $15 TRillion U.S. economy becomes a $25 TRillion U.S. economy which means that the average price of all real things increases 67% (25 divided by 15 = 167%). In his usual half-truth mode, Obama has said as much.

Speaking to the San Francisco Chronicle he proudly claimed his policies will “bankrupt the coal industry;” and he’s often said and at the link below tells the selfsame San Francisco Chronicle, “my energy policies would necessarily mean that the cost of electricity would skyrocket.”
Let's let your imagination roam a bit, imagine if John McCain** had said he was going to bankrupt a major U.S. industry or make the price of electricity skyrocket . . . . forgetting about the thousands of jobs lost . . . how would the media have treated him? The San Francisco Chronicle (effectively 'protecting' Obama) would not run the coal story and barely talked about the electricity comment . . . sort of like the entire American media overlooking the Climate Gate story linked above, eh?

Imagine now, if you will, President Grant in 1868 promising to harness the energy of electricity for every American household by 1876 (the end of his second term). Well, as with green technology today, 2010, in 1868 there was no Thomas Edison and virtually all American households didn’t get electricity and running water even and indoor plumbing until roughly 1928, sixty years later. Obama’s saying it’s so (and Gore’s saying it’s so) does not mean that green technology is viable today or will be viable even in thirty years, now does it? Where is our Edison? But, not to worry the complete collapse of the American Economy will mightily profit Gore, Obama, Soros, Sandor, and their ilk and they will rule us in perpetuity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** Rajjpuut is NO lover of John McCain who is far more a progressive Republican than Herbert Hoover was; and more progressive than FDR, the progressive Democrat whose policies^^ gave us a "Great Depression" while the rest of the world suffered a little 'd' depression. The point of the story is that Obama is a media darling and the more progressive of the two individuals and the left-leaning press will not tarnish his image. Because they won't attack his corruption, we are all at risk . . . . hence Gore is the way to expose the soft-underbelly of corruption as the progressives move us surely to universal poverty and communism.
^^ Remember this, progressive FDR gave us 40 new federal government agencies in twelve plus years, Barack Obama via his Obamacare gave us about 390 new federal agencies in just one new law during his first fourteen months in office!
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Rajjpuut has a pretty shameful story to tell you. A story involving the progressive (We need to progress beyond that outdated Constitution”) politicians’ cap and trade bill, British Petroleum, Al Gore and Barack Obama and all the “usual suspects tied into the shameless Chicago Climate eXchange (CCX), and an incredibly incompetent Ken Salazar and MMS (oops we mean an incredibly incompetent Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement now run by Ken Salazar). There’s plenty of blame to go around, but after doling out accurately and precisely the obvious and semi-obvious blame . . . it’s time to point out what seems to be a potential conspiracy. But, more on that after we take care of “ordinary business” first.

Barack Obama recently claimed during part of his non-ending speechifying that “the Buck stops here” while then going on to blame the Bush Administration for the Gulf oil spill within the next three minutes. Now, ten weeks and counting since the explosion that killed eleven men and caused this disaster, it’s time enough for settling responsibility and doing so accurately. It’s obvious the British Petroleum explosion and ensuing Gulf of Mexico oil Spill is a horrendous environmental disaster. British Petroleum is getting the vast majority of the criticism but in truth, the federal government’s Minerals Management Service (MMS which has now changed its name to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement --a la Nancy Pelosi changing the name of the “public option” to the “citizen’s option” when she was trying to win Obamacare votes) . . . in any case, MMS signed off on safety requirements, not met, from regulations passed in 1990 and 1994 and in Rajjpuut’s eyes MMS, whose job was to protect us from exactly this sort of thing . . . MMS bears most of the blame for the explosion and fire and leak, here’s why . . . .

Most distressing, ten fire booms were required by law to be on the site when in fact there were zero, none, nil, zip, nada to stop the fire. MMS was so deliriously incompetent that they were in the process of awarding BP a safety award for that very same Macondo Drilling Site where the Deepwater Horizon operated. All this becomes even more troubling when you realize that BP began having problems with the Macondo site and mysterious “cracks” as early as February 3rd of this year. At first they did not seem serious, but by February 13th, ten days later, they were acknowledged to be worth reporting and MMS and Ken Salazar and Barak Obama came into that knowledge then or shortly afterward. The American public was never informed.

One University of California engineer described an incident that then happened shortly after this, this way: “I’m telling you, they almost blew the whole damn rig sky high.” Now, if there were ever a time for MMS to insist upon full implementation of safety measures and to “call a moratorium on drilling” at the Macondo site until everything was 100% copasetic and to call in those ten fire booms . . . this was the time. But this was never done, was it even contemplated? Again, the American public was NOT informed. Salazar has not been called to task for his failures which is what Obama would have done were he a strong leader . . . and Obama has still not informed the American public of the full listing of BP problems ten weeks before the explosion or the full listing of MMS failures. Instead, apparently with his approval MMS has changed its name. Now that’s really taking responsibility, Mr. Prez!

So the explosion and SPILL can be blamed about 52% on MMS and Ken Salazar the Secretary of the Interior; about 48% on British Petroleum and roughly 100% of the cover-up of the early problems and not informing the public, can be attributed to Salazar and Obama. ‘Nuff said, now there’s the matter of the clean-up (before we get to the incredible little ‘potential conspiracy’ that needs to be unearthed for our readers) . . . .

While it’s well-known that Barack Obama has never once taken any responsibility for any problems of his administration, the Buck really does stop with him. How surprising is it that after a fire and an explosion that an oil spill might occur? Here it is on his and Salazar’s watch and absolutely NO PROACTIVITY takes place. From his days studying Kepner-Tregoe Management techniques, Rajjpuut can tell you that the first question out of the mouth of Obama and Salazar needed to be, “An explosion, what else could go wrong?” And they needed to be have Salazar on site and the president informed from the get-go. And within hours when it’s known that oil is leaking . . . a plan to avoid the hideous problems we’re now facing needs to be in place to save the beaches, the jobs and the wildlife as much as possible. Let us put 70% of the blame on Obama (the buck stops there) and 30% upon Salazar for not knowing enough about simple management principles that they could immediately spot that oil on the beaches, and oil ruining fishing and tourism was a very likely potential problem they needed to deal with. Obama has repeatedly said he and his administration was “on it” from day one . . . well, once again “Day One” was actually February 13th and they certainly weren’t “engaged” back then. And “Day One” after the explosion didn’t show any engagement either . . . but, in any case, the real problem comes now down to Barack Obama’s total lack of leadership – total lack.

The unions that are so vital to Barak Obama don’t want foreigners coming in to help the clean up . . . so Barack Obama refuses to waive the Jones Act so that none of the 14 nations (many with extensive clean up expertise and clean up experience) who volunteered their time, effort, manpower and expertise to help with the clean-up have been allowed in to help by Obama himself. Obama, only had to say, “that’s nonsense” we’ll take whatever help we can and we'll take it now and then waive the Jones Act, his precious unions be damned.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has in at least fifteen different instances proved to be severely delaying the clean-up, and blocking the clean up, and blocking the protection of the beaches and wetlands, and blocking removal of the oil from the Gulf itself. What? I hear you saying, the EPA is delaying the clean-up? the EPA is blocking the cleanup? The EPA is blocking protection of the beaches and wetlands? The EPA is blocking removal of oil from the Gulf itself? Yes, that’s exactly what the EPA is doing.

Item: The EPA insisted upon running “environmental impact studies” over several weeks before allowing much clean-up activity to even begin. They're worried about little problems ten years down the road, when Aramageddon approaches?

Item: The EPA has decided that virtually no berms, preventing the oil from reaching the beaches and wetlands can be built.

Item: The EPA has decided that all skimmers which remove the oil must comply with ordinary EPA standards (rather than creating emergency standards in keeping with the emergency situation) and others canNOT skim the oil . . . so by insisting that helpful ships not be allowed to go 10% over ordinary very tight standards they have allowed virtually 100% of the oil mess to stay unskimmed.

Item: the EPA has insisted that 200 skimmers located elsewhere cannot come to the Gulf because they just might be needed in an emergency right where they are now. Let’s see once big accident in 30 years of offshore drilling, what are the odds?

Item: the EPA has not approved of even one from the over 2,000 ideas that have been generated by concerned Americans and American businesses for deep clean-up of the spill on the beaches and wetlands. Some of these ideas are so simple and so cheap (like bringing in hay and domestic plant refuse such as corn stalks to soak up about 70% of their weight in oil) and so effective one can only wonder how much better the situation would be if they’d been in place, say from Day three.

Item: that humongus white boat named the “Whale”, you’ve seen in so many stories about the Gulf, has the capacity in one day to skim up virtually as much oil as has been collected in all the days over the ten plus weeks since the Gulf disaster occurred, but she stays in port because she might put some oil into the water, tsk, tsk and the EPA doesn’t approve . . .
And there’s the Occupational Safety and Health Administration a.k.a. OSHA which is insisting that clean-up workers can only work 20 minutes straight in a given hour. That wouldn’t slow things down, would it? The Coast Guard has gone around forcing skimming ships back to port because they were one life jacket short for the number of workers . . . now that’s beautiful! All this nonsense, bespeaks one sad fact: Neither Barack Obama nor Ken Salazar is a leader. When managing any problem and, in particular, when managing a crisis, the most important things are:

1. Get all the information possible from all the credible sources possible

2. Understand what is going wrong, and what must be done about it

3. Among all the possible goals, understand what is crucial, what is merely necessary, what is just “nice”, and what actually impedes success and progress . . . that is set priorities for goals

4. Communicate that big picture and those priorities

5. Keep monitoring the situation closely

It’s safe to say that Salazar and Obama have missed the boat continuously and are still missing it today when it comes to clean-up and prevention of oil spill related problems for the people of the Gulf. Barack, in particular, has routinely and continuously been saying things that aren’t so, (“on the job from Day One?”) and it appears that his lying is contagious, for example his Feds have said repeatedly that roughly 140 skimmers were at work, but the maximum counted by aerial survey was a mere 31 . . . but let’s get to the big surprise story . . . something that smacks of an awful and terrible conspiracy . . . say it ain’t so, Barack, say it ain’t so . . . well . . . .

The well-known point of view of the environmentalists; the cap and trade activists; the global-warming activists; the green jobs industry (for which Barack Obama promised to provide five million green jobs); and Barack Obama and Al Gore and Maurice Strong and all their scores of Chicago Climate eXchange (CCX) cronies like Joel Rogers and George Soros and that other GS and its people (Yep, Goldman Sachs owns 10% of CCX) and Franklin Raines . . . the key fact is that they’d all be so much, much better off if oil drilling came to a virtual stop and America immediately transformed itself (with government help and most importantly with CCX help) into a green energy country like Spain (unemployment there now 21% but was only 3% in 1997). Obama’s ridiculous six month offshore drilling moratorium is just one expression of their malevolent eyes turned against the oil industry, never mind that immediately instituting those policies would scoot our way of life back to about 1890 . . . . Ah, but now comes the crux of the matter. Guess who else is indirectly involved in CCX and likely to benefit from passage of the cap and trade bill Obama’s pushing right now? Take your wildest guess . . . we’ll wait. Answer below . . .

Ho Hum . . . .

Ho hum . . . .

Do re mi fa sol la ti do! Tah-dah
British Petroleum (BP) owns 7.59% of an entity known as ICE which also owns Obama-Gore-Rogers and Sandors' CCX entity. (No, ICE is NOT the Immigration Control and Enforcement agency) This ICE stands for Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. and is just a cover for CCX, indeed the infamous Richard Sandor (“Carbon Exchange will be a $10 Trillion a year business . . . “) who presides over our little CCX is also on the ICE board of directors -- they’re also in the carbon emissions trading business, of course. ICE is an entity nominally located in London, England near Al Gore’s special little operation Generation Investment Management, you may have heard of it – Gore’s the Biggest of GIM's bigwigs and they are a major owner of CCX, but its real headquarters is Atlanta, GA, USA. So BP is an owner of ICE and BP stands to make a fortune doing NOTHING, not drilling, not supplying oil or any product or service but just for owning a big share of the Carbon-Trading Swindle** we're talking about here. . . hmmmm makes a body shiver, no? It's even conceivable that should cap and trade pass, BP would make more money for doing nothing than they now make drilling for oil. Imagine that!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**Yes, George Soros is the second largest investor in Petrobras (Brazilian Oil) and yes they did recently get a several billion dollar loan from the Obama administration to drill at 14,041 feet, but that’s only small potatoes in the scheme of this horrific scam on the American people . . . . here’s the important stuff: Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle his policies would “bankrupt the coal industry” and he’s mentioned on several occasions that his policies would “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket.” Actually that was only a half-truth. Here’s the real truth: The United States economy is $15 TRillion worth of goods and services. Mr. Sandor has fairly accurately stated that carbon-trading (selling blue sky, literally) which adds not a single product or service to the U.S. economy will be a $10 TRillion industry. So without adding any benefit, we will, in effect be taxed $10 TRillion giving us a $25 TRillion economy. All prices will rise on average by 67% ($25 TRillion divided by $15 TRillion = 167%) and entities like ICE and CCX and all those who own and run them (including BP) and non-productive (but non-polluting) businesses created by entities like ACORN and the progressive foundations (mentioned here in the next link) will rob all the rest of us and push our standard of living back 120 years:

So the oil spill response hasn't been very efficient and seems to be dithering along, does it, well that might not be so bad for Mr. Obama, Mr. Gore, BP and the usual gang of crooks involved with CCX . . . just thought we'd mention that just in case you missed it because the American mainstream media refuses to cover any news Obama and his gang don’t approve of, here’s what an ultra-liberal but NOT progressive esteemed European source had to say about Climate Gate and "global warming":

So it seems the Gulf oil spill response has been very ineffective with huge amounts of dithering every step of the way? Perhaps that's not consider too bad by BP, Barack Obama, Al Gore and the CCX people?

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Wright’s Racism and Hate Speech History

Not Just Some Recent Aberration

For the naïve among you who somehow believe that Barack Obama is an honorable man and a statesman . . . and who still believe that Barack Obama is NOT a racist . . .

Obama, in his speech in mid 2008, disavowing Wright in Philadelphia, said you'll remember, “Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect.” Yes, and Adolf Hitler wasn't a national socialist and never said anything against Jews, Gypsies and so-called "November Criminals, either . . . But Wright did give Louis Farrakhan an award which seemed bothersome, since Farrakhan is a much-discussed antisemite. Obama, defending Wright, claimed Farrakhan’s work with ex-prisoners had been the inspiration for the award. But neither the award citation nor Wright’s own description made any mention of ex-prisoners. Instead the award citation explicitly was given for Farrakhan’s “lifetime achievements” whatever they might have been . . . .

Wright and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, you see, have a long history of being "great minds running in similar racist ruts." Farrakhan can't seem to avoid making anti-Semitic and anti-white comments, regularly documented by the (Jewish) Anti-Defamation League’s website; and Wright himself is one of the Anti-Defamation League's favorite love-to-hate-him personalities. Wright has often dissed black leaders for avoiding mention of Farrakhan’s name.

During the 20+ years Obama listened to Wright's sermons, hate speech was Wright’s main stock in trade. America, he said, created the AIDS virus to kill off blacks. His church’s website and newsletters throughout the period of Obama's membership have featured numerous anti-semitic rants. After the "God damn America!" sermon, Wright eventually was disavowed by Obama. But speakin of Wright in Philadelphia, Obama lied about his self-described longtime friend and adviser, to deflect attacks on his own judgment and patriotism, “Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms . . . " etc., etc. ad nauseum and the mainstream media declined to chase down the story and the truth. Obama also claimed that Wright had grown up "in the ghettoes in the 60's with memories of doubt, fear and humiliation," but actually Wright had lived a privileged youth, another Obama lie which again the media didn't choose to track down.

Obama often uses Adolf Hitler's famous propaganda technique "the big lie" and surely everything Obama's said about Jeremiah Wright qualifies as a monster lie so outrageous that no one would think anyone would have the temerity to speak it, were it not true. From his first autobiography, "Dreams From My Father" (the title of his second autobiography "The Audacity of Hope" came from the title of a Jeremiah Wright sermon; the fatherlike role of Wright is amazing in Obama's life even though the reality of Rev. Wright is clearly 100% the opposite of every myth Barak, Jr. has built up and the mythical persona he's made himself appear to be) to virtually every statement about his past to all his public statements, Obama has carried on a string of fantastic lies unchallenged by the mainstream media . . . only one thing is obvious the "Devil we know," Jeremiah Wright, is not one-hundredth as dangerous as the man who lies about him and for him . . . Barack Obama . . . indeed, Rajjpuut has found only one "important" statement that Obama's ever made that was not a lie: "I am NOT a socialist, I'm not." No he isn't a socialist, Barack Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool communist** and listening to Jeremiah Wright's "Black-Liberation Theology" (which is based entirely upon the teachings of Karl Marx) must have been a great comfort to him.

Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,

** in "Dreams From My Father" Obama never mentioned that his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham and his mother Stanley Ann Dunham were communists and his birth father Barak (no 'c') Hussein Obama, Sr. was also a communist as shown here:
You'll remember from reading "Dreams From My Father" that Obama Senior's dream or lifetime love for Kenya was socialism and "fairness" but here we find out that it wasactually "scientific socialism inter alia communism." And we learn more about what's really going on when we see him in this essay discussing the advisability of 100% taxes upon the rich; takeover via nationalization of foreign businesses; and out and out transfer of wealth from Kenya's European and Asian citizens to its black ones.

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Climate Alarmists: CO2 Will Cool
Stratosphere, Cause Dangerous Smog

The Climate Gate scandal may have convinced all of Europe that Man-Caused Global Warming was poppycock,

(although if they'd paid attention, long before, almost 31, 500 American scientists including over 9,400 PhDs among them, announced to the world that global warming was junque science and man-caused global warming was the ultimate in junque science)

but all along the American mainstream liberal media has refused to research the story of East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit’s (CRU) Climate Gate, their willful politicization of science to benefit itself with over $34 million in grant money all the while selling out and attempting to discredit real scientific work and real scientists.

Now on top of that, alarmists trying to win back the Europeans and the Oceanic region (Australia was one of the earliest “rebel” groups) to the notion of global warming, have more junque science popping upon their blog scene. If you were to type “global warming upper atmosphere cooling” into your yahoo browser you’d find 1, 870,022 hits. For example take this website run by the infamous weather underground (You know them, don't you? They're the late 60’s bomb-planting radicals including Obama's good friend and ghostwriter Bill Ayers now a "noted educator."):

The weather underground and a large percentage of the blogsites are now saying, "Oooops, we mean to say 'global climate change,' we meant to say the real problem with carbon dioxide is that regardless of what happens here on the surface of the earth, it makes the uppermost levels of the atmosphere COLDER and then that coldness will cause smog around the globe, and that smog will be dangerous to all life on earth, uh, we think. The new crusade for junque science alarmism then is that air pollution we call smog will soon come from carbon dioxide cooling the upper atmosphere and allowing ozone to drop through two layers and back to the earth: balderdash! Should that happen we’d have a tremendous early warning system to warn us it was starting: we’d see the jet streams around the globe increasing in speed by roughly 60%.

Supposedly, the beneficial repair of the ozone layer (you do remember the growing “ozone hole” around the south pole” in 1985?) has now dramatically increased the probability of carbon-dioxide caused smog according to a recent study by Guang Zeng and her colleagues from New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research says that that the repair of the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer (in concert with climate change – she can’t drop that junk science, can she?) may do great harm as well as good.

The good, of course, is increased protection from harmful cosmic rays and is not debatable. The great “harm” she describes is definitely problematical and definitely attached to global warming (which, so far as real sciences can say is a myth), which should be enough said, however, let’s understand this new devil aiming to plague us, and let’s understand him well . . . .

Detailed in the May edition of Geophysical Research Letters, the study supposedly revealed variations in atmospheric circulation due to climate change will inevitably cause a 43% increase in gas leaked between the stratosphere and the troposphere, a layer of Earth's air nearer the earth’s surface and our air supply. As more and more ozone is replenished in the earth’s stratosphere supposedly it will also have more opportunities to seep into the air we breathe . Ground level ozone and pure smog are without a doubt dangerous air pollutants, no doubt, but you’ll notice that it’s again all based upon global warming’s junque science and it fundamentally requires ozone to switch directions mysteriously and then mysteriously cross two atmospheric levels going in the wrong direction . . . . hmmm . . . . let’s just go ahead and call that mysterious “switch-directions decision” by the ozone (caused by increases in levels of carbon dioxide, of course) the “Al Gore factor,” yeah!

So it comes down to a leap of faith, global warming alarmists WILL themselves to believe that ozone which they say tends to rise from the earth’s surface and be found near the border between the two atmospheric layers seeks to mysteriously “reproduce itself” in greater numbers by creating the leak from the upper atmosphere and from the ozone layer itself . . . . excuse me, but it sure sounds like conjecture, not science, and wasn’t it conjecture that first said in 1972, we were polluting and pushing ourselves to an ice age . . . and then in about 1988 began to babble incoherently about unescapable global warming. And last Rajjpuut checked, global warming was still little more than a myth pushed for money, power and other political ends.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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100% of "Obama-Reform" 100% NOT Actual Reform

Back when you were a child and young adult, didn’t the noun, “reform” when talking about government and laws mean “improvement,” “removing corruption,” or perhaps a “change in policy aimed at improving or removing corruption?” When exactly did it come to mean, “moving closer to socialism and total control by the federal government?’

The country is stagnating beneath hideous new laws that give us greater socialism under the “reform” banner of Obamacare; takeover of the student loan program; etc. while President Obama is putting comprehensive immigration “reform” forth as the next great crisis that can only be solved by giving him more power. The amnesty he wants is expected to give him 85% of the estimated 12-20 million new voters created by this “reform.” And tonight in Washington, the House of Representatives will vote on “Financial Regulatory Reform.”

Anyone with a conscience and integrity must vote “NO,” but expect roughly 95% of the Democrats in the house to support one more travesty. By taking control of the American financial industry without actually reforming the sector that actually DOES NEED REFORMING (Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and the four mortgage guarantee laws passed between 1977 and 1998), Obama will make the world safe for Communism but certainly NOT for the American Republic.

The bill represents a huge lost opportunity, according to Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn. A lot went wrong between 1977’s Community Reinvestment Act; and the ’92 law that expanded it to include Fannie and Freddie; the two further expansions in ’95 and ’98 and the incredible abuse by ACORN of the incredibly irresponsible notion of forcing lenders to make bad loans to people without I.D., without jobs, with abysmal credit ratings, to people without even rental references or rental addresses, and even to illegal aliens. That is the single greatest and most important cause of the recent financial collapse and no one seems to want to talk about it. Those laws are still on the books. That REFORM would be valuable and help the nation survive, that reform will not occur under this disgusting law. Blackburn opposes all laws aimed at crippling the economy to the benefit of a bigger Washington.

We could have had a bi-partisan bill protecting the nation’s economy. Instead we’re given a monstrous truckload of ill-conceived new regulations, one more new bailout fund, and a whole set of new bureaucracies in this bill; none of which are likely to address the root causes of the financial crisis or prevent the next one. For example, as mentioned above, the bill doesn't address Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. The bi-partisanship will occur among those who oppose the bill virtually all Republicans and a good twenty conscientious Democrats.

The new law also makes it much harder for community banks to compete according to Marsha Blackburn. These community banks, which have far fewer resources than the big New York firms, will have to comply with the same regulatory and reporting requirements. They won't, however, have the benefit of a permanent bailout fund to use as a hedge against risky and potentially profitable moves. This is the second greatest problem with this stupid law . . . . locking-in the concept of “too big to fail” which encourages risky behavior that can payoff big but (because we’re “too big to fail”) has NO DOWNSIDE. Once more Barack Obama has had a chance to be a real leader and really help the country and opted instead for ideological nonsense that takes the country in the absolute wrong direction.

According to Minnesota's Michele Bachmann, similar to Obamacare "reform" passed three months ago, this final bill negotiated between the House and the Senate is 2,000 pages of bureaucracy in which the people who wrote it again don't even know what's in it. In fact, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), the man most responsible for crafting this piece of legislation, said a la Nancy Pelosi, “No one will know until this is actually in place how it works." Of course Dodd and his Dem cronies rejected a series of Republican amendments that would have dealt with Freddie and Fanne; the ridiculous notion of too big to fail; and bailouts of all sorts.

The new bill, should it become law absolutely guarantees more and more dangerous financial Armageddons for the country. The mainstream media accuses the TEA Party of claiming that Barack Obama is the “Anti-Christ” . . . Wow! Rajjpuut hates to see the Anti-Christ’s name get taken in vain like that.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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Another Recall? Toyota’s Vaunted Ad Campaign

Featuring Safety Emphasis . . . BOGUS AGAIN!

Rajjpuut has predicted and now been proven correct three times on Toyota’s total management incompetence. The mainstream media has not followed the story correctly, and of course, believing this is a recent Toyota aberration, has not emphasized the true underlying problems and causes: Toyota’s culture of internal and external lies; and acute mismanagement.

In recent times a braking problem was covered up by insisting that extra thick floor mats were the problem; then roughly 3/4 of a year later they acknowledged they had a real braking problem; followed by a real steering problem; and now a real engine problem that manifests as stalling when the engine operates at high speeds. For this new problem, Toyota is once again returning to its resource of last resort: new car recalls.

But in fact, Toyota has had a slightly different braking problem, which they’ve flat-out denied since roughly 1998. Rajjpuut first became aware of the Toyota problem when several instances of customers wrecking their garages and cars and parking lot accoutrements and even killing by-standers were reported in ’98 and '99. Toyota, denied the problem but angry customer letters continued for at least five years attesting to its continuing reality.

Where does all this Rajjpuut clairvoyance come from? Actually, it’s nothing of the sort. Trained long ago in Kepner-Tregoe** management techniques as all Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas employees were at that time, all the facts since ’98 have pointed to a corporate Toyota culture that was in denial and which really didn’t understand the simplest item in any effective manager’s arsenal: distinguishing real problems and real causes from B.S. Let’s look at the recent braking problem . . . .

Toyota has pretty much acted like their problems are all in the past, all of it. Their new ad campaign emphasizing customer security and safety is totally bogus, or in management language: completely specious. Their P-R ad campaign sounds nice but is fundamentally flawed, did you ever once hear them state the exact nature of the problem; or their exact “fix” for the problem; or the exact way that their “fix” operates? Unless these things occur and, in the case of public relations disasters like Toyota’s been suffering, unless those things occur and then are publicly acknowledged and explained, count on it, the problem is not only NOT FIXED, it has most probably not even been discovered yet.

In the face of all this Toyota denial, Rajjpuut has the last three times ventured the educated guess that Toyota’s problems are NOT mechanical as the company insists, but rather tied into their cars’ computer oversight systems. Could Rajjpuut be wrong? Damn straight, amigo! Nevertheless, the fact of the matter is that mechanical problems are relatively easy to discover and fix . . . (and again, reminding you that Toyota has NOT stated the exact nature of the problem; the exact “fix” for the problem; or the exact way that their “fix” operates) Rajjpuut still suggests that computer problems (perhaps caused by lack of shielding for stray external signals) lie at the heart of both the braking and steering problems. While it’s possible that such a transient-caused computer problem might also tie in to the new engine-stalling problem, there are ten thousand potential causes for such a stall (for example, vapor lock! as well as “random over-ride” by some other <perhaps safety-oriented> system) and much less is known thus far about the engine problem than has been reported about the other situations.

Rajjpuut suggests that Toyota invites the Kepner-Tregoe folks to examine the four problem areas they’ve experienced as well as their whole operation top to bottom and to give Toyota managers at every level in every division much-needed K-T training before their cars kill more people.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**Kepner-Tregoe management strategies are almost chesslike but based upon these simple ideas:

1. Any manager's primary job is to stay aware of their area, something called SA or "Situational Analysis"
2. From this awareness, the manager notices CHANGES in his area and becomes aware of the need for PA, "Problem analysis"; DA, "Decision Analysis"; and most importantly for PPA, "Potential Problem Analysis".
3. Specific definitions of problems, decisions and potential problems must be met so that managers don't find themselves continually working at cross-purposes to reality (for example, at least 75% of the time, Rajjpuut has noticed in other companies and places that people were immediately jumping to the conclusion that they had a problem and then willy-nilly trying to solve their "problem" with, naturally disastrous results a la the Obama administration)
4. Unlike fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants management styles in which 95% of effort is involved with "fire-fighting," one nasty surprise after another, K-T managers tend to spend 80-90% of their time making decisions, training, and avoiding potential problems
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Rajjpuut Technique for Weight Loss

Gets Another Adjustment

Rajjpuut is currently going over three studies on the effects of fructose, the ubiquitous sweetner, in the diet of countless Americans. All of the details are still NOT understood, those crazy scientists use so much scientific jargon, shame on them, that occasionally getting to the meat of their research is akin to taking a bio-chemistry class . . . but one thing is clear, if you care about your health, avoid fructose like the plague . . . literally, like the plague.

The American obesity epidemic (65.2% of us are clinically obese and roughly 30% of us are “morbidly obese”) owes much to . . .

A. More than anything else, a sedentary lifestyle embraced by legions of couch potatoes

B. excessive milling and refinement of grainfoods to give us products like white rice and white wheat flour and white bread and numerous other junk food derivatives all totally devoid of nutrition and health-giving yield and full of empty calories

C. the abandonment of natural sweets like fresh fruit, raw honey, real maple syrup, sugar cane and beet sugar eventually replaced by highly refined white and brown sugar.

All this is well-known. However, the story of artificial sweeteners is an ugly tale indeed. If it should come to a decision between refined sugar or artificial sweeteners, for the most part, Rajjpuut recommends small quantities of sugar.
Aspartame, Sacharin, S__nda, Sucra__se, Sw__T ‘n Low, NutraSw__t, and other godawful concoctions recommended by the FDA at one time or another are pathetic excuses for food: they go by a thousand names and they are uniformly health disasters. Many are carcinogens, many have numerous nasty side effects, and create weird allergic interactions, all provide an excuse for consumption of great quantities of utterly nasty diet food, and none have the nutrition that real sweeteners provide, yes, even the much- maligned white sugar. Rajjpuut recommends stevia** to replace sugar and all sugar substitutes NOW. If you give a damn about your health forget about “DIET Foods” they work unmitigated horrors upon us and eventually they all make you fat or fatter. In case no one has told you before , Rajjpuut will: DIETS DO NOT WORK.

There is only one realistic plan for losing weight and it GASP! Involves good nutrition and exercise. And anybody who says anything else is blowing smoke up thy anus.

A quick word on fructose, it sounds good this word “fructose,” like perhaps it carries the natural sweetness of fruit and of course, all those natural benefits as well: WRONG , fructose seems to be natural only in this: it has a natural affinity for expanding the millions of fat cells in the human body. Avoid it. Rajjpuut after reading the research on fructose did an inventory of what he consumes and found out that the particularly-healthy grapefruit juice he imbibes contains fructose; the wonderful yogurt he eats has an even higher percentage; and the lemonade he’s commonly offered by his chess-playing friends has fructose as the #1 ingredient. Since the Ol’ Health Educator leads (by comparison to most of his less conscientious readers) a pristine and virtually Edenlike existence including nutrition beyond reproach, Hak-Koff, he cringes to think what his loyal readers, in less than blissful ignorance, have been ingesting fructose-wise.

OK, here’s the newly adjusted Rajjpuut Technique for wise, effective, nutritious meals and lasting weight loss:

1. Find a way to add exercise to your life: a good start is 30-40 minutes of walking 5-7 days a week. After 5-7 weeks consider adding greater intensity and greater duration to this aerobic ex. Some sort of muscle-building is essential (even simple pushups, situps and pullups and chinups will do the trick). As exercise becomes more intense look to do very easy stretching before and after. Two-three times a week add a brief “sprint component” to your exercise), for example: if you’re walking relatively slowly for 30 minutes a day, “sprint” by walking relatively faster or walking a bit faster but uphill for 10-20 seconds 4-5 times during your walk. Use your head on this, we’re NOT talking about pulling muscles and suffering heart attacks so LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If over 35 or if you have any doubts, talk to a good physician. By the way, obviously if you enjoy your aerobic activity, clearly you’re more likely to keep with it; one good idea is adding variety: tennis, dancing, hiking, swimming, biking, nordic skiing, raquetball, basketball, etc. all have aerobic benefits as does downhill (alpine) skiing if you do it for at least four hours.

2. Eat a good breakfast every day. Eggs are great food, despite the FDA’s idiocy. Protein like oatmeal and other whole grains as well as the eggs and items like turkey-bacon; and lots of fruit are all good ideas. Breakfast should be your largest meal . . . re-arrange your waking and going to sleep time as necessary . . . it’s that important. One of Rajjpuut’s first-meal favorites: cold 7-ingredient cheeseless pizza; some people like to warm it up, that’s OK, too.

3. Eat 4-6 meals daily decreasing steadily in size throughout the day. Six is best, but who can do that? Five is next best.

4. Eat lots of veggies and fruit after breakfast. Light use of legumes (peas, green beans, beans, peanuts, etc.) at the second and third meal only is recommended.

5. Red meat and other flesh such as fish, fowl, and pork are great . . . just try to decrease the amount of these protein rich foods at every meal as the day wears on.

6. Eat off smaller chinaware. It's an oft-documented fact that people who eat off plates 50% smaller eat 35-40% less food.

7. Avoid all heavily refined and junk foods; almost all fried foods and things like gravies, cream- and cheese-sauces; and avoid artificial sweeteners of all kinds.

8. Salsa is great on baked potatoes (another great food that gets bad press) and lemon slices and or lemon juice make excellent salad dressings.

9. Drink a tall glass of water with lemon juice and stevia roughly one-half hour before at least two and preferably three of your meals.

10. Try to put 11-14 hours between your last meal of the night and breakfast. It’s virtually impossible to “fast” for 12 hours and NOT lose unnecessary weight over the long haul, 13-14 hours is better yet. Finishing a meal at 7:30 p.m. and beginning breakfast at 6:30 is about the least you can expect to do.

11. Chew all your food about three times as much as you’ve been used to doing, it helps the gastro-intestinal tract, but also makes you feel full quicker.

12. Visualize yourself much more healthy looking, feeling and acting; much more slender and happy.

13. Step on the scale every 1-2 weeks ( a body fat scale is a cheap and wise investment and much more helpful than a regular pounds-only scale). Judge your success mainly in how much better you feel; you look; and your body measurements including drop in overall body fat percentage.

14. Good luck!

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

**Stevia has been semi-successfully attacked by conflicted interests in many studies but neutral studies show that stevia has actually a basic anti-diabetes effect. Other than for pregnant women (the jury is still out on them), stevia appears to be a great and healthy sugar substitute and it's natural.
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When will Obama denounce racism by Blacks?

Civil Rights “Always about Becoming White,”

Sez Jeremiah Wright

It’s a real shame that the mainstream media has continually refused to do simple “fact checks” on the jet-stream of lies spouting from Barack Obama’s lips. Being raised by a radical mother might have contributed something to that, but apparently, Obama learned a lot at Jeremiah Wright’s knee. The pattern he’s shown in the last seventeen months is always the same (nothing about real government and real leadership, but rather) a continual campaign-mode attack upon his opponents’ perceived motives as stated by Obama (and NO actual discussion of issues with facts ever). Wright himself has been attacking the “White establishment” for at least twenty-five years which wouldn’t be that bad (there are problems), but like Obama, he just comes up with attacks on motives never with facts relevant to any purported issues involved.

A couple days after Reverend Jeremiah Wright first came to the attention of most Americans by preaching, “. . . not ‘God Bless America’ but God Damn America,” Barack Obama said he’d never heard anything objectionable from Wright during the twenty years he attended Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ. After ten days heat from the media, Obama denounced Wright for his “inflammatory rhetoric.” Eventually, Obama left Wright’s church to still the outcry. Strange that Obama hadn’t heard anything “nasty” from Wright before . . . because since then Wright’s been making headlines for the same old crap roughly every 20-25 days.

For Ol’ Rajjpuut, who believes that the worst racism in this country comes in from those calling everybody else racist (only 5% of the Black voters voted for McCain, for example, while Obama got almost 48% of the White vote which is more than either Gore or Kerry received) the Reverend Wright’s latest outrages seem to back up Rajjpuut’s thinking . . . . one wonders if this wouldn’t be a great time for Barack Obama to again distance himself from Wright and to GASP! actually criticize Black racism. Now wouldn’t that be something?

Wright has truly outdone himself this month already. Former Obama mentor, Reverend Wright, infamous for numerous anti-semitic statements has twice just recently re-affirmed his belief that “Jews are running this country” and while “educating” folks at a theological gathering he didn't pull any punches in other areas either . . . .

A. At a recent Chicago seminar, Wright claimed that there was little real difference in race issues between the United States today and South Africa during its apartheid years.

B. Claimed that the civil rights movement was a joke whose only purpose was to help Black people in “becoming White.”

C. Told his seminar audience, “you will NEVER be a brother to white folk,” because racial divisions in this country are forever too deeply entrenched. Rajjpuut wonders who might be doing the entrenching, eh?

D. Added that “White folk done took this country, you’re in their home and they’re always gonna let you know up about it.” He said this control over blacks was created by a poorly designed American education system that was “by malignant intent” not educating Black students.

E. Most incredibly of all, Wright assailed the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. for advocating nonviolence. “We probably have more African-Americans who’ve been brainwashed than there were brainwashed South Africans,” Wright said. Think about that . . . Wright is now comparing nonviolence in South Africa as advocated by both Mohandas Gandhi and (during the nonviolent demonstrations across the segregated American south as advocated by) Martin Luther King, Jr. . . . compared them and their actions to brainwashing. Didn’t a fellow called Yeshua or Jesus or something also advocate “turning the other cheek”?????? Indeed, isn’t Wright a pastor at the Trinity United Church of Christ?

The fact is that TRUTH is the biggest casualty every time Obama or Wright speaks. This seems to be something the media is totally UNinterested in. All they do is air attacks from the perpetually crusading/campaigning twosome and never carry out the most basic of journalistic duties and do checks on their so-called facts that are spouted. With friends like the mainstream media, Americans don’t need enemies like Wright and Obama.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Hyphenated “-Science” is Always Humbuggery

In the movie “Planet of the Apes” the human astronaut Taylor sneers at the Oran-gu-tan Dr. Zaius “Minister of Science-Defender of the faith” for the obvious conflict of interest his two different occupational ‘hats’ implied. Through the first two million years of human existence, scientific and technological advances were as much a matter of serendipity and luck as they were of clear thinking. This was the time of imagined “big medicine” and “magic powers” and church and state and science were all jumbled up together ineffectively. Even with the dawn of civilization (villages, towns and cities become possible because of the rise of agriculture), the shaman, witchdoctor etc. were still in their heyday. Throughout much of the European dark ages, outside of Iberia (the Moors ruled the Iberian Peninsula for almost eight centuries which is why the Portuguese and Spanish were the most advanced civilizations and the first to make voyages to Asia and the New World), Europe’s learning and culture were basically all in the hands of the clergy and very few noble’s much less common-folk could read and write. While pagans like the Greeks knew the world was round, the Christian/
Catholic authorities insisted upon a strict biblical interpretration with the entire universe orbitting the earth. Religion (theo-science) has NEVER been a good foundation for science.

Indeed, theo-science has routinely embarassed itself and retarded human advance. Eco-science and Big Guv-sci have done no better. Up to today two million unnecessary deaths from malaria have occurred. The culprits? Rachel Carlson’s pseudo-science novel “Silent Spring” and the alarmist environmentalists and the politicians who went along with her nonsense. DDT supposedly made bird eggshells thinner. DDT supposedly caused human cancer. DDT supposedly hurt fish, amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal life. Not one of those "supposedlies" is true, NOT ONE. To date the only proven knock on DDT is that it burns your eyes if you don’t close them and get in close contact to the spray. Whereas only 40,000 died worldwide from malaria in 1970, every year now five million plus malaria deaths occur. And yet, DDT can be safely drunk; DDT can be safely used as salad dressing. No harm has ever been shown to the Africans who routinely twice a year fogged their houses with DDT . . . until, they were denied the DDT and confronted with malaria, that is. Today several African countries have begun to ignore the DDT ban with excellent results. Like the DDT alarmism, global-warming alarmism is hysterical pseudo-science, nothing more.

Right now the mainstream media in the United States have willfully NOT reported this story:

which twelve days after the fact was run in the ulta-liberal London Times while that paper checked the event called “Climate-Gate” over very carefully. Today, six and a half months later, the story is unknown still to many Americans. Barack Obama has passed his Cap and Trade bill in the house of representatives and is trying to sneak it through the Senate much as he did Obamacare earlier. Even before counting inflation from the policies of Obama and the federal reserve, Cap and Trade would increase prices on everything in the economy, every product and service, by an average of 67%**. The destruction of the U.S. economy is literally at stake. And, why? Again because of eco-pseudo-big-guv-science.

One of the infamous climate-gate e-mails said, “The fact is we can’t account for the cooling at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t,” according to Kevin Trenberth in a letter to other climate alarmists. That is, the “obvious truth of global-warming” wasn’t showing up in their readings.

You’ll recall that Obama “science-czar” John Holdren was predicting an ice age in 1972 . . . before his recent shift to global-warming activism. So which is it? Probably . . . neither. The real scientists doing real science have been talking about something they call “PDO” which not surprisingly relates to the cooling trend evident since the late 1990’s that has the global-warming alarmists so alarmed. PDO stands for “Pacific Decadal Oscillation” which is just a fancy term for the fact that both weather and its longer-term fluctuations (climate) owe their existence to our oceans and particularly to the Pacific Ocean and surprise, surprise, the Pacific ocean patterns vary (oscillate) in 30-40 year patterns which are not yet understood.

All this has vindicated the skeptical scientists who have denied that global-warming was a fact . . . such as the almost 32,000 American Scientists including over 9,000 with Ph.D.s who signed the petition linked here:

Steve Milloy (editor and founder of says the problem is that real science was never done by global-warming alarmists. For example, they deliberately left out about four hundred years of the Medieval Warming Period in their calculations. They based everything on models they mocked up to prove that global-warming was real. “The models are in error.” Right now while Europe has accepted climategate as real and discarded global-warming, the same climate models are still being used by American global-warming alarmist to rationalize expansive and expensive regulatory gimmicks cooked up by the progressive ultra-left wing of the Democrats and Republicans.

“We’ve had no warming for the past 10-15 years, even though carbon dioxide emissions have increased,”Milloy noted. “The upper atmosphere should be warming at a much greater rate than the lower atmosphere but this is not happening. It means that we just don’t understand energy flows, and if you don’t understand how something works it cannot be accurately modeled. It’s insanity to go forward with regulations that are not based on something we understand, but that’s what is being proposed.”

It’s all about the money, Phil Jones of East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) took in “23 million dollars of public funds to fudge their data and the Club of Rome in their time took in as much.” The Club of Rome was a late 60’s disaster-alarmist group that was supposedly composed of the “most eminent scientists in the world.” Both the global-warming folks and the Club of Rome are still operating right now even though they’ve both been largely discredited in the scientific world as charlatans. David Berlinski, a senior fellow with The Discovery Institute, laments what he calls “Big-Science” that’s all about the money with little respect for truth . . . . “Big Science in its natural (corrupt) state,” it is not exactly new, laments Berlinski, “In the 1970s, the Club of Rome was on everyone’s lips with their hysterical warnings of mass disasters that were shortly to arrive. My first book, On Systems Analysis, which I wrote for the MIT press, was an expose and a denunciation of the kind of stuff then current. I cannot see that anything has changed. Then as now, the people doing the hustle were doing it for money.

Returning to global-warming, Berlinski added, “The overwhelming consensus is, as it always is, utter nonsense because it is in the first place an illusion: There are very many scientists who dissent from global warming. And it is utter nonsense because it is based on nothing more than a trend line. No one has the faintest idea what the trend represents or whether it will continue or whether even the trend itself was based on data so fudged as to be meaningless. The latter, I think.

“What is at work deep down is a delusion as striking as various Zulu beliefs and no more credible: To wit, that because there is something that might for the sake of convenience be designated as the global atmosphere, there is as well a science of the global atmosphere (GA), one in which for various initial conditions of the GA, laws of its evolution might be adduced from which explanations and predictions would flow. There is no such science; there are no such laws. To be sure one can say with easy confidence that the GA is determined by fundamental physics.

“Climate science stands exposed but only for the moment,” he wrote. “It will be back. I cannot see much difference between evolutionary science and climate science and I have no expectation that the winds of dissent will ever blow from the one to the other. Why should they? In just the past few years, large scale econometric models have, once again, been shown to be unreliable and intellectually worthless. The world-wide economy tanked and not one — not one! — econometric model predicted it.”

Berlinsky, is famed for standing fast in his dissenting views. For example, he is a severe skeptic of evolution as originally penned by Darwin but not an advocate of ID, intelligent design. Berlinsky believes scientists ought to be able to stand up tall and say, “so far, we just don’t really understand what’s going on!”

Of course, (or is that “OF CURSE?”) global warming is still the accepted religion by the progressives controlling the White House, Senate and House of Representatives right now. The great sweeping plans of Obama and the collectivist crew of progressives is NOT worried about the environment one way or another, they’re only in it for the power they can grab and the money that goes with it. Lies that back up their positions are not contested by the liberal media and the constitution is used as toilet paper by statists tied into the linkage existing between Big Gov and Big-Science. Science that serves political interests is never real science. You’d have thought that lesson should have been learned from the earlier socialists in Germany (a.k.a. the national socialists a.k.a. the Nazis) and renowned socialists in England such as George Bernard Shaw all of whom were calling for “mass scale eugenics.” But, of course, the progressives have changed history so that most Americans believe that the Nazis were right-wingers, not lefties . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Richard Sandor of Obama’s and Gore’s CCX, Chicago Climate eXchange) which hopes to dramatically exploit the so-called global-warming issue, has repeatedly said it’ll be a $10 TRillion a year industry. Since the present economy is $15 TRillion, that means that without adding a single product or service the economy will become $25 TRillion in size, thus $10 TR. / $25 TR. = 67% increase in prices.

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Obama Seeks to End-Run the Constitution,
Gain Alien Votes

Ex-Constitutional Law prof Barack Obama is going to try another end run around the U.S. Constitution. Of course, while teaching that course in Chicago, Obama was simultaneously teaching Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. . . so who can be surprised. Obama is now campaigning for universal amnesty for all illegal aliens in America and may well end by using an executive order as his “magical hammer and sickle-type wand.” The idea is that by granting American citizenship to parts of or all the illegal aliens, the Democrats would potentially gain about 85% of the thirteen to twenty million new voters created over night.

If done early enough the 2010, election could be salvaged and his own 2012 re-election would also be assured. Howsomever, the only thing that matters is the latter. Once set into motion, Obama’s little ploy could practically assure progressive control of the house, senate and presidency for the foreseeable future . . . . such murky dirty tricks (of the sort communists have made infamous throughout history) are becoming commonplace for Mr. Obama.

Item: Overt bribes of at least half a dozen senators to swing voting for Obamacare (Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, etc.) angered much of the nation. The desired end: a fillibuster-proof senate for the Dems.

Item: naming one Republican senator part of his cabinet and seeking to convince another to also make the same move so that Democratic governors could replace** them with Democratic senators, again in the name of a fillibuster-proof majority in the senate.

Item: Even though it's still very early in the trial of ex-Illinois governor Rod Blogojevich, phone conversations with White House staffers Emanuel and Axelrod (from the FBI recordings) show that Obama himself was involved with scheming to secure Valerie Jarret the ex-Obama senate seat. We already know about the efforts to get Sestak and Romanoff to drop out of primary races to benefit Obama's favored candidates, Chicago-style politics is certainly attractive, eh?

Item: The Obamacare bill was treated as if it were an emergency war measure with its vote scheduled for 1:00 a.m. in the morning. Financial reform recently passed at 3:30 a.m the day before yesterday. Any ridiculous ploy to get the opposition voters to fail to show up.

Item: Obama fooled Michigan Representative Bart Stupak and ten of the eleven other “pro-life Democrats” into delivering the needed votes to make Obamacare a “GO” in the house by giving Stupak a worthless piece of paper on which Obama (the most pro-abortion president in history) pledged that Obamacare would NOT fund any abortions. The paper is less than worthless but Stupak happily accepted it and the measure passed by five or six votes.

Item: Hoping to get two extra Democratic Senators and five extra Democratic Representatives and a million new Democratic voters the Democrats about six or seven weeks ago tried to make Puerto Rico our 51st state (perhaps Mr. Obama hoped to create jobs for flagmakers?) which the Puerto Rican people are themselves against.

Item: When his cap and trade got mired down dead in the Senate, Mr. Obama had the Environmental Protection Agency state by edict that “Carbon Dioxide is a dangerous gas” (in keeping with the myth of global warming). Only trouble? The EPA was violating its own rules by doing this. The agency is required to base any such conclusions and regulations based upon them ONLY ON ITS OWN RESEARCH. So by adopting the shoddy “climate-gate” results they and Mr. Obama proved themselves morally bankrupt again. Several states sued and the edict was dropped.

Item: slow response on the Gulf spill has activated the progressive left and has them calling for Obama’s Cap and Trade bill to be passed and oil drilling to be halted everywhere, but especially at sea. Unmentioned, the reason we’re drilling at these depts now is that the environmentalists have stopped new drilling on land and at much shallower, and safer, depths. Little known fact, the actual start of problems for British Petroleum in the Gulf was NOT the late April explosion, but rather February 3, when a series of leaks began appearing at the macondo wellsite where BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig was operating. Then the whole rig nearly blew up. Salazar and Obama knew about all this no later than Valentine’s Day but did not tell the American people and treated it all as “no big deal” and continued to treat it that way till at least late-middle May. The president would like to get the country feeling in such crisis mode that he can either get the necessary votes to pass Cap and Trade or call it a condition of emergency and declare an executive order with Cap and Trade in effect as part of “necessary emergency response.”

Item: Of course Obama has no right or power to use an executive order to do this or to grant amnesty and citizenship to illegal aliens (the “Nirvana, he’s seeking to allow him to control the country, more or less as a dictator), but certainly he has not so far allowed such considerations to get in the way of “fundamentally transforming America” into an echo of Communist Cuba. No president has ever had these powers, but by the time the courts get it all unwound, a lot of damage could be done, it could already (he hopes) be too late for America.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** or, if necessary, with progressive-Republicans but that deal fell through
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