Bob VanDeHey's Posts (418)

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In light of the 16-month Barack Obama “American Apology Tour;” and his continuous slighting of America’s unique place on this planet; and his present efforts to eliminate internet blogger’s freedom of political speech, here’s a word spoken for the other side . . . . Self-appreciation and the ability to laugh at oneself are surely the two greatest survival- and success-secrets of life. Barack Obama does not appreciate this country even one-twentieth as much as any mildly sane man should. That doesn’t bode well for his success as our president . . . but the real kicker is that the man has absolutely no sense of humor about himself. He takes himself 300% seriously . . . in fact, on the subject of BHO, Obama is truly an absolute stuffed shirt.

That is his greatest of numerous egregious weakness and is proving to be his Achilles Heel. Americans can take an awful lot, but once they discover it, they will never trust a man as vainglorious as Barack Obama. And if one of the gifts mentioned above were to be ranked above the other . . . humor would be it . . . and Barack Obama cannot stomach being made a laughingstock.

America will probably survive the presidency of Barack Obama and one reason is that finally the man is being made fun of on late-night TV. While the two links below (and above) have nothing in common with Barack Obama and nothing to do with politics, Rajjpuut offers them to the reader . . . in hopes of making an “Obama-filled world” bearable. Without further ado a “movie” called “Bambi Meets Godzilla” and a comedy skit called “The Great Flydini” are linked for your enjoyment and ultimate sanity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Patriotism: Our High-Demand Commitment

Part I: Goals

If you didn’t believe before that the mainstream media acts in lock-step with Obama and his leftists, all doubt can now be erased. Last week while administration spokesmen began en masse adopting the words “insurgent” and “insurgency” to describe the TEA Party phenomenon and its adherents . . . the mass media began routinely talking of “insurgent racists,” “radical insurgents,” etc. Coincidence? Of course, NOT. When an entity like the TEA Party with its calls for fiscal conservativism and Constitutional resurgence is made into "the enemy" then one must surely suspect the motives, values and character of the powers that be.

Something has “fundamentally gone wrong” in America. On the one hand, those who espouse true American values are now vilified constantly by both the mainstream media and by the feckless progressives now controlling our House, Senate and Oval office. On the other hand, TRUTH itself has become a villain (as well as our well-known American virtues) as the present administration takes us on a headlong rush toward the nearest cliff on the edge of totalitarianism. When you take on the patriot’s mantle, these are the facts of life . . . expect lots of 'sticks and stones' coming your way.

If the reader has not already done so or hasn’t done so recently, Rajjpuut recommends watching the movie “Gandhi” by Richard Attenborough. Gandhi's dynamic-duo of non-violence and patriotic confrontation such as he and Martin Luther King, Jr. infused into their movements is an unbeatable combination.

Remembering the mental preparation of those “non-violent” warriors and their commitment to do whatever’s necessary is essential and inspiring.

What is our goal, the goal of patriotic Americans? We wish to “take back America.” One hears that everywhere among TEA Partiers and other fiscal conservatives. What, precisely does that mean? That does NOT mean merely winning an election or two. Rajjpuut suggests that taking back America certainly does mean helping Americans to win more than just the elections in question though those are very important intermediate goals. Ultimate goals are . . .

1) Gradually help eliminating all traces of progressivism** (the leftists need to “progress” well beyond the Constitution toward a socialistic and semi-totalitarian state) and help install a continuing flow of actual statesmen and stateswomen as effective patriotic officials into our Congress and Oval Office. Repealing Obamacare and much of the progressive trash legislation of the past twenty-one years (since Reagan) certainly is vital.

2) Restoring the honored place of the Constitution in our every day lives and in the every day processes of government

3) Eliminating the trends that have brought our government to its present arrogant ineffectuality by simplifying and streamlining federal government so that only the 17 enumerated powers of government in the Constitution are its concerns

4) Via items 1-2-3 above and getting out of the way of our free markets we initiate a renaissance in our economy and begin to solve not only our present crisis ($13 TRillion national debt and 9.8% unemployment) but also to deal with the long-term problems created by progressivism (almost $109 TRillion in Unfunded obligations in Social Security, Medicare, and the federal side of Medicaid).

Rajjpuut suggests that these clear and brief “ends” should be adopted by the TEA Party and spoken about at every possible moment. But remember the ends must always jive with the means. Next time: “Walk the Walk.”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** The nation has a deep need for sincere liberal voices reminding us that “resting on our laurels” is not always the best action. True liberal voices respecting the Constitution and America’s history and traditions and holding our feet to the fire on the potentials implicit in the Constitution are ultra-important . The best examples coming to Rajjpuut’s mind: Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. Progressivism occurs when so-called progressive-liberals A. confuse “needs” with “rights” and claim all manner of supposed freedoms while taking no responsibility for consequences in the short and long term.

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Here is the story of two families: “Joe Legal” and “Jose Illegal”. Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California.

Joe Legal works in construction has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.... Keep Reading.....

Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash “under the table”.

Ready? Now pay attention....

Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.

Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now Has $24,031.00.

Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or Welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per Year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.

Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $9,631.00.

Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.

Jose Illegal says, “We don’t need no stinkin’ insurance!” and still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, Etc.

Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends back home, ‘out of the country’ every month.

Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

Joe Legal’s and Jose Illegal’s children both attend the same school.

Joe Legal pays for his children’s lunches while Jose Illegal’s children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal’s children have an after School ESL program. Joe Legal’s children go home.

Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

Jose with his free tax payer entitlements makes $65,000.00 a year by gaming the system! Do you get it, now?

If you vote for or endorse any politician that supports illegal aliens, then YOU are part of the problem!

It’s time to take a stand for America and Americans! What are you waiting for?

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Imagine this nightmare: you, is that you? Well a corpse resembling you is lying in a pool of its own blackened blood. Sixty-seven gaping wounds bear mute testimony to the evil that has just happened. Close friends fearing for their very lives have wisely stayed away, but acquaintances and the curious have come from all over to witness the undeniable evidence of a horror they can’t bring themselves to believe has just occurred and to satisfy themselves, “yes, yes, it’s true.”

A man speaks over the corpse telling the nation and the world that the deceased, like Julius Caesar, who met a similar fate on March 15th 2054 years ago, that the dearly departed was “ambitious” and to save the planet, had to die. It was a horrible thing to have to do, but it had to be done. It HAD to be done. He did it for them. Not only for them, but for every soul on EARTH! They have all been saved.

The words and the delivery are eloquent, soothing, HELPFUL. Soon the fear and anger that was in people’s faces disappear, they nod their heads in unison with his, he did it for us. He did it for us. We are saved. He did it for us.

That’s the plan. And it all makes perfect sense, of course.

Barack Obama, the orator over the murdered corpse, has put all his chips on the table. He is betting you and everyone else are way too stupid and too utterly unwilling to leave the comfort of your sit-com to even contemplate the truth that he’s got planned for all of us. Coming to a theater of the absurd near you, the end of the American way of life . . . the end of civilization as you know it. Tragically, it’s NOT a Hollywood production. “Mainstream Media Productions" under the benighted direction of our own congress and president are right now bringing that movie to life, your real life . . . you don’t want to learn about that now, do you? “It’s just too troubling, I don’t want to hear it,” you say, grabbing the remote and turning to “reality” TV and a bowl of potato chips to escape these words and Obama’s truth spoken over that now unloved bloody corpse . . . well, run away, run away.

It can not be said more earnestly or more accurately than this -- the U.S. Senate is now poised to plunge the dagger of environmental extremism into capitalism’s heart. And you are not alone . . . no one wants to hear it, Rajjpuut really doesn’t even want to say it. This is evil on a scale almost impossible to imagine and Americans including the progressive Democrats bewitched by the brew cooked up by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama are themselves refusing to actually understand what they are on the verge of doing. The nightmare is so gruesome and troubling they had to change its name from “Cap and Trade” to “America’s Power Act” to sell it to themselves. How can America be forced to stare into the beast’s soul so that they immediately shake themselves awake and end the nightmare? Barack Obama is betting it can’t be done . . . that you are unwilling to do it.

The script for our little horror movie was written by a man named Maurice Strong, a Canadian multimillionaire who’s spent much of his life wrapped up in environmental causes and working for the United Nations. He is the man who chaired the first “Real Earth Summit” and believes firmly in the lies he has been propagating for two dozen years. The script is brief, here in his own words:

“What if a small group of . . . world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: ‘Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?’”

Unspoken is the fact that the neighboring United States is the chief offender. His own Canada is no small offender either, but the United States is the #1 boogie man. The chief risk to the planet’s survival according to Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Barack Obama and their cronies is the United States of America as we know it followed by all the industrialized nations. Your dreams and ambitions are the problem and your civilization must be killed. You now know “What? and “Why?” and “Where?” the “Who?” is American Civilization and “When?” is during the upcoming senate voting on “America’s Power Act.” There’s only one question left, “How?”


At the risk of spoiling the “movie” for you let’s show a scene from near the ending, in the link above. The thirty-eight year old lie called “global warming” has been shown to be an absolute hoax. “Who says so?” The ultra-liberal London Times says so. They’re talking about the scandal that took place a stone’s throw from them at the East Anglia University “Climate Research Unit” where for over fifteen years facts have been deliberately fudged; science has been corrupted to produce a desired conclusion (the earth is warming dramatically); dissenting voices have been ridiculed and purged; the United Nations has been influenced; Al Gore has been made a hero; and you have been lied to. The London Times is so liberal that they had been running well in the vanguard for global warming for over a decade and a half. It took them twelve days after the story broke with the thousands of leaked e-mails for the London Times to research it and then eating crow to publish the story above and half a dozen other stories in a brief span. The Times was the last major European paper to publish the story. In the United States the story was broken about ten days before the London Times article above by

which is our well-known Time magazine’s online version. Good, good we’re on the ball . . . or are we?

The story immediately became the number one most popular story that Time ran that day and then became the top story on the internet after about fourteen hours. Rajjpuut, thinking there was, after all, hope for America "with this nonsense behind us" read the article carefully three times. And blogged and spread the word. It was an amazing time . . . .

And then a strange thing happened. Before its fifteenth hour online, Time’s top executives killed the story. They not only removed the story from their headline grouping . . . they made the story disappear altogether. It never happened. If interested people had not copied screen shots, even Time’s pulling of the story would NOT have been documented . . . like some unimaginable dream scenario from the book “1984” history was being changed, UNWRITTEN right before our eyes. In the five months since that removal of that headline story, not one major American mainstream media has run the story. Not ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, CNN or the big three’s cable news’ stations -- none of them have run the story. If you want to find information about the Climate-Gate global warming hoax, the story involved, you have to resort to the internet, European sources or Fox News. While Europe is dealing comfortably with the fact that global warming is a hoax, the United States has been deliberately left in the dark. That “chopping of scenes” and leaving them NOT on the cutting-room floor but immediately burning them up at 20,000 degrees by the mainstream media in America is a key part of the “How?” involved in Maurice Strong’s production. Unlike the London Times, the American media will not eat crow and run the truth about Climate-Gate. They will not even use the time necessary to investigate the story. They have jumped in bed with Barack Obama and Al Gore and refuse to run anything about them or their “causes” that will discredit them. Those fourteen first hour when Time online broke the story for Americans was an amazing time . . . for Rajjpuut it answered the question what happens if a tree falls in a forest, but no one is allowed to hear it, is there a sound made? But no roasting for the mainstream media, theirs is an easy lot. More important is the question, how did this sad state of affairs all come about?

Pre-production preparations have been going on for more than forty-three years. The chief plot motivator in Maurice’s eyes and in the minds of tens of thousands of like-minded environmental enthusiasts was the “FACT” that there were way too many people on earth taxing the planet’s resources mightily. This was a fact, NOT an opinion and anybody who differed was an idiot and deserving of scorn and ridicule. Anybody could see that and buy into it, right? That was the truth going around in the late 60’s when the counter-culture not only took anti-Viet Nam War ideas to heart but also environmentalism, even if they didn’t understand science and scientific methods very well.

The opening scene was publication of an innocent-looking little book several years earlier called “Silent Spring.” No actual science was done during the writing of the book by Ms. Carlson. Not one of the numerous hypotheses in the book stated as incontrovertible FACT . . . NOT ONE was anything close to true. Agains specious opinion was treated as FACT. There is not one documented human death from DDT; no evidence that birds’ eggshells actual DID or DO get thinner and more fragile; no evidence of harm to any life but that of the mosquito. No evidence of cancer or genetic mutation in mammals, reptiles, amphibians or fish. No problems at all, except for mosquitoes . . . or for those Africans and other tropical-dwellers who deliberately applied it directly to their own skins and to the inside and outsides of their homes: the lice and fleas that died as well as the mosquitoes.

No matter, the United Nations and the world bought the big lie hook, line and sinker. In a very brief time the strongest and least harmful pesticide the world has ever known, DDT, was banned. Since then roughly sixty million people have died unnecessarily because of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. Let's look at just one disease, malaria, where worldwide-deaths were cut to a bit more than 40,000 in 1970 . . . today almost two million die from malaria every year. Besides those deaths an estimated 25 million people suffer from the unending “third-day” sweats and agony associated with malaria. Of course, yellow fever and a host of other diseases each brings their own nightmares. Nevertheless, the radical green element and many just plain common folk never ever being made aware of those deaths or of the truth, were absolutely thrilled by DDT’s banning.

Once it was proved that great amounts of people would buy into pseudo-science and that even greater amounts of people just couldn’t be bothered the film preparations began in earnest. John Holdren (Obama’s “Science Czar”) and numerous like-minded folk, a few of them scientists, postulated a coming threat of massive proportions: an onrushing new ICE AGE brought about by man’s tinkering with the planet’s ecosystem. Time magazine actually ran the story on the front cover of its magazine. Ooops, about six years later we were informed, no-no, actually something else (greenhouse gasses) was the bigger problem and, indeed a huge, problem that would eventually sear the planet into lifelessness.

It was about this time that Maurice Strong and his multi-millions came on the scene as producer for the nightmare. He immediately could see that he needed a strong cameraman and charismatic director. Within a dozen years the latter, Al Gore, and within a half-dozen later the former, Barack Obama, came upon the scene to help him. Of course, the people at work on the production need to all be amply rewarded. To ensure that happening they created CCX, the Chicago Climate eXchange which has been in place for nine years now and which will only spring into action and become profitable when America’s Power Act becomes law. When that happens, within one year after the new law goes into effect all the people involved will become hundred-millionaires or billionaires but not from the grateful planet they’ve saved, but rather from their commissions (via something called CCX co-incidentally) on outright theft.

Richard Sandor, the cameraman, boldly stated on videotape that the climate-exchange business is worth $10 TRillion annually. Since the climate-exchange business is taking nothing (literally “blue sky”) and selling it as something . . . and the entire U.S. REAL ECONOMY produces about $15 TRillion annually in real goods and services we will have an economy of $25 TRillion overnight. How, you ask is that possible? Even discounting inflation, the price of everything in the economy will rise 67% (think of it his way, A. new economy = $25 TRillion. New economy is made up of $15 TRillion real economy and $10 TRillion bull sh_t economy. The BS economy can only come from price increases $10 TR/$15 TR = 67% . . . Barack Obama has said and been videotaped saying it, “implementing my policies necessitate that energy prices rise dramatically” that may be the one truth he’s spoken in the last three years). And you’ll remember, of course, that man-caused global warming is a lie, nothing but a lie, and has been a lie ever since it was first introduced. Yep, just like coughing when you smoked your first cigarette . . . your first impressions were correct: carbon dioxide isn’t that what the plants need, isn’t that how they produce oxygen? No, children, where’d you hear that nonsense, carbon dioxide is dangerous. And that’s how the American economy is destroyed how the enrichment of Obama, Gore, Marurice Strong and Richard Sandor is made into a horror movie of epic proportions.,__gore_and_cronies_might_make_trillions.thtml

So that’s the nightmare and you and our way of life are the star and the victim. Good luck with cap and trade, er’ “America’s Power Act.”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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According to the Jerusalem Post website article linked above, Rahm Emanuel is eating crow for the Obama Administration. In the wake of Obama’s nomination of Elena Kagan (a Jew) to serve as a justice on the United States Supreme Court, Emanuel (also Jewish) attempted a song-and-dance for proponents of Israel including a group of Rabbis called together for a meeting at the White House. Obama, of course, did NOT attend the meeting but sent David Ross to allay the rabbi’s fears. Ross who is not religious (his mother was Jewish, father Catholic) showed more guts at the meeting in calling for Israel to abandon its nukes, if they actually have them as the U.S. is convinced) as part of a 'Nuke-free Middle East' than Obama did in feigning pressure on Iran’s nuclear development. The headline for the JP article read “Emanuel to rabbis: US 'screwed up' “ which told about 1/10 the story in Rajjpuut’s line of thinking.
This has been an important mainstream story for fourteen months now, nay, has been a mainstream story since at least the moment when Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination for president in 2008. Like the Climate-Gate Story; like the CCX-Scandal story and like Obama’s denial of a Muslim background (he was a “prize student” while attending Muslim school in Jakarta), information about Barack Obama or his policies that Barack Obama doesn’t wish to become matters of public debate are routinely sloughed-aside without further adieu by the mainstream Obama-worshipping media. Rajjpuut will digress briefly:
(The ultra-liberal London Times has run several stories exploring what all Europe already knows: “global-warming” is a hoax. Therefore any policies, especially economy-crippling, expensive policies like “cap and trade” (now they’re calling it “America’s Power Act”) which is now being debated in the U.S. Senate are hoaxes in themselves.,8599,1732518,00.html (The American magazine Time online ran a BS article here on Richard Sandor treating him as if he were the Mother Teresa of environmental-capitalism. The truth is, however, begun to be found here in the four expandable charts near the bottom (just click on the ¼ arrow to see all of them one at a time): the full truth is here:
and one last aim to get truth out in the case of Barack’s Muslim schooling, here’s the Muslim elementary school he attended for parts of three years 1969-71; he also attended other Muslim indoctrination earlier; Obama has said repeatedly he’s ALWAYS and only been a Christian and that he has NEVER practiced Islam or attended Muslim schooling): So Obamamessiah and his administration have told us lies and are seeking to rob the American people in a ploy that will destroy our economy by raising prices of all commodities in America 67% soon after Cap and Trade becomes law and yet the mainstream American media covers not 3%, not 2%, not even 1% of these issues . . . but 0%. Back to the Jerusalem Press story which is yet another that the mainstream media are also choosing every single day NOT to cover . . . .
The larger story, of course, is how Obama has mis-treated our allies while running around bowing and scraping and apologizing to America’s enemies. Emanuel tried to bridge the gap with worldwide proponents of Israel at the meeting, saying that Obama’s administration has “screwed up the messaging” about its support for Israel over the past 14 months, and it will take “more than one month to make up for 14 months. . .” Right, they didn't express themselves as carefully as they should have . . . No, Mr. Emanuel, No Mr. Obama . . . it's NOT your words, but your actions that are causing this situtation . . . .
After Obama disowned him, in the wake of his “God-damn, America!” comment, Wright stated in a June 10, 2009 interview that he had still voted for Obama for President, despite the raging controversy. He said,"them [sic] Jews" within the administration are keeping us form speaking to each other. Wright also according to Wikipedia suggested that Obama did not send a delegation to the Durban Review Conference in Geneva, because of Jewish pressure, saying: "[T]he Jewish vote, the A-I-P-A-C vote, that’s controlling him, that would not let him send representation to the Darfur Review Conference, that’s talking this craziness on this trip, cause they’re Zionists, they would not let him talk to someone who calls a spade what it is."
Under attack immediately from the Anti-Defamation League, Wright modified his statements the next day, saying that "I’m not talking about all Jews, all people of the Jewish faith, I’m talking about Zionists." Wright also took that opportunity and endorsed the anti-Zionist books “Judaism Does Not Equal Israel” and “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” and said, “ethnic cleansing the Zionist is considered a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don't want Barack talking like that"
The Jewish proclivity for voting liberal has got them into problems here. On the one hand, Barack Obama appears to be willfully erasing his Muslim background and many Muslims are anti-Israel. On the other Obama has denied hearing any Anti-Semitism from Wright, even though the hate-words seem to spring unbidden to the man’s lips repeatedly. On yet another hand, Obama willfully embarrassed the Israeli Prime Minister in Washington, D.C. and both his Vice-President and Secretary of State claimed offense at Israeli policies. On yet another hand, Obama’s seemingly deliberate shilly-shallying on Iran has accomplished nothing except allowing fourteen months to pass rapidly while Iran builds its A-bomb and practices hitting targets with its missiles. On the fifth hand, Ross is telling them at the meeting that Obama is against Israel having the bomb and will seek to eliminate that capability (more stridently than he‘s thus far opposed Iranian activity in the nuke field? hmmmm).
“During the elections there were doubts about President Obama’s support for Israel, and now they have resurfaced,” Emanuel said, “But concerning policy, we have done everything that we can that is in Israel’s security – and long-range interests. Watch what the administration does.” Rajjpuut demurs . . . what Obama’s already done says it all. He has deliberately embarrased and discomfited an ally and given them severe doubts about where his ultimate sympathies lie. But truly the issue goes deeper, it goes back to Obama’s lies about his Muslim background and it goes back to the Anti-American and Anti-semetic rhetoric of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor for twenty years and yet Obama says he never heard any Anti-American or Anti-Jewish attacks in the church ever. Amazing how Reverend Wright put on his worst behavior when the cameras were on him, but never before . . . .
These things happen when you get into bed with a progressive who wants to destroy the U.S. Constitution (to “progress well beyond" that f"lawed document”) which he vowed “to preserve, protect and defend.” The token Jewish presence belies the truth, Obama is Anti-Israel at his core. Just as he hides the truth by hiding from words of truth such as “Jihad” “Terrorism,” “Radical-Islam” and “Muslim-extremists” when dealing with “incidents” threatening or taking American lives, he is hiding the truth from Jews who desperately want to believe he’s a good man and on their sides. Hitler, to his credit at least, told the truth about his anti-semetic beliefs openly . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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What Liberals Need to Understand about Exactly

What Progressives are Threatening to Take From All of Us

On the national scene are three classes of people proving themselves most important right now within the wide-ranging debate tearing our government and our nation apart and the “scorekeeping within this public debate as resolved at the ballot boxes. These three major classes are the Constitutionalist or Conservative; the Liberal; and the Progressive. The formerly important “Moderate” has all but disappeared. At present it appears the Conservative force is attracting a huge national following in fiscal-matters owing to the nation’s runaway spending, deficits, and national debt and the growing opposition to Progressive programs to expand government. The Progressives seemingly (having the votes in the House and Senate) are calling all or virtually all the shots in law-making and spending. The important law-making they control includes burdensome taxes; expAnsive new expEnsive programs that impinge upon individual freedom and the free markets and place the government into the dominant realm of our nation’s activities rather than in its naturally-expected realm of being subservient to the people’s wishes. The feeling of the Conservative element is that the Progressives are running roughshod over the country and the Constitution. Where formerly there was a Moderate element, now tinges of Moderation are found in the tiny proportion of liberals who vote bi-partisan opposition to the President’s sweeping programs but no real moderation is found, mainly polarity. The Democratic Party under the gross and ill-advised Progressive leadership of Pelosi, Reid and Obama and their loyal followers has unquestionably moved the nation into deep socialist waters. The underpinnings of this socialism is a powerful forcible re-distribution of wealth: that is, THEFT.

A. The most basic principle of our American government is freedom. The American experience, the American constitution and the spirit of America are tied to freedom. That means the citizen is in charge of the government and not the other way around. Liberals tend to see the citizen as the always available FUNDING Source for the federal legislators. Progressives see the citizen as an obstruction, a bump in the road to their efforts to create (their version of) a perfect world. There are only 17 specific powers allotted to the federal government by the government and there are ten amendments (the Bill of Rights) limiting the power of the federal government over both the states and the individuals. All too often lost in the nonsensical arguments raised by Progressives (those who see the Constitution as “flawed” and who say we “MUST PROGRESS BEYOND” the Constitution), is that there is a gross difference between rights and needs. We all have needs and it is our own responsibility as individuals to employ our rights and our self-will to take care of those needs. The “NANNY-STATE” advocated by Progressives sees an unending number of basic needs (they call them rights) which the Federal Government is OBLIGATED to fulfill . . . the cost of fulfilling this cradle-to-grave catalog of needs is the loss of our real rights and our real freedoms to the increasingly powerful all-controlling federal government.

B. Rights are not negotiable they come to us from God and not from the government; they belong to the individual as our basic inheritance for being human. Rights are NOT needs, however. For example, there is no natural right to health care; no natural right to have the government bail you out if your business fails; no natural right to the resources of others just because you are needy. Taking resources such as money and labor or goods by legal force from the individuals and the individual states** is theft. It is power from the barrel of a gun used to hold up some citizens for the benefit of others. The federal government has no right to deny freedoms to any group of people to advance the well-being or to benefit others. There is NO natural right to EQUALITY, except the equality of opportunity. The Federal Government has an obligation to defend the freedoms of each and every one of us and to protect us when our rights are violated but no right to force all of us into equality of means. Freedom means equality of opportuntiy to be free, it does not mean forced equality.

C. The most basic rights and freedoms protected by our Constitution against the infringement of the Federal Government are the freedoms guaranteed by the 10th Amendment, the last Amendment within the Bill of Rights and clearly the most important. The Obama administration has willfully stomped all over the 10th Amendment while stomping all over the American Dream on the one hand and willfully ignored their obligations under the Constitution. In other words, they have done everything that they shouldn’t do, and very little (for example, protecting our borders) that they are required to do. In fact, according to a leaked document in the news today, they are plotting to within nine months make 13 million illegal aliens into citizens because they believe that they will receive 80-85% of those new citizens’ votes and will be permanently locked-into the halls of power. This cynical attempt at permanent power, they say, is based upon the fact that our Immigration laws are “broken.” Over 220 years our immigration and naturalization laws have faithfully served the nation. They cannot be changed willy-nilly to benefit one political party over another, they must be amended in the Constitution and only in that may they be changed. The cynicism and Marxist grab for power of Barack Obama constitutes the single most damming threat to our nation in its 221 year history.

That is the most important thing that Liberals need to understand and that Progressives want to steal from all of us: our American freedom and the Constitutional American traditions that have made this the greatest most powerful and most just nation on earth by eternally defending and renewing our freedoms to pull from each of us the intrinsic strength that Americans has thrived upon for over two centuries.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** right now Obamacare will temporarily ease the Medicaid burden upon the individual states, however, that changes quickly and the increasing share of Medicaid forced upon the states by Federal Medicaid requirements commanded by federal law will in due course bankrupt each and every one of them.

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Obama Sells Out U.S. Borders with Secret Amnesty Deal

The Department of Homeland Security has drafted a 14-page plan through its “U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services” Division for processing thirteen million illegal alien applicants for amnesty over a 30-week period at a cost of more than a billion dollars according to information leaked to World Net Daily ( online. The plan anticipates Democrats will succeed in passing their so-called “Comprehensive Immigration “Reform” Bill. As always the Obama administration uses the euphemism “reform” to denote some sort of slick and tawdry actions that no sane and honest person would ever contemplate. In this case, opening the floodgates from south of our borders to overwhelm our present entitlement systems and bankrupt the country. The United States has had a fair and effective system for legal immigrants becoming citizens via the naturalization process for over 220 years and now Obama wants to “fix” it. What he wants is to immediately create 13 million new Democratic voters to keep him in office in 2012, nothing more.

The leaked plan assumes a nine-month period of legalization processing. The plan anticipates that public benefits will be required by most amnesty applicants. “If the statute requires interim benefits while application pending, issue discrete variant of status document (shorter term duration than if issued after prospective immigrant status granted)," the 14-page memo states. Under the plan applicants 14 through 79 years of age would be required to submit themselves for photographing, supply a full set of fingerprints and signatures while illegal aliens outside that age range would only need a photo and single print. It remains to be seen how real American Citizens will react to this outrageous citizenship giveaway . . . . of course, there's always the possibility that this is just an Obama ploy to arouse the Hispanic voters as he did with his lying appraisal of the Arizona immigration law. The question of illegal immigrants becoming overnight citizens can't be that much of a slam-dunk can it?
Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,

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Just got an e-mail from a friend who taunted me with remembrances of the presumably unfounded “birther” notion; and Van Jones’ slip from power because he was discovered to be a “9/11 Truther.” He asked me “How can you be so careless as to use that Maurice Strong quotation in your otherwise wonderful and thought-provoking blogs, Bob? It makes you seem like just another conspiracy fanatic.”
OK, let’s set matters straight, a political blog is an agreement, a contract between the writer and the reader for honest and full evaluation and judgment about the state of the world as he sees it. Rajjpuut when asked for his opinion does NOT give warmed over milk:
BIRTHERS: My friend and I and all loyal readers know Rajjpuut is not a birther. I have on several occasions said something akin to this (but probably NOT these exact words) to dismiss the birther line of thinking. “It’s possible that Barack Obama is NOT a U.S. citizen according to the strictest interpretation of the rules. However, no matter what else is discovered, he was born to an American citizen, no matter how much I despise her and no matter how likely it may be that she screwed up his paper-work possibilities with her shenanigans. IF he is NOT a U.S. Citizen on a technicality, I’m NOT impressed. The SPIRIT of the law is that he IS a citizen, certainly much more than any baby born to an illegal alien is a citizen. It’s not his fault his mother was a ditzy communist bi__h! My problems with Barack Obama are not cleared up by technicalities. Remove him and another progressive idiot replaces him. My problems are that Barack never used his free will and his intellect to disprove the communist crap he was spoon-fed as a boy and that he now embraces that refuted ideology with all his being and is leading our country down the road to ruin." Any questions on that?
2. 9/11 TRUTHERS: To a certain small degree, Rajjpuut himself is a 9/11 Truther. You heard me right. TO A CERTAIN small DEGREE . . . let’s explore and explain that. If you were to visit and watch:
You’d see a lot of truth and nonsense woven together . . . (one proviso here – the link is apparently NOT the original link I viewed 2-3 years back and it’s a movie, pretty long . . . but unless it’s been changed dramatically, I’m aware of what’s in it. The original movie was in three parts, before I go further I’ll describe them . . .
A. one part was an attempt to link conservativism with Christianity and then to repudiate both on some semi-damning evidence about Christianity’s origins – from my knowledge of Christianity’s origins in studying the matter from history classes and several books, I’d say that this 1/3 of the movie is about 90% accurate but about 70% corrupted as far as interpretation. Yes, Christianity has screwed us up at times, but taken to its core . . . its intentions are purely good. Certainly the same could be said of many other religions. One strong point Zeitgeist makes is tying in “fundamentalism” to much of the problems that religions cause, regardless of which religion is being talked about.
B. Another part was an attack on federal reserve banking in the United States and Britain before 1776 across history and on the Fed as it exists right now. Rajjpuut refers you to the book, “The Creature from Jekyll Island” to now say that he’s absolutely convinced that this 1/3 of the Zeitgeist link is not only 100% accurate but, far more importantly, 100% true to the spirit of the Fed’s history. Rajjpuut would say that 97% of today’s worst problems in this country arose with Jekyll Island’s secret meetings that created today's federal reserve system.
C. The third part of the movie is the one Rajjpuut has viewed the most, about seven times. It is certainly the most compelling 1/3 of the movie. At first, though quite skeptical, Rajjpuut was willing to cede the possibility that the movie could have it right . . . that 9/11 could have been an inside job. The evidence presented sounded very strong. Every time viewing, however, the doubts have grown. An incompetent FBI and CIA can explain 99% of the situation quite nicely in Rajjpuut’s view. So 9/11 Truthing is not part of Rajjpuut’s make-up. However, the possibility exists, Rajjpuut does not have the resources to say with 100% certainty the whole thing is a humbug. Besides some difficulty believing certain technicalities and the science behind them, it’s just very hard to believe that the 300 or so persons necessary to pull that monumental crime off could all keep quiet so long. Even the possibility of “just standing aside and letting the Jihadists succeed “with their plan (a huge sin of “omission” rather than an even more monstrous sin of commission) would take too much effort to be believed by too many people . . . and one good American woud have stood up before, during and/or after the event at least.

For a comparison of thinking patterns when faced with the same possible universes (conspiracy? or no conspiracy?) . . . whereas my extensive reading on the Kennedy assasination led me in 1995-6 to the conclusion that the truth was covered-up and a larger conspiracy than Oswald (who well may have been a patsy) existed and involved about a half-dozen people and that VP LBJ (who was to be dropped off the presidential-ticket in 1964 by Kennedy and benefitted most when all the corruption charges aimed at him and Baker and Sol Estes disappeared the day after the assassination; not to mention becoming President of the United States) was at its heart. I’m much more convinced that 9/11 was NOT an inside job than I am that a wider conspiracy exists in Kennedy’s death, say about 90% convinced there. But, I’m a fallible human being . . . and that fact, underlines the tiny 1% 9/11 truther in me and the meager 10% conviction that the Warren Commission got it right about Oswald. Rajjpuut does not have trouble holding these contrary notions of conspiracy-yes and conspiracy-no at the same time.
So, now, in answer to my friend’s claims that by using the Maurice Strong quote from 1990, Rajjpuut left his otherwise excellent blogs open to “conspiracy-theory” charges, let’s revisit the Maurice Strong quote in question:
“. . . What if a small group of . . . world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about? . . .”
The quote is valid, you can find it in a 10,000 places on the internet and in the original form which is much, much longer. The context in brief is that Strong was purportedly driving a car while giving an interview to a left-leaning journalist and the quote was later written up in the man’s magazine as part of a fairly long story, the journalist involved recently covered Strong’s tracks by saying “he was discussing a possible novel plot.”
The fuller context is that Maurice Strong (who had written no novels before 1990 and none since) is a Canadian multi-millionaire who’s been politically very active within the United Nations and among environmental groups. Today he is a man who sees himself standing to gain mightily if Cap and Trade legislation passes in the United States, because of his connection to CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange). If you’ve read Michael Crichton’s “State of Fear” than you might recognize the Strong persona clearly delineated as a character among the novel’s many environmental uh, “enthusiasts.” Crichton is the master of the Techno-thriller like “The Andromeda Strain” and “Jurassic Park” and his plot-description has been largely unvarying: technology runs amok and threatens man’s survival. Crichton did an enormous amount of research, starting out believing that global warming was the greatest threat to mankind and the planet and then . . . turning around completely by 2004 when the novel was published. Did Crichton interview Maurice Strong? Read the blog, read the novel and judge for yourself. As for Strong in the complete interview as published, he was referring originally to a yearly convocation of world leaders in business and government and environment attended by perhaps 1,000 persons. He was saying that the tone of the conference would lead virtually anyone to the conclusion that the principal risk to the earth during an upcoming catastrophic environmental collapse comes from the rich countries. Strong was then saying (in this proposed “novel” of his) that the rich countries are approached and asked to change, but of course (due to political consequences) they can NOT or will NOT. And now you have the “small group of world leaders” left to decide to bring about the collapse of the wealthy nations that will save the planet or not . . . gosh, one wonders what they’d choose. In a word, the Strong “novel” is about eco-tage or environmental- sabotage.
Strong has never written a novel, but everything about his life over at least the last twenty-five years suggests the man (who is very much into the occult as well as the environment) believes he is the protagonist in such a novel. He is greatly involved with CCX. And right now only the fact that cap and trade legislation (today given the prettier name “America’s Power Act”) is stalled in the U.S. Senate interrupts Strong’s novel reaching its denoument. If APA passes dozens of persons such as Andrew Stern, Al Gore, Barack Obama, Richard Sandor and Joel Rogers look to become hundred-billionaires; about eight progressive foundations and the AFL-CIO and SEIU unions can expect to prosper; and seven individual Goldman Sachs personalities and the 10% owning Goldman Sachs firm itself will reap the wild wind.
Michael Crichton didn’t start out researching and writing his novel believing their was a conspiracy to destroy much of today’s most civilized economies to the benefit of a power elite. He did not start out believing that global warming was a hoax. Those things arose the deeper and more deeply he looked into the matter. Up till 1998, Rajjpuut had never NOT believed in global warming. Greenhouse gasses and their ceaseless increase and danger were an ordinary unquestioned FACT taught in science classes at U.N.C. Even when slight doubts arose as to the severity of the problem and the absolute certainty of the connection to man’s activities, it wasn’t until he read Crichton’s novel and then saw a History Channel program “Little Ice Age, Big Chill” in early 2006 that his objections were firmed up. Global warming was nonsense. Rajjpuut’s been preaching strongly against the global warming lie ever since. Then last year three things happened first:
. . . first Climate-Gate occurred, as I always knew it must. Time magazine broadcast the story on the internet and I was amazed. Time online saw the story reach it’s “most popular story of the day” within fifteen hours . . .
. . . and then the next thing happened, Joel Klein of Time Magazine** took the article down and made all traces of it disappear from its online website, the story could NOT be found. Rajjpuut was aghast.
And the third thing is that after five months, the story (link above) run even by the ultra-liberal London Times (so now global warming is an Unquestioned hoax in rational European eyes) still has not been printed or broadcast in the United States by the oldest and till recently, most-trusted, sources of news (ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, CNN). As a result we are within an eyelash of seeing APA pass and ruin our nation . . . that, my friend is why I showed the Maurice strong quote: I believe it underlies an actual conspiracy for wealth, power, and misplaced environmental concern. That quote underscores the greatest act of eco-terrorism ever contemplated and no one has to burn an SUV or drive a spike into a tree to pull it off . . . it’s all “legal.” The fact that the connections to CCX **by Gore, Obama, Strong, Joel Rogers, Richard Sandor, Valerie Jarrett, et al ad nauseum have been known for over five weeks and the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge or investigate them is that last straw on Rajjpuut’s back . . . somebody needs to speak up and it might as well be me. And no, Rajjpuut does not have trouble holding the two contrary ideas of Maurice Strong-conspiracy-yes and Maurice-Strong-conspiracy-no in a 97-3 ratio respectively in his mind . . . somebody's got to deal with uncertainty. This world is not black and white. Why make up your mind? Be strong and honor the possibilities. Who knows unlike the Kennedy assassination and 9/11 we might find out on this one . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**the full story of consequences and means can be found at:
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No Excuses Now, Mr. Obama,

Socialism’s Sad History Repeating in Greece
Europe Semi-Cheerfully Opts for Combined Ruin

Should we, the United States of America, opt-out of greatness and turn the mantle of “the world’s lone super power” over to Red China? It’s NOT a rhetorical question, unfortunately . . . . Harry S. Truman used to say, “The buck stops here.” Unfortunately, Mr. Obama has not once in his sixteen months in office shown any proclivity for facing responsibility for his failings. So, if China quickly becomes the world’s single super-power . . . expect nothing but excuses from Mr. Obama as we slide into history’s trashbin.

With the specter of Greece hanging over the world’s markets and the halls of government everywhere, there can no longer be any pretense for the Obama administration. The potential debacle awaiting us is dramatically etched in our brains from the violent images repeatedly seen on the nightly news. Mr. Obama who reportedly went into a “three-year fugue” when the Berlin Wall came down and the USSR collapsed can NOT deny the obvious truth about his preferred political ends. You canNOT help the poor by willfully becoming one of them. The United States must resume its economic leadership. If this country wishes to remain the beacon of hope in the world, only three choices remain for Obama (only one for a STATESMAN):

  • 1) a return to sanity by butting out of the free markets (the choice Bill Clinton made in 1994) and ending the “let’s completely take over everything” games of socialism and “Obama and Progressives Know Best” . . . as stated a “return to sanity.” Rajjpuut states without reservation . . . this will NOT happen so long as Barack Obama has power in the oval office and so long as progressives Democrats call the tune in both chambers of congress
  • 2) ignore Greece’s example, continue the charade of “I am NOT a socialist, I’m not” and assume that the recent historical example from Greece as well as the older examples given by Cuba’s super-booming civilization and the defunct USSR and the defunct Warswa Pact and China prospering by stacking capitalism atop its Marxism and the failed attempts at communism in Italy long ago, and Chile long ago are all just anomalies . . . and this time we’ll get it right because . . . well, because we’ve got Barack Obama working things this time . . . this would be the choice one would expect if Obama were merely a socialist, dyed in the wool, and convinced of the rightness of his ideology (“I’m not an ideologue!”).
  • 3) Embrace Greece’s example and deliberately push even harder for financial markets takeover under the guise of a “financial ‘reform’ act” and the new “America’s Power Act” (actually NOT new at all, just “Cap and Trade” under a sweet sounding name) and literally see how quickly we can emulate Greece. “What,” you say, “he’d deliberately take the country into financial ruin?” Yes, Pilgrim he definitely could choose either door #2 or door #3 and they both might lead to abject financial ruin. And it’s NOT a moot question which choice he makes. More on that below.

As recently as last month, Rajjpuut’s Folly’s ran a hard-hitting little blog under a title something like “PIGIES R Us” which told of the sad state of economic collapse found in Portugal, Italy, Greece, Ireland, England (U.K.), and Spain whose initial gave us the “PIGIES” countries. The kicker to the story was that the United States’ ratio of debt/Gross Domestic Product (D/GDP) was worse than all but two of the six European countries mentioned. Things are changing rapidly in Europe. If written today the blog title would have to be ammended to: “BIG PIES R Us.” Belgium has now entered the “room of doom” and become an entrant in the “Who’s Next” Sweepstakes. And, you guessed it, the U.S. D/GDP ratio is worse than Belgium’s. Thankfully, the United States has a far more resilient economic system in place than most of the BIG PIES countries do. Socialism is not our underlying economic system YET. In terms of absolute risk we are very much caught between England (the U.K.) and Spain.

Yes, the U.K. just made a half-hearted effort to change directions by booting out the fanatically socialist government of Gordon Brown but they didn’t give a mandate to the conservatives either. Rajjpuut predicts the tenuous coalition between the Conservatives and the Social Democrats will break apart within a year. Remember that the so-called “Tories” are only fiscally-lukewarm conservatives anyway . . . in these days true Libertarianism is required and England’s condition will worsen, if only slightly. In short, England can most-likely only serve as a bad example: going fiscally-conservative with all your heart is the only viable path out of the swamp for them and they show no willingness to make that choice.

Spain, also, is a very good example the United States can learn from. Again the lesson learned is a negative one, however. Spain about eight years back bragged of Europe’s most robust economy. Among other things, surpluses were being run and unemployment was sticking around 3%. Today,” Tinta roja se encuentra por todas partes,” that is, “Red ink is everywhere!” Unemployment is also at 21% and rising (19% a year ago). “What the hell happened? “ you ask.

Spain’s economy went “GREEN!”

The cost of “political-correctness” in Spain was devastating. For every subsidized job in the green-pipedream world of Spain, 2.2 real, permanent jobs were lost. The hit didn’t come overnight but insidiously over about three years. Cost on average for creating one green job? $677,000 U.S. dollars. Most green jobs lasted only between six weeks and eighteen months. Only 10% proved permanent. The median green job paid $13.18 per hour, virtually all paid between $10 - $15 per hour. So for every permanent green job created, twenty-two real jobs were jeopardized and ultimately LOST!

Now let us translate that Spanish horror onto Barack Obama’s stated goal of “. . . creating five million green jobs . . .” That means eleven million real jobs lost. That means only 500,000 permanent green jobs created. That means a net loss of 10.5 million jobs. That means ruin . . . but wait, there’s more , much much more . . . .

Barack Obama and roughly twenty cohorts (their leaders are ex-U.N. bigwig Canada’s Maurice Strong and communist Wisconsin professor Joel Rogers) and seven or eight upstanding progressive foundations and Al Gore and his private London-based company have been pushing like madmen to pass “Cap and Trade” legislation, now euphemistically known as “America’s Power Act.” (doesn't it look beautiful all green like that without the ugly words "cap and trade"?) Compared to the results of cap and trade, Obama’s green jobs promise (five million of ‘em, remember, resulting in only half a million permanent ones at the cost of eleven million real jobs) would seem like laissez faire capitalism.

Twenty-years ago Maurice Strong set this whole cap and trade boondoggle in motion. He was quoted by a reporter for a left-wing group in 1990 as saying,

“. . . What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?”

The reporter when queried about this later said that Strong was just discussing “a novel plot idea” he had. Mr. Strong had no novels written or published at that time and today twenty years later has still not written or published a novel.

Remember, Maurice has not yet acted on his bang up novel idea (he’s now approaching 80 years old) but fortunately, Michael Crichton has taken the bull by the horns and done the job for him and it’s a very good novel “State of Fear” which environmentalists and progressives detest with every atom of their beings. You remember Michael Crichton? If anyone could have been expected to be an environmental alarmist Crichton would have been everybody’s anti-technology #1 candidate. Everyone of his books starting with “The Andromeda Strain” and running through to mention just a few “Terminal Man,” “Jurassic Park”( and “Lost World “which was Jurassic Park II, really), and “Prey” are all 100% stories of technology run amok and threatening humanity’s very survival.

Crichton, unfortunately for Maurice Strong and his buddies, has a very bad habit of actually doing monumental research about the subjects of his forthcoming novels. He started to write a story about global warming, Al Gore's and the Climate Research Unit's (CRU's) preferred "global warming story" he believed it was true . . . so then Crichton went where his research took him . . . to a belief that global warming was a monstrous hoax aimed at creating a new power elite . . . feeling actually at risk for his life, he put that knowledge and conviction into writing “State of Fear.” His research took him to a strong conviction that Maurice Strong’s “novel idea” was being put deliberately into motion . . . but back to Maurice . . . Here in a piece from the ultra-liberal London Times is a story that our mainstream media has refused to disclose to American for over five months now:

Besides refusing to let Americans know that European liberals are fed up with the Climate-Gate scandal (link immediately above) and NO LONGER believe in global warming‘s inevitability and connection to man’s activites . . . here’s what the American mainstream media will NOT tell you, much less investigate about Maurice Strong’s activities and their connection to our favorite socialist president and ex-vice president:,2933,591845,00.html

Too bad Maurice was not just talking about conspiracy novel plots. No he’s never written that novel, but Maurice Strong is active in the Chicago Climate eXchange with Barack; Al Gore; John Ayers; Valerie Jarrett; Joel Rogers; Richard Sandor; Franklin Raines; David Blood; Paula DiPerna; several U.N. environmental honchos; the AFL-CIO union; the SEIU union; Andy Stern; Van Jones; several Goldman Sachs bigwigs (and independently 10% owned by Goldman Sachs itself); the Joyce Foundation; the Tides Foundation; ACORN (name now changed to fifty-one separate names); the Apollo Alliance; the Emerald Cities Collaborative; and so many others.

And the bottom line for Maurice and his fellow bandits is this: if cap and trade becomes the law of the land they each profit by BILLIONS from their connection to CCX (now supposedly talks are under way to sell CCX to a European group, bet we’ll find a lot of the same names hooked up with that) and most importantly the “ten TRillion dollar industry that Richard Sandor bragged about would be created. And the bottom line, what would be the result for America if cap and trade is created? Well you take a $15 TRillion economy and you create a $10 TRillion price tag for selling it “blue sky” (literally) and you have a nominal $25 TRillion economy with only $15 TRillion worth of goods and services. That is, 40% of the economy has become bogus –completely BS. The bottom line: everything in America would eventually cost 67% more than it now does (not counting any inflation caused by the Federal Reserves unending money-press activities). For you mathematically challenged, look at it this way 40% false economy supported by 60% real economy = 67% increase in prices or 40%/60% = .666667.

So, the only question left is this one, what is the goal for Strong, Obama, Gore, et. al. door #2 or door #3 mentioned above? Rajjpuut leaves you with a famous quote you may be familiar with . . . .

“. . . What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Barack Obama Sets Another Record for Incompetence

with Elena Kagan Nomination to Supreme Court

With the Sotomayor nomination and now the Elena Kagan nomination to be a United States Supreme Court Justice, Barack Obama is setting a record. Yes, yes he is attempting for the first time to place three women on the nation’s highest court. Yes, yes, for the first time it will be possible that the U.S. Supreme Court will not have a Protestant justice (Kagan is Jewish) . . . but more importantly, for the first time it will be possible that the U.S. Supreme Court would feature two justices who have seen their interpretations of American law overturned by a 9-0 or 8-0 contrary vote (against a Sotomayor judicial decision; and a Kagan advocacy position). The obvious assumption? Kagan, like Sotomayor, is a “living constitutionalist” that is she believes in creating law or attempting to create it from the bench or the advocate's chair or even the Dean's chair rather than making sincere efforts to respect the United States Constitution.

The shocking matter is that both cases featured the two ladies advocating great expansion of government powers against individual liberties. Sotomayor was clearly unqualified for the Supreme Court seat because in her two cause celebre`s one favored affirmative action that took away earned (by test scores) promotion from twenty-some firefighters of mixed races but NO Blacks in favor of affirmative action promotion of Black candidates who failed the test; and in another she sided with the state’s power to force an individual to sell his land over his objection so that a corporation could build a potentially lucrative shopping center. Like Sotomayor, Kagan, also, stands right in the crosshairs of legal philosophy. You’ll recall that Barack Obama insulted the Supreme Court attendees at his state of the union speech by cutting them down for their alignment 8-0 on corporate free speech and campaign donations. Kagan was the lawyer, technically the “solicitor general,” arguing the case for Obama when he tried to shutdown corporate free speech.

Kagan’s most clearly controvrsial actions as Dean of Harvard’s Law School were banning the presence of military recruiters on the campus and her defense of the action by referring to her distaste for “don’t ask don’t tell” standards for soldiers and other military citizens. Conservatives across the board favor denying federal funds to schools that oppose military presence (ROTC programs, recruiters’ visits and guest speakers for the most part) and this alone makes her highly suspect. Voicing her opposition to the policy is totally, OK. Rajjpuut disagrees mightily with her opinion, but free speech is guaranteed. Banning the recruiters is totally out of line . . . she was taken to court on the matter and when it reached the Supreme Court, surprise, surprise, her lower court wins were overturned and the school was denied government funding.

Kagan has been very guarded and even ingenuous about her views. Feigning a belief in constitutional limits regarding one matter in her only semi-open interview, she was pushed later in the interview for clarification and she would only say, she was referring to present status of the law, not necessarily her own views. The Obama administration has not allowed her since then to talk to the press. They engineered a phony-interview with an Obama administration sending her softball question and released that videotaping to the various press outlets apparently fearing another gaffe. So the opponent of free-speech is protected by denying the country a free-speech interchange with the news media??

She’s lived a circumscribed life in Academe and government, never had a real job and has always been aligned with the progressive-left leadership. Every action and word indicates that she’s like all those who in their ivory-towered stupidity believe we must “progress” well beyond the U.S. Constitution . . . ready, perhaps eager, to progress us over every available cliff in search of political correctness and expansion of government. Elena Kagan will definitely NOT exhibit a “principled view of the U.S. Constitution. Nor of common sense . . . she kicks the United States military off her campus and want federal funding for her unilateral UN-American show of political correctness??? Horse Pucky! Peter Beinart, no conservative he, puts it this way:

“On the day he or she is unveiled, conservatives will announce that they are approaching the selection with an open mind. Ten minutes later they will declare, more in sadness than anger, that the nominee has the judicial philosophy of Chairman Mao and the temperament of Dennis Rodman. Ten minutes after that, liberals will rise en masse to defend the nominee as wise, brilliant and humane, a person who restores our faith in humankind. And the kabuki theater will continue like that all summer long.

“I can’t blame my fellow liberals for playing along; if the other side fires, we have to fire back. But there’s one exception. If Solicitor General Elana Kagan gets the nod, conservatives will beat the hell out of her for opposing military recruitment on campus when she was dean of Harvard Law School. And liberals should concede the point; the conservatives will be right.”

Beinart has just committed the ultimate sin of political incorrectness in supporting a conservative argument and been proved right beyond the shadow of a doubt by the U.S. Supreme Court's rejection of Kagan's ugly argument 8-0, If only the United States Senate had Beinart's guts and integrity . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The possibility of Obama ‘vetoing’ his Obamacare legislation because of recent discoveries from the Congressional Budget Office that it violated two of his campaign pledges about overall costs and reducing the deficit . . . now seems to be on the back-burner. Apparently the sensible notion was released as a trial balloon and was just a “tease” designed to confuse conservatives. No change is now expected. This is a perfect time to see how well President Obama came through on the fifteen most crucial promises he made about “reforming” health care in this country.

  • 1. Health care will cost less for the individual and the government. That was why the "vetoing" of Obamacare actually made sense. It has now been revealed by the CBO that it will cost much more and will not help reduce the deficit.
  • 2. Better care would result. Not according to the Congressional Budget Office and American physicians. Worse care and longer waits are the future for American patients.
  • 3. Deficits would be reduced and Obamacare would help the nation meet the challenges of the future. Sorry, the CBO shows that Obamacare will NOT pay for itself even using ten years of taxes to cover the first six years of the program's operation. It will increase deficits and the National Debt.
  • 4. It was part of his promise there would be “no new taxes on the middle-class.” However, Obamacare will begin collecting taxes on virtually everyone including the middle-class right away to pay for the program’s start in 2014.
  • 5. Abortions will NOT be paid for with Obamacare and your tax dollars. The reason that Bart Stupak and eleven other “pro-life” Democrats held out till the last 24 hours was that they could see there was no provision in the law forbidding abortion funding. Then President Obama gave Stupak a promise there would be no funding of Abortions – a promise that has no legal power. Abortion funding is still NOT prohibited in the law as passed.
  • 6. Not one dime over $900 Billion to fund it. The CBO now shows it coming in at over $1 TRillion which is what’s causing the deficit increases it will bring.
  • 7. Health Care unconscionable profits for Insurance agencies will be reduced dramatically. First of all health insurance profit margins were 3.2% last year one of the lowest profit margins of any profitable industry. Secondly, thanks to Obamacare their absolute profits wil rise at least for the foreseeable future as 30 million new customers are added to their client rolls.
  • 8. This is NOT socialized medicine. Ahem, FDR implemented 39 key agencies as part of the “New Deal" . . . but Obamacare creates almost 400 new agencies in just one monster law . . . medicine will become much more complicated and less user-friendly and, yes, it is obviously a government program now incorporating all the old agencies and 392 new ones . . . .
  • 9. We will seek bi-partisan input and support. The only thing bi-partisan was that 34 House Democrats joined the Republicans in voting against Obamacare. Obama held a shuck-and-jive bi-partisan meeting where Republican input was totally ignored though it obviously made the most sense. Democrats talked for a bit longer than Republicans but Obama talked and harrangued for longer than both together. In the end not one of about ten great Republican ideas made it into the bill.
  • 10. We’ll put this on C-Span; the creation of this new law will be open, transparent and a non-political process. BARF!
  • 11. You’ll till be able to keep your current doctor and current health care insurance if you want to. Sorry, but a lot of doctors will not be a part of this program; and a lot of insurors will no longer be insuring the same employers because of the debilitating effect of Obamacare on employer finances.
  • 12. There will be NO rationing of health care. Were you born yesterday? Longer lines? Fewer doctors? More regulations between you and your doctor? Attempts to call a great deal of the most expensive medical possibilities “optional” for the elderly – rationed care is the ONLY way that Obamacare could hope to work, sort of.
  • 13. We’ll not go down that road (reconciliation) to pass the bill. That’s how they did pass it.
  • 14. We’ll make sure there’s a five-day period for public comment before the bill is signed into law. Never happened.
  • 15. We will “reform” the health care industry. They have enlarged the government and the health care bureaucracy and thrown a lot of money at the “problem.” The word “reform,” however, means to “improve” or “make better.” They clearly have NOT reformed the health care system.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Last Rajjpuut Remembers . . . .

Loyal readers will remember that repeatedly Rajjpuut not only excoriated the Congressional Budget Office for their gutless refusal to stand up to the “pie-in-the-sky” assumptions included in the Obamacare budgeting but also assured followers that if made into law, Obamacare would bankrupt the country among other hideous consequences. The process of passing the law particularly the last minute cave-in by Bart Stupak and eleven other so-called “pro-life” Democrats to pass the bill; and the particulars of the bill which NO ONE STILL HAS READ IN ITS ENTIRETY even now; and the irresponsibility of cost estimates; and the moving of 16% of our economy into the government sphere were each of them more than enough to demand a thumbs-down vote. Taken together, they promised a hideous new law sure to wreck the country. Right now 58% of Americans agree the law must be repealed and only 31% think it shouldn’t be repealed. All of that, however, might have just become moot points.

The “Anointed One” himself, Barack H. Obama, Jr. appears ready to exercise the veto pen upon his own foul “reform” of the health care system. You read that correctly. In the train of recent revelations by the CBO that the bill was not going to cut deficits but rather increase them mightily , Obama appears poised to axe parts of his legislation. Rajjpuut has a better idea: sh__can the whole mess and start over with five goals:
A. Real tort reform to make malpractice insurance costs less and excess testing costs much less and health care costs dramatically much less
B. Cutting costs with minimal effect on the present system by eliminating waste and abuse and fraud
C. Insurance sales across state lines allowed
D. Emphasis on prevention and regular physials
E. Less than 200 pages employed in the whole bill.
As Rajjpuut has mentioned often, politicians tend to be slimy individuals when it comes to semantics and use of semantic tricks. While it sounds “bad” to be against “reform” any time; the word-reform, especially from Barack Obama’s tongue, is not the thing-reform. The word “reform,” you’ll note has been attached by Obama and his administration and the Democrats in both chambers of Congress to mean “changing to greater government control” rather than its previous dictionary meaning of “improving something.” Rajjpuut suggests a 100% reform of the Democratic Party and Barack Obama and especially of his administration.
This not-that-surprising turn of events comes after the so-called “surprise-announcement” that congressional budget referees now predict healthcare reform could top $1 trillion as conservatives have said for over a year now. Let Rajjpuut be clear here: Obamacare will eventually come in at $4 TRillion, not in total -- but $4 Trillion per year, the way it is currently written. Government-Freebies, or more accurately “Perceived-Government Freebies” always are in much higher demand than predicted. If, like Rajjpuut you’ve ever seen four or five male bears in the wild (who normally can’t stand each other within 100 yards) five feet apart during berry season as they gorge on nature’s bounty . . . you’ll understand where the 4X factor prediction comes from. And, of course, the law doesn’t really begin to come into play until 2014 . . . so meanwhile it’s killing the economy for four years with nasty taxes.
Those naïve hayseeds among you might consider all this to be an “explosive” revelation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The laws of economics did NOT go to sleep for a hundred years just because a politician totally ignorant of them moved into the oval office. Oh, a few more details, besides its own internal lack of integrity and fiscal inconsistency: the law still threatens to cut physicians’ income and to raise Medicare costs and to bankrupt each and every one of the states because of new Medicaid requirements. Ain’t that sweet?
House Minority Leader John Boehner, said this new CBO analysis ". . . coming just weeks after the Obama administration itself released an analysis confirming that the new law actually increases Americans’ healthcare costs, this provides ample cause for alarm. The American people wanted one thing above all from healthcare reform: lower costs, which Washington Democrats promised, but they did not deliver. These revelations widen the serious credibility gap President Obama is facing."

Jennifer Hing, spokeswoman for Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee, told Fox News: "If Congress were to approve all of this new discretionary funding authorized in the healthcare bill, almost all of the administration's highly touted savings would be made null and void."

CBO estimators also said they simply had not had enough time to run the numbers. Costs could go even higher, because the legislation authorizes several programs without setting specific funding levels. Rajjpuut would say, that is virtually always true. Too little study and too much spend-spend-spend and way too little actual understanding make Congress dangerous to the country’s political health and fiscal soundness. NO BILL should ever become law until sufficient time to truly understand all its ramifications has been taken . . . .

In the wake of the obvious example of highly-socialistic Greece’s present demise with fellow European socialistic countries England, Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Spain (more or less in that order) waiting in the wings for their own fiscal comeuppance . . . Rajjpuut suggests it’s high time this country and its leadership got its feet on the ground. Europe is in chaos trying to avoid the utter financial failure of tiny self- indulgent Greece, the European Union (EU) this week pledged $1 trillion to inject green money into the veins of Europe's socialistic vampires. Not to go unmentioned: about $76 Billion coming from the IMF (International Monetary Fund) comes from American taxpayers . . . we’re actually supporting other countries’ failed experiments in socialism, doesn't that make you happy? Ronald Reagan must be spinning in his grave and the Founding Fathers? Their ghosts are right now discussing reincarnation to ignite a new American Revolution***.

Last Rajjpuut remembers, the Berlin Wall came down . . . a symbol of the differences between capitalism and communism (socialism taken to its logical extreme). Remember . . . they had to pen their people in and even that didn’t work thousands died trying to leave their corrupt stinking corpse of a system. Look at our borders, we’re having huge problems keeping people out. Last Rajjpuut remembers, the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST republics (what a laugh, republics!) collapsed freely and voluntarily as her leaders admitted their system didn’t work. Last Rajjpuut remembers, the Warsaw Pact countries joyfully abandoned their own wonderful socialisms. Last Rajjpuut remembers, communist China is now prospering as they’ve adopted a huge level of capitalism upon its own rotten corpse of Marxism. Last Rajjpuut remembers, people still die striving to leave Cuba and make for our shores on inflated truck inner tubes. Last Rajjpuut remembers Adolf Hitler only gets credit for 13 million deaths while Stalin and his commies killed 25 million and Mao, IN PEACETIME, caused the death of almost 57 million Chinese. How difficult is it to reach the conclusion that SOCIALISM SUCKS!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


*** For God’s sake, fellow citizens, IF you have NOT read and understood the following brief words, you are, like Obama, an utterly ignorant fool when it comes to economics, correct that situation immediately:

and for good measure, more brevities:

and the Full Monty:

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Item: Most Americans don't realize that late last year Mr. Obama authorized an immense compromise of U.S. sovereignty by authorizing the International Police Organization to enter the United States at will and for them, InterPol that is, to actually have greater powers within our borders than the FBI. Recently Iran has taken to using Interpol to chased down its "criminals" actually political exiles. In the wake of conservative outcry in this country, the list of Iranian fugitives has been removed from the Interpol "fugitives" list. Purportedly some Interpol officials have said -- off the record -- that they personally would never violate U.S. sovereignty to arrest Iranian political prisoners and they don't know anyone in their organization that would either. That's all very nice, but Mr. Obama had no way of knowing that . . . In any case Iran last week began putting pressure on Interpol to live up to its duty to the individual countries (in this case, to Iran) and start making some arrests in cases of well-known "criminals" with well known addresses. So push has come to shove . . . the Interpol charter forbids tracking of political fugitives but, of course, one man's political fugitive is another's abject criminal. We'll see
. . . .
Item: A few months ago, a bi-partisan vote established Pay-Go which sounded like an actual piece of fiscal intellect by the congress. The idea was simple, any vote requiring expenditures must also include a way to pay for the new law: either a tax increase or elimination of another program. To date at every chance to use Pay-Go, the Dems have either by-passed it by declaring the new bill an "emergency" or just outright ignored it while at every instance the minority G.O.P. has sought to enforce it.

Item: WOW! Today, the cap and trade bill was introduced into the senate after a huge hiatus since it barely passed in the house about eleven months ago. Except, oooops, it’s now wearing a different name. It’s called “America’s Power* Act,” these days. The hoopla is incredible. This bill is really great . . . purportedly cures cancer (actually make our environment far healthier they say), saves the planet, cures the economy by creating jobs (actually green policies in Spain took them from 3% unemployment to its present 21% unemployment disaster now) and gives Obama a hell of a lot more control over the United States’ free markets. Rajjpuut believes only the last claim is accurate, not to mention the huge conflict of interest scandals involving Obama and Gore and about thirty cronies and six or seven major leftwing foundations. See the story and links at the bottom of the page. U.N. bigwig Maurice Strong of Canada called the “Godfather of Global Climate Change” (who has personally benefitted to the tune of several millions of dollars from Al Gore speaking to congress on behalf of Strong’s “Molten Metal Co." and who is a participant of Gore-Obama-Joel Rogers’ Chicago Climate eXchange <CCX>) is the major driver of this bill -- yep, a foreigner in league with our Joel Rogers and others. A conservative blog listed below gives us a picture of the colorful Mr. Strong.

Item: German citizens are up in arms about bailing out Greece and the European Union as reflected in newspapers there running headlines loosely translated as “We are now the schmucks of Europe yet again^^,” “German taxpayers bailing out the Euro, again” and “European hands reach deep into our pockets.” Germans believe that Greece and the EU will drag them down the drain with them. For us here in this country think of “Greece R Us” as the blueprint for the USA’s future financial calamaties thanks to outlandish irresponsibility in Congress and the Oval Office.

Item: It’s illegal to break into my house and to break into my country also. However, California communities and the state of California itself are boycotting or considering boycotting Arizona based upon that state’s immigration law trying to enforce that state’s and the nation’s borders. Not mentioned in all this, the policies and laws of numerous cities and counties in California, particularly in Southern California that amount to little more than “sanctuary policies” for those who traffic in illegal aliens and rent shoddy “safehouses” as stopovers. Since California is finding schools, hospitals and the entire state overloaded with welfare problems, crime problems, and totally bankrupt . . . hmmmm, whose ideas are bankrupt anyway?

Item: For some reason, the total lack of response by Barack Obama and his administration to the horrific flooding in Tennesse, Kentucky and the Cumberland River area for about ten days now; and to yesterday’s Oklahoma tornadoes . . . no response at all, so far as Rajjpuut can tell . . . this problem has not been reported on by the mainstream media. If this was George W. Bush we’d have the progressive press and broadcast media in fits . . . but Mr. Obama rates an unending pass on their criticism, of course. The oil spill in the gulf is news of a future great tragedy but these are monstrous disasters NOW which the president is ignoring.

Item: Several economists are suggesting that the bailout of Greece (some of the money comes from U.S. taxpayers) is a band-aid stuck on the carotid artery. Their projections for Greece’s total collapse vary from one to two years down the road.

Item: Two more long-time incumbents have been ousted in primary voting. Utah Republican Senator Bennett and a less high profile West Virginia Democratic Senator Allan Mollohan with 55 years of experience between them are both now out of the picture. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania is now at risk in his upcoming primary. Besides their long-time incumbent status, all three men have the label “big spender” attached to them and favored the stimuli and bailouts. Specter and Mollohan voted for Obamacare. Fiscal conservatives are making their preferences known; is all this a “referendum” on Obama policies? Well yes and no. Bennett is a Republican, remember. More on Mollohan in a few sentences . . . . Minimal government is the hope of fiscal conservatives and little-known ideas for Washington, D. C. like fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets, and eliminating debt are very popular on Main Street. The U.S. government normally runs a surplus in the month of April. Last year the deficit in April was $20 Billion about 25% of that deficit belonged to Barack Obama. This year, the first entirely under Obama’s administration the budget deficit was $82.7 Billion. Oh speaking of deficits, W. Va.’s Mollohan not only had been running as a fiscal-conservative and against Obamacare, but he was also one of the twelve House Democratic “pro-life” group opposing Obamacare who flip-flopped at the very last moment with Bart Stupak and the other ten to allow the bill to become law by three votes. Stupak, of course, refused to run. Obamacare, now according to the Congressional Budget Office’s latest figures will not cut deficits as promised but actually increases the deficits. The FBI has recently been investigating Mollohan’s ethics recently. Rajjpuut is SO surprised.

Item: Oh, oh the worm has turned . . . Widely reviled by the left, Bush’s faith-based initiatives were considered evidence that Bush was a “religious zealot” aiming to destroy America with evil Christianity. Now, sixteen months into the Obama administration, we are seeing what Obama intends to do with his continuation of Bush’s faith-based offices: he wants to use them to push the religion of Green-faith on America’s churches. You may have heard news reports of “faith-based” groups aligned under the banners of "climate change leadership" and 'eco-justice" now are getting behind Obama’s Cap and Trade legislation a.k.a. the “American Power Act.” Except, guess what, the majority of the groups involved are the religious sect for which Jeremiah Wright preaches and roughly 90% of their membership is Black (Blacks voted 95.8% for Obama in 2008) no surprise these two groups are Obama supporters. At the bottom of their website they show a link to “” which it turns out is a Marxist group who’s main concern is wealth redistribution.

Item: Here is a factoid that the mainstream news media has still not reported upon: it seems that Obama’s claims that the “New Party” and the “Democratic Socialists of America Party” that supported Barack Obama’s campaign efforts in 1995 not only were both socialist organizations But the claims of both groups that Obama was never a member of them . . . were both lies. Hmmm, that makes 18 months without the mainstreamers letting America know Obama’s true colors . . . then five months without letting Americans know the facts about Climate Gate: . . .

and roughly a month now has gone by without the U.S. mainstream media investigating or even mentioning the connections between Obama, Al Gore, Joel Rogers, Goldman Sachs et. al and several progressive foundations in a scheme to defraud the United States economy of “Ten Trillion dollars” the estimate according to CCX participant Richard Sandor. The Chicago Climate Exchange would enrich this group greatly (from carbon exchange commissions) and raise virtually all prices in the country by roughly 67%.@@@’s_strings_says_“capitalism_is_monstrous”.thtml$10_trillion_obama_betrayal.thtml

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery


** America's POWER Act? Think of it as a monstrous TRANSFER of America’s money and power to Zimbabwe, etc. and other poorer countries around the globe via U.N. programs created and advanced by Maurice Strong’s efforts.

^^ Schmucks Again??? What does that mean? After World War I, the U.S. allowed England and especially France to RAPE the German economy with the evil Treaty of Versailles. Without Versailles' corruption, Nazis don’t exist, Hitler doesn’t exist and World War II never happens. Rajjpuut who lived in Germany as a boy, collected German stamps from the post World War I era with one or two horizontal lines running across them. For example the number 500 DM on an early 1922 stamp might be lined out and the number 2,500 DM might be printed over the stamp’s original coloring. Or later at the height of the runaway inflation the two-lined out stamps might show 80,000 DM is lined out and replaced with 300,000 DM which is itself lined out and 1, 000,000 DM printed over both of them. All this is more dramatic if the reader realizes that four Deutsch Marks exchanged for an American Dollar about 1916. Germany was ruined by runaway inflation (see the Erich Maria Remarque book “The Black Obelisk” for a graphic portrayal of the events leading up to Adolf Hitler) and the World was later ruined by Germany.
@@ In a $15 TRillion economy $25 TRillion worth of expensese for the same number of goods and services means $10 TRillion/$15 TRillion or 67%. CCX, should it come to exist, would be selling "blue sky" literally.
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Real American Freedom Becomes Slavery under Obama
according to Net Neutrality Bill
The internet is the last stand for journalistic integrity. While the mainstream media pander to the powers that be and protect the entrenched ones’ butts by refusing to run contrary opinion and by slanting virtually everything aired or printed, the internet allows free exchange of information and ideas. Barack Obama wants to change that immediately: courtesy of a “net-neutrality” law, a “reform” of the internet. The Obama administration has a real talent for oxymoron. For example, everything labeled “reform” by the Obama adminsitration (reform meaning “making things better”) so far has been nothing more than a power grab, for example:
Cap and Trade is NOT environmental reform, you’re just talking about paying for licenses to pollute and a method to transfer wealth. The architects of the cap and trade bill have admitted the earth will NOT become less polluted. No improvement just more government control.
Obamacare is NOT health care reform, but just a massive socialized medicine program designed to put much more of the private sector under government control and transfer wealth. Right now the Obamacare taxes being taken out (while no benefits are being given) are ensuring that the present now 18-month big recession will reverse directions (it was improving) and become a full-scale depression. No improvement, just more apparent reason for the government to intervene.
Immigration reform is NOT about improving the immigration laws but rather about ensuring that huge amounts of ILlegal immigrants (who will theoretically vote Democrat by an 85-15 margin) can become legal citizens as quickly as possible and maintain the Democrats in power for the foreseeable eternity. Why has the Obama administration refused to protect the borders? Because the borders are their only hope for success in 2010 and re-election in 2012 . . . 11.9 million new Democrats potentially. No improving things, just taking advantage of things.
Financial Reform is NOT about fixing anything but just about moving the government into control of everything having to do with our money. The failed concept of "too big to fail" will be institutionalized inside the so-called "reform" bill. We'll have got permanent bailouts in the system. Right now AIG, whom we bailed out is again selling "credit-default swaps" this time on Greece. If Greece goes under . . . AIG goes under again and what then? Meanwhile the government controls more and if AIG goes under again, they show that the "free market failed again" and government needs to save them again. Once again, no improvement just gaming the system to their advantage.
And most recently, the push for a net-neutrality reform bill to oversee the internet is NOT about reforming so that the net stays free . . . it’s already free. It’s about wiping out contrary voices to big government such as Ol’ Rajjpuut here and giving big government more control over every aspect of our daily lives. Along with Cap and Trade legislation, the Obama administration is playing a huge scam upon the American people. Right now the so-called “free press” of the mainstream media is totally loathe to hold this president and this administration’s feet to the fire. Instead they operate as utterly sycophantic “Yes” men to glorify everything Baracky. The biggest single threat to our freedom imaginable is the Cap and Trade bill now before the senate. The bill would be immediately rejected IF IF IF IF the American people were privy to what the European people have seen exposed to them. For example:
It took the ultra-liberal London Times twelve days to do its research and work up the courage to “eat crow” (they had been in the vanguard of praising global-warming activism for many years. So global warming is a sham and a hoax, but here in America, the mainsteam/lamestream media refuses to cover this story and now is refusing to cover the conflict of interest story pointed straight at Al Gore and Barack Obama that will up your cost of living by roughly 67% as soon as Cap and Trade legislation is passed. Crucial to understand: Barack Obama and Gore and their cronies would profit mightily from the creation of the $10 TRillion per year cap and trade “industry.” An industry selling “blue sky nothingness” is really a scam, not an industry. Barack Obama's Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is designed to not only transfer wealth but especially to enrich their numerous accomplices. For the full details:
When the last vestige of a free press is controlled by Big Brother Barack, America and the free world will die quickly.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Mainstream Media Aligns with Political Class,

Diametrically Opposes Mainstream America

If you’ve got the money to own a TV network, Rajjpuut guesses, you might think you’ve got the money to own America and all Americans in it. For example 70% of the network news coverage of the Arizona Immigration law was favorable for those protesting the law and only about 5% favorable for the state. Nationwide, 73% of citizens view the law favorably and only 25% view the protestors favorably. So clearly the networks are picking and choosing who they interview to present their own interpretation. In virtually all coverage since January of 2009, the networks have favored the political class’s or the progressive Democrats’ (or both) message and opposed mainstream America. Since the journalistic ideal is neutral, balanced and fair coverage of all stories . . . it’s easy to see why so many Americans say they do not trust the broadcast news channels.

At least one newscaster on each of the mainstream media made a big deal about the purported hardships that the would-be Times Square SUV-bomber has faced . . . how utterly idiotic. Omitting twelve of his thirteen trips to Pakistan would presumably cover his mortgage. When Rajjpuut has a bad day, he almost never puts into motion plans to indiscriminately murder and maim unknown strangers . . . does that truly warrant empathy? One gal on NBC ? went so far as to say, “I was really hoping the bomber would NOT turn out to be a Muslim . . .” and then justifying her ridiculously biased and unprofessional statement (doesn’t sound neutral, balanced, fair or objective now does it?) by saying now the extremist bigots would show intolerance to Muslims. Gaaaa-roooovy! 9/11 three attacks and right up to Ft. Hood and where is all the intolerance? Show us! And, of course, the people she and her network had been labelling as biased and intolerant, the TEA Party folk have proven to be about as peaceful as any group in American history has . . . the only violent group has been the protestors against the Arizona law, pushing and throwing objects at police, for example . And the coverage of the TEA Party by the mainstream media has been six hundred times more hateful and bigotted than anything that group has done.

Given that 90% of journalists label themselves liberal or progressive . . . these kinds of story can be expected often. But the straw that breaks the camel’s back is the utterly left-wing agenda of the ownership today. Without owners that take pride in their outfits’ professionalism, journalism degenerates into something like a high school newspaper’s overt favortism and fondness for certain cliques. The proof of this statement?? The biggest story involving the media is what they deign NOT to cover. For example, in late November, Climate-Gate in Europe was researched fully and the issue of global warming is now considered a betrayal and fraud by climate scientists at the Climate Research Unit in East Anglia University, England. The liberal London Times ate crow and published the story even if eleven days after every other paper got it down.

Yet today, five and a half months later . . . Americans have not really been exposed to Climate-Gate and that media scandal goes on day after day.

Even more surprisingly, “Cap-and-TradeGate,” the scandal of Obama’s and Gore’s complicity and huge conflict of interest related to their involvement in the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) goes totally unreported. Obama and Gore and their cronies are planning to bilk the American economy of $10 TRillion every year if and when they can push Cap and Trade legislation through the senate. This is the greatest political betray since Aaron Burr and we’ve heard absolutely NOT ONE PEEP about it in the mainstream media. Here’s a little 4-chart presentation on the scandal . . . .

What this means is that if the American economy is $15 TRillion worth of goods and services that as soon as Cap and Trade is passed the economy becomes $25 TRillion worth of goods***, services and blue sky. So everything that cost you sixty $60 now costs $100 and the $10 TRillion passing through the CCX every year generates monstrous commissions for John Ayers (brother to Bill Ayers Weatherman convicted bomber and ghostwriter for “Dreams from My Father”), Barack Obama, Richard Sandor, Joel Rogers, Andy Stern, Valerie Jarrett, Al Gore, Van Jones, several Goldman Sachs big wigs, Franklin Raines, Paula Di Perna, Gores Generation Investment Management, Goldman Sachs the company itself, and unions like the AFLCIO and SEIU as well as several individuals connected to the United Nations Climate investigatory bodies. The communism index of this group is at least an 11 on a scale from 1-5 with the possible exception of Gore, who’s just in it for the $9 Million mansions he can buy. The direct connection to progressive money-funnelling foundations like the Tides Foundation, Joyce Foundation, Emerald Cities Collaborative, Enterprise Community Partners and the Apollo Alliance and the smooth way they funnel money back and forth to each other would make a Mafia Money-Launderer ultra-envious.

You might NOT be surprised to discover that George Soros is the inspiration for the Tides Foundation and other progressive foundations that fund all this semi-anonymously and that Joel Rogers, the communist prof from Wisconsin is the brains of the outfit. Rogers has famously been quoted on videotape as saying, “Capitalism is monstrous” and encouraging his followers to make up studies and statistics to sell their takeover message. The Obama stimulus put $80 Billion into Rogers’ Apollo Aliance last year. How many jobs did they create? If they actually created one real job other than secretaries to shepherd their money around, Rajjpuut would be inordinately shocked. By the way, ACORN (now undercover under 51 different names) played a slimey role in all this too -- shocker, huh?

This is the single biggest story of our time and the mainstream media have deliberately ignored it. They haven’t so much as said, “Extremist right-wing groups are claiming that . . . “ or otherwise shown any inclination to investigate the story. You don’t have to trust Ol’ Rajjpuut. The record is all there on the internet. Do it this way: Look up the foundations mentioned above; look into their board members listing; look into their founders; look into how they were funded initially and how various projects have been funded. The same key dozen names will keep popping up. Right now CCX is worth???? ????? $0.00 that’s right nothing. But let Cap and Trade pass and in a matter of months 40% of our economy will be channelled through CCX and much of into the pockets of the Dirty Dozen.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

^^ If you expect as Rajjpuut does, that sooner or later all chickens come home to roost (the truth will out), then you might want to make this link one of your favorites so you can understand this very complex little fraud as its talked about in the U.S. Senate during the upcoming impeachment trial (Of course President Obama wants to make the internet a "public utility" . . . a loose translation needed? "Public" means "government controlled." So Rajjpuut guesse that any voices not already in his camp will be "controlled.")
*** How is this done, you ask? Cap and Trade forces exchange of "carbon credits" ( . . . like Obamacare forcing people to buy insurance . . . forced transactions commanded by the government) to the tune of roughly $10 TRillion worth of forced deals every year (according to CCX founder Richard Sandor) . . . that money has to come from somewhere . . . that somewhere is from the American consumer (and to a far lesser extent from foreign consumers) who would then pay 67% more for everything American they buy. If you thought it was difficult to compete with China before . . . now it will be utterly impossible. This bill, with the help of the CCX, will absolutely cut the legs out from under the U.S. economy. Where did the 67% more expense come from? 40% fake economy divided by 60% genuine economy = 67% greater expense with the fake blue sky economy.
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U.S. Fails to Oppose U.N. Women's Rights Commission Seat for Iran

When it comes to former enemies and disfunctional Muslim regimes, Barack Obama has a yellow streak a mile wide coloring his back. And his lackeys? Even worse it seems as U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice rather than opposing Iran’s new seat on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was out getting her hair done or nails or, who can know because our U.N. representative skipped the U.N. altogether rather than showing up to oppose Iran being seated on the important international women’s rights commission at the U.N.

Naming Hitler “Rabbi” would probably be less offensive than seating Iran on any panel dealing with women’s rights, if there is a more hostile regime on earth toward women than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s little insane asylum, Rajjpuut is unaware of it .

Item: Less than three weeks ago, Iranian cleric Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi of Tehran said that women’s immodest behavior and clothing was the cause of earthquakes. Good job, Kaze, Rajjpuut is very interested in what makes the earth move for men and women . . . .

Item: Women in Iran are stoned to death if their husband merely claims infidelity.

Item: Women can be arrested for sunbathing or sporting a tan.

Item: Accusations of homosexual behavior by women by their husband is grounds for execution. Male homosexuality gets flogging, and the homosexuality must be proved.

Item: Wearing of western style clothing by a woman is grounds for immediate arrest and imprisonment.

Item: 9-year old girls can be married off by their families.

Item: No matter if the husband in an arranged marriage is 60 years older than his girl-bride, she has no recourse if her father sells her off.

Item: Iranian Men who drink alcohol or gamble can be publically whipped; women doing the same thing are eligible for death by stoning.

Item: Men who even feel their wife is “uppity” can beat her as much as they wish. Much Islamic discussion in Iran is spent discussing the size and flexibility of the recommended rod used for such beating. Actually, Rajjpuut is NOT opposed to this one . . . . : )

Item: The Iranian dress code for women and policy of discouragement of women’s education is closely akin to the Taliban’s.

Item: Iran’s own women’s rights activists (while dodging stones?) wrote a letter to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women declaring that placing Iran on the CSW would seriously set back the cause of women everywhere.

Item: Unmarried Iranian women caught having sex may be executed.

Item: Women expressing opposition to sharia (strict Islamic code of behavior and punishment as outlined in the Koran) law can be executed.

Item: An Iranian woman who offends her husband, for example by trying to stop his beating of her, and strikes him in the process can have her hand chopped off. It’s recommended that she repent after the mutilation . . . you think?

This hideous regime being nominated to any position of power or influence is utter infamy. The American delegation could have stopped the move in its tracks by merely raising an objection. Rajjpuut suggests that here, if ever there was one, is an opportunity to rail against the regime’s track record on women’s rights. Not a peep. So beginning in 2011, Iran will start help setting policy for women’s treatment around the world. NICE!!! Nice job, Mr. Obama!

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Until the American mainstream media comes to its senses and begins acting like journalists again, real investigative stories (like the one linked above from the ultra-liberal London Times) will not appear in ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN newscasts. Truth will NOT be available to Americans from our oldest news outlets. That story is over five months old and required the London Times to eat some very serious crow, for they had been driving the global-warming bandwagon for many years. The actual event took place on November 17, 2009. It took the Times twelve days to research the story before their Environment Editor Jonathan Leake drove a stake into the heart of global-warming with his article entitled “The Great Climate Change Science Scandal” which agreed with the conclusions of the press and neutral scientists around the globe, that the East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) had perpetrated an expensive and elaborate hoax on the world. That story has not been run in the New York. Times yet nor in any other major Liberal newspaper or broadcast company. As we speak, Cap and Trade legislation based upon global warming theory is poised for passage in the United States Senate.
Another story you’ll probably have to pick up first on FOX News or in the London Times is this one . . . our president Barack Obama and our ex-vice president Al Gore are still using that false global warming alarmism to confuse the American public and are guilty of deliberate conflict of interest that will bilk the American economy of $10 TRillion each and every year.
You’d have to read that in Investor’s Business Daily ( of course, not in the mainstream media) or hear it on Fox. The lamestream media is too busy protecting Obama’s butt and worshipping him to actually protect our country.
Here (above) is a brief schematic of the corrupt connections designed to sell America and the free market down the river and scam us all of 40% of every dollar spent in the country from now till hell freezes over . . . .
If and when Cap and Trade legislation passes . . . an enormous fortune will be made by Joel Rogers, the man who owns Obama’s strings, and the brains behind CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange). CCX is a business venture owned by Al Gore and his London partners the fifth largest owners; Barack Obama, Joel Rogers, John Ayers (brother of Weather Underground bomber and Obama ghostwriter Bill Ayers, several Goldman Sachs bigwigs, and 10% owned by Goldman Sachs the investment firm itself; Richard Sandor and surprise, surprise by Fannie Mae (who owns the patent on the methodology) as well as several other key progressive organizations and individuals such as Van Jones, Andy Stern and unions AFLCIO and SEIU.
Sandor, the founder and man in charge of CCX has been videotaped saying that cap and trade will be a $10 TRillion industry. Since all actual U.S. manufacturing production and services (where something is actually produced or a service actually performed) create $15.4 TRillion per year that means that about 40% of all costs associated with anything produced in this country will be associated with Cap and Trade legislation and therefore the final costs after cap and trade costs passed on to American and world consumers will be roughly 67% greater because of the existence of Cap and Trade Laws. For you arithmetically challenged .4/.6 = .6666667
But Sandor is a small potatoes guy . . . the brains of the outfit, the man behind the great green curtain in Obama’s Emerald City Ozville is a communist activist Wisconsin professor named Joel Rogers. He is the man who owns Obama’s strings, a man who says here in this link below that “Capitalism is Monstrous.” He is the creator of the Apollo Alliance (seemingly a progressive money-laundering foundation) which received $80 Million from Obama’s stimulus funds. These progressive foundations (The Joyce Foundation; The Tides Foundation; The Apollo Foundation; the old ACORN; etc. are just a few of a long list of progressive foundations who channel money into other progressive foundations and quite naturally receive money channeled into them by other progressive foundations . . . while big surprise, Barack Obama’s name is found on the board of many of them) received a huge amount of our stimulus money. Joel Rogers is the leader of a cunning collusion for profit and power. But the mainstream media will not cover All-American Joel or his organizations or his connection to Barack Obama or Al Gore or the full corrupt story . . . . when they finally regain their senses and their journalistic spirit, Rajjpuut suggests they start their investigation with CCX. Why? Follow the money!
Being associated with all these progressive foundations with all that loose money floating through them is surely profitable, but only chump change compared to what happens if and when cap and trade becomes a reality. When it first appeared that Cap and Trade legislation which narrowly passed in the house last spring was dead on the senate floor . . . Joel Rogers is the one who prodded Barack Obama to prod the Environmental Protection Agency to issue an edict, a regulation, that would in effect make cap and trade legislation the law of the land and classify carbon emissions as dangerous pollutants and that would make the CCX immediately a going highly-profitable concern and make the individuals mentioned above a fortune for selling, uh . . . blue sky. Free blue sky with the carbon-dioxide in it that plant life needs to grow and produce oxygen for us to breathe would be symbolically exchanged for other free blue sky with a bit less carbon dioxide in it in accordance with the EPA directives and run through the exchange system computers on programs for which the patents are owned by Fannie Mae. Something for nothing, abso-frigging-lutely nothing will never cost so much in the history of the universe and Joel and Obama and Al and Richard Sandor and John Ayers and the Goldman Sachs bunch are the folks who will be taking us to the cleaners while literally selling “licenses to pollute,” according to their own interviews. Makes you proud to be an American, eh?
Actually, Rajjpuut is very proud to be an American and one reason is the existence of Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn, his April, 2010 Statesman of the month who took on Al Gore’s lies face to fact (link above). Al can run to his $9 million new mansion in Montecito, California alongside the global-warmed rising seas but he cannot hide from her direct question, “. . . will you in any way, profit personally, from the legislation you’re supporting here today?” Ms. Blackburn and Senator Inhofe are also behind the movement that made the EPA backdown from instituting cap and trade by regulation . . . you see the EPA was violating its own rules because they cannot issue regulations based upon somebody else’s studies but must do the environmental, or in this case the climate, studies themselves. And, of course, the EPA was basing their edict upon the Climate-Gate fraudulent figuring done at CRU in East Anglia, my, my, my. Ms. Blackburn’s got more courage in her pinky fingernail than all the inglorious mainstream media reporters and executives combined.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Twenty Key Issues for America

as the Merry Month of May Gets Rolling

Item: The Phoenix Suns now sport an ultra-ugly jersey with “Los Suns” on it, to join in the protest against the Arizona immigration law . . . low class, stupid and a PR disaster for them. May they be eliminated from the playoffs A.S.A.P.; why do celebrities think their voice means any more than a trash-collector’?

Item: The spill/leak at the British Petroleum oil derrick in the Gulf of Mexico was abetted because A) The U.S. government ignored its legal responsibility to have eight fire booms on the BP site . . . and had none -- and you thought the Titanic life boat problem was gross B) Both the Bush administration and the Obama administration signed off on safety violations at the BP site . . . why in hell would anyone with half a brain ever do such a thing? C) BP made a huge campaign contribution to Barack Obama and was purportedly “happy in bed with” the extreme left wingers of the administration D) The explosion was immediately pooh-poohed by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and despite their revisionism, the Obama folks were not “on the case from Day One” E) Obama said he didn’t want to go to New Orleans early because he might get in the way . . . exactly what Bush said after Katrina for which he was excoriated, but the liberal media is understanding and supportive of the Anointed One, of course. There’s no “getting in the way,” Mr. President, the problem is in the Gulf, your motorcade doesn’t float.

Item: C-SPAN cameras are not allowed in the room where the Obama Debt Commission meets.

Item: The new Arizona Immigration Law has been deliberately misrepresented as racial profile by 78% of news coverage even as 61% of Americans and 70% of Americans think the law is a good idea. And the big cheerleading, Barack Obama is inciting UNinformed Hispanics to RIOT. The bill specifically forbids racial profiling . . . specifically . . . Obama is inflaming the situation by distorting the truth. The Arizona law is written to respect entirely the federal law which Obama is not enforcing. By the way, Mr. Obama why are you repaying the everyday cop for their crucial work with accusations of unmitigated racial bigotry . . . just like you did last year at your "beer summit." For a supposedly intelligent man you don't learn very quickly. Cops are not boogy men, Sir!

Item: The major plunge on Wall Street was aggravated by “automatic trading programs” kicking in. The problem is always stated when such events occur that the “little guys got scared” and caused a panic. Bull feces, October of 1987, and every panic since then has been triggered and abetted by the big guys and their automatic sell programs. This was a luck example of a potentially devastating juxtaposition of problems: A) the so-called fat finger response? So If I want to make a quick killing, I get my brother to sell short a given stock and then I fat-finger it and the markets be damned we make a small fortune . . . there’s some actual financial reform that needs to be done B) automatic sell programs creating a potentially out-of-control situation that the floor specialists can abuse to skin everybody selling stock. And the result, sooner or later? During a real panicked sell off someone with several real large short position will just get a “fat finger” and trigger a financial Armageddon. That’s financial reform that’s actually needed.

Item: Greece, the perfect nanny state is going down the tubes. Unions riled up by the Greek Communists are getting violently ugly. The cost to American taxpayers of our involvement in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is somewhere between $7-8 Billion and there’s no guarantee that the problem is so-easily solved. Take notice: trying to live with unsustainable debt, doesn’t work. Now we’re bailing out Greece.

Item: The NYC would-be car bomb disappointed a gal reporter on MSNBC who admitted she wasn’t happy that a Muslim was associated with this because stupid prejudiced people would use it for bigotry. Well EXCUSE me, some Muslim extremist tries to kill Americans in Time Square and she’s pointing the finger at Americans who want to call a Muslim Extremist a Muslim extremist instead of being politically correct. Where are your priorities? Where is your integrity? Where is your patriotism, Lady?

Item: The NYC car-bomber wanna be, actually got on an airplane attempting escape . . . without luggage . . . paying in cash . . . though he was on a no-fly listing . . . and headed for Dubai . . . and yes, he certainly looked middle-eastern.

Item: Al Gore’s purchase of another palace, this time a $9 million mansion along side the supposedly rising ocean near Montecito, California went unreported in the mainstream media. They first ignore the November 17th Climate Gate revelations that even the ultra-liberal London Times researches the story and buries global-warming alarmism . . . they’ve ignored the biggest financial and scientific fraud in history (Cap and trade admitted by a member of CCX to be a “Ten TRillion industry) now for almost six months . . . this is journalism? Now the ultimate hypocrite, Gore, who tends to make a huge part of that $10 TRillion from the hoax of global warming buys yet another mansion (he’s not selling any, folks) with a carbon footprint probably fifty thousand times as great as old Rajjpuut’s and the media won’t cover this scandal.

Item: Joe Biden called General Motor’s so-called payoff of their bailout loan “a wondrous achievement. No, Joe, it’s no achievement at all. GM’s Obama-appointed CEO Whiteacre merely took money from a bailout slush fund to “pay off the loan” and Rajjpuut is wondering, how can the Federal Trade Commision allow this kind of fraudulent advertising without stepping in? By the way talking of bailouts, Chrysler and Freddie Mac both need another sip of the bailout brew.

Item: Besides their deliberate refusal to run the Climate-Gate Scandal about the falsified global warming records at East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU); the media has now ignored for two weeks the story of President Obama and ex Vice-President Gore’s conflict of interest as part of the Chicago Climate eXchange. The story is not complicated. Look it up for yourself and connect the dots: The Tides Foundation receives funding from the Joyce Foundation and several other Progressive Foundations (very much like money-laundering). If Cap and Trade is passed the next hundred millionaires will include Gore, Obama, Sandor, Joel Rogers (the man behind the curtain); the AFLCIO, SEIU, Bill Ayers’ brother John Ayers, four or five Goldman Sachs bigwigs; Goldman Sachs the company itself and about twenty other semi-prominent individuals. Even Fannie Mae, holding a patent for the program that would sell the blue sky that Cap and Trade is based upon stands to benefit. Why no story?

Item: The flooding in Tennessee and the Cumberland region is a real disaster. No it’s not as environmentally interesting to the BP spill in the gulf, but this is a genuine crisis about the scale of forty tornadoes hitting one region in one day and the president of the United States and his administration have totally ignored it. Sorry, Barack, floods may not be “sexy” but they are an emergency.

Item: One of Rajjpuut’s favorite reader-blog commenters Phil DiJoseph, said this about a recent blog “Greecey Debt Sends Europe Sliding a Super Slippery Slope” as the situation in Greece worsens and the U.S. financial scenario comes more and more to resemble Greece’s: I think you will see a lot of what is happening in Greece courtesy of the labor unions here in the U.S. Keep your eye on New Jersey where the governor just cut a billion dollars in education aid. The teachers unions are pulling out all the stops to convince tax payers to keep funding their salaries, pensions and benefits at current levels (actually, they are making their pitch that the Governor is hurting education and the children) but that is just not going to happen. Voters chose to force school boards to make deep cuts rather than agreeing to have their property taxes raised to make up for the shortfall. This is perhaps the first time in American history that voters have effectively put the breaks on out of control government spending. The crapola would have certainly hit the United Auto Workers fan much sooner had Obama not bailed out the automakers and enriched the unions. Expect to see all hell break loose, as it has in Greece, when the pink slips start arriving to union members and other give-backs are mandated to balance state budgets.”

Rajjpuut comments . . . Thanks Phil, remember this, for the first time in history a U.S. President got involved in a public corporation’s bankruptcy . . . indeed he outright orchestrated every step of the Chrysler and GM bankruptcies and took the money owed by law to the Chrysler creditors and handed it to unions that supported his presidency. And who is ultimately responsible? The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the Chrysler creditors’ case.

Item: We’re finally seeing a resurgence of the importance of the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights, the most little known and appreciated of our Bill of Rights’ Amendments. It is the 10th Amendment which makes our particular experiment in Republican government with Democratic powers allotted to the individual such a marvelous success. Even more states are filing suit against Obamacare based upon the 10th Amendment. About six states recently have also said they’re in the process of re-creating their version of the Arizona immigration law. And several states are seeking to oppose the federal government’s forcibly making them pay for various other federally mandated programs that are bankrupting those states.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Obama’s Great Blessing -- Christians Misunderstand

the Doctrine of “Turn the Other Cheek!”

One of the very few places where Rajjpuut agrees with Barack Obama occurred in 2007 when Illinois Senator Obama said, “The United States is NOT a Christian nation.” Some Christians get angry to hear that from Rajjpuut as well as from Obama. Nevertheless, Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, both Massachusetts Adamses and virtually the entirety of the founding fathers believed precisely that way, that it was important NOT to be a Christian nation but rather to be a nation where religious tolerance as well as true separation of church and state existed.

Of course, Obama, interprets the statement “ America is NOT (or, no longer) a Christian Nation” in a very negative and controversial manner and Rajjpuut interprets the statement in a very uplifting manner. Obama interprets that statement to mean that he can abuse Christians in this country virtually with impunity as he and his administration feel the need to side with other groups for political gain. More specifics on this will follow in a few paragraphs. Rajjpuut means it this way: the evils done to some adherents of some religions by others (for examples by Catholics and Protestants to each other in Ireland and Northern Ireland, to Non-Anglican Christians such as the Quakers by the Brits, Jews suffering in Russia and Germany, and Muslims in Bosnia, etc.) ; all the evils that have been done in the name of corruptions of Christianity historically to other religious and non-religious people; the evils that state-mandated religions all over the world have done; and all possible evils associated with BIG RELIGION . . . all of this is controlled by the law, by the Constitution, in America. No one in America can be forced to follow a given religion or dissuaded from following their own spiritual leanings in America.

As for Obama’s intolerance toward Christianity, lets examine just three incidents:

#1 After hosting 50,000 Muslims for three hours on Capitol Hill September 25, 2009, at the the National Day of Prayer for Muslims, today, May 7, 2010,Mr. Obama cancelled the 2010 National Day of Prayer Ceremony at the White House saying “ . . . we don’t want to offend anybody.” Apparently Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims are not considered to be “anybody.”

#2 While liberally sprinkling about nasty terms ( racists, haters, stupid, Nazis, extremists, astro-turf, storm-troopers, hood-wearing; etc.) in reference to the TEA Party movement, Obama and his people have made an impossible-to-miss effort at a ridiculously extreme form of political correctness (for example in 70 pages discussing the Ft. Hood shooting, where not once were the words “Jihad,” “Terrorism,” “Islam” or “Muslim” to be found . . . that is, the core motivation for Major Hassan’s attack was literally impossible for them to put into “politically-correct” words while they have no trouble finding insults for the “extreme right,” insults they cannot back up with evidence ever. But who exactly is the “extreme right?” According to Mr. Obama? “…Christian right, has done a good job of building these organizations of accountability, much better than the left or progressive forces have. But it's always easier to organize around intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and false nostalgia. And they also have hijacked the higher moral ground with their language of family values and moral responsibility.” In other words Christianity, at least as practiced by conservative individuals is his philosophical enemy.

#3 Back in 2006 while a senator and again when he was already campaigning for president, in 2007, Obama interrupted his activities to visit the homeland of his father, Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr. in Kenya. He went nominally on fact-finding missions on taxpayers’ money but ‘paused’ while there to help the presidential campaign of Raila Odinga (purportedly the then-senator Obama’s cousin for which no verification could be found other than Odinga’s claim). Odinga was university educated in East Berlin some years before the fall of the Berlin Wall and is a non-apologetic communist, just like Barack’s father Barak (no ‘c’) was. Whether or not the two are cousins, both of their fathers were also unapologetic communists. In the top link immediately below, Barack’s birth dad in a well-known African periodical talks about the benefits of “100% taxes on the rich” and also describes his favorite political system as “scientific socialism” which he quickly clears up by saying “communism.”

Socialism and communism are, of course, closely related . . . far more importantly for this blog, in many communist regimes freedom of religion is very problematical if not impossible. Raila Odinga’s character and Obama’s actions are the question here, however . . . .

Obama made at least fifteen campaign stops for Odinga. Purportedly, he donated $950,000 to Odinga’s** campaign, Rajjpuut is still looking for a second confirmation on that one (if true, the next question is where did that money come from?). Mostly Obama wore a dress shirt and tie when campaigning. However, at least twice he dressed in traditional Muslim garb while addressing Muslim groups. Mr. Obama, despite his claim to be a lifelong Christian and to have “never practiced Islam” spent parts of five years of his youth attending a Muslim school^^ in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia and was reportedly a “prize student.” This is at best, a small issue. However, the character of Mr. Odinga is no small issue. Here’s what Rajjpuut means:

As a communist candidate, Mr. Odinga ran under the banner of “change,” but did not ever breach 50% popularity during the campaign. However, it appears he definitely LOST the election because of a secret deal he made with the Muslim community in Kenya that was reportedly leaked by a disenchanted aide.

Christians are the biggest worship group in Kenya, constituting 45% of the nation’s populace. Muslims are just about 11%. Odinga signed a letter of agreement with the Muslims to make Islam the nation’s official religion and institute “sharia” law. Beside instituting the traditional Muslim treatment of women that the two sides agreed upon, the law would have banned other religions’ access to TV or radio broadcasting. All person-to-person missionary work by other religions would have been banned . . . in short, Mr. Odinga would have curtailed religious freedom and freedom of speech while imposing hateful restrictions on women and girls and thus proved himself the lowest of scum and well- prepared to betray his country.

Within days, the content of the letter of agreement was known all over the country and Odinga was lambasted in the press and public opinion. Pretending the copy of the agreement “captured” was bogus propaganda from the incumbent, Odinga produced a much more “reasonable” agreement and said it was the only one ever negotiated between himself and the Muslims. Mr. Obama never commented when asked about Odinga’s shenanigans. Later as defeat loomed unmistakable, an e-mail from Senator Obama before the election purported telling how Mr. Odinga should handle the matter (violently) was published . . . Rajjpuut could NOT find a second source to confirm Jerome Corsi’s “The Obama Nation’s” claim that the copy of an Obama e-mail advising claiming election fraud and stimulating violence was a probably successful course of action for Odinga. In any case, however, when Odinga lost, Muslim violence coincided with his claim of “widespread election fraud.” An outbreak of violence (against Christians mostly but any non-Muslim) at this Odinga announcement against numerous Christians and Christian churches suffering attacks, maiming and death and wanton arson. Rape was one of the favorite expressions of violent disapproval by the Muslim perpetrators. Obama again claimed no connection. Odinga never apologized or showed regret. To quell the violence, Odinga was offered the newly created post of prime minister by the victor and accepted.

OK, Obama is not crazy about Christians, so what? The problem increasingly is that of Christian passivity in the face of clear and aggravated injustice. Rajjpuut’s reading of the Bible is that “turn the other cheek” is actually an act of courage and aggressive Christian expressionism and not merely crawling back toward some corner to hide. The best examples, one from a Christian and one from a Hindu, are the actions of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas K. Gandhi which demonstrate non-violent but utterly courageous resistance to unjust behavior by one’s “enemy.” This is one reason that Rajjpuut is so enamored of the TEA (taxed enough already) Party – the fact that active resistance to injustice is adopted at every turn of events.

The evidence (often revealed by Rajjpuut on this blogsite) shows Barack Obama’s mother, grandfather and birth father were all communists (and opposed to Christianity and most religious expression); it also shows that his two longest serving mentors, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and poet Frank Marshall Davis are both communists; and it shows that he attended Muslim school for parts of five years and was highly regarded as a student. So, knowing that Barack Obama is an unjust enemy . . . active resistance by Christians and conservatives is called for every step of the way and non-violent dignified protest is the key.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,




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Yes, it’s true, society has changed dramatically since the beginning of the end of the last half of the 20th Century. Fifty years ago, in 1960 when the Donna Reed Show and

Father Knows Best broadcast their visions of the ideal American family, 88% of all American children were raised living with both of their biological parents until they reached adulthood. While that statistic is hugely altered for all Americans, it’s become unrecognizable for Black Americans.

Today, like Obama himself, 80% of all Black children in America are conceived out of wedlock. The president has hidden his birth information fairly effectively so we can’t say for sure about him, but 70% of today’s Black children are born to unmarried women. Whatever happened to the Black family? More importantly, how does this occurrence impact today’s Black child? And how, does this disintegration of the once proud Black family impact today’s political climate, and what does it portend based upon Mr. Obama’s actions? Before answering the first and third question, let’s deal with the second.

In the aggregate, statistics tell a depressing story for all American families, once the bastion of our nation. However, the Black statistics tell a tale of utter ruination. If White society has trouble understanding the Black experience, it is more than anything else a result of the massive changes that have occurred since 1965 to the Black community. Today, less than half of all children – all races examined together -- are raised entirely by their birth parents and 33% of all children are born to unwed mothers. Another 33% of all those children born to married couples will find their parents divorced well before the child reaches adulthood, for Blacks these statistics are much worse.

Looking briefly at just the White children . . . the educational, economic and family stability advantages of being White drop totally away for White kids raised in a family without a father. The high school drop-out numbers for White kids are roughly 3.5 times higher if raised in a family without a father. Such children are between four and five times more likely to live in families with incomes below the poverty line and about three times more likely to divorce or never get married and raise their own children in one-parent families and thus perpetuate the cycle so intimately linked to poverty.

Not too surprisingly, the huge number of fatherless families in the Black community has a slightly less debilitating effect. This situation is the norm among Black families now and almost 90% of Black families exhibit one-parent status. The Black community as groups and individuals have institutionalized some fairly effective responses, often based upon multi-generational families which have tended to be matriarchal. However, that “norm” is certainly not beneficial for mother or children. Living without a father increases the school dropout likelihood for Black children to 175% compared to intact families (and, by the way, for Hispanic children to 196%) compared to 250% for Whites. The impact of living in a fatherless home, however, is definitely even bigger economically for all races.

As a whole for Blacks, as well as Whites and Hispanics, the single biggest social disadvantages seem to align with fatherless families. Since Black families are much more likely than White families to begin below the poverty line and 2.8 times more likely to begin with an unmarried woman at the helm – the economic challenges are much, much greater and the consequences for the Black children are generally negative.

The one-parent household, typically headed by a divorced- or never-married mother, has significantly fewer financial resources than intact families do. Poverty statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, show approximately half of households headed by single mothers in 1995 were below the poverty line, in contrast with the 10 percent figure for two-parent households. Yes, many of these families were poor before divorce, and a significant proportion were headed by mothers who never married. Nevertheless, the lack of a father's income has dire consequences for household finances. Even in well-off families, the fatherless home can suffer disproportionately. The newly established home headed in the vast majority of cases by the principal bread-winner holds typically far fewer members and receives the lion’s share of the divided resources . . . so the economic status of the mother often plummets dramatically.

The most obvious thing is that most children raised in a one-parent family, regardless of race, face a far greater chance of economic hardship. For Black mothers raising children without a father, this situation is much more common and much more devastating. How did the once-proud Black family get to this point?

Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” programs begun in 1965, hold some of the answers. The Civil Rights Bill, Kennedy had sought was signed by LBJ, an unmitigated boon to all of society and the Black community especially. But Johnson didn’t stop there. He launched his “War on Poverty.” The goals of the Great Society were twofold and entirely laudable on their face: elimination of poverty and elimination of social injustice. Truly the greatest of LBJ’s actual accomplishments was the Voting Rights Bill.
The hallmark of all the Great Society effort, from misguided liberal point of view was, however, “Affirmative Action launched by an LBJ speech** on June 4, 1965.” Its ghost haunts the Black citizen still today. Like most government spending and government interference boondoggles (GSBs and GIBs), however, much of the GS programming produced entirely the opposite effect at enormous expense. The cost of the Welfare State and the $74 Trillion in unfunded obligations arising from LBJ’s Medicare and the federal portion of his Medicaid today has been enormous and largely negative . . . and that’s just the dollar and cents cost.
In fairness to Johnson and liberal Democrats, the Johnson programs expanded greatly under Republican presidents Nixon and Ford before dramatically taking off under Carter, a Democrat. Under Carter the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA of 1977), the first mortgage-guarantee boondoggle (to be followed later by three more expansions in 1992, ’95 and ‘98) ultimately set us on the path that led to the sub-prime lending crisis and didn’t that turn out well? But mostly, they were “great notions – good intentions” that, like most government programs just weren’t thought out in accord with human nature. Humans need incentives not handouts.

And then there was . . . the juxtaposition of the War on Poverty and Affirmative Action with the undeniable fact that in 1964, after sixteen years the disaffected mostly-southern Democrats known as the Dixiecrats finally found a new home and voted as a bloc for the Republican presidential candidate. Barry Goldwater, who authored “The Conscience of a Conservative,” attracted the Dixiecrats and that was not lost upon the nation’s Blacks. The G.O.P., the party of Lincoln, now in the eyes of Blacks had become the party of Strom Thurmond. In 1968, 72% of Black voters went Democratic . . . in 2008, 95. 8% of Black votes went for Barack Obama. The Dixiecrats found their home and the Black’s found a new political home. The unfortunate result of that fissure was that the Democratic party has become greatly tied up with the notion of advancing Black well-being. Their electoral survival has depended upon it and the Democrats are seeking to add Hispanics as 90% loyal Democrats as well.

The “government dependency” syndrome for the Black community that’s grown out of that situation has had a horrendous effect upon Blacks. It is no exaggeration to say that the Black community is far worse off today than it was before the Democrats started helping them. Black Republicans like Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Thomas Sowell, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and Claude Allen are without exception such an anomaly in the Black community that all of them have encountered Black backlash for their “betrayal” and “Uncle Tomness.” Democratic Black leaders, for example, excoriated Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings. Black people who succeeded without relying upon Democratic largesse are uniformly held is disdain, a sad state of affairs that says more about Black problems today than just about anything else you might think of. The most successful of Blacks outside of the athletic field and show biz are disdained by the Black populace as a whole.

All of this is bad enough, but now we are dealing with a president who, though he promised to unite us, is clearly the most divisive influence in race relations since the Ku Klux Klan. The American Dream is disappearing from our shores with each utterance of Barack, the Divisive, now committed to a policy of creating race war for political benefit. On the one hand, for the first time in history it appears one generation of America will not leave their children better off than they themselves were – the point at which all political discussion should begin.

Barack Obama has decided that the battle will NOT be fought upon that ground, however, but on one of his choosing. Deplorably, the mainstream media has abetted him in this ugly switch of emphasis. Deplorably, too large a percentage of Americans don’t choose to understand the issues, but only to listen to the mainstream media rhetoric seldom sung with evidential accompaniment. He is playing to the weakest part of our natures. Only those locked into self-doubt so deep as to believe they cannot make it without huge amounts of help from the government favor socialisms and dependency, but many do and the media perpetuates that self-limiting stereotype at every opportunity. Instead of really helping poor people by teaching them the skills and attitudes needed to transform themselves, Blacks are almost always portrayed as helpless victims of the system, the only Black success stories routinely shown lie in two fields of endeavor: show business and sports.

Obama, unable to win on the factual basis of his promised job-creation ability has played the “race” card like a master of cacophony. His latest target is one of the most cynical and hateful ploys ever played upon the American public. His sneaking attempt to make Puerto Rico^^ a state; his lying attacks upon the Arizona immigration law, while doing nothing federally to attack the problems that spawned that law; and his hoped for coup de gras Amnesty and overnight citizenship for 14 million illegal aliens is all designed to make the “dependency class” permanent and much, much bigger; and permanently enshrine a whole host of Democratic-favoring welfare-dependents into the voting rolls. Never mind the devastation to the country as a whole. “Hispanicos, que siempre vivan fuertes e independientes y nunca como esclavos del dictador Obama, jamas!” (“Hispanics, may you stand strong and independent and never become slaves to Obama’s oppression!”).

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** LBJ paid brief lip service to the fact that Black (he called them “the NE-gro”) economic status had risen dramatically since the end of World War II, but all the other statistics he cited in the speech were about differences between Black and White earning power and how government must intervene in the interest of fairness. Mandated social justice has never worked. Like the American Revolution, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s marches and sit-ins and Gandhi’s non-violent opposition that eventually gained India her freedom, social justice is largely earned or it does not occur. Just imagine . . . what kind of shift would occur in Black consciousness if Clarence Thomas was suddenly considered a prime role model for black youth rather than Rangel, Jesse Jackson, and Sharpe. Unfortunately, the easy way doesn’t work well or frequently, but it’s always more popular than the way of character. Black Americans hearing MLK’s inspiring “I Have a Dream” speech must truly take to heart the sentence about “the content of their characters?” That is the sentence that defines the American Dream.

^^ Obama knows little about the proud people of Puerto Rico. The “51st State” issue is not a hot-button Puerto Rican issue. Puerto Rican people, when they consider “la situation Puertoriquen~a” think independently. This issue comes up routinely for vote about once every decade and is a frequent visitor at kitchen table discussions. Roughly 34% of the islanders called “Independistas” think Puerto Rico needs to become an independent nation. Roughly 32% (the “Estadistas”) hope for big advantages if they were to become an official part of the United States. Meanwhile 33-34% of the populace like things just the way they are. They like the upside of being U.S. citizens without a lot of the downside, they represent the “Estatus Quo” and they always win whenever “la situation” is voted upon. The size of the voting base for each group changes only slightly over time. Two thirds of Puerto Ricans are NOT interested in statehood, period. No act of congress can change that. All said, the racism of Obama is clear and evident and unbelievably, the mainstream media can't see it.

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