Bob VanDeHey's Posts (418)

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China’s Rise, Episodic Stossel Career
Highlight Free Market’s Resilience and Power
Journalism, skeptical independent journalism, used to be called the fourth estate. The meaning of the phrase in American life was that along with religion, government and business . . . the institution of the free press served as a “watchdog” over our society while keeping a free citizenry informed as they must be in a democratic republic. Today that phrase “fourth estate” has lost all meaning. Some have talked about a “fourth house of government” meaning that as the government itself has become a special interest group whose main purpose is growth and self-perpetuation, the mainstream news media have virtutally become a fourth branch (after the presidency, house of representatives and the senate) whose major purpose is also self-aggrandizement and self-perpetuation based upon their pro-government symbiotic relationship. Certainly today’s journalism as practiced by NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN is incestuous, at best^^^ *** and at worst a relationship contrived to protect the leftwing darlings of the media and their projects.
They apparently have been taken in by revisionist history$$ and intend to propagate the benefits they believe that kind of government brings:
What does Rajjpuut mean? Franklin Delano Roosevelt “transformed” government with his “New Deal.” History tells us he was elected as an overwhelming popular choice to escape the uncaring government of the Hoover years. History, at least the history written in progressive history books (those that want us to progress beyond the Constitution), that history is a record of lies. Hoover was a progressive Republican who had the same dreams as Woodrow Wilson. Hoover departed markedly from the Harding and Coolidge years by creating programs for the unemployed and several government programs for farmers. So, by understanding Hoover we understand that Roosevelt could not have won by campaigning to be like Hoover. In fact, reading the newspapers of 1932 we get a totally different picture.
FDR ran against Hoover campaigning like Reagan and like Obama. He was elected president after promising pretty much what Warren Harding delivered in 1921-22 when the “invisible Depression was cut down to size by cutting taxes 40% and cutting government spending over 49%. To be precise: FDR won the 1932 election on the promise of a 25% reduction in federal spending, a balanced budget, a sound currency based on gold, to end the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs, and to remove government from areas that “belonged more appropriately to private enterprise.” The Progressive Woodrow Wilson had put us into a Depression and Harding’s efforts got us out; and Coolidge’s continuation of Harding’s policies gave us the Roaring Twenties “the single-most economically-positive decade in American history. For the first time in history a large percentage of people owned such devices as radios and refrigerators and their own automobiles and had electricity in their homes. For the first time in history, farm families mostly had both electricity indoor plumbing. So FDR ran on repeating Harding’s and Coolidge’s policies and then GASP kept NONE of his promises.
Now think clearly on this: FDR created 39 new agencies (and several others) concerned just with the three-R’s: relief, reform and recovery in his first eight years in office. Mr. Obama has already created over ten times that amount of new government agencies just as part of his Obamacare health care “reform” bill. One new law and 400 new agencies. Is that socialism?
Year after year, independent media overseers have attributed a pro-left (bigger government advocacy) bias that shows up in the news as a ratio of between 3-1-1 and 4-1-1 in story treatment. That is, for every single actually neutral treatment or every single negative reference to big government in the media, typically three or four stories glorifying Big Guv are printed or broadcast. Big journalism has thus become an advocate of Big Guv. Certainly what’s also been true is that for over 40 consecutive months now, mainstream journalists have also been unabashed supporters of today’s main messenger of the unending benefits that Big Guv can bring to all of us: Barack Hussein Obama.
While examining the role of journalism in our about to become socialist state, a very good place to start is with the career of John Stossell, an important individual in the field for well over thirty consecutive years now. He began as a crusader, a consumer-oriented reporter finding fault in big business and its products and its effect upon the every day lives of American Citizens. Almost immediately Stossel transformed into an advocate of higher taxes and bigger government which would protect the consumer from abuses of the voracious and greedy. Soon he was pro-left government all the way advocating deep government involvement in the marketplace and all sorts of watchdog Big Guv agencies to protect us from corporate greed, malfeasance and dare Rajjpuut say it? He was advocating greater government as a tonic for the evil nature of business itself, the misbegotten spawn of satan that it is . . . . Stossel gained a huge following and his career took of straight to the top at ABC News. But Stossel still retained his basic journalistic objectivity which came out in rare moments in revelations of the huge waste and continued abuses of government against both citizens and businesses. Suddenly, Stossel was seeing the world through different eyes . . . . and he stopped winning Emmy awards (he had won a total of nineteen early in his career. His coverage which used to attack corporations, now increasingly began to attack government.
He had seen in his long career, that increasingly the greater government intervention that he’d been calling for evolve into a greater problem than had existed in the first place. He began to re-examine his stance. “I viewed the marketplace as a dog-eat-dog cruel place. I saw people needing government and lawyers to protect them from business. But once I’d started seeing more and more government regulations at work, I came to believe that markets are ‘magical’ and the best protectors of the consumer.”
The magical link above, Rajjpuut avers, tells the story of the free market better than any other . . . .
Returning to Stossel after viewing up close and personal the costly failed debacles that resulted from virtually all the Big Gub solutions that he, his media friends, and the politicians they were backing had prescribed for society’s ills and watching these programs become expensive millstones around the taxpayers’ necks while making tolerable situations untolerable . . . Stossel changed dramatically. “Solutions invariable wound up creating larger problems at the cost of billions of dollars.” Stossel is now a free-market libertarian and author of two books. In October of 2009, tired of having his anti-big government exposes drowned out at ABC by the crescendo of cheerleading for Barak Obama’s prescription for America Stossel left ABC News after twenty-eight years with them, and took a position with Fox News, the clear and away “most free-market oriented network in America.” The public, by and large agrees with Stossel’s assessment. Survey after survey shows that about 64-67% of all viewers regard the mainstream media as too liberal while only 20-22% of viewers regard the media as too conservative. Those reports from Gallup over the last ten years have come as mainstream media have lost respect from the age 25-54 key demographic of consumers and viewers of news programming and suffered an across the board 40-45% drop in viewers. At Stossel’s new gig, Fox News program after program has soon viewership climb from 30-60% over the last couple years.
Today Fox has more viewers than CNN, MSNBC and CNBC CONBINED and has been the nation’s top network for well over one hundred consecutive months. Stossel’s own program thrives not on Fox News but on Fox Business Channel but he is a frequent visitor to Fox News where he delights in the fact that he seldom gets “softball questions.”
The mainstream media today is about 90% caught up in advancing Obama’s socialist agenda without ever mentioning the word “socialism.” They have, for example, totally ignored the question of “Climate Gate” giving virtually no coverage at all to the story, which is clearly the single most important “scientific” hoax of the last sixty years. Climate gate is a clearly Socialist attempt to put huge portions of our economy under government’s thumb under the guise of protecting us and protecting the environment . . . so clearly Climate Gate deserves a neutral hearing in the mainstream media, one might guess. Rajjpuut, continuing the theme, asks you the reader the following series of hardball questions that never get broached on the mainstream media even by their comparatively most objective journalists. If you can’t answer these questions logically, but still favor Obama’s agenda, perhaps Stossel might describe you, like Big Guv, as part of the making the problem worse.
1. If leftism (larger government role, more government interference in business and individual lives and much more government spending) is the answer why did communism fail so spectacularly in the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact (eastern European) countries?
2. If socialism is so great, why was a wall around Berlin built and an “Iron Curtain” necessary to keep people from flooding out of Berlin and the socialist communist countries?
3. Why does the mainstream media never talk about the $108 TRillion boondoggle that the combination of Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid has become? Can they not understand that this is our children AND grandchildren’s future at stake?
4. Why does the mainstream media never remind Americans that while Hitler’s policies killed almost thirteen million CIVILIANS, Stalin’s cost the lives of almost twenty-eight million; and Mao’s policies killed fifty-five million CIVILIANS in PEACE TIME?
5. Why is it that the resurgence of Chinese power, culture and influence in the world juxtaposes with the adoption of capitalism there?
6. Why is it that Barak Obama’s “Dreams from My father” (his first autobiography) was never properly vetted by the mainstream media? . . . it clearly is a glorification of socialism, is it not?
7. Why did the mainstream media never explore Barak Obama’s communistic upbringing? We know fifty times more about the mercurial John-John Kennedy’s homelife than we do about the childhood of our 44th president, wouldn’t you say?
8. Why is Black racism never explored? 96% of Blacks voted for Obama while he received more White votes (almost 48%) than Kerry and Gore did, yet don’t the mainstream media repeat without any investigation every trumped up charge of racism, bigotry and hate-mongering against conservatives, is that neutral media coverage?
9. Why have Barack Obama’s connections to avowed communists; to violent radicals; and to out and out nutcases like the Ehrlichs and Holdren never been brought up, much less explored? Why despite one debacle after another has he had not one week since 2007 where his negative media coverage outnumbered his positive coverage?
10. Why has the mainstream media refused to explore Obama’s campaigning for a communist presidential candidate (Raila Odinga) in his father’s native Kenya? To show pictures of Obama dressed in Muslim garb twice? To explore Odinga’s “memorandum of understanding” (sharia) with the Muslim community in Kenya which in the event of an Odinga victory would have made Kenya a Muslim nation by law; banned missionaries; and banned religious programming other than Muslim on radio and TV. Why was nothing reported about Muslim riots, arson, and rapings and murders against Christian Kenyans? The nature of Obama’s connections to Kenya is a real news story, is it not?
11. Why is it that Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.’s name has become corrupted to Barack with a ‘C’ and why is it that there is no history of the names of Barack our president by the media? Barak Obama, Jr. , Barak Soetoro (his second father’s last name – at the time Barak was attending Muslim schools in Indonesia), Barry Obama, Barry Soweto and finally Barack Obama are all significant moments in Barack’s young life, no? And why has Barry Soweto’s (his name as an undergraduate during his clearly most communist and radical years) existence been completely covered up? Didn’t President G.W. Bush’s youth receive roughly one-hundred and fifty times as much coverage?
12. Why is it that Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.’s defense of 100% taxes in Kenya not deemed important, his son wrote a whole worshipful book about “Dreams from My Father” and this is an important part of those dreams? In the first paragraph of Obama’s father’s most famous economic monograph (Problems with Our Socialism) he defines the “scientific socialism” he prefers as “communism,” shouldn’t that have been of interest to neutral journalists?
13. Why is it that Stanley Anne Dunham and Stanley Armour Dunham’s unabashed communism, never been explored in the mainstream media? Isn’t the influence of the two most key people in raising our president important?
14. Why have Jeremiah Wright’s anti-Americanism; Louis Farrakhan’s anti-Americanism and anti-semitism; and Al Sharpton’s anti-semitism never been seriously discussed . . . these are three key Obama supporters, no? And why does the media give Obama a free pass on not placing his hand over the heart or repeating the words when the Pledge of Allegiance is given? What is it about this man that encourages the media to look the other way as one red flag after another is revealed to them? Perhaps the question should be re-phrased, what is it about the media that makes them willing overlook serious warning signals that Barak Obama is NOT really good for America?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
$$ One issue often discussed is the difference between socialism and communism: revisionists see NO relationship between the two. However, socialism begins with government interference in markets and progressively in the lives of private individuals; communism begins as government involvement increases and may progress to say, 100% taxes (as advocated by Obama's father) 100% control of the means of production; and even 100% control over or at least dominance of virtually every act of the individual. The United States has had socialistic aspects since Hoover and especially since FDR. Should Obamacare stand we are definitely a socialist country. Socialism is an economic approach that stifles creativity and freedom and does not produce abundance for its citizens . . . the greater the degree of socialism, the less creativity, the less freedom and the less abundance.

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“Say it ain’t so, Joe!” That’s what the disconsolate shoeshine boy is supposed to have said to Shoeless Joe Jackson before the popular Chicago Blacksoxer faced the grand jury in 1919 on charges of rigging the World Series. Based upon the old adage, where there’s smoke there’s fire . . . it appears that the 2010 equivalent might well be, “Tell me it's a lie, Lindsey!” In a castastrophic surrender, it now DOES appear that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has moved to the dark side and now supports Obama’s three largest and most abysmal initiatives: the Cap and Trade, Immigration “reform,” and financial reform bill a.k.a. Barack Banking. IF this is so, the TRillions of Dollars put at risk by Obamacare will now likely be joined by Tens of TRillions more and . . . most importantly and dangerously potentially fourteen million undocumented alien new Democrats will be created overnight creating an unemployment and entitlement crisis of grotesque proportions and ensuring domination by the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party in all aspects of American politics for the long foreseeable future.
IF, and Rajjpuut again emphasizes IF, Graham’s conversion is a fact, then it’s a whole new game in Washington, D.C. as if the election of Senator Scott Brown in Massachusetts never happened and we have in effect returned “back to the future” with Obama and the Democrats holding 60-40 command of the U.S. Senate. If this is true it’s a monstrous betrayal and America is gravely at risk. If Obama is allowed to give amnesty and immediate voting citizenship to the millions of illegal immigrants he will potentially find no obstructions to full-out socialism and could even become dictator for life in the most horrifying possible scenario. Of course the key word is still "IF," but Graham of late has been quacking and waddling and now dipping his head into the lake in an awful amphibious manner, perhaps he has become a Barak-duck, cluck-cluck.
For weeks internet rumors of Democrats discovering and compromising Graham’s supposedly secret homosexual lifestyle have dominated a few progressive blogsites. In the last ten days, usually unreliable and idiotic rightwing blogsites have joined the chorus. According to them, Graham is a self-loathing homosexual whose secret is now compromised. Well, if that’s so or not, Graham has certainly NOT come out of the closet and apparently may be getting “blackmailed” to keep his “secret.” IF that’s so, Graham needs to grow a pair and admit his, little secret, and get on with his life and his political career WITHOUT COMPROMISING the future of the United States. Far too much is at risk for one man’s sexual preference to matter.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Obama Credibility Gap Widens on Eight Issues

According to today’s Rasmussen Reports, skepticism is the word of the day. Most Americans, it seems, lack confidence in the stability of the banking system (54%), most doubt that they will receive their promised Social Security benefits (58%), and most (59%) believe there is significant disagreement within the scientific community about Global Warming. In another problematical area, President Obama indicated immigration reform bills will be brought to Congress soon. In Arizona, 70% favor new legislation there giving police the legal authority to stop and check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. This too fits into the theme of skepticism because polls have repeatedly shown that voters do not think the federal government is serious about reducing illegal^^^ immigration. Of course 55% of the people want the Obamacare law repealed. Dare Rajjpuut mention that in a poll Katie Couric revealed on CBS news*** showed a few months back, only one in every 14 or 15 Americans believed that Obama’s (2nd) $787 Billion Stimulus had created or saved ANY jobs at all.

It seems that the cynics out there have good, make that GREAT reason, for their doubts. Recent figures show that over eight million jobs have been lost since the start of the recession in October, 2007, thirty months ago. and over four million of those jobs have been lost during Obama’s fifteen months in office. In short, his promise that we will never see 8% unemployment if his stimulus bill was passed not only was just another case of Obama’s mouth writing another check his performance couldn’t cash . . . but his actions including the stimulus hurt the economy and cost us over four million more jobs. Add in one more tricky fact and, if it’s true as it appears to be . . . the Obama Administration fudged the stats to make the jobs situation appear much better than it was . . . it's the unusual question of what exactly DID he inherit, 130 million jobs or 134 million jobs? We know that at the peak of the Bush administration 138 million non-farm jobs existed.

Recently the administration while discussing all the jobs they have been busy “saving or creating,” has been using the number 130 million non-farm jobs as they discuss the economy, but back in January or February, 2009, the baseline for the economy was 134 million non-farm jobs. Why did those four million jobs get dropped from their jobs discussions? And why is Obama acting like 130 million non-farm jobs is what he inherited? Right now an investigation is looking into that question, but Rajjpuut knows where they went, everyone of the four million. In exchange for the government jobs created by the Obama government expansion, the rest were destroyed . . . that is they, like the Confederacy, are gone with the wind. Guv-jobs for radicals in exchange for destroying the economy, lovely, just lovely.

Barack Obama says, “Trust me,” or something similar, quite often, but . . . when it comes to Obamacare’s cost; unemployment; stimulus effectiveness or lack of it; illegal immigration; Social Security; the banking system; global warming; and the process to pass it, constitutionality and benefits of Obamacare . . . on every one of these eight issues Americans are telling him in no uncertain terms, “No, Mr. President, we don’t.” And the incredible trust Barack Obama enjoyed on January 20, 2009? It too has gone with the wind.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^^ Some think of them as “undocumented Democrats” whose upcoming citizenship (should Obama's "reforms" pass) will create a jobs-cataclysm no one would have believed just fifteen months ago when the audacity of hope made its premier . . .

*** It was November 29, 2009 to be exact. Back then Couric said, “Although President Obama has been in office less than a year, many Americans are growing disenchanted with his handling of the enormous problems he and the country are facing, from healthcare to unemployment to Afghanistan. His poll numbers are sliding, and at least one poll shows his job approval rating has fallen, for the first time, below 50 percent."

Correspondent Chris Reid chimed in: “The president is getting battered on everything from the economy to foreign policy, some polls show Americans are increasingly questioning his credibility.”

The report asserted that while Obama talks about dealing with unemployment, which is near 10 percent and was at 10 per cent then and expected to rise, he has developed “no new ideas” for dealing with the problem. CBS also cited a poll showing that only 14 percent of Americans believe Obama’s claim that healthcare reform won’t add to the budget deficit, and less than 7 percent believed that the stimulus had created any jobs at all. The late November report also criticized the president for being “indecisive” on Afghanistan, and for returning from his recent Asian trip “with little to show for it.” An expert was quoted as describing his trip to China and the Far East as an “amateur hour,” because he did not line up agreements with foreign countries before venturing abroad. Couric labeled these problems a growing “Obama credibility gap.”

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If Ol’ Rajjpuut were to visit the web link above and take the top twenty-two corporate scandals before 2003 and then throw in our present financial Armageddon’s corporate misdeeds and add them all together . . . that is, all the Wall Street, all the Bank and lending institutions, and AIG insurance malfeasance dropped into the mix already created . . . and stack all that money in a pile of George Washingtons, one-dollar bills. We’re talking about a stack reaching roughly the distance from the earth to the moon and back down and once around the earth’s equator . . . a truly significant stack of money -- so far, so good.

IF now in a separate pile we take the full cost of federal government malfeasance from just nine sources including both debt and unfunded obligations: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid’s federal component, the two separate stimulus bills in late 2008 and early 2009, and the cost of the government’ three mortgage-guarantee bills (‘1977 Community Re-investment act; 1992 expansion forcing Fanny and Freddy to join the CRA ’77; and Clinton’s 1998 mortgage-guarantee on steroids expansion of the two earlier bills) and finally the so-called health care ‘reform’ law popularly known as “Obamacare.” In the government stack let’s use Ulysses S. Grant, fifty-dollar bills. And, lo and behold the government’s stack of fifties is roughly the same size as the stack of ones . . . oooooops, maybe we shouldn’t be giving government all this control of our lives.

Now Rajjpuut isn’t saying financial reform isn’t needed. True reform is, indeed needed. But “Barack Banking” as contained in the 3,137 pages of the bill before the House of Representatives is just a ploy to expand government control and also a subterfuge to allow all the ACORN-clones now operating under different names to receive renewed funding from the federal government. This is quadruple-dangerous because all Rajjpuut’s loyal readers now realize that ACORN and lawyers like Barack Obama were the agents provacateur abusing the three poorly-written and poorly-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws to force banks and lending-institutions to grant ridiculously unwise loans to people without jobs; people without I.D.; people with abysmal credit ratings; people without home addresses; and especially undocumented illegal aliens. These Cloward-Piven actions by ACORN are the single-most exacerbating events responsible for the creation of the housing bubble and the sub-prime lending crisis that brought this country to its knees.

Given all the evidence, let us just say this: government is ever trending toward becoming more and more government-centric and it’s becoming more and more difficult if not impossible to get government to pay attention to the Constitution, the people and the states . . . in today’s world government only listens to government and the itch to build more government is their main rallying point. This Barack Banking bill is just one more example of a GIB/GSB (government interference boondoggle/government spending boondoggle) that is truly aimed at giving government more power and corrupt ACORN a brand new lease on life with our tax money.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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An awful lot of Republican incumbents as well as Democrats are feeling a bit nervous these days. Attribute that situation to the existence of the recently created TEA (taxed enough already) Party. From the git-go, Democrats have reacted with undisguised hostility and sought to besmirch and marginalize the TEA Partiers and dismiss their concerns with constitutionality and fiscal responsibility as the ravings of racist extremists. That policy is not only ignorant and loathsome, it also hasn’t worked and has only served to highlight just how out of touch the Obama administration and Democratic leadership as a whole has become.

Republicans are also “edgy” about the future created by this new activist force. Blogs are springing up all over conservative websites saying some version of this . . . “The tea party seems to be thinking they can pick our candidates for us, and they openly prefer candidates that are not incubents or not already “part of the establishment . . . of course, they’ll want us to fund the campaigns for these newcomers. This doesn’t make any sense to me . . . “ Republicans are treating this situation as a quagmire when they should be embracing it as raw opportunity. If Rajjpuut were named Head #1 Republican Honcho tomorrow here’s how he’d approach the “problem.” It’s been said, there is none so blind as he who will not see. It seems that Republicans canNOT see the future clearly because they don’t know their own history? Allow Rajjpuut to refresh some memories . . . .

Sixteen years after the Dixiecrats walked out (at the Democratic National Convention that nominated Harry Truman) during Hubert Humphrey’s speech in favor of civil rights legislation, they found a home in 1964 favoring Republican conservative Barry Goldwater. To be blunt, they were about the only truly enthusiastic voters for Barry. Four years later, Nixon courted them as the “Silent Majority” and the Republican Party stopped being the “Party of Lincoln” in the eyes of many minorities and that condition still exists today. Times have changed, but perceptions haven't. For example, Obama received more White votes and a higher percentage of White votes (almost 48%) than either Kerry or Gore, but McCain only received 4.3% of the Black votes . . . so the Democrats could fairly be excused of having the most racist party. In any case, politically there was an enormous plus for Nixon and many Republicans . . . the G.O.P. was now a much more conservative party and since in any given year, 65-70% of the voters describe themselves as “fiscal-conservatives” Republicans since Nixon’s days have had a natural advantage that has led them to winning seven of the last eleven presidential elections.

With those numbers in their favor, Republicans are a natural “slam-dunk.” Frankly, however, the G.O.P., from the standpoint of Conservative Democrats and Independents (a good percentage of the 65% fiscal-conservatives in America) especially, has gone so far out of the way to make itself UN-attractive that in local, state and national elections they have largely squandered their birthright and continually snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Four key perceptions in many voters’ eyes have cemented inside them the picture of numerous Republicans as Racists, Old-Fashioned, generally intolerant and an even “ugly” group because . . . .

• They believe that the party is “wagged” by its tail, that is, they believe that former Dixiecrats control the party to this day and they are still racists.

• They disagree with the party’s UNcompromising Stand on abortion even when the woman’s life is in danger, or in cases of rape and incest or for retarded mothers.

• They abhor demands for teaching Creationism in public school science classes and teaching Christian songs in public schools. This is why God created private schools . . . and the founding fathers created Separation of Church and State! This is the TEA Party’s only constitutional beef with Republicans but it is a big one. However, they believe that the Democrats are trying to destroy the Constitution.

• Their perception is that the Republican Party is a sectional (southern) party and not really involved in national issues . . . even for people who don’t regard the G.O.P. as “racists” this view is widely-held.

(Setting aside the detractions mentioned above perceived as “Republican” weaknesses,) here’s what observation and common sense tell us about the TEA Party movement. It is a fiscally-conservative movement. It is a constitutionally-conservative movement. The members of the TEA Party are somewhat older, somewhat wealthier, and somewhat better educated than the average Republican and much moreso than the average Democrat. In short, the TEA Partiers are naturally aligned with the Republican Party, but oooops -- there is that “Republican ugliness” to contend with. So they are definitely an anti-Obama group; anti-progressive group; anti-socialist group and much, much more likely to vote against a Democrat than for one. The problem Republicans are really worried about, however, is that many Republicans feel as threatened by the TEA Party as the Democrats do. They could split the conservative vote for many years to come and ensure a long continuation of Democrats in power nationally and on the state and local levels as well.

Let’s bring our history lesson up closer in time: three potentially great things have happened relatively recently:

1) the TEA Party came into existence and is threatening to hold ALL incumbent politicians’ feet to the fire . . . and isn’t that about time? Big spending irresponsible Republicans should face the same ignominious fate as big spending irresponsible Democrats. Our nation is in a constitutional and fiscal crisis and the voters must solve the problem.

2) The Republican Party finally wised up. They abandoned their old ugly-right “litmus testing.” Instead they took to heart Ronald Reagan’s words, “If a fellow votes with me eight times out of ten, I regard him as a friend.” They created the “Republican Purity Test”:

You’ll remember that the need for such a test arose when the Republican Party chose a candidate to run for a seat in Upper New York and funded her with over a million dollars. It was a conservative region and the locals had not wanted her and were hopping mad. Their ire increased when it came to light that this was a candidate possibly to the left of Barak Obama and that the Democrat running against her was far more conservative. A real conservative entered the race as an Independent Conservative against them both and almost won after the TEA Party money and fury; and national contributions forced the FAKE Republican to withdraw with only about 7% of the voters committed to her. Her parting shot was to ask her supporters to support the Democrat who won by roughly 2.5%. Unfortunately, the G.O.P. as a whole has not acknowledged the purity test and as far as I know has not enforced the purity test before the primaries. So it appears that this very good idea is just lying dormant.

3) The TEA Party released its “Contract From America” as part of their rambunctious “Tax Day” protests on April 15th:

Looking closely at the two documets with Reagan’s jelly beans over his eyes, Rajjpuut suggests that if the G.O.P. Purity Test rates an 8.2 on a scale of ten, then the TEA Party document deserves an 11.0!

So, in answer to the worries about the TEA Party. How exactly does the Republican Party respond to their presence and even exploit the common ground between the two political entities?

Rajjpuut (as #1 Head Honcho Republican would suggest the following ACTION PLAN for exploiting the common ground existing between the TEA Party and the Republican Party. What should the nominees and candidates do?

1. Ignore the TEA Party. Don’t kowtow to them; don’t treat them as special. Don’t go out of your way to welcome them as likely-Republican-voters or to exaggerate the commonalities. In other words, don’t be political at all. Treat all voters and all campaign contributors the same (with respect but without debasing yourself).

2. Look over their “Contract From America” and see if 8, 9 or 10 of these items can be adopted/adapted for the G.O.P.

3. Look over the “Republican Purity Test” and seriously consider leaving items #9 and #10 out of the picture. 9 is redundant and 10, while important, is about 30th on any sensible list of crucial items for dealing with the crisis year 2010.

4. Using the phraseology of the “Republican Purity Test” modify and combine the two lists and with big drumming and fanfare announce the “Finalized Republican Purity Test” of about fifteen items. Then see which Republican primary candidates meet the purity test and which do not and let the party faithful know who had 15/15; who had 14/15/; who scored 13/15; who had 12/15 and who did NOT pass the test.

5. Ignore the TEA Party and set about fielding a slate of true statesmen and true stateswomen who meet the new Republican standards at least 12/15 and emphasize the key fifteen points at every step of the campaign.

6. Impress the TEA Party and all voters by seeking NOT to impress anyone, but steadfastly and seriously approaching the challenge ahead without pause until voted into office (Then take a break for about three weeks to refresh body, mind and spirit. Read the Constitution and start planning for your swearing in and beyond).

7. Defeat every possible Obama sycophant across the board and start repealing all his garbage. Consider impeaching the communist SOB for not upholding his oath of office and constantly attacking the U.S. Constitution.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

ps: the strategy outlined here was what Bill Clinton did in response to the Republican sweep (in 1994 aligned with their "Contract With America") that derailed all his leftist initiatives. Republicans might not be able to pass a bill or might even pass a bill which Clinton would veto. Then he'd take basically the same bill and move it five or ten degrees to the left with a few deft changes and this time have his Democrats initiate it or bi-partisan sponsors. Wonder of wonders the bills would all pass with large majorities. If the Republican Party co-opts the wisdom of the TEA Party and makes it part of the Republican "planking" for 2010 . . . similar results will occur.

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SEC, DTCC and Goldman Sachs Scandals Require “True Financial Reform,”
Not Obama Administration’s Phony Refunding of ACORN-Clones
Conventional stupidity says "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and explains how the U.S. got in bed with Stalin during World War II. It's always been stupid to act that way and right now, Barack Obama is banking on at least one Republican to vote for his latest monstrosity Barackbanking a so-called "reform" of the financial industry. Relying on backing from uninformed voters emotionally distraught over the financial collapse, Obama is making another power grab with the usual sinister undertones, this time involving ACORN, which most Americans have assumed just up and disappeared.

Once again Barak Obama and his Marxist administration is using public perception of a weakness in the capitalist system to attempt to put more and greater control of the American economy into federal hands and to advance his communist agenda. Case in point: passing this Barackbanking bill will place another 9% of the economy under federal government control . . . and hidden in the 3,100+ page bill are all sorts of sneaky addendums that would effectively make all the defunded ACORN-clone organizations who recently changed their names instantaneously eligible for funding all over again. As usual an awful lot of evil can be hidden behind the sweet-sounding word “reform” but remember, what’s perceived as wonderful for Barak and his yes-men really SUCKS for America. Be a patriot, Mr. Congressman, vote this piece of crap into the nearest toilet.

However, just as there is a genuine need for REAL reform in health care delivery, etc which will need to be addressed once Obamacare is repealed, there is truly an immense need for TRUE financial reform once Barackbanking fails and the progressive majorities are history after November. Let Rajpuut mince no words, Congress and the General Accounting Office (GAO) need to throw a noose around Goldman Sachs people, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) -- two of the most corrupt oversight agencies since Foxes began guarding chicken houses -- and march them right over to the nearest cottonwood tree. Is your head spinning? Let us explain . . . .

Yes, Virginia, ACORN and several years worth of Obama and Obama-clone lawyers did bring on the sub-prime lending crisis by forcing lenders to make terribly ill-advised loans to folks without jobs, folks with credit ratings in the 300’s, folks without IDs and even illegal aliens . . . yes, that’s true. But, second place among those culpable for the present financial mess has to belong to these two (SEC and DTCC) absolutely sneaky organizations. Along with the idiots in Congress in 1977, 1992 and 1998 who passed the ridiculous laws that ACORN was able to exploit against this country in the form of forced-ridiculous mortgages . . . Goldman Sachs and the SEC and DTCC are most guilty for bringing this nation to its knees from late 2007 to the present. Corruption on a major scale is rampant in these three organizations and needs to be shot down and fully punished. Additionally, after rolling heads out the door at the SEC and DTCC, Goldman Sachs needs to be punished to the tune of roughly $100 billion dollars and forever barred from holding any federal position of financial responsibility for the next twenty years.

So, getting down to particulars, what corruption is being talked about here? Well, starting with the DTCC . . . . The DTCC has the easiest clerical job in the oversight industry. All they have to do is see that the straightforward legal requirements are met in the vast majority of cases (say 99% of the time) whenever stocks are bough or sold. In the simplest instance, sell a stock and you must deliver a copy of the stock certificate within the legal timeframe. Buy a stock and you must deliver the money for the stock within the same time period. Simple-pimple. But the DTCC seldom actually does its job, it’s employees are ex-brokerage firm employees in many cases and they just ask their buddies, “John, everything copasetic? And that’s as far as it goes. The SEC, it’s believed only examines the DTCC once every other year. The DTCC, meanwhile is responsible for $1.5 quadrillion (that’s right QUADrillion!) in transactions ever single year and they don’t do their job.

Where this gets dangerous is in the matter of short-selling. You see a company like Bear Stearn or Lehman Brothers or Enron and you know they’re cruising for a bruising. So you sell their stock, except you don’t actually hold their stock, oooops, well you borrow their stock and turn the certificate over to the brokerage firm of the purchaser within the legally prescribed time limit. But wait a minute, because the DTCC never actually does its job, you never actually borrow the stock and never actually give the certificate to the purchaser’s brokerage – this is called “NAKED SHORT-SELLING” and huge amounts of it helped drive Bear-Stearns and Lehman Brothers stock and made it almost impossible for people actually owning the stock to get any value at all for their holdings. So someone wants to short sell, but it’s impossible to find someone to lend them the stock (people don’t like to commit their stock for any time period when financial armageddon approaches, they feel they might well need to sell it in a hurry. But here we have over 30 million illegal short sells that were driving the price down dramatically . . . which is a killer for someone who actually owns the stock. In practice, illegal naked short sales OFTEN go months at a time without delivery of the sold stock certificates.

In the case of the SEC, their corruption lies in knowing there are violations, serious violations, going on and looking the other way. In recent times the SEC corruption covered up the DTCC tendency for incompetence well known at the SEC and routinely overlooked; in 2008, the SEC stepped in to save face for the DTCC at huge cost to the public. Let’s go back to Lehman Bros. for an easy example: SEC records shows that an incredible 32.8 million shares of Lehman Bros. were sold but never delivered to buyers as of last September less than two weeks before the company declared bankruptcy which helped trigger the nearly full-implosion of our financial system. The SEC, which attacked Martha Stewart but not Bernie Madoff you’ll recall even though her actual guilt is still disputable and his had been tracked for years, is seemingly completely impotent and even frightened of doing the job it’s been created to do. In the Lehman Bros. example, the SEC found out that the DTCC was using “phantom stock” in a particular mumbo-jumbo called their “borrowed stock progam” to make up the difference. Only trouble, the DTCC is also NOT borrowing real stock and not delivering real stock to the buyers so the DTCC is actually abetting the illegal short-sales and the SEC knew that and did . . . NOTHING! Got that, all the while the DTCC is stating with a straight-face that NO illegal naked short-selling is going on . . . the SEC is backing them up and say, “NOPE, nobody here but us chickens!”

As for Goldman*** Sachs . . . they must be in bed with every congressman and senator in Washington to operate the way they do and never get even so much as a slap on the wrist. Consider this . . . Rajjpuut offers you a chance on a seeming coin-flip investment and sells you a piece of paper outlining your investment potential and advertisement claiming that you’ve got at least a 60% payout if your investment comes through. Sly Ol’ Rajjpuut hasn’t mentioned that your position in the coin-flip investment is the equivalent of backing a landing on the coin’s edge (say a ten million to one shot). That’s pretty much what Goldman Sachs is accused of knowingly offering their customers in an operation called “the heist” and knowingly setting up for a scam artist while knowingly collecting a huge amount of commissions as the heist proceeded to empty the little guys’ wallet as they knowingly favored that one client (a hedge fund operator) over thousands of investors it misled into thinking they were being offered a can’t miss deal. Meanwhile Goldman Sachs is actually a favored company receiving the contract to do a federal job and receiving huge draw down in the process . . . virtually the only stock brokerage to come out of the recent Wall Street debacle on top was GS. More below, but read about the exact details of “the heist” here:

Meanwhile, as noted, Goldman really has the “ins” with the Feds. Timothy Geithner’s friend, a Goldman Sachs lobbyist was announced as Geithner’s new aide on the very day he issued a prohibition from hiring lobbyists in the Treasury Dept. President Obama recently announced he intended to install a former GS exec as the head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Without discussion he was approved. GS received $13 Billion in the $170 Billion AIG bailout for ???? It now appears that AIG was apparently secretly used to bail out highly connected banks and financial institutions like GS and UBS. Secretary Paulson’s old firm was GS, of course, and whether with Bush or Obama GS continues to fall into the manure pile and come up smelling rosy. Paulson created a recommendation group about what must be done with AIG and heading it up were GS people. Obama’s administration has collected $5.2 million from a GS hedge fund and been paid several hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees by GS and GS related groups. The Federal Reserve Bank recently allowed GS to convert from an investment bank into a bank holding company usually a situation in which profits are severely restricted. This most recent blowout quarter for GS, however, saw over $2 Billion in profits. Barney Frank’s stop staffer (Frank is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee) cut loose and was immediately hired by GS as their, you guessed it, their top lobbyist. GS is dirty but the feds have no interest in exposing it.

So, is financial reform necessary? You bet. Is Barakbanking true financial reform? Not only “No, but HELL no!” Barackbanking is another attempt to move more and more control over American society into the executive branch of big gov while heavily refunding the ACORN-clones. First, defeat Barackbanking, next defeat Obama’s progressives in November and finally institute true financial reform and string up the SEC, DTCC and Goldman Sachs and their congressional protectors.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** * The SEC on Friday, April 16th filed fraud charges against Goldman Sachs for the ir involvement in the short-selling scam engineered by John Paulson (no known relation to the former Treasury Secretary). Sachs often called “Government Sachs” is, most obviously tied to the repayment at 100 cents on the dollar for contracts whose true market value, given the circumstances AIG was in, was probably no more that twenty cents on the dollar. Amazingly, $13 Billion of the $171 bailout to AIG was “misdirected” into GS hands. This fraudulent use of their fiduciary responibility cost the taxpayers at least $10.4 Billion. Anyway you look at it GS quacks like a mighty corrupt duck. However . . . . given that an SEC lawyer who a dozen years ago advised quashing charges against the R. Allen Stanford ponzi operation which has only now been brought to light . . . given that the lawyer in question is representing Stanford . . . .

. . .Yes, you’re correct, there’s plenty of room for a bit of suspicion here based upon the timing of the SEC charges. The SEC goes for years without remove its figurative thumb from where it usually sits. Now just on the eve of the big push to pass barackbanking, they get all serious on us just as Democrats are trying to get even one Republican to vote for their embarrassingly partisan, corrupt and poorly-conceived financial “reform “ legislation. Could that be a coincidence? Ha? Besides its problems with the corrupt refunding of ACORN-clones, the bill in large part is more of the idiotic “too big to fail” bull-feces that got us two stimulus packages and bailouts that have not helped create jobs. Barackbanking actually would punish firms for being “too big” and definitely encourages government to tell banks how to run their business . . . you’ll remember it was our progressive government’s abetting of ACORN with three ill-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws that allowed them to pressure banks and lending institutions to make abysmal home loans to far less than credit-worthy borrowers (some without jobs; others without ID; virtually all with credit scores under 600; and even to illegal aliens) that was the prime cause of the financial meltdown still socking it to us today . . . and the SEC wouldn’t mind looking good in the news reports after their huge failures with the Madoff, Petters and Stanford scandals. These three cases of massive, long-running ponzi schemes which the SEC didn’t uncover are surely a black-eye for that most incompetent and incompetent bureaucracy . . . but now charges are being laid upon the SEC that they knew of the Stanford ponzi scheme since at least 1997 and did . . . NOTHING! Oh my, bull and bears and nertz, oh my!

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Dear Barack Obama,

You once held a job as a senior lecturer in Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School. Rajjpuut takes that to mean that the University of Chicago Law School must have the least competent staff in the world because you, Mr. Obama are clearly the greatest Constitution-Trasher and Constitution-Basher in American presidential history. Everything the Constitution is and desires, you are clearly against. You, in fact, clearly despise the very spirit of that document.

Now some of this can be foregiven (the leftists running much of the media would say “can be understood”) merely by calling you a “progressive” which means among other things that you are “someone who believes the Constitution is a very flawed document which you in your far greater wisdom than the founding fathers realize America must clearly ‘progress beyond’ if the country is to be properly served.” You’re the man, Barack! And since “the man” is actually so much wiser than the founding fathers or so much more in tune with the ”Twenty-first Century needs” of the American Republic . . . then, by all means DO transform us. However, do it up front -- like a man -- don’t continually seek to sneak by every contrived change as something done for our own good engineered for our own good by the shadiest of processes. For example, tell us that you, in your greater wisdom, regard a “Republic” as far inferior to a Marxist state. Tell us that you in your greater compassion, realize that the Bill of Rights is totally outdated and you’ve got better stuff to eventually replace it, oh and by the way, you might even tell us what that replacement would be and what pages of “Das Kapital”** it comes from. Tell us, up front, that you regard capitalism as an abomination that enslaves people and exploits them and then describe the full nature of the communistic state you’re planning for us. It’s really the proper and honest thing to do.

You see, Barak, one reason we Americans, silly of us I know, respect the U.S. Constitution, is that the framers of it and the Declaration of Independence were so open in all their actions and all their words . . . so forgive us if, silly us, we’d like you to be 100% open and above board and admit exactly who and what you are and where you plan on dragging us? Your birth-father whatever his other faults might have been, was an open and honest communist. While deploring his beliefs, Rajjpuut admires his integrity. The same canNOT be said for you, Barack.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** In “Dreams From My Father” our president showed clear reverence for the man (Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.^^) who wrote the 1965 article linked below, “Problems Facing Our Socialism.” The paper extolls, among other communistic virtues, the proper role of “100% taxation.” On the very first page of the essay, Barak, Sr. even lists his own favorite ideology, “scientific socialism” and immediately makes it precisely clear that to him the term scientific socialism means “communism” and nothing else. In the essay, over and over again he makes obvious his preference for 100% public, rather than private, ownership of land, produce and other property saying “We have to look at priorities in terms of what is good for society and on this basis we may find it necessary to force people to do things they would not do otherwise.” Here is the paper in its entirety:

Notice how often Barak, Sr. openly uses the name “Marx” and the words “tax” and “nationalization” (confiscation of the businesses of foreigners as well as those of non-African Kenyan citizens) in this brief paper. This is the man, his father, whom Barak admired above all others. His hero, instead of George Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, Truman or Kennedy, is this man. And the dreams expressed in this paper and other published works are his dreams . . . dreams from the man (who proved too radical even for a socialist Kenya and was kicked out of his job in the office of Economic Development for “not being able to keep his mouth shut” according to Barak’s half sister in “Dreams From My Father”) he admired most in all the world. For God’s sake, if you wanted to know who Hitler was, read “Mein Kampf,” If you want to know who Barak Obama is, read “Dreams From My Father” (where he deliberately omits the words communist and communism and never tells you about the communist environment he was raised in) and then read Barak H. Obama, Sr.’s dreams in this tiny essay. What he says on page 31 (page 8 of 10 in the article) in particular delineates his dream for Kenya, which is his son’s dream for us. The fact that this dream has not changed, and is NOT likely to change, can be surmised from our president’s twice interrupting his own presidential campaigning to visit Kenya and campaign for the communist candidate for Kenya’s president, his cousin Raila Odinga, and even to twice wearing Muslim attire during that Kenyan campaign as well as ordinary suit and tie at other times.

^^ notice Barak, Sr. spelled his first name without a ‘c’ and apparently never changed his name in any fashion during his life. This Barak without a ‘c’ is how his son’s name was spelled at birth. Barak, Jr., unlike his father, has gone under Barak Obama as well as Barak Sotero (taking on the surname of his mother’s second husband) Barry Sotero, Barry Obama, “Barry Soweto,@” and now Barack with a “c” Obama rather than again being open and honest about who he actually is and what he actually believes in and what he plans for America. Just as Barak, Sr.’s name has now been officially westernized (over about 85% of the internet including Wikipedia) to be the same as his son’s with the “c” changing history . . . Barack Obama believes it is by such little and big changes to transform America into communism: the longheld dream of his father for Kenya.

@ there seems to be nothing beyond sheer whim explaining where the name Barry Soweto came from, but Obama used it exclusively during his undergraduate college years

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As Thursday's Tax Day demonstrations drew over two million enthusiastic protestors out for the occasion, totally ignored by the mainstream media was the unveiling of the TEA (taxed enough already) Party’s “Contract FROM America.” The Contract from America consists of the “Top-Ten” most popular planks from among the group’s twenty-one original planks. Of the top-ten planks in the Contract, the number-one issue is clearly protecting the Constitution . . . not just because a plank by that name received the most internet votes and a closely related plank was voted into fifth position, but also because each and every one of the other eight planks honors the concept of limited federal government, returning power to the people and the states vis a vis the federal government and controlling size, spending and interference of the federal government. Here are the Contract From America's Top Ten Planks:

Protect the Constitution of the United States

Reject Cap and Trade legislation

Demand a balanced budget

Enact fundamental tax reform

Restore fiscal responsibility and constitutionally limited

government in Washington, D.C.

End Runaway government spending

Defund, repeal and replace government-run health care

Pass an “all-of-the-above” energy policy

Stop porkbarrel spending and earmarks in legislation

Prevent further tax hikes

These are the ten yardsticks for measuring candidates this coming November which the TEA Party will employ. Rajjpuut finds nine of the ten items he supported on the list as well as his item #13 and is deeply impressed with the wisdom shown by those who voted on the twenty-one item list. For those of us who believe that informed and caring citizens are the nation’s only chance of stepping back from the precipice of doom, this is a most heart-warming result. For the imbecilic mass media who called these gentle and concerned people “racists, haters and violent extremists,” Rajjpuut reminds you of Glen Beck’s nightly close using this Gandhi quote. “Let truth be your anvil and non-violence your hammer. Whatever does NOT ring true when struck on the anvil of truth by the hammer of non-violence must be rejected . . .” so let it be when the media’s lies and hate and extreme left-leanings are brought upon us . . . they are all rejected in the process. Just as the TEA Party says to the legislators “You work for us, we don’t work for you,” Rajjpuut says to the liberal media, “you either cover the truth or you only pretend to cover the news.” This fine document (these top-ten planks making up their 2010 Contract from America) is truly exactly what this country needs now. Let the media cover this great grassroots revolt truly and honestly or let them all die from lack of solvency as people refuse to pay to read or hear their lies.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Iran Will Gain Apocalyptic Nukes Soon
Barack the Ditherer’s vacillation in dealing with Iran has now, after sixteen months of playful diplomacy, brought us to a crucial point in Middle East and World History. Now, early 2010 is the point where a Muslim theocracy hating the Jewish state of Israel and believing that an Islamic Apocalypse is necessary, in accordance with their theology to “bring back the twelth Imam” (a Messianic figure called the “Mahdi”) which is the highest and noblest possible purpose within their belief system . . . such a nation is within days, weeks or months of gaining nuclear wartips for its missiles. Thank you, Barack! Allah be praised! And as for those veiled threats (“we will take nothing off the table”) Obama's made in recent days, Rajjpuut reminds the less devout infidel westerners that the deterrent power of our own nukes and our own veiled threats have never been nearly enough to stop ANY jihadist contemplating an after-life full of virgin brides . . . and now thirty years after their country first brought Islamic Revolt to the attention of the world by attacking and occupying our embassy, Iran will NOT be deterred by the probability of its entire nation being vaporized –- realizing wisely that to get to heaven, you’ve first got to die, Iran will aim for heaven.
Deterents against madmen are worse than useless. Deterring Iran's mullahs from their commitment to fiery apocalypic messianic death is not in the cards, don’t fool yourself. After all those years of America's confrontations with the former Soviet Union . . . it now appears that the planned nuclear attack by a fourth-rate nation achieving its first bombs is now almost inevitable.
According to former high-ranking Reagan security official Frank Gaffney, in a recent interview, “The only country Barack Obama can lead to de-nuclearization is our own.” Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy says that sanctions against Iran will definitely fail and only a military strike can now stop Iran becoming a nuclear power. According to Gaffney, Iran has been trying to build or acquire a nuke for over twenty years. “It took the United States three years to invent a nuclear weapon, to then develop the capacity to build them and then to use two of them for military ends. We had no idea of the science, lacked all access to computer science, lacked most of the technological breakthroughs deemed fundamental in today’s nuclear world . . . it could be any day now, if not, maybe a few months. I would be surprised if it’s as long as a year. Certainly, it would be the height of folly to think you’ll be alble to dissuade them from pursuing their theological ends and even starting a nuclear war.”
President Obama, according to media sources, has recently made breakthroughs in getting both Russia and China to talk seriously about sanctions for Iran. Gaffney scoffs at the idea. “China regards Iran as one of their most important clients and their most important energy source.” Gaffney says that an American military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities would likely have very severe repercussions, but must be seriously weighed because as the chief exporter of terror in the world, Iran acquiring nuclear weapons would be “a huge threat for freedom around the globe.” He also said that the Taliban was almost as big a threat to get nuclear material or nuclear weapons from Pakistan (the only Muslim nation currently among the nuclear powers).

Gaffney said that Obama’s effort to reduce stockpiles of nuclear weapons and his vow not to modernize our weapons, amounts to a “unilateral denuclearization of the United States. The truth of the matter is, the only country Barack Obama can denuclearize is ours, and I personally don’t think that’s advisable. And I don’t think most Americans will either once they focus on it.” Amen!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Rajjpuut’s guessing at least 60% of Americans (the vast UNinformed) might have felt great relief seeing the recent Newsweek cover saying “America’s Back!” (Hopefully, they didn’t waste their needed funds actually buying that rag.) The two best statistics in Newsweek’s favor are the stock market’s year-long climb and this month’s upswing in housing construction. You, however, as a reader of Rajjpuut's Folly, know that overall the real picture is not that rosy: unemployment is quite high; foreclosures and bank failures are rampant; deficits and national debt are growing semi-geometrically; two of the three American auto companies despite $100+ billion in handouts have NOT turned-around significantly; government size and scope are growing to dangerous liberty-endangering proportions; a new entitlement program Obamacare threatens to put the final nail in the coffin of American capitalism; unions are not interested in cooperating with management to return the nation’s products to competitive-price desirability; unions are not cooperating with states to help the states meet their own financial disasters; and most importantly, we have short-sightedly failed to cut taxes or decrease government spending. How far are we from financial Armageddon? Are we already there?

In actuality, we stand on the cusp of the disintegration of the American Republic as we’ve known it since 1776, the finest experiment in freedom and responsibility ever seen on this earth. For the first time in our history, one generation looks to pass on far less than it inherited from its American predecessors. The politicians have sold away our children's and grandchilren's future. The fiscal-cataclysm that brought us to this point, rather than abating still intensifies creating great distress for our citizens. This distress and the problems leading us to this point have been deliberately shrouded in mystery and dissembled (lied) about for the protection of those who caused the problem, thus the problems persist and intensify rather than improving. Rather than getting to the matter of in depth individual and collective guilt, let’s take a few brief paragraphs and allude to two different approaches to fiscal-downturns: the well-known “New Deal” and the virtually never seriously discussed “Get Government out of the Way” approach a.k.a. the Warren G. Harding “Invisible Depression Approach” . . . .

In 1920 the nation began suffering “the Unknown Depression” a.k.a. “the Invisible Depression,” one of countless such financial panics that the nation has endured in its history. This panic might have been part of the normal ebb and flow of the economy, those normal ups and downs found in all free markets. However, the situation was greatly compounded and exacerbated by the problems created by the end of the economic boom upon many industries and for the American farmer by World War I’s end and the return of the troops (jobless now) to American shores, and the difficulties repaying loans owed America by many nations almost ruined by the war, and the de-stabilizing effect of the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic which began in and around Ft. Riley, Kansas and killed at least 800,000 Americans and up to 100 million people worldwide. On the government front, President Woodrow Wilson was sickly and his wife actually ran much of the government continuing his progressive policies (feeling that the U.S. Constitution is a flawed and thus an insufficient instrument for dealing with modernity and is therefore, something which must be “progressed” beyond by current politicians so much wiser than the founding fathers). Wilson was replaced in 1921 by Warren G. Harding, a do-nothing president more excited by chasing White House staff women into closets than governing and certainly totally UNinterested in creating any grandiose government initiatives. Harding became known, somewhat unfairly it seems although the President is ultimately responsible for what happens on his watch, for the Teapot Dome Scandal (that emerged after his death) and little else. He probably should be remembered as “the nation’s greatest depression fighter.”

So as not to interrupt his Clinton-like oval office carousing, Harding largely kept his hands off the government making almost no serious expansions whatsoever in the structure or functioning of it. There was definitely a depression going on: gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped 133% from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921. Harding did make three changes, however. The first two changes were seemingly too small to actually matter, but they were important. The last change was huge and utterly inspired:

A. Wilson had (like Obama today) stopped all direct press conferences. Harding restored them twice a week and enjoyed personally dealing with the press’ questions. And the word historically is that he never dodged a question but sometimes clarified things later or asked for cabinet input or said “That’s one I don’t know, but I’ll find out, boys!”

B. Harding, from the first, explained to the press and to the people how the economy worked and constantly decried the negative effects of high taxes, government waste and government spending and interference (what Rajjpuut calls GSBs and GIBs – government spending and government interference boondoggles) on the nation’s productivity and economic health. Harding also championed a completely non-interventionist foreign policy as the best hope for peace. This was completely opposite to Wilson’s approaches. Wilson, as a progressive, had greatly multiplied the size and scope of government during his two terms even before the country entered WWI in 1917. He had promised to keep the nation out of war but as soon as he'd won re-election deliberately steered us into it; and then he'd gone gallivanting around Europe etc. trying to sell the world on a League of Nations (in other words Wilson was almost as huge an “interventionist” as Herbert Hoover, FDR and Obama).

C. Harding’s third change was the single largest lesson in economic history for America and its leaders in business and government ( a change which history books totally ignore and no one, therefore, learns from) . . . he slashed the national government to the bone! Tax cuts and spending cuts were huge. 1920’s $6.3 billion budget dropped to $3.2 billion in 1922 Harding’s first-full year controlling it.

Harding slashed taxes on corporate profits and “excess profits” dramatically as well. He established the General Accounting Office to provide oversight on government spending and waste and he stuck by his guns despite (his Secretary of Commerce) Herbert Hoover’s unceasing urging to help** the unemployed. The low point for federal taxes was reached in 1924. Federal spending reached its low in 1925. The federal government paid off debt, which had been $24.2 billion in 1920, and debt continued to decline and then small surpluses accumulated until 1930. The rebound was swift and almost painless and it ignited the single-most prosperous years in history “the Roaring Twenties” which Hoover’s progressive policies brought to an end and FDR’s ultra-progressivism expanded into a twelve-year depression only alleviated by putting 16 million men to work in the armed forces after Pearl Harbor.

Overall federal taxes decreased almost 40% in less than two years under Harding. As a result, wealth for private citizens increased tremendously. They came for the first time in large numbers to own automobiles, ice boxes and refrigerators, radios and often their own homes. Most rural citizens gained indoor plumbing and electric lighting for the first time. America for the first time became the haven for the world’s investors. The gold-backed U.S. dollar became the world’s default currency or international 'reserve' currency. Later, the true nature of progressive policies (a.k.a. theft) became obvious to our citizens and the world’s investors who would suffer the theft of much of the dollar’s value when FDR confiscated the nation’s gold and changed the exchange rate from $20.76 per ounce to $35 an ounce in an overnight inflation of 41%.

Harding suffered a stroke and died in early August, 1923, the sins of some of his cabinet were supposedly part of his legacy according to progressive historians. His real legacy is, however, that his Vice President (Calvin Coolidge) adopted precisely identical economic policies and the country thrived as never before until Silent Cal chose “not to run” in 1928 and the nation elected Republican progressive Hoover into office. Harding’s 18-month Depression compared to Hoover’s and Roosevelt’s dozen-year malaise stand as stark reminders of the benefits of government “staying out of the way.” Nevertheless, FDR got all the good press and Harding all the bad and the wrong model has been adopted today by FDR-admiring Barak Obama. Let us return to our present economic problem and its causes . . . but first a quick review . . . How exactly did Harding engineer such a stupendous turn-around? In a sentence: he cut government spending by almost 50% and cut taxes by 40% . . . our own predicament is so much worse that in a 21st Century Harding’s place, Rajjpuut would advocate a ten-year plan to maintain spending cuts of 60% and decrease taxes by 45%. Back to 2010 . . . .

Presumably, by now the full-truth about our present financial crisis clearly should have been 100% revealed to the people/voters and the congress and the world by an ever vigilant and conscientious press and honest able economists. However, the ever vigilant conscientious press . . . apparently no longer exists. However, honest and able economists are in short supply . . . certainly those of the Keynesian school which advocate inflation as a viable tool of mega- (and also totalitarian) government have proved themselves repeatedly neither honest nor able. The truth is NOT being revealed . . . why? The truth is not being revealed because it is in the IRrational best interests of the parties involved to keep that truth hidden. Ultimately the voters and the press bear a huge and enduring share of the blame and each would like to point the finger elsewhere. Most of the voters don’t want to be pushed away from their couch-potatoism and so they deny responsibility. The incredible failures of the press to not only NOT alert the public but to actually and willfully hide the truth from the public and present a slanted and self-interested viewpoint clearly verges on the brink of criminal in many cases with our most prestigious and honored newspapers, in particular bearing the largest responsibility (perhaps why they're all going as bankrupt in financial matters as they are in journalistic ones?). But ultimately, the sins of the press and of the voters pale in comparison to those of the politicians and, in particular to the culpability of the Constitution-Trashers and law-abusing legislators.

Rajjpuut counts a full eighteen guilty political groups, including to mention a few: President G.W. Bush and Republicans and Democrats in congress who passed Medicare D; President Obama and other lawyers working for ACORN at forcing banks into clearly unwise housing loans with virtually no chance of ever being paid off; the three Democratic congresses responsible for passing Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977, the forced mortgage-guarantee expansion to Freddie and Fannie in 1992; and the Clinton 1998 mortgage-guarantee act of 1998, which put the whole process on steroids; and most importantly of all the left-wing think tanks which revered Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals." Even before the Cloward-Piven Strategy expanded Alinsky's evil, however, we needed no government-overthrowers to do us in. Today Social Security, Medicare and the federal government side of Medicaid have left us with almost $108 TRillion in unfunded debt and obligations . . . $108 TRillion. How did that happen?
For all Rajjpuut's denigration of FDR, it must be said that SSI (Social Security Insurance) was probably a good idea. But as soon as it was created and ever since . . . the law-abusers (for instance ACORN abused mortgage guarantee laws to get expensive housing for people without jobs; without ID; and even illegal aliens) went to work. Here is a little known fact that paints social security in a completely different light: although, the average life span of men in those days (1935) was roughly 54 years and women lived to roughly 58, the insurance features of SSI kicked in many years after most men and women could be expected to already be dead, in other words it insured that in old age, if you had a relatively extra-long life you were taken care of. Clearly the whole purpose of the original law has been willfully subverted by the Congresses and Presidents that followed. And SSI, just like Medicare and Medicaid are supposed to be "set-asides" like a savings account. The law-abusers have never set aside that money but have confiscated it almost from the start and passed laws with the money confiscated to spend it on other things and NOT just once-in-a lifetime things but on growing more government. In other words, the set asides have triply-fueled the massive growth of government since 1934 via establishment of the bureaucracies themselves; spending the set-aside money; and the new federal programs created and ongoing with the set-aside money now budgeted in.

It is these anti-American Constitution Trashers and law-abusers that more than any other group that have brought us to this financial precipice. Today they are still alive in all the various ACORN clones fully-expecting that Obama’s bill for “reforming” American financial institutions will refund them . . . . Their sordid history should be known by every American but our left-aligned press has willfully refused to investigate the ACORN EVIL history and purposes or the history of the think tanks aiming to overthrow our government. It is these left-wing think tanks that latched onto the “greatness” of Alinsky and continued “perfecting” their vile thinking and processes with the Cloward-Piven Strategy which they used deliberately and purposefully (and bragged about their planning and using) along with their NWRO (National Welfare Relief Organization) they created to bankrupt New York City by 1975 and only missed by a hair of bankrupting the entire state of New York. Since 1977, they have been using the poor as unwitting footsoldiers in their attempt to bring down America and impose their dreary revolution upon us. Now under Obama, blessed by the ACORN-created sub-prime lending crisis . . . their goal is in view. Heaven will never forgive us, should we allow them to succeed.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** when told of a natural disaster in Texas, Harding refused to get involved and vetoed a $50,000 disaster relief bill (big money in those days), saying the bill would just “kill people’s normal charitable instincts." Sure enough state and local individuals and agencies raised over $200,000 to help the stricken area.

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It gets tougher and tougher to keep up with the ever-shifting sand underneath America's freedoms and the fight to keep shifty congressional hands away from our pocketbooks, not to mention staying current with the “shifting nature” of Obamatruth itself. It's a monstrous quagmire -- here are a few items you might be interested in . . . .


Obamacare, should it stand against legal challenges, requires over $3.9 billion in taxes from the middle class according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the official Congressional scorekeeper for legislation's tax effects. The new law begins somewhat gently and overall raises $15.2 Billion over a ten-year period but reaches the $3.9 Billion threshold in 2019 by limiting medical expense deductions on income tax. Present law allows a tax deduction of 10% of adjusted gross income (AGI) for medical expenses, but Obama care would cut that deduction to 7.5% of AGI which makes it not only a new tax on those earning less than $200,000 but surprisingly a new tax on sick middle-class Americans.


U.S. Congress members and their staffs are furious about Obamacare taking away their present “Cadillac” congressional health insurance (which did NOT happen to Reid, Pelosi and some of the top Democratic committee heads and their staffs). Rajjpuut is shocked. But, of course, these things will happen if you don’t actually read the bill you’re passing, eh?


The number of legal challenges mounted against the constitutionality of Obamacare by individual states threatened by the new law (Obamacare would eventually bankrupt each and every state of the union) has reached twenty-one while another 18-20 states are considering action. Florida actually has filed two separate suits against the federal government based upon Obamacare’s illegal status. Of course, it would be a lot easier to impose big government on the mass of American voters if all those nasty state governments weren’t in the middle shielding people.


Today is Tax Day, April 15th. 67 million American families, and most earning under $50,000, will pay little or no taxes and 73 million families will pay 98% of all taxes. In accepted tax theory “the rabble” gets real dangerous as they approach becoming the majority in any democracy because then they theoretically can feel free to demand all sorts of services from government and vote all the taxes upon the minority who will pay for all that government. Nevertheless, over the years 67%-70% of Americans consistently (69% in a recent study) say that the maximum responsible tax load anyone should bear, regardless of income is 20%. Currently 35% is the maximum tax level on any Americans due to the Bush policies. When those laws expire on January 1, 2011, the Obama tax requirements will immediately jump to 40% maximum taxes and aim at conversion to 77% taxes by 2013. Since many who pay no taxes also get “refundable tax credits” which thus amounts to a tiny, but guaranteed income . . . . we already have socialism in America.


Seven of the top eight state income taxers are suffering the seven highest rates of emigration out of their states. High tax states like New York, New Jersey, Massachussets and California are actually losing taxpayers to states like Florida, Texas, Nevada, Colorado or New Hampshire. New Hampshire with no state income tax benefits immeasurably when talented high earners from New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts get frustrated and decide to pull up stakes. The high tax states are the ones with the largest number or percentages of state employees; where the states involved offer them the highest pay and highest benefits; and those employees are members of the most vocal and strongest unions.

Item: Most people don't know that Liberty Central is actually a bigger "support the U.S. Constitution" movement than the TEA Parties. According to its president, Virginia "Ginny" Thomas, White wife of Black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, her organization and the TEA Party movement are disparaged by the mainstream media and MIS-characterized as racist and unintelligent hate-groups, but these two organizations truly reflect "the heartfelt concerns of patriotic Americans everywhere demanding a return to fiscal responsibility, eliminating deficits, and honoring the Constitution itself." Rajjpuut says, only 7% of the Obama administration and cabinet at all levels have ever held real jobs outside of education and politics and their unceasing "racism" charge against the TEA Party is an attack by the true racists and haters in hopes of using the confusion that arises in continuing their control over our country.

A recent USA Today newspaper poll showed that those who view the TEA (“taxed enough already”) Party favorably are somewhat wealthier and more educated than the voters at large . . . this despite the lamestream media’s efforts to label all TEA Partiers as uneducated rightwing racist buffoons. In the study, over 50% of those viewing the TEA Party movement favorably were either Independents or Democrats (despite the efforts of Nancy Pelosi to call the movement a “astro-turf” or “fake grassroots” movement created strictly by ultra-right wing Republicans) and Republicans while still the largest single sector in the survey constituted a minority of TEA Party membership and TEA Party advocates.


Kudos to President Obama for the words spoken about his new space agenda as he revealed in his Florida speech today, Far from dismantling the space program, he talked about revitalizing NASA and revealed some very ambitious forward-thinking dreams. Remember this for pennies on the dollar, NASA has been the best investment American Government has ever made. Flat screen TVS; Tang (hee-hee); GPS navigation systems; cell phones; etc. are just 0.1% Too many jobs were at stake. Too much technical advancement was at stake. Too much national pride was at stake. Rajjpuut would, however, advise the president, to replace his own totally-inept NASA supervisory staff or perhaps better yet, eliminate them altogether. Right now his speech amounts to a lot of pretty words only . . . unless competent people are put in charge of things, that’s all they’ll remain pretty words.


Rajjpuut denies that any provable global warming caused by human actions is occurring. Certainly, the recent Climate Gate revelations of global warming fraud by scientists would back up his point of view. However, the huge recent Icelandic volcanic ash clouds that are cancelling flights all over northern Europe may make us wish we REALLY HAD been creating global warming. In past history, volcanic eruptions have severely affected weather and even climate (long-range weather patterns) and caused frigid conditions such as the 1816 “Year without a Summer” also known as “1800 and Froze to Death.”
This nation's oil dependency on the Middle East costs American soldiers dearly. Every time the cost of a gallon of gas increases a dollar the Iranians gain $1.6 Billion from us. Iran is the top exporter of terrorism in the world and designer of some of the worst improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that have endangered, maimed and killed our boys.
Comedian Mark Klein told a crowd that the difference between Obama and terrorist Osama bin Laden is that "one is an anti-capitalist trying to destroy America. The other is hiding in Afghanistan."

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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A wide range of polls over the last three weeks show that as Tax Day approaches Americans are becoming more and more convinced that congress and the president do not listen to them, tax too much, spend too much, have run up too much debt, and are on the wrong track for curing the ills of the nation, particulary jobs and the economy. Whether old respected polls or the polls of the networks or spot polls on the internet, the conclusions have been the same. More recent polling paints a “hardening” of those attitudes . . . today, Rasmussen Reports pollsters found "more of the same" in their surveys:

Item: only 21% of the voters believe that the decisionmakers in Washington have the consent of the governed while 61% believe Washington does NOT have that consent

Item: 66% of those polled say Americans are overtaxed including 81% of mainstream America feeling we are overtaxed . . . but in contrast 69% of the political class feels Americans are NOT over taxed

Item: 69% say the American Dream is becoming impossible for their children and grandchildren and 58% favor repeal of Obamacare and 47% say repeal of Obamacare will be good for the economy and only 33% say repeal of Obamacare will be bad for the economy
Item: 50% of unaffiliated voters say their views are closer to the TEA Party than to President Obama 38% of unaffiliated voters align with President Obama’s views and overall 48% of Americans feel closer to the TEA Party views than to Obama while 44% feel the President represents their views better.
Item: 96% of the political class** have an UNfavorable view of the TEA Party movement but 58% of the mainstream hold a favorable view of the TEA Party. To understand this polling statistic better . . . the Political Class typically varies from 6% to 18% of the populace depending upon the answers to three key questions on any given polling date. The mainstream percentage typically varies from 46% to 70% depending upon when a given poll takes place. The upshot is that the political class believes that the people in Washington are the experts and they know what’s best for America. The mainstream believes the voters have a much more realistic idea of what’s needed and what’s NOT needed at any given time.

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,

** Understanding "Mainstream and Political Class" designations
Rasmussen's designations of "political class" and "mainstream" do more to clarify attitudes than perhaps any other system of classifying voter trends. The two groups not only shift in temperment from time to time, but also shift in the sizes of the respective groups over time, for example, a late January, 2010, Rasmussen poll showed that only an unbelievably low 4% aligned with the political class at that time. It is unusual for the political class to drop and stay much below 8% for any extended period of time. The three questions Rasmussen uses to calculate the Index are:

-- Generally speaking, when it comes to important national issues, whose judgment do you trust more - the American people or America’s political leaders?

-- Some people believe that the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Has the federal government become a special interest group?

-- Do government and big business often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors?

To create the designations, each response earns a plus 1 for the mainstream answer "YES", a minus 1 for the political class answer "NO", and a 0 for not sure.

Those who score 2 or higher are considered part of the Mainstream. Those who score -2 or lower are considered to be aligned with the Political Class. Those who score +1 or -1 are considered leaners in one direction or the other.

In practical terms, if someone is classified with the Mainstream, they agree with the mainstream view on at least two of the three questions and don’t agree with the Political Class on any; and someone is classified as part of the political class if they agree with the political class view on at least two of the three questions and don't agree with the mainstream view on any.

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Rajjpuut's Folly: Fun @

Obama Dirty Tricks Groups Expand
Internet Efforts to Disrupt TEA Party Tax Day Protests

This coming Thursday is April 15, a.k.a. Tax Day, the day when the TEA Party will unveil its “Contract From America." For several months Americans have been voting on which of the top twenty-one TEA Party concerns they believe belong among the top ten American issues this year and thus will become the 2010 TEA Party Contract from America. TEA means “taxed enough already” for most people and “taken enough abuse,” but if some shady Progressives get their way . . . then count on the TEA Partiers to take a lot more abuse . . . .

One TEA Party organizer quoting Gandhi, put it like this: the attempt to destroy our movement is evidence the message is resonating. "We've been ignored, we've been ridiculed. Well, now they're coming after us," said Judy Pepenella, a co-coordinator for the New York State Tea Party. "Gandhi's quote is one we understand: 'First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.'"

Obama and his Marxists admiration society have not only recently stepped up the hate attacks on the TEA Party via -- their always ready to broadcast (but never ready to check out the facts) Democratic hate messages -- the lamestream media . . . but have now expanded their internet efforts to recruit thugs and agitators to disrupt the group’s meetings; make them appear stupid in line with the lamestream media’s perceptions; do fake interviews; shout racist and inflammatory slogans in hopes of getting air time for negative perceptions of the group and otherwise using their dirty tricks to (they hope) do what truth won’t do: discredit the TEA Party movement. Here’s a typical website: one of about 200 that have sprung up in the last month:

which is owned/operated? by someone named Levins according to first impressions Rajjpuut garnered in looking things over. By the way, just type in "crash the tea party" or "crash the tea parties" and you'll get almost one million hits, ain't that interesting?

Opening the site, one is greeted by this joyful message: Welcome to “Crash the TEA Party” and then the lies start.

Under “About Us” we find . . . “Who we are:”

“A nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes and morons; who constitute the fake grass-roots movement which calls itself “The Tea Party.”

Having been to TEA Party events Rajjpuut can tell you, he’s yet to hear a single racist or homophobic comment and would put the population density of TEA Party morons at about 5% what you’d find at a union rally or among the progressive Democrats. The only hate spouted is by TEA Party detractors not by its members in Rajjpuut’s experience. Comments about “astro-turf” and “fake grass-roots movement” began with Nancy Pelosi and come from only one place: the Democratic Party, the only group mentioned who has a lot to lose because of the existence of the TEA Party movement. The TEA Party is an intellectual defense of the U.S. Constitution. Since the Democrats dare not openly attack the Constitution except in 5,000 page bills that attempt to tear American tradition and American values to shreds . . . they have been singing a tune of lies for over a year now trying to discredit the movement. The site’s message continues . . . .

“What we want:”

“To dismantle and demolish the TEA Party by any non-violent means necessary.”

This is another lie, the union goons that have thrown eggs, shouted curses, and tried to pick fights and beaten lone TEA Party members have shown no interest in non-violence. Goons are goons. Violence is their thing. Saul Alinsky in his “Rules for Radicals” advocated starting fights and confusion and then blaming it all upon the victims as standard operating procedure whenever facing opposition. Let’s see more from the website:

After talking about the disruptions and possible mayhem they hope to cause, the site mentions its goal: “to distance them from the mainstream of America and damage the public’s opinion of them.” And then ends with this joyful thought:

Sound like fun? It is! If you’d like to join us, just click on the word ‘CRASH!’ Below.” Which takes you to this link:

Which gaily salutes the user with the message, “Hello, Party Crashers!”

Then you have to register to become part of the “fun.” Sean Hannity mentioned the site earlier today and the humorous comments filling it up by TEA Party sympatizers overwhelmed the serious Party crashers cyberspace: Here are a few . . . a user called “Veritas Warrior” had this to say:This may be the fastest growing conservative website on the internet!! With a picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the caption: "Rightwing Radicals" describing the founding fathers in the painting.

A contributor called “Common Sense” said, “Just trying to figure this site out because it doesn't make much sense to me. The site says that they want to show how racist, hateful, and stupid the tea party people are by infiltrating their events and shouting racist hate speech and holding intentionally misspelled signs. Umm, if the tea party people are stupid, hateful, racists, why do you have to show up and act stupid, hateful, and racist in front of the media? Isn't it your position that they already are?

I have this sinking feeling that this is a parody website and I'm looking really foolish right now for not getting 'the joke'.

But seriously, what is this?”

In answer to Common Sense, a real Party Crasher replied, “How 'bout we just bust a boot off in your skinny, white, racist tebagging butt? Naaah...Waste of a perfectly good boot.” Which proves that all Party Crashers are not humorless.

The response his humor received was this:

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." Albert Einstein. From a user named HeyMentallyIllLibs.

Not finding any authentic Party Crasher content, Rajjpuut slid over to another subject in their forum: Tea-Baggers are Racist Radical Terrorist (Proof) (excuse their grammar). Someone calling himself enhancelogic: said,

You Tea-Baggers perversely murder in the name of 9/11.

You shout racial hateful words at your protests.

You all belong in jail with your Christian Militia friends.

GTFO my country you stupid racist radical tea-bagging terrorist!

GTFO my country you stupid racist radical tea-bagging terrorist!

And he got this response:

LMAO. Quoting the huffers at huffing post and cbs. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Couldn't you get a quote from bill ayers or jeremiah wright?

lol. The Tea Party is your worst nightmare. You and your parents may even eventually have to get a job.

Someone called Party-of_Kuffar with 86 posts on the site to his credit asked,

Jesus-fuc__ng-CHRIST. Who's gonna throw the first Molotov already?” Rajjpuut edited out two letters from his message.

You get the idea, Rajjpuut is sure. The real haters, now that they’re known are being overwhelmed by polite but firm TEA Party responses.

Then something very strange and possibly verifiably true, but who knows?? Rajjpuut is only copying it here, because it gives you the flavor of what’s going on at the Party Crashers site . . . whatever you do, do NO violence, it could even be deliberately false information, again, who knows? But here it goes, from a user calling himself JohnLocke:

Here's the info for you patriots who would like levins info

6300 crown avenue
Oakland, CA 94611

Domain name: ZANE-LEVIN.COM

Administrative Contact:
Levin, Jason
6300 crown avenue
Oakland, CA 94611
510-595-1634 Fax: 000-000-0000

Technical Contact:
Manager, Domain
2800 28th Street Suite 205
Santa Monica, California 90405
+1.8885114678 Fax: +1.3103141610

Registration Service Provider:
888 511 4678

Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 25-Aug-2007.
Record expires on 21-Aug-2010.
Record created on 21-Aug-2005.

Registrar Domain Name Help Center:
So, on balance, it seems really did turn into a “fun” site after all . . . but, remember some 200 such sites have sprung up . . . so expect violence and confusion at the TEA Party celebration and protest over Tax Day . . . .

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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There was a time in this country (say from about 1885 to 1917) when the communist party and the unions were just about the only ones who gave a damn about the working man in factories, mines, and other dangerous places where a dollar a day was big pay . . . a time when the unions, in particular did a lot of good. And then the unions became politicized, growing large war-chests to influence elections and the once noble, selfless unions became the corrupted mess they are today; making it impossible for American business to compete with China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, etc. Today the largest labor union in the country and the single-most influential union of all is the National Education Association (the teacher's union) because, of course, they're the ones influencing the thinking of our children. The NEA has been guilty of revisionist history for almost four decades now. They will almost never let on that anything undesirable could be associated with unions or socialism or even marxist-communism.

Once upon a time there was a Marxist young fellow who wrote a lot of songs, some of them very good, others not so great. His name was Lennon and he thought there was a lot of wisdom to be found in the words of a political-minded fellow from a few wars earlier and he attributed a lot of karmaic strength to the fact that the guy from the early 20th Century had a name almost exactly like his but spelled “Lenin” instead of “Lennon.”

The young song writer liked to put all sorts of strange stuff in his body and some of it seemed to affect his mind and he began to constantly imagine a Utopian society based upon the words the earlier Lenin had proselytized about this classless, borderless, possessionless, Ideal World where all people lived in harmony, happily ever after. Indeed one of the last of his famous songs was named “Imagine” . . . some of the words were:

. . . . Imagine no possesions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world . . . .

In the song, he was, of course, referring to the famous communistic ideal “to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities.” Unfortunately, all his pot-smoking and LSD use, etc., had blinded him to simple facts like the twenty-five million killed by one Joseph Stalin just to keep his little Soviet Communist Utopia humming along – over twice as many civilian deaths as the Nazis and Hitler brought about . . . and this figure is not including the Ukranian Holocaust called “Holodomor”** in which the grain grown by the “rebellious” Ukrainians was all removed and a carefully orchestrated mass killing by hunger took place. The Soviets deny it happened, the Ukrainians say seven million were starved to death purposely, but for the sake of argument, we’ll take Stalin’s word for it and say those seven million deaths never happened. Apparently, the rest of the Soviet State as personified by Stalin had a greater need for the Ukrainian foodstuffs than the Ukrainians did . . . so spiritually, you can understand that, can’t you, that those deaths just shouldn’t be counted? Well, no one said Utopia was perfect . . . . what’s thirty-two million deaths in a perfect world anyway?

A far greater hero to those socialist sympathizers of John Lennon’s ilk and to today’s Obama administration is Red Communist Chairman Mao Tse Dong. While a great deal of the deaths orchestrated by Stalin did take place during the days before, during and after World War II, the sixty-five million Chinese civilians that died under Mao were all peacetime victims. Almost twenty million peasants died during one “Great Leap Forward” span of fifteen years (three consecutive five-year plans) when Mao refused to believe that his economic policies could possibly be causing starvation on such a mass scale. Ah, well, a few sacrifices for the perfection of mankind in the long run easily worth it when we look back from Utopia, eh?

Che Guevara, of several decades of perpetual t-shirt fame, reportedly was a sadist who personally killed some one-hundred eighty plus people and oversaw the deaths of hundreds more. The rock bands who’ve expressed adoration of Che are countless . . . one problem: Che punished ownership of Rock ‘n Roll records, lyrics and posters with death. Of course he was hard on ownership of forbidden books too. So the only question about Barak Obama’s noble experiment in ridding the United States of capitalism is how much misery will his misguided dreams cost us? And what chance do we have that the teacher's union will help our children see the truth instead of union propaganda bracing up Barak, the annointed?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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Barakbanking Plans Reincarnation of 51 New ACORN Clones
and Take Over of 9% More of the Nation’s Economy

Just when you thought you were safe from ACORN attack, Barak Obama has decided his Marxist agenda needs advancing and another segment of the U.S. economy must be “transformed,” ‘er, we mean swallowed up and taken over and oh while the great man is working . . . let’s start refunding all those new ACORN clones with unending government grants. The scenario is virtually the same as that which unfolded during the Obamacare fiasco . . . with one important difference the Republicans own one more vote in the senate: the seat won by Scott Brown in Massachusetts against all odds. The house of representatives has already passed Barak’s CFPB bill (that’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a.k.a. "Barakbanking").

This time the Barakbanking bill is only 1,336 pages long and plots, while taking over almost 10% more of the the economy by the government, to re-establish funding and re-invigorate the 51 ex-ACORN branches that have all changed their names to protect the guilty. By funnelling huge financial grants to radical activist groups like the notorious ex-ACORNs, the bill amounts to a theft of hundreds of billions of our dollars to help Barak consolidate and perpetuate his power over the nations’ citizens. ACORN, you’ll remember was where Obama worked as an attorney forcing banks and lending institutions to make knowingly horrendous loans that created our sub-prime lending crisis. What’s good for ACORN and Obama is bad for the country and this bill is definitely NO EXCEPTION!

The new immense federal bureaucracy or CFPB will be thrown an enormous budget and will have virtually no limits to its power over ALL our financial dealings and organizations. It will be housed with the Federal Reserve but the FED will have zero power, not one iota of authority over its operations. The CFPB will have no authority but itself to be accountable to as it wields its immense power. The icing on the cake, of course, for Obama is the “Office of Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity (OFLEO) which will be dedicated to working with community groups including all 51 of the ACORN clones most of have forgotten about and other radical organizations advancing their extreme agendas across every community in America by creating an unaccountable slush fund to finance their operations open and covert. These are the same community groups that lobbied for the CRA ’77 under Jimmy Carter (Community Reinvestment Act); then the addition in 1992 of Fannie and Freddy in ’92 forcing the government’s own lenders to be part of the atrocity when the Democrats again owned both houses; and finally the ’98 expansion of the CRA (under Clinton but helped out by about five Republican progressives as well) which put the whole sub-prime disaster on steroids. Americans, not knowing or understanding recent economic history are poised to repeat it . . . .

Most Americans, it seems are just too busy playing with electronic gadgets and watching sitcoms to pay attention to what the progressive element of the Democratic and Republican Parties have bequeathed us. Virtually none know who Saul Alinsky is, or have read his “Rules for Radicals.” Even fewer have ever heard of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and know about their taking Alinsky’s ideas to their logical extreme. The two radical Columbia University political science professors published their Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1966. The C-P Strategy obstensibly was designed to “force the Democrats to create a national guaranteed income” but the real purpose as acknowledged by its creators was to create a crisis that would virtually overnight, they felt, move the country into socialism. Fewer yet know that the radical National Welfare Rights Organization was created by Cloward, Piven and Black-militant George Wiley to implement C-P Strategy on the Big Apple.

The trio’s plan worked like a charm as they tripled the number of New York City welfare recipients and doubled the number of New York state recipients (by browbeating and “street-drama” within welfare offices) within four years. The city was forced into bankruptcy by 1975 and the state of New York itself was on the verge of bankruptcy. That process took them roughly seven and one-half years but did NOT bring about the momentous shift to total socialism they’d wanted. Nevertheless the trio bragged in print about their “great deed.” ACORN used the three poorly-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws to expand its power and warchest and to virtually bankrupt the company and the nation is still right today pretty much oblivious to those facts or that one of ACORN’s best shake-down artists, attorney Barak Obama arose into power virtually overnight on the wings of the ACORN-caused financial debacle. Today, ACORN has gone underground after federal defunding and widespread problems with voter-registration fraud . . . but only the name has changed. The leadership and the Marxist purpose continue unchanged. The organization uses the poor as storm trooper to bring our country closer to ruin and their beloved Marxism every day. And you, you wonderful couch potato are helping them make it all happen!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Is B.H. Obama, Jr. a socialist?

The answer is yes and no. As the great sage Forest Gump remarked frequently, “stupid is as stupid does.” And socialism is clearly what a socialist does. Rajjpuut has set out numerous times plentiful proof positive of Obama’s not mere socialism but rather his being raised as an abject communist. The material from his autobiography #1 “Dreams from My Father” although he goes well out of his way to omit the words “communism” and “socialism” and the writings and life of his father Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.** (and that is the correct spelling of the older man’s first name and the son’s birth-name spelling: a common Muslim name; the "c" in our Barack's name was added much later during his higher education) clearly reveal strong communistic leanings and influence but then again the worshipful mainstream media forget to tell people about that book while getting all hot and bothered by his second and more circumspect autobiography “The Audacity of Hope.” The citizen voter should make no mistake, however, socialism on the road to an eventually desired communism is right up Barak's alley.

Here, below this paragraph, is a remarkable link to a Glen Beck answer to the question that led off this blog, “Is B.H. Obama a socialist?” First Beck shows video of a softball journalistic inquiry yesterday, by the lamestream media with Obama’s expected response . . . then Beck's listing of the strongest influences in his life in broad general terms with 12 telling links many of them in the words of the “guilty” give one a great smoking gun answer to the question . . . . However, the most damning evidence of all is found in the footnotes to this blog provided by everybody's hero: Ol' Rajjpuut. In any case Obama's every action, aim, and process and every personal connection since Election Day, 2008 for anyone with eyes yields up the Forest Gump proof positive, "stupid is as stupid does" ^^ . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** When, by the way, did Harvard stop teaching classical economics and slip into the Keynesian glorification of big-spending inflationary policies that mark all communistic states? Was it in the late 40’s? Even the small bit of the old man’s education that took place right here in America played right into his communist sentiments.


Unfortunately Beck leaves some of the most interesting and “rather inflammatory” material, that is, Obama first campaigning for Raila Odinga (purportedly a cousin) in 2006 and then Obama’s interrupting his own campaigning in 2007 to again visit his father’s homeland and campaign for Odinga, the communist (university educated in East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall) candidate, for President of his father’s native land Kenya. Obama on two occasions put on Muslim garb to talk to the crowds. Odinga meanwhile had signed a “document of understanding” with Muslim leaders. The content of that document (a memorandum of understanding with the Muslims to expand a policy known as “sharia” in Kenya) when it came out ruined Odinga’s chances. To wit: Islam would have become the official religion of Kenya. No other religion could broadcast by radio or TV and no missionary activity would be allowed. A few days after the discover, Odinga revised the paper to eliminate all those objectionable features. He did nothing and said nothing, however, to stop the Muslim attacks, and tribal violence, rapes and arsons on opposing tribes as well as Christian settlements and churches that followed. Ob ama, of course, has not publicized his activities on Odinga’s behalf. To make this clear: some of the Christian attacks occurred earlier and the tribal violence in general occurred after Odinga lost the election. A few months later to pacify the Muslims, Odinga was named Prime Minister by the newly-elected President.

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Rajjpuut just listened to yet another Democrat talking about the relationship between the TEA (taxed enough already) Party and the Ku Klux Klan and then he also mentioned the “hate-mongers like Glen Beck” with his very next breath. This is a typical example of the lame-stream media in action. Regular viewers of Beck’s show have often heard him close with “let truth be your anvil and non-violence your hammer and reject anything which doesn’t answer the test of truth and non-violence.” These words of Gandhi are very close to the spirit guiding the TEA Party and, of course, are the furthest thing from what CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN would like you to know about those “crazies that are attacking the programs of our Dems and our President.” The amount of lying about the TEA Party by the Obama administration and the congressional Democrats and the lamestream media has gone well beyond epic proportions . . . .

Supposedly when Nancy Pelosi and the Dems were walking in unison on the day that Obamacare passed, at least one TEA Party member shouted the word “nig__r” fifteen times at Representative John Lewis and another Black Democrat was spit upon by a white TEA Partier. Now fifteen times is an awful lot of racial abuse but somehow with all the mainstream and other media (including FOX News) in the area, not even one racial slur was aired on the public air waves. Andrew Breitbart has challenged Representative Lewis and his honor, in effect calling the good congressman “a liar.” Rajjpuut will herein repeat Breitbart’s offer of a reward of 10,000 paid out of his own pocket for conclusive videotape proof that one of these incidents occurred . . . .

“It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.

“And surely if those cameras did not capture such abhorrence, then someone from the mainstream media — those who printed and broadcast his assertions without any reasonable questioning or investigation — must themselves surely have it on camera. Of course we already know they don’t. If they did, you’d have seen it by now THOUSANDS OF TIMES.

“Rep. Lewis, if you can’t do that, I’ll give you a backup plan: a lie detector test. If you provide verifiable video evidence showing that a single racist epithet was hurled as you walked among the tea partiers, OR you pass a simple lie detector test, I will provide a $10K check to the United Negro College Fund.”

Looking over dozens of online videos, Rajjpuut has seen only one scene in which the “spitting incident” might reasonably have been THOUGHT to have occurred. In one scene a dark skinned man, presumably a Democratic representative, walks up the stairs through the assembled TEA Party protestors and one white fellow has his hands cupped around his nose and mouth to amplify his voice. It appears that this man is yelling, but the videotapes showing this incident are all “silent movies” for some reason. If this actually was a fellow yelling the “N-word 15 times it surely would have been picked up by somebody with live audio since it is very obvious that he is yelling something. As far as the spitting?? Well, again the onlyreasonable candidate located by Rajjpuut is that same possibly obnoxious fellow yelling and quite clearly he DID NOT spit, however, the possibility of hims spraying his message accidentally as he was saying it does exist . . . but there was no reaction by the dark-skinned man to indicate anything but being weary with the yealling as he calmly turned and continued up the stairs.

Supposedly the story of John Lewis’ horrific experience was witnessed by one of his associates . . . who like Lewis will NOT take a lie detector test, even to enrich the coffers of the United Negro College Fund. Just yesterday, a union man who said he was there has come forward and said he heard the racial slur and saw the spitting but was totally uninterested in providing evidence didn’t even wish to talk about who was filming when this all supposedly happened. Let Rajjpuut be very clear here: in the 2008 elections, there are racist claims and then there are racist facts: Barak Obama got more White votes than Kerry or Gore in 2004 and 2000 respectively . . . almost 48% of the White votes. John Mc Cain, who was a pretty good man, got just a bit over 4% of the Black votes. The highest percentage of real racists in this country are probably not going to be found among the White voters. Let us just say that if 8-10% of the Whites in America could be called serious racists then perhaps 40-50% of the Blacks might vie for that dubious honor.

Talking more personally about racism, President Obama listened for 20 years to Jeremiah Wright spewing hate from the pulpit before the cameras caught that magic “God Damn America!” moment as he proselytized about White’s treatment of Blacks in the United States . . . perhaps Obama and his administration and his fellow Dems are just accusing others of what they themselves are guiltiest about? Last time Rajjpuut looked, none of his ancestors ever owned a Black slave or even an indentured White servant; indeed Rajjpuut personally kicked the crap out of two much bigger (thankfully drunk) White fellows verbally assaulting a trio of Black girls so quite frankly accusing the Ol’ boy of being a racist or of being responsible for racism in this country is pretty darn stupid and yet that’s precisely what the Dems are doing . . . accusing every TEA Party advocate of hate and racism. And why? Just to detract the attention of the sillier branches of the media from the justifiable attacks on the Dems in congress for their anti-constitutional tax and spend and magnification of already too-big government agendas. Obama and his ilk have been playing the racism card for almost 40 months now on the national stage. It never was true, it isn’t true now and he ought to apologize right now. Fat chance of that man ever admitting a mistake, eh?

By the way, the Dems’ accusation that the TEA Party is made up of extremists and radicals was put down recently by not one but four different polls showing the TEA Party make up to include roughly 58% Republicans, 28% Independents and 14% Democrats; and another poll that showed that on most issues people in this country trust the TEA Party more than they do President Obama 48% to 42% and far more than the Democrats in Congress 21% or the Republicans in Congress 27%. And yet another poll by the mainstream media showed that 62% of TEA Partiers call themselves conservative; while 28% call themselves moderate; and 9% call themselves liberal; and while 34% of ALL Americans prefer Democratic candiates and 32% prefer Republican candidates; 28% prefer candidates supported by the TEA party.

On a related front, several TEA Party groups have created the National TEA Party Federation (NTPF)** and this central group has also announced alliances with the National Taxpayers’ Union and the following other organizations with fiscally-conservative agendas:

  • 60 Plus
  • Americans for Prosperity
  • Americans for Tax Reform
  • Bannon Strategic Advisors
  • Citizens Against Government Waste
  • Citizens United
  • Constitutional Sovereignty Alliance
  • Contract From America
  • Doctor Patient Medical Association
  • Family Research Council
  • FreedomWorks
  • Heartland Institute
  • Institute for Liberty
  • Let Freedom Ring
  • Moms for America
  • Ronald Reagan Institute for Conservative Leadership
  • Richard Viguerie
  • Tea Party Patriots Live!
  • Victory Media Group

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


Said Arkansas Ex-governorMike Huckabee talking about the NTPF, “Pedophiles are more popular than members of congress right now." as he presented a very perceptive look at the growing TEA Party movement despite the contempt and unfounded accusations thrown their way by some Democrat members of congress.

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From ‘c’ to shining ‘c’, who is our Commander in C?

To many Americans, it now seems the president of the United States has become the enemy. To our more established enemies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, however, it must surely seem that he has become a willing ally. Typing in “Barack Obama” on, Rajjpuut received 418 million hits. Typing in “Barak Obama” without the ‘c’, after eliminating the Yahoo suggestion (“Did you mean 'Barack Obama'?”) only 13 million 700 thousand hits occurred.

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In a sparkling example of utter naivete, Barak Obama unilaterally pledged America not to counter-attack with nuclear warfare against non-nuclear nations that use biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction or initiate a crippling cyber attack against the United States . . . Neville Chamberlain must be proud. No nation in history has shown consistently more benevolence for our fellow world citizens; no nation in history has revealed itself more restrained and responsibly self-controlled in the use of weapons of mass destruction . . . so why, Rajjpuut asks, would any sane statesman take any potentially reasonable response to attacks against Americans or America off the table?
Even if this was just another example of an Obama lie, why would he give encouragement to potential enemies, why? Last time Rajjpuut examined the matter philosophically, even greater than all other war crimes is the crime of losing. It seems likely that people like Winston Churchill and members of the American leadership and intelligentsia and top military personnel would have all been rounded up and received summary judgment against some wall somewhere, if the Nazis and Japanese Empire won World War II. Given that sad truth, why on earth ever tie your own hands?

Which brings us to another Obamanation . . . it’s just never a good idea to tell one’s enemies one’s intentions . . . in this separate case giving a draw-down date for beginning to pull out of Iraq is a horrible miscalculation of the will and intelligence of the terrorists in that country. Just a couple months ago, Joe Biden claimed that victory in Iraq will prove to be one of the greatest successes of this administration. Granted the Veep sometimes speaks semi-idiotically off-the-cuff. Presumably he meant closing out the war in Iraq successfully and getting the trooops home quickly would be some sort of worthy accomplishment. Presumably Joe B. knows that everyone with a memory remembers that he and particularly Obama were the sternest opponents to the war in Iraq and to the “surge” which seemingly won the war. They were clearly wrong.

Now, however, Obama appears prepared to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq. In a phrase, just coined by Rajjpuut, Obama has decided to “de-surge”way, way too quickly and he’s thus given aid and comfort to Iraq’s enemies internal and external. Already Americans are transporting “materiel” to Afghanistan and yet . . . the War in Iraq is definitely NOT won. Al Queda in Iraq, Sunni death squads and Iranian supported Shiite militias are reaappearing on the scene now that it appears America was not after all “in it to win it.” What’s going on? Clearly more of “Obama naivete.” His predecessor G.W. Bush made a stupid speech titled "Mission Accomplished!" about six and a half years ago. The terrorists in Iraq may be crazy fundamentalist maniacs . . . but they are NOT stupid and they are not lacking in courage and resilience and determination . . . it appears we are underestimating them for the second and most fatal time . . . Nice work, Joe; nice work, Barak!

When Rajjpuut was in college in our semantics class the very first rule you learned was “The word is not the thing.” Mr. Obama from the git-go has gone out of his way to prove he’s never taken a semantics or economics or business or history or strategic thinking class in his life or at least he's never really learned anything valuable from any such class . . . . Of these four areas his biggest failing is in the realm of semantics. Obama has been acting since day one after the election as if all he has to do is say something and presto that something is achieved. No leadership, no hard work, no logistical balances, no fiscal considerations, no reality check, no real consideration of the pluses and minuses involved, no advice from those who actually understand the area in question, no need to consult with real experts outside of his Marxist coterie . . . just another simple silver-tongued speech and all live happily ever after (quite reminiscent of Jimmy Carter, eh?) in a socialist utopia called Barakville.

When, NOT if, the U.S. loses in Iraq and it becomes obvious, say about a year from now that he’s given Iraq over to terrorists and/or Iran or both . . . Mr. Obama will at that moment have proven himself to be the utter worst president in the nation’s history to a good 70% of the voters. And you can count on both the cause and effect by next May at the latest. Makes one proud to be an American . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The infamous words of all-too corrupt Nancy Pelosi have returned to bite the country in the butt. “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it . . .” the irresponsible Speaker of the House said. While the lambs were being led to slaughter, many of us did know and tried to head it off. Of course, President Obama, Veep Biden, the White House staff, Nancy and other senior members of the Congress and leadership staff there are all exempt . . . so the first thing the country is finding out is that ObamaCare is too much of a threat for our “leaders” to treat themselves to it.

Across the nation at least 7% of all residents are not covered by ObamaCare despite its huge pricetags. In the first full decade the law will cost a minimum of $2.4 TRillion despite removing Medicare Advantage coverage for older citizens. Health Savings Account (HSA) owners will either need to buy new policies are ante-up stiff penalty bucks. Although benefits for the most part won’t start until 2014, taxpayers will begin paying ObamaCare taxes NOW and there are a total of 19 new taxes imposed on us because of ObamaCare’s passage into law.

The CBO estimates that 8-9 million people will now lose their employer-provided health care coverage despite Mr. Obama’s promise “people who like their insurance now can keep it.” Expect a huge new tax burden. Here’s what Nancy dropped on us . . . .

Employers must buy government approved health coverage if they have 50 employees or more and at least one of their employess receives a tax credit for health care or pay a yearly penalty of $2,000 per employee.

16,500 new IRS agents will be hired to enforce the taxes mentioned here and other new ObamaCare taxes . . .

The first federal sales tax in the American Republics history has been passed: 10% tax on all earnings from tanning salons paid directly to the federal government.

Individuals must buy a government approved health policy or they must pay a yearly penalty of $695 or up to 2.5% of their income.

Families must buy a government approved health policy or pay a penalty of $347 per child up to $2,250 per family.

All home sales and all other real estate transaction will be taxed 3.8%. Middle income sellers even if they immediately buy a home the very same day must pay this tax which amounts to $7,600 on a $200,000 home.

Medicare taxes are increased on single taxpayers earning $200,000 or more and couples earning $250,000 a year or more (thus it is a huge marriage penalty tax) by an additional 0.9%.

A new 2.9% medical aid tax on items that never were taxed before has now been imposed. All these and many other Obamacare taxes start immediately.

In 2018, however, those of us with so-called “Cadillac health care plans will be imposed a 40% annual tax if their plan is valued at $10,200 for individuals or more and for families if valued at $27,500 or more. Mr. Obama’s union friends, however, will be exempted from taxes on their Cadillac plans.

Projections made by business leaders recently say that by 2018 taxes associated with Obamacare will cost the country over four million additional lost jobs.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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