constitution (552)

If a politician stood up at the podium, and uttered the following words, he would be viewed as an extremist; or, in the parlance this week, a terrorist. Tea Partiers, always keep your eyes on the Constitution. This is the one thing that the Radical Left fears:


Abraham Lincoln. Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois. January 27, 1837

Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well-wisher to his posterity swear by the blood of the Revolution never to violate in the least particular the laws of the country, and never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and laws let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor. Let every man remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the charter of his own and his children's liberty. Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap; let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in primers, spelling books, and in almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts or justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation.


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The Wall Street Journal has accused the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of "ducking political issues."  The church does not duck political issues, but we are a religious organization, not a PAC. What I do in the political sphere, I do as a citizen.  Please read the following:
WSJ "Mormons Ducking Political Duel"
This has been widely spread and the issue always arises at election time.  The LDS Church is officially non-partisan, first because it is a religious organization and does not endorse politicians or political causes. Second,  because the first doctrine of Christianity is the moral agency of man to choose for himself between good and evil. The Church seeks to educate its members with correct principles but beyond that, personal choices are not influenced nor punished-unless it is a clear and damaging sin like child molestation or adultery. Those sins, among many others, will get you excommunicated.  The LDS Church expects its members to seek out righteous leaders, and those who will support and sustain the divinely-inspired Constitution.  But there is no coercion nor direct political speech in the church.  Agency and error are companions and so that's how we get a range of political figures who are LDS from the evil, sniveling, devil Harry Reid, to the decent, kind, sometimes happless Orrin Hatch, to the ultra Right, pro Israel, Bible-thumper Glenn Beck, to the reasonable, thoughtful, self effacing, not married moi. This is a pretty good article on our beliefs concerning freedom. 

"The LDS Church in Public Life" Dallin H. Oaks
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“That’s right, in Texas they have part-time citizen lawmakers rather than a lot of professional politicians clogging up the scene all year round every single year.”
“. . . Texas dodged almost the full-brunt of the sub-prime lending crisis.” 
Texas Grows 38% of Nation’s New BLS Jobs;
            Like the silly unemployment numbers used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) measuring new job growth across the nation by BLS nonsense is a lesson in frustration. Nevertheless, according to BLS statistics since the financial meltdown ended (officially we’ve been recovering since June 2009) one state (Texas) has dominated the new job generation picture. 38% of all new jobs in the nation were created in Texas. So it took entire rest of the country 49 states and Washington, D.C. taken altogether to create the 62% of our new jobs that Texas didn’t create. 
If instead of BLS statistics we use the far more accurate and straightforward non-farm payroll employment, Texas accounts for 45% of all new job creation.    Texas, North Dakota, Alaska and Washinton, D.C. are the only areas to show a net job growth since the beginning of the meltdown. The District of Columbia, of course, benefitted from the huge growth in government size created by the Obama administration’s stimulus and regulation and new agencies (one law alone, Obamacare, created 384 brand new federal government agencies) programs. 
Texas created roughly 72,000 more jobs, 266,000 in total) than the next two successful states (New York and Pennsylvania) put together and roughly 1,000 fewer jobs than the sum total of the other forty-seven states combined. This should come as no surprise since Texas is easily the most business friendly  free market state in the union. These kind of figures are one reason that Texas Governor Rick Perry (though so far he’s UNannounced, is considered an important and necessary candidate in the Republican presidential polling). 
Overall, eighteen states have lost jobs since the Obama-recovery began in June, 2009; California alone has lost 11,400 jobs. Thanks to Obama’s growth of government D.C. payrolls have increased 18,000 jobs since the meltdown began in mid 2007 compared to Texas’ 30,800 new jobs over the same period all the while the Lone Star State was eliminating government jobs and trial lawyer jobs (it’s harder for them to find work in Texas now due to new tort regulations that protect business and doctors from nuisance suits).
Besides the new tort laws, Texas has no state income tax. Its regulatory conditions are contained and flexible. It is fiscally responsible and government is small. Its right-to-work law doesn't impose unions on businesses or employees. It is always wide-open to global trade and competition. The words “government interference” are seldom heard in Texas where the state legislatute meets for roughly one-half year and then takes off the next eighteen months . . . that’s right, in Texas they have part-time citizen lawmakers rather than a lot of professional politicians clogging up the scene all year round, every single year.
Perhaps the single healthiest pro-jobs condition in Texas is the state rule in place since 1998, that limits mortgage borrowing to 80% of the appraised value of the home. Like a large minimum down payment, this reduces problems associated with over-leveraging and means Texas wasn't hurt nearly as badly by the housing crash as other states.   So Texas dodged almost the full-brunt of the sub-prime lending crisis. Think about these five facts (the next five paragraphs) . . .
In 1975 before the Carter administration created the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77) the questionable loan rate in the country was 0.24% of all home mortgages offered at 3% down payment or less (Texas, now, you’ll remember is requiring 20% minimum). The nation was largely operating as a free market in the home mortgage industry.
By 1985 with ACORN operating mainly only in one medium-sized state, Arkansas, (ACORN in those days stood for Arkansas Community Organizations For Reform Now) forcing mortgage lenders there to make knowingly bad loans in accord with CRA ’77 . . . the suspect loan rate more than doubled to 0.51%. ACORN was, of course, the driving force also for putting Bill Clinton into the governor’s mansion in Little Rock for 12 of the next 14 years and into the Oval Office after that. Except for Arkansas, the nation was still operating as a free market with regard to home mortgages.
After three legislative expansions in Washington (one by G.H.W. Bush; two by Clinton), a huge regulatory expansion of CRA ’77 by Clinton in 1993, and ACORN being expanded across the whole nation: the suspect loan rate jumped to 14.1% in 1995. ACORN was very busy, including a Chicago-area ACORN attorney named Barack Obama who was shaking down banks to make ever more bad loans and even to get ACORN donations from them. ACORN now had it’s present meaning of Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now and operated in all fifty states. The free market in home mortgages is wiped out.
About the same time as Bill Clinton was paying off his friends at ACORN for their support in 1998, by passing the steroid version of CRA ’77 expansion . . . Texas, with George W. Bush as governor, is wisely passing a 1998 law requiring a minimum of 20% down payment on all home mortgage loans. With ACORN’s push, Clinton’s law allows 0% down payments from people without jobs whose only “income” is food stamps. Even illegal aliens are now being put into $440,000 homes by ACORN with less effort than they needed a decade earlier to put better-qualified (but still UNqualified) loan seekers into $110,000 homes. By 2005, the suspect home rate is 34% across the nation. A large percentage of these new loan recipients are getting NO-Down payment loans.
The G.W. Bush administration first tries in January, 2005 to pass a law repealing CRA ’77 but Democrats block it. Finally thirty months later after nineteen speeches on the subject and other direct appeals to Congress, Bush and a bi-partisan group pass a weakened version of Bush’s 2005 bill into law in July, 2007. It helps immensely to save the housing market from utter collapse, but is way too little, way too late to stem the tide of nasty side effects and the financial meltdown begins within three months. The fifteen year long government-created housing bubble is ended.
Let’s sum this up: why has Texas prospered during this great downturn and mediocre “recovery?” Texas has, in a phrase, stuck to real core American values when the rest of the nation was throwing the U.S. Constitution out with the “wash water” and engaging in the wildest unjustified financial hokus-pokus imaginable. Let us learn our lesson from Texas’ wisdom. As the former “Lone Star State,” Texas is the only state with the legal-power to secede from the Union at will . . . we need about forty-nine other states to follow her lead and to uphold the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights . . . if the UNITED States is to prove worth saving.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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       If Barack Obama were caught on camera raping . . . how much support, if any, would he lose in the liberal mainstream-lamestream media?   Would the headlines read: “Obama Makes Outreach to . . . ?”

After Using U.S. Constitution for Toilet Paper
King Barack, the Deceiver, Still
Praised by Liberal Lamestream Media
ITEM: The Obama administration (which cheer-led the opposition to ex- Egyptian strongman Mubarak and which has been praising the so-called “Arab Spring” movement to replace virtually all Middle-East dictators with Jihadocracies associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Hamas or various and sundry terrorist groups) has approved $2 Billion to help out the new Egyptian regime whatever its politics. Given that the last six weeks have seen an American reporter raped in public by Egyptian mobs; stoning of Coptic Christians (10% of Egypt’s population) and burning of their Christian churches; and angry mobs yelling, “Kill the Jews!” as they demonstrate against the thirty-year peace treaty with Israel – none of which was even half-imaginable under Mubarak over the last three decades -- it seems likely that Mr. Obama has just given aid and comfort to America’s enemies one more time. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: The President took time off from golf and pick-up basketball to proclaim June “National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-gender Pride Month. Meanwhile he hasn’t had enough time to actually put forth a serious budget; to do any serious work on eliminating the deficit and national debt; or had his Democrats seriously address the budget and debt-cutting that all spectators and participants have long acknowledged must precede the debt-ceiling expansion he’s been so vociferously calling for. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama has deliberately dishonored the War Powers Act as he’s continued the U.S. involvement in Libya beyond the 60-day period maximum period that law requires without consulting with Congress and getting congressional approval and funding to continue. By the way, like the situation in Egypt, it appears that the likely beneficiary of our bombs in Egypt will be Al Qaeda leaders. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama without congressional approval suggested the virtual abandonment of the one free society in the Middle East and our biggest ally there, Israel, without a single liberal media voice being raised in question, much less opposition. Mr. Obama has consistently painted the Israelis as the blood-thirsty ones in the Middle East not as the recipient of unwanted missile, mortar, suicide bombing, sneak raids on innocent families and other attacks. While Rajjpuut is NOT a big fan of Israel and is sympathetic to the dismay and anger of those displaced by its creation in 1948, terrorist groups like the (pre-1933 Nazi-connected) Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas calling for the slaughter of “all Jews from the face of the earth” is probably not the answer to the problem. Mr. Obama has been disingenuous on every single Israeli policy decision he’s made over the last twenty-nine months. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama’s policies have led to the departure of 74% of the companies drilling in the Gulf and contributed greatly to the present spiked in gas prices. Mr. Obama’s interior department has reneged upon several drilling permits for operations in Alaska as well. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama has a string of forty-two key promises made while campaigning in 2008 that have all been broken. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.   Details can be found here:
ITEM: Let us discuss briefly roughly half of the broken promises. Since about 2/3 of these promises were aimed at satisfying Obama’s liberal backers, it’s really quite surprising that the President’s trail of broken promises has not raised more ire on the left. Of course the promises most routinely broken by Obama have concerned creating a new more transparent and responsive Washington, D.C. During the first three hundred and twenty days when he held an invincible majority in both the house and senate, the president failed to even try to get his promised “comprehensive immigration bill within the first year;” centralize ethics and lobbying information for voters; allow five days comment before voting on bills; create tougher rules countering the “revolving-door” policies for lobbyists and former officials; planned human missions to the moon for 2020; give an annual “State of the World” address; enact windfall profits taxes from oil companies (this boondoggle approach has been cheered on by Dems since 1973 incessantly; those same Dems stopped all new refineries in the country since 1974 and have constantly constrained drilling in this country . . . thus raising oil prices and oil company profits); within the first year the entire automotive “fleet” in Washington, D.C. was to have been converted to electrical plug-in cars; recognition of the Armenian genocide;  negotiate every aspects of the health care “reform” negotiations televised by C-Span; no family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase; close Guantanamo Bay Detention Center; allow imported prescription drugs; create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners; and about a dozen specific different promises to increase transparency, openness and accountability of the federal government all have been broken; the promise to run the most “bi-partisan” administration in history has been shattered, of course; not to mention his promise to be the first post-racial American President. Again visit
to find out about all the various broken Obama promises. Investigation by the liberal press into these matters: non-existent.   
ITEM:  Besides dozens of times breaking promises associated with some version of “the buck stops here,” Mr. Obama has never called the economy his but constantly referred to the lie that the previous administration created the financial meltdown of 2007 (thirty years of CRA ’77 legislation with five expansions – four by Clinton – created the sub-prime lending crisis by forcing home lenders to make knowingly abysmal loans to terribly unqualified buyers; all this was exacerbated by the liberal ACORN organization which Barack Obama was a part of for two years . . . we could go on and on exposing this lie with proof all over the internet, but the liberal media wants no part of the truth, it’s too much fun continuing to kick George Bush around. Bush sought to repeal CRA laws in January, 2005 and for thirty months thereafter. Finally a too-weak version, was passed too late in July, 2007. It helped immensely but was not enough to stem the meltdown.) The liberal media could save America if they wanted to just by printing and broadcasting this little piece of the truth they’ve been deliberating obfuscating for six years.
ITEM: The promise that the auto-bailouts and other bailouts and his $787 billion Obama-stimulus would prevent the jobless rate from ever going above 8% is the biggest obvious broken promise.
ITEM: His cash-for-clunkers program was initiated with the promise that it would save jobs and make the economy heal faster. Instead it was an expensive boondoggle that gave a small temporary boost to the auto industry but no lasting push. It also has raised the prices of used cars by an average of $1,860 each over the last eighteen months. Again Investigation by the liberal press into these matters: non-existent.   
ITEM: Then there’s this matter of a little promise to halve the budget deficit by the end of his first term. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.   
ITEM: Imagine if John McCain had been elected president in 2008, isn’t it likely that each and every single broken promise would have become a cause célèbre? That each failing would be hyped in the newscasts day after endless day? How incompetent must the president be before liberals ask him tough questions in interviews? How often does the President have to treat the U.S. Constitution like toilet paper before one liberal press voice calls him on it? 
The question is: if Barack Obama was caught on camera raping a tee-ball team of ten-year old girls, how much support, if any, would he lose in the liberal mainstream-lamestream media?   Would the headlines read: “Obama Makes Outreach to Youth Sports?” The liberal press’s fair-haired boy seems to have an unexpiring lifetime pass preventing him from ever facing the consequences of his actions in their eyes.
Ya’all live long and strong and ornery,
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           “ . . . it signaled Obama’s opinion that all jobs are not created equal . . .”      Rajjpuut            
          “ . . . we're going to build a constituency of people who believe in limited government, fiscal common sense and individual liberty."    Matt Kibbe 
Obama’s Heinous Favor
to Union Supporters;
NLRB Complaint
Outrage South Carolinians
When Barack Obama made his recess appointment of Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board in late March, 2010, many economists were shocked. Becker’s appointment,  in effect overriding a Senate Republican filibuster, was among the most appallingly partisan political IOUs ever paid and it openly signaled Obama’s opinion that all jobs are not created equal and only union jobs deserved legal protection. Becker, at the time a union lawyer with a particularly nasty resume, had repeatedly and unequivocally stated No worker should have any right to opt out of union representation.”
While work continues at Boeing’s new aircraft assembly site in North Charleston (in South Carolina, a “right-to-work-state”) President Obama set his dogs from the NLRB upon Boeing. The NLRB complaint is that Boeing is planning to build airplanes at a non-union plant in S.C. rather than at its home site in Seattle, Washington. In 2009, Boeing announced it would build some additional assembly lines at a new factory in North Charleston, South Carolina to aid in producing Boeing 787 airliners.  
The move was widely regarded as an economic measure for Boeing since Washington state laws support union-requirements that new workers must join a union to be eligible to work at a union site while South Carolina as a right-to-work-state . . . where each worker can decide individually if he wants to join a union or not . . . is less susceptible to high union pay demands. Of course, they were also naturally thinking of the crippling 2008 strike and the resulting brouhaha at Boeing’s Seattle factory by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace workers. 
Boeing execs have long asserted that being “knocked offline” by union demands was adversely affecting the business. Clearly, the new factory scheduled to open this summer, makes sense in light of Boeing’s concerns but the union has filed a complaint against Boeing and the NLRB has taken up the complaint claiming that Boeing used “unfair labor practices.”
South Carolinians are up in arms, "This is nothing more than a political favor for the unions who are supporting President Obama's re-election campaign," said S.C. Republican Senator Jim DeMint. "Unfortunately, it comes at the expense of hundreds of jobs in South Carolina and thousands of jobs nationwide." DeMint argues if the complaint goes forward, right-to-work states will struggle to attract jobs and the pace of jobs leaving the country and heading overseas will become a torrent. 
“It will have a chilling effect on job growth in my state and in the country,” said DeMint. Boeing and DeMint point out that the company has added 2,000 jobs in Seattle since the South Carolina construction began. That, however, is no sop to the union demands: "Boeing's decision to build a 787 assembly line in South Carolina sent a message that Boeing workers would suffer financial harm for exercising their collective bargaining rights," IAM Vice President Rich Michalski said in a statement on the union's website.
S.C. Senator Lindsey Graham, another Republican added, "If successful, the NLRB complaint would allow unions to hold a virtual ‘veto' over all business decisions. Left to their own devices, the NLRB would routinely punish right-to-work states that value and promote their pro-business climates." Since the jobless rate is 8.9% and this week saw the largest jump in new claims for unemployment in several years . . . the president’s contradictory claims notwithstanding, we are not seeing a true “rebound,” or “economic recovery” at all -- and his NLRB is doing everything they can to make sure that our economy never does recover.
In any case, this week has given us a “treasure trove” of other Obama contradictions and outrageous proclamations . . . .
ITEM: in other “outrageous news,” the United Nations is now talking about taking the United States to the World Court for “war crimes” associated with taking down Usama Bin Laden, the world’s most notorious terrorist.
ITEM: After dithering for three days before deciding NOT to reveal the photos and videos proving that Usama actually was killed because, “. . . we don’t need to spike the ball, that’s not who we are,” Barack Obama . . . GASP! went ahead and spiked the ball by making a visit to “Ground Zero” in NYC -- his first visit there since the 2008 campaign. Invitations to former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to join in the victory lap photo op were declined.
ITEM:  Along with the atrocious recent NLRB actions against South Carolina and Boeing, Obama's administration is this week trying to force businesses bidding on federal government jobs to reveal political contributions . . . obviously this could have a chilling restraint on contributions to opposition parties and a positive effect for in-parties . . . an awfully bad idea.
ITEM: The contradictions just continue to mount up for Barack Obama. He allowed flag-draped coffins of fallen Americans this week to be published and of course, they wound all over the internet in the Muslim World. Meanwhile he won’t publish the death photos of Bin Laden.
ITEM: IF the Guantanamo site had been closed, the threads that led to discovering Usama’s location would not have existed. Obama has fought to close down that site for over seven years. He has also ordered his Justice Department to prosecute CIA (and other) interrogators who helped elicit the clues that finally tied together the whereabouts of Usama Bin Laden.
ITEM: Without the benefits and the threads provided by water-boarding and other EITs (enhanced interrogation techniques) evoking the eventual cooperation from the big three internees in Guantanamo, Usama’s location would still not be known. Mr. Obama has banned the CIA from using not only water-boarding but any EITs at all . . . thus handcuffing the nation’s intelligence-gatherers in the War on Terror. Mr. Obama has actually used the word “terror” recently and eschewed the phrase “man-caused disaster” that he originally preferred. In fact, to his supporters’ chagrin, Mr. Obama has almost totally come to adopt and even expand the “Terror War” exigency measures such as the Patriot Act, Guantanamo, and military courts which were first employed by George W. Bush.
ITEM: The Bin Laden death photos “would inflame the Muslim world” according to Mr. Obama who has banned release of that information. Mr. Obama has also told us that no real Muslim can be a terrorist (remember the great to-do that occurred when Bill O’Reilly visited the TV show “The View” and said “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”) then Obama's recently turned around 180 degrees and proved that the great Bin Laden actually was a Muslim who deserved full burial respect within 24 hours, including the proper ablutions, appropriate burial clothing and sacred words spoken above him. Some might complain that since Mr. Obama in 2009 released over 2,000 photos of Abu Ghraib prison abuses, it might be logical to permit one picture of Bin Laden’s corpse.
ITEM: Mr. Obama reaffirmed his loan of $2 Billion for deep sea oil drilling to Brazil saying, “We look forward to being your best customer,” meanwhile, this week his Department of the Interior has thrown new obstacles in front of land drilling; shallow-sea drilling; and, of course, deep-sea drilling anywhere in and around the United States proper . . . and this country has not built one single new oil refinery in the last 37 years because of congressional restraints . . . while the average price of a gallon of gas has reached $3.99 and the price of food has risen by 36%, Mr. Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner and Federal Reserve chief Bernanke have denied any responsibility for rising prices and indeed denied that inflation was occurring at all . . . certainly there could be no connection between the Fed’s policies, oil-drilling bans and what we consumers face at the pump and the grocery store checkout counter according to them.
ITEM: Ward Churchill, of Colorado University infamy (he’s the fool who called the innocent victims of the 9/11 attacks “Little Eichmanns”) who was in Tucson, Arizona, with numerous Obama supporters of “social justice” got upset and threw a fit along with the other leftists present because a class advocating that Southwestern lands of the United States must be returned to Mexico was no longer a required class, but just an elective. 
The riot that ensued for the next three hours prevented a school board meeting from occurring. The syllabus of the class in question includes some real gems: “Thanksgiving was the first celebration of the beginning of genocide on the Native Tribes.”   Virtually everything taught in the class is seen only through the lens of supposed White racism and undoubted Marxism. “Capitalism is the oppressive economic belief that the rights of the wealthy are more important than the rights of the poorer working class,” etc., etc. ad nauseum. You can read the full curriculum at as well as seeing Ward Churchill’s mug in the videos. 
The group is calling for Obama’s and Eric Holder’s Justice Department to get involved and protect the students’ rights to hear this anti-American propaganda just as Justice got involved to protect a Muslim teacher’s right to be paid (and to pay for a substitute) during the weeks while she makes a “holy pilgrimage” trip to Mecca.   The teachers’ union, of course, backed her up 100%. One might expect that she could make her pilgrimage after retirement or during summer vacation (if she wasn’t so particular about being there for the Hadj (a.k.a. Hajj) pilgrimage dates) . . . but common sense is probably not appropriate here.
ITEM on the Periphery: Government Motors (a.k.a. GM) has produced a monumental advertising blunder equal to the worst in their history. The same people who decided a generation ago that the perfect GM car for Spanish, and South and Central American markets was their Chevy Nova (any wonder a car called the “Doesn’t Go” <No va>)  in Spanish doesn’t sell really well in lands where Spanish is spoken) have initiated a big ad campaign for the Chevy Camaro featuring an amorphous yellow manlike form. In 90% of the shots, however, the “head” of the yellow form is all that’s seen, and it looks remarkably akin to a certain sour yellow citrus fruit. Rajjpuut can’t speak for you, but he won’t be buying any LEMONS from GM anytime soon. A prediction: if GM and Chrysler ever actually do pay off their debt to the taxpayers who bailed them out, they will face bankruptcy again within ten years (which would be the third bailout for Chrysler: 1979, 2009 were the prior two).
ITEM of Curiosity: Since 1957 when Atlas Shrugged was first published, the three topmost enduring best-selling books year after year in the United States and Great Britain have been:
            #1 The Holy Bible
            #2 Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged (1957)
            #3 Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead (1943)
            It seems that even with those sterling results, improvement was still possible.   Since 2008’s election of Barack Obama to president, Atlas Shrugged has sold over a million copies which is the greatest sales that book has ever known in any similar time period. In 2009, 520,000 copies were sold worldwide. And, of course, Atlas Shrugged Part I has been surprising theater goers for the last three weeks and is now about to jump from limited circulation to 2,000 theaters this week. According to Freedom Works President Matt Kibbe, "In a lot of ways, that project reflects the ethos of the TEA (“Taxed Enough Already”) Party. You had Republicans and Democrats and Independents who feel rejected by the establishment joining the TEA Party, and the same process is going to happen with Atlas Shrugged: We're going to build a constituency of people who believe in limited government, fiscal common sense and individual liberty."
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

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Nothing irritates the Left more than being caught in a lie.  Reading the Consitutiton in the opening session of the 112th Congress was nothing less than a revelation of how far it has been abused, and why the Left doth protest too much.  It's something that should be done before every new session.


If they are trying to change things for the better, why should there be any limits on them?

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Inelegant END-RUNS Rule the Day
Obama and Obamacare Officials SPIT

Cheerfully on U.S. Constitution AGAIN!



          To progressives, liberals, socialists, Marxists and other Obama fans, this is literally “less than nothing.” To living, breathing, feeling, thinking patriotic Americans the latest two outrages against our constitution and common decency enacted by the Obama administration are the final insults and a declaration of war against America and decent Americans . . . before we get to the latest desecration of the American Way of Life, let’s look at the serious Constitutional principles involved . . . .

            Any intelligent American knows that the system of checks and balances written into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers and the separation of the branches of government by giving us independent judiciary, house, senate and executive branches was done to protect our freedoms and allow the nation’s business to be conducted in a sensible and orderly fashion. Laws are not supposed to be created from the bench; or from the Oval office . . . that is the province of the house and senate. 


ITEM: When any judge can decide to tell the military how to run their business (for example: when a Riverside, California judge can order an injunction on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policies which will take action in 60 days) over-ruling congress without even a high-level appellate court getting involved and, by the way, unenthusiastically opposed in court by the Obama Department of Justice, that is an outrage.


ITEM: When failing to pass Cap and Trade legislation in early 2009; the Obama administration can order its Mean Greenies (willing to sabotage jobs and other human good for their distorted reading of ecological “necessity”) in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a new regulatory standard on emissions declaring “Carbon dioxide is a toxic emission . . .” thus bypassing the congress and defiling the EPA’s own charter that is an outrage. When a legal challenge reminded EPA officials that they were required to do a study on their own and not allowed to rely on outside “research” before making such a move . . . and the EPA backed off and now . . . ten months later, not having done any legitimate study the EPA is once again calling CO2 (which plants need to live and to use to provide us with oxygen) a dangerous emission . . . that is a horrific outrage.


ITEM: When the EPA can make another such edict and stop farmers in Central California from irrigating their vegetable fuels (thus putting lots of people out of work and driving the cost of foodstuffs higher) citing danger to a 2” long fish (the delta smelt) rather than coming up with a cheap and efficient and effective way to stop the danger (EPA could surely come up with a smelt-danger pheromone, for example) to keep the dumb fish from getting near the irrigation intake, no? Why is it the farmer’s problem?) and thus putting much of the area around Fresno, California into 40% unemployment, that is a disgustingly short-sighted outrage.


ITEM: When rather than backing up and taking the time to do right by a major piece of legislation, President Obama can flim-flam an idiot like Bart Stupak to swinging the dozen or so so-called anti-abortion Democrats in the house to back Obamacare by giving him a single sheet of paper with the president’s promise that no federal funding of abortion is authorized under Obamacare and four months later we find out that the very earliest covered Obamacare “medical treatments” include federally-funded abortions . . . that is a monstrous outrage.


ITEM: When Obama promised that control over health issues by you and your doctor was inviolate and would be preserved by Obamacare that was the ultimate lie as you’ll see . . . .


ITEM: When for the first time in a lame-duck session a nuclear arms-reduction treaty is passed based upon President Obama’s promise (oral, this time) that the treaty will not affect U.S. missile defense that is an utterly dangerous outrage.


ITEM: When the Democratic dominated congress does not fulfill its most basic function and pass a budget while driving the country deeply into debt and Unfunded liabilities by passing outrageous spending bills and huge government boondoggles (like Obamacare); and passes several thousand page bills which have not seen the light of day in committees; are not even read or posted; and never offered up for meaningful debate or amendment; and told we can’t find out what’s in them until after they’re passed . . . that is Constitutional outrage of the highest order.

            What do all these outrages have in common? Every one of them is a refutation of Obama’s word on bi-partisanship; openness; transparency; and meaningful change; as well as a deliberate spitting upon the Constitution of the United States. And now we see a couple more acts in the continuing drama Barack Obama Uses the Founding Documents for Toilet Paper . . .  in a series of end runs, Obama shows us once again his total contempt for our Constitution and all great things American . . . .

            Among Obama’s other lies about Obamacare (not one dime added to the debt; no abortion funding; you can keep your present insurance; etc.) was the promise that no “death panels” were created by the bill. “Death Panels” also called “review boards,” mean government-conducted oversight of potential treatment to the elderly; the very young; the very sick; and severely injured people; and government-decision making allowing operations and treatment under these circumstances or denying circumstances . . . thus the name “death panel” is fitting. The death panel’s encouragement and authorization of “end of life consultations” (“Do you want to pull the plug?” “How about now, should we pull the plug?” “Have you thought this over real carefully, shouldn’t we just go ahead and pull that nasty old plug?” “Are you there yet --- ready to pull the plug?” “Are you there yet . . . ?) enraged the public so the provisions for it were removed in the Obamacare law that was passed. 

            Now, however, these hideous laws are back with a vengeance courtesy of the Obama administration and its bureaucratic fiats from Medicare officials. Representative Earl Blumenauer and Senator Jay Rockefeller who led the Democrats’ effort in Congress to pass Section 1233 of pending Medicare legislation, which would have paid doctors to include "end of life" counseling in their patients' physical checkups, the Congress as a whole voted to delete that provision from the original bill so Obamacare would have some hope of passing. Now that an even worse regulation has been created and added to the health care processes of the nation . . . Blumenauer has sent out an e-mail asking his supporters “not to say anything, as his office on the one hand praised the Medicare bureaucratic action but warned: "While we are very happy with the result, we won't be shouting it from the rooftops because we are not out of the woods yet." If this new regulation is so wonderful, why NOT shout it from the rooftops and alert the citizenry? Here’s why . . . .
            Speaker of the House designate, John Boehner, objected mightily to this provision in 2009, saying: "This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia."  Now as Boehner feared we have not only “gone down the treacherous path toward government-sponsored and government-rewarded euthanasia” . . . we have done so by virtue of the actions of a lowly bureaucrat, someone we’ve never elected!!!

The great columnist Thomas Sowell put it this way, “Whatever the merits or demerits of the proposed provision in Medicare legislation, the Constitution of the United States makes the elected representatives of "we the people" the ones authorized to make such decisions. But when proposals explicitly rejected by a vote in Congress are resurrected and stealthily made the law of the land by bureaucratic fiat, there has been an end run around both the people and the Constitution.”

While the START Treaty vote can potentially get us blown to heaven or hell; there is no doubt that the Death Panels and the Death-Encouragement Education are the first step in Obama and Science Czar John Holdren’s master plan to kill off citizens whose lives prove to be too inconvenient to be continued . . . and clearly the chances for opponents of the administration to fit into that undesirable category are multiplied a hundredfold. Brave New World of HOPE AND CHANGE.
Can you remember Obama insulting conservative America as if he'd won 95% of the popular and electoral vote in 2008 . . . he said, "Elections have consequences" and went on to totally ignore all conservative voice and to ram his socialist agenda down our craws.   And once again he was lying, elections only have consequences when they go Obama's way.  He has zero intention of getting the message the 2010 election sent his way, ZERO!  "What's the big commotion?"  Can't you just hear the progressive Obama fans, to them this is literally “no big deal" moving toward adding "euthanasia by omission of treatment" as a prerogative of BIG GOVERNMENT.  This  continuous desecration, these outrages, these deliberate affronts to living, breathing, feeling, thinking patriotic Americans and common decency enacted by the Obama administration are the final insults and a declaration of war against America and decent Americans . . . 


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,





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Today's vote will tell us a lot about the willingness of our countrymen to radically change their course in history. But the important work of preserving freedom still remains. Our Founding Fathers broke their political ties with England because they believed the following:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men." (Declaration of Independence)

In other words, governments are instituted for one purpose … to secure rights. They are merely the vessel that contains and protects these God-given rights. Government is not the purpose unto itself. It is merely the carrying case for liberty, and when that carrying case becomes the object of our intent, rather than precious cargo of God-given rights being the object of our focus, we are in mired vexation. When our founders erected a new government to shelter their Creator endowed rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the object was not the institution, it was freedom. They did not create an idol for us to worship and call it government. Government was the shell that contained the egg. The shell has little value but to protect the contents.

Jefferson could not have made it any clearer. America's founders desired a land in which men might live in liberty. By declaring independence from the government of England and instituting a new government on this continent, they did not erect that government for the purpose of having a government, but rather, it was built as a bulwark to house those principles that secured our freedoms. They created a mechanism designed to carry and shelter our precious freedom and liberty ... government was an armored car to protect that, which they considered to be, irreplaceably precious …liberty. Even the independence they sought was not the object ... the object was liberty. Even the formation of the constitution in 1787, while a brilliant work, was not the object ... the object was freedom.

Now, look further at these words:

"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."

This is that time which is now upon us. It is time to abolish what has sprung up in the place of our government and institute new government, and laying again the foundation and purpose of our government ... namely, the protection of liberty and freedom. That is the hard work that lies ahead ... instituting a new government from within the hydra which has grown up in Washington D.C., state capitals around the country, the counties and cities from the hustings, to the monolithic metropolises coast to coast. We must build again, not a government that does for us what we don't want to dirty our hands doing, but a government which meets its singular goal as described by the Founders ... housing for liberty. Government is not the goal ... the goal is liberty. And it will be only, when we rebuild the bulwark of freedom, a government placed solidly on the foundation of constitutional precept, limited in size, scope and reach, to the 17 powers granted it to protect our freedom and liberty, that we will once again breathe free as a people.

I do not know if the mettle of the American people is sufficient to this undertaking. If we can strengthen their mettle with encouragement, or raise their spiritual sights to see beyond this skirmish to a brighter tomorrow, we will have accomplished a valuable service.

I am convinced that the battle will be pitched and the fervor of those who see government as the end all and be all, or the object of their intent, will not easily succumb to those of us who see liberty, not government as the object. I am convinced that this must be a spiritual battle that results in political action … not a political movement with a religious tone. Further, if we do not relearn and impart to America the values that made this country great, we may clean up the disaster that is this government, only to find ourselves unwittingly electing the same vile wretches back to office in but a very few years.

When I was young, I thought it was about winning. Now, I understand it is about fulfilling our destiny. It doesn't matter whether the perception is that we won or lost. What matters is that we are fought the fight because it was right. Then winning, losing, life or death become irrelevant; it's about the destiny of a nation, which was, by my understanding, antecedent even to the framing of the world. The question is this: Will we fulfill that great destiny - or - will we fall short?

By the grace of God you and I – we - have embraced the side of the light and truth, and perhaps this election will give us the proper lair from which we might surprise the enemies of freedom, begin to silence their lies, and roar the truth louder and longer than the world can imagine from city streets to strange lands of forests or sands around the world ... telling even foreign meddlers to beware. We will seek them out that we might render their malicious intent ineffectual and deliver them to the magistrate, seeking justice for their subversive stratagem.

The calling, dear friends, for all of us at this late and evil hour is to stand ... and having done all … to stand. What a privilege to be counted in that glorious company to have enjoined the fray in a late version of St. Crispin's.

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now-a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.”

To this end, I commit this great cause, this august endeavor to recapture our land, our institutions, and to reawaken our people, to the saving of our Republic, the protection of our nation, and the restoration of that vision which will lead us through the fog of progressive pother, that we might sight again the shores of truth, and in setting anchorage, there become ... America Again!

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Two questions appear to be answered even before a single vote is cast in the 2010 mid-term elections: Republicans are going to pick up a lot of seats in the House of Representatives and a lot of governorships as well. The G.O.P. winning 30-35 governorships is a crucial must in the eyes of the politically savvy if the personal popularity of Barack Obama is to be overcome in 2012 so the country can veer quickly away from Marxism. The governors will be in charge of drawing up district boundaries based upon the 2010 Census and for the G.O.P that means a huge opportunity to counter the Democratic Party machinery that so dominates in Big States with Big Cities like Illinois, New York, Ohio, and California.
Listening to House Republican Leader John Boehner, one comes to believe that the Republicans have faced up to the shortcomings which betrayed the voters in 1994 and again in 2004 . . . and that the G.O.P. will focus on creating jobs; express and enforce Constitutional-fidelity; aim to dramatically reduce the size and interference power of the federal government; defund Obamacare; aim to cut taxes, spending deficits, the National Debt; and the size and scope and power of the federal government. More than his words, it is the fact that Boehner has never, not even once, given us an “earmark.” That’s an utterly distinguished record of integrity.
Boehner talked about such “Congressional reform” themes last week while speaking at the American Enterprise Institute. Unlike the “reform” touted by Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Obama in naming all their corrupt bills, Mr. Boehner promised straightforward changes that would increase transparency and assist in reducing the growth of government -- including a promise that all legislation be constitutional—which may appear to be a token bow to the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party but which would, according to the Wall Street Journal” provide the wonderful “practical effect of making the Constitution's limits on government part of our contemporary debates.” Glenn Beck must be purring like a kitten to hear that kind of talk.
Mr. Boehner's vow to publish the full text of all bills online at least three days prior to a vote, as well as allowing open rules on all spending bills are both simple, but sensational ideas clearly in line with the intents of the Founding Fathers. Besides joining the progressive Dems’ spending binge, the G.O.P. most disappointed conservative voters when former GOP leader Tom DeLay abused open rules constantly. Of course, Nancy Pelosi has seen DeLay’s evil practices and pushed all-in so that her legacy is the first Congress (in history? in long memory?) not to consider one single bill under an open amendment process . . . nothing is more corrupt than the agenda and the policies of Sweet Nancy from Nob Hill.
The country needs a statesman like William Proxmire again. Mr. Proxmire’s “Golden Fleece Award,” highlighting the most self-serving and corrupt use of the public trust and our taxes, kept his fellow politicians on their toes and somewhat honest. Thanks to Pelosi’s abuse of process, Arizona Republican Jeff Flake, a noted spending critic, has been absolutely prevented from putting embarrassing spending items before the media and public and up for a floor vote. Flake is also the sort of guy who would have exposed Obamacare to such intense ridicule that the bill would never have become law. Imagine him talking about the provision referring to Gold-Sellers in a healthcare “reform” bill . . . it would be hilarious. It’s unimaginable that the present funding of abortions under Obamacare would have occurred with Flake focusing every eye on the bill. If Republicans want to win back the respect of the voters for Congress . . . process reforms such as these are crucial. The G.O.P. canNOT succeed in their professed goals of restoring the Constitution, cutting spending, re-energizing the economy, and abolishing the entitlement state without first undoing the corrupt base of Congress’s evil tax-and-spend machinery.
A few crucial questions are still to be determined on November 2nd. Will the Republicans win the House (yes, they only need 39 seats, but will they win it , or win it with a 61-vote majority – a pickup of 100 seats overall – like Dick Morris is predicting?); will Republicans win the Senate (which Morris is also predicting)? Will the G.O.P. sit in 33 or more of the governors’ mansions? Will the apparent national “wave” of disgust with incumbents and progressives carry over to the individual states and see a lot of incumbents and progressives of both parties shooed out the door? But if the Republicans take the House, one has the feeling that a statesman of absolute integrity will be wielding the speakers’ gavel. Ex-health educator Rajjpuut, only hopes that Speaker Boehner is indeed in our future and that Mr. Boehner's either quits or cuts down markedly on his smoking . . . he looks like one we could bear to have around a long, long time.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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As the November 2010 mid-term elections approach, it is more and more apparent they will be the most critical elections in modern times. For decades, our Constitution has been under attack [ironically] by our court system, led by statist administrations.


Every American Patriot should fight to revive it:

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During the current administration's reign, we have witnesses our constitution shredded bit by painful bit. By the grace of God, America is awakening and becoming more involved. The threat of losing our freedom has never been greater -- our freedoms, as meticulously laid out in the founding documents, written by Christians and founded on Judao-Christian principles.


The "Fundamental Four" talking points are listed

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Author: Brian D. Hill

Obama is supportive of a illegal takeover of America not just by globalists and elitists but also by illegal immigrants that will supportthe New World Order agenda in exchange for having American jobs andfree social security money.

I am seeing a major rise in illegal immigrants not just visiting America but also working American jobs.

Foreign Muslim Couple walking on a Mountain trail

I am noticing a rise in foreigners gaining access to American jobs thatcan't even speak English or don't know exactly what they are doingbecause they haven't received proper training since they are foreignersthat haven't immigrated through the proper channels.

Also at a Hotel the USWGO Founder was staying at a foreign illegal maid almost cleaned out his hotel room and took all his diet soda cansto drink themselves before he even checked out because the foreignersthat run the hotel didn't even know how to keep records because theyprobably weren't US Citizens.

Many places I went to it was foreigners, foreigners, and even more foreigners working American Jobs. The only place that actually had onlylegal immigrants and American citizens was at Dollywood because sincethey are a major theme park they have to check documents of thoseapplying for a job there.

Even at a gas station I saw another foreigner there as well so while Arizona lost the first round against the Federal Government, even thoughthey made an appeal, illegal immigrants are on the rise in America,stealing American jobs, forcing their viewpoints including theUnconstitutional ShariaLaw on America, and since more Illegal mexicans have invadedAmerica at one time over 20 to 30% of Americans support the banningof the American Flag in public schools that are funded by theFederal Government.

So the foreign invasion keeps happening while Obama wants to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants so that they won't ever haveto give an Oath of Loyalty to the Constitution, won't ever have to learnEnglish, and won't ever have to go through the legal process thatmillions of past Legal immigrants went through which is unfair to allthe legal immigrants.

I know the argument is that all of our ancestors were immigrants BUT there has to be a balance, a restriction, to how many can immigrate intothis country because without limiting how many can immigrate into thiscountry it can be a real mess, bring up the jobless and homeless rates,and bankrupt America into a dead country. Also all who legally get intothis country HAS to learn to respect Liberty and Freedom all Americansknow and love, HAS to give a Oath to protect and defend the Constitutionand not be a traitor to America, and all who legally immigrate has tolearn English because not everyone in American would be unable to learnanother language so since the primary language is English the immigrantwould have to learn English or else barriers between Americans would bebuilt which would ruin the United States since it would be divided.

"I am not a racist, I am not against hispanics, I am not against any race but rules are important so all illegal Immigrants must understandthat we have to control the border to prevent a quick collapse of thiscountry. So We aren't against immigrants but we are against IllegalImmigrants", says Brian D. Hill of USWGO.

"I directly support Arizona's Illegal Immigration law because then we can now finally restore the economy slowly by having more job slots forAmericans since Obama is not doing anything to bring back our jobs likehe promised and is only making things worse." Brian D. Hill also says.

Illegal Immigration has given Americans less jobs in a severe way and actually has hurt Legal Immigration since they worked hard to legallyget into the United States while others are just crossing the border andgetting free social security money, and free Medical.

The Bilderberg Group has planned to use Illegal Immigration as a tool to bring forth the North American Union which would dissolve theConstitution and merge Canada, Mexico, and America together to becomethe North American Union.

The North American Union agenda is all apart of competing with the European Union, the forming African Union, and to help the Asian Unionbecome established which will be managed under a World Government.

Even Barack Obama said while the Mexican President was visiting that "We are defined not by our borders butby our bonds." to justify the dissolving of our borders and the start ofthe North American Union which will end our Freedoms and Liberties.

I think it's okay to be friendly with neighboring countries BUT there's a fine line between just being neighborly and persuadingneighboring countries to join together as one union and dissolve theirSovereignty. Right now Obama is using foreigners taking over thiscountry as a pretext to make it acceptable to end Sovereignty andjump-start a World Government.

There is a clear difference between just being kind to your neighbors and taking over their house and force the neighbor to join the twohouses together to create a controlled union.

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TEA Party Drops Ball, Ignores Tremendous WEALTH
Sitting UNused in Its Goody Locker
Imagine you spent all of your days prospecting for a gold mine sacrificing and scrimping, working like a man possessed and living like a beast and then you, By Gol’ hit the MOTHER LODE! And so you buy a teeny-tiny bungalow and put the forty tons of gold you’ve unearthed in your dugout cellar and never, never ever once go down there again even though your lifestyle is positively spartan and impoverished . . . absolutely nuts, eh? That, my friends, is exactly what the TEA Party is doing right now!
When it comes to human liberty . . . there’s the much ballyhooed Magna Carta; our own Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution and most importantly the Bill of Rights of the Constitution and there’s hasn’t been anything else in 223 years and then PRESTO! The TEA Party creates the “Contract from America.” And almost no one knows about the Contract from America . . . gold in the basement which is not even thought about, much less used to make life better . . . it’s a shame.
To make the Contract from America a bit more useful and much more widely known and understood, Rajjpuut suggests that a series of public service announcements on each of the ten “planks” be released one a week for ten consecutive weeks emphasizing common sense; American tradition; liberty; fiscal conservativism, Constitutional conservativism and National Defense and control of our borders. A call for comparison of each candidate's oral and voting record to the item in question and for each candidate to pledge his coming term toward work on these ten objectives and sign the Contract must be made. Rajjpuut also would change the original wording ever so slightly (where wording has been changed, the heading appears in maroon type):
The Contract from America
We, patriotic and concerned citizens, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items; to work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the upcoming term and beyond; to pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom; and where necessary to seek Constitutional Amendments and repeal of present law for the good of the country and all its citizens.
Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.
Limited Government
The purpose of our government is to exercise only those SEVENTEEN limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.
Economic Freedom
The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.
Ten Key Principles
(Percentages given in parentheses, enumerate what percentage of our respondents felt each given item deserved to be included in the top ten “planks” of the Contract from America from among our original 24 items.)
1. Protect the Constitution
Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does and spend what that bill might require. Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require this action become the law of the land. (82.03%)
2. Reject Cap & Trade
Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)
3. Demand a Balanced Budget
Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)
4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require this action become the law of the land. (64.90%)
5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington
Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)
6. End Runaway Government Spending
Impose a statutory cap limiting the maximum annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. Since the "Invisible Depressions" of 1921 and 1946 were quickly eliminated and prosperity resurged after serious cuts in government spending and elimination of and cuts in some taxes . . . implement such measures for the next 20 years or until the deficit is eliminated and unfunded liabilities are funded. Consider making congress a part-time entity. (56.57%)
7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)
8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)
9. Stop the Pork
Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced and all unfunded liabilities are funded, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require this action become the law of the land. (55.47%)
10. Stop the Tax Hikes
Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)
Beans are nutritious, tasty and inexpensive. When you’ve got a gold mine, however, you don’t eat beans at every meal.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
p.s. Three obvious categories should be added to the bloggers' choices for their posting:
1. Contract from America
2. Economics
3. Checking upon Political Integrity
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Timing is everything. I say this being a reformed lib, raised in a family of thespians, studying "make believe" with the hopes of following in their footsteps, but eventually becoming a very young mother and raising a child in the 1960's, no less. Liberalism was doomed, as the last leftist I ever voted for was Jimmy Carter -- God help me! But, my upbringing did give me a certain perspective into the mind of far left radicals (which my parents were not), especially in the entertainment field.


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What Liberals Need to Understand about Exactly

What Progressives are Threatening to Take From All of Us

On the national scene are three classes of people proving themselves most important right now within the wide-ranging debate tearing our government and our nation apart and the “scorekeeping within this public debate as resolved at the ballot boxes. These three major classes are the Constitutionalist or Conservative; the Liberal; and the Progressive. The formerly important “Moderate” has all but disappeared. At present it appears the Conservative force is attracting a huge national following in fiscal-matters owing to the nation’s runaway spending, deficits, and national debt and the growing opposition to Progressive programs to expand government. The Progressives seemingly (having the votes in the House and Senate) are calling all or virtually all the shots in law-making and spending. The important law-making they control includes burdensome taxes; expAnsive new expEnsive programs that impinge upon individual freedom and the free markets and place the government into the dominant realm of our nation’s activities rather than in its naturally-expected realm of being subservient to the people’s wishes. The feeling of the Conservative element is that the Progressives are running roughshod over the country and the Constitution. Where formerly there was a Moderate element, now tinges of Moderation are found in the tiny proportion of liberals who vote bi-partisan opposition to the President’s sweeping programs but no real moderation is found, mainly polarity. The Democratic Party under the gross and ill-advised Progressive leadership of Pelosi, Reid and Obama and their loyal followers has unquestionably moved the nation into deep socialist waters. The underpinnings of this socialism is a powerful forcible re-distribution of wealth: that is, THEFT.

A. The most basic principle of our American government is freedom. The American experience, the American constitution and the spirit of America are tied to freedom. That means the citizen is in charge of the government and not the other way around. Liberals tend to see the citizen as the always available FUNDING Source for the federal legislators. Progressives see the citizen as an obstruction, a bump in the road to their efforts to create (their version of) a perfect world. There are only 17 specific powers allotted to the federal government by the government and there are ten amendments (the Bill of Rights) limiting the power of the federal government over both the states and the individuals. All too often lost in the nonsensical arguments raised by Progressives (those who see the Constitution as “flawed” and who say we “MUST PROGRESS BEYOND” the Constitution), is that there is a gross difference between rights and needs. We all have needs and it is our own responsibility as individuals to employ our rights and our self-will to take care of those needs. The “NANNY-STATE” advocated by Progressives sees an unending number of basic needs (they call them rights) which the Federal Government is OBLIGATED to fulfill . . . the cost of fulfilling this cradle-to-grave catalog of needs is the loss of our real rights and our real freedoms to the increasingly powerful all-controlling federal government.

B. Rights are not negotiable they come to us from God and not from the government; they belong to the individual as our basic inheritance for being human. Rights are NOT needs, however. For example, there is no natural right to health care; no natural right to have the government bail you out if your business fails; no natural right to the resources of others just because you are needy. Taking resources such as money and labor or goods by legal force from the individuals and the individual states** is theft. It is power from the barrel of a gun used to hold up some citizens for the benefit of others. The federal government has no right to deny freedoms to any group of people to advance the well-being or to benefit others. There is NO natural right to EQUALITY, except the equality of opportunity. The Federal Government has an obligation to defend the freedoms of each and every one of us and to protect us when our rights are violated but no right to force all of us into equality of means. Freedom means equality of opportuntiy to be free, it does not mean forced equality.

C. The most basic rights and freedoms protected by our Constitution against the infringement of the Federal Government are the freedoms guaranteed by the 10th Amendment, the last Amendment within the Bill of Rights and clearly the most important. The Obama administration has willfully stomped all over the 10th Amendment while stomping all over the American Dream on the one hand and willfully ignored their obligations under the Constitution. In other words, they have done everything that they shouldn’t do, and very little (for example, protecting our borders) that they are required to do. In fact, according to a leaked document in the news today, they are plotting to within nine months make 13 million illegal aliens into citizens because they believe that they will receive 80-85% of those new citizens’ votes and will be permanently locked-into the halls of power. This cynical attempt at permanent power, they say, is based upon the fact that our Immigration laws are “broken.” Over 220 years our immigration and naturalization laws have faithfully served the nation. They cannot be changed willy-nilly to benefit one political party over another, they must be amended in the Constitution and only in that may they be changed. The cynicism and Marxist grab for power of Barack Obama constitutes the single most damming threat to our nation in its 221 year history.

That is the most important thing that Liberals need to understand and that Progressives want to steal from all of us: our American freedom and the Constitutional American traditions that have made this the greatest most powerful and most just nation on earth by eternally defending and renewing our freedoms to pull from each of us the intrinsic strength that Americans has thrived upon for over two centuries.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** right now Obamacare will temporarily ease the Medicaid burden upon the individual states, however, that changes quickly and the increasing share of Medicaid forced upon the states by Federal Medicaid requirements commanded by federal law will in due course bankrupt each and every one of them.

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Why does the TEA Party exist? It exists because people who love their country were not only fed up with the string of radical actions raping our wallets and spitting upon our Constitution by the spring of 2009, but also because these patriots felt isolated and helpless in the eye of the media storm of unceasing raucous support for this totally UN-American transformation of America into the nanny-state, abject socialism and now as we see more clearly communism itself. Look at it this way, we are suffering through a crisis created by, managed by and exploited to their great advantage by the progressive (those who feel the need to “progress” FAR BEYOND the Constitution of the United States) element in this country. People are afraid to call them “Communists” because it invokes memories of the McCarthy era, but communists they are . . . .

IF, and it's a big IF, IF the Mainstream media did their jobs instead of engaging in gutless and corrupt partisanship ever-benefitting the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party . . . IF they did their jobs, by 2000 Americans would have been well-informed enough to understand the present crisis was coming and informed enough to do something to ward it off, specifically:

o Presumably, one hundred times as many people would have read “Rules for Radicals” by community organizer Saul Alinsky and understood what and how the Communist Party planned to cleverly and subtlely bring down and replace the U.S. Government. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Citizens would have understood the much publicized and discussed (by the left wing) Cloward-Piven Strategy and read their boasting and detailed description of how they deliberately created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) specifically for the purpose of employing C-P Strategy and used NWRO to bankrupt New York City and almost New York State in 1975, a project that took them roughly eight years to complete. The citizenry would have understood the in-your-face radical affrontery of these radicals that made their uprising work. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Americans would have understood the original CRA ’77 (Community Reinvestment Act) was an unneeded GIB (government interference boondoggle). The United States at that time enjoyed the highest home ownership in the world at well over 60% for over thirty consecutive years when it was passed. Then they’d have seen the ’92 expansion into the Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae programs with mortgage-guarantee legislation for the danger it was; the ’95 expansion of M-G programs similarly; and understood why Clinton’s ’98 expansion was the final piece of the M-G puzzle that put the whole process on steroids. These were all both attacks on landlords and unneeded interference in the free market system which has made us the wealthiest and most just country in the world. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Americans would not have been surprised by the creation of the C-P organization ACORN and its Saul Alinsky style of operation. They would have understood what radical lawyers like Barack Obama were doing and why and how they were doing it. They would have understood how and why they were able to force banks and lending organizations to hand out hopelessly ill-advised loans, often to people without I.D., without jobs; with abysmally poor credit ratings; without home addresses or rental addresses; even to illegal aliens. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o If if Americans didn’t discover all the previously items until 2007, when the crisis raised it’s ugly head, if they’d known then what was going on, our country NOW would be markedly different. But the media failed to do its job and Americans still remained unaware.

Today, the media is not only NOT doing its jobs (and much of the country still remains unaware of the truth of our situation, but the media still continues to act as a joyful advocate for the Communist Obama agenda . . .

Presently there are two righteous non-violent uprisings going on in this country, these two protests are based upon the single-most important of our Bill of Rights: the 10th Amendment which says: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

A. On the one hand citizen-activists such as the TEA Party movement are making their outrage known. They are asking for fiscal responsibility, responsiveness by the Congress and President to real concerns; a return to honoring and obeying our Constitution and the Bill of Rights; balanced budgets and elimination of deficits and national debt; and transparency and honesty in government.

B. A second rebellion is marked by the individual states enacting laws that oppose federal legislation and a set of law suits against recently enacted unconstitutional federal programs.

C. There are only 17 specific powers which the Constitution allows our federal government, perhaps ten times that number of powers have been exercised by the federal government up till January, 2009.

D. Since that time perhaps 17,000 federal powers have been enacted by the Obama adminstration . . . pay attention here . . . the New Deal under FDR created 39 brand new federal agencies between 1933 and 1938. In just one law “Obamacare” the federal government has enacted the creation of almost 400 new federal agencies.

E. While the actions and unwise inactions of the progressive Republican President Hoover and the ultra-progressive Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt extended a recession into a twelve and a half year ordeal known as the Great Depression, revisionist history has NOT told the truth and made Roosevelt a hero. They have eliminated the fact that Roosevelt ran on promises of cutting taxes, cutting spending, bolstering the gold standard, and eliminating programs that Hoover had introduced. Why would he run his successful campaign like this?

F. Because the “Unknown Depression” begun in late 1920 under the progressive President Woodrow Wilson, was cleared up quickly by Harding cutting spending 49% and cutting taxes 40%. Harding died in office, but his vice-president Calvin Coolidge continued his policies which reversed the fiscal disaster and ushered in the Roaring Twenties the greatest shift in prosperity ever seen in the world. This is when for the first time, Americans in large numbers came to own their own automobiles, folks in cities and farms all had electricity and 85% came to have indoor plumbing. Virtually every household obtained an ice box or refrigerator, etc.

G. Because the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware, we have long lost our way and as we continued in the wrong direction, the media have cheered us on every misguided step of the way. We need, we demand a responsible new journalism interested in the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Meanwhile . . . .

Our brothers in Arizona have created a law that mirrors precisely the attributes of the federal anti-illegal immigration statutes while emphasizing the need for police fairness and avoidance of even the appearance of racial profiling. The state and local police may act on this new law, ONLY when a just arrest or detainment is in progress, by asking for identification when an apparent illegal alien is in their custody. Since LEGAL justified aliens are required by law to carry a green card at all times, the Arizona law is a virtually perfect instrument for the state to take back its southern border. Nationally over 60% favor the Arizona law signed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Within its borders 70% of Arizona citizens believe it’s a good law. However, President Obama and the progressives seeking to add fourteen million Pro-progressive votes by enacting an Amnesty law for illegals . . . has now chosen to once again raise the “racism” card. The same media that accused peaceful TEA Party demonstrators of racism, extremism, hate-mongering and radicalism is cheering on and abetting the violent demonstrations in Arizona. The law, is our protection. Non-violence, a la Gandhi is our protection. Quiet persistence is our protection. And ultimately the wisdom of our Founding Fathers is our protection. We must wield these weapons wisely and relentlessly if we are to ever hope to bring this country back to reasonableness and prosperity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Structural Problems with Federalism

One of the problems with our system of government is the accumulation of laws over the past 200+ years.

We clearly need a Constitutional Amendment requiring that all laws expire after a certain amount of time (say 7 years).

Obvious laws such as making it illegal to commit murder and other violent crimes would have no problem in being renewed. More contentious laws due to their dubious constitutionality such as Gun Control Laws..would expire and most likely not be renewed.

There are plenty of other problems..but I think this is one of the main reasons why things go to hell over time: is accumulation of outdated and/or unconstitutional legislation

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Dear Barack Obama,

You once held a job as a senior lecturer in Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School. Rajjpuut takes that to mean that the University of Chicago Law School must have the least competent staff in the world because you, Mr. Obama are clearly the greatest Constitution-Trasher and Constitution-Basher in American presidential history. Everything the Constitution is and desires, you are clearly against. You, in fact, clearly despise the very spirit of that document.

Now some of this can be foregiven (the leftists running much of the media would say “can be understood”) merely by calling you a “progressive” which means among other things that you are “someone who believes the Constitution is a very flawed document which you in your far greater wisdom than the founding fathers realize America must clearly ‘progress beyond’ if the country is to be properly served.” You’re the man, Barack! And since “the man” is actually so much wiser than the founding fathers or so much more in tune with the ”Twenty-first Century needs” of the American Republic . . . then, by all means DO transform us. However, do it up front -- like a man -- don’t continually seek to sneak by every contrived change as something done for our own good engineered for our own good by the shadiest of processes. For example, tell us that you, in your greater wisdom, regard a “Republic” as far inferior to a Marxist state. Tell us that you in your greater compassion, realize that the Bill of Rights is totally outdated and you’ve got better stuff to eventually replace it, oh and by the way, you might even tell us what that replacement would be and what pages of “Das Kapital”** it comes from. Tell us, up front, that you regard capitalism as an abomination that enslaves people and exploits them and then describe the full nature of the communistic state you’re planning for us. It’s really the proper and honest thing to do.

You see, Barak, one reason we Americans, silly of us I know, respect the U.S. Constitution, is that the framers of it and the Declaration of Independence were so open in all their actions and all their words . . . so forgive us if, silly us, we’d like you to be 100% open and above board and admit exactly who and what you are and where you plan on dragging us? Your birth-father whatever his other faults might have been, was an open and honest communist. While deploring his beliefs, Rajjpuut admires his integrity. The same canNOT be said for you, Barack.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** In “Dreams From My Father” our president showed clear reverence for the man (Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.^^) who wrote the 1965 article linked below, “Problems Facing Our Socialism.” The paper extolls, among other communistic virtues, the proper role of “100% taxation.” On the very first page of the essay, Barak, Sr. even lists his own favorite ideology, “scientific socialism” and immediately makes it precisely clear that to him the term scientific socialism means “communism” and nothing else. In the essay, over and over again he makes obvious his preference for 100% public, rather than private, ownership of land, produce and other property saying “We have to look at priorities in terms of what is good for society and on this basis we may find it necessary to force people to do things they would not do otherwise.” Here is the paper in its entirety:

Notice how often Barak, Sr. openly uses the name “Marx” and the words “tax” and “nationalization” (confiscation of the businesses of foreigners as well as those of non-African Kenyan citizens) in this brief paper. This is the man, his father, whom Barak admired above all others. His hero, instead of George Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, Truman or Kennedy, is this man. And the dreams expressed in this paper and other published works are his dreams . . . dreams from the man (who proved too radical even for a socialist Kenya and was kicked out of his job in the office of Economic Development for “not being able to keep his mouth shut” according to Barak’s half sister in “Dreams From My Father”) he admired most in all the world. For God’s sake, if you wanted to know who Hitler was, read “Mein Kampf,” If you want to know who Barak Obama is, read “Dreams From My Father” (where he deliberately omits the words communist and communism and never tells you about the communist environment he was raised in) and then read Barak H. Obama, Sr.’s dreams in this tiny essay. What he says on page 31 (page 8 of 10 in the article) in particular delineates his dream for Kenya, which is his son’s dream for us. The fact that this dream has not changed, and is NOT likely to change, can be surmised from our president’s twice interrupting his own presidential campaigning to visit Kenya and campaign for the communist candidate for Kenya’s president, his cousin Raila Odinga, and even to twice wearing Muslim attire during that Kenyan campaign as well as ordinary suit and tie at other times.

^^ notice Barak, Sr. spelled his first name without a ‘c’ and apparently never changed his name in any fashion during his life. This Barak without a ‘c’ is how his son’s name was spelled at birth. Barak, Jr., unlike his father, has gone under Barak Obama as well as Barak Sotero (taking on the surname of his mother’s second husband) Barry Sotero, Barry Obama, “Barry Soweto,@” and now Barack with a “c” Obama rather than again being open and honest about who he actually is and what he actually believes in and what he plans for America. Just as Barak, Sr.’s name has now been officially westernized (over about 85% of the internet including Wikipedia) to be the same as his son’s with the “c” changing history . . . Barack Obama believes it is by such little and big changes to transform America into communism: the longheld dream of his father for Kenya.

@ there seems to be nothing beyond sheer whim explaining where the name Barry Soweto came from, but Obama used it exclusively during his undergraduate college years

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