Bob VanDeHey's Posts (418)

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Pelosi, Reid, Progressives Practice


One More Christmas Rape upon Voters

            You may recall that just 43 days ago, America’s voters showed their extreme dissatisfaction with the powers that be (and "business as usual") in the country's seats of government.  Besides attacking incumbents in general on the national and state level . . . Democrats (as the party controlling the House, Senate and Oval Office) netted a loss of 63 seats in the House of Representatives; 6 Senate seats; 7 governors; and at the state house level some 692 individual state congressmen were lost. Depending upon how you crunch those numbers this was the biggest disaster suffered by one of the major political parties since 1938 (on the national scene) or 1928 (nationally plus state-by-state). 
            Despite this comeuppance aimed at big, out of control government and even bigger out of control spending . . . Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have set their gangs loose upon the American public with nothing less than voter rape and murder of the Constitution in mind . . . .
Item: The Pelosi-led house has still not passed a budget and has no plans to do so, in defiance to their Constitutionally-mandated role in Washington.
Item: With the biggest tax-hike in the history of the country scheduled for January, 1, 2011 (when the Bush Tax Cuts all expire), Nancy Pelosi -- who’s had four years to deal with this matter -- has still not passed an extension to those tax cuts.
Item: Without any openness, bi-partisanship or concern for the voters, the Harry Reid led Senate has produced a 1924-page Omnibus spending bill costing $1.1 TRillion in new spending and featuring 6036 earmarks at a cost of $87 Billion.
Item: Before passing an extension to the Bush tax cuts; the House has produced another huge bill aimed at effectively grabbing off 8% of all western lands and killing jobs in the logging; mining; fishing; and recreational industries to appease the radical environmentalists supporting the Democrats. At present roughly 49% of all far western lands now belong to the federal government; and another 10% of this land is under severe federal usage-restraints. Thus if this bill becomes law, 7/12 of all far western land will be removed from the tax rolls of the states and added to the bankruptcy that Obamacare’s new state mandated Medicaid costs will produce would move bankruptcy of ALL 50 of the United States back from 2024 to 2021.
Item: Also attached to the Green-takeover bonanza would be a huge amount of acreage along the southern border with Mexico turned into wildlife sanctuaries which would prohibit Border Patrol Agents from operating there and thus effectively opening the floodgates to illegal immigration even wider than they already are. This occurs one day after a Border Control Agent was killed by illegal aliens in the United States.
Item: Congress is refusing to look at a bill which would undo all the harm done to central California vegetable and fruit farming by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) decision to suspend irrigation to protect the 3” Delta Smelt population. Occasionally, smelt die by swimming close to the piping intake and getting sucked in. Some parts of Fresno County suffered 40% unemployment thanks to this EPA edict.
Item: Once again Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is placing huge bills before the senators that no one has read; bills which the public knows nothing about; and once again Reid is planning to keep them voting through Christmas Eve on his pork-laden; big spending bills. Doesn’t it all make you proud to be an American?
Item:  Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, whose Justice Department last year gave Christmas-celebrants such heat, is now suing a school district for not allowing a Muslim teacher to take off (without pay) to travel to Mecca as part of a pilgrimage that all Muslims are encouraged to take some time in their lives (like maybe after retirement?).  Mr. Holder’s decisions 1) to NOT win a case already won by the (the New Black Panther defendants refused to show up in court) Bush administration concerning voter intimidation at a Philadelphia polling place; 2) and his decision to attack Arizona for passing a law to control illegal immigration; 3) and his decision to try 9/11 attack planner KSM in New York City; 4) and his decision to Mirandize the Underwear Bomber and get him to clam up and lawyer-up before intelligence operatives could deal with him . . . have got patriotic Americans wondering who’s the biggest threat: our Justice Department or the terrorists?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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“Thanks to the American media’s blackout of the Climategate scandal revelations in East Anglia, England, Americans have not been privy to the revolution in thinking going on in Europe over the last thirteen months. Two terms, in particular: “Watermelons” and “Mean Greenies” have come to dominate the Europeans’ new evaluation of the leaders in the environmental movement in general and of the Global Warming alarmists in particular.”


Time to Strain Your “Belief Muscles” Again?

You may have trouble believing this story IF you believe the following lies propagated by Progressive politicians for the last 20-50 years:

A. We’re running out of oil in the world. This blog will change that notion for you.

B. We’ve long ago run out of oil in the United States. This blog will set you straight.

C. Man-made global warming is endangering the planet. Most real scientists here in America and almost all real scientists in Europe are positive that statement is Untrue (see the top link below this paragraph). In fact our American media silence in the United States on those two facts (the truth about global warming itself; and America’s scientists’ convictions about global warming even before the Climategate conspiracy was unmasked) amounts to a huge betrayal of the American people and of our U.S. Constitution. The “Climategate” e-mail release thirteen months ago in Europe has only been covered here in the United States by the Wall Street Journal and FOX News among the media but the internet, both here and in Europe, is alive with it. While Americans have believed that Global Warming is dooming us, Europe over the last year has almost totally discredited these alarmists (in case you missed out on the Climategate revelations and upon the biggest scientific fraud within the global warming lie: the next two links will put you onto the truth).

D. Environmental leaders (known in Europe as “Watermelons” and “mean greenies”) have your health, prosperity and happiness in mind always.

E. Only Green-Tech can save our planet and our economies in the long run.

The lies associated with items D and E immediately above are a bit complicated, but will roll out of the information below. Before we get to the meat of the blog, let’s clear up the key source of almost all of the lies you’ve been fed about energy over the last 50 years; and the source of the great majority of the political lies spread about the world over the last 162 years. American “Progressivism” (which called itself by that name for about a quarter century and then called themselves liberals for over 80 years) is based upon English Fabian Socialism. The key group pushing these ideas for almost 130 years now is called the Fabian Society:

The key belief of American progressives is that we must “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution so that we can “progress” toward their notion of an earthly Utopia where, they say, we’ll take from each according to his ability and give to each according to his needs (the 162 year old desire of Karl Marx writing in Das Kapital). If you have never before seen the Fabian Society unmasked; and “kindly” George Bernard Shaw stripped naked beyond Pigmalion and My Fair lady, you owe it to yourself, to America and to our future to visit the website just above. The Fabian Society also gave us the London School of Economics closely tied to the American progressive desire for a single global ruling elite. The London School of Economics also gave us George Soros.

At the risk of seeming racist, let Rajjpuut say this: George Soros can aptly be called “Barack Obama’s MASSA.” He is the puppet master pulling the strings of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and American progressivism.

The eighty year old Mr. Soros can accurately be compared to the ageless Emperor in the Star Wars movies. He grew up as a fourteen year old capo, a Jew working with Hitler’s Nazis, getting other Hungarian Jews to “report” for their transportation to the death camps. He’s only become more sinister since.

Known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” super rich Mr. Soros went from hundred-millionaire and became a multi-billionaire by profiting from wrecking four countries’ currencies over the last 24 years). Mr. Soros has said on more than one occasion, “The number one obstacle to world stability is the United States.” He aims to destroy our currency, impoverish the country, and with the help of the 48 progressive American non-profit foundations he’s created (start with the Tides Foundation; Center for American Progress; and his Open Society Institutes and spread your research from there . . . Mr. Soros is one helluva busybody at a time in his life when most people are content to go fishing) Georgie is seeking to push us all into one-world government led by elites like . . . well, George Soros), he may well succeed.

Progressives in general and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros, who have all broken bread together on many occasions, now want to break your back. That’s where the lies come from. Back to our main points of interest . . . .

Item #1 At this present moment, Green-Tech is a flim-flam.


Natural Law (mentioned in our Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Federalist Papers and applying to such things as the Law of Gravity as well as to human behavior) discoveries in the area of wind tech; solar tech; etc. are 300 million years behind fossil fuel. We’re NOT saying that some new Edison in five years won’t or can’t revolutionize the entire green-tech picture and eliminate the need for fossil fuels overnight. What we are saying is that green-tech right now right here is science-fiction from a viable nationwide standpoint. Is that a serious problem? If the underlying scientific principles required to make PRACTICAL energy on a grand national scale don’t yet exist . . . everything based upon saying that “YES, YES THEY DO TOO EXIST!!” is a scam and a national betrayal. How big a national betrayal? Consider this: In 1997, Spain had the healthiest economy in Europe and was creating the most jobs on that continent with unemployment about 4%. Today Spain is one of seven seriously near-bankrupt European countries with unemployment at 2o.8%. How did that happen?

Spain bought into green-tech in 1998 and began to heavily subsidize clean energy jobs. Results of a Spanish green-tech study done three years ago show that 2.2 jobs in the real economy were lost for every single green-tech job created. Like Obama with the stimulus (where jobs lasting one week were credited the same as permanent jobs), the Spanish exaggerated the job creations via green-tech. Only 10% of Spain’s green-tech jobs proved permanent and most paid between U.S. $10-$14. Mr. Obama has promised to give us “five million new green-tech jobs” which extrapolated toward the Spanish example would lose us eleven million real jobs; only 10% of those newly created green jobs would prove permanent meaning that only 500,000 permanent jobs would be created and we would have an American version of the Spanish green-tech experience on our hands . . . a 22/1 debacle in lost jobs compared to jobs created (11 million real jobs lost; only 500,000 modestly-paying green-tech jobs created).

So for those of you who thought Mr. Obama was exaggerating when he told the San Francisco Chronicle that his policies “would bankrupt the coal industry” and “under my policies of cap and trade the price of electricity would necessarily skyrocket” . . . he was a straight-shooter on coal and the cost of electricity, but he was hugely exaggerating about the “benefits” of green-tech jobs at this point in time because the technology does NOT exist.

Item #1.5 The oil critics are NOT asking the right questions . . .

. . . that’s why they keep giving you and me only the answers they want us to hear and never tell us the truth . . . .

The answers they want us to hear are wind, solar power and other “Magic Clean Green” energy sources that do NOT actually exist in any meaningful way on a national scale. The truth is that fossil fuels are and have been the preferred source of power because right here and right now only fossil fuels make sense. In a nutshell, the question comes down to practical, efficient and cheap energy. Fossil fuels are all three and they’re getting cheaper (except for artificial barriers thrown in our way by environmental regulations to make slow, inefficient and expensive green vehicles look somewhat more attractive) by the day. For example the Swedes have come up with a cheap way to make extraction much more efficient for getting out 60% of the unreachable oil. For example the Canadians have “trained” a tiny microbe to allow them to take previously worthless coal tar and turn it into clean-burning methane gas. If the only answer the media and the politicians and the greenies want you to hear is so-called “green-energy” (solar power requires huge pollution and energy use in the manufacturing stages) then the truth will not get to you and the actual dollar savings you’d be expecting can just be taxed away.

Item #2 Would you believe our conventional oil supplies will quadruple or quintuple in your lifetime if we want them to?

It’s true.

As the price of oil rises and the technology for extracting it improves dramatically, we are every day returning to old “dried out wells” and eventually harvesting two to three times the original yield of those wells. Besides that, exploration methods seeking new wells are now about 400% more accurate, so less money is wasted drilling “dry-holes.” Here in the United States and southern Canada we have also discovered the Bakken Formation, which is the largest oil reserve ever found, bigger in area than the entire Middle East . . . of course we’re not allowed to drill there thanks to ridiculous prohibitions and only the reservation Indians are taking advantage of it so far. It’s also true that the same people who are limiting our drilling have seen to it that this country has not built a new oil refinery since 1974! By the way, the oil is there if we choose to go after it. We may reasonably NOT want to go after it, however, read on . . . .

Item #3 Would you believe that if we want it, Colorado, Utah and Wyoming could supply the energy needs of this country for five to six hundred years?

Also true. Keragen or Marlstone (usually MISnamed: “oil shale”) deposits in western Colorado as well as Utah and Wyoming hold that much stored energy. These deposits require a “mining” approach rather than a conventional oilman’s drilling etc. The Indians told the Whites about the “rock that burns” 155 years ago, now if we want it, we’ve got boundless energy sources using that keragen. We may, however, reasonably decide we don’t want it. Read on . . . .

Item #4 Would you believe that Items #2 and #3 above quite possibly are going to prove unattractive within a dozen years?

Without the government’s interference and without resorting to fraudulent energy sources such as ethanol (which costs much, much more in pollution start to finish; and significantly more in money –if subsidies are added in - than oil), it appears that the recent discovery of the Natural Law underlying MAN’S creation of oil in the near future will bear huge fruit. Unlike ethanol and other plant-based synfuels subsidized by the government, the cost of foodstuffs like corn will not skyrocket if and when these new technologies are perfected. You’ve heard of things like Castrol’s synthetic oil . . . this is something different, using algae to replace the 300 million year process of creating oil, coal, natural gas, etc. When this becomes reality, then a point will be reached where the price of oil says that keragen and oil in the ground will become far less desirable than letting nature take its course under the watchful eyes of man above ground.

Item #5 Would you believe that new technology called “cellular oil” could make all drilling and oil shale exploration moot questions?

That’s the name of the new technology.

Item #6 Would you believe that someone has a vested interest in our not hearing the terms “watermelon” or “mean greenie” here in America?

Thanks to the American media’s blackout of the Climategate scandal revelations in East Anglia, England, Americans have not been privy to the revolution in thinking going on in Europe over the last thirteen months. Two terms, in particular: “Watermelons” and “Mean Greenies” have come to dominate the Europeans’ new evaluation of the leaders in the environmental movement in general and of the Global Warming alarmists in particular. The term “mean greenie” has been around in England for some time. It describe folks who burn SUVs, deliberately foul fishing nets, destroy ski resorts, drive six inch spikes into trees in hopes of killing lumberjacks using chainsaws, and others who commit crimes against humans in the name of ecology. Lately “mean greenie” has seen a sudden upshot in popular usage in the media all over Europe. But the term “Watermelon” is something special that’s only become common since the Climategate e-mail revelations.

A “watermelon” is a so-called environmentalist who’s “green on the outside and pink to bright red on the inside.” That is, the leaders of much of the environmental movement are now seen in Europe as using the environment for pushing their real but hidden agenda, a heavily socialist or even Marxist agenda. What???? You see it’s like this, all of the Cap and Trade ideas needed (the progressives say) to stop Global Warming in its tracks can only efficiently be executed by a near totalitarian state . . . an all-powerful national government run as part of an even more powerful global government. And what is the basis of all this fraud?

The progressives are pretending that Natural Law no longer works. They want a crisis so they manufacture one with manufactured “science.” They want oil eliminated from the world scene so they pretend that Natural Law has advanced to the level that green-tech is viable, even though it’s not. Right now, the only Natural Law in force capable of providing energy for the whole planet at a practical price and effort is fossil fuel energy. Because of advances in Natural Law (laws we discover and use; NOT laws we make up!) tomorrow, man-made fossil fuel energy appears ready to supplant 300 million year old fossil fuels, and that is semi-green tech created by capitalism and individualism . . . not by a political elite defrauding the people** of the world.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** These are the same people who had DDT banned because of false science (a la Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring) at a time when DDT had dropped malaria deaths (not to mention suffering from a lifetime of episodic three-day fever fits) down to 44,000 annually. The American and United Nations DDT ban has killed more than 70 million souls just to malaria, never mind all the other scourges that DDT avoids, since 1974. Today 2,100,000 people die from malaria every year and tropical nations are finally seeing the light and going back to DDT. If you read the Fabian Society material given above and the words of George Bernard Shaw you see this for what it is: deliberate population control a la eugenics . . . or if you’re a sucker for progressivism, you could call it just plain incompetence . . . and the more you check progressivism the more incompetence you find . . . consider our $113 TRillion in unfunded liabilities via Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid; or the unfunded liabilities created by the state side of Medicaid by the Obamacare Law which will bankrupt all 50 states by 2024 . . . or the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring home lenders to deliberately make known bad loans which was expanded five times (four times just by ACORN President Bill Clinton: once by regulatory edict and three times via legislation) and took us from one “bad” loan in every 404 loans in 1975, to 2005 when 34% of all home loans were bad: thus giving us our sub-prime lending crisis and financial meltdown.

Whether you consider it incompetence or a deliberate attempt to undo capitalism and create chaos so that progressivism can step in offering their neat, sweet big government solutions . . . progressivism is the lethal cancer dominating the American scene and needs to be eradicated posthaste. Thankfully, the voters in November, 2010, saw that clearly.

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“Cheer up, Multiple Sclerosis; you can always serve as a very, very bad example. By the way this would be a truly excellent blog for all MS patients to read. Patients hold tremendous potential for self-cure as knowledge and behavior change.” Rajjpuut

18 Vital Questions about Multiple Sclerosis;

One Possible/Probable Answer

The Ol’ Health Educator, will put down his political pen here and return to his roots. Rajjpuut has noted repeatedly that agencies such as the American Medical Association (AMA) seem to show high propensity for and deep, deep satisfaction with “nihilistic answers” to questions about disease. In a phrase, nihilism is surrender to nothingness or meaninglessness . . . they just “give up” on good research medicine and latch on to the easy and highly profitable answer: “auto-immunity.”

For quite awhile there was only one suspected auto-immune disease, now there are over sixty of them. Not surprisingly, none of the auto-immune diseases is considered ultimately curable. Not surprisingly the auto-immune patient requires a lifetime of treatment by the doctor and/or the drug. Not surprisingly expensive and risky (involving many side effects or a few serious or deadly side effects, or both) solutions produced by the pharmaceutical companies amount to lifetime drug regimens for the purpose of controlling symptoms and or pain but NOT for the purpose of curing anyone of anything . . . . This is the obvious example of what is meant by the term “nihilistic medicine.”

Not surprisingly, all of this nihilistic medicine is wreaking havoc on the health care costs the nation faces. The results of nihilistic medicine are beneficial for doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies (more profits, more patients, lifetime subscribers); but not necessarily a help to the patient or the governments state or federal or the taxpayers. In short, it appears that nihilistic medicine is a specious way to claim to have an answer . . . while actually abandoning the questioning process . . . that is, giving up on real science . . . and nihilistic medicine is personally and fiscally a disaster for the patient and for the government.

In accord with the most recognized portion of the Hippocratic Oath, Rajjpuut would suggest “First do NO Harm” is the essence of real medicine and nihilistic medicine does harm and should be replaced by real medicine at each and every juncture. Let us take one apparently insoluble “auto-immune disease” Multiple Sclerosis (MS), for example. What is MS? A protective “sheath” of myelin surrounds our nerve cells. This myelin sheath becomes damaged in MS victims and doesn’t repair itself. It’s about time something good was associated with Multiple Sclerosis. “Cheer up, Multiple Sclerosis; you can always serve as a very, very bad example. By the way this would be a very good blog for all MS patients to read. Patients hold tremendous potential for self-cure as knowledge and behavior change. Let us now examine MS from the point of view of asking seemingly obvious questions . . . would you be surprised if our search led us in a positive direction and away from auto-immunity’s convenient medical conventionality and from nihilism altogether?

NOTE: at first it was thought that myelin for the nerve sheath never could be “regenerated” but some of the most recent research since late 2009 seems to point in the contrary and positive direction. Brain stem cells can apparently be “tricked” into recreating or repairing the myelin sheath. This would amount to a refutation of the auto-immune hypothesis about Multiple Sclerosis. The process has been triggered semi-naturally (with physician intervention); now the drug companies want to avoid all of nature (which works NOW) and find an artificial way of recreating the effect (presumably with all the inherent side-effects and risk) . . . in other words, even with a possible CURE at hand, medicine is here and now more concerned with profits???? Label that as the second “bad example” connection to MS (medical nihilism via the “convenient” auto-immune description was the first connection) we’ve encountered.

Rajjpuut first became aware of the world of MS when his ex-wife was diagnosed with the disorder in late 2001. Awhile later one of his girlfriends was also diagnosed. His natural curiosity took over and generated the following questions . . . by the way, some of these questions are quite elementary while other require actual SCIENCE, dear reader. Do not be afraid, if a question seems ‘beyond your ken’ just skim over it . . . the big picture is what’s vitally important, and all of us can understand clearly and deeply what that big picture is and how it can impact us personally as both taxpayers and patients. That big picture is abundantly clear to anyone who respects the ideas behind the scientific process regardless of how much in-depth science he or she understands. Back to those questions . . . .

1. Why is Colorado, where Rajjpuut lives, the highest incident U.S. state for MS?

2. Why is Colorado Springs the highest incident large city in the highest incident state for MS?

3. Why do women suffer from MS at a rate roughly 2-4 times as great as men?

4. Why is MS less prevalent on the coasts?

5. Why is MS far more prevalent in urban settings than in rural areas?

6. Why is there an increased risk of developing MS among smokers?

7. Why is there an increased risk of developing the progressive form of MS from Relapsing/Remitting MS among smokers?

8. Why is there an apparent acceleration of MS progression and of movement from R/R MS among smokers?

9. Central Nervous System Dilators pioneered as an MS treatment during the 1950’s by Bayard Horton of the Mayo Clinic were apparently quite successful with few or no side effects in relieving acute attacks promptly and often prevented progression? Why?

10. MRI examinations today frequently depict a lack of correlation between symptoms and lesions in MS (often called the “clinico-radiological paradox). What’s going on? If demyelization is the fundamental essential lesion in multiple sclerosis, why is there often no correlation?

11. Trials of sex hormones show they improve lesions as well as MS symptoms; and L-arginine, zinc and magnesium supplements also seem to lesson symptoms. Why?

12. What role do deficiencies of endothelial and neuronal nitric oxide and elevated levels of inducible nitric oxide play in MS? Is this symptomatic or causal?

13. Is better detection the reason MS incidence has risen so dramatically in the last 40 years, or are some environmental factors (external or internal toxins?) exacerbating the situation?

14. What about the “brain leak” theory of MS? That theory says free hemoglobin scavenges nitric oxide avidly, which may create deficiencies especially in the central nervous system, with its greater vasodilator tone. Could depletion of endothelial nitric oxide shift blood from the arterial circulation to the venous circulation in MS sufferers as in diabetics? Could multiple sclerosis result from too little blood in arteries and arterioles leading to vasospastic symptoms? Meanwhile could too much blood in veins and venules lead to blood-brain barrier leakage and lesions?

15. Is there a logical reason or reason why acne and Multiple Sclerosis incidence may be linked?

16. Is there any logical reason for continued loyalty by many to the idea that MS is an anti-immune condition?

17. Is there one over-arching theory that might explain all these factors?

18. Several hundred MS “reversals” have been documented. About a dozen verified instances of reversal after lightning strikes have occurred. What the hell is going on?

The more Rajjpuut read about the disease, the more certain he become that these factors/these questions need to be explained and understood.

An obvious main or, at least, exacerbating factor seems to jump out from the first eight questions and indeed (upon further, deeper study to all of these questions): OXYGEN! The clearest correlation for Question #1 is that higher altitudes = lower oxygen levels. Question #1’s obvious correlation? Colorado is the state with the highest average altitude among the 50 states. As far as Question #2, Colorado Springs, the 49th largest city in the country, is easily the highest large metropolitan area in the country roughly 750 ft. (14%) higher than “Mile-High” Denver.

As far as correlation between oxygen and Question #3, Women’s bodies and their unique chemistry may make them far more vulnerable than men to MS for any number of reasons. Exploring the OXYGEN HYPOTHESIS among women more deeply . . . women tend to be smaller and society until recently encouraged female physical fitness far less than it did male activity so generally speaking females are less efficient VO max processors than men. Additionally, hemoglobin and iron are more problematical in females during their menses which makes females more likely prey for anemia again potentially lessening oxygen-use efficiency.

A factor also noticed and which may not have any bearing on the issue is that females are about eight or nine times more likely than man at any given moment to be engaged in dieting, skipping breakfast and sometimes fad dieting that is just plain nonsensical healthwise . . . which could spark nutrient deficiencies. I've seen nothing about dieting, eating 3-5 regular meals daily, good nutrition, or having a good breakfast in the MS literature, but common sense says, good habits are important and could play a role.

Moving on to Question #4, the coasts, are by definition, found at sea level hence, lower than 99.999% of the inland areas of the country with more oxygen available. Additionally, coastal diet is far more likely to include fish with its attendant fish oil (deficiencies implicated in Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and heart attacks) which aids in oxygen processing.

Question #5, people in rural areas are less likely to face high levels of air pollution (smog) than city dwellers. In particular: diesel fumes, ground level ozone contamination and INHALED nitric oxide contamination are brutal every-day facts of life in our largest cities. (By the way: INHALED nitric oxide is confusing in many respects to the layman. A. it is NOT nitrous oxide (laughing gas) once used as anesthetic. B. Our bodies naturally create nitric oxide and it is one of the most important gases found in our blood stream (as reflected in the Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded to Dr. Louis Ignarro) which we will discuss later as it relates to MS. C. Many people realize that nitric oxide is also an important negative component of tobacco smoke. In any case, the obvious effect of air pollution is less oxygen allowed to reach the lungs, heart, brain and every cell of the human body than one would expect from clear, pure country air.

Talking about pure, clean outdoor air . . . well the contrary situation is created by smoking. Questions #6, #7 and #8 indicate that the “personal internal pollution” of smoking may exacerbate MS (earlier onset; quicker progression; worse symptoms) and again ties in to Oxygen.

Question #9 is way beyond the scope of this stumbling/bumbling comment. Peter Good’s thought-provoking website on nitric oxide and MS seems to indicate that there was great success with the CNS

vasodilator histamine diphosphate during the late 40's, the 50's and 60's. Today’s “fashion” calls for different meds with greater potential for dangerous side effects. CNS vasodilation with histamine not only consistently relieved a disease now thought to be incurable, it thereby demonstrated that its fundamental lesion may be something entirely different from demyelization . . . beyond even Rajjpuut’s oxygen hypothesis, this is real science . . . exploring the question about what is MS, really?

Having said that let's skip ahead and examine Question #16, is there any logical reason for continued loyalty by many to the idea that MS is an anti-immune condition? As a result we regard MS today as incurable because its primary lesion is thought to be relatively irreversible disintegration of myelin sheaths in the brain and spinal cord. That thought pattern has been in place for roughly 55 years. Neurologists who successfully treated MS with vasodilators thought the lesion was REVERSIBLE because the underlying cause – a diminished blood supply in the brain and cord (leading to OXYGEN lack there) was treatable. Because of the autoimmune assumption, workable theories and workable treatments (and cures?) have been relegated to the trash heap. Certainly some MS cases have reversed 100% (see the question on lightning strikes).

Question #10, since MRI results seem NOT to show continued and progressive demyelization as the fundamental and unvarying effect of MS and they don’t rule out oxygen as a key factor, we can continue to keep an open mind toward blood and oxygen as the fundamental truth of the disease. Lest anyone decide that I’m seeking oversimplification of a complex problem . . . Siblerud and Kienholz (1994) compared red blood cell concentrations and hemoglobin levels of MS patients who had their mercury amalgam dental fillings removed against blood values of MS patients who retained their amalgam fillings:

MS subjects with amalgams were found to have significantly lower levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit compared to MS subjects with amalgam removal.... The MS amalgam group had significantly higher blood urea nitrogen and lower serum IgG.... A health questionnaire found that MS subjects with amalgams had significantly more (33.7%) exacerbations during the past 12 months compared to the MS volunteers with amalgam removal. Obviously, while we’re still talking about the blood’s ability to deliver oxygen . . . every indication is that a wide variety of toxins and negative effects might stimulate that same over-arching undesirable effect. The specific trigger may vary from case to case, but the indications are that oxygen and blood might well hold the key to understanding MS.

Just as in AIDS, the possibility that the immune system is responding to an agent like a virus is countered by the reality that no such agent has ever been identified. We know that once identified, if transmitted to any animal or human in clinical experiments that theory could be proved. Retrovirus, where art thou????? In truth, endogenous retroviruses have not yet been proven to play any causal role in this disease. According to PO Behan and A Chaudhuri of Glasgow University, together with BO Roep of Leiden University (2002) contend there is little support for contemporary views that multiple sclerosis is an immunological disease. And not surprisingly, according to them, there is little benefit from treatments based on this misconception. In any case, since no "smoking gun" for MS has ever been found, isn't it a little short-sighted to UNCRITICALLY say that it MUST BE an autoimmunity problem?

Questions #11 and 15 again brings up questions of gender. Women, who typically undergo puberty earlier than men, get MS more often and earlier and its path is less likely to be predictable and progressive compared to male victims. Some success has been had treating with either or both male and female hormones. Additionally, L-arginine creates nitric oxide in the blood which dilates blood vessels. Zinc and magnesium are under-appreciated nutrients which play vital roles in human health. And then there’s the question of acne. Looking at #15 For both men and women the doctor-approved use of strong prescription antibiotics for extended periods of time in treating acne brings us back to the fundamental question raised earlier about the Hippocratic Oath’s main principle (First do NO harm) . . . upsetting all the positive bacteria in one’s gastro-intestinal system seems like a harmful answer to the clear skin problem. For women specifically, anti-acne medicines and make ups seem to exacerbate the probability that the individual will contract MS later in life. Again, the specific (toxic?) trigger for MS may vary from case to case, but there are no indications here that oxygen and blood do not hold the major key to understanding MS and certainly there is no outright refutation for that idea to be found in this question. Let’s look more deeply . . . .

Questions #12 and #14 are best answered and best understood together through the insights of Peter Good: “Two signs that endothelial nitric oxide may be chronically depleted in multiple sclerosis are that patients tend to be very heat-sensitive, and their platelets are sticky. Sensitivity to stress may reveal depletion of the parasympathetic transmitter neuronal nitric oxide. Other reasons to suspect endothelial nitric oxide depletion in multiple sclerosis are apparent deficiencies of sex hormones; magnesium, and zinc. Estrogen, testosterone via estrogen, and magnesium all utilize endothelial nitric oxide, the primary endogenous vasodilator, to relax vascular smooth muscle. The (most simple and straightforward explanation) of multiple sclerosis might be that too little blood in arteries and arterioles leads to vasospastic symptoms, while too much blood in veins and venules leads to blood-brain barrier leakage and lesions.” A recent Nobel Prize based upon L-arginine and nitric oxide gas in the blood being a "trigger" for the body seems to offer a promising area for further study. In any case, Oxygen's potentially primary role would be in harmony with this data.

Question #13, is easily dealt with, in principle the last 40 years have seen a precipitous rise in all manner of environmental toxins. Polluted foods (steroids in meats, for example), side effects of certain pharmaceuticals, residential toxins (such as arising from carpet liners, asbestos, etc., etc., ad nauseum), the preponderance of intimate electronic devices such as cell phones, and just plain stress all could easily be regarded as potential triggers somehow setting in motion the conditions leading to diminished blood and oxygen to the brain and spinal cord. Obviously, we live in toxic times, but is this toxicity really where MS comes from, or perhaps what exacerbates MS? There is NO necessary connection here to Rajjpuut’s oxygen hypothesis.

Question #17 (Is there one over-arching theory that might explain all these factors?) In answering the previous 16 questions we have laid the groundwork for open mindedly considering that “Yes, there could be, perhaps not . . . but maybe . . . and for now the overarching theory that holds the key to understanding MS seems to be: a theory of diminished blood or oxygen supply.

Question #18 is both the most esoteric and the most fundamental. MS reversals are not uncommon; did they all get re-myelinized? More startling, there are many documented cases of complete MS reversal following lightning strikes. How lightning could ever "re-myelinize" the nervous system is a mystery far, far beyond the question of how lightning could possibly reverse the symptoms. Like many earlier questions this suggests that demyelization is NOT the fundamental result of Multiple Sclerosis. Could this question too tie into Rajjpuut’s theory of an oxygen or blood connection to MS?

Rajjpuut wishes to thank the reader for his immense patience. This was not an easy read (nor write). The main point here is that claims that the American medical system is the “best in the world” may need to be approached on a case by case or disease by disease basis. Certainly the AMA seems to be a counterproductive agency. Clearly the notion of auto-immunity seems to be a convenient end point for doctors and medical researchers and pharmaceutical companies and highly inconvenient for patients** and taxpayers. Thanks again.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** Of course, If I'm an MS patient, the key question is how do I get well, is there a way? Based upon the fact that a large amount of diseases and infections (including cancer) do best in zero- or low-oxygen environments, in Europe, some treat many ailments including MS with "food grade" hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). They typically use, say 8-15 drops from an eye-dropper in a large glass of clean water and claim this oxygenates the body and can undo MS's ravages. Interesting, IF true. Obviously a doctor should be consulted. and asked to do his best research. Obviously the difference between EXTERNAL H2O2 and "food grade" internal hydrogen peroxide is crucial. The hydrogen peroxide used for outside the body in relatively large quantities is weaker (typically 3%) and contains potentially poisonous additives. The hydrogen peroxide called "food grade" is typically stronger (8%-35%) contains no additives and has a higher degree of purity and is used in VERY TINY amounts. The reader and his/her doctor will have to do their own research. Not surprisingly, the AMA is against the procedure which is relatively cheap and purportedly done rightly, has NO side-effects. For more information go here:
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Obamacare Forces SEIU to Drop Children’s Coverage
It seems the free market is much more compassionate than Ms. Nanny State after all . . . . At the end of October the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) informed dues-paying members of its monstrously large 1199 affiliate in New York that it was dropping health care coverage for children. That's correct, you read it right, an ultra-radical Marxist union, not evil Republicans, is abandoning our ‘chilluns’ to cut rising health care delivery costs . . . .
According to The Wall Street Journal, more than 30,000 low wage service industry families will suffer because of the decision. Who's to blame? Mitra Behroozi, SEIU 1199 benefits manager, singled out oppressive new government regulations, including the progressives’ sacred cow, Obamacare. Specifically the rule forcing insurers to cover dependents of policy holders until age 26 was singled out by Behroozi who said the Union’s financial resources are “already stretched as far as possible.” These things will happen when to a Union that pushes hundreds of millions of dollars toward losing Democratic candidates and $60 million to elect Obama himself. Not to mention anteing up bus fare for thousands of their SEIU employees to stand out in the sun at a Comedy Central anti-TEA Party rally in Washington five days before the election. The road to hell is paved with progressive intentions . . . .
Obama and Dems Push for Trickle-up Poverty
Margaret Thatcher’s famous line about socialism, “Sooner or later they’ll always run out of other people’s money,” seems quite appropriate these days given the Obama administration’s and Congressional Democrats’ penchant for taxing and spending and expanding the size and scope and unconstitutionality of the federal government. At this moment when the fate of the soon-to-be-expired Bush Tax Cuts is still in the balance, it seems evident that the contrast between the two major parties could NOT be greater. The Republicans seeking smaller government, lower spending and lower taxes are seeking the obvious “trickle-down” economic answer that worked so well for Ronald Reagan and over the first three years of the G.W. Bush administration. The Democrats as always are seeking more taxes to spend for an ever bigger and more controlling and intrusive federal government . . . while doing so they’re hoping to inspire the middle-class voter with wealth-envy by letting only the tax cuts for those earning $250,000 or more annually expire . . . policies that Reaganites called “trickle-up” poverty.
Chinese, Russians Show Disdain
for Dollar as Trade Currency
China and Russia have jointly announced that they will use their own currencies for bi-lateral trade in an effort to avoid the risk that the two nations say the American dollar now represents. While Beijing and Moscow have long wanted to heal their longtime “rift,” the announcement of their trade settlement being based upon their own currencies is a telling statement about the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank’s recent Q1 and Q2 monetary easing (demonetizing American debt and devaluing the dollar). In effect both nations are saying, “Our currency is stronger than the BUCK; and so is yours so let’s abandon the dollar and protect our domestic economies.
The two countries have long used the currencies of other countries, most notably the American dollar for bi-lateral trade. Recently, however, the Chinese Yuan has been traded against the Russian Ruble in the Chinese interbank market while the Renminbi/Yuan from China is soon expected to trade against the Ruble in Russia according to Vladimir Putin in a press conference in a meeting with Chinese leader Wen who was making a trip to Russia two months after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's three-day visit to China in September, during which he and President Hu Jintao launched a cross-border pipeline linking the world's biggest energy producer with the largest energy consumer.
From the viewpoint of America’s economy, IF this Chinese-Russian agreement proves to be but the first of a cascade of nation’s “bailing out of the dollar” truly bad times are ahead. From the viewpoint of anyone holding dollar bills, including all American citizens, the real question is “What took so long?” In late 2008, Fed Chief Ben Bernanke printed up fourteen times the circulating currency in the United States in new bills. Thus, then with fifteen times the previous level in circulation, the 2009 dollar was POTENTIALLY worth just 6 2/3 pennies of the 2008 greenback. Now in 2010, the two quantitative easings (Q1 and Q2) have doubled the money in circulation as recently as July of this year . . . potentially, then the dollar is currently worth 3 1/3 cents of the September, 2008 dollar. All in all, news that makes you proud to be an American, eh?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Rules for Patriots: a MUST-read

Listen half an hour to the mainstream media version of news in this country and you could be forgiven for believing that our once proud nation was headed to hell in a hand basket. In 1946, self-proclaimed Neo-Marxist Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky wrote his first book Reveille for Radicals. A quarter century later he struck again with Rules for Radicals, a book he literally dedicated to the devil! Alinsky via his students Richard Cloward, Frances Piven, Hillary Rodham, Bill Clinton, George Wiley, Wade Rathke, Barack Obama, his mentor Frank Marshall **Davis, George Soros, most of the progressive politicians on Capitol Hill, and organizations such as ACORN, NWRO, the Center for American PROGRESS and about 50 other Soros-funded semi-Marxist groups have done virtually irreparable harm to this country. The key word in that last sentence is “virtually” . . . that is, it’s NOT too late to stop them in their tracks. Education and awareness and righteous love of country are the keys to taking back this nation . . . .
Now a grassroots patriotism movement in America has finally awoken. As part of that movement, is making available its Rules for Patriots as an antidote to radical community organization and progressive (they aim “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived United States Constitution and its “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and to make "progress" toward creating a Utopian socialistic/Marxist state on earth) destruction of the American way of life. The book Rules for Patriots’s “grassroots training manual” is available for FREE here:
Once you click upon “Rules for Patriots,” you’ll be asked to give your mailing address so they can immediately ship your copy to you. Multiple copies, depending upon order size, are also available at a cost of $4 to $5 each. All it takes for freedom to fail is for a few good people to do nothing. Don’t let that happen! Stand up for America
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Marshall Davis was a poet, journalist, Communist Party-USA (CPUSA) activist, self-admitted pedophile and an all-around great guy who surely taught our President all the right things . . . .

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‘Tis getting more and more difficult to hold down one’s dinner these days . . . after a bogus bailout; phony Obama-orchestrated bankruptcy aimed dually at preventing the real creditors from getting paid and also at transferring huge amounts of wealth from real GM stockholders to the United Auto Workers Union; Rigged IPO (initial public offering of stock); and phony claims last spring that General Motors had already paid off its tax-payer bailout 100% . . . Rosemary’s Baby is born! It’s the VOLT, a $41,000 electric car/hybrid commanded to be constructed by the Obama White House’s personally appointed GM CEO . . . . My friends, it’s truly a REvoltING car, because:

1. It cost about 90% more than its chief competitor, the Nissan “Leaf”

2. It cost over $40,000 to make each VOLT roughly 2.5 times as much to build as the Leaf

3. Under best conditions, the mileage from the VOLT is roughly 40% less than the Leaf's mileage.

4. It’s ugly as sin

5. Only taxpayer subsidies of $14,500 per car during VOLT’s formative years allowed this pathetic car to be made at all.

6. Carrying around a 72-mile long extension cord is just not cool . . . : ) Seriously, folks, if you ever lived under the misperception that government could outdo private industry . . . the lesser standards and grand profit of $1000 per car ought to set you straight . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Podesta recommends bypassing and ignoring Congress and the American people completely. He suggests that Obama enact a far-left agenda through executive action via executive orders; rulemaking through executive branch administrative agencies; agency management; convening and creating public-private partnerships; commanding the armed forces; and diplomacy
"The ability of President Obama to accomplish important change through these powers should not be underestimated," Podesta stressed. "Congressional deadlock does not mean the federal government stands still."

Progressive-Marxist Think Tank
Advises Rule by Presidential-Edict as
Clinton Staff-Chief Podesta Eggs Obama On
Don’t be surprised if Barack Obama and his 40+ “czars” begin operating more like they ruled an American dictatorship than a republic, because that’s precisely the advice President Obama has received from numerous “prestigious” leftwing groups online and elsewhere. Perhaps the most well-known of these leftwing “brain”-trusts (most of them funded by “Spooky-Dude” George Soros), the Center for American Progress (CAP) tops the list for most prestigious among left-wingers across the globe as well as within our own borders. Based in Washington, D.C., CAP is led by Bill Clinton’s former Marxist Chief of Staff John Podesta. Predictably, Podesta has on three recent occasions called upon Obama to totally circumvent Congress once the Republican Party takes control the House of Representatives beginning January, 2011.
The Obama administration (which has already made a policy of ignoring the vast majority of the American people regarding a) Obamacare b) the Near-ground-zero mosque c) border control d) cap and trade e) auto bailouts f) bank bailouts g)Wall Street bailouts g) the Obama stimulus package h) treatment of Israel i) bi-partisanship j) openness and accountability of the administration’s dealings and k) response to the Arizona Law dealing with Illegal aliens) now appears ready to talk bi-partisanship and a move toward the center out of one side of its mouth while ratcheting up the double-dealing on the other side. Complete disregard of Congress is nothing new for the administration either. When it became apparent last year that the votes to pass cap and trade legislation were nowhere to be found in the senate (which the Democrats controlled at that time 60-40); Obama ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to force Cap and trade upon the nation by regulatory process. The EPA came out within weeks with an announcement that carbon dioxide was a toxic emission which henceforth they would start regulating.
In that instance, the EPA was met immediately with lawsuits pointing out that the agency was operating in opposition to its own charter. EPA regulations require that such “findings” must be based upon legitimately conducted studies by the EPA itself and could NOT reference other studies such as the bogus “global warming” studies conducted by the infamous Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University in England which have been totally discredited by the “Climate Gate” e-mail leaks and by other scandalous revelations.
The ultra-left Mr. Podesta openly suggested President Obama ignore Congress and the American people altogether by using executive action to enact an agenda even more leftist than what Pelosi and Reid passed for him in 2009 and 2010. Among Podesta’s recommendations of important accomplishments to achieve by sidestepping the Republican-controlled house in 2011 in the monthly report created by Podesta and his senior staff at CAP entitled “The Power of the President: Recommendations to Advance Progressive Change” are:
Bypassing and ignoring Congress and the American people completely. He suggests that Obama enact a far-left agenda through executive action via executive orders; rulemaking through executive branch administrative agencies; agency management; convening and creating public-private partnerships; commanding the armed forces; and diplomacy. "The ability of President Obama to accomplish important change through these powers should not be underestimated," Podesta stressed. "Congressional deadlock does not mean the federal government stands still."
The astute reader has already picked up on several key words and phrases, no doubt?
#1 Podesta talked straightforwardly about “recommendations to advance PROGRESSIVE change.” Progressives (neo-Marxists like Podesta who talk openly about “progressing” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution and the necessity to “progress” toward their concept of an earthly Utopia) have been greatly emboldened since the election of Barack Obama are more open about their agenda than at any time in U.S. history. At the October 28 Colbert-Stewart gathering on the mall in Washington, D.C., for example, Communist Party members brazenly carried signs and bragged about themselves as “proud communists” something utterly unprecedented in Rajjpuut’s experience of American politics.
#2 Podesta talks about using the Armed Forces . . . nothing more dictatorial could be suggested especially since Mr. Obama has been training an “elite” group of soldiers to operate at his discretion “in riot-control and instances of civil unrest.”
#3 Podesta hints at the power of government to create leftist change enhanced after “convening and creating public-private partnerships.” That is Unions and the Communist Party and student-radicals taking to the streets. At the very least it would give Obama a reason to institute martial law and mobilize his special Obama-troops (see #2 above).
#4 Clearly Podesta is suggesting violating the Constitutionally- ordained system of checks and balances and elevating himself above the law created by our Founding Fathers . . . making himself more an emperor than a president controlling the executive branch in a triad of balanced power. The Imperial Obama White House will soon be upon us . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Every time the matter of extending Bush’s personal tax breaks on all Americans and extending the “death taxes” and keeping business taxes low . . . every time these matters are mentioned, the progressive Democrats in power in the House, Senate and Oval Office hit us with some version of the following lies and their corollaries. For example:
#1 Bush’s economic policies created (via the Wall Street mess) our present financial malaise . . . we need to go in another direction.
#2 Republicans have made a big deal out of rising deficits and rising national debt and yet they’re intent on dropping taxes on millionaires that would add $700 Billion to the deficit.
#3 Conservatives in general and Republicans, in particular, and the free market have failed us once again and government had to save the day . . . so why give them another chance to screw us up?
#4 Those Bush tax cuts have been around for nearly a decade and they didn’t do any good, quite the contrary.#5 They put our car into the ditch and yet they want the keys returned; we’d be foolish to give them back because they don’t know how to drive.
We will deal with these lies shortly, explaining why they are false and what the actual truth is . . . for now it’s important to realize that once a lie or other misperception has been disseminated by political liars, it tends to take hold (and sometimes take on a life of its own) unless it’s immediately challenged and proven false. The longer it goes unchallenged, the more entrenched the lie** becomes.
Both Goebbels and Hitler gave credit to people like Walter Winchell, Edward Bernays, and George Creel; and especially to America’s Wilson administration for creating the science of propaganda which the Nazis would later use to such powerful effect. Even as early as 1924, Hitler, in Mein Kampf, mentioned the power of the “Big Lie” to completely dominate political debate.
Isn’t it finally time we got to the full truth?
How did it start, this domination of lies over truth in Americans’ understanding of the national political debate? The end game for all propaganda is to change the historical record into something favorable to your side and to control public opinion. Today’s progressives (the name “progressive” was dropped after Woodrow Wilson left office and the label “liberal” remained the self-definition of choice for the leftist politicians for roughly 86 years thereafter) would have Americans believe that they, the progressives, have invented and created America’s greatness over the objections of more fiscally-conservative and Constitutionally-conservative Americans. Literally, they would have you believe that they dragged the country kicking and screaming into the modern era.
Progressives would also claim that they were the ones advocating racial equality all along. The Democratic Party was the party of slavery in the Pre-Civil War days and the party of Jim Crow in the South. Wilson himself was a racist. He’s the one who stopped Blacks being hired by the federal government in Washington, D.C.; and even as president of Princeton University did everything in his power to discourage Black attendance there. The premier of D.W. Griffith’s racist masterpiece “Birth of a Nation” took place in the White House with Wilson presiding over the ceremonious affair. Wilson personally authored a dramatically revisionist interpretation of American history and severe criticism of the Constitution (The New Freedom) calling for progressivism to save the country. Progressives (those who believe, “we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution” and who emphasize making ‘progress’ toward bringing about some version of earthly Utopia) have reaffirmed the Wilson era name for themselves today and shown much more openness in their connection to socialism and even Marxism, more on that later . . . for now let’s address those five Big Lies.
Big Lie #1 “Bush’s economic policies created (via the Wall Street mess) our present financial malaise . . . we need to go in another direction.” Talking about the “Wall Street Mess” is like talking about the top three feet of the huge iceberg that the Titanic ran into and claiming that all the damage was done by that top yard of snow. What did cause 98% of the damage to America’s economy in 2007 and beyond? In 1975 the United States had a home-loan system almost totally run by the private sector. Ownership of homes by private citizens averaged over 64% we were the envy of the world. At that time only one in every 404 loans was offered at 3% down payment or less (usually to former military officers attending college) 0.24% of all home mortgages. Mortgage default was almost unknown. In 1977, President Jimmy Carter and his progressive Democrats controlling both chambers of Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) to fix a situation that was NOT broken. The impetus of the new law was to force mortgage lenders to make bad loans. The percentage of potentially risky home loans in the 28 years following CRA ’77 rose by 13,800% and to make the situation worse 1) in 2005, 34% of all home loans were granted at 3% down payment or less and many of them were granted at an unheard of 0% down payment while 2) ACORN and others pushing for these loans after Bill Clinton’s 1998’s steroid version expansion of CRA ’77 found it as easy to move poor people without credit into $400,000-$500,000 homes as it had been to move more qualified poor people into $60,000 homes in the 1980s. In other words, 98% of the financial meltdown was caused by government interference in the mortgage markets created by progressive politicians giving us the sub-prime lending crisis.
As far as the “Wall Street Debacle” documented by The Big Short author Michael Lewis and others . . . yes, that was created by Wall Street greed exploiting the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank which had allowed “derivative” investments to be sold. Fed Chief Alan Greenspan once hailed derivatives as “the savior of the financial markets, practically guaranteeing that financial collapses are impossible. The creator of the Federal Reserve and the inflation that has dominated American policies over the last century (the dollar today is worth nine pennies compared to the dollar of 100 years ago): President Woodrow Wilson, who also gave us the income tax and government propaganda. So let’s give Wall Street greed 0.5% of the blame; Alan Greenspan 0.5% of the blame and progressive politicians 98% + 1% = 99% of the guilt. Nevertheless, they have enthusiastically been blaming everyone but themselves.
Big Lie #2 says, “Republicans have made a big deal out of rising deficits and rising national debt and yet they’re intent on dropping taxes on millionaires that would add $700 Billion to the deficit.” First note that the deficit mentioned is $700 Billion over ten years . . . unsaid is that the combined policies of Nancy Pelosi over four years and Barack Obama over two years have swelled the national debt by roughly $5 Trillion, that is seven times the $700 Billion mention in far less time with almost no Republican help. Secondly, the Keynesian economists in the White House are infamous for pie-in-the-sky arithmetic when projecting the effects of their ruinous policies but using zero-sum ideas to evaluate conservative ideas. In this case, there is no mention of the probable GREAT DEPRESSION #2 that their tax hike on the small business community will create (the top 2% of the tax-paying populace creates 70% of all new jobs); or of the stimulus to job creation and economic recovery that will swell the government’s tax coffers via extension of the Bush cuts to those top 2%. And, of course, there are also all those bad loans forced upon mortgage lenders by CRA ’77 (and all the extensions to it over the last 33 years) providing a huge drag on the economy and on government revenues also contributing to the deficits.
As for Big Lie #3 which says “Conservatives in general and Republicans, in particular, and the free market have failed us once again and government had to save the day, again . . . so why give them another chance to screw us up?” This is specifically the Barney Frank lie repeated early and often while he assured us that our mortgage system in general and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in particular were on completely sound footing. 1) First of all, Barney Frank and folks like Chris Dodd totally failed in their key oversight roles; they failed to see the problem coming which their policies had created and exacerbated. And let’s emphasize the fact that the problem was not subtle and hidden from view. James Stack of first mentioned the sub-prime lending crisis in November, 2003 and declared that the economy was in a very vulnerable state accompanying his “Housing Industry Bubble Chart” for an unheard of five consecutive years on the website. 2) George W. Bush and his administration brought the matter to the country’s attention in January, 2005, fourteen months later. Bush called for new legislation wiping out the worst aspects of CRA ’77 legislation and the expansions that followed (four by Bill Clinton – three legislatively in ’98 with two others in ’95; and a wide-sweeping regulatory expansion in 1993) that had created the sub-prime lending crisis. Bush’s efforts failed but he would speak to Congress on eighteen more occasions to emphasize the problems that the sub-prime lending expansion had brought to the country. However, numerous savage refutations by Frank and Dodd and the entire Democratic leadership kept future attempts from bearing fruit. Finally in July, 2007, thirty months after Bush first brought the matter to Congress’s attention, a very late, very weak and very limited version of Bush’s January, 2005 effort was passed.
Of course it proved way too little, way too late and the meltdown began in October, 2007. However, Bush’s effort was credited and praised in August, 2010, by Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner with preventing a serious plunge in home prices and a worse and absolutely devastating recession.
Remember, Barney Frank said, “. . . the free markets and Wall Street got us into trouble, again, and the government had to come to their rescue, again . . .” the facts show however that the truth instead is that the economy was weakened devastatingly because of CRA’77’s effect over thirty years and that as early as 2005 34% of all mortgage lending were potentially suspect forced loans legislated upon lenders and the ensuing bubble in home prices; and the ensuing bubble in housing industry stocks proved to be full of hot air and nothing else as everything collapsed.
Big Lie #4 says that the Bush tax cuts have been around for nearly a decade and rather than helping out, they sabotaged us and helped bring about our present financial crisis. The truth about this lie will be discussed as part of the discussion of Big Lie #5. For now, the general truth is that the tax cuts did a helluva lot of good, but you can’t feel secure in believing that without a lot of background facts. Let’s get to it!
Big Lie #5 says, “They (conservatives and Republicans and the free markets) put our car (the American economy) into the ditch (deep recession) and yet now they want the keys returned, we’d be foolish to give them back because they don’t know how to drive.” 1) The progressive Democrats don’t decide who “gets the keys and runs the country,” the American voters do and the voters instinctively know things are not exactly as the Democratic Party claims they are . . . and the recent ringing rejection of the policies of Obama and the Democratically-controlled House and Senate in this November’s elections confirmed their distrust . . . but we can do much better than relying on “instinct” 2) We’ve already shown that 98% of the problem can be attributed directly to 30+ years of serious big government interference boondoggling. 3) We’ve also shown that in January, 2005 Bush called for undoing the poisonous CRA ’77 laws and then continued to call for it almost 20 times until a weak anti-CRA law was passed. The progressive Democrats not only created and exacerbated the problem; they also provided thirty months of obstruction to fixing the problem and their obstruction also resulted in a weaker and later law to fight the problem.
In short: the truths are these: A) Big Lie #4 is corrected by saying that in all likelihood the Bush Tax Cuts fueled the economy and made the CRA problem much less serious than it other wise would be and B) Big Lie #5 is corrected with this stunning statement:
George W. Bush saw the progressive Democrats, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and especially ACORN pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot ditch and jumped into the front seat grabbing the wheel and slamming on the brakes to guide the car into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
That italicized statement is so outrageous that we must in decency provide more research evidence to back it up: it’s a bit of a long story but we’ll seek to boil it down for you . . . but first, let’s really get outrageous, let’s add a single italicized word to that statement . . . the word “deliberately” so now the statement reads this far more outrageous way:
George W. Bush saw the progressive Democrats, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and especially ACORN DELIBERATELY pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot ditch and jumped into the front seat grabbing the wheel and slamming on the brakes to guide the car into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
Can that be proven? YES, YES, YES! Here are the facts . . . .
In 1975, the State of New York just missed going bankrupt; New York City, however, was bankrupt and had to be bailed out by the federal government. What was the cause of their fiscal debacle? Eight million new recipients were added to the welfare rolls between 1968 and 1975 by the DELIBERATELY-planned actions of Richard Cloward, Frances Piven and George Wiley. There’s that word “DELIBERATELY” once again. It all began with the publication of an article by the Columbia University (NYC) progressive professors Cloward and Piven titled The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty in the May 2, 1966 edition of the leftist publication “The Nation” which came to be known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy.” Their idea: use Alinsky tactics (named after self-described Neo-Marxist Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky author of Rules for Radicals) to overload the welfare rolls, creating a fiscal crisis and forcing (they thought) the Democratic Party to pass a GNI (guaranteed national income) in keeping with president Lyndon Johnsons “War on Poverty.” How were those new welfare recipients created? Browbeating tactics, demonstrations and outright refusal to stand up to them by the nation’s social workers . . . courtesy of the National Welfare RIGHTS Organization run by Wiley in concert with Cloward and Piven. The threesome did not get their GNI but nevertheless bragged publicly and in writing about their great “success” after the NYC bankruptcy. Cloward and Piven called upon their supporters to move their Alinsky techniques into the areas of voter registration and housing for the future. Wade Rathke, a Wiley lieutenant sent to Arkansas to run that state’s NWRO efforts in 1970, was already in place.
The future was NOT far off. The Carter administration and progressives passed CRA law and in that same year, 1977, the Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now (ACORN) was created. We could write whole encyclopedia about ACORN’s fraudulent voter registration techniques but we’ll only mention that the supposedly non-partisan group gathered a huge number of voter registration forms in 1978 and destroyed all those belonging to would-be Republican voters. The positioning of Rathke was truly fortuitous. In 1976, Arkansas elected a 30-year old up-and-comer as their Lieutenant Governor and it was his campaign for Governor in 1978 that the fraudulent ACORN efforts benefitted. Bill Clinton was elected to the Arkansas Governorship 12 of the next 14 years and would become the first ACORN president in 1992. Meanwhile ACORN had expanded across the nation and its acronym now stood for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now but still claiming non-partisanship and still into voter fraud as well as housing. Thanks almost entirely to ACORN’s brow-beating and shake-down tactics in Arkansas, nationwide the percentage of suspect loans doubled between 1975 and 1985 to a still reasonable 0.51%.
ACORN had delivered for Bill Clinton and now as President he showed himself willing to repay in kind. 1) In his very first year he unleashed the ACORN beast. In an infamous photo found all over the internet, Clinton signs the Motor Voter Act with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him during the ceremony. 2) Unable to get CRA legislation, Clinton uses Presidential directive to get widespread regulatory expansion for CRA ’77. Then in 1995, Clinton out-maneuvered Newt Gingrich into allowing two minor expansions of the CRA ’77 law. By now ACORN is national and pushing for bad loans all across the country. By the end of 1995, 14% of all home loans in America are suspect and the housing bubble and housing industry bubble are fully underway.
In 1998, Clinton delivered for ACORN once again. The ’98 expansion of CRA laws put the whole ugly system on steroids. ACORN from now on will find it EASIER to get poor people with zilch credit scores into $400,000-$500,000 homes than they’d faced getting better qualified individuals into homes costing 80% less just a decade earlier. The upshot? Home lenders were forced by their government to make knowingly disastrous loans to people . . . .
a) without jobs
b) with poor credit ratings
c) without even a documented rental history
d) with only food stamps as “income”
e) with lifelong histories on Welfare
f) and even to illegal aliens
So now by 2005, 34% of all home loans were suspect loans and the debacle was clearly underway. One little detail you’ll appreciate: Barack Obama was a Chicago community organizer who worked parts of 1994-1996 as an ACORN lawyer shaking down banks and other mortgage lenders to force them to make bad loans. Obama’s signature skill was avoiding the courtroom and not only securing the home loans in question, but also was getting the lenders to make donations directly to ACORN. So let’s let you, the reader consider that word we’ve used twice: “DELIBERATELY” . . . .
So let us all contemplate the impact of those five Big Lies on our nation. On Election Day a message was sent. However, we still have the architects of the disaster running the show: Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Barney Frank are still bigwigs in Congress. Chris Dodd was replaced by his clone Richard Blumenthal. And the 80% progressive control of the House Democratic caucus before the election now stands at 90% control by the progressive Democrats even though as a Party they lost 65 seats in the House and six seats in the senate. The people who DELIBERATELY set out to undermine our great nation are still in control of our most powerful political party and still out to “fundamentally transform” and destroy America as we know it. Vigilance and continued grassroots action by an informed and angered citizenry is the only hope. Indeed, if the contents of this article were generally known by 80% of the populace, it's hard to imagine progressive action being regarded as benignly and tolerantly as it now is . . . .
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
**More details for truly ambitious readers can be found here:
I've reproduced much of that internet article here:
Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles (which erupted after police had used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving), activists were abuzz over the so-called "crisis strategy" or "Cloward-Piven Strategy," as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect.
In their 1966 article, "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" (which sold an unheard of 30,000 reprints) Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; and that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when "the rest of society is afraid of them," Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would "the rest of society" accept their demands.
The key to sparking this rebellion would be to expose the inadequacy of the welfare state. Cloward-Piven’s early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. "Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules," Alinsky wrote in his 1972 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judaeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to "live up" to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist "rule book" with a socialist one.
The authors noted that the number of Americans subsisting on welfare — about 8 million, at the time — probably represented less than half the number who were technically eligible for full benefits. They proposed a "massive drive to recruit the poor onto the welfare rolls." Cloward and Piven calculated that persuading even a fraction of potential welfare recipients to demand their entitlements would bankrupt the system. The result, they predicted, would be "a profound financial and political crisis" that would unleash "powerful forces … for major economic reform at the national level." They would in eight years double the number on welfare via the NWRO’s bullying tactics.
Their article called for "cadres of aggressive organizers" to use "demonstrations to create a climate of militancy." Intimidated by threats of black violence, politicians would appeal to the federal government for help. Carefully orchestrated media campaigns, carried out by friendly, leftwing journalists, would float the idea of "a federal program of income redistribution," in the form of a guaranteed living income for all — working and non-working people alike. Local officials would clutch at this idea like drowning men to a lifeline. They would apply pressure on Washington to implement it. With every major city erupting into chaos, Washington would have to act. This was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse movements — mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. The flood of demands was calculated to break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down. Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown — providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change. That was the theory.
Cloward and Piven recruited a militant black organizer named George Wiley to lead their new movement. In the summer of 1967, Wiley founded the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). His tactics closely followed the recommendations set out in Cloward and Piven’s article. His followers invaded welfare offices across the United States — often violently — bullying social workers and loudly demanding every penny to which the law "entitled" them. By 1969, NWRO claimed a dues-paying membership of 22,500 families, with 523 chapters across the nation.
Regarding Wiley’s tactics, The New York Times commented on September 27, 1970, "There have been sit-ins in legislative chambers, including a United States Senate committee hearing, mass demonstrations of several thousand welfare recipients, school boycotts, picket lines, mounted police, tear gas, arrests – and, on occasion, rock-throwing, smashed glass doors, overturned desks, scattered papers and ripped-out phones."These methods proved effective. "The flooding succeeded beyond Wiley’s wildest dreams," writes Sol Stern in the City Journal. "From 1965 to 1974, the number of single-parent households on welfare soared from 4.3 million to 10.8 million, despite mostly flush economic times. By the early 1970s, one person was on the welfare rolls in New York City for every two working in the city’s private economy." As a direct result of its massive welfare spending, New York City was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1975. The entire state of New York nearly went down with it. The Cloward-Piven strategy had proved its effectiveness.
The Cloward-Piven strategy depended on surprise. Once society recovered from the initial shock, the backlash began. New York’s welfare crisis horrified America, giving rise to a reform movement which culminated in "the end of welfare as we know it" — the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which imposed time limits on federal welfare, along with strict eligibility and work requirements. Both Cloward and Piven attended the White House signing of the bill as guests of President Clinton.
Most Americans to this day have never heard of Cloward and Piven. But New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani attempted to expose them in the late 1990s. As his drive for welfare reform gained momentum, Giuliani accused the militant scholars by name, citing their 1966 manifesto as evidence that they had engaged in deliberate economic sabotage. "This wasn’t an accident," Giuliani charged in a 1997 speech. "It wasn’t an atmospheric thing, it wasn’t supernatural. This is the result of policies and programs designed to have the maximum number of people get on welfare."
Cloward and Piven never again revealed their intentions as candidly as they had in their 1966 article. Even so, their activism in subsequent years continued to rely on the tactic of overloading the system. When the public caught on to their welfare scheme, Cloward and Piven simply moved on, applying pressure to other sectors of the bureaucracy, wherever they detected weakness.
In 1982, partisans of the Cloward-Piven strategy founded a new "voting rights movement," which purported to take up the unfinished work of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Like ACORN, the organization that spear-headed this campaign, the new "voting rights" movement was led by veterans of George Wiley’s welfare rights crusade. Its flagship organizations were Project Vote and Human SERVE, both founded in 1982. Project Vote is an ACORN front group, launched by former NWRO organizer and ACORN co-founder Zach Polett. Human SERVE was founded by Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, along with a former NWRO organizer named Hulbert James.
All three of these organizations — ACORN, Project Vote and Human SERVE — set to work lobbying energetically for the so-called Motor-Voter law, which Bill Clinton ultimately signed in 1993. The Motor-Voter bill is largely responsible for swamping the voter rolls with "dead wood" — invalid registrations signed in the name of deceased, ineligible or non-existent people — thus opening the door to the unprecedented levels of voter fraud and "voter disenfranchisement" claims that followed in subsequent elections. The new "voting rights" coalition combines mass voter registration drives — typically featuring high levels of fraud — with systematic intimidation of election officials in the form of frivolous lawsuits, unfounded charges of "racism" and "disenfranchisement," and "direct action" (street protests, violent or otherwise). Just as they swamped America’s welfare offices in the 1960s, Cloward-Piven devotees now seek to overwhelm the nation’s understaffed and poorly policed electoral system. Their tactics set the stage for the Florida recount crisis of 2000, and have introduced a level of fear, tension and foreboding to U.S. elections heretofore encountered mainly in Third World countries. Both the Living Wage and Voting Rights movements today depend heavily on financial support from George Soros’s Open Society Institute and his "Shadow Party," through whose support the Cloward-Piven strategy continues to provide a blueprint for some of the Left’s most ambitious campaigns.
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Rajjpuut's Folly: Cosby's Ghettosburg Address

Here's is Bill Cosby's address which became famous despite the fact that no part of
the mainstream media wanted anything to do with it; and none of them have ever published it. Juan Williams, the ex-NPR commentator, wrote a whole book on the subjects raised by this speech, but Cosby says it best . . . .

The “Ghettosburg Address”

from Dr. Bill Cosby
at the 50th Anniversary commemoration**of the Brown vs Topeka Board of Education
Supreme Court Decision
Ladies and gentlemen, I really have to ask you to seriously consider what you've heard, and now this is the end of the evening so to speak. I heard a prize fight manager say to his fellow who was losing badly, “David, listen to me. It's not what's he's doing to you. It's what you're not doing. (laughter).
Ladies and gentlemen, these people set, they opened the doors, they gave us the right, and today, ladies and gentlemen, in our cities and public schools we have fifty percent drop out. In our own neighborhoods, we have men in prison. No longer is a person embarrassed because they're pregnant without a husband. (clapping) No longer is a boy considered an embarrassment if he tries to run away from being the father of the unmarried child . . .
Ladies and gentlemen, the lower economic and lower middle economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. In the neighborhood that most of us grew up in, parenting is not going on. (clapping) In the old days, you couldn't hooky school because every drawn shade was an eye (laughing). And before your mother got off the bus and to the house, she knew exactly where you had gone, who had gone into the house, and where you got on whatever you had one and where you got it from. Parents don't know that today.
I'm talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was two? (clapping) Where were you when he was twelve? (clapping) Where were you when he was eighteen, and how come you don't know he had a pistol? (clapping) And where is his father, and why don't you know where he is? And why doesn't the father show up to talk to this boy?
The church is only open on Sunday. And you can't keep asking Jesus to ask doing things for you (clapping). You can't keep asking that God will find a way. God is tired of you (clapping and laughing). God was there when they won all those cases. 50 in a row. That's where God was because these people were doing something. And God said, “I'm going to find a way.” I wasn't there when God said it... I'm making this up (laughter). But it sounds like what God would do (laughter).
We cannot blame white people. White people (clapping) .. white people don't live over there. They close up the shop early. The Korean ones still don't know us as well...they stay open 24 hours (laughter).
I'm looking and I see a man named Kenneth Clark. He and his wife Mamie...Kenneth's still alive. I have to apologize to him for these people because Kenneth said it straight. He said you have to strengthen yourselves...and we've got to have that black doll. And everybody said it. Julian Bond said it. Comedian Dick Gregory said it. All these lawyers said it. And you wouldn't know that anybody had done a damned thing.
50 percent drop out rate, I'm telling you, and people in jail, and women having children by five, six different men. Under what excuse, I want somebody to love me, and as soon as you have it, you forget to parent. Grandmother, mother, and great grandmother in the same room, raising children, and the child knows nothing about love or respect of any one of the three of them (clapping). All this child knows is “gimme, gimme, gimme.” These people want to buy the friendship of a child....and the child couldn't care less. Those of us sitting out here who have gone on to some college or whatever we've done, we still fear our parents (clapping and laughter). And these people are not parenting. They're buying things for the kid. $500 sneakers, for what? They won't buy or spend $250 on Hooked on Phonics. (clapping)
Kenneth Clark, somewhere in his home in upstate New York...just looking ahead. Thank God, he doesn't know what's going on, thank God. But these people, the ones up here in the balcony fought so hard. Looking at the incarcerated, these are not political criminals. These are people going around stealing Coca Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake! Then we all run out and are outraged, “The cops shouldn't have shot him” What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand? (laughter and clapping). I wanted a piece of pound cake just as bad as anybody else (laughter) And I looked at it and I had no money. And something called parenting said if get caught with it you're going to embarrass your mother. Not you're going to get your butt kicked. No. You're going to embarrass your mother. You're going to embarrass your family.
If knock that girl up, you're going to have to run away because it's going to be too embarrassing for your family. In the old days, a girl getting pregnant had to go down South, and then her mother would go down to get her. But the mother had the baby. I said the mother had the baby. The girl didn't have a baby. The mother had the baby in two weeks. (laughter) We are not parenting. Ladies and gentlemen, listen to these people, they are showing you what's wrong. People putting their clothes on backwards. –isn't that a sign of something going on wrong? (laughter)
Are you not paying attention, people with their hat on backwards, pants down around the crack. Isn't that a sign of something, or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up (laughter and clapping ). Isn't it a sign of something when she's got her dress all the way up to the crack...and got all kinds of needles and things going through her body. What part of Africa did this come from? (laughter). We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans, they don't know a damned thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Shaligua, Mohammed and all that crap and all of them are in jail. (When we give these kinds names to our children, we give them the strength and inspiration in the meaning of those names. What's the point of giving them strong names if there is not parenting and values backing it up).
Brown Versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. We've got to take the neighborhood back (clapping). We've got to go in there. Just forget telling your child to go to the Peace Corps. It's right around the corner. (laughter) It's standing on the corner. It can't speak English. It doesn't want to speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk. “Why you ain't where you is go, ra,” I don't know who these people are. And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk (laughter). Then I heard the father talk. This is all in the house. You used to talk a certain way on the corner and you got into the house and switched to English. Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't land a plane with “why you ain't...” You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. There is no Bible that has that kind of language. Where did these people get the idea that they're moving ahead on this. Well, they know they're not, they're just hanging out in the same place, five or six generations sitting in the projects when you're just supposed to stay there long enough to get a job and move out.
Now look, I'm telling you. It's not what they're doing to us. It's what we're not doing. 50 percent drop out. Look, we're raising our own ingrown immigrants. These people are fighting hard to be ignorant. There's no English being spoken, and they're walking and they're angry. Oh God, they're angry and they have pistols and they shoot and they do stupid things. And after they kill somebody, they don't have a plan. Just murder somebody. Boom. Over what? A pizza? And then run to the poor cousin's house. They sit there and the cousin says “what are you doing here?” “I just killed somebody, man.” “What?” “I just killed somebody, I've got to stay here.” “No, you don't.” “Well, give me some money, I'll go...” “Where are you going?” “North Carolina.” Everybody wanted to go to North Carolina. But the police know where you're going because your cousin has a record.
Five or six different children, same woman, eight, ten different husbands or whatever, pretty soon you're going to have to have DNA cards so you can tell who you're making love to. You don't who this is. It might be your grandmother. (laughter) I'm telling you, they're young enough. Hey, you have a baby when you're twelve. Your baby turns thirteen and has a baby, how old are you? Huh? Grandmother. By the time you're twelve, you could have sex with your grandmother, you keep those numbers coming. I'm just predicting.
I'm saying Brown Vs. Board of Education. We've got to hit the streets, ladies and gentlemen. I'm winding up, now , no more applause. I'm saying, look at the Black Muslims. There are Black Muslims standing on the street corners and they say so forth and so on, and we'rere laughing at them because they have bean pies and all that, but you don't read “Black Muslim gunned down while chastising drug dealer.” You don't read that. They don't shoot down Black Muslims. You understand me. Muslims tell you to get out of the neighborhood. When you want to clear your neighborhood out, first thing you do is go get the Black Muslims, bean pies and all (laughter). And your neighborhood is then clear. The police can't do it.
I'm telling you Christians, what's wrong with you? Why can't you hit the streets? Why can't you clean it out yourselves? It's our time now, ladies and gentlemen. It is our time (clapping). And I've got good news for you. It's not about money. It's about you doing something ordinarily that we do—get in somebody else's business. It's time for you to not accept the language that these people are speaking, which will take them nowhere. What the hell good is Brown V. Board of Education if nobody wants it?
What is it with young girls getting after some girl who wants to still remain a virgin. Who are these sick black people and where did they come from and why haven't they been parented to shut up? To go up to girls and try to get a club where “you are nobody..,” this is a sickness ladies and gentlemen and we are not paying attention to these children. These are children. They don't know anything. They don't have anything. They're homeless people. All they know how to do is beg. And you give it to them, trying to win their friendship. And what are they good for? And then they stand there in an orange suit and you drop to your knees, “(crying sound) He didn't do anything, he didn't do anything.” Yes, he did do it. And you need to have an orange suit on too (laughter, clapping).
So, ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you for the award (big laughter) and giving me an opportunity to speak because, I mean, this is the future, and all of these people who lined up and done..they've got to be wondering what the hell happened. Brown V. Board of Education, these people who marched and were hit in the face with rocks and punched in the face to get an education and we got these knuckleheads walking around who don't want to learn English (clapping) I know that you all know it. I just want to get you as angry that you ought to be. When you walk around the neighborhood and you see this stuff, that stuff's not funny. These people are not funny anymore. And that 's not brother. And that's not my sister. They're faking and they're dragging me way down because the state, the city and all these people have to pick up the tab on them because they don't want to accept that they have to study to get an education.
We have to begin to build in the neighborhood, have restaurants, have cleaners, have pharmacies, have real estate, have medical buildings instead of trying to rob them all. And so, ladies and gentlemen, please, Dorothy Height, where ever she's sitting, she didn't do all that stuff so that she could hear somebody say “I can't stand algebra, I can't stand...and “what you is.” It's horrible.
Basketball players, multimillionaires can't write a paragraph. Football players, multimillionaires, can't read. Yes. Multimillionaires. Well, Brown V Board of Education, where are we today? It's there. They paved the way. What did we do with it. The white man, he's laughing, got to be laughing. 50 percent drop out, rest of them in prison.
You got to tell me that if there was parenting, help me, if there was parenting, he wouldn't have picked up the Coca Cola bottle and walked out with it to get shot in the back of the head. He wouldn't have. Not if he loved his parents. And not if they were parenting! Not if the father would come home. Not if the boy hadn't dropped the sperm cell inside of the girl and the girl had said, “No, you have to come back here and be the father of this child.” Not ..“I don't have to.”
Therefore, you have the pile up of these sweet beautiful things born by nature raised by no one. Give them presents. You're raising pimps. That's what a pimp is. A pimp will act nasty to you so you have to go out and get them something. And then you bring it back and maybe he or she hug you. And that's why pimp is so famous. They've got a drink called the “Pimp-something.” You all wonder what that's about, don't you? Well, you're probably going to let Jesus figure it out for you (laughter). Well, I've got something to tell you about Jesus. When you go to the church, look at the stained glass things of Jesus. Look at them. Is Jesus smiling? Not in one picture. So, tell your friends. Let's try to do something. Let's try to make Jesus smile. Let's start parenting. Thank you, thank you (clapping, cheers)
Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
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“Almost a year to the day that the Climate Gate story broke in Europe and doomed carbon trading in the rest of the world, a story that the American media have refused to cover . . . another crucial story broke in the heartland of this country and again the American media refused to cover it. Americans, the salvation of your nation has advanced from Square #1 to Square #2 . . . .” Rajjpuut

Is CCX Too Big and Well-Connected to Fail?

Obama Insiders Rape Taxpayers in GM IPO

In the wake of the multi-billion dollar taxpayer rape; insider Obama benefit party; and UAW union theft, better known as the General Motors initial public offering (GM IPO) there was unfortunately for the left some really, really bad news from nearby Chicago. The Chicago Climate eXchange (CCX) has given up the carbon trading business which is like the Three Stooges swearing to never, never again throw a pie in someone’s face.

ITEM: Ballot Blues for Barack: it’s been a rough three weeks for Barack Obama. First there was this little matter of stupid American voters not getting with the program and backing the Grate-One’s policies intended as they are to destroy America the Beautiful as we know it; 6,000 fewer progressive Democrats will be uglying up the scene come January including 64 fewer Congressional Reps in Washington; six fewer senators and 8 fewer governors and roughly 700 fewer state legislators. Getting specific: of the 98 bi-cameral state chambers (Nebraska has a unicameral setup) Republicans now hold 55; Democrats hold 38; two are evenly split; and three are still undecided. The excuses had started three weeks before election eve and continue: basically, Barack is sorry that he couldn’t “dumb- down” his message of glorious intellectual achievement so that the ignorant masses could realize what a savior on earth he is.

ITEM: Obama came out of his recent trips to South Korea and Japan with only handshakes to show for it. No important new agreements or trade deals were accomplished. The folks in New Delhi, India are meanwhile checking to see if they still have hands at the end of their wrists after making a trade agreement with Obama which will create more Indian jobs but tie them more strongly to the failing American dollar than any wise country would ever hope to be . . . call that one a tie. But the big loss was Obama’s hope to use the G-20 forum to get consensus that China must stop manipulating their currency . . . only to be called a hypocrite since the American Federal Reserve Bank under Fed Chief Ben Bernanke has twice use Quantitative Easing (Monetizing the U.S. debt) in the last three months which means that the World’s Reserve Currency (the dollar) can be predicted to drop substantially in value, a curse for Americans and for countries like China, Japan, Russia, India, Germany, Brazil and South Korea which hold huge amounts of American dollars.

ITEM: Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder tried to put a happy-face upon the recent terrorism trial in a civilian court in which a man who twice in the last 11 years (his attack was BEFORE 9/11) confessed, was acquitted of 284 of the 285 charges against him. The populace, far from being fooled was outraged.

ITEM: The Obama administration tried to make the GM IPO look like the greatest positive advance since sexual intercourse was invented . . . but the jury was still out because rumors claim that Obama insiders got first crack at the GM stock rather than an impartial auction taking place; it appears that the nominal $50 Billion loaned to GM was nowhere near covered; the UAW union that supported Obama cleared $4 Billion from the IPO and the stock saw only a modest gain on the day roughly $1.40. Meanwhile angry Republicans are investigating the improprieties and the rape of the taxpayers which took place.

ITEM: Almost a year to the day that the “Climate Gate” story** broke in Europe (see links above) and doomed carbon trading in the rest of the world, a story that the American media have refused to cover . . . another crucial story broke in the heartland and again the American media refused to cover it. Fellow Americans, the salvation of your nation has advanced from Square #1 to Square #2 . . . . the Chicago Climate eXchange, that once appeared to have it in its power to bring progressive politicians $10 TRillion per year in largesse while reducing the American nation to the status of Banana Republic 3rd Class, that CCX, has pulled up its tent and retreated from the scene. The legions of pr0gressive Democrats aligned to shake down the capitalistic dream by co-opting 40% of the American economy while literally trading blue sky must have seen the writing on the wall when the election results poured in like a massacre against their twisted philosophy.

Here are some of the saddened hearts in Mudville associated with CCX, one wonders how many millions they each lost: George Soros, Maurice Strong, Barack Obama, Al Gore, Richard Sandor, Joel Rogers, Valerie Jarrett, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, The Shorebank, John Ayers, Michelle Obama, David Blood, Generation Investment Management, Goldman Sachs and much of its top management, Franklin Raines, The Joyce Foundation, The Tides Foundation, Open Society Initiatives, Paula DiPerna, the Apollo Alliance, SEIU, Gerald Hudson, Emerald Cities Collaborative, and roughly 100 other progressive-Marxist crooks and 40 other Soros-inspired progressive foundations (all operating virtually like a money-laundering scam), ad nauseum.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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I Tell You It Just Don’t
Make Sense, Dude/Dudette
ITEM: Violent demonstrations racked some state universities today as Californians are seeing college students riot after facing potential 80% tuition hikes just days after their courts OK’d massive tuition breaks for illegal aliens letting them attend California universities at the same rate as citizens much below the rate offered out of state students. Rajjpuut recommends all California grade school students be required to take Remedial Vocabulary courses teaching them concepts like “citizen;” “illegal”; “alien”; “free lunch;" "welfare state;" “Constitution;” “common sense;” and the like. Perhaps California might consider charging elementary and illegal alien secondary students say $5,000 per student as a way to make up the shortfall? And denying illegal aliens access to benefits targeted for U.S. and California citizens? Arizona Senator Kyl who is truly a statesman has expressed severe doubts about the adequacy of the Obama START Treaty. 2/3 majorities are required to pass any treatment.
ITEM: Obama and Holder incompetence was on parade as a terrorist defendant was acquitted of 284 charges and found guilty of one by a civilian court. By the way, Rajjpuut WOULD HOPE that civilian courts would acquit him of charges produced from evidence obtained by brutality (enhanced interrogation) . . . this is totally predictable, stateless fanatics willing to kill innocents and even to blow themselves up in WAR cannot be successfully handled like ordinary shoplifters. Terrorist Ahmed Ghailani was chosen for trial because his crime took place BEFORE 9/11; involved NO waterboarding and included such a huge amount of evidence that it was described as a "slamdunk" dry-run of the Obama-Holder insistence that terrorists should be tried in civillian courts. Consider this: Ghailani confessed twice and one cheap conviction out of 285 counts is the best Holder-Obama could get us? Holder and Obama are twin incompetents who greatly endanger this country.
Terrorist Ahmed Ghailani was chosen for trial because his crime took place BEFORE 9/11; involved NO water-boarding and included such a huge amount of evidence that it was described as a "slam-dunk" dry-run of the Obama-Holder insistence that terrorists should be tried in civilian courts. Consider this: Ghailani confessed twice and one cheap conviction out of 285 counts is the best Holder-Obama could get us? Holder and Obama are twin incompetents who greatly endanger this country.
ITEM: Texas, like California is facing the ridiculous issue of whether or not ILLEGAL aliens deserve the benefits of Americans or of the state’s own citizens. In all their vaunted political correctness the Obama administration and Democratic progressives at the federal level and individual states like California and New York have shown a shocking INability to understand the meaning of the simple word “illegal.” In Texas, meanwhile, they’re facing a curious variation of the when the Texas A&M student congress voted to disallow illegal aliens receiving in-state tuition. The fly in the ointment, their student body president vetoed the action and insufficient votes to overturn the veto allowed his decision to stand. Oh, by the way, the student body president is an illegal alien. Since this was discovered after his election many Aggie students are calling for his removal.
ITEM: Seeing the President fail to obtain meaningful results on his last three forays into foreign affairs, how confident can Americans feel about his START Treaty with Russia to reduce nuclear arms in both countries?
ITEM: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Mr. Obama and the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) are willing to inconvenience and ENDANGER America’s air travelers with expensive and useless scanning devices and questionable pat downs. It has been admitted that the underwear bomber on Christmas, 2009, WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DETECTED by the scanning devices. In fact PROFILING and sniffer dogs (they can each work about one hour a day only) are estimated to be about 20 times more effective . . . another Obama boondoggle brought to you courtesy of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. The most successful and one of the least expensive security programs in the world by the Israelis is the model we should be following and that means common-sense profiling of potential Islamic terrorists is required. Israel's El Al airline has NEVER lost a plane to terrorism. They profile, they give every passenger a brief interview and some of them extensive interviewing.

ITEM: How soon they forget . . . . Americans now seem willing to pay $33.00 and upward for each share of General Motors (GM) stock available from an IPO (initial public offering). Hey, dumbsheeets, they’ve been profitable lately because the damn company has been subsidized to the tune of $14,500.00 per car. Rajjpuut’s prediction: look for GM to be selling at less than $20 a share by Jan. 15 and less than $10 a share in March $5 or less per share in 2012 and still be a poor bargain. Look for GM to be back begging for a future bailout not later than 2020. The stock market continues to fool most of the people most of the time (and most of that fooling is done by self-delusion). By the way, IPOs taken as a whole over the years prove (twelve months later) to be very poor investments. The GM IPO is expected to set a record as the largest initial public offering in history. Suicide by stock investment seems to be unusually popular any time the stock markets near recent highs. Some people can’t be trusted with any amount of money larger than a $20 bill.
ITEM: Supposedly the break-even point for American taxpayers would be reached if/when every single share of GM sold for $53 minimum. Actually, the Union’s hold over GM means that until shares sell for about $65 each there’s no hope that Americans can ever hope to see their money back. Then there’s Chrysler . . . which benefitted from bailouts twice in thirty years, Chrysler will be asking for another bailout by 2017 at the latest.
Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
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Charlie Rangel, Guilty of Parenticide,

Seeks Mercy as a ‘Poor Orphan’

The times they are a changing for the ridiculous, the shadowy or much worse . . . .

ITEM: It now seems indisputable that Barack Obama’s BOSSMAN (or, just so you can call me a racist, let’s call him: Barack’s “MASSA”) is George Soros, the world’s 37th richest man and the #1 BUSYBODY on the planet. One of the more shocking reads available is this one:

Multi-Billionaire currency-wrecker George Soros heads up or funds a group of American progressive foundations linked together within the Open Societies Initiative. By 2008 they had created a shadow government populated by such leaders as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and well-known names like Al Gore, etc. as well as numerous sixties and seventies radicals such as Bill Ayers, the bomber. Their purposes? Control of the government by progressives; destroying and then rewriting the U.S. Constitution and “revamping” the American lifestyle so that it’s “more coherent” and more “in line with the economic and environmental realities that the planet as a whole now faces.”

Soros made most of his vast fortune by collapsing currencies (his nickname is “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England”) such as the British Pound Sterling and the Hong Kong Dollar; and even (he says) collapsing evil regimes. Without proof, Soros claims that he personally drove the Soviet Union into financial collapse and ruin (his attack on Russian currency occurred well after the Soviet Collapse about a decade later in 1999 and while it earned him some money was inconclusive as far even as “destroying the entire economy” of that post-Soviet nation which Soros claimed he did). While that’s clearly a dubious claim, Soros’ raids on the money of Georgia (the former Soviet Socialist Republic), Slovakia, Thailand, England, Hong Kong, and Malaysia truly upset the apple carts in those countries but we’d like to know which of them he regards as an “evil regime.” Currently Soros is seeking to collapse the dollar and getting a lot of help from Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve’s monetizing of the American Debt and the Obama administration’s reckless spending policies.

They (the progressives who seek to “progress beyond the outdated and severely flawed U.S. Constitution) have via Soros’ network of interlocking (money-laundering) progressive institutes and foundations donated almost $2 Billion to progressives politicians and causes. Beneficiaries of Soros’ largess include Republicans (like John McCain) and a whole slew of Democrats over the last eleven years including over $300 million in an effort to unseat George Bush in 2004. Soros now controls roughly 95% of the Democratic Party’s message and people. Just as Obama and Hillary and McCain all hid their agenda behind a mask of moderatism in 2008, Soros’ people and organizations conceal their radical agenda behind good sounding rhetoric and fine-sounding institutional names such as “Open Societies” and the Tides Foundation, the Chicago Climate Exchange, the Joyce Foundation, The Apollo Alliance, Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Enterprise Community Partners, Emerald Cities Collaborative, ACORN, Institute for Policy Studies, Center for American Progress, Green for All Group, Alliance for Climate Protection, Equal Justice Society, Council on Environmental Quality, etc., etc. at least two dozen more shadowy groups. Mr. Soros’ single most recycled quote is this one, “The main obstacle to world STABILITY is the United States.”

One of the most surprising things about Soros is that both his father and he were “fluent in Esperanto,” a fact that George is reportedly highly likely to brag of to this very day. What is Esperanto? An artificial language that folks in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s tried to force upon the world in order that we might all be united in peace and understanding. In other words, today when the most frequent words exiting George Soros’ mouth are “global,” “globalism,” “global initiatives,” “global governance,” “global banking” and “new global world order”: George wants to create a whole new planetary order of things with him at the center pulling everyone’s strings and piling up more dough-re-mi in the process . . . sweet, sweet fellow, even though that evil Glenn Beck calls Soros, “Spooky Dude.”

ITEM: After 40 year as U.S. Representative from N.Y.C., N.Y. Charlie Rangel stormed out of an ethics hearings on Monday and was later found guilty of 11 ethical violations, he claimed he’d been denied due process because he hadn’t even been present for the procedure. This harkens back to the criminal convicted of killing his parents who sought the court’s mercy “for a poor orphan.”

ITEM: Perhaps there’s something in a name? Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes fame and infamy appears to have reached his nodding dotage akin to Andy Griffith’s apparent rapidly advancing senility. Mr. Rooney took umbrage with a poll which reported that President Obama’s job performance approval rating was 46%. Rooney claimed to have done a personal poll (nine persons) and found the president’s approval was actually 89%. Rooney opined that Obama was doing the best he could and that was good enough for him. Funny, did Mr. Rooney ever show anything like the same concern or courtesy for Mr. Obama’s predecessor?

ITEM: After once again making an economic-trip to the Orient and returning absolutely empty handed, once again Barack Obama claimed that great advancements had been made in “understanding” with the South Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. Actually what happened is that when Obama asked for consensus against the Chinese for currency manipulations on their Yuan, the other G-20 economic group members pointed out that the United States had twice in the last three months engaged in “Quantitative Easing” which threatened all Dollar-holders with severe decline in our currency’s buying power . . . a huge threat to all those countries that have been funding American’s deficit spending debacle by purchasing American treasury notes. Could this be a case of the Wok calling the Kettle black?

ITEM: Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the rest of the Democratic Party leadership, and even (according to a recent poll) a large amount of Washington’s bureaucratic insiders are in denial about the meaning of the resounding defeat handed the Democrats in the midterm elections on Tuesday, November 2nd. Their interpretation? “UNtargeted voter anger” indiscriminately attacking incumbents. Pelosi, therefore, feels justified in seeking to continue on as her party’s minority leader which must make Conservatives everywhere feel a thrill up their legs.

ITEM: Any truth to the rumor that claims of TEA Party ‘racism’ were actually well-founded? An independent study has sent forth the proposition that complaints against the Democratic Party and Obama, Pelosi etc. attributed to “racism” were actually protests by the Dems against perceived unfair treatment of immoral, unintelligent, incompetent, and craven politicians? A study of sequential posters from TEA Party activities of over 25,000 such placards revealed that less than 1% could be interpreted as racist in any way. Closer examinations showed that calling signs protesting “A black day for the Constitution” and the like really had no racist intent. Could it be that “Functionally-Incompetent” politicians are the newest minority group that the Dems need to protect?

ITEM: Multi-Billionaire currency-collapser George Soros who called 1944 “the best year of my life” repeatedly since then, served as a capo for the Nazis during the epoch when half a million fellow Hungarian Jews were sent to the gas chambers is still not slowing down in his efforts to bring order and sense to today’s world. Here’s part of an interview with Sixty Minutes that Soros took part in as Steve Kroft asked Soros about his “best year”:

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

SOROS: Yes. Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.

SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

SOROS: Not, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.

George took time off from trying to destroy the American Dollar (aren’t our politicians doing a good enough job of it for you, Mr. Soros?) recently to invest $1.8 million in Media Matters (the leftwing group permanently recording Glenn Beck’s every word and permanently researching Beck’s past looking for indiscretions with the largest online data base on all things Glen Beck in the known universe . . . a search on their website for “Glen Beck” yielded over 5440 articles) and to donate $1 million to National Public Radio (who promptly fired their only Black commentator Juan Williams for saying that when seeing Muslims in traditional garb on an airplane his immediate reaction was fear) to fund hiring 100 new “journalists.” Soros’ Tides Foundation has also funded a boycott effort via several (highly radical) environmental groups of TLC’s new series Sarah Palin’s Alaska which premiered to large viewership Monday night. More and more busy-body activities at every turn by (deep voice here) “Spooky-Dude” George. Rajjpuut himself has researched into the 80-year old Mr. Soros’ birth data and discovered that his name at birth in Hungary on August 12, 1930, was Andrew George Schwartz to a Jewish family with an anti-Semite mother . . . hmmm Andrew Schwartz, Andy Rooney, Andy Griffith, maybe there is something in a name after all? In any case serving as a capo for the Nazis as a 14 year old boy is justification for any weirdness manifested later in life, we love you and forgive you, Andy, ooops, and we mean, Georgie.

ITEM: Ben Bernanke, who on at least three public occasions since May of 2009 has said unequivocally, “We will NOT monetize the debt” meaning we will not usher in a wave of inflation by ‘quantitative easing’ (willy-nilly use of the money printing presses by his Federal Reserve) had by April of 2009 A) already printed bills amounting to nearly fifteen times the amount of circulating currency in the country in October, 2008 meaning the dollar potentially became 1/16 as valuable as it was on that date or potentially equal to 6.25 pennies B) in August bought large amounts of the treasury department’s bond sales with a QE1 printing of more money and C) this month repeated his sinning with QE2 printing of yet more funny-money. Well then again, perhaps it’s not “funny-money” after all; it all sounds very sad and playing right into the hands of Mr. Soros and his currency collapsing crew. By the way, Georgie, how can you create an Open Society Initiative and 33 other progressive funds to launder your money through and then speak extensively about “Shadow Governments” and their use in destroying currencies? Does that give you “a feeling of absolute power?”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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We Americans have the shortest memories in the world. We’ve been lied to and propagandized to by the progressive politicos since Woodrow Wilson. They’ve given us the income tax; the federal reserve banking system; the $35 TRillion in unfunded liability of Social Security; The combined unfunded liability of $80 TRillion from Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid; Obamacare; the unfunded state liability for their side of Medicaid which thanks to Obamacare will bankrupt all the states by 2022; $14 TRillion in national debt; an inescapable inflation facing us in the months ahead . . . and to reward them, we’ve handed them the right to control our very life and death.” Rajjpuut

A Healthcare Trip Back

to the “Good Old Days”

It was a time before rampant progressivism took over the Democratic Party . . . . Return with us now to those sedate days of yesteryear when Leave it to Beaver, Donna Reed and Father Knows Best ruled the airwaves such as they were in the pre-pre-MTV era . . . . In the real world, outside your black and white TV console, life seemed virtually as idyllic. Even when you as a parent came home to a sick child, you had the best health care system in the world looking out for her and the rest of your family.

In those halcyon days before the government got involved in the health care picture, a trip to the doctor cost $5, but in most rural communities only $4. There was a county hospital for the indigent (poor) who would never except in rare emergencies be treated anywhere else. If the child needed penicillin shot, add on a couple or three extra dollars. Many doctors in those times also made “house calls” for $10. A stay in the hospital in a semi-private room ran you $25 a day. Need an operation or get taken to the emergency room? You paid what you could and arranged with the doctor for follow-up payments . . . again, there was always the county hospital to fall back upon. Besides you could always plan ahead and buy health insurance.

Family health insurance -- largely via the Blue Cross and Blue Shield networks (Cross for hospital charges; Shield for physicians) was a mere $25 monthly and then your health care worries were taken care of. It was a different world then. The women’s movement was growing strong but those radicals known as feminists were no were to be seen yet. Typically the husband earned the family’s money and the wife stayed home cooked at least sixteen to twenty meals a week, watched the kids and kept the house in order. That’s what passed in those days for “not working” among women. For a family to live today with the same economic freedom and lifestyle as a husband earning $8,000 and stay-at-home mom back then . . . today would require both parents to work and pull in roughly $260,000 . . . that is they would be considered “wealthy” today but their home would be a lot dirtier and they’d subsist on five to ten fast-food meals per week. So what happened?

In part the differences are due to inflation. And inflation in America didn’t start to become a problem until Lyndon Johnson pushed Medicare and Medicaid, his “Great Society” welfare programs and his infamous “War on poverty." Between Johnson’s nonsense and the Vietnam War and the follow-up programs by Nixon-Ford and especially Carter . . . inflation rates rose to double-digits by 1978. Medicare and both the state and federal side of Medicaid were largely culpable . . . hospital costs rose 28% per year and physician costs 26% yearly now that Big-Daddy-GUV'Mint was footing the bill. As we in America are doomed to find out again courtesy of Ben Bernanke’s Quantitative Easing #1 and QE #2, inflation is a monstrous unseen tax. In short, the government stepped into things and they started going downhill fast.

Send a senior citizen to the hospital today with chest pains and he’ll leave a couple days later with the diagnosis of “acute indigestion” and the bill could easily surpass $30,000. With Medicare the hospital might charge only $7,000. The high cost? Today “private hospitals” are required by the government to offer “free services” because health care is no longer a “need” but now become a “fundamental right” according to the government. That free service must be offered even to illegal aliens. Yet since Obamacare panels now can decide independently from the doctor and patient and his family on how much and what type of services and how much money can be spent on each patient, they literally control who lives and dies . . . . If one must be treated for free, all must be treated for free including the illegals, but they’re allowed to literally kill a citizen by depriving them of care?

We Americans have the shortest memories in the world. We can’t seem to tie together the simple fact: everything outside of the military where government impinges upon private lives has become a disaster . . . . We’ve been lied to and propagandized to by the progressives since Woodrow Wilson. They’ve given us the income tax; the federal reserve banking system; the $35 TRillion in unfunded liability of Social Security; The combined unfunded liability of $80 TRillion from Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid; Obamacare; the unfunded state liability for the state side of Medicaid which thanks to Obamacare will bankrupt all the states by 2022; $14 TRillion in national debt; and based upon their great performance we’ve voted them in to office in such overwhelming numbers and handed them the right to control our very life and death.

We’ve even let them create our history for us via revisionism and bald-faced lies. We’ve allowed them to convince us that our most famously sound-fiscal conservative president, Warren G. Harding was our worst president ever. We’ve allowed them to call Herbert Hoover a “conservative” when it was his interference that ended the Roaring Twenties that Harding and his replacement (Harding died in office) Calvin Coolidge created, the most productive decade in American History. We’ve not been told that FDR and his VP John Nance Garner ran against Herbert Hoover calling him a “socialist” and pledging to cut taxes, and cut spending and then once in office did everything but what they promised. They do not tell us that Harding had provided the model which FDR was referring to when he ended the depression he was handed by Woodrow Wilson by cutting spending 49%; cutting taxes 48% and paying down the national debt 30% . . . ending the problem in 15 months.

We’re told that perhaps the worst president in history, Woodrow Wilson, was only behind Lincoln and the “great FDR” among the greatest of our chief executives. We’re not told that Wilson was a racist who stopped federal hiring of Blacks in Washington, D.C.; that his administration lied about going to war in Europe to get re-elected and then a month later got us into a war that was none of our business; that his administration created the art of propaganda; that they shepherded German and Italian citizens into concentration camps; that they closed down newspapers whose content they didn’t like; and that he left behind a depression that started out worse than what Harding and FDR faced.

We’re told that FDR saved us from the Great Depression when in fact his multiplication of the errors of Hoover between the two of them created a 12.5 year downturn that was only ended by entry into World War II. We’re told that conservatives and Wall Street created the financial meltdown that’s still got us tied up today. We even believe it when our progressive-socialist president tells us, “they ran the car into the ditch and now when we’ve almost got it out again, they want the keys back . . . .”

The truth for anyone who can read history is this:

George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and the progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-ft. cliff (utter disaster); jumped into the front seat; grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes; and produced a controlled skid that dropped the car into the nearest friendly ditch.

We don’t know the truth**, we believe the lies, because we’re too busy watching sitcoms and reality TV while vegetating on our couches rather than taking the time to become informed citizens of the greatest country the world has known. Preferring our couch-potatodom and to get our “education” from progressive sound bites . . . that is why we’re in the mess we’re in . . . we did it to ourselves.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Our present ceding of the right to life and death over us by the government while many of us cheered is just the latest in government-created abominations. Let’s look at that car in the ditch story . . . .

In 1975 0.24% of all home loans were “suspect loans” usually granted at 3% down payment or less. This was the era when conservative business practices ruled the day. In 1977, Jimmy Carter and his progressives gave us the Community Reinvestment Act forcing home lenders to knowingly consider unsound loans. By 2005 after four expansions^^ by Bill Clinton of the CRA ’77 legislation 34.2% of all mortgage loans were suspect . . . many of them granted at 0% down to people without jobs; people with lousy credit scores; people with only food stamps for “income” and even illegal aliens. Driven largely by ACORN (originally Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now created in 1977 by the progressives to “handle” voter registration and housing) and our first ACORN president Bill Clinton after whose 1998 steroid expansion of CRA ’77 it became easier in the 21st Century to put people with no chance (short of winning the lottery) to ever pay off their home loans into $400,000 homes than it had been in 1996 to put better qualified people into $120-$150,000 homes.

Bush saw the problem and in January, 2005, his administration tried to repeal the most onerous aspects of the five CRA expansions since 1977. He was defeated. Bush personally and his spokesmen went before Congress almost 30 times before 30 months later in July, 2007 a much weaker bill was passed. It was way too little, way too late and the meltdown began within four months. However, Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in August, 2010, praised Bush for preventing the recession from becoming much worse and housing prices from tumbling precipitously.

This was just one more example of the great progressives whose “intentions were good” fouling things up beyond all recognition. And, of their historical revisionism and lying. We had the best home-lending system in the world and the world’s highest private home ownership (averaging 64%) the envy of the whole world. The system was NOT broken, but the progressive Democrats sure fixed it; and us.

One clarification: about 2004, Wall Street’s rating agencies and Congress’s oversight arms not only didn’t notice that people were creating “virtual junk bonds” out of bundles of these worthless sub-prime loans but were praising them for doing so and putting “A” ratings upon the finished product. This compounded the stupidity and some such as Goldman Sachs were criminally negligent at best . . . but the fundamental problem was Congress interfering in the free market’s mortgage-lending system and forcing them to make BAD LOANS.
^^ Clinton in '93 expanded the power of the CRA law via presidential edict upon the regulatory process; then legislatively twice he expanded it in 1995; and finally once more, the steroid-version expansion in 1998. Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer in Chicago working for them for parts of three years to browbeat and shakedown banks to force these bad loans from them. Obama was infamous for getting ACORN donations from the banks as well . . . .
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“Clearly before you progressive 'thinking'^^ stands exposed, the patient, the patient’s family, the doctor . . . these are not important here . . . the government will take it upon itself to decide who lives and dies. Let us for propriety’s sake call it ‘the Ultimate Tax.’” Rajjpuut
The Liberals are Dead,
Long Live the Progressives!
Today in his “The Conscience of a Liberal” column, N.Y. Times economist and Op-Ed writer Paul Krugman reiterated his call for “death panels” (his exact words on two occasions Sunday) and a Value Added Sales Tax (without first eliminating income tax) as the way out of the country’s present fiscal crisis which he’d expressed earlier as a member of a This Week (ABC’s Sunday morning political affairs TV program) panel. Mr. Krugman implied the same thing almost exactly five months ago without mentioning the death panels only then saying . . .
“Dealing with this problem will require, first and foremost, a real effort to bring health costs under control . . . .”
Apparently Krugman who calls himself a “liberal” has now moved beyond vague generalities and found the specific magic key to solve all our problems by killing off those useless old fuddy-dud senior citizens, precisely as Fabian Socialists and Eugenics-advocating progressives all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger eagerly did . . . government control over life and death, t’aint it mahvelous? Rajjpuut believes Mr. Krugman just added the Value Added Sales Tax to run up more deficits and increase the opportunity for Death Panel Denials, but that is, as yet, not provable.
Ignoring the ramifications of his proposal for “death panels,” Krugman chose to concentrate upon the VAT saying it was no more hideous than eliminating the mortgage-tax benefit for home owners. There it is unclothed before you, the liberal thought process exposed in all its naked glory. Before we’ll even consider cutting taxes and spending with responsible means . . . the ends we see are so, so very important that we’ll consider denying health treatments and medicines to our elders; we’ll consider eliminating the biggest incentive to becoming home owners; and we’ll slap another tax on their without mentioning anything about personal or corporate income taxes. It is so, so very important that we have the resources to control your life and the lifeblood of the economy that this passes for logical thinking from our brightest mind on the most important newspaper in the country (Rajjpuut exaggerates here: USA Today and the Wall Street Journal are clearly far greater and far more important than the “old gray lady,” but tradition must be honored).
It is important to realize that this is a reiteration, not a slip of the tongue.
“I said something deliberately provocative on "This Week," so I think I’d better clarify what I meant (which I did on the show, but it can’t hurt to say it again.)
“So, what I said is that the eventual resolution of the deficit problem both will and should rely on “death panels and sales taxes”. What I meant is that
“(a) health care costs will have to be controlled, which will surely require having Medicare and Medicaid decide what they’re willing to pay for — not really death panels, of course, but consideration of medical effectiveness and, at some point, how much we’re willing to spend for extreme care
“(b) We’ll need more revenue — several percent of GDP — which might most plausibly come from a value-added tax
“And if we do those two things, we’re most of the way toward a sustainable budget.
Refusing clearly to face the vile impact of his proposal for “death panels,” Krugman soft-pedals
“. . . not really death panels, of course, but consideration of medical effectiveness and, at some point, how much we’re willing to spend for extreme care . . .”
Clearly before you progressive "thinking stands" exposed . . . the patient, the patient’s family, the doctor . . . these are not important here . . . the government will take it upon itself to decide who lives and dies. Let us for propriety’s sake call it ‘the Ultimate Tax. Those reasonable liberals that once walked among us (like John F. Kennedy who slashed taxes dramatically . . . the top rate was 91%* and JFK cut it to 65%*) are dead; long live the progressives who would tax us our very lives before considering cutting spending; cutting government control and interference; before cutting taxes. The liberals are dead; long live the progressives.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^ more like: "progressive stinking"
** It must be clarified that in fact in 1961, the exemption process, made it highly unlikely that any wealthy taxpayer paid anything close to these levels . . . which is to say, the tax code in those days was a sham, but a modestly fair sham one could live with . . . today we prefer to eliminate the mortgage-tax deduction . . . and real bottom-line taxes are much, much higher on all income earners.
By the way, the economic malaise that JFK inherited from Eisenhower disappeared virtually overnight once this income tax slashing took place. That severe business downturn cost Richard Nixon the presidency in one of the closest elections in the nation’s history. Much like Harding who wiped out the Wilson Depression by slashing taxes and spending roughly 50% and paid down the National Debt 30%; Kennedy likewise wiped out his predecessor’s economic problems by cutting taxes.
As an aside, in case you had any doubts about the integrity of the Nobel Prizes "earned" for Peace and Economics . . . consider this: besides granting the Nobel Peace Prize to the likes of Yasser Arafat, Al Gore and Barack Obama while Mohandas K. Gandhi never was deemed worthy of winning it; and except for the prize given to John Nash (famous as the subject of the movie A Beautiful Mind) virtually every economics Nobel Prize granted is to some Keynesian economist whose "discovery" creates a whole brand new "school of Keynesian Economics so that now we have four or five dozen such "schools" none of which ever even once predicted anything with any accuracy! Our Mr. Krugman is a Nobel Prize recipient whose theories represent the usefulness of an udder on a male bovine's nose. He's been quoted as saying that Public debt "isn't as bad as many believe -- it's basically money we owe ourselves . . . " a statement that reveals a deplorable lack of practicality and empty-headed Keynesian thinking not to mention failing to account for an awful lot of Chinese, Japanese, Russians, etc. holding huge amounts of our debt instruments. Mr. Krugman finds it necessary to revise his truths about every nine or ten months in a manner that makes all his earlier books obsolete. Since Keynesian economics is the economics of preference for socialistic thinkers and totalitarian dictators . . . Rajjpuut says, "Bah, humbug" and gets his classical economics here:
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“Recently the airwaves in Florida and across the nation have been filled with hate-motivated attacks on incumbent Representative Alan Grayson which can only be described as vicious hate-mongering concentrated upon Grayson’s perceived lack of integrity, intelligence and his overall incompetence as a human being. We will provide data proving that this perception and the numerous racist utterances that accompanied it, proved prejudicial in the most recent election."

Now All those Mainstream Media

Claims of ‘Racism’ Make Sense

Despite the fact that those monitoring hate crimes have yet to define exactly what an “ignoramus” is; or that “incompetents” have never before been labeled officially as a racial minority, Attorney General Eric Holder has released figures purportedly proving that since the creation of the TEA Party, anti-meathead racism** has risen dramatically. Specifically, Holder claims that the Obama administration and Pelosi and Reid chambers of Congress have suffered relentless attacks based upon “racially-motivated” hate crimes which his office will begin prosecuting after the New Year. When questioned by reporters about the validity of the new “Ignoramus” minority classification, Holder said, “Perhaps an example will suffice . . . . He held up a large black and white picture of a familiar member of Congress . . . .

“Recently the airwaves in Florida and indeed across the nation have been filled with hate-motivated attacks on incumbent Representative Alan Grayson which can only be described as vicious hate-mongering concentrated upon Grayson’s perceived lack of integrity, intelligence and his overall incompetence as a human being. We will provide data proving that this perception and the racist utterances that accompanied it, proved prejudicial in the most recent election. Our office will not allow such spurious onslaughts to continue . . . indeed, I have myself endured such brickbats.” Nobel Peace Prize recipients Al Gore and Barack Obama, Holder claimed, have also been the victims of anti-meathead racism.

Holder refused to comment on reporters’ questions about rumors that the Justice Department had already moved on several TEA Party organizations “guilty of prejudicial behavior against incompetents.” More on this crucial story later . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Understanding “Racism”

For readers who have trouble getting a hold on “racism” claims in the mainstream media here are the heretofore unwritten rules determining whether or not official racism occurs. These are the most up-to-date politically correct guidelines available . . . .

1. Racism against majority races is impossible.

2. Racism by minorities against other minorities, (for example, one Black calling another Black an “Oreo” or an “Uncle Tom”) is impossible

3. In case of claims and counter-claims, “Ties go to the Democrat.”

4. The terms “cracker,” “honky,” “offay,” white-trash,” “moon,” “pale-thing,” White-boy,” “albinos,” “blue-eyed devils,” “Cavemen,” “Semen,” “Ghosts,” “Caucasheets,” “Sheets” “Whitey,” “Gomer,” Gringo, Gringo-Salao, Rednecks, Massah, Mayonnaise; Sandwich Semen, Pastyfaces, Palefaces, Not-so-friendly Ghosts, Peckerwoods, Flour, Trailer Park Trash, TPT, Wonderbread, etc. when used by Blacks or other minorities to describe Caucasians are 100% NEUTRAL terms and never to be considered racist.

5. Racial intimidation by Minorities against Whites is impossible.

6. Anti-Asian quota systems at colleges are justified and not racist. Similarly all-claims against Affirmative Action policies as "reverse-racism" are unjustified.

7. Sexism is a form of racism. Men are CRUD and White Men are PALE SEWER CRUD.

8. Regardless of any actions undertaken, the Holder Justice Department and the Obama Administration are post-racial entities.

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President Obama’s latest dog and pony show, the highly ballyhooed Deficit Commission, today did everything possible to dramatically heighten public suspicion of government; and to increase business’ uncertainty in the country. In particular public dissatisfaction (with the idea that the home mortgage interest deduction on income taxes should be eliminated) will probably amount to open mutiny. More importantly, NO real mention of inciting a return to prosperity comes up in the revelations released today as “Chapter 1” of their proposed deficit-reduction package. Those two, prosperity and deficit cutting, MUST go hand in hand.

In a phrase, the Commission recommends gutting the Pentagon; raising taxes; and infuriating the business community and homeowners; oh, and clearly it won’t work! Let Rajjpuut remind you what does work:

1) Cut taxes. Extend all the Bush tax cuts for fifteen years and permanently establish the Bush Estate Tax as the law of the land.2) Establish a six-month income tax embargo on all business and personal income for 2011 to jump-start the economy.
3) Cut, nay SLASH, government spending 20% across the board and 25% for non-defense spending and hold that level of spending for as long as necessary until the current National debt is reduced and surplus is achieved.4) Require a balanced budget, by creating an amendment to the Constitution, and within that budget require a full new funding and gradual refunding of the lock boxes for Social Security, Medicare and both the state and federal branches of Medicaid.
5) Cut all federal salaries by 25%. Maintain those levels of government salaries and wages for fifteen years while cutting government employment by 10% in year one; 6% in year two; 5% in year three; 4% in year four; 3% in year five; 2% in year six; and 1% in year seven.6) Raise the retirement age for government workers to 68 years old immediately for all persons now aged 58 or younger.
7) Require all government workers to abide with retirement equal to social security levels. Any surpluses to be put in the social security lock-box.8) Raise the Retirement age for others to 67 years old for all persons now aged 55 and younger; and in 2019 for all persons then aged 55 and younger to 68 years old.
9) Repeal and/or defund Obamacare and start over for a real health care reform addressing costs in a realistic fashion.10) Create an intelligent bi-partisan commission without any academic personalities involved but solely made up of politicians, business people and health experts to discuss successfully cutting unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare and both the state and federal side of Medicaid) with a reporting date of 2013.
11) Establish an “all of the above” energy policy and encourage the building of new refineries and nuclear power plants.12) Require all legal bills to reference the U.S. Constitution and prove the bill is justified as Constitutional.

13) Eliminate Federal Reserve Banking and make inflationary spending above 4% at any time illegal. To prevent inflation, abandon Bernanke’s evil idea of “quantitative easing” by the Fed; and abandon the artificially low interest rates Ben Bernanke has established as a means to continue the corrupt idea of “too big to fail” by which (0.25% rates) he has protected five irresponsible banks (J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC with an overall derivative exposure of roughly $210 Trillion; including $188 Trillion in interest-rate derivative exposure). Patriotism is not about protecting stupid banks but protecting the American citizens.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Is “Judgment Day” tomorrow? The foolishness of our Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke and the excesses of five “too big to fail banks” now places the entire future of America at risk . . . .

George Soros Seeks America’s Ruin

to Advance His New World Order

In the narrative that follows, two important men (George Soros and Ben Bernanke) are discussed. In fairness to Soros, he appears to be an utter scumbag who has already, via his connections to the Clintons and ACORN, helped set up America’s recent financial meltdown and potentially the upcoming one as well. That’s as fair as Rajjpuut can be. In fairness to Bernanke, he probably sees his ongoing decision as avoiding “death by saber” in preference to death by a million paper cuts. Rajjpuut would remind him that no company and no bank is literally “too big to fail” and if he were strong enough to allow five big banks to fail, that’ll probably be the best thing for the American people and the nation they love . . . let us now return to scumbag George . . . .

Billionaire currency speculator George Soros (a self-claimed ‘philanthropist’ sometimes called ‘the man who broke the bank of England’) has been quoted thusly from time to time, “Sometimes I do feel more than a little bit like God . . . it is very important for the USA to find its proper place in the New World Order . . . as things stand, the main obstacle to world stability is the United States.”

When George Soros was a 13-year old boy in Budapest, Hungary, he was a capo, a Jew set up by the Nazis to help them control other Jews. His specific job was to deliver notifications at first to Jewish farmers and businessmen and lawyers and then later to just ordinary citizens saying, they were to report to the Nazis at such and such a place, at such and such a time (to be deported to a concentration camp). George, who calls himself an atheist these days, says he feels no guilt from his collaboration but just did what he had to do to survive.

Besides making a fortune on the collapse of the British pound-sterling in 1992, George is famous as well for bringing down currencies in Slovakia, Georgia (the former Soviet SSR) and Malaysia and reportedly a few other countries where his connections are a little bit “iffy” to prove. His modus Operandi has been by using radical personalities to form a “shadow government” within the nations he targets. In our case, that Shadow Government is the ultra-progressive left of the Democratic Party.

Thanks to conspiring with Bill Clinton, ACORN, Barack Obama, and progressive American politicians everywhere, Soros seems poised to win another huge currency bet and in the case of the United States, he hopes to collect twice . . . winning tens of billions of dollars when the dollar collapses and then the ruin of the United States would bring about a giant leap forward for Soros’ New World Order led in America’s absence from the top rungs by the Chinese government’s state-capitalist/communists. Hmmmm.

Soros’ unwitting (we think?) benefactor in all this is Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Ben’s policy of “Quantitative Easing” (monetizing the U.S. debt by having his Federal Reserve Bank buy up treasury issues) is designed to keep interests rates as low as they’ve been in a generation . . . or even take them lower. But, but, isn’t that (combined with Bernanke’s earlier multiplying of circulating currency in the country to 15 times the September, 2008, levels) a recipe for runaway inflation and perhaps even hyper-inflation? What’s going on? Interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in 30+ years supposedly controlled by Bernanke to maintain the housing market’s fluidity and spur business investments.

The two years this policy of near-zero interest rates have been in effect; plus the nation’s massive home-buyers’ tax credit . . . business has stayed very flat and at best, housing prices have almost stabilized. Is Bernanke even less competent economically than Obama? Or could he have an ulterior motive?

Looking at business we’re not seeing capital expenditure increases or increased hiring of employees . . . just ain’t happening. Instead businesses are buying back their own stock. Why? Because the mortgage industry and the business world are both on the same page . . . the page where it reads: “This is a phony recovery.”

Compared to the spring of 2008, revenues at S&P 500 companies are 12% lower today. Expansion would be foolish under those circumstances. Businesses don’t often buy back their own stock except when a) they think the share prices are too depressed or b) they’ve got nothing better to do with the money or c) both a) and b) above are true . . . but since corporate insiders are dumping their own personal shares like rats leaving sinking rowboats . . . (insider selling/insider buying ratio during October, 2010, ranged from 210/1 up to 2000/1) implies that they believe their companies’ stock shares are way over-valued and not a bargain purchase at all, is it possible that conditions a) and c) above don’t apply here and now? And, therefore, the corporations don’t have anything better to do with their money (condition b)?

That means that Bernanke’s stated purposes are presumably a genuine crock of B.S. Why does he wish to keep interest rates so abnormally low? We return to the never-never land of derivatives and too damn big to fail. The five banks** that Bernanke and Obama have been shoring up since January, 2009 are in deep, deep, deep doo-doo. We are NOT talking chump change here . . . nominally . . .

J.P. Morgan holds derivative exposure of $73 TRillion.

Bank of America holds derivative exposure of $47.5 TRillion

Citibank holds derivative exposure of $44 TRillion

Goldman Sachs holds derivative exposure of $41 TRillion

HSBC holds derivative exposure of $2.6 TRillion

Overall, of their total derivative exposure, $188 TRillion in interest- rate derivatives is held by these five banks. Bernanke is allowing them to profit for exposing themselves to those derivatives without any risk of failure because if they fail . . . America comes close to total implosion. The recklessness of these five banks especially the first four named is absolutely intolerable. The Federal Reserve Bank’s actions have aided and abetted the worst financial malfeasance in world history. Their interest rate derivative exposure is the equivalent of allowing a terrorist to buy a lottery ticket for the opportunity to destroy the entire banking system of the world . . . yeah, you’re probably not going to lose and you get to keep his buck, but, what happens if he rolls a natural?

Banks are NOT supposed to gamble with depositors’’ money! That $188 TRillion is 13.5 times the United States’ gross domestic product and 4.2 times the GDP of the entire world. Bernanke is not protecting you; not protecting the country; definitely not protecting the dollar; and not protecting the world economy. He is protecting profit and preventing ruin for the Goldman Sachs etc. of the world who are “too big to fail” . . . in doing so, he is making tens of billions of dollars for George Soros to collect when runaway inflation hits the country and the dollar stops being the world’s reserve currency.

Is “Judgment Day” tomorrow? The foolishness of our Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke and the excesses of five “too big to fail banks” now places the entire future of America at risk. George Soros, who is guilty of helping the progressive wing of the Democratic Party bring about the financial meltdown, is now exploiting the foolishness of Bernanke and perhaps giving a little tweak here and there by selling dollars short on the currency exchanges . . . and the big loser: you and the American Dream.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**According to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities for the Second Quarter 2010 (our most recent), the notional value of derivatives held by U.S. commercial banks is around $223.4 TRILLION. The five banks mentioned above account for 94% of those holdings.

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As Ben Bernanke Deliberately Collapses

the American Dollar, George Soros Chortles

For lack of a better name, call it the OJCP, "Obama Jobs Creation^^ Program": your money is deliberately being made worth less or worthless to spur jobs creation. The plan is that foreigners will want to get rid of dollars and buy American goods, thus creating jobs. Foreign goods will become too expensive for Americans who will decide to buy American goods instead, presto, again more jobs created here. Doesn't that sound wonderful? The chief architect of all this with Mr. Obama is Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke who is also initiating something called "quantitative easing."

The reserve currency of the entire world for lo’ these many years has been the American dollar. Within the last couple years George “The Puppet Master” Soros (the world’s 35th richest man and its single greatest megalomaniacal communist who already has thrice profited fantastically by bringing about the collapse of some nation’s currency) told the world press that a controlled devaluation of the American dollar was necessary for the good of the world community. The interview was not widely covered in this country, but his comment sent ripples throughout the world especially among those foreign governments who hold U.S. dollars. The legendary Mr. Soros who bankrolls a good ten non-profit groups involved in getting the United States into the shark-filled Cap and Trade waters, by the way, is advocating Cap and Trade** legislation as a way out of our present crisis.

Within the last 18 months, both Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Bank Chief Ben Bernanke swore that America would never devaluate the dollar, would never resort to inflation as a way to deal with our incredible debt, would never sabotage the American people and those who hold debt instruments from the American treasury . . . . Yep, they lied. The terms “Q1” and “Q2” are now becoming familiar to Americans who do other things than watch sitcoms and “reality” shows on TV. “Quantitative easing” has taken place in both of the last two fiscal quarters.

The Quantitative Easing which Mr. Bernanke is taking us through is a polite way to say that the government is deliberately making toilet paper of your savings, pension funds, etc. That’s what the government is doing. Rajjpuut first mentioned the German Weimar Republic back in a blog in early 2004. The astute Mr. Glen Beck of the Fox News cable network has this very month said that America is now heading for a “Weimar Moment.” The Weimar Republic was the government forced upon Germany when they lost World War I. The infamous Treaty of Versailles also forced upon Germany an impossible set of reparations payments. In order to deal with the demands from the victorious French, the Germans had to inflate their currency. The Deutsch Mark which was worth 25 cents (four DM to the dollar) in 1917 deteriorated so rapidly that in November, 1923; it took 26 Billion Deutsch Marks to equal a dollar. You may also remember November, 1923, as the time when Adolf Hitler led a group of dissatisfied individuals in the so-called Beer Hall Putsch (coup d’état) trying to usurp the government of Bavaria. The resulting trial for treason made Hitler a household name across Germany. Such are the benefits of state-sponsored inflation . . . .

In October of 2008 at the height of the financial crisis, Mr. Bernanke took it upon himself (there are virtually no limits to the power of a Federal Reserve chief’s to inflict intended or unintended pain) to begin printing up money. When he was done he’d printed up 14 times as many new bills as there were dollars previously in circulation so in total: 15 times as much money was circulating as before. In effect, the potential effect on the dollar was that the 20o9 dollar was worth 6.7 cents worth of 2008 money . . . NICE!

In the summer of 2010 when it became difficult to sell American debt instruments because foreign governments were reluctant to risk buying up dollar instruments without a much higher interest rate, the federal government in the form of Mr. Bernanke’s Federal Reserve Bank began printing again and bought up some of the Treasury instruments that were on sale, about one-third of them. This is called “monetizing debt” something you’ll recall from the top of this blog that Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke promised would never happen. That didn’t seem to have cured the problems so now Ben’s busy again with the printing presses and monetizing more debt a.k.a. quantitative easing . . . Q1 earlier; Q2 now. Back when Q1 was going on you might recall, Rajjpuut telling Americans to buy gold or silver because paper dollars were becoming worth less and eventually might prove worthless. Now Rajjpuut says that Americans should buy things of value like gold or silver, etc. because “worthless” is the watchword for the dollar. Of course, in ignorance the stock market investors believe Q2 is a good idea and the stock market is shooting up . . . dance while you can, boys, the bill’s coming due. Aren’t you glad “they” are looking out for us in Washington?

Here is the straight skinny and Rajjpuut crosses his heart while typing this: The crisis in the world’s finances comes down to one thing and one thing only . . . a crisis in the American dollar. The U.S. National Debt is almost $14 TRillion. Unfunded liabilities (owed by the country to the citizens) amounts to roughly $110 TRillion. We are by far the greatest debtor nation the world has ever known. While scarfing down junk food and watching American Idol a few other simple facts have escaped the good citizens . . . .

ITEM: Americans are not aware that the U.S. (private controlled central bank) Federal Reserve Bank, creates money out of thin air, is the primary cause of inflation in America, abets the politicians in their horrendous spending, and abets the creation of financial bubbles in the stock market and real estate.

ITEM: The American mainstream media (MSM) are largely “controlled” by their allegiance to the progressive elements in the Democratic and Republican parties. The MSM which did not report on Climategate when it happened one year ago, has also kept the American people ignorant of the coming crisis. Call it “mind control,” if you choose. Just five or six major corporations run the largest of the media outlets. When it comes to the broadcast media: Disney owns ABC, CBS is owned by Viacom, GE owns NBC all of whom are in bed with the progressive agenda in Washington and have a vested interest in keeping Americans entertained, dumb and happy rather than informed about the truth behind Cap and Trade and the value of their dollars.

ITEM: Not only have ultra-progressive George Soros’ words and activities gone unreported, but the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank, both have already said the dollar will be devalued. However, this has never been reported in the US media.

ITEM: President Clinton’s former economic adviser Robert Reich recently told Canadians that the U.S. dollar will collapse. Again, NOT reported.

ITEM: Collapse or “devaluation” of the dollar means a decline in the dollar’s purchasing power and a huge decline in Americans’ living standard. No one wants to hold a currency declining in value so they must demand higher prices for their goods and services and can use the dollars they receive to bid up the cost of whatever they buy from America in order to get rid of the dollars they hold as quickly as p0ssible.

Item: Today, Barack Obama made several monetary deals with India. Overtly we were told it was “a natural union between the world’s two most populous democracies.” In reality, Obama seeing that China is becoming reluctant to buy dollars was looking for a trade-partner who would be more or less forced by the agreement to keep the dollar respectfully in its hallowed place as a “reserve currency” . . . thus he hopes easing some of the pain the decline will bring to Americans by sharing that turmoil with India.

Item: The world will flee to gold, silver and other precious metals; to the Swiss Franc; and even to the recently despised Euro. Commodities of all kinds can be expected to rise in price FAST.

Ultimately what can we expect? For one thing the rest of the world understands our own crisis far more than our own leaders have informed us about it. So . . . expect a run to get out of the dollar . . . call it “hot potato economics.” People are going to be eager to discard the almighty buck and to buy whatever they can with it, rather than being the last one holding it. Of course that will happen among highly aware foreigners like the Chinese government, or the governments of Russsia, Brazil, Japan and India(?) long before the man in the street in America figures it all out. So expect a brief boom in America. And expect prices of our American products especially foodstuffs to go through the roof . . . so besides gold or silver, it might be nice to have a supply of canned and packaged and non-perishable food on hand while prices are comparatively cheap . . . as a result of these sad truths, expect huge amounts of unrest in the inner cities; expect huge amounts of problems for senior citizens and others living on fixed incomes. Expect George Soros to chortle all the way to the bank . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

^^Barack’s OJCP based upon devaluing the dollar is an immensely poor idea for three reasons:

#1 Inflation is tricky and can become devastating runaway inflation and even hyper-inflation destroying a civilization.

#2 When a currency as important as the dollar starts to devalue, no other country wants to import our joblessness, so you can expect demoralizing “currency wars” where dozens of nations seek to devalue their currencies and save jobs. Japan and China have received much criticism for devaluing their currencies but their money is NOT the world’s reserve currency . . . . world chaos would ensue if serious dollar deflation was allowed.

#3 Success at devaluation is close akin to success at swallowing thumb tacks and sure to “get you in the end.” Money is a storehouse of value (some call it “frozen work”) so why not attack your brand new car with a sledgehammer? The effect is the same . . . taking something of value and making it worth less or even worthless. Even if the only effect was upon imports and exports, that would be a tragic result. 19% of the U.S. economy is tied up with imports, drop the value of the dollar and 19% of what we buy becomes much more expensive.

In effect, the OJCP Obama Jobs Creation Program is just making us all much poorer. It’s not exactly sawing a lady in half to create jobs by making the country poorer . . . the magic comes from creating jobs by making us all wealthier like Donald Trump and Bill Gates do . . . not only making themselves richer; but making their stockholders richer; and their workers richer; and providing deep value to their customers. That’s the magic of capitalism which Barack so hates. Remove the minimum wage; remove health care and all benefits; make everyone on unemployment work for $5 daily and you’d have full employment in a month . . . and a much poorer nation as well for at least the three years it would take for a booming capitalism to regenerate our prosperity.

Everyone knows the following discussion is the truth . . . think of it as you ponder what you’ve learned already about the evils of devaluing the dollar:

Many have had to settle for lower wages to keep their jobs.

Many have had to settle for lower hours to keep their jobs.

Many have had to settle for part-time work to keep their jobs.

Many on part-time schedules have found themselves ineligible for the benefits they’ve formerly received.

Many have lost their jobs.

Many have lost higher paying jobs and now work elsewhere for less.

Or they've lost higher paying jobs and can only find work that pays less for mandatory unpaid overtime.

Many have had to take two or three jobs to survive working up to 90-100 hours weekly.

Many lost co-pays, deductibles, or seen eligibility times soar on their health insurance.

Many find that employers can longer match their401(k) contributions.

Many older workers have found themselves dispensible.

Many have lost their pensions.

Some workplaces where experienced older workers are valued have instituted two-tier wage systems. New hires get far lower wages and far less benefits.

Wage-freezes attack many workers in the long run as inflation eats into their present constant wage.

What does this mean? It means that anyone can create jobs by making everyone poorer, no struggle at all. The magic comes from capitalism creating not only more jobs, but better and more valuable jobs. The goal isn't just more jobs, Mr. Obama. It's about creating more jobs that pay enough to improve our living standards. Using a dramatically weakened dollar to create more jobs doesn't really help us.

** if we had Cap and Trade laws in effect right now, the immediate effect would be 67% inflation on average and inflation on food, electricity and gasoline and other necessities closer to 100%. Where does that 67% inflation figure come from? Founder and President of the Chicago Climate Exchange Richard Sandor (other influentials involved include Obama, Franklin Raines, Joel Rogers, John Ayers, Valerie Jarret, etc. and the Chicago ShoreBank supported by Hillary and Bill Clinton as well as ten or more progressive foundations financed by George Soros) put the value of Cap and Trade as an industry at $10 TRillion. In good times the real U.S. economy amounts to $15 TRillion. On paper, that means that selling blue-sky nothingness (that’s what Cap and Trade basically does) is “worth” 67% of the real U.S. economy. So in a $25 TRillion economy including Cap and Trade . . . 40% of the economy is literally “nothing” and that 40% is being stolen from the real economy by the crooks running the CCX. Note: Obama said directly in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that his energy plan would “bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily make electricity prices skyrocket.” So it’s actually far more likely in reality that the whole U.S. economy would amount to $20 TRillion and half of that economy would be Cap and Trade not only running prices up 100% but reducing the standard of living by 33% at least.

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“. . . are we ultimately talking about an impeachable offense that ties Hillary, Bill, Al, and Barack to a scheme that would have defrauded the entire nation of 40% of its economy every year? Research continues . . . .” Rajjpuut

European “Mean Greenies” Become

“Watermelons” for Cap and Trade

The United States as a whole unfortunately missed out on the strange evolution of the radical global warming alarmist that Europe enjoyed over the last 363 days. Here’s what Europe went through that about 85% of Americans are completely in the dark about . . . .
One year ago, Europe and the United States were pretty much in the same place as far as “Global Warming” was concerned. About 60% of people were concerned and very open to further study; a large vocal minority was parading about chanting about the “end of the world as we know it” and a far larger minority was proclaiming the whole thing a hoax, for example:
includes signatures from some 31,000+ American scientists (9,000+ among them holding Ph.D.s) saying that “if there is a consensus among American scientists, it is in opposition to the hypothesis of human-caused global warming rather than in favor of it.” Europe being more socialistic than America was decidedly more in the Global Warming camp. Spain, for example, had ruined Europe’s biggest job-producing economy (1997) by instituting a green-jobs subsidizing movement. Today Spain’s unemployment is the second highest in Europe, roughly 21%. Like the United States, the environmentalists and the left side of the political spectrum in Europe were pushing hard for “Cap and Trade” laws. Then came Climategate . . . .
It started with some e-mails hacked into at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at East Anglia University in England. Soon there was a counter measure to take the e-mails offline and then an even larger set of CRU e-mails was permanently placed online via a Russian website. CRU was the premier global warming study site on the planet and both of the Nobel Co-Peace Prize Winners (Al Gore and the United Nations International Panel of Climate Change or UNIPCC) had relied primarily on the data from CRU and from a research center in Pennsylvania, USA, for concocting the graphs and hockey-stick projections so crucial for Global Warming alarmists’ use in presenting their case. Well before the middle of November, 2009, all of Europe knew about the e-mail leaks and about the apparent fraudulent science that was being exposed. About eight days later on November 19, 2009 after a very detailed study of the evidence, the ultra-liberal London Times released this:
The Times on that date saw global warming was a hoax perpetrated by some top scientists to gain grant money; trade magazine access and political power; and by some politicians as a method of expanding their name-recognition and personal power. One of the biggest surprises was that all along this information:
had NOT been emphasized at all. Basically, the warmest epoch in the last 1200 years (The Medieval Warm Period) had been deliberately left out of the Global Warming Alarmists’ projections . . . a time when Greenland was so green that the Vikings set up a settlement there and went on to discover Vinland (Newfoundland), becoming the first Europeans to visit North America. Instead, it seemed as if the CRU folks and other GW study groups had put double emphasis on the “Little Ice Age” that wiped out the Vikings in Greenland for good. As we’ve said, Europe knew all about this, but what about the United States?
When Climategate happened, only one major media outlet covered the story, Time magazine. It hit the web and in five hours was the #1 story on the web . . . and then it mysteriously disappeared. Rajjpuut suspects (he has only one source telling him so and has not been able to find another to verify it) that Time editor Joe Klein, a notorious left-leaning censor, had the story pulled and completely wiped off the Time archives . . . it no longer existed as news except among GW Deniers websites and from bloggers like Rajjpuut. So with two different continents getting two different versions of the GW news, what happened in Europe, where all the people were informed about Climategate by the mass media that did NOT happen here in America?
The European left was none too happy with the overnight revelation. Cap and Trade as a viable idea all but disappeared from political discussion. And a huge and angry backlash from some European environmentalists and some leftist politician raged for about two months . . . it was found mostly in the letters to editors and on left-leaning websites . . . some in the mainstream media there labeled these angry folks, “Mean Greenies” and the name was appropriate; the same name that eco-terrorists and vengeful groups like PETA (who splashed paint upon celebrities wearing furs) got in this country.
But as some of those most tied in with cap and trade kept harping away, some people noticed exactly what the agenda of these mostly ultra-socialistic and even communistic groups actually was . . . and started calling them “watermelons.” Like the terms “Uncle Tom” and “Oreo” used by Blacks, being a watermelon is being someone not worthy of respect. Specifically, where among minorities an “Oreo” is a person “Black on the outside” and supposedly “White on the inside,” as you can imagine a “watermelon” refers to folks pushing their environmentalism so hard that they still insist that Global Warming is a proven fact and therefore Cap and Trade laws are needed to save the planet. Watermelons are “green on the outside but pink to deep red on the inside,” that is, they are communist-leaning or communist to the core.
Why “green outside and red inside?” Because the nature of Cap and Trade laws is that a government basically must virtually control every single part of a nation’s economy or Cap and Trade laws can’t be meaningfully enforced so in the wake of Climategate, people inclined toward totalitarian states like ultra-socialists and communists (or old fashioned Fascists) are the only ones still enthusiastic about Cap and Trade because they have a vested interest in government controlling the means of production.
All things considered then, President Obama, one of the founders of the CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange which hoped to earn its members TRillions of dollars if Cap and Trade was passed in the United States) is definitely “a watermelon” . . . which should excite someone out there in left-leftland to call Ol’ Rajjpuut a “racist” within the next 7.67 seconds . . . but we’ve got bigger fish to fry:
Some of the other infamous watermelons tied up with this scheme to bankrupt** America via Cap and Trade are: Paula DiPerna, Richard Sandor**, Al Gore, Maurice Strong, George Soros, John Ayers (brother of bomber Bill Ayers), Joel Rogers, Valerie Jarret, Van Jones, Franklin Raines, Andy Stern, Former CEO of Fannie Mae Jim Johnson, the Goldman Sachs trio of David Blood, Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris, the ShoreBank (Chicago) that loaned Rev. Jeremiah Wright money for his multi-million dollar home, and potentially folks like Democratic Representative Jan Schakowsky, and ShoreBank supporters Bill and Hillary Clinton, etc., etc. as they seek to create an Obama-utopia similar to Greece right here in America where everyone should be a watermelon. The real tragedy, of course, is that folks like Joe Klein and those running the New York Times, Washington Post and mainstream broadcast outlets have prevented this scandal from being known by the American voter. As far as the American muckety-mucks: are we ultimately talking about an impeachable offense that ties Hillary, Bill, Al and Barack to a scheme that would have defrauded the entire nation of 40% of its economy every year? Research continues . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Here’s info on the Shorebank-Clinton connection:
**CCX Founder and president Richard Sandor in an infamous interview said he expect Cap and Trade to be a $10 TRillion industry. That is, the largest industry in America will literally be selling “blue sky” nothingness. If you take a healthy America with a $15 TRillion economy (rather than today’s $13 TRillion net economy) and then produce absolutely nothing but make it into a bogus $25 TRillion economy, that means that prices on all the real goods and service produced must rise by 67% that's = to a fictitious $10 TRillion divided by a real $15 TRillion and that means 40% of the economy would be going into the pockets of the crooks involved with Carbon Trading every year thus bankrupting the nation. REMEMBER, in an unguarded interview with the San Francisco Chronicle Barack Obama said his energy policies “under my plan of a cap and trade system would bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket.” The Chronicle recently claimed “copyright violations” as it’s forced the websites around the nation to take down the video, but some are holding firm based upon the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and putting out the info in written form anyway. Others like Andrew Breitbart have defied the Chronicle directly.
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“If all you have is a hammer, after a while, the whole world starts looking like a nail.”

Were Democrats Victimized

by their Own Shenanigans?

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats find themselves fully flummoxed and feeling flimflammed by the voters they’ve been working so feverishly and frantically for. It seems that in the 21st Century, government throwing large amounts of money at problems A) is not that popular with the voters and B) doesn’t work. Hey, what’s that all about?

Rajjpuut used to work as a health educator for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. One of the “studies” that BC and BS did involved a series of actors going around to physicians reportedly suffering severely with fictitious but reasonable symptoms). It was discovered that surgeons wanted to surge into the body with a scalpel; radiologists thought the patients needed to be zapped; internists considered only the wisdom of potions, powders and pills; and chiropractors thought that body alignment was clearly necessary.

In a different study, psychologists found that chess masters routinely either missed or took much longer to discover unique two-move checkmate patterns when their thinking process got tangled up in five- eight- or ten-move combinations leading to far more familiar patterns . . . what’s up? In a phrase: it’s a scientific principle called the “Einstellung Effect” which is a fancy way to say that when all you have is a hammer, after a while the whole world starts to look an awful lot like a nail. Specifically, the Democrats are “one-trick ponies” who solve problems (or invent problems to solve; or cause problems and then set out to cure them) with only one specialized technique: upping taxes and throwing money at the symptoms of the problem (never the underlying cause which is all too often an initial excess of government involvement).

So our current exacerbation of our fiscal problems under Barack Obama may well be a lesson in the futility of money-throwing and an example of redistributive wealth (as a solution) coming out second-best to the Einstellung Effect, at least that’s one possibility, but other than in revisionist history (where the progressives change things to be more to their liking calling, for example, the Italian Fascists an example of the evils of right-wing ideology when anyone doing a modicum of research finds out that the Italian labor unions rose up against the corporate bosses and seized power and then after seizing power across all of Italy, they elected Benito Mussolini to lead the entire nation. Last time anyone checked, labor unions are NOT a right-wing, but rather a left-wing manifestation. The progressives who used to call themselves Liberals are guilty of revisionism at least 100 times a day in major comments found in print, on the air or online.

Hmmmmm, the Einstellung Effect or progressives’ own historical revisionism coming back to bite them in the butt, ooh what a “Behar” (as in calling someone “a son of a Behar”). Of course, if you believe as Rajjpuut does that the 100% accurate and real ditch story is this one:

George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) and jumped into the front seat, grabbed the wheel and slammed on the brakes, thus initiating a controlled skid that deposited the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

For more on the details of this version of the now famous car and ditch showing that progressives created a bad law under Jimmy Carter (CRA ’77 which forced mortgage lenders to make knowingly bad loans) which was first expanded by regulatory fiat under Clinton and then expanded legislatively by Slick Willy three times (twice in 1995; and the steroid-version expansion in 1998); and all the while abused by ACORN to at day’s end cause us our worst financial comeuppance since 1929 . . . . Go here for those details and be shocked to find that supposedly 'stupid' G.W. was acutely aware economically and proved himself a hero according to Treasury Sec. Timoth Geithner:

So the truth is that former ACORN lawyer and bank brow-beater and shake-down solicitor for the propagation of CRA ’77, Barack Obama, actually did 10,000 as much harm to the U.S. economy prior to October 2009 as George Bush ever did . . . and that since taking office in January, 2009, he’s done more harm to the U.S. economy than any man since the days of Herbert Hoover and FDR (two infamous progressives) . . . . it all sounds like the Democrats have been hoisted upon their own petard just as they were back in 1933 when FDR came into office and started breaking his campaign vows to, you guessed it, lower taxes and lower spending which is what Warren G. Harding had done in 1920 when he inherited a much fiercer depression from Woodrow Wilson than anything we’ve seen since: Harding cut taxes 48%; government spending 49%; and paid down the national debt by 30%.

So, is Rajjpuut saying that Democrats deliberately did the country in? As a matter of fact, he’s saying that the Progressive ultra-left-wing of the Democratic Party which has co-opted the Democratic Party did just that . . . but let’s pretend you consider such utterances to be “conspiracy theory” nonsense . . . well, given the facts as they stand you can instead call them extraordinarily INEPT instead and we’ll both be happy.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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