border (31)

Yes, while there is not enough money for White house tours or our border security Obama is spending TWO billion US tax dollars for Mexico's SOUTHERN border security. Yes, their southern border, which might make sense if our border with Mexico was secure too.

While Obama wants the DREAM act for millions and bypasses Congress to do it he needs to help protect Mexico.

Where are our Senators and Congressman? Could we use that 2 billion for anything else?  



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There are only two types of Muslims crossing our borders – militant and non-militant. Because  authorities don't have a crystal ball identifying which Muslims are determined or destined to become terrorists, we the people must insist that government do more to “insure domestic tranquility” as required by the U.S. Constitution. We can start with a 99% reduction in U.S. visas and border crossing cards to citizens of Muslim countries.

Both Boston Marathon bombers and all 19 of the 9/11 hijackers came to the U.S. on student, business or tourist visas, some receiving Pell grants, food stamps, Section 8 housing and other taxpayer funded welfare. In essence, these militant Muslims got paid by Uncle Sam for coming to the U.S. to blow up Americans. The mainstream media incorrectly identified such terrorists as “radicals.”

From an Islamic standpoint, radical Muslims target fellow believers while orthodox Muslims target disbelieving infidels who reject the Koran as Holy Scripture.  Acts of terrorism against unbelievers are Koran sanctioned hits and examples of “outer Jihad,” a staple of orthodox Islam.


There are two types of Jihad – inner struggle and outer struggle, and every Muslim is called to be a practicing  “mujahid” (one following the path of Jihad). Muslims are collectively called “mujahideen.” One who wishes to “sit back” and wage purely spiritual warfare against sin is an “inner mujahid” while one who also accepts the higher calling of waging physical warfare against non-Muslims is an “outer mujahid.”

Thankfully, most Muslims visiting the U.S. are peaceful and have no desire to kill Americans. These non-militant Muslims simply want to visit relatives, study in our prestigious universities and maybe get their piece of the American pie rather than blowing it up into bloody little pieces.

According to the U.S. Department of State, in 2012 the number of visitors coming from the world's 51 Muslim nations was 813,157. Based on demographics, at least 695,000 were Muslim. A 2013 Pew Research poll found that 7% to 24% of Muslims surveyed by nation were willing to admit their support of terrorism and suicide bombings, which basically confirmed prior polling data.

Assuming no Muslim hid his or her support for terrorism when polled, and using the lower figure of 7% militancy, that translates into 48,650 militant Muslims crossing our borders last year. We should also beware of the tens of thousands of Muslims coming from other nations, including Islamic converts from South of the border.

48,000 plus militant Muslims also doesn't take into account those who will be persuaded to embrace the higher calling of outer Jihad terrorism as did the Boston Marathon bombers, and those who finance such acts. According to orthodox Islam, one donating money to what most would consider terrorist organizations or cells will be blessed as an outer mujahid without having to martyr himself or kill anyone.

Our government should aggressively prosecute these financial terrorists big and small, for it follows that anyone hiring a hit-man is just as much a murderer as the hit-man himself. 

Unfortunately, the U.S. needs to have a policy that discriminates equally against all visiting Muslims by suspending the visas of hundreds of thousands of Muslim nationals and only allowing diplomats and those benefiting American interests to come within our borders. We need to stem the Muslim tide flooding into the U.S. before the wave of jihadi violence turns into an unstoppable Islamic tsunami that could sweep our nation with American blood. To fail to do so would be tantamount to having allowed German Nazi sympathizers to vacation at Coney Island during World War II, with Uncle Sam buying the tickets.

Lance Hunter Voorhees is a Yahoo! News contributor, actor and former radio talk show host living in

Abilene, TX. You can reach him at

Copyright © 2013 by Lance Hunter Voorhees, All rights reserved.

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Government Gone Illegal

Government GONE Illegal

In a report about Obama meeting with Illegal aliens it is pointed out that he has refused to meet with Border Patrol Agents for their views in Immigration.

Obama refuses to meet with Border Agents

I think the DHS has gone ILLEGAL

= = = = =

“To be effective any immigration reform bill must heed the warnings from our federal immigration agents,” the letter reads. “Unfortunately, far from being included in the process, ICE officers have been shut out and have even had their day-to-day operations handcuffed by DHS officials to the point of being unable to carry out their sworn duties. These brave whistleblowers have been left with no other option but to file a lawsuit in federal court to fight the abuse of power from DHS leadership.”

= = = = = =

…”handcuffed by DHS officials to the point of being unable to carry out their sworn duties.”


Preventing someone from carrying out their sworn duties sounds ILLEGAL to me.


Imagine the howling if Obama was handcuffed from carrying out HIS sworn duties!


We want Government of/by the People; NOT Government ON the People.

Come on Obama! Shape up!

STOP using OUR White House as your personal Community Organizing HQ.



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While we are told the border “has never been so secure“, and that there is a ‘zero net migration’ from Mexico, and that the ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill won’t cause a new influx of illegals coming in – the constant, steady, MASSIVE stream of illegal aliens continues across our border…unabated and mostly undefended, as the video below – posted this very morning – demonstrates. 


The Administration slashed the number of National Guard troops on the border by 75% last year. There’s been zero progress on the double-layer border fence that Congress mandated since 2006. The Border Patrol has been ordered away from “wilderness” areas to “protect endangered wildlife” – exactly where the largest flows of illegals are taking place. And they keep on coming. 



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Immigration - Gang of 8 - America -02

This is the 2nd in a series of blogs about Immigration

Here is a link to the first one

This blog addresses ONLY the element of Border Protection from "the Bill" ( check links below to access the Bill 113 S.744))

= = = = = = = =

About the 2013 Immigration Act

The Gang of 8 has released their proposed “Comprehensive” Immigration Act

Firstly, who are the Gang of 8?

  • Michael Bennet  (D-CO)
  • Chuck Schumer (D- NY)
  • Dick Durbin ( D – IL)
  • Bob Menendez ( D – NJ
  • John McCain ( R- AZ)
  • Jeff Flake ( R- AZ)
  • Marco Rubio ( R- FL)
  • Lindsay Graham ( R- SC)



Here are some reference links

National Law Review Summary

Thomas LOC


Sen DeMint Comments



And some correspondence from an unnamed Senator to a Constitutent.

This excerpt is limited to Border Protection.

It demonstrates the ambiguous language Senators use to “try to slide by”

My comments illustrate the ambiguities.

Hopefully my suggestions make more sense…………let me know

 = = = =

 Dear Mr. xxxyyy

     Thank you for sharing your concerns about immigration reform.  No matter how anyone feels about this issue, we all can agree the system we have is broken--and it needs to be fixed.


     But if we try to deport the 11 million people who are working in this country with undocumented status, it would devastate our economy.

[[ME...]]] Says WHO?...... What about the TRILLIONS we will save in ILLEGAL Federal Benefits?......... That statement is typical Wash BS ---- pure UNSUPPORTED  bull feces!


     Their plan for immigration reform has a number of key elements, the first of which is that there is going to have to be real border security.  It's hard to patrol a border of thousands of miles, particularly where people can merely walk across.  But it has to be done in the context of overall immigration reform.

[[ME...]]] Context of overall immigration reform is more forked-tongue Wash double speak.

The Senator does NOT reveal that the Bill treats Border Security as a “Ho-Hum” 5 year experiment with provision for an “After-Study” IF it is declared a failure.

The Bill creates a “ GOAL”…. A GOAL that has to run for 5 years before being evaluated. THEN, if the GOAL has not been met, a Commission to Study the problem is created.

How about this Mr. Politician……

  • Put all benefits on hold immediately ( benefits and the Bill is another whole story)….
  •  a diversion ….about Benefits
    • An individual who has been granted RPI status is not eligible for any Federal means-tested public benefit (as such term is defined in section 403 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1613)).
    • …. Should also include “ALL OTHER PUBLIC BENEFIT” too
    • Better …………Do the study first…. 9 months should be plenty
      • Define the resources needed …. At least for the GOAL, but more for ADEQUATE Border Protection
      • I defined ADEQUATE for Ms. Napolitano as :                                          
      • When INFLUX of illegals is LESS  than EFFLUX….. or simply                              

                              When MORE are LEAVING than are Coming IN

[[ME...]]] Then…. Get it implemented within the next 12 months, with weekly “effectiveness” reports


     We also need to have an effective way for employers to verify whether the people they hire are eligible to work here.  This also has to be part of any immigration reform.

 …………..separate issue……….more later…………

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Ace CBS Reporter Attkisson Nails OF&F and

Obama/ATF Corruption Assailing 2nd Amendment


     Just when all appeared lost and it seemed like the mainstream media (MSM) was eternally in the tank committed to supporting an ultra-corrupt Obama administration come hell or highest seas, CBS News shocked us with some actual journalistic backbone!  CBS News, which apparently has a White House informer blowing the whistle on the goings on at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, has acquired documents showing that the original intent of Fast and Furious was to crack down on gun ownership and erode honest ordinary patriotic Americans’ Second Amendment rights.  For the third time now the breakthrough in the “Gun Walking Scandal” has come courtesy of one CBS reporter, Sharyl Attkisson . . . .

     While the rest of the MSM has gone out of its way to enshrine every Obama White House lie, red herring and false accusation as Gospel TRUTH, Ms. Attkisson has repeatedly attacked the beast in its lair.   The latest E-mail and other earlier documents obtained by CBS News shows that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using Operation Fast and Furious (whose weapons have already killed at least one U.S. Border Patrol agent and at least 200 Mexican citizens) as a lever to gain tighter gun regulations in the United States.  

     The chronology begins in April of 2009, three months into the new Obama administration.   Claiming that guns sold north of the border in America accounted for 90% of the weapons and 90% of the deaths from drug cartel violence**, Obama made a speech in Mexico alongside Mexican President Felipe Calderon.  The President said, “This war is being waged with guns purchased not here, but in the United States. More than 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that line our shared border. So we have responsibilities as well.”   It was about that time that the administration brushed off an old Bush administration program, Operation Gun Runner, which conducted ongoing gun stings to crackdown on illegal arms sales and re-named it “Operation Fast and Furious,”  (OF&F).  And how exactly did OF&F differ from Gun Runner?   Four great differences emerge . . . .

            1)     CBS’s Sharyl Attkinsson put it like this on the Early Show on CBS, “New e-mails that we now have . . . add to some documentation that we already had that show government officials NEVER planned to reveal publicly their role in letting those guns fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels but planned to use the end result to argue for new gun regulations that they wanted, and you can read more about that story on our website,”   In other words, where Gun Runner was a real sting that netted illegal arms traffickers virtually immediately . . . OF&F deliberately adopted a “hands-off approach” that allowed its guns to cross the border UNIMPEDED with the goal of using later discoveries of these weapons as compelling reasons to crack down on the rights of legal gun ownership in America.

            2)      Whereas, Gun Runner had targeted all illegal gun sales, OF&F aimed directly at getting its guns into the hands of the Mexican Drug Cartels, the so-called “Big Fish” and did so very quickly instead of carefully building up actionable arrest justification, OF&F was aimed at getting the weapons into illegal hands as quickly as possible period.  The ATF agents on the ground who were shocked by all this, christened the practice “Gun Walking”

            3)    With its emphasis on getting weapons to the cartels, OF&F put much heavier weaponry in these criminals hands.  The never-shrinking violet, Rush Limbaugh, commented upon Attkisson’s revelations this way, “. . . We arranged for thousands of guns, long guns, automatic, semiautomatic, AK-47s, machine guns, bazookas, whatever, to end up in the hands of drug lords, right out of gun stores, gun shops in Phoenix, just walked outta there right across the border into Mexico, into the hands of the drug cartel and the cartel was supposed to do with those guns what drug cartel people do, start using them, bam, bam, you’re dead. They did. Hundreds of people died as a result of these guns being walked out of Phoenix gun shops and others along the border. And in this period of time our border agent got killed.”  Two OF&F weapons were found at the agent’s death site; and later one of the heavier weapons Limbaugh refers to even brought down a helicopter carrying high-ranking Mexican drug officials killing everyone on board.

            4)    Unlike Gun Runner, the folks on the ground quickly became alarmed by what was going on.   Criminals got weapons but then were NOT arrested, what the hell!  Immediately this set off a chain of complaints and whistle-blowing that reverberated all the way to the Administration’s upper echelons, where the Attkinsson E-mails also came from.  Somehow the Obama upper-level muckety-mucks never ever could imagine that the people working for them would be decent, honest folk shocked by such abuse of power and its results, thousands of ultra violent criminals being abetted by the U.S.A.

     What’s the upshot of all this?  Someone in the Obama administration engineered a program where some of the worst criminals in the world get hold of American guns that we just give them, but they (Obama, Holder, etc.) don’t tell anybody any of that. It’s made to look like either the drug cartel could just cross the border walk in anywhere in America and buy all the heavy arms in the world and walk back across the border or  some really rotten Americans could walk into the gun stores, buy those guns, cross the southern border and sell them to the drug cartel. Then everybody would be surprised with the revelation that the guns were sold in America, lots of people would die, and the conclusion according to Limbaugh is, “See, we have got to have more control over guns. Look at what happened here.”  Ms. Attkisson and some heroic whistle-blowers changed all that. 

     Yes, yes, FOXNews has been covering this story like a poodle with a slipper in its mouth for over fifteen months now.  But everyone who understands real journalism expects that from FOX and then despite the facts that like so many other stories this one would be totally ignored by all the MSM.  Real journalism, heroic journalism by CBS . . . that’s something new and wonderful.    Attkisson didn’t just follow FOX’s lead, she dug deep and got her own leads and those leads have been devastating in their effect on the Obama circle-the-wagons efforts.

     Oh, by the way, President Obama’s speech, in that joint press conference with Felipe Calderon in April, 2009, referred to “Gun Runner” by name and said we could “expect some good results.”  This was when the first E-mails with the new name “Operation Fast and Furious” began to show up.  The fact that Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice, the ATF and Janet Napolitano’s Homeland Security have all been stonewalling the Congressional Investigation into Fast and Furious tells you everything you need to know about how widespread this Obama corruption goes.  The fact that AG Holder’s second in command, wrote a response to the investigators ten months ago that deliberately misled the investigators tells you where the probable heads will eventually roll from.    After responding to congressional subpoenas with tens of thousands of pages of 100% blacked-out documents expect Holder to be impeached for obstruction of justice.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



**  Even counting the thousands of Fast and Furious weapons, current official U.S. government statistics put the actual number at 17% of the drug cartels' weapons originating in America.

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AG Eric Holder lies to Congress’
Oversight Chairman Issa in
Covering-up DOJ Gun Gaffes
          Whether you’re talking about the debt-ceiling “debate” or Eric Holder’s refusal to cooperate with the House Oversight Committee investigation, we’re beginning to detect a pattern here . . .  the Obama administration believes that obfuscation and spin will win!  We'll soon find out if that's true for the economy and for deliberately seeking to undermine the 2nd Amendment . . . .
According to Rajjpuut’s unofficial count:  42 times in the last two weeks, President Barack Obama, Vice-President Joe Biden, and various other progressive Democrats resorted to the phrase “shared sacrifice” in discussing their attempts to raise the ceiling on the national debt, increase government spending, and expand the size of government. In all 42 out of those 42 occasions the very next words next escaping from the other side of the orators’ mouths were condemnations of the Republicans in Congress, especially those controlling the House of Representatives, for seeking to get fat “on the backs of the middle class.” In addition, Obama also said that it was the public’s worry that the debt-ceiling would NOT be increased that was causing uncertainty in the business community thus hampering hiring and contributing to last month’s rise from 9.1% to 9.2% unemployment in the nation which occurred despite 250,000 job applicants quitting the hunt for work and no longer being counted as “unemployed.” Meanwhile only 18,000 new jobs were created in June while the job numbers from April and May were revised downward 44,000 jobs.
The last claim by the President is absolutely shocking in its disregard for the truth. YES, the business community as a whole and small business owners (the segment of society most commonly attributed for creating new jobs) in particular have certainly spoken repeatedly about uncertainty . . . but it is their uncertainty with regard to Obamacare; new government regulations; energy cost; and more than anything else government spending and government interference in the businessman’s life that has caused them to keep their investment funds on the sidelines. In other words, it is Obama’s policies which are creating the uncertainty (and certainly NOT the Republicans’ attempts to slash government spending, reduce the national debt and dramatically shrink the size and scope of the federal government. The President’s fast-and-loose treatment of the truth, however, only earns second place in the BS Sweepstakes for early July.
By far the most shameless spinning going on right now is that of Attorney General Eric Holder and other spokesmen within his “Justice” Department. First of all, it is now a certainty that Eric Holder has lied under oath when discussing “Operation Fast and Furious” as to when he first learned of and how much he knew about this seemingly rogue operation that deliberately put American weapons in the hands of Mexican drug-cartel operatives and cost at least two American immigration officers their lives as well as potentially the lives of hundreds of Mexican citizens as thousands of American weapons were deliberately sold to drug cartel operatives and then allowed to flow across the southern border into Mexico. Ordinary internet viewers were already reading of the DOJ’s improprieties at least a full seven weeks prior to the time which Holder has stated in sworn testimony to Darryl Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee that he first learned of problems with Fast and Furious.
While pledging openness and cooperation with the Oversight Committee, Holder and his department have submitted countless filings of obstructions to the scope of the investigation. Even when a DOJ paper is turned over to Issa’s committee it is virtually completely blacked out except for the DOJ heading and words like “the,” “and,” “a,” “of” and “an.”  While otherwise claiming privileged communications within the DOJ could not be examined. The seriousness of this matter can be calculated by this simple fact: instead of only the stalwart FOXNEWS organization and New York Post reporting on the issue, just this week (after two months!) even CNN has also begun to cover the story.
This much is certain: Both the DOJ and the Federal Bureau of Investigation deliberately left the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) in the dark as to virtually every aspect of Operation Fast and Furious which was known within the ATF as “Project Gunrunner.” Throughout the life of the ill-conceived sting operation, ATF was spinning its wheels investigating people and events that the DOJ and FBI already knew everything about. Meanwhile the DOJ saw to it that American weapons were put into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels and then allowed those weapons to drop off the information grid. Two of those weapons are implicated in the deaths of the two Immigration officers.
While Holder and other bigwigs in the FBI, DOJ, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Attorney’s Office (who conducted all sorts of wire taps that the ATF was never allowed to know about) and even the Drug Enforcement Agency have been zipping lips and pointing shaking fingers at ATF acting director, Kenneth Melson as their hoped for scapegoat; truth has nevertheless begun to pour out. Melson and virtually the entire ATF have been forthrightly providing Issa’s committee with truckloads of information including documents that reveal the ATF’s initial and ongoing reservation for the wisdom of the DOJ initiated operation. Obama and Holder are pressuring Melson to resign and take the fall for the botched operation which Holder appears to have created.
The skeleton of what is now conclusively known points at Holder’s DOJ as plotting to create an embarrassment for the nation’s 2nd Amendment enthusiasts by creating scenarios implying that their shortfalls and enthusiasm for selling and buying weapons were behind much of the Mexican drug cartel armaments. However, rather than legal and normal gun sales leading to better armed drug lords, it is up to now only certain that the DOJ’s interference (while using the ATF as an unknowing stooge) has put guns into the hands of these lawless criminals. Holder is meanwhile doing everything he can to point at Melson and even DOJ underlings as the root cause of the fiasco.
In a letter to Holder released yesterday, Oversight Chairman Rep. Daryl Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley accused the Justice Department of blocking their investigation into the burgeoning scandal (which has resulted in the deaths of at least two American agents and countless Mexican civilians), muzzling the ATF and involving other federal agencies, including the FBI and the DEA, in funding the crackpot scheme.
"The evidence we have gathered raises the disturbing possibility that the Justice Department not only allowed criminals to smuggle weapons, but that taxpayer dollars from other agencies may have financed those engaging in such activities," said Issa and Grassley in the letter.   
"It is one thing to argue that the ends justify the means in an attempt to defend a policy that puts building a big case ahead of stopping known criminals from getting guns. Yet it is a much more serious matter to conceal from Congressthe possible involvement of other agencies in identifying and maybe even working with the same criminals that Operation Fast and Furious was trying to identify."  The following five paragraphs are courtesy of the New York Post article linked above:
Issa and Grassley note in their letter, that had the other agencies shared information with the ATF, "then ATF might have known that gun trafficking 'higher-ups' had already been identified."   Since the identities of the Mexican criminals were known to the feds, precisely what was the point of Project Gunrunner -- and why is Holder so desperately trying to stonewall by withholding hundreds of documents from Congress?
Law-abiding gun owners and dealers think they already know. With the Obama administration wedded to the fiction that 90 percent of the guns Mexican cartels use originate here in the United States -- which they do not -- many suspect that "Fast and Furious" was a backdoor attempt to smear domestic gun aficionados as part of its stealth efforts on gun controlby executive (Presidential) fiat.  "I just want you to know that we're working on it," Obama was quoted as saying to gun-control advocate Sarah Brady in a March speech. "We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar."  Unfortunately for the administration, this one's out in the open now.
Melson testified behind closed doors on July 4, but the country needs to hear him speak -- loudly and publicly. "Let me be clear," Issa wrote to Melson in April, "we are not conducting a concurrent investigation with the Department of Justice, but rather an independent investigation of the Department of Justice."  Exactly. Because this one's not just a domestic issue. A Mexican senator, Rene Arce Islas, told Fox News that he believes whoever is responsible for the monumental, lethal screw-up should be tried not only in America but in Mexico, too.
That's not going to happen, of course. Even if any prominent American officials are implicated, there is zero chance they'd have to face Mexican justice.  But Issa's charge that Holder & Co. are obstructing a congressional investigation is serious. Not even the Justice Department is above the law.
The best way to disinfect the putrid mess that is Operation Fast and Furious is to expose it to sunlight. Let's hear what the attorney general and others have to say in open hearings.  Because somebody's got some "splainin' " to do -- fast, before the American people get furious.
Eric Holder’s involvement is no longer in doubt, if he wasn’t aware of “Fast and Furious” he’s an incompetent and should lose his job; if he was aware (which all signs clearly point to now), he’s stepped way over the line from malfeasance into deep, deep corruption by now unabashedly heading up the cover-up . . . the real questions, given the quote from Obama’s speeches to anti-gun functions are these: How much does Barack know? When did he first learn it? Did he authorize “Fast and Furious” himself?
            It now appears that Obama himself spearheaded this operation. We say that because the Obama administration is choosing to spin the screwed-up “Fast and Furious” results as indications of the need to institute anti-2nd Amendment measures immediately by Presidential fiat. This latest power-grab by the administration is being euphemistically called “new gun safety measures” and will be implemented by Eric Holder’s Justice Department without Congressional input. Presidential press secretary Jay Carney announced today that the “new steps will be made public in the near future.” 
Looking for a sweeping net of proposed benefit, Carney said the purpose of the new laws will be to “prevent another Tucson.” Anti-gun zealots are refusing to notice that incompetent law enforcement by the Tucson Sheriff Dupnik (the one calling within minutes of the shooting for condemnation of the “haters” and implying that the haters included talk radio and FOXNews). Of course, the leftist enthusiast perpetrator Jared Loughner is criminally insane and had dozens of contact situations with the congresswoman he shot (as well as 18 other people including the six who were killed. Dupnik ignored several prior complaints about Loughner including at Loughner’s university.
Carney and others are tying “Project Gunrunner” to the Bush administration. This is false. Gunrunner was a Bush sting on illegal gun purchases wherein the guns were sold and the illegal recipients were immediately arrested in the United States.  Holder deliberately allowed the ATF to believe that Project Gunrunner was just being continued with a new emphasis. As soon as savvy ATF agents on the ground figured out what was going on (no arrests but just following the guns into Mexico?) they were alarmed and protested loud and long . . . several of these whistle-blowers have lost their jobs already. The brilliance of the Obama administration’s “Fast and Furious” is that the guns are now forever lost unless they are found later at crime scenes. Told you it was brilliant!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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A Republican congressman has told a left-leaning blog that if there is collective support, he would favor the impeachment of Barack Obama over his decision to stop defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

Scott Keyes of asked U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.: "I know Newt Gingrich has came out (sic) and said if they don't reverse course here, we ought to be talking about possibly impeaching either Attorney General [Eric] Holder or even President Obama to try to get them to reverse course. Do you think that is something you would support?" Keyes asked.

Read all about the grounds for impeachment.

Franks replied: "If it could gain the collective support, absolutely. I called for Eric Holder to repudiate the policy to try terrorists within our civil courts, or resign. So it just seems like that they have an uncanny ability to get it wrong on almost all fronts."

Blessings to all,
Judy Miller
Jacksonville, FL
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Satelite Border Patrol?

Well, there is more violence on the border with the U.S. and Mexico this time its on lake Falcon, never heard of it till now.Evidently this lake is another crossing point for drugs and, more than likely, illegals.

I don't understand why we cannot secure our borders.I have a cell phone and with it I can google any part of the world and zoom in on roads and even houses.If I can do that how hard would it be to patrol the border with satelites?-I don't get it!, can somebody please explain this to me!

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Author: Brian D. Hill

Obama is supportive of a illegal takeover of America not just by globalists and elitists but also by illegal immigrants that will supportthe New World Order agenda in exchange for having American jobs andfree social security money.

I am seeing a major rise in illegal immigrants not just visiting America but also working American jobs.

Foreign Muslim Couple walking on a Mountain trail

I am noticing a rise in foreigners gaining access to American jobs thatcan't even speak English or don't know exactly what they are doingbecause they haven't received proper training since they are foreignersthat haven't immigrated through the proper channels.

Also at a Hotel the USWGO Founder was staying at a foreign illegal maid almost cleaned out his hotel room and took all his diet soda cansto drink themselves before he even checked out because the foreignersthat run the hotel didn't even know how to keep records because theyprobably weren't US Citizens.

Many places I went to it was foreigners, foreigners, and even more foreigners working American Jobs. The only place that actually had onlylegal immigrants and American citizens was at Dollywood because sincethey are a major theme park they have to check documents of thoseapplying for a job there.

Even at a gas station I saw another foreigner there as well so while Arizona lost the first round against the Federal Government, even thoughthey made an appeal, illegal immigrants are on the rise in America,stealing American jobs, forcing their viewpoints including theUnconstitutional ShariaLaw on America, and since more Illegal mexicans have invadedAmerica at one time over 20 to 30% of Americans support the banningof the American Flag in public schools that are funded by theFederal Government.

So the foreign invasion keeps happening while Obama wants to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants so that they won't ever haveto give an Oath of Loyalty to the Constitution, won't ever have to learnEnglish, and won't ever have to go through the legal process thatmillions of past Legal immigrants went through which is unfair to allthe legal immigrants.

I know the argument is that all of our ancestors were immigrants BUT there has to be a balance, a restriction, to how many can immigrate intothis country because without limiting how many can immigrate into thiscountry it can be a real mess, bring up the jobless and homeless rates,and bankrupt America into a dead country. Also all who legally get intothis country HAS to learn to respect Liberty and Freedom all Americansknow and love, HAS to give a Oath to protect and defend the Constitutionand not be a traitor to America, and all who legally immigrate has tolearn English because not everyone in American would be unable to learnanother language so since the primary language is English the immigrantwould have to learn English or else barriers between Americans would bebuilt which would ruin the United States since it would be divided.

"I am not a racist, I am not against hispanics, I am not against any race but rules are important so all illegal Immigrants must understandthat we have to control the border to prevent a quick collapse of thiscountry. So We aren't against immigrants but we are against IllegalImmigrants", says Brian D. Hill of USWGO.

"I directly support Arizona's Illegal Immigration law because then we can now finally restore the economy slowly by having more job slots forAmericans since Obama is not doing anything to bring back our jobs likehe promised and is only making things worse." Brian D. Hill also says.

Illegal Immigration has given Americans less jobs in a severe way and actually has hurt Legal Immigration since they worked hard to legallyget into the United States while others are just crossing the border andgetting free social security money, and free Medical.

The Bilderberg Group has planned to use Illegal Immigration as a tool to bring forth the North American Union which would dissolve theConstitution and merge Canada, Mexico, and America together to becomethe North American Union.

The North American Union agenda is all apart of competing with the European Union, the forming African Union, and to help the Asian Unionbecome established which will be managed under a World Government.

Even Barack Obama said while the Mexican President was visiting that "We are defined not by our borders butby our bonds." to justify the dissolving of our borders and the start ofthe North American Union which will end our Freedoms and Liberties.

I think it's okay to be friendly with neighboring countries BUT there's a fine line between just being neighborly and persuadingneighboring countries to join together as one union and dissolve theirSovereignty. Right now Obama is using foreigners taking over thiscountry as a pretext to make it acceptable to end Sovereignty andjump-start a World Government.

There is a clear difference between just being kind to your neighbors and taking over their house and force the neighbor to join the twohouses together to create a controlled union.

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To honor the memory of the Last Great American Statesman, William Proxmire (Wisconsin Senator for 32 years) whose “Golden Fleece Awards” uncovered shameless pork barrel projects and focused media attention on all manner of self-serving, waste, and corruption in the United States government: Rajjpuut has since June, 2009, been awarding the “Platinum Fleecer” to the elected or appointed official or private citizen most deserving of the illustrious title.

The May, 2010 Platinum Fleecer WINNER is:
President Barack Obama
Does the country get its money’s worth from their president? He certainly seems disposed to keeping those dollars in Washington, D.C., doesn’t he? A monstrous “Thousand Year Flood” hit Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi but Obama has not yet even mentioned these people’s plight nor used the words “disaster area.” Oklahoma and surrounding states have been hit three times by savage and deadly tornadoes, but again no mention of their sad situation and no federal assistance mentioned. The Gulf oil leak went on for five weeks before he seemed to realize it was happening . . . now, in fairness British Petroleum has the technology and Obama can do nothing along those lines, but . . . certainly the problems near and onshore created by the mess were easily predictable. Let’s say he had four full weeks to come up with a federal response to prepare a defense for them, to soften the blow for Louisiana and the other Gulf States and he did? Nothing?
Actually worse than nothing, he had the power to eliminate red tape so that Louisiana could have built some artificial barrier island constructs . . . but Obama insisted that the EPA do an environmental-impact study before that could begin (and it hasn't yet!). Let's see, you have some potential, presumably modest or absolutely minor future impact versus a monstrous absolutely certain impact NOW and we need to study that?????? Nice work, Mr. Prez!
Meanwhile he is putting every effort into passing “America’s Power Act” a Democratic euphemism for “cap and trade” legislation. Remember in his own words, “Under my policies, electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket!” Skyrocketing costs based upon a proven** fraudulent lie called global warming? Meanwhile he’s seeking to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” which means making 13-20 million illegal aliens American citizens within ten months (expecting to win 80% of their votes and lock in his re-election and the supremacy of the Democratic Party progressives for the next 50 years). Meanwhile he refuses to protect our borders and rants and raves about Arizona's attempts to protect theirs. Yeah, that’s a statesman for you. Congratulations, to Barack Obama the only four-time winner and May, 2010 Platinum Fleecer of the Month.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** here's the truth from the ultra-LIBERAL London Times which had been banging the drum for global warming for almost a dozen years . . . they ate crow and released the truth which no American mainstream media source has done (still protecting our president and Al Gore!) . . . . here's the London Times story:

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