Bob VanDeHey's Posts (418)

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Unable to Live with Husband’s Hypocrisy

and Lies? Tipper Gore Opts for Divorce

A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting Birdie Balls** in the park. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . but first a bit of background . . . .

Since the mainstream media outlets refuse to cover stories that make Barack Obama and Al Gore look bad, such as this one from over six months old which took the British press by storm:


one can’t help but wonder, “What exactly do our mainstream American newspapers and TV networks know that these two leading London papers, including the ultra-liberal London Times, just a stone’s throw from the Climate-Gate scandal nexus at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in East Anglia University haven’t a clue about?” And then there’s this infamous Obama half-truth . . . .

Why “infamous,” and why a “half-truth” you ask? Well, there’s Barack Obama directly telling all of us, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket . . . ” and yet what’s really happening is NOT really an admission by him that “to do the right thing for America, Americans are going to have to suffer a bit at the gas pump and suffer a whole lot more paying their electricity bills” (which is bad enough since global-warming is actually a lie) but all the while he’s saying this, he and his cronies are going to make all prices (not just electricity) in America jump by roughly 67%^^ even without inflation factored in. And 40% of all the money spent in America would be siphoned off by the numerous guilty parties involved . . . .

If these two stories are solid, and Rajjpuut UNequivocally tells you, “They’re SOLID,” then it’s the biggest scandal America has ever known. However, once again the mainstream American media won’t touch the story. Why not? Rajjpuut was his university's Academic Excellence Award Winner in journalism and if there's one thing he understands it's what goes into making a big story from the media's point of view . . . and this one truly amounts to a HUGE story. It amounts to big headlines and . . . it is, we remind you, 100% solid . . . it involves some huge names . . . it represents the greatest scam ever perpetrated upon the American people . . . somehow, somehow that Rajjpuut can't figure out their reluctance is related to the story above which the American mainstream media refused to even refer to once (can they be that committed to global warming as undeniable truth?) . . . and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to follow the story, Rajjpuut has and you can easily do so yourself. The corruption involved touches Barack Obama, Al Gore, the Goldman Sachs investment firm Fannie Mae; 10-12 huge and well-known progressive (“We must progress beyond the U.S. Constitution . . .”) non-profit foundations; and a repeating cast of socialist-marxist characters (whose names keep popping up every time you investigate the leadership of the CCX <Chicago Climate eXchange> Joel Rogers, Van Jones, Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong, etc., etc. ad nauseum); the semi-bankrupt Shore Bank in Chicago and the owners or board of directors all tied into a plan to cheat Americans out of $10 TRillion a year.

So back to paragraph #1 above, this blog began saying, “A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting “Birdie Balls” in the park. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . .”

About 40 yards away, a blue-black car (Lexus?) pulled up and parked. About ten seconds later the car’s horn was honked twice after a particularly long and true draw shot. A slender brunette woman in a teal form-hugging dress in heels emerged from the driver’s side and walked half-way toward him, then stopped and said, “You’re Rajjpuut (badly mispronouncing the name in the process -- "RaHHH-Poot" is correct) the guy blogging about CCX and cap and trade for the TEA Party?”

Rajjpuut was stunned, he thought he was pretty much anonymous. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Tipper knows so she’s going to get a divorce.”

Rajjpuut was ultra-stunned. The woman turned and ran back to her vehicle. Suddenly understanding, he yelled after her, “Who are you? How do you know this?” but got no response.

As he felt both his blood and all his power draining away to his feet, Rajjpuut murmurred the only thing that came to mind, “Tell Glenn Beck,” suddenly he realized she couldn’t hear him so he yelled out at the top of his lungs, “Please, TELL Glenn Beck!”

She turned to look at him for an instant, then opened the door and drove quickly away. It appeared her license plate was the green and white mountains' outline that all Coloradoans are familiar with. Rajjpuut had not worn his glasses . . . . Needless to say, Rajjpuut hooked or sliced every swing over the next quarter hour. Was it a hoax? Who was she? How did she find him? Was someone playing an elaborate prank? What was going wrong with his swing? Was somebody right then and there laughing away at his expense? What am I doing wrong to cause all these hooks? Does this women really know something? Can I blog this, dare I blog this, I have no real source? How likely was it that someone in Colorado who knows Tipper Gore reads my blogs? I was doing so great, why couldn't she have come by half an hour later? Was this real? Did I dare blog it?

Yesterday, the news came out that Al and Tipper Gore were getting divorced or getting separated depending upon which source you read. Today the news came out that Barack Obama was making a concerted effort to revive his cap and trade bill “America’s Power Act” and was using the Gulf oil spill to move toward “100% energy independence” based upon green-energy## sources and “totally ending dependence upon fossil fuels.” Sounds like her story’s been confirmed . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



^^ the figure given in the article of $15 TRillion is presumed an exaggeration of 50%; the correct figure is ONLY roughly $10 TRillion. The American economy right now amounts to $15 TRillion so adding $10 TRillion on top of it unnecessarily without adding one single manufactured good or one single provided service means that everything in the economy that costs, say, $15.00 will now cost $25.00 an increase of roughly 67%.

## Which sounds like a plan much worse than what recently bankrupted Spain. Spain had about 3% unemployment and was the economic poster-child for the European Union around 2001. Today they’re suffering under roughly 21% unemployment after instigating a green-jobs program. After Greece's demise, Spain may well be the next European domino to fall . . . .

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In honor of the memories of Harry S Truman (just a letter no middle name), Ronald Wilson Reagan and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, three of the most diligent and competent statesmen in world history, Rajjpuut will be awarding a monthly Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Award for statesmanship. Whole encyclopedias could be written about these three men.
Truman, a hero in World War I made the courageous decision to drop the atom bomb ending World War II and saving an estimated one million American fighting men from death or wounding. He also inspired the Dixiecrats to leave the Democratic Party at great political risk to himself, Truman who was raised a segregationist, integrated the armed forces. And unlike his successor Eisenhower, Truman was an immediate and powerful vocal opponent of Joe McCarthy and his communist witch hunts.
Reagan personally intervened to get the final funding and stinger missiles that spelled the defeat of the Big Red Soviet Military Machine in Afghanistan. His confrontational style (“Tear Down This Wall, Mr. Gorbachev!”) but willingness to talk face-to-face helped bring about the fall of communism and the Warsaw Pact, the end of the Soviet Union and Cold War and yes, the smashing of the Berlin Wall: not a bad legacy for “the Great Communicator!”
Kennedy inspired warm hope among jaded American voters. He, like Reagan, made a courageous speech in the shadow of the Berlin Wall. Most importantly, Kennedy stood tough upon discovering that the Soviet Union had moved missiles to Cuba just 90 miles off America’s shores and put the whole world on a nuclear disaster watch by blockading the island and demanding removal of the missiles. Like his book “Profiles in Courage,” Kennedy, a World War II hero, practiced what he preached.
The May, 2010, Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Statesmanship Award WINNER is:
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
As the chief executive of the state of Arizona, Jan Brewer has done what the chief executive of the nation, Barack Obama, will NOT do. She has put in motion steps to help protect her state from the endless swarm of undocumented aliens illegally crossing into her state. The impact in Arizona just on law enforcement these illegals have brought into the state has been horrendous. Drugs and drug dealers, other felons and petty criminals now overload the Arizona system and some of their crimes include murder and kidnapping. Next to world drug capital Bogota, Colombia, Phoenix, the Arizona capital city is now the #2 hotspot for world kidnapping. The cost to the state in overloaded health care, welfare and school resources is bringing her closer to bankruptcy like her neighbor state California every day. Brewer oversaw creation of a state immigration law based upon the federal immigration statutes and had the courage to stand up to the immense pressure brought by Obama and his minions.
Let us congratulate the May, 2010, Winner of the Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Statesmanship Award: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
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To honor the memory of the Last Great American Statesman, William Proxmire (Wisconsin Senator for 32 years) whose “Golden Fleece Awards” uncovered shameless pork barrel projects and focused media attention on all manner of self-serving, waste, and corruption in the United States government: Rajjpuut has since June, 2009, been awarding the “Platinum Fleecer” to the elected or appointed official or private citizen most deserving of the illustrious title.

The May, 2010 Platinum Fleecer WINNER is:
President Barack Obama
Does the country get its money’s worth from their president? He certainly seems disposed to keeping those dollars in Washington, D.C., doesn’t he? A monstrous “Thousand Year Flood” hit Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi but Obama has not yet even mentioned these people’s plight nor used the words “disaster area.” Oklahoma and surrounding states have been hit three times by savage and deadly tornadoes, but again no mention of their sad situation and no federal assistance mentioned. The Gulf oil leak went on for five weeks before he seemed to realize it was happening . . . now, in fairness British Petroleum has the technology and Obama can do nothing along those lines, but . . . certainly the problems near and onshore created by the mess were easily predictable. Let’s say he had four full weeks to come up with a federal response to prepare a defense for them, to soften the blow for Louisiana and the other Gulf States and he did? Nothing?
Actually worse than nothing, he had the power to eliminate red tape so that Louisiana could have built some artificial barrier island constructs . . . but Obama insisted that the EPA do an environmental-impact study before that could begin (and it hasn't yet!). Let's see, you have some potential, presumably modest or absolutely minor future impact versus a monstrous absolutely certain impact NOW and we need to study that?????? Nice work, Mr. Prez!
Meanwhile he is putting every effort into passing “America’s Power Act” a Democratic euphemism for “cap and trade” legislation. Remember in his own words, “Under my policies, electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket!” Skyrocketing costs based upon a proven** fraudulent lie called global warming? Meanwhile he’s seeking to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” which means making 13-20 million illegal aliens American citizens within ten months (expecting to win 80% of their votes and lock in his re-election and the supremacy of the Democratic Party progressives for the next 50 years). Meanwhile he refuses to protect our borders and rants and raves about Arizona's attempts to protect theirs. Yeah, that’s a statesman for you. Congratulations, to Barack Obama the only four-time winner and May, 2010 Platinum Fleecer of the Month.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** here's the truth from the ultra-LIBERAL London Times which had been banging the drum for global warming for almost a dozen years . . . they ate crow and released the truth which no American mainstream media source has done (still protecting our president and Al Gore!) . . . . here's the London Times story:

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Fifteen Words Prove Obama's Marxist Creed
Socialism has often been nicknamed “misery loves company.” While several encyclopedic volumes could be written documenting Obama’s socialism . . . let’s prove it in three paragraphs. ABC , you probably remember had a great anchor named Charlie Gibson, a real “let’s get at the facts now” journalist. Charlie showed his mettle in a question for Barack Obama just ahead of the Pennsylvania Primary during a debate with Hillary Clinton.
1. Gibson pointed out that when it came to raising tax money for the federal government capital gains taxes just didn’t seem to work. Every time capital gains taxes DEcreased federal income rose. Every time capital gains taxes INcreased beyond 28%, the government take dropped dramatically. “Why raise these taxes on one hundred million people?” Obama showed his true colors in response.
2. “Charlie, what I’ve repeatedly said is that I’d raise the capital gains taxes for fairness.”
3. Fairness? Could that mean “social justice?” Making everybody equally bad off? Make sure you understand this: Obama wants to punish the rich. He literally hates them. The fact that this punishment would hurt the federal government by decreasing federal revenues and also punish the middle-class and poor (higher debt and deficits and National debt hurt everyone), does NOT matter. No one benefits, but he wants to put everyone in the same miserable boat. Why would any politician hurt the government and everybody in it deliberately? Certainly no statesman would act or talk that way. You find the optimum tax rate which encourages investment, fills the federal coffers and you keep it there. That frame of mind goes well beyond socialism to the Marxist upbringing he received; to the Marxist birth father** he worshipped in his first autobiography “Dreams from My Father” and to all the radical and Marxist people he’s brought with him into the White House.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Sean Hannity in his latest book asks how Obama can consider himself and his methods "fair" when "every fiber of his being exudes resentment toward the most productive and successful segments of society?" In the link above Obama's birth father Barak Hussein Obama (no 'c' in Barak) in an essay written when young Barack was four years old entitled "Problems with Our Socialism," talks about the benefits derived from 100% taxes among other things. He lets us know early in the piece that "scientific socialism" (communism, he reminds us) is what he's suggesting to cure the "problems" he sees with Kenya's socialism.
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Blagojevich Semi-Clean?
Rahm Emmanuel Totally Dirty?
“Slimy” may be the only way to put it. Who would have thought a year ago that you’d be hearing “disgraced” Illinois ex-Governor Rob Blagojevich saying, “When I’m governor again . . .” and “. . . Sam, when I’m vindicated, I’ll be back in politics again, I’ll be riding high . . . one honest person against a corrupt system . . .” Whoah! Are Rajjpuut’s ears deceiving him? Blago’s corruption trial starts next week. But Ol' Rajjpuut has a hunch that Barack Obama may soon find himself relieved to be discussing the Gulf Oil Leak rather than . . . other things like a disturbing pattern of illegal interferences and virtual bribes in the election process, you'll remember you heard that comment here first, won't you?
Pennsylvania Representative, Joe Sestak, you’ll remember, openly said he received an offer of a job-bribe to drop out of the senate primary race against a long-term senate veteran and sort-of Democratic incumbent Arlen Specter (a turncoat from the Republican Party) but refused the offer. Sestak was angry at the time, you’ll remember, but calm now. What started out as a carefully orchestrated press release by the White House dropped on the wires late in the afternoon of a Friday, before a major holiday now may well hold in it the seed of a major scandal right in the heart of the Obama administration. It appears to all be part of a network of Democratic corruption that sends chills up the spine.
Blagojevich, you’ll remember, sought to subpoena Barack Obama for his corruption trial. Blagojevich, you’ll remember, sought to have permission to use 100% of the phone taping by the FBI in his defense and implying that White House conversations are part of the package.
Obama, you’ll remember, was very clever about getting his 60th senate
seat back in the early days of his administration, by seeking to appoint two Republicans to jobs in his administration (he was only successful getting one to take him up on it). Rahm Emanuel, you’ll remember, is Obama’s hatchet man, notorious for assaulting congressmen in the shower while swearing like a marine gunnery sargeant. Emanuel was also associated with Bill Clinton's administration, you'll remember.
The White House and Harry Reid, you’ll also remember, were infamous for bribettes associated with votes on Obamacare to various senators such as Ben Nelson’s “Corn Husker Kickback,” the mysterious case of Medicare Advantage beneficiaries in Pennsylvania, Florida and New York all winning protection for beneficiaries for a program that is being cut elsewhere nationwide, Bernie Sanders’ $10 Billion “Sweetheart Funding” for health care centers, Ben Nelson and Carl Levin’s “Non-profit Insurance Exemption” for Nebraska and Michigan, Bernie Sanders’ and Patrick Leahy’s “Special Medicaid Fundings,” and Mary Landrieu’s unconsionable “Louisiana Purchase.”
In the so-called Sestak scandal, the Obama administration, you’ll remember, talked about PLURAL “discussions” (notice so far we have only one discussion REVEALED with Bill Clinton playing a role -- which now seem to be felony discussions akin to bribes) with ex-president Bill Clinton in one of these discussions conveying a message from Rahm Emanuel trying to get Pennsylvania Representative (and ex-admiral) Joe Sestak to drop out of the senate race against Arlen Specter -- a clear felony. Howsomever, the hits keep coming, it appears that here in Colorado where Rajjpuut lives, one Jim Messina, Obama’s deputy chief of staff under, who else, Rahm Emanuel initiated conversation with Andrew Romanoff (even before the Sestak attempt) offering him a bribe-job in the administration according to the Denver Post which referenced several high-ranking Colorado Democrats who asked for “anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.” Romanoff, like Sestak refused the request to drop-out of his senate primary race against (like Sestak) a Democratic incumbent. Unlike Sestak, Romanoff is refusing to discuss the matter with the press. The key ingredient in a whole lot of this including Blagojevich’s involvement? The U.S. senate where Barack Obama has been mighty concerned about getting or keeping or regaining his 60-vote filisbuster-proof senate majority.
Blagojevich, you’ll remember, was accused of trying to sell Barack Obama’s vacated seat . . . Blagojevich, you’ll remember, has intimated that he was pressured to give the seat to someone he didn’t want to, by the Obama administration. Blagojevich, you’ll remember has felt himself stonewalled out by the administration when seeking information and testimony from Obama and the White House, he says will help clear him. Blagojevich was even turned down by the U.S. Supreme Court this week when the White House let Justice Stevens know that they're opposed to allowing Blagojevich a delay for further evidence gathering. Blagojevich, you’ll remember, faces his corruption trial next week.
All this is quite problematical for Sestak and Romanoff. They’ve both run as anti-Washington type-fellows well above the cheap fray and all corruption possibilities. And now in both cases . . . Sestak with his “there was nothing wrong” comment and Romanoff by stonewalling . . . in both cases they appear to be showing themselves as “good team players.” Romanoff’s case is particularly curious as he not only refuses to answer questions about the offer, but he even refuses to refuse to answer. His aides are delegated to saying for him, “Andy doesn’t want to comment on that” ten times a day. Obama’s hardball down and dirty Chicago-Style operation is also in direct opposition to the squeaky clean transparency he promised – wow, imagine that: Obama told a lie? Don’t bet the questions will stop any time soon, you’ll lose your money.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Voter Ignorance Makes Obama's
Big-Guv Takeover Easier

Ignornace is NOT bliss. Something which used to surprise Rajjpuut, but which no longer does, and which goes on pretty much unchanged year after year is the ignorance of the American voter about the simplest matters involving political thinking. Roughly 45% of them do not truly understand, for example, the terms “left” and “right.” At least half cannot give a reasonable explanation of the terms “liberal” or “conservative.” And, most dangerously, at least 75% do not know what the term “progressive” ^^ means. Is it any wonder we, as a people, almost always elect the government and people that give us virtually the opposite of what we need and want? For that matter, with the exception of Ronald Reagan, we’ve elected either the most youthful and photogenic or the most well-known candidate (often both) in every election since 1952 which takes a lot of political savvy, eh?
If the reader were to visit the link above he would find a website proclaiming the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz.” Rajjpuut recommends every thinking American take and understand this little test and revisit it often putting the words and actions of our elected and would-be elected officials to the test. Running the quiz, the reader would then receive a score for the politician that would be graphed automatically upon a diamond-shaped chart. Then taking the test oneself, it would be duecedly easy to decide how much the candidate truly represents your own views and desires for the country . . . .
Looking at the chart of someone everyone knows, Sarah Palin, for example, we see that she scores a 10 on social issues and a 60 on economic issues according to the same chart transmigrated to the bottom of her own website’s first page (Rajjpuut recommends you visit the site):
It is the 10 score on social issues that makes Sarah Palin so very unpopular with all Progessive Democrats and feminists. It is that 10 and especially the 60 (low in Rajjpuut’s eyes) score she gets on economic issues that would have Rajjpuut thinking, “Is Sarah Palin really what we need?” Her scores reveal her to be far more statist (she labels it “populist” . . . but that’s NOT accurate), far-far more statist than Rajjpuut likes to see . . . in his not-so-humble opinion only action along the lines of Harding and Coolidge (cutting taxes and spending both by 50% in the first years of their combined administration) can begin to save us from our economic quagmire. Now Palin has talked a great game, but typically semi-statists such as her and statists likeJohn Mc Cain do NOT cut taxes and spending 50%.
Let’s look at someone else you know . . . Rajjpuut has declared himself a Libertarian on this blogsite and elsewhere in life. When he visits the website and takes the test . . . lo’ and behold, he scores a 70 on social issues and a 90 on economic issues: not a pure Libertarian but a slightly Conservative-Libertarian. Purity of view-point like that would probably make it very difficult for Rajjpuut to be elected dogcatcher. Let’s now look at a probable ranking for Ronald Reagan. If we score Reagan by his words and deeds as Rajjpuut just did, we’d find most likely a score of 50 on social issues and 100 on economic ones. Perhaps this is why Reagan helped create 21 million jobs during his two terms. The fact that Reagan scores a “knight’s jump on the chessboard” away from Rajjpuut’s own views explains the two men’s compatibility. Reagan’s scoring@@ rates right on the line between Libertarianism and Conservativism on personal issues and makes him ultra-Conservative on economic ones. Now looking at our present president, we get a huge surprise to many, but not to Rajjpuut . . . .
If we took to scoring Mr. Obama, using his words and actions as Rajjpuut interprets them we’d see a 10 on social/personal issues and a 20 on economic issues which would rank him as an ultra-Statist. Knowing his Marxist upbringing which the liberal media never vetted, Obama is precisely what should have been expected and virtually diametrically opposed to everything that Rajjpuut sees as good and honest and necessary.
For the liberals and other Democrats who mainly voted him into office, (themselves typically scoring about 30-60 on the chart) many did NOT get what they expected. And as Mr. Obama in a certain sense campaigned in a Ronald Reaganesque manner, the conservatives who wanted anything but a Republican, especially a progressive John Mc Cain, after G.W. Bush’s big-government moves, these conservatives, (themselves scoring typically 60-30 on the chart . . . ) 100% didn’t get what they wanted either. So that accounts for about 75% of the electorate voting for exactly the worst of two evils (Rajjpuut likes to call it “choosing between Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber” and it’s mostly what happens in November every four years). Ah, humanity!
So now that we’re all pretty well versed on political thinking, what about America’s present constitutional and economic crisis, eh?
At present it appears the Conservative force is attracting a huge national following in fiscal-matters owing to the nation’s runaway spending, deficits, monstrous UNFUNDED obligations (Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid with $109 TRillion) and national debt and the growing opposition to Progressive programs to expand government. The Progressives, of course, (having the votes in the House and Senate plus owning the Oval Office) are calling all or virtually all the shots in law-making and spending. The important law-making they control includes burdensome taxes; expAnsive new expEnsive programs that impinge upon individual freedom and the free markets and place the government into the dominant realm of our nation’s activities rather than in its naturally-expected realm of being subservient to the people’s wishes.
The feeling of the Conservative element is that the Progressives are running roughshod over the country and the Constitution. Where formerly there was a Moderate element, now tinges of Moderation are found in the tiny proportion of liberals who vote bi-partisan opposition to the President’s sweeping programs but no real moderation is found, mainly polarity. The Democratic Party under the gross and ill-advised Progressive leadership of Pelosi, Reid and Obama and their loyal followers has unquestionably moved the nation into deep socialist waters. The underpinnings of this socialism is a powerful forcible re-distribution of wealth: that is, THEFT.
The most basic principle of our American government is freedom. The American experience, the American constitution and the spirit of America are tied to freedom. That means the citizen is in charge of the government and not the other way around. Liberals and progressives tend to see the citizen as the always available FUNDING Source for the federal legislators. Pure progressives see the citizen as an obstruction, a bump in the road to their efforts to create (their version of) a perfect world. There are only 17 specific powers allotted to the federal government by the government and there are ten amendments (the Bill of Rights) limiting the power of the federal government over both the states and the individuals.
All too often lost in the nonsensical arguments raised by Progressives (those who see the Constitution as “flawed” and who say we “MUST PROGRESS BEYOND” the Constitution), is that there is a gross difference between rights and needs. We all have needs and it is our own responsibility as individuals to employ our rights and our self-will to take care of those needs. The “NANNY-STATE” advocated by Progressives sees an unending number of basic needs (they call them rights) which the Federal Government is OBLIGATED to fulfill . . . the cost of fulfilling this cradle-to-grave catalog of needs is the loss of our real rights and our real freedoms to the increasingly powerful all-controlling federal government.
Rights are not negotiable they come to us from God and not from the government; it is the responsibility of the government according to the Constitution’s Bill of Rights to protect these individual rights. They belong to the individual as an inheritance for being human. Rights are NOT needs, however. For example, there is no natural right to health care; no natural right to have the government bail you out if your business fails; no natural right to the resources of others just because you are needy. Taking resources such as money and labor or goods by legal force from the individuals and the individual states **is theft by the federal government. It is power from the barrel of a gun used to hold up some citizens for the benefit of others. The federal government has no right to deny freedoms to any group of people to advance the well-being or to benefit others. There is NO natural right to EQUALITY, except the equality of opportunity. The Federal Government has an obligation to defend the freedoms of each and every one of us and to protect us when our rights are violated but no right to force all of us into EQUALITY of means. Freedom means equality of opportuntiy to be free, it does not mean forced equality.
The most basic rights and freedoms protected by our Constitution against the infringement of the Federal Government are the freedoms guaranteed by the 10th Amendment, the last Amendment within the Bill of Rights and clearly the most important. The Obama administration has willfully stomped all over the 10th Amendment while stomping all over the American Dream on the one hand and willfully ignoring their obligations under the Constitution. In other words, they have done everything that they shouldn’t do, and very little (for example, protecting our borders) that they are required to do. In fact, according to a leaked document in the news today, they are plotting to within nine months make 13-20 million illegal aliens into citizens because they believe that they will receive 80-85% of those new citizens’ votes and will be permanently locked-into the halls of power. This cynical attempt at permanent power, they say, is based upon the fact that our Immigration laws are “broken.” Over 220 years our immigration and naturalization laws have faithfully served the nation. They cannot be changed willy-nilly to benefit one political party over another, they must be amended in the Constitution and only in that may they be changed. The cynicism and Marxist grab for power of Barack Obama constitutes the single most damming threat to our nation in its 221 year history.
That is the most important thing that voters need to understand about what Progressives want to steal from all of us: our American freedom and the Constitutional American traditions that have made this the greatest most powerful and most just nation on earth by eternally defending and renewing our freedoms to pull from each of us the intrinsic strengths that Americans has thrived upon for over two centuries.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^ Notice the value of the charting above: people can be conservative economically and liberal socially and vice versa (which they often are) . . . rather than the cookie-cutter liberal and conservative that the mainstream media seems to expect. But let’s make sure everyone understands these crucial terms . . . .
Liberals, as they are generally understood, advocate lots of freedom on social issues and oppose traditional restrictions there while believing that government ought to intervene early and often in economic matters and government restrictions there are exactly what’s best for the country.
Conservatives show great deference to the Constitution on economic matters but seem to like restrictions on personal behavior in line with traditional religious values. Hence the criticism that conservatives “want to be in everybody’s bedroom.”
The “left” refers to people who are liberal-oriented and score on the left side of the diamond. The “right” refers to people who are conservatively-oriented who scored on the right side of the diamond. The origin of the term is disputed some say it arose during the French Revolution and others refer to the British Parliament where, in either case, the distinctions were pretty much along class lines. In any case NOT understanding these terms puts one in the realm of politically-ultra-ignorant, not the place to be when electing presidents and congressmen.
Progressives are in favor of “progressing well beyond the constitution” (which they see as an outmoded and flawed document) toward really big ultra-controlling government. In Rajjpuut’s wide experience, ultra-progressives tend to be Marxists, but do everything imaginable to hide it. Barack Obama is a Marxist and an ultra-Progressive as are virtually all the Czars and many of the members of his cabinet and inner circle. They are seeking to progress well beyond the Constitution and create their version of a Marxist Utopia for us. The most well-known American progressive presidents and presidential candidates were Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Dewey, Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Al Gore, John Mc Cain and Barack Obama. Certainly Theodore Roosevelt and George H.W. Bush would qualify as “semi-progressives.” The only true conservatives in the oval office in the last ninety years were Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. Semi-conservatives were Harry Truman and John Kennedy. You’ll note that Rajjpuut’s monthly Truman-Reagan-Kennedy award honors the memories of two semi-conservatives and the only true conservative of the last 50 years.
** right now Obamacare will temporarily ease the Medicaid burden upon the individual states, however, that changes quickly and the increasing share of Medicaid forced upon the states by Federal Medicaid requirements commanded by federal law will in due course bankrupt each and every one of them.
@@ Some would complain, "21 million jobs, but he ran up some pretty big deficits, too." Remember the Democrats largely controlled both chambers of congress during the Reagan years so a lot of the laws they passed which Reagan didn't veto were compromises including tax-decrease measures Reagan wanted but spending progams that the Dems were after. Reagan unlike Harding, was never offered a chance to both cut spending and cut taxes so he only cut taxes . . . nevertheless, his legacy is enormous: the fall of monolithic communism; 21 million new jobs and worldwide respect for the country.
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Patriotism: a High-Demand Commitment
Part III: Understanding the Progressive Opposition We Face
Let us now talk about the "enemy." We are wise not to dare consider him the "loyal opposition" since he refuses to play by the rules of the Constitution, nor the rules of truth and normally understood fair play . . . and yet he holds us to those three high standards at all times (employing our "scripture" to do their hellish work) and has the mainstream media virtually 95% committed to advancing his lies. We must, under these circumstances, conduct ourselves in the most circumspect and non-violent manner, like the superior human beings knowing a superior and more ultimately compassionate truth that we are. Every day, that policy has won, the TEA Party, for example, greater and greater respect. But enough about us . . . . What do progressives believe? What do they feel they need to pass on to help us less-enlightened Americans to understand and embrace the beneficial changes they’re wisely bringing us? How do we conservatives refute all the specious progressive nonsense that’s continually thrust upon us and ballyhooed in the mainstream media? The progressive argument is found in normal print below. The Conservative rebuttal is written in italic print.
America through progressive eyes:
This is a very flawed land and jingoistic land where hypocrites abound. Our national vision is a gross lie seen through a distorted mirror called American History learned by rote triviality and blended into a “melting-pot” consciousness known as American “exceptionalism.” Justifying our founders as “God-led” patriots we dismiss with little thought their genocide of the native tribes inhabiting the lands when we first arrived; the enslavement of Black Africans whom we tore away from their native shores; the outright theft of 2/3 of what was once Mexico away from its people; and the use of concentration camps to control vast numbers of German- and Italian-Americans in World War I and Japanese-Americans in World War II. These sins are each of them so great they can never be expiated. Calling our most monumental lie “Manifest Destiny” a charade for some of the cruelest actions ever seen on earth, may not make us popular, but these truths can NOT go unsaid.
America, the Big-Picture truth:
America, like all nations, has had and still has its failings. Evil men and women have always existed even upon our own shores. Good men and good women also are prone to error. The mistakes of the past, however, are in the past and immutable. Choosing to use them as permanent stains upon the people of the present is utter nonsense and foolhardy propagandistic ranting, nothing more, nothing less. Clearly, the wide library of progressive lies about America, Americans and the “American Way” tell us way more about the kind of malcontented people that become progressives and raise their children that way than they do about America’s weaknesses. The utterly worst chapters of American History show a not very compassionate and often cruel or at least careless thoughtlessness toward other cultures. But cultural clashes are not unknown elsewhere and seldom have been moderated into absolutely benign cultural mergers anywhere. Looked at in that light, America comes out flawed but not evil. That is realism, plain and simple. Understand your mistakes, learn from them and avoid them in the future. Nihilistic progressivism would have all Americans forever guilty and apologizing for our very breath. Rajjpuut did NOT enslave anyone. Rajjpuut did NOT put anyone in a concentration camp. Rajjpuut has never killed anyone. Rajjpuut refuses to be held eternal prisoner to the sins of the past. Rajjpuut recommends all clear thinking Americans adopt a similar line of thinking, the past is uncontrollable . . . work now on improving those things we can control, period.
Be fair and accurate, Progressives! And notice, that the examples given in World War I and World War II were brought about by progressive presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delando Roosevelt. Be fair and accurate, Progressives! Why not compare us to what you are espousing: totalitarianism (all collectivism -- and progressivism is utterly collectivistic, regardless of how they attempt to sugar coat it -- is based upon the Utopian ideas of Engles and Marx and owe much of their strength to labor and environmental movements like the Luddites in Great Britain in opposition to the Industrial Revolution) . . . all this is another sort of Clashing of Cultures and the prime collectivist states Communist USSR, Communist China and Nazi Germany have seen to the murder of 94 million civilians in the name of their ideologies with the Nazis only responsible for 13 million civilian deaths. Compared to what progressivism espouses, America looks darn good. What’s going on upon these shores is pretty wonderful in its own way. There’s a reason that the French gave us the Statue of Liberty. There’s a reason that ours is the land that hundreds of millions of people have dreamed of and tens of millions of peoples have uprooted themselves to come here legally. There’s a reason that millions of people cross into our country illegally while Berlin Walls and Iron Curtains couldn’t stop people from escaping collectivistic states. America has been for roughly 200+ years, the land of opportunity. America has things in its past to be ashamed of, America need have NO SHAME for the present. America is in a certain sense perfect, in a greater sense: perfecting.
The Military through progressive eyes:
America is an imperialistic and violent nation (look at that “National Anthem”) interested in virtual-colonization of the Third World. Our military serves the evil purposes of enslavement and oppression of other cultures. There can be no “just” American war and no heroic American fighters because we come into battle with the malevolent thought that our might makes us right always. In league with big business, the military—industrial complex (M-IC) seeks to control the minds, bodies and votes of all Americans as well as much of the rest of the worlds’ peoples and resources. America hides behind its ruthless military strength to browbeat other cultures and nations and their leaders into compliance with America’s desires. We have no real friends in the rest of the world, only a few toady and sycophantic nations that align with us. The existence of the American military-industrial complex (M-IC) allows unenlightenend Americans to believe that they are the greatest, freest and most generous peoples the planet has ever known . . . enlightenment,however, tells us that Americans (until properly educated in progressivism) are narrow-minded slaves to the M-IC who are selfishly plundering the rest of the planet and endangering us all with environmental Armageddon.
The American Military, the Big-Picture Truth:
Here the progressives missed their best chance to embarrass and demean the American military and didn’t . . . so in the spirit of full and open truth-seekers, let us remind them of Custer’s two raids on defenseless Indian camps populated mostly with women and children before his own ultimate demise; plus the Sand Creek Massacre; plus Wounded Knee; plus the U.S. Army’s role in bringing about the horrific death march known as the “Trail of Tears.” Hell, let’s throw in Kent State while we’re at it and Hiroshima and Nagasaki – America’s the only nation ever to drop a nuclear bomb on another nation, after all.
Armies and Navies, etc. are designed to FORCIBLY bring one’s enemies into line while protecting one’s own nation and its interests. Abuse of military power is evil, clearly and undeniably evil. Clearly and undeniably, some unenlightened and abusive use of the nation’s military power has occurred and far too often. Not to mention the almost always inexcusable collateral damage and friendly fire incidents created by either incompetence, ignorance, or accident. The two A-bombs mentioned above, by the way, ended up saving presumably three to four million Japanese lives and ¾ of a million American lives not to mention the wounded on both sides and the virtual destruction of all of Japanese infrastructure and culture.
All the incidents mentioned in the penultimate paragraph are facts of history and cannot be undone, but only learned from. The progressives make a repeated and consistent logical error in always allowing themselves the right to learn from their more than abundant past mistakes, but branding America’s past errors as utterly damning, ubiquitous and eternal. The progressive would brand America and the American military for all our mistakes forever – the mote in our eye -- while forever refusing to acknowledge the far more monumental shortcomings of progressivism and the military abuses of collectivist states – the huge post** in their own eye -- such as the USSR and Red China annihilating the freedom-loving opposition in places like Hungary and Tibet, etc., etc. ad nauseum and stealing the freedoms of their own people by the full-pressed weight of their military might and their military-like police enforcement techniques and philosophy.
In fact, the American military has been largely a force for good in the late and 21st Centuries. It was the American military that brought the utterly cruel and despotic Japanese empire to its end. Ask the Chinese and the Koreans about that. It was the American military that played the primary role in wiping out Nazi Germany with American military supplies also bolstering the causes of Stalin and Churchill against Hitler's forces mightily. It was striving to keep up with the American military which brought about the bankruptcy and eventual PEACEFUL capitulation highlighted by the surprisingly quick fall of the Berlin Wall; collapse of the Warsaw Pact; and the dissolution of the USSR itself. When natural calamaties and crises fall upon innocent civilians, it is more often than not, the American military on the front lines delivering and providing aid and comfort to the stricken. On balance, the American military is more deserving of praise than censure and when you’re talking about virtually unlimited power being used with a respect and restraint that is truly a magnificent truth.
Next time Part IV: the Constitution through Progressive Eyes
Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
** For example, the progressives don't like to acknowledge that the lion's share of the present almost $14 TRillion national debt is of their making; that pay-go which they just passed is like "set-aside" which they always attached to their monumental public welfare schemes like social security, medicare and the federal side of medicaid and since passing pay-go earlier this year, they have refused to acknowledge and follow their own good law and find a way to pay for proposed new laws as pay-go requires. Most importantly, let us never talk about the fact that the three government interference set-aside boondoggles (also government spending boondoggles, thus GIBs and GSBs) named above are now obligated for $109 TRillion in required services . . . this is the progressive legacy which they totally ignore while piling scheme upon impossible scheme as if there will never be a day of fiscal-reckoning . . . in other words, progressivism is an enormous lie and a filthy ponzi scheme.
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After combining results from several polls, Rajjpuut found a curious and pessimistic picture for America’s and Obama’s future. Unless you’re a Black, Democratic-voting California woman, you might have felt severe doubt about the competence of the Obama administration sometime during this last month. Nationally, California is the only state still approving of President Obama’s job performance by double digits at +13% (55% YES 42% NO). Overall Obama’s national numbers reached their lowest ever two days before his recent press conference with only 24% of voters strongly approving of his performance and 42% strongly DISapproving; while 42% at least somewhat approved and 56% said they DISapproved at least somewhat. Except for Blacks, the political class (typically government-employed white-collar workers) regardless of color or gender are most likely to strongly approve of Obama’s work.
The gloomiest place to find oneself on the polling agenda was to be a White, Republican Male from Louisiana or other Gulf State. Men, overall are much less likely to approve of Obama’s job performance than women. Men were also much more consistent in their opinions. Only 16-17% of men strongly approve while between 37-42% of women disapprove depending on which survey and when it was given. Blacks, who once gave Obama 94% overall approval and 72% strong approval, now give the president 66% overall approval. Democrats now give the president 45%-52% approval in the various polls while Republican numbers are as low as 6% in some polls. 24%-26% of non-affiliated voters approve of the job the President’s done.
Pessimism shows up clearly when questions like Rasmussen Reports' “Will the United States be the most powerful nation on earth at the end of this century?” “Is the country safer now than it was before September 11, 2001?” and “Is the country going in the right or wrong direction?” are asked. Rasmussen (which only counts ‘likely voters’ rather than all adults) in its surveys has been the most consistently accurate in predicting precise percentage outcomes over the last three general election cycles. 42% of all likely voters say the U.S. will NOT be #1 at the century’s end while 32% say it will and 26% are not sure. Democrats are almost twice as likely to say the country will be #1 than Republicans are, but 52% of non-affiliated voters say we will not. African-American voters are the most optimistic of all; while younger voters are much more likely to be pessimistic than older ones are. 72% of the politcal class say “YES,” while 53% of the mainstream voters say “NO.”
Only 28% of all American voters believe the country is on the right track, but 60% of Black voters say it is. Just 24% of Whites and 21% of other ethnicities agree with them. The question is even more divisive politically than it is racially . . . 55% of Democrats say the country is heading in the right direction, but only 6% of Republicans and 20% of voters not affiliated with either party would agree. 39% of Democrats feel the country is heading down the wrong track. These findings have changed very little over several weeks of Rasmussen polling. One of the big contributors to this “wrong-direction” appraisal is Obamacare.
The current level of voters calling for “repeal of the health care plan” stands at its highest ever 63%. More and more people are blaming Obama for the present economic woes, 43% in the latest survey by Rasmussen . . . however, the Congress is far less loved than the president at only 24% approval. More people (41%) agree with the statement “A randomly selected sample of people from the phone book could do a better job than congress” than disagree. Only 27% believe “the legislators have any idea what they’re doing when it comes to the economy.” This last opinion despite the fact, or perhaps because of the fact, that they’re now putting the finishing touches on legislation giving vast government control over the U.S. financial industry and 60% control over the entire economy . . . .
Democrats are still way more likely to give Bush the blame for our current problems and Republicans slightly less likely to say Obama’s policies are the major factor doing us in now, but Rajjpuut found it very interesting that by a 48% to 38% margin, voters UNaffiliated with either major party blame the policies of Obama for the nation's continuing economic woes. Of course, 95% of the political class** point the finger at Bush, while 53% of Mainstream** voters think Obama's policies are the problem.
60% of voters trust their own judgment more than Obama’s when it comes to economic issues affecting the nation, while just 26% trust the president more. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided. The number of voters who trust their own judgment has remained fairly consistent since early June of last year. However, the number of voters who place more trust in Obama’s decision making is down six points from the end of last month and has reached its lowest level measured since early February 2009. 82% of GOP voters and 70% of Unaffiliateds trust their own economic judgment more than the president's. 50% of Democrats put more confidence in Obama.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The questions used to calculate the Political Class-Mainstream Index are:
A. Generally speaking, when it comes to important national issues, whose judgment do you trust more - the American people or America’s political leaders?
B. Some people believe that the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Has the federal government become a special interest group?
C. Do government and big business often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors?
Each response earns a plus 1 for the mainstream YES answer or a minus 1 for the political -class NO answer, and a 0 for not sure.
Respondents scoring 2 or higher are considered part of the Mainstream. Those who score a -2 or lower are considered to be aligned with the Political Class. Those who score +1 or -1 are considered “leaners” in one direction or the other.
In practical terms, if someone is classified with the Mainstream, they agree with the mainstream view on at least two of the three questions and don’t agree with the Political Class on any.
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$7 out of Every $12
Now Begins in Government Hands
Are you still denying reality? For those of you who doubt the word “socialism” has any meaning in America today, consider these four no-longer surprising facts:
  1. Slightly over 58% of all income in the country now comes from government sources at either the local, state or federal level.
  2. When the financial bill now in congress gets reconciled into law, almost 60% of the U.S. economy will be controlled by the federal government.
  3. Barack Obama and progressive Democrats are still pushing for Cap and Trade legislation (now called “America’s Power Act”) which would put us very close to a communistic-style near-total domination of the economy by the federal government.
  4. Obama and his Progressive Democrats are also seeking “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” which means that 13-20 million now illegal immigrants would become eligible for citizenship. Expecting that 75-80% of the newcomers would vote Democratic, the present government-domination of the economy would become locked-in, perhaps for all time.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

ps: Greece just got its socialist union-controlled society bailed out; Spain's had its bond-strength levels dropped twice just this month. Belgium, Ireland, Italy and Portugal are in big trouble. U.S. Taxpayers helped temporarily bail out Greece with $78 Billion and will soon be helping pull Spain out of the abyss (temporarily) via the International Monetary Fund (IMF) . . . all the while Obama is not only socializing the country more and more but accentuating globalization of all aspects of the United States with every breath he takes . . . enough to take the country's breath away, permanently.

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Barack Obama's Job-Killing
Western Land Grab Moves Forward
Perhaps, Ken Salazar should turn in his cowboy hat for a Simon Le Gree waxed moustache? Mr. Obama and Mr. Salazar, his Secretary of the Interior, are poised to steal usage of vast tracts of land (13 million acres?) from a dozen western states by placing huge amounts of acreage under stricter federal government control by naming them "national monuments." This dramatic job-killing Bureau of Land Management measure aimed at eliminating private grazing, private mineral development, etc. amounts to a horrific theft of resources and most importantly jobs and income for Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana and one of the grossest single violations of the Constitution’s 10th Amendment yet in a string of unending raids on states’ rights and individual rights raids since Obama became president.

The federal government has long forced an unwelcome “erotic relationship” upon the western states. While public land in some smaller eastern states might amount to a whopping 2% of total land area; and average about 7% in the lands just west of the Mississippi . . . a total of 28% of all the country’s land is owned by the federal government. Today several far western states find over 50% of the land inside their borders is owned and controlled by the feds. States have exercised some right to control usage and gained income, jobs and mineral resources as a right. The recent Obama-Salazar effort will amount to just one more sabotage of the 10th Amendment and betrayal of the individual western states in the name of Big Brother Obama’s Ever-Growing Bigger Government.

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,


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Five weeks in, Still No Federal Response
to Prevent or Lessen Oil-Spill Damage to Gulf Shoreline
It must be nice to have a free pass from the liberal-leaning media on everything up to and including shafting a Billy goat on prime-time television . . . but this time, Obama’s carte blanche may not be enough to save his presidency. Obama who earned the epithet “Dithering Barack” for his snail-like, half-hearted responses to requests for an Afghanistan troop surge . . . is up to slow-no-good again, this time on the domestic front in the face of a massive oil spill and a series of crippling tornadoes and ultra-destructive flooding in Tennessee and the Cumberland River Valley.
Item: unable to criticize the ghost of George W. Bush on the oil spill; tornadoes; and Tennessee flooding . . . Barack Obama who had been pouting and sucking his thumb for five weeks now . . . has today finally mobilized the Obama family dog to handle these matters. Relieved environmentalists have declared today’s response a “vast improvement over what we’ve seen these last 36 days.”
Item: 36 days into the tragic Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Barack Obama has shown himself to be a dithering incompetent. He still has NOT called the situation a national emergency and he still has NOT mobilized any federal response to prevent or ameliorate the ecological and economic damage to the Gulf states' coastlines. He has also pointedly NOT shared the truth about federal inspectors and federal agencies giving British Petroleum pass after pass on safety issues.
These same inspectors and agencies had actually been on the verge of awarding BP a top safety award three weeks ago. These same inspectors and agencies deliberately overlooked requiring that ten (10, count ‘em, oops you can’t) mandated fire booms be onsite at the BP disaster site nor at the even deeper, even more prolific Atlantis well (the deepest oil production platform in the world) much further offshore in the Gulf that is still operating unsafely and where it appears BP and the federal Minerals and Management Service again did shoddy work^^. Returning to the present crisis, to be precise, BP had zero, zilch, nada, NONE of the required ten fire booms onsite when the Deepwater Horizon explosion occurred.
The epitome of “maximum statesmanship” from the Obama administration is found in their constant use of the “blame game” and the “race card” in virtually every situation which arises. Perhaps now the mainstream media will stop treating the Obama adminstration as “God walking among us?" The totally unenlightened responses from Salazar, Napolitano and Obama are only 2/3 as shocking as the vile negligence of MMS. Only the U.S. Coast Guard and Louisiana Governor Jindal have shown the requisite calm, competence and clear-headed call for action . . . which of course, Salazar and Obama have ignored.
Item: A series of deadly tornadoes has struck Oklahoma and nearby states in the last two weeks. Obama has NOT mentioned them, nor prepared any federal responses.
Item: If a tree falls in a forest and kills thirty-one people and wipes out all power-sewer-fuel and transportation, destroys viturally all the homes and livelihoods of everybody in an area the size of Pennsylvania . . . but neither the president nor the national mainstream media mention it . . . did it actually happen? Many are wondering why perhaps the largest non-hurricane flood disaster in American history and the worst destruction to hit Tennessee since the Civil War has been essentially ignored by the national media.Nashville is just one small part of the wide-spread flooding that hit the east-central United States. The May 2010 Tennessee floods resulting from torrential rainfal on May 1st and 2nd this year have been labeled "1000-year floods" for Middle and West Tennessee, South Central and Western Kentucky and Northern Mississippi. Two-day rain totals in some areas were greater than 19 inches.
The Cumberland River crested at 51.86 feet in Nashville, so high that the flood control measures instituted by the U.S. Army Corps of engineers to counter future tragedies akin to a 1937 flood which devastated the area that year . . . were virtually worthless. All-time record crests were observed on the Cumberland River Floods from these rains affected the area for several days afterwards, resulting in a number of deaths and widespread property damage. All-time record crests in the affected areas resulted in at least five dozen reporting stations. Perhaps one day the President will comment on this and even, GASP! Respond?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^ It isn’t often that Rajjpuut finds the Huffington Post worth quoting:
but this link reveals a deplorable situation. If the Atlantis platform were to suffer a similar fate, the damage from the Deepwater Horizon (already the worst oil spill in America’s history) would be like popping a zit compared to a pressurized and uncontrolled fire hose.
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Obama's ICE Head Considers Refusing to Deport Arizona Illegals

Arizona is hoping mightily that the boycott against their state catches on quickly, yes, you read that right. The thinking in Phoenix is that once the law actually takes effect, illegal aliens will join the boycott against their state and go elsewhere taking their drugs and violence with them and the state will profit mightily budgetwise, not to mention safetywise. That’s one reason that 57% of Americans now say they wish their state had an immigration law such as Arizona created and that 83% of Americans “say” they want the federal government holding up its end on enforcing the nation’s borders. Recently, a top Obama immigration official implied that ICE (the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency) might choose “not to deport any Arizona-arrested illegals,” doesn’t that just warm the cockles of your heart with love for our president and his administration?
John Morton, ICE head, recently said his agency will NOT process all illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona police officers. He also said, "I don't think the Arizona law or laws like it are the solution." Sounds like someone's kissing Barack's butt cheeks, eh?
"Putting caps on which criminals we'll take… I think that's a clear conflict," says Mark Spencer with the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association. "You have a bad criminal and a good criminal, you have a bad child molester and a good child molester, you have a bad illegal alien, a good illegal alien, good drug dealer, bad drug dealer… that's absurd." If ICE won't process a suspected illegal immigrant, the sheriff says they can be booked on a misdemeanor crime established by SB 1070 and suggests he might have to establish “tent-cities” for the overflow until deportation can occur. Wow, talk about your strong incentives for illegals to boycott Arizona . . . 112 degreees in the shade can get mighty unattractive, Rajjpuut says.
The official Obama number is 13-14 million illegal aliens now living in the United States. The real number is closer to 20-25 million according to estimates by conservative sources. Barack Obama is seeking via yet another “reform”^^ to make all those illegals over the age of 14 (an estimated 83% of them) into citizens. If, as suspected 80% of those 83% would cast votes for Democrats, he will have presumably locked in his party as the controlling entity in this country for the next 100 years since the single highest birth rate among the populace is within the Hispanic community. But the problem isn’t all away off in the possible future . . . Felipe Calderone and Barack Obama are conveniently overlooking the fact that thanks to the Federal Reserve Bans and the financial industry, Illegal Mexicans (that is just those illegals from Mexico, not including all those from Guatemala, Honduras and the rest of Central America) transfer roughly $22 Billion into the Mexican economy while also using up $284 Billion in American welfare programs and other “freebies.”
The so-called “remittance program” called Directo a Mexico overseen by the federal reserve banks is the culprit here. This program is so lax that Mexican drug lords use them to safely transfer money back to their homeland rather than risk carrying large amounts of cash southward. This mooching is only part of the problem. Mexican criminals importing their drugs and violence also add another $85 Billion in drain on our economy’s law enforcement. Obama and his Democrats applauded Calderone as he criticized the sovereign state of Arizona . . .
Rajjpuut says, deport tha A-hole Calderone along with those 20 million other leeches and the Federal Reserve and Obama and all others who are abetting all the illegality on our borders. Would you be surprised to know that federal reserve bankers inform illegal aliens that their savings are safe no matter what . . . if they get thrown in jail, if they get deported, if they lose their account number, no matter . . . the money gets to Mexico. And the drug cartels? There couldn’t be a more friendly money-laundering agency than your local federal reserve bank.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
^^ You didn’t realize that “reform” meant “obnoxious, expensive and unwanted CHANGE,” now did you? Yeah, Rajjpuut neither. Bet you always thought “reform” meant “improvement.”
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Note: this is an update to a blog written 36 hours earlier with the latest Obama approval #s added in:

Rasmussen Polls Highlight Big Opposition
to Obama Agenda on Several Fronts
If socialism and big government are the desired ends, Americans are not buying it according to the Rasmussen Reports polling service.
Item: The public appreciation of this president has plummeted recently. His latest approval sank to its lowest level (-20) today, Tuesday May 25, 2010, when the highly accurate Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows President Obama’s favorability rating stands at -20 with only 24% of voters highly approving of the job he’s doing and 44% highly disapproving. Overall 42% at least somewhat approve of the President’s work while 56% disapprove. The negative fourteen (-14) point overall differential and the 42% overall approval numbers are both record lows for Obama on Rasmussen's daily tracking.
Item: 68% of Americans are against boycotts of Arizona over their new Immigration law. While Obama and the federal government are permitted 17 specific powers, 55% of voters would like a law like Arizona’s in their own state because they don’t believe the federal government is protecting our borders.
Item: when it comes to terrorism, 52% of voters say we are NOT safer today than we were on September 10, 2001 just before the 9/11 attacks.
As the rest of the poll data shows, it seems that in the voters’ eyes Mr. Obama is NOT doing what the federal government is supposed to do and doing everything else instead. It also appears that Americans do NOT want to be ruled from the left . . . or the right or the center, but want to rule themselves:
Item: 72% do not believe Congress knows what it’s doing when it comes to the economy. Along those lines, 41% expressed agreement with the statement that "a group of people randomly selected from the phone book would do a better job than Congress."
Item: It appears Nancy Pelosi was wrong when she said, “We’ll just have to pass it so people can see what’s in it (and you’ll love it)” in reference to the Obamacare health measures. 63% of American voters now favor repealing the bill. As a move toward socialism, roughly 390 separate government agencies are created by Obamacare – just one law. In contrast only 40 separate federal agencies were created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in just over twelve years in office. Obama has been in office fifteen months.
Item: 65% of all Americans and a surprising 51% of Democrats now espouse “mainstream”^^ views up from 62% in March and 55% in September. Only 4% now support the “political class” (those numbers are staying steady at the lowest such reading in Rasmussen polling history). When “leaners” are included 81% align with the mainstream and 12% trend toward the political class.
Item: 67% of mainstream America consider Obamacare “bad for America” while 77% of the political class believe Obamacare is “good for America.”
Item: 76% of Americans say they trust the voters more than they do the politicians and 71% see the federal government as a”special interest group” looking out mainly for its own welfare. 70% believe that the government and big business generally work together for their own benefit against the interests of the people.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^The three questions used to calculate the Political Class Index are:
-- Generally speaking, when it comes to important national issues, whose judgment do you trust more - the American people or America’s political leaders?
-- Some people believe that the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Has the federal government become a special interest group?
-- Do government and big business often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors?
To create the "Mainstream-Political Class scale, each response earns a plus 1 for the mainstream answer, a minus 1 for the political class answer, and a 0 for not sure.
Those who score 2 or higher are considered part of the Mainstream. Those who score -2 or lower are considered to be aligned with the Political Class. Those who score +1 or -1 are considered leaners in one direction or the other.
In practical terms, if someone is classified with the Mainstream, they agree with the mainstream view on at least two of the three questions and don’t agree with the Political Class on any.
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Rajjpuut Prediction Comes True:

Toyota Recalls Again Hit Lexus

For those of you looking to best understand the world of business and management across all human endeavor in and outside of business, government, education, etc., Rajjpuut highly recommends the book “The Rational Manager” (or its update “The New Rational Manager) by Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. A month ago when he predicted that Toyota’s new campaign to win people’s trust back would fail and that its random acceleration and steering problems were NOT actually fixed, Rajjpuut based his thinking on Kepner-Tregoe management principles and techniques. Lo’ and behold, now we find that Toyota problems have continued after all.

Today, Monday, May 24, 2010, Toyota executives announced the recall of 3,800 Lexus LS Sedans in order to fix a problem with the electronic (i.e. computerized) steering system. This recall comes on the heels of a 4,500 car recall in Japan last week for the same steering problems. According to Toyota sources, the Lexus steering wheel can become “off-centered” after “a specific driving maneuver” but not during “usual driving.” The Lexus steering wheel, controlled by a computer will purportedly be a quick and free fix. Again, just as in the computerized braking system failure, Toyota is NOT revealing exactly what’s gone wrong and exactly how it’ll be fixed. Based upon Rajjpuut’s understanding of K-T management systems, he won’t be buying any Toyota’s in the near future.

The Kepner-Tregoe system provides an overview of the management process as “situation analysis.” Once the situation is analyzed as either a problem to be solved; a decision that needs to be made; or an ongoing program or direction that needs to be safe-guarded from failure (PA, DA, PPA in K-T lingo), the manager uses specific K-T processes to answer the demands created by the situation. What struck Rajjpuut about the Lexus situation is

A. Another system controlled by computers is now malfunctioning for Toyota

B. Toyota never has precisely defined the original problem with its braking system and never said precisely how that problem was being repaired.

C. Toyota repeatedly has claimed the brake system snafu is a “mechanical problem” but has repeatedly shown itself unable to precisely explain what that problem is

D. Congressional hearings with Toyota were most unhelpful, apparently the congressmen have no idea of how best to efficiently question a manufacturing firm about problems with manufacturing processes or results.

E. Toyota has obstinately refused to allow for the possibility that something related to the computer or spurious signals “could NOT” be causing the problems.

So Rajjpuut’s newest prediction: the current braking and steering problems will continue to haunt Toyota. Do NOT expect Toyota’s to re-emerge as a trusted and safe and desirable part of the new car picture until: they can name and can demonstrate before an impartial reviewer the precise problem with their electronic braking; and electronic steering . . . which means Toyota can create the problem on demand and demonstrate the cause; and they then produce a “fix” that refutes the problem situation which also can be demonstrated. Until such a time arrives, all Toyota advertising and promising has to be considered nothing more than wishful thinking. Stay safe!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Rasmussen Polls Highlight Big Opposition
to Obama Socialist Agenda

If socialism and big government are the desired ends, Americans are not buying it according to the highly accurate Rasmussen Reports polling service.

Item: 68% of Americans are against boycotts of Arizona over their new Immigration law. While Obama and the federal government are permitted 17 specific powers, 55% of voters would like a law like Arizona’s in their own state because they don’t believe the federal government is protecting our borders.

Item: when it comes to terrorism, 52% of voters say we are NOT safer today than we were on September 10, 2001 just before the 9/11 attacks.

As the rest of the poll data shows, it seems that in the voters’ eyes Mr. Obama is NOT doing what the federal government is supposed to do and doing everything else instead. It also appears that Americans do NOT want to be ruled from the left . . . or the right or the center, but want to rule themselves:

Item: 72% do not believe Congress knows what it’s doing when it comes to the economy. Along those lines, 41% expressed the opinion that a group of people randomly selected from the phone book would do a better job than Congress.

Item: Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows President Obama’s favorability rating stands at -18 with only 25% of voters highly approving of the job he’s doing and 43% highly disapproving. Overall 44% at least somewhat approve of the President’s work while 55% disapprove.

Item: It appears Nancy Pelosi was wrong when she said, “We’ll just have to pass it so people can see what’s in it (and you’ll love it)” in reference to the Obamacare health measures. 63% of American voters now favor repealing the bill. As a move toward socialism, roughly 390 separate government agencies are created by Obamacare – just one law. In contrast only 40 separate federal agencies were created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in just over twelve years in office. Obama has been in office fifteen months.

Item: 65% of all Americans and a surprising 51% of Democrats now espouse “mainstream”^^ views up from 62% in March and 55% in September. Only 4% now support the “political class” (those numbers are staying steady at the lowest such reading in Rasmussen polling history). When “leaners” are included 81% align with the mainstream and 12% trend toward the political class.

Item: 67% of mainstream America consider Obamacare “bad for America” while 77% of the political class believe Obamacare is “good for America.”

Item: 76% of Americans say they trust the voters more than they do the politicians and 71% see the federal government as a”special interest group” looking out mainly for its own welfare. 70% believe that the government and big business generally work together for their own benefit against the interests of the people.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^The three questions used to calculate the Political Class Index are:

-- Generally speaking, when it comes to important national issues, whose judgment do you trust more - the American people or America’s political leaders?

-- Some people believe that the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Has the federal government become a special interest group?

-- Do government and big business often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors?

To create a scale, each response earns a plus 1 for the populist answer, a minus 1 for the political class answer, and a 0 for not sure.

Those who score 2 or higher are considered a populist or part of the Mainstream. Those who score -2 or lower are considered to be aligned with the Political Class. Those who score +1 or -1 are considered leaners in one direction or the other.

In practical terms, if someone is classified with the Mainstream, they agree with the mainstream view on at least two of the three questions and don’t agree with the Political Class on any.

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Patriotism: a High-Demand Commitment

Part II: Guaranteeing Our Freedoms

Audacity of Presidential Power-Grabbing

Abhorent to Nation’s Founders

In the first installment of this series on constitutional-conservativism
(,_mainstream_media_label_tea_party_insurgents.thtml) we looked at freedom, per se. Rajjpuut continues with a close look at personal and state freedoms as discussed in the all-important 10th Amendment, sometimes known as the “Federalism Amendment.”

Barack Obama is the national nightmare that some supporters of the Articles of Confederation and other anti-constitutionalists back at the nation’s founding strenuously condemned. Seemingly ignoring all seventeen of the allotted powers (enforcing our borders; standing up to our nation’s traditional enemies; obeying the uniform laws of bankrupties; and keeping treaties with our friends are all powers which Barack Obama has not chosen to exercise according to the folks in Arizona; South Korea; certified creditors of GM in Indiana; and allies in Poland to name just a few instances), Obama has made himself a picnic in abusing the constitution by advancing powers NOT granted by the Constitution. Many thought that Franklin Delano Roosevelt grossly overstepped the bounds of federalism with the 40 new agencies his administrations created. Barack Obama created almost 390 new agencies just in one law: Obamacare.

The powers of the federal government are listed in Article I, Section 8. They are available for anyone to read and simple to understand. More importantly, these powers

A. follow a simple, predictable pattern and

B. Much discussion was also made of which powers the federal government definitely did not have and should not have.

In its obvious general outline of powers for the federal government which amount to the 17 specific powers allowed, the Constitution provides for a government which protects the nation’s borders and defends against foreign invasion by maintaining an efficient army and navy; deals with custom and tariff matters; conducts foreign relations including war and treaties; settles disputes among the states and facilitates trade and intercourse among the American people and states and with the peoples and states within sovereign foreign nations.

Before looking at the powers the founding fathers refused to grant to the federal government, it’s crucial to understand that in a federal system such as ours the efforts over the entire two hundred plus years of the nation’s existence to turn the states into “departments or extensions” within the federal government . . . that is, into mere “administrative units” of the national govermnet is the greatest single threat to our nation’s survival as the founders foresaw and planned for it. Recent “States Rights” discussions (that is, up until the contemporary furor in Arizona over that state’s immigration laws and the 21 State “rebellion” against Obamacare directiives for the states that would literally bankrupt every state both calling for a new appreciation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution) arguments were as insipid as the notion that people wishing upon stars might somehow influence the cosmos to somehow influence our fates. Lyndon Johnson’s expansion of the “Welfare State” is the prime example of this insidious trend both in Welfare itself and in Medicaid especially . . . the states were turned into administrative arms of the federal government’s policies. Nixon’s policies of “federalistically” turning over large grants of federal monies to the states has undoubted great practical value, but only confuses the issue . . . why is that money in the federal hands in the first place?

Federalism, and specifically the 10th Amendment, is the single greatest system ever devised for the protection of individual and state liberties and for providing counter-balance to over-reaching by the federal entities. Powerful centralized government is the threat to our listed freedoms and to freedom of action. That is, because we don’t have LISTED LIBERTIES for the individual or the states . . . but they are free to do whatever is not listed as criminal . . . we have true liberty. Confusion about the limits of federal government must be cleared up and must be always aligned with the intents of the founding fathers if this blessed state of liberty is to prevail. All powers NOT listed in the Constitution are specifically reserved for the states and individual citizens.

And just how far has the nation strayed from this wise path? Virtually no one today understands the breadth of discussion, consideration and debate that ensued once it was popularly agreed that the Articles of Confederation were too weak. During the argument going on over possible adoption of the Constitution, the Constitution’s advocates also enumerated powers the federal government absolutely would not have. The Bill of Rights was, one answer to critics. The most Republican document in the world still stands us in good stead 223 years after its creation. But the biggest protection, the thing that satisfied virtually all the Constitution’s detractors was the addition to the Bill of Rights of the last of the original Amendments: the 10th Amendment. The federal government would NOT be granted the potential for unlimited power but severely limited in power and abuse potential and all powers NOT specifically enumerated for the federal government would be reserved to the individual states and to individual citizens.

In addition, moreover, the Constitution’s proponents publicly told the people some of the important subjects which fell within the states’ exclusive jurisdiction - and outside the federal government’s control in a variety of speeches, newspaper articles, letters, and pamphlets. Chief among these proponents were, of course Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. Other names of note include:

James Wilson (convention delegate and chief proponent in Pennsylvania), Edmund Pendleton (chancellor of Virginia and chairman of his state’s ratifying convention), James Iredell (North Carolina judge, pro-Constitution floor leader at his state’s ratifying convention and later U.S. Supreme Court Justice), Maryland Congressman Alexander Contee Hanson, Nathaniel Peaslee Sargeant (a Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court), Alexander White (Virginia lawyer, ratifier, and later U.S. Senator), prominent businessman Tench Coxel and John Marshall (ratifier and later U.S. Chief Justice).

Here are some of the powers they solemnly promised would be outside the federal sphere:

  • governance of religion
  • training the militia and appointing militia officers
  • control over local government
  • most crimes
  • state justice systems
  • family affairs
  • real property titles and conveyances
  • wills and inheritance
  • the promotion of useful arts in ways other than granting patents and copyrights
  • control of personal property outside of commerce
  • governance of the law of torts and contracts, except in suits between citizens of different states
  • education
  • services for the poor and unfortunate
  • licensing of taverns
  • roads other than post roads
  • ferries and bridges
  • regulation of fisheries, farms, and other business enterprises.

The vast majority of these areas have been encroached upon by the federal government already. For example, the national endowment for the arts and other such organization is not a federal matter; involvement in the welfare state is forbidden; as is educational involvement; interstate highways; income taxes; inheritance taxes; family affairs; the national guard as we know it; control of personal property; and a hundred other areas where the federal government has crossed the line drawn by the 10th Amendment.

Right now our National Debt is approaching $14 TRillion; more shockingly our national obligation for Government Spending Boondoggles and Government Interference Boondoggles (GSBs and GIBs such as Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid) has reached $109 TRillion . . . all this problem debt was created in areas where the Constitution forbid the federal government to tread. The lifeblood of the nation has been poisoned by this wanton and total ignorance and denial of the 10th Amendment. Most Americans not only don’t understand the provisions of the 10th Amendment, but because of the welfare state and the gross entitlement sentiment many citizens would also feel threatened by the loss of federal government involvement. The problems are exacerbated when its realized that these programs were all created as set asides and that congress never obeyed its own laws and set the money aside for these programs. Here, then lies the root cause of our present fiscal unaccountability and the potential for danger from the Obama administration’s headlong power grab . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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61% NOW Say “Government, STAY OUT!" of Housing Markets
The latest Rasmussen Reports poll says it all . . . ultimately, that infamous creature H.L. Mencken called “Boobus Americanus” gets exactly the sort of government it deserves. Clearly, the great unwashed masses called for and deserved Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and all the progressive Republicans and Democrats now poisoning our system and they got ‘em. When it comes to politics and government, ignorance is NOT bliss and for far too long the Boobus Americanus has willfully remained glued to their sitcoms and IRreality shows and ignorant of economics, politics, the Constitution and political history.
According to the latest Rasmussen poll, 61% of Americans say it is better for the economy when the government stays out of the housing market. That’s an eight-point jump since September and only 21% believe the economy is helped by the government using taxpayer money to subsidize new home buying as is currently the case through government programs begun last year. Much more importantly, 95% of Americans do NOT realize that the government has been guaranteeing mortgages to Americans who can NOT afford them for thirty-three years now – that is the government has been forcing banks and lending institutions to knowingly make bad loans since the passage of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77) under Jimmy Carter. The latest programs from Obama are scheduled to end over the next six months during the first fourteen months under Obama, these programs have made the housing market even worse then they were and currently foreclosures are higher than they ever have been.
Look at those statistics: 61% believe it’s best when government stays out of the housing market altogether. 21% think the government helps the housing market and 17% don’t know what effect government interference boondoggles (GIBs) like mortgage guarantees bring. Only abject ignorance can account for these statistics. In September, only 53% doubted GIBs make the housing market stronger. Americans willfully stay ignorant and then they’re shocked, absolutely shocked when things go wrong: that’s the sad history of Boobus Americanus.
A year ago President Obama announced a national mortgage assistance plan and Americans did NOT jump up in arms knowing that four different mortgage guarantee programs by the government, or more correctly by progressives in the government (those who believe we must “progress” beyond the Constitution) were the driving forces of the sub-prime lending crisis that brought us to our knees. Americans continue to show little short- or long-term confidence in the housing market, and belief that the family home is a wise investment has fallen to its lowest point ever in our history. 64% of adults say it is at least somewhat likely that government intervention in the housing market has made it possible for people to buy homes that they can’t afford. That figure includes 32% who say it is very likely (the only intelligent people in the survey?) while the most foolish 28% believe it is not very or not at all likely that the government programs encouraged people to buy “too much house.” What rock have they been living under for the last 33 years?
The New York Times in April said “the Obama administration’s $75 billion program to protect homeowners from foreclosure has been widely pronounced a disappointment, and some economists and real estate experts now contend it has done more harm than good (DO YOU THINK?). … Treasury officials appear to have concluded that growing numbers of delinquent borrowers simply lack enough income to afford their homes and must be eased out.”
The New York Times has been backing progressive causes and progressive politicians since John the Baptist first took swimming lessons and only now do they tell us that government interference in housing is a bad idea? What, pray, NYT do you think about government interference in every other non-government sphere of our lives?
Let’s first look at the sad and deplorable history of this GIB (government interference boondoggle) called ‘mortgage guaranteeing.’ Since World War II the United States’ already high rate of home ownership tends to vary from 61-65% depending upon the economy, the highest in the world. The CRA ’77 under Jimmy Carter, forced banks to make bad loans in the inner cities to potential buyers they would have rejected in a heartbeat for earnings or credit history. In ’92 Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae, the two semi-federal mortgage companies were forced under the CRA program to help guarantee such mortgages, Bush #1 was not crazy about the idea but an election was coming up and he would NOT veto.
Under Clinton, in ’95 and again in ’98 forced loan expansion continued within CRA continued. The ’98 expansion put the whole system on steroids and with the help of ACORN put us into our present debacle. ACORN with lawyers like Barack Obama (he worked for them in ’94- 96 at least) shaking down banks and other lenders forced terribly ill-advised loans to people with no rental home address; no ID; no job; horrific credit ratings; and even to tens of thousands of illegal aliens. Americans have shown no interest in this problem . . . and the mainstream media has only been too glad to keep them in ignorance about this monstrous progressive gutting of our financial stability. Let’s look at reality a bit more closely.
Since the USA had the world’s highest rate of home ownership (typically 64%) then the free market system must NOT have been broken. Congress’s “repair of the free market system was a huge attack on the landlord class. That is, an attack on the self-made man or woman . . . those most exemplifying the American Dream. Most Americans are too busy keeping up with the Joneses these days to truly understand the American Dream.
Most Americans foolishly believe that millionaires got their money from mummy and daddy and live flashy lives with mansions, glitzy cars and a jet-set lifestyle. This may be true for some Americans but it is NOT the way millionaires are made and it’s definitely untrue of most millionaires. The typical self-made millionaire family consists of two married teachers or a teacher married to someone with a profession. They are frugal and keep their debts ultra-low. They might try a bit of investing in the stock market, but most typically they buy a bit of rental property (houses, condos, townhouses and apartment buildings) and become landlords and landladies. These are the people that CRA ’77 and its expansions targeted: the very best in America. Almost surprisingly they wind up with assets of two or three million dollars . . . and what exactly is their crime? They provide low-income workers and transient workers (some of whom are not low income) with affordable housing. For this service they are vilified by the progressives who pass laws to make their financial existence perilous.
Back to Rasmussen’s polling: 67% of Americans believe if someone cannot afford to make increased mortgage payments, it is better for them to sell their home and find a less expensive one, a 10-point increase from December 2007. Just 23% now say it’s better for the government to assist them in making their payments. In December 2007, 54% placed the blame for the mortgage crisis on “individuals who borrowed more than they could afford” -- while this is true, in their ignorance Americans put no blame on ACORN; no blame on progressive politicians who passed four ever-increasing GIBs; no blame on shake-down artist lawyers like Barack Obama; no blame for the mainstream media that conveniently never chose to cover this story; and, most importantly of course, no blame for themselves for NOT staying informed and for NOT voting against progressive policies and politicians while always looking eagerly for the next free lunch (GIB or GSB**) from them. In other words Americans either still remain ignorant of the truth or they are willfully denying our reality and their role in creating it.
And one last bit of statistics from the Rasmussen Reports story: Four percent (4%) say they or someone in their family received government help in the past year to buy a home or meet mortgage payments. Ninety-three percent (93%) say they did not. Six percent (6%) of Democrats and five percent (5%) of voters not affiliated with either major party say they or someone in their family benefited from government housing help in the past year, compared to one percent (1%) of Republicans (you know them, the self-made millionaires). Rajjpuut would add that the single best way to help the poor is to ensure that you never become one of them and end up competing for their resources. The second best way to help the poor is to step out of the free market’s way (by cutting taxes Ronald Reagan created 21 million jobs in his eight years in office). The third best way is to cut government spending.
Here's something else most Americans don't know . . . . Our progressive president Woodrow Wilson left us with a depression as great as the one inherited by the much-ballyhood progressive Democrat FDR who inherited a mess from Progressive Republican president Herbert Hoover . . . but no one ever heard of that depression. Why?
President Warren G. Harding and his Vice-President Calvin Coolidge (after Harding died in office) cut BOTH taxes and spending by roughly 50% and the problem cleared up by mid 1922. within 19 months of them taking office. In contrast, Roosevelt who ran under pledges to act like Harding and Coolidge and cut both taxes and government spending acted instead like Barack Obama and proved himself a liar when he made those pledges, thus extending the Depression to almost a dozen years until the war bailed him out. Not to mention FDR’s stealing American’s gold by forced confiscation at $20.76 an ounce and than inflating the American currency to $35 an ounce . . . an almost 70% overnight inflation. Europe and the rest of the world had a Depression, American suffered a “Great Depression” thanks to Roosevelt’s GIBs and GSBs. Think about this Roosevelt created 40 brand new federal agencies with 40 new laws. BHO with his Obamacare – one law – created almost 390 new agencies. Enjoy your free lunch, Americans!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Government Spending Boondoggles (GSBs) and Government Interference Boondoggles (GIBs) UNIFORMLY hurt the economy and the taxpayer but they are UNIFORMLY popular because no one has read or understood these simple, brief truths:
and, of course, the man who wrote “Dreams FROM My Father,” Barack Obama did not mention that his birth father’s dream included 100% taxation . . . and the media never investigated and/or told us either:
and you’ll note that like the NY Times above is a very liberal and even progressive source . . . so perhaps there's hope for America.
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Tea Party Loses Way, Forgets King-making
Embraces Third-Party Status??
It’s beginning to look like many in the TEA Party have decided that acting in “its” perceived best interest and not in the nation’s best interest is the way to go . . . ho hum, ho hum just another political party that doesn’t understand the difference between winning and vainglory. Truly a sad state of affairs given the TEA (Taxed enough already) Party’s tremendous initial integrity and promise. Rajjpuut believes that thanks to the inclusion of the TEA Party in the affairs of the nation this November, the chances of the Democrats to maintain, or even advance their majorities in the House and Senate have dramatically increased. That is, the once great hope for America, for winning back the country, is proving to be just another short-sighted third party effort.
TEA Party candidates running in primaries, trying to get elected? Sounds like an enormous waste of time and money. Sounds like a sure way to become part of the corrupt system rather than to actually reform it. Rajjpuut would point all TEA Party folks toward the thoughtful example of Puerto Rico and Puerto Rican statehood . . . no, no, we're NOT talking about Obama . . . .
The ultra-cynical Barack Obama would like to make Puerto Rico into the 51st State. If he succeeds, he will actually have created real jobs for flagmakers, wow, the very first success of his misguided regime. Mr. Obama, however, is clearly NOT thinking about jobs for flagmakers or for anyone else. He has embarked on a desperate gamble. He needs to add about fifteen million Hispanics to the voting rolls, keep them in a riled up “revolutionary fever-pitch” and use their votes (expecting to win a split of about 80-20 or 85-15 for the Democrats at the ballot boxes) to dominate the elections of 2012 and 2014 and enshrine the progressive-wing of the Democratic Party as the permanent holder of the White House and both chambers of Congress. If you thought he’d brought us hell on earth in 2009 and 2010 . . . consider the specter of “President-for-life” Barack Obama – doesn’t that just thrill you?
Mr. Obama, passing his desired Immigration “Reform” bill into law and once he becomes “el dictador” (the dictator) here could than impose statehood on Puerto Rico from outside if he chooses to, but that’s the only way Puerto Rico would be dragged into the USA. You see, Mr. Obama doesn’t understand PR politics and the model of PR politics is also the model the TEA Party leadership does NOT understand either. The survival of the TEA Party and the utter defeat of the Obama regime depends upon the TEA Party wising up . . . QUICKLY and adopting the PR model. Let Ol’ Rajjpuut make this perfectly clear in case you're not aware of what goes in Puerto Rico . . . .
The single-most burning issue in PR politics for the last sixty years has been American Statehood. Like Hamlet’s vacillation, it’s a major question of “To be or not to be . . . .” In 1952, the Puerto Rican people made a huge deal of demanding (and getting) PR recognized legally with commonwealth status (in Spanish “un estado libre associado” or 'a free but associated state'). Puerto Rico is by law thus a free territory associated with the United States. This single issue has so dominated political thinking for the last six decades that three separate political parties arguing this issue more than any other, have risen up to dominate PR politics. These three sides have been arguing this issue and controlling the country until recently when another seemingly-intelligent fourth side has emerged. We’ll ignore the arising fourth party, its influence is not yet clear, except to say they have chosen perhaps the wisest ground of all, they refuse to get involved in statehood at all which could prove to be a very popular stand and devote themselves to more mundane matters in island life . . . oh, by the way, to be fully accurate there are nineteen political parties in PR but up till now on the most important question of all and on other very important questions only three of these parties have mattered. Understanding that the situation is very fluid in PR and that influence from one party flows easily to other parties within their nineteen parties, here’s what’s going on:
A. The right-wing organization los “Estadistas” believes that the future of Puerto Rico should be aligned with the United State, better yet within the United States. They say that everything good now going on will be amplified a hundredfold and all miseries would be reduced tenfold if PR becomes the 51st state. Their strength from year to year varies from 30-37% with 33-34% of the people agreeing with them on statehood at a given vote. They're somewhat like our Republican Party.
B. There is a left-wing organzation los “Independentistas” that wants Puerto Rico to become a free nation. The most progressive among them actually hate the United States and paint the United States as an empire that dominates and exploits them. Think of them as our revolutionary-progressive Democrats here seeking to fundamentally transform their island. Depending upon economic conditions, their popularity oscillates between 32-38% with 35% of voters typically voting with them on the statehood issue.
C. The third major party when it comes to the big question of statehood is actually not so much a third party but a third way of thinking. They are officially the Commonwealth Party. Every time the issue of statehood comes up for a ballot (Puerto Ricans love voting on this issue far more than any other) their utterly INexpensive and utterly effective campaigning features a lot of volunteers parading around with a few signs emphasizing the beauty of “el estatus quo” or keeping things just the way they are. The Commonwealth Party membership varies from 27-34% with 30% being typical support on the issue of Statehood. While they are not always effective on other issues, the Commonwealth Party always wins the statehood vote because they stake out and dominate the middle ground and the other two positions are mutually exclusive. The common wealth party also does tend to enjoy a far greater domination in issues other than statehood despite their low numbers as they almost universally stake out the middle ground and later when a coalition government is formed, the commonwealth party is one of the few almost always invited to the table by the other parties. In so far as any nation with 19 parties can be dominated by one political party the Commonwealth Party dominates Puerto Rican politics . . . most importantly they exercise this domination by only winning on one issue: statehood.
Rajjpuut would suggest to TEA Party leadership that WINNING (and thus saving our nation) is far more important than just looking good. What does that mean?
For one possible example of the probable wrong course, Rand Paul, a nominal libertarian^^ just won a state primary over a heavily backed Republican candidate. Rand might win in November, but then again he might not. He’s not a Republican and will not have the fund-raising of the Republicans behind him -- NOR SHOULD HE, they've got their own troubles and their own candidates. Those in the know say it’s 50-50 Paul wins in November; Rajjpuut says its fairly unlikely he’ll win . . . votes follow money, unfortunately. While Rajjpuut would clearly prefer Rand Paul over 94% of Democrats and over 100% of progressive Republicans and/or progressive Democrats . . . politics is a profession built upon hard work and practicality which means "MONEY." And that is the dilemma of all third parties in America and all grass-roots movements everywhere: Piling up money and doing the hard work while never being tempted to make shortcuts to get that all-too-crucial monetary backing is essential but -- just as cleanliness is next to Godliness in politics, it's also next to impossible.
Why is the TEA Party even considering nominating candidates? Our early successes have gone to our heads. And the early successes have impressed Republicans and shocked and angered a few Democrats. The TEA Party integrity has also been a refreshing new addition to the American political scene – in fact, Rajjpuut would say the TEA Party integrity and winning . . . highlight the most favorable path ahead: like the Commonwealth Party in Puerto Rico let's be real conservatives on fiscal matters and the Constitution and possibly a few more associated matters (such as the TEA Party “Contract FROM America” perhaps the single-greatest political document since the Magana Carta and TEA Party leadership is letting it languish on the sidelines instead of relentlessly educating Americans (“This, this ‘Contract FROM America’ is what we are all about.”) Let’s say the TEA Party’s effectiveness in winning is right about 67-68%. That’s amazing for not having any money. But this figure needs to be tempted by reality and practicality: Scott Brown, of Massachusetts, for example, has done some minor good but sided with Obama on three critical issues so where does that leave us when Brown comes up for a vote? Rajjpuut suggests, it leaves us right where we should be . . . holding Brown's feet to the fire while comparing him to other candidates.
Imagine this lovely scenario: by staying a low-budget, deeply patriotic non-violent group who’s integrity comes to be admired by even the mainstream media (that's not appearing likely yet, eh?) that concentrates on conservative fiscal and constitutional matters (such as repealing Obamacare as a violation of the Constitution, especially the 10th Amendment; and amending the Constitution so that all bills must delineate why and where they are justified within the Constitution) say we set as a goal: expanding our power and influence so that the TEA Party supported candidates and issues win 75% . . . the TEA Party becomes the nation’s kingmakers here in America just as the Commonwealth Party dominates in Puerto Rico. That’s an easily achievable and far more noble goal than becoming** another political party.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
^^ Rajjpuut is a Libertarian and Rand Paul truly does NOT FULLY understand the political thinking of libertarianism as seen by his comments on the civil rights law -- where he argued about angels on the heads of pins rather than just being "Libertarian practical" and saying (to himself) "it's the law of the land and I agree with 99% of it, so I'll keep my mouth shut." For all practical purposes the Civil Rights Law of '64 is as perfect as its ever going to be, shut up and move on to Fiscal Conservativism and Constitutional Conservativism as the only subjects you talk to reporters about. See Rajjpuut's critique of this issue here:
similarly when abortion is brought up: "It's the law of the land" move on to talka about Fiscal Conservativism and Constitutional Conservativism, AMEN!
**This could change for the TEA Party in say, six or eight years as they gain America's esteem . . . and it might become desirable to become a vote-seeking party. But ask yourself this, if winning and advancing the two major conservative issues is all that matters (Rajjpuut says it is NOW and for the foreseeable future) than how much more effective can a political party be than 75%??? Not to mention that political parties and politicians tend to get corrupted. It’s more difficult at first, but after awhile they all lose their integrity. Isn’t it better to be the one holding feet to the fire, than being the one whose “vision slips”???? Better to strategically control the fray while staying apart from it and maintaining one's objectivity and integrity, NO?
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Obama's Media Free-Ride Shows No Sign of Abating
After receiving three of the most fawining years of media coverage in candidate, nominee and presidential history, Barack Obama is so-dissatisfied with his treatment at the hands of the press that he now has several initiatives in the works to dramatically curtail freedom of the press. It seems our president’s narcissism is so great that every time even the faintest negative coverage appears he is totally shell-shocked.
Item #1 Fox Cable News Channel has been the subject of constant Obama administration disdain and complaint since Day 1 of his presidency. Obama was notably silent when Fox and other media attacked G. W. Bush for his spending policies and other perceived weaknesses. Negative news is just not ever considered fair.
Item #2 the president is setting records for dodging the press, Fox News as well as all his toadies at ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, and CNN have all complained as Obama has now stretched his record for going without a press conference for well over nine straigt months now.
Item #3 each of the last ten or eleven Obama attempts at press control during demagoguery and demonization exercises (for example toward the TEA Party, Arizona’s new immigration laws, withering attacks on Wall Street, British Petroleum etc., etc.) has witnessed the mainstream press immediately adopt the preferred Obama hate-term verbiage (exactly as presented by Robert Gibbs and others) in discussions over the next ten days or so without bothering to actually investigate the stories behind the Obama vilifications.
Item #4 Stories that reflect anti-Obama realities are just not covered. For example,
A. the climate-gate scandal in East Anglia University where worldwide temperature data was fudged, manipulated and ditched to more properly reflect a “global warming” that is NOT in fact occurring . . . has not materialized now five months after the thousands of CRU e-mails were leaked.
B. Coverage of the Obama/Gore et. al CCX scandal is non-existent in the mainstream media. Since the conflict of interest story would cost Americans 40% of their economy to legislated carbon exchanging that would benefit the Obama-Gore-Sandor-Rogers founded and funded CCX (Chicago Climate eXcange) partnerships by TRillions of dollars . . . and since this story is no longer possible in Europe where the whole continent is now utterly skeptical about global warming but global warming is still giving credence in America thanks to the mainstream media’s deliberate refusal to cover the Climate-gate story . . . the media has now become the story.
C. Likewise the media’s refusal to cover the CCX crews’ strange gyrations to save the bankrupt Shore Bank of Chicago is incredibly self-serving to Obama.
D. The media has not mentioned Obama’s failure to respond to incredible flood destruction in Tennessee and tornado disasters repeating in Oklahoma and nearby areas. Comparison to the comparable Hurricane Katrina treatment of the G.W. Bush efforts are shocking.
E. The media nine days after the fact began echoing the Obama liturgy released that day that the administration had been “on the job since day one” regarding the BP gulf oil spill.
F. None of the mainstream media have covered the fact that federal safety inspectors have deliberately given British Petroleum “passes” on 1990 and 1994 safety standards for offshore drilling.
G. None of the mainstream media have covered the fact that federal safety standards required ten individual fire booms (aimed at preventing exactly the sort of fire, explosion and leak that BP experienced) be on hand at each drilling site and that BP had ZERO fire booms available.
H. None of the mainstrem media has focused on the fact that BP has another site 55% deeper pumping out 450% more oil with the very same lax safety ambience which the federal government has NOT insisted upon improving.
I. None of the mainstream media has seemingly read the Arizona Immigration law, but instead give positive coverage to protestors of a law that is far more “immigrant-friendly” than the federal laws they’re based upon and which go to immense lengths to prevent racial profiling. Instead the mainstream media again have spent three weeks mirroring the Obama party line on Arizona’s laws.
J. None of the mainstream media is actually calling for the president to see to it that the federal Immigration people start doing their jobs in Arizona.
K. None of the mainstream media think it’s significant that five key officials in the Obama administration have been lambasting Arizona and yet, admitted they have NOT read the bill. Specifically Holder and Napolitano’s ignorance and vilification amounts to criminal behavior.
L. None of the mainstream media is willing to take Obama to task for its administration’s unwillingness to use the simple and accurate term “radical Muslim jihadists.” Nor have they taken the administration to task for its policy of homeland security by luck.
M. Nevertheless, Barack Obama is directly setting out to control the internet.
N. Nevertheless, Barack Obama is setting into motion laws that would make the “tone” of criticism of politicians a crucial matter placed under control of the government.
O. Barack Obama has already three times illegally employed the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) to back his political agenda and, of course, received a pass from the mainstream media.
P. The media refuses to notice that Barack’s promised openness, honesty, transparency, and cleaning up of Washington’s political games has not only NOT materialized, it has NOT even been attempted.
Q. Barack Obama is still on honeymoon with the mainstream media and still allowed to say, “it’s all the Bush Administration’s fault." Even though Obama has now quadrupled the deficits and tripled the national debt.
R. The mainstream media has shown no urgency to explore the character of the Obama administration itself and the laws it passes and the abuses it drops upon the Constitution. The word “socialism” is certainly taboo.
S. The mainstream media has allowed Obama to play the race card for three consecutive years now. 48% of Whites supported Obama which is more votes and a higher percentage of white votes than Kerry or Gore received. Only 4% of Blacks voted for Mc Cain. Allowing Obama to use the racism ploy is a hideous distortion of the truth.
T. Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s recent anti-semitic rants as well as his original “God Damn, America” comment received only a wrist-slap from the mainstream media and Obama’s twenty-year connection to Wright has been totally unexplored.
U. The media has refused to cover Obama’s connections and support of communist Raila Odinga’s presidential campaign in Kenya. Willfully overlooking that Odinga signed a pact with the 10% Muslim populace to make shariah law the law of the land a la the Taliban, if elected. Nor have they covered Obama’s speeches to the Muslims while wearing muslim garb. Nor the riots arsons, killings etc. against Christian and other religions conducted by Kenya’s Muslims which got Odinga made part of the cabinet of the man who defeated him.
V. The media refuses to read “Dreams from My Father” Obama’s first autobiography and to explore the communism of Barak (no “c”), Sr. specifically calling for Kenya to consider 100% taxes upon the rich; nationalization of foreign businesses and redistribution of wealth from non-Black Kenyans to the black populace.
W. The media has not explored Obama’s statement that “I have always been a Christian, never attended Muslim schools and never practiced Islam.” The statue of 10-year old Barack in the Muslim school he attended for parts of three years (1969, ‘70 and ’71) and his four plus years in Indonesia is willflly overlooked by the mainstream media. The more the man lies, the more they love him.
X. In short, the mainstream media has abandoned its job and become merely a cheerleading arm for Obama’s administration and the great man himself.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Libertarian Rajjpuut is Offended by

Rand Paul's Ignorance

It’s always nasty when a politician gets hoisted upon his own petard especially if corruption or ignorance is involved. Rand Paul, a Republican (he calls himself a Libertarian) candidate, who just earned the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate from Kentucky is now mired in serious controversy. Paul says that while he approves strongly of nine of the ten provisions in the 1964 Civil Rights Act . . . had he been around he would have tried to modify the 10th provision which concerns potential discrimination in private businesses. The other nine provisions affect discrimination in publicly-funded institutions and government and Paul states his agreement with them.

Rajjpuut, is a REAL Libertarian. Let’s be clear here, 100% clear: Bill Clintonesque word-parsing is NOT what Libertarianism is all about. Mr. Paul does have a teensy-tiny point in what he says . . . but then he ignores 99.999999% of the spirit of Libertarianism in making his foolish argument. Too bad Mr. Rand, son of the well-known Ron Paul, doesn’t actually understand the political philosophy he espouses. So, exactly how is Paul right in saying that the private business provision of the 1964 Civil Rights Act might have been improved? And how exactly did he miss the boat (the spirit of Libertarianism) with 99.999999% of his comment?

We’ve all seen those signs on business walls “The proprietor reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.” That’s the teensy-tiny part that Rand Paul got correct. No business should be forced to ever serve all customers entering its establishment. There are customers who come in shirtless, shoeless, stinking, etc. There are would-be repeat customers that have previously been kicked out of an establishment for obnoxious behavior. Refusing this class of undesirable customers is definitely within business owners’ rights. So far, so good, Mr. Paul. However, Mr. Paul clearly abused and misstated Libertarianism in virtually all of his objection to the ’64 Civil Rights Act and in the process, showed himself an extreme light-weight in intellectual ability.

“Whites Only” signs in the windows of a few Missouri businesses and all over the segregated south . . . “No sailors or dogs allowed in city parks” . . . “Our business is offered to ‘restricted clientele’ only” . . . “Jewish business is NOT desired” . . . “Colored” bathrooms and drinking fountains . . . are we getting the picture? That is clearly the core issue here. Should a private business open to the public be allowed to ban people because of skin color? religion? national origin? or other extraneous issues? Extending the question, can a private business open to the public, refuse to hire people because they’re, for example, freckled? black? a naturalized rather than a native-born citizen? etc.? etc.? That Mr. Paul does NOT understand the differences between what’s being described in this paragraph and the one immediately preceding it is a dramatic indictment of his lightweight-thinker status.

Once again, people MAY be legally refused service from a business for CAUSE, and for cause only. Then, if they violate the owner’s prerogative to ban them for cause , they can be legally barred by restraining orders issued by our courts. Eventually repeated violations can result in arrest and imprisonment. Banning people for extraneous reasons such as skin color, religion, etc. is a violation of their civil rights. Do you get that now, Mr. Rand Paul? A wise general picks his battles carefully, but you decided to debate on how many angels can stand on a pinpoint . . . foolish.

As a side issue, Rajjpuut would like to advise any serious conservative candidate to respond to questions on abortion, civil rights, “don’t ask-don’t tell, and the like with the simple declarative, “It’s the law of the land.” Conservatives need to stick to the point: discussions of fiscal responsibility; border security; security against terrorism; balanced budgets; Pay-Go legislations; unending deficits; runaway National Debt; almost $109 TRillion in unfunded obligations to Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid -- unfunded obligations which are stealing our children’s and grandchildren’s future. Add in Obamacare, bailouts, stimulus packages, cap and trade, and lies about openness-transparency-and cleaning up Washington, D.C. and there are enough relevant issues that no sane statesman needs to get involved in legal hair-splitting . . . especially when he claims to be a Libertarian and hasn’t a clue about what Libertarianism is all about.

Politics is a strategic endeavor. In warfare, in business, in every strategic game you can think of . . . the road to victory always lies with creating a plan of attack making your own strong points into the crucial elements of the conflict and your weak points and your opposition’s strong points totally irrelevant. And, one more thing, holding the ball in the air and igniting a celebration on the ten-yard line is utterly stupid as well. Some conservatives are already cheering for their victory in November's elections . . . day-dreaming, in other words. Conservatives need to “do the frigging job” well and keep on doing the frigging job well and forget about headlines and applause and premature celebrations. The country is a center-right nation on the Constitution and on Taxes and Government spending and long has been a center-right nation. Irresponsible Conservatives today, Republicans and TEA Party folks who might feel that the country’s highest priorities are to repeal or weaken the civil rights laws; or the abortion laws or to institute creationism in public schools are misreading the sentiment of the voters even worse than Mr. Obama and his cronies are. Stick to business. Save America.

The country needs jobs. The country needs statesmen and stateswomen elected to Congress and then for them to clean up our financial messes and unchain the free markets and to initiate a new era of respect for the United States Constitution. Americans are almost completely offended by progressivism, particularly the economic results of that misconceived doctrine . . . perhaps wise conservatives need to learn to stick to the subject? Get real, if an issue does NOT advance the cause of fiscal conservativism and constitutional conservativism and help retake the country ignore it. ‘Nuff said.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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