- (40)

"Grover Norquist once said, “I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub . . . "  “I don't know if I'd go that far, but I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of the damned thing taking out (questionable) mortgages in my name.”                http://www.whoisjohngalt.com/
                "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live it for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live his for mine." -- John Galt from Atlas Shrugged the novel by Ayn Rand
"Who is Midas Mulligan?" Rand’s Atlas Shrugged
Missed the Boat, but Only Barely
            Prophecy has never been humanity’s strong suit . . . not talking about “educated guesses” and “fact-based hunches here” . . . but serious prophecies, predictions and prognostications. Perhaps one in twenty thousand really off-the-wall predictions for the future ever comes true. Novelist Ayn (rhymes with “mine” though most people rhyme it with “main”**) Rand in her novels and non-fiction philosophy books incidentally made thousands of predictions and most of her most fundamental ones are coming true, sort of . . .  Let’s take our present financial meltdown and ongoing economic malaise, for example . . .  it’s too bad Rand never went acorn-hunting as a child, or should we say “ACORN-hunting?” If she had, the intriguing question running throughout her monumental masterpiece might not have been “Who is John Galt?” but rather, “Who is Midas Mulligan?” 
            In the novel (now made into a sensational low-budget independent film Atlas Shrugged Part I) the unseen Galt permeates our awareness as a potentially-sinister, confusing and mysterious presence. In real life, however, it is definitely the Midas Mulligans who are more likely to run the world. By the way, the movie Atlas Shrugged Part I is proving a huge consternation for all the (mostly left-wing) critics out there, roughly 85% of the pundits panned it with only 2% proving highly enthusiastic about its prospects.  Virtually everyone who actually sees the movie (94%) rates the flick quite highly and, depending which article you read, numbers like 85%, 86% and 88%  of them are “widely enthusiastic” about the search to discover “Who is John Galt?” The limited release to 299 theaters has proved very successful and now a 499 theater expanded-release is going on, with a wider 1,000 theater-release planned for May 1st.  Let's get back to Midas . . . .
            Rand’s creation “Midas” Mulligan was born Michael Mulligan and fought his way from nothing to become a highly successful, wealthy banker. After a lamestream-mainstream media hack called Mulligan, “Midas,” in a highly derogatory “slam” which Mulligan took as a huge compliment . . . the banker Mulligan thereafter insisted upon being called Midas after first having his name legally-changed. 
In a shocking case of reality imitating fiction, Ms. Rand’s Mulligan finds himself being forced by the government via court order to lend money to an utterly incompetent and unworthy loan applicant. Of course, the reality being “predicted” a full twenty years before it happened was progressive president Jimmy Carter’s first congress (with loads of progressive Democrats and about fifteen progressive Republicans) passing the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77) thus forcing banks and other mortgage lenders to knowingly make highly ill-advised loans to pathetically unqualified home-loan applicants.   In the novel, Midas of course, refuses to make the loan, totally ignores the court order, liquidates his entire financial empire, pays off his depositors and joins Galt’s underground movement.
In real life, alas, there were no Midas Mulligans.  ACORN when originally created in 1977 (to exploit CRA ’77) by a George Wiley, Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven NWRO (National Welfare “RIGHTS” Organization) confederate named Wade Rathke stood for ARKANSAS Community Organizations for Reform Now) ACORN was a test-creation for Piven, Cloward and Wiley who by that time were already bragging publically and in print about their success in bankrupting New York City (it was given a federal bailout in 1975), almost bankrupting New York State, and putting the entire nation into a huge tailspin by having Wiley create an army of welfare recipients (they doubled the rolls across the nation in three years between NWRO’s creation in 1967 and 1970) using Saul Alinsky “street tactics” to implement the Cloward-Piven Strategy of “managed chaos” first published in The Nation in 1966.
            Wade Rathke, who had been sent to Arkansas in1970 to teach the Alinsky tactics and implement C-P Strategy there for the NWRO, was chosen because of the presence of a charismatic young lieutenant governor in that state who was very simpatico with C-P Strategy and Alinsky tactics: Bill Clinton. It’s notable that in the C-P article in The Nation, Cloward, Piven had set out to create an NGI (national guaranteed income) thus SNAP! they said, wiping out poverty in one-fell-swoop while taking advantage of the progressive Democratic sweep in 1964 and the ensuing “War on Poverty” and creation of Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid by the ultra-progressive Lyndon Baines Johnson’s administration. While bragging about their great deeds (they didn’t get any serious interest for GNI but did almost destroy the economy – the two year-long 1973-74 recession was the second worst financial disaster in history after the Great Depression) Cloward and Piven advised their followers that the next areas of emphasis were to be: voter registration and the system of public housing. Rathke came up with a slightly altered emphasis, based upon CRA ’77: Arkansas ACORN would create its chaos in voter registration and mortgage-lending. With no Midas Mulligan’s out there to protect us, here’s a synopsis of the ACORN “success” story:
I.       ACORN Voter Registration efforts
A.    Ran the biggest voter registration drive in Arkansas history in 1977-78. Threw away all would-be Republican registrants and easily made Bill Clinton Arkansas governor in 1978.
B.    (Except for the first Reagan sweep in 1980) kept Clinton in office for twelve of the next fourteen years.
C.    Clinton returned the favor in his first months in the Oval Office in 1993 by passing the Motor Voter Act (a.k.a. “A License for voter fraud”) with Cloward and Piven standing behind the President during the signing ceremony in a picture found all over the internet. See it here:
D.   ACORN continued its fraudulent voter registration practices and even received federal money to do so and for census work up to 2010
II.   ACORN Abuses CRA ’77 Mortgage-Guarantees
A.    Operating only in Arkansas took 1975’s nationwide “suspect” home loan percentage from 0.24% to 0.51% (loans granted with 3% down or less) by 1985
B.    Based upon success with voter registration and the home-loan program ACORN is expanded to all fifty states and renamed “Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now” by 1995, one in seven home loans is suspect; by 2005 34% of them.
C.    Bill Clinton sets about REALLY repaying ACORN for its support.
Even while getting Motor Voter passed, President Clinton began incredibly debilitating actions affecting the home-loan industry he’d not been able to impact while in Arkansas. Democrats regard Clinton as the first and greatest ACORN president.
1.      In 1993 he drew up a huge regulatory expansion of CRA ‘77
2.     Twice in 1995 Clinton and the congress passed CRA ’77 legislative expansions with incompetent Speaker Newt Gingrich as his unwitting foil.
3.     Barack Obama serves as ACORN lawyer between 1994 and 1996, brow-beating and shaking-down home-lenders with Saul Alinsky tactics. Obama is teaching “Constitutional Law” and “Rules for Radicals” (Alinsky’s second book) in evening classes and proves successful in getting large future quotas placed upon banks for ‘sub-prime’ loans and often even gets ACORN donations from them in the Chicago area.
4.     In 1998, Clinton passed a “steroid-version” CRA ’77 expansion. Between 1998 and 2007, where before it had been difficult to get unqualified borrowers into $100-$120,000 homes . . . all over the country people without jobs, without a decent credit rating, without even rental histories, whose only “income” is food stamps or other welfare, and, yes, even illegal aliens are now more easily put into $350 - $450,000 homes. 34% of all home loans are sub-prime highly suspect loans -- many of them with 0% down payment.
5.     George W. Bush addresses the nation or congress nineteen times to try to get CRA ’77 repealed starting in January, 2005. Thirty months later a belated and very weak version of his bill is passed in July, 2007, it helps some. Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will say in August, 2010, that Bush’s actions saved the nation from a much deeper recession and kept us from a staggering collapse in housing prices. Nevertheless, it’s all too little, too late and in October, 2007, the sub-prime lending crisis is clearly upon us and the meltdown begins.
The phenomenal website http://www.whoisjohngalt.com/ published an April 19th blog comparing the actions of the government to identity thieves; the great author of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, Harry Brown who once ran for president under the Libertarian banner, said there was little moral difference between government and the Mafia or other organized crime syndicates. Well as for me, everything I needed to know about government’s evils came from Ayn Rand’s remarkable hero: John Galt.
And let us leave you with one last Atlas Shrugged quote: 
"So you think that money is the root of all evil?" said Francisco d'Anconia.  "Have you ever asked ‘what is the root of money?’  Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods (and services) produced and men able to produce them.  Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value.   Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force.  Money is made possible only by the men who produce.  Is this what you consider evil?..."
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**            ‘Tis very fitting today to think of Ayn Rand as a gold “mine” akin to the Founding Fathers and to relate to her strong support for unfettered individualism, lower taxes, and property rights which we associate with the word “MINE.”
"Grover Norquist once said, “I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub . . . "  “I don't know if I'd go that far, but I can tell you one thing: I'm sick of the damned thing taking out (questionable) mortgages in my name.”                http://www.whoisjohngalt.com/
                "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live it for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live his for mine." -- John Galt from Atlas Shrugged the novel by Ayn Rand
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Please take just a minute and just ask your Congressman and Senator why we are allowing Obama to Collapse the Economy. Why do our Congressmen/Senators "NOT" Articulate that Obama and Soros are collapsing our economy. Ask they why this is happening and ask them why they don't stop this in it's tracks?
Please contact your Congressman and Senators and make them accountable.
Alex Abrams, Orlando

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TEA Party Voters Constitute
a Different Breed of Conservative
            Wiser Research and Rasmussen Reports recently published new polls with intriguing depictions of TEA Party voters and society’s perceptions of them . . . . Of course, literally hundreds of surveys about the TEA Party have been conducted. Dozens more comparing TEA (“Taxed Enough Already” or “Taken Enough Abuse”) Party folks to typical conservatives or to typical Americans, typical Republicans or to Independents have also been done in the last year. Some of the most common claims of the mainstream media about the TEA Party were absolutely and quickly refuted by the mainstream polling organizations . . . the following “generic” poll information comes from numerous surveys on the subject which will be followed by the two recent and more specific surveys about the TEA folk from Rasmussen Reports; and Wiser Research . . . we’ll look far more closely at the Rasmussen and Wiser data. Here are the conclusions about the make up of the TEA Party that can be drawn from mainstream research thus far:
1) TEA Pary members were not stupid as liberal pundits suggested, but more highly educated than the general populace and than other conservatives.  
2) They were not racists, but less likely to be hold racist views than the general populace. 
3) They were more likely to be older than 45. 
4) The other demographics of the TEA Party vary somewhat from region to region. However, in general they are older -- more than 150% as likely to be over 65 as under age 28. Men outnumbered women by about 56-44 among TEA Partiers. Blacks and Hispanics are represented among the TEA Party but around 50% less frequently than found in the general populace for both groups. Catholics are found among the TEA Party about 30% less frequently than in the general populace;  Jews are found about 60% less frequently than among the general populace. Asians are found at about 10% less often than in the general populace. TEA Party events are often family events for younger couples that are involved.
5) TEA Partiers are more likely to be successful and enjoy higher earnings. 
6) More likely to own a business or represent a profession such as doctor, architect, engineer, computer-programmer etc. than the general public.
7) The mainstream media were right about one thing:  TEA Partiers were far more likely to watch FOXNews regularly and far more likely to question the “fairness” of other popular media sources of information such as the traditional broadcast networks.
8) They come from all over the political spectrum but typically described themselves as Republicans 54% of the time; as Independents or “Other” 28%; as Democrats 12%; and as Libertarians 6%.
9)   Despite efforts to portray them as extremists, recent surveys show that 47% of the voters regard their own views as closer to the TEA Party then to those of our representatives or senators and 54% say the TEA Party views are closer to theirs than what they perceive to be the views of President Obama.
10)   TEA Party people are far more likely than other voters to call themselves “Fiscal-Conservatives”; “Constitutional-Conservatives”; or “Libertarians.”
11) TEA Party people are far more likely to describe themselves as “well-informed on the issues” than regular conservatives 58% to 41% and than the general public where only 30% agreed with that self-description.
12) While studies by groups like the Huffington post seem to aim at portraying TEA Partiers as “trailer trash” and “100% sold on” the Republican Party: TEA Partiers “perhaps because of their age” come from a higher than average income levels and largely describe themselves as previously “inactive” politically.
13) Perhaps because of their age, TEA Party members are more likely than members of the general public to have owned or managed a business or to have served in managerial positions than the general public.
14) TEA Partiers are more likely to regard themselves as “very well-informed politically” and “economically” than the general public. About 78% of them agree with the statement “Lower taxes creates jobs.”
15) The single-most consistent aspect of the TEA Party that everyone agrees upon is that they are overwhelmingly conservative. Studies have shown that only 6-10% of TEA Partiers consider themselves “liberal” and only 22-25% consider themselves to have “centrist” political views.   When the word “moderate” is used, however, a large amount of the TEA Party considers themselves to be fiscally-conservative moderates.
16) Under-represented professions among TEA Partiers include teachers and lawyers.  Union involvement is found, but less than among average voters.  Many are involved in the computer industry or information technology.
17) TEA Party people are far LESS likely to describe themselves as “Socially-Conservative” and more likely to call themselves “Social- Moderates” or even “Social-liberals” than regular conservatives. They are far less likely to think that total bans on abortion; absolute right to prayer in public schools; teaching creationism in public schools; or gun control are “major issues at this time” and far more likely to point to debt; jobs; runaway government spending; and expansion of government as the most serious issues of our day. While both types of conservatives are highly likely to oppose gay marriage, TEA Party conservatives are more likely to approve of or be neutral toward the gay lifestyle. These numbers and attitudes have been fairly consistent for the last year regardless of who’s doing the polling.
18) While we’ve seen no polling data on this, Rajjpuut has done a lot of “informal polling” and would describe the “level of violence” found at TEA Party demonstrations (perhaps in keeping with their age) as “virtually non-existent” especially compared with that of the left-wing activist and Union activist demonstrations he’s seen. Similarly examining the “rhetoric” found on signs at such demonstrations shows the TEA Party placards generally “staying on topic” and complaining about policies and events in comparison to left-wing activism (say in Wisconsin) as vitriolic and often aimed at personalities . . . which is diametrically opposed to the viewpoints expressed by mainstream pundits characterizing the two groups.  
The only “violence” ever seen by Rajjpuut at a TEA Party event was when someone tried to infiltrate a TEA Party group (with photographers in tow) bearing a racist reference to Obama. The young man was physically conducted off the premises by four athletic-looking young TEA Party men and his racist sign destroyed completely. The mainstream media didn’t cover that on the nightly news, however. That’s concludes our broad outline of who the TEA Party is . . . .
           In the two surveys linked above, the pollsters zeroed in on some specific beliefs or specific impact of TEA Party conservatives compared to regular conservatives. The second link is to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll on the TEA Party which tracks the public perception of TEA Partiers very closely. The top link from Wiser Research really aimed to zoom in on a few areas where the TEA Party is claimed by the media to be “more extreme” than Republicans or other conservatives.
            Rasmussen leads off his poll with this comment: “In the ongoing budget-cutting debate in Washington, some congressional Democrats have accused their Republican opponents of being ‘held captive’ by the Tea Party movement, but voters identified with the Tea Party more than Congress. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters say when it comes to the major issues facing the country, their views are closer to the average Tea Party member as opposed to the average member of Congress. Just 22% say their views are closer to those of the average congressman. Even more (30%) aren’t sure.”
            Results of the Rasmussen polling added that 49% of likely voters see the TEA Party movement as “good for the country; while 26% see it as bad for the country; and 16% see the TEA Party as a neutral entity neither good nor bad. 78% of Republicans and 54% of Independents see the TEA Party as good for the country; while 48% of Democrats see it as bad for the country. 45% of likely voters believe the average TEA Party member has a better understanding of the problems (and their solutions?) facing the country than the average member of congress; while only 31% see the average member of congress having a better understanding.
            At present 22% of the populace claim they are part of the TEA Party movement; 12% say that someone close to them is a TEA Party Member; and 14% say they aren’t sure. 94% of the political-class have no ties to the TEA Party and 69% of the political class believe the TEA Party is a bad thing. (Over the years depending upon the economy, between 6-15% of voters identify themselves as part of the political class by their answers to three specific questions from Rasmussen pollers, while 54-70% respond to those same three questions in keeping with “mainstream” views. 59% of mainstream voters see the TEA Party as good for the country. 
The Rasmussen Reports poll concludes saying, “41% of all voters think the Tea Party will play a bigger role in the 2012 election campaigns than it did in 2010; 30% see the TEA Party’s role “about the same”; while 21% say they expect a smaller role in 2012. Voters see the words “Tea Party” a bit more positively as a political label these days, while the terms “liberal” and “progressive” have lost ground even among Democrats. “Conservative” remains the most popular description. While Rasmussen has earned a reputation for professionalism and accuracy and beaten all other polling groups in predicting the final vote percentages over the last three presidential election cycles . . . some have claimed that Rasmussen is “conservative-leaning.” For balance we’ll look at a recent poll on the TEA Party conducted by a supposedly independent and neutral survey group: Wiser Research . . . .
            In the Wiser Research the survey concluded that it appears that there is “an emerging split among conservatives” and asked “how will this affect Republicans in 2012?”   While admiring the polling’s ingenuity, Rajjpuut finds such conclusions, highly questionable largely because of the way the polling was conducted.   Wiser sought responses to opinion statements from regular conservatives and from TEA Party conservatives and then sought to assess the differences in response. Since Wiser was looking for differences, it’s not at all surprising that they found them. Rajjpuut’s totally different conclusions are found below; here are the Wiser opinion-generating statements:
A)        “Barack Obama is destroying the country.”
B)       “Obama is a socialist.”
C)        “I want to see Obama’s policies fail.”
D)        “Obama is a practicing Christian/Muslim.”
E)       “Obama does not have a U.S. birth certificate.”
As stated above, Wiser Research was looking for differences and found them. Except for the first three questions, however, they got a lot of “not sure” responses. Across the board the TEA Party members were more likely to agree with the statements and to believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim than regular conservatives were. First let’s look at those responses according to Wiser:
A)       “Barack Obama is destroying the country” elicited a huge difference between regular conservatives and the TEA Party. 6% of regular conservatives agreed with the statement while 71% of TEA Party Conservatives agreed.
B)       “Obama is a Socialist” showed another great divide, but not quite so marked this time: 75% of the TEA Party members believe Obama is a Socialist compared to 40% of regular conservatives.
C)        “I want to see Obama’s policies fail” was agreed to by 76% of TEA Partiers, but only by 32% of non-TEA Party conservatives.
D)       “Obama is a practicing Muslim” was agreed to by 27% of the TEA Party and 16% of other conservatives; and the corollary “Obama is a practicing Christian” was agreed to again by 27% of TEA Partiers; but 46% of other conservatives. Note: Among all voters various studies have shown that Obama is considered a Muslim by roughly 16% of the populace.
E)       “Obama does not have a U.S. birth certificate” garnered 26% agreement from the TEA Party but only 17% from other conservatives. Note: study after study have shown that 18-20% of all American voters believe the president cannot produce a legitimate American birth certificate and that independents are far more likely than Democrats and only slightly less likely than Republicans to believe this is true.
The “self-fulfilling prophecy” aspect of human affairs (and human polling) has been documented for at least the last eighty years  -- we tend to find what we expect to find and the truth be damned.  Rajjpuut sees these Wiser numbers, especially in response to the first statement, to be far, far out of line with reality as he or anyone he knows has experienced it. He’d daresay that it would be impossible to find any group of self-described conservatives anywhere who’d respond to the statement “Barack Obama is destroying the country” with less than 30% agreement. If the statement was rephrased, “The policies of Barack Obama are destroying the country,” than it’s doubtful that less than 60% agreement could be found among any group of self-described conservatives in America. What exactly is this “opinion” of Rajjpuut based upon? 
A)   Despite attempts to portray America as a racist nation, Barack Obama got more White votes than John Kerry or Al Gore. Almost 48% of White voters supported him. In contrast less than 5% of Black vote backed McCain . . . racism, seems to come from the other direction or should we call it Black backlash?
B)    Barack Obama got a huge benefit of the doubt after his election in 2008. 72% of Americans approved of his performance when polled on Inauguration Day including 45% who highly approved (in contrast only 15% of Americans highly disapproved of Obama’s performance at that time). Rajjpuut backed “the lesser of two evils” McCain-Palin ticket; but admits feeling good about the country electing a Black man as its president.  Unfortunately, that feeling was gone within six weeks . . . .
C)   Things have changed for Mr. Obama, his level of support has fallen dramatically. Mr. Obama didn’t somehow get “blacker” or otherwise racially objectional overnight; nor did White voters suddenly become more racist. Mr. Obama’s policies quite frankly and simply are hurting the country and the voters have noticed and become angry or at least disappointed about that.
As everyone knows, the honeymoon was over rather quickly.   Almost immediately Obama’s actions made it clear that the man practiced highly dubious politics, especially his economic actions and policies. By mid-March of 2009, the TEA Party had arisen out of nowhere in objection to government policies these individuals regarded as anti-American; socialistic; anti-common sense; anti-Constitutional and expansive. That Barack Obama was at the center of these policies was obvious to all . . . so once the political opposition arose, it’s natural that he, personally, would be the center of the debate. 
Again, if the statement “Barack Obama’s policies are destroying this country” had been used, it’s likely that very little rift would have been shown between conservatives. The TEA Party arose first against Mr. Obama’s policies while the entire nation didn’t think about repudiating them until a couple months before the last election. With eighteen extra months to crystallize their understanding, it’s natural that the TEA Party would be slightly more likely to see Obama as personally responsible.  Rajjpuut would prefer not to impugn the motives of Wiser Research, but clearly sloppy interview technique and dubious methodology seem to be involved.
            The task that Wiser Research took upon itself: to find major differences between TEA Party conservatives compared to all conservatives seems to have shown success. However, since in study after study . . . conservatives of all ilks regard protecting the Constitution and American Way of Life; growing the economy; stopping the growth in government; creating a balanced budget; dealing with the National Debt and unfunded liabilities; and ethics in government as the most important issues of our day -- and TEA Party conservatives have consistently shown themselves the most adamant in desiring the government to face up to these issues . . . .
The Wiser Research study’s final conclusions that a rift is developing between Republicans (notice their research was on self-identified “conservatives,” but their conclusion talks about Republicans) and the TEA Party may be of little import since currently fiscal-conservativism and Constitutional-conservativism seems to be the driving impetus of the broader electorate. IF such a wide rift actually exists it’s not likely to manifest itself when such a huge area of “easy” agreement lies before the two groups and the general voting public as well. Additionally, the central fallacy of the Wiser Research conclusion emerges from their polling technique in which clearly Barack Obama (and not his policies specifically; or progressive political policies in general) was the focal point. So long as the man’s policies are seen as antithetical to conservative values, no rift matters.
The one key finding of the Wiser study (that the TEA Party believes more strongly that “Obama is destroying the country” by a ratio of 71% to 6% over ordinary conservatives) puts their whole study in question in Rajjpuut’s mind until it can be replicated by a more respected polling organization. When it is further revealed that Wiser comes to this conclusion and another conclusion (from a different study) that the TEA Party harbors more racial resentment than other conservatives – something none of the other more accredited studies has ever shown . . . one cannot be blamed for suggesting that it looks likes Wiser went out of its way 1) to back the Obama administration’s “party line” about the largely “unsavory” nature of the TEA Party and 2) actually attempted to incite a rift amongs conservative voters which could only benefit Barack Obama. Rajjpuut would suggest that Rasmussen and other more respected polling outfits take up this Wiser study and conduct a similar one of their own. The numbers 71% and 6%, however, are so out of line with real life that, as mentioned, the whole Wiser study is made suspect.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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“You can always fool every one of the people who feel that your lies encompass their pre-conceived foolish notions and presumed (but irrational) best interests.” Rajjpuut
"Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state without an ounce of gold behind it." - Adolf Hitler
"I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on the “invisible hand” which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago." John Maynard Keynes (nearing his death) in 1946
Ben Bernanke, Barack Obama
Inflating Our Dollars in Hopes
of Avoiding Double-Dip Recession
          It’s a monstrous game of “Hot Potato.” The winner of the “Biggest Fool Trophy” for economics’ “bigger fool theory of market crashes and bubbles” is right now being fought out among three extraordinary combatants . . . a) the Chinese and other nations’ government officials hoping to avoid collapse of their own economies b) Barack Obama and the congressional Democrats and c) the American public.   All parties, though they may not yet realize it, are faced with the disaster of being the last one holding more and more worth less and eventually worthless American dollars. Let’s examine the battlefield they’re contesting upon.  
The history is brief but poignant: the oldest continuing currency in the world is the British Pound Sterling (BPS) first minted in 775 A.D when "sterlings" or silver pennies were the main currency; 240 sterlings or “pence” weighed one pound.  Silver is relatively heavy so you can imagine how small these sterlings were:  just 1/15 of an ounce each. Their earliest common use was to bribe the Viking invaders  with so-called danegeld and that money became the currency of many 
Scandanavian nations as well as England.  
For over two hundred years between the early 18th and middle 20th Centuries, the BPS was esteemed as the world’s reserve currency (a currency from one country held in substantial quantities by a significant amount of the world’s other nations whose leaders believe this “hoarding” of the originating country's currency as a “reserve” was in the best interests of their countries and the  leaders themselves). 
Before World War I the BPS was clearly and easily the most important international currency with London the world's most important financial hub.  Over 60% of global trade was financed, invoiced and settled in sterling, and the largest proportion of official reserves owned by the world’s nations, apart from silver and gold, was found in BPS notes. Although not even all the territories within the British Empire itself used the BPS as their local currency, most of those that did NOT, pegged their local currency at a fixed rate to sterling, as did many foreign countries outside the Empire including virtually every advanced and important country in the world.   But this two-century old revered status for the BPS was soon to end . . . .
After World War I, the two greatest economies of the planet (America and Britain) had long based their economic thoughts and actions on the hero of the Scottish Enlightenment Adam Smith, author of  . . . the Wealth of Nations (1776) a long-titled book that profoundly motivated our American Founding Fathers when they started drawing up a Constitution eleven years later. Smith who had referred to the idea of “the invisible hand” in his books History of Astronomy and The Theory of Moral Sentiments, eventually found his real niche and talked about “the invisible hand” of the marketplace; and laissez-faire capitalism as the foundation of sound economics.  And England and America as a result of common sense and listening to Adam Smith found themselves prospering mightily. Smiths' fundamental tenet was this:   free market economies are more productive and beneficial to their societies and both England and America largely practiced what Smith preached and prospered mightily over the next century and a half.  But something new was very rotten in England . . . .
England’s own John Maynard Keynes became one of the world’s most trusted economists and Keynes believed that gold and silver and currencies pegged to precious metals were holding back economic growth around the world. Keynes’s  two-volume economic idiocy* Treatise on Money, was published in 1930** and Britain left the gold standard in 1931^^, and many foolish countries that had pegged their currencies to gold and kept reserves in the BPS went along with the nonsense, most especially those countries within the British Commonwealth of Nations.  These countries and others around the world became known as the "sterling bloc".
After World War II ended, the ungrateful British citizens ousted Winston Churchill and welcomed in the progressives (the Labor Party) who began to immediately and seriously inflate the British Pound.  In response most countries outside the Commonwealth quickly began jettisoning the pound in droves. The world faced economic chaos. The natural action of the wise countries was to put their reserves in gold or silver; but they also wanted a more flexible currency as part of their reserves. Since that time, the American Dollar has been the world’s reserve currency and has dominated the international scene for over sixty years.
However, all has not been peachy keen for dollar holders . . . .
1) Richard Nixon in the midst of a pervasive and lengthy American stock market crash (it ran from 1969 with a brief hiatus in ’70-’71 to become a full-fledged meltdown in 1973-74) sabotaged many of them when he let the dollar float against gold.  Nixon's and his second vice- president Gerald Ford's and especially the actions of President Jimmy Carter (inflation briefly reached 21% near the end of his single-term presidency) caused much consternation among dollar-holders.
2) About late 1998, many worldwide holders of the dollars again began to feel serious misgivings about the effect of sub-prime home lending policies festering in America and began ridding themselves of dollars. In the decade between 1999 and 2009, many began putting their reserves into other currencies (most notably the Euro). The peak dollar holdings in 1999 at 70.9% plunged to 62.2% in 2009; while the Euro became the 2nd favorite reserve currency going from 17.9% to 27.3% holdings. Since mid-2009, serious discussions have been taking place about replacing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and now the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has made a recommendation to that effect while countries like China and Russia and Brazil and India are exploring conducting trade among themselves in their native currencies (Yuan, Ruble, Real and Rupee), while buying gold and silver and lowering their dollar holdings.
Dollar holders face another serious threat in the Obama era.  Neither the IMF nor the many foreigners and foreign nations holding American Dollars already . . . and especially not those foreign governments most-willing in the past to loan money to Americans (by buying our Treasury Notes and other debt instruments)  . . . are enthused by the deliberate and egregious inflationary actions of Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
C) Bernanke has been running the money printing presses full-time for over thirty months right now.  Currently, if mathematics alone (and not pure trust and tradition) were the telling factor in how much the 2011 American dollar should be worth, it would weigh in   about 1/30 of the value of the October, 2008 American Dollar.
D. In February, 2011, President Barack Obama’s feeble attempt at a national budget showed willful refusal to deal with  our nation's and the world's "dollar problem."  Obama, Pelosi, Reid, the vast majority of Democrats and Union leaders and Michael Moore go so far as to deny any debt crisis exists.   It seems you can always fool every one of the people who feel that your lies encompass their pre-conceived notions and presumed (but irrational) best interests.  Obama and the progressive are now threatening even greater American deficits and national debt. This shows the world that unless the Republican House of Representatives can change the nation’s direction . . . loaning America money and holding American dollars is one of the stupidest actions anyone can make. This brings us back to paragraph one above, where we (presuming that the Republican efforts to eliminate the debt and balance the budget fall short of success) said:
It’s a monstrous game of “Hot Potato.” The winner of the “Biggest Fool Trophy” for economics’ “bigger fool theory of market crashes and bubbles” is right now being fought out among three extraordinary combatants . . . a) the Chinese and other nations’ government officials hoping to avoid collapse of their own economies b) Barack Obama and the congressional Democrats and c) the American public.   Who will be the sucker left holding the American Dollar?
            Unless the G.O.P. can work a miracle . . .  who will be the biggest fool of all still holding onto American dollars rather than using them as toilet paper by 2013?  One world famous economic theorist once said, “"Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state without an ounce of gold behind it." On the theory that you can’t go too far wrong doing precisely the opposite of whatever Adolf Hitler would recommend, a lot of the “contestants” will undoubtedly opt-out of the contest and buy gold and silver. Another man finally wised up at the very end . . . "I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago," said John Maynard Keynes nearing his death in 1946 just before the BPS lost its place as the world’s reserve currency.
            Isn’t it funny how the wisest words spoken by some of the world’s most influential progressives are totally ignored? FDR and labor leader George Meany and Jimmy Carter, for example, all agreed that allowing labor unions among government employees is a horrible idea. The founder of Keynesian economics, John Maynard Keynes himself, admitted that Adam Smith had been right and he’d been mistaken . . . but the progressives remember only their nonsense and, indeed, come to worship it.   In all this talk about “millions” as “chump change” and “billions” as “insignificant,” let’s examine what they really mean. Politicians love the public’s inability to deal with large amounts of money, since it frees them to do just about whatever they please . . . think of this: we are currently $14.1 TRillion in debt so paying off the debt at $1 per second means that . . .
1 million seconds = approximately 12 days to pay off $1 million
1 billion seconds = 32 years to pay off $1 Billion
1 trillion seconds = 32,000 years to pay off $1 Trillion
14.1 trillion seconds = 451,000 years to pay off $14.1 TRillion
             Now let’s get back to that game of Hot Potato. Rajjpuut encourages you NOT to be the last one holding dollars in serious quantities when inflation rears its ugly head. Good luck!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^ Influenced also by Keynes, FDR confiscated all non-numismatic American gold in 1933 giving the holders of the coins $20.76 per ounce of gold. He then pegged the value of gold at $35.00 an ounce thus within months inflating American paper currency by 68.6% and robbing the people, to enrich the federal government – a move that turned the depression with a little ‘d’ into the 12.5 year long Great Depression.   Compare the dealings of progressive presidents Woodrow Wilson and FDR to Harding (and his vice president Calvin Coolidge who succeeded Harding when he died in office) in dealing with the “Invisible Depression,”(see the next footnote) should you ever get confused about what’s best for the people and how the purported best-interests of the nation almost always amount to out-and-out theft from hard-working and thrifty individuals.
** Keynes’ “thinking” in 1930 deliberately ignored the fact that the American resurgence (“The Roaring 20’s”) from the “Invisible Depression of 1920” came almost immediately on the heels of the policies of President Warren G. Harding who cut government spending by 48%; cut federal taxes by 49% and paid down the national debt by 30% ending Woodrow Wilson's depression in fifteen months.  Perhaps Keynes believed that the progressive policies of Wilson that created the debacle were responsible for the greatest single-decade jump in prosperity the world has ever known? In any case like many English Fabian-Socialists, Keynes embraced and encouraged progressivism. His ideas fitting right in with the demands of totalitarian states and wannabes everywhere have been thunderously applauded for 80 years but never once worked satisfactorily . . . hmmmm.
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Rules for Patriots: a MUST-read

Listen half an hour to the mainstream media version of news in this country and you could be forgiven for believing that our once proud nation was headed to hell in a hand basket. In 1946, self-proclaimed Neo-Marxist Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky wrote his first book Reveille for Radicals. A quarter century later he struck again with Rules for Radicals, a book he literally dedicated to the devil! Alinsky via his students Richard Cloward, Frances Piven, Hillary Rodham, Bill Clinton, George Wiley, Wade Rathke, Barack Obama, his mentor Frank Marshall **Davis, George Soros, most of the progressive politicians on Capitol Hill, and organizations such as ACORN, NWRO, the Center for American PROGRESS and about 50 other Soros-funded semi-Marxist groups have done virtually irreparable harm to this country. The key word in that last sentence is “virtually” . . . that is, it’s NOT too late to stop them in their tracks. Education and awareness and righteous love of country are the keys to taking back this nation . . . .
Now a grassroots patriotism movement in America has finally awoken. As part of that movement, Freedomworks.org is making available its Rules for Patriots as an antidote to radical community organization and progressive (they aim “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived United States Constitution and its “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and to make "progress" toward creating a Utopian socialistic/Marxist state on earth) destruction of the American way of life. The book Rules for Patriots Freedomworks.org’s “grassroots training manual” is available for FREE here:
Once you click upon “Rules for Patriots,” you’ll be asked to give your mailing address so they can immediately ship your copy to you. Multiple copies, depending upon order size, are also available at a cost of $4 to $5 each. All it takes for freedom to fail is for a few good people to do nothing. Don’t let that happen! Stand up for America
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** http://www.conservapedia.com/Frank_Marshall_DavisFrank Marshall Davis was a poet, journalist, Communist Party-USA (CPUSA) activist, self-admitted pedophile and an all-around great guy who surely taught our President all the right things . . . .

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Is “Judgment Day” tomorrow? The foolishness of our Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke and the excesses of five “too big to fail banks” now places the entire future of America at risk . . . .

George Soros Seeks America’s Ruin

to Advance His New World Order

In the narrative that follows, two important men (George Soros and Ben Bernanke) are discussed. In fairness to Soros, he appears to be an utter scumbag who has already, via his connections to the Clintons and ACORN, helped set up America’s recent financial meltdown and potentially the upcoming one as well. That’s as fair as Rajjpuut can be. In fairness to Bernanke, he probably sees his ongoing decision as avoiding “death by saber” in preference to death by a million paper cuts. Rajjpuut would remind him that no company and no bank is literally “too big to fail” and if he were strong enough to allow five big banks to fail, that’ll probably be the best thing for the American people and the nation they love . . . let us now return to scumbag George . . . .

Billionaire currency speculator George Soros (a self-claimed ‘philanthropist’ sometimes called ‘the man who broke the bank of England’) has been quoted thusly from time to time, “Sometimes I do feel more than a little bit like God . . . it is very important for the USA to find its proper place in the New World Order . . . as things stand, the main obstacle to world stability is the United States.”

When George Soros was a 13-year old boy in Budapest, Hungary, he was a capo, a Jew set up by the Nazis to help them control other Jews. His specific job was to deliver notifications at first to Jewish farmers and businessmen and lawyers and then later to just ordinary citizens saying, they were to report to the Nazis at such and such a place, at such and such a time (to be deported to a concentration camp). George, who calls himself an atheist these days, says he feels no guilt from his collaboration but just did what he had to do to survive.

Besides making a fortune on the collapse of the British pound-sterling in 1992, George is famous as well for bringing down currencies in Slovakia, Georgia (the former Soviet SSR) and Malaysia and reportedly a few other countries where his connections are a little bit “iffy” to prove. His modus Operandi has been by using radical personalities to form a “shadow government” within the nations he targets. In our case, that Shadow Government is the ultra-progressive left of the Democratic Party.

Thanks to conspiring with Bill Clinton, ACORN, Barack Obama, and progressive American politicians everywhere, Soros seems poised to win another huge currency bet and in the case of the United States, he hopes to collect twice . . . winning tens of billions of dollars when the dollar collapses and then the ruin of the United States would bring about a giant leap forward for Soros’ New World Order led in America’s absence from the top rungs by the Chinese government’s state-capitalist/communists. Hmmmm.


Soros’ unwitting (we think?) benefactor in all this is Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Ben’s policy of “Quantitative Easing” (monetizing the U.S. debt by having his Federal Reserve Bank buy up treasury issues) is designed to keep interests rates as low as they’ve been in a generation . . . or even take them lower. But, but, isn’t that (combined with Bernanke’s earlier multiplying of circulating currency in the country to 15 times the September, 2008, levels) a recipe for runaway inflation and perhaps even hyper-inflation? What’s going on? Interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in 30+ years supposedly controlled by Bernanke to maintain the housing market’s fluidity and spur business investments.

The two years this policy of near-zero interest rates have been in effect; plus the nation’s massive home-buyers’ tax credit . . . business has stayed very flat and at best, housing prices have almost stabilized. Is Bernanke even less competent economically than Obama? Or could he have an ulterior motive?

Looking at business we’re not seeing capital expenditure increases or increased hiring of employees . . . just ain’t happening. Instead businesses are buying back their own stock. Why? Because the mortgage industry and the business world are both on the same page . . . the page where it reads: “This is a phony recovery.”

Compared to the spring of 2008, revenues at S&P 500 companies are 12% lower today. Expansion would be foolish under those circumstances. Businesses don’t often buy back their own stock except when a) they think the share prices are too depressed or b) they’ve got nothing better to do with the money or c) both a) and b) above are true . . . but since corporate insiders are dumping their own personal shares like rats leaving sinking rowboats . . . (insider selling/insider buying ratio during October, 2010, ranged from 210/1 up to 2000/1) implies that they believe their companies’ stock shares are way over-valued and not a bargain purchase at all, is it possible that conditions a) and c) above don’t apply here and now? And, therefore, the corporations don’t have anything better to do with their money (condition b)?

That means that Bernanke’s stated purposes are presumably a genuine crock of B.S. Why does he wish to keep interest rates so abnormally low? We return to the never-never land of derivatives and too damn big to fail. The five banks** that Bernanke and Obama have been shoring up since January, 2009 are in deep, deep, deep doo-doo. We are NOT talking chump change here . . . nominally . . .

J.P. Morgan holds derivative exposure of $73 TRillion.

Bank of America holds derivative exposure of $47.5 TRillion

Citibank holds derivative exposure of $44 TRillion

Goldman Sachs holds derivative exposure of $41 TRillion

HSBC holds derivative exposure of $2.6 TRillion

Overall, of their total derivative exposure, $188 TRillion in interest- rate derivatives is held by these five banks. Bernanke is allowing them to profit for exposing themselves to those derivatives without any risk of failure because if they fail . . . America comes close to total implosion. The recklessness of these five banks especially the first four named is absolutely intolerable. The Federal Reserve Bank’s actions have aided and abetted the worst financial malfeasance in world history. Their interest rate derivative exposure is the equivalent of allowing a terrorist to buy a lottery ticket for the opportunity to destroy the entire banking system of the world . . . yeah, you’re probably not going to lose and you get to keep his buck, but, what happens if he rolls a natural?

Banks are NOT supposed to gamble with depositors’’ money! That $188 TRillion is 13.5 times the United States’ gross domestic product and 4.2 times the GDP of the entire world. Bernanke is not protecting you; not protecting the country; definitely not protecting the dollar; and not protecting the world economy. He is protecting profit and preventing ruin for the Goldman Sachs etc. of the world who are “too big to fail” . . . in doing so, he is making tens of billions of dollars for George Soros to collect when runaway inflation hits the country and the dollar stops being the world’s reserve currency.

Is “Judgment Day” tomorrow? The foolishness of our Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke and the excesses of five “too big to fail banks” now places the entire future of America at risk. George Soros, who is guilty of helping the progressive wing of the Democratic Party bring about the financial meltdown, is now exploiting the foolishness of Bernanke and perhaps giving a little tweak here and there by selling dollars short on the currency exchanges . . . and the big loser: you and the American Dream.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**According to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities for the Second Quarter 2010 (our most recent), the notional value of derivatives held by U.S. commercial banks is around $223.4 TRILLION. The five banks mentioned above account for 94% of those holdings.

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Tax and Spend Democrats Sure
to Hit ALL of Us in 2011
In the ultimate condemnation of the Democratic Party and a scenario likely to become common across the nation in the next two months . . . the Wyoming Attorney General’s office has recently been swamped with inquiries about legal steps required to avoid life-saving medical care. The patients involved prefer death in 2010 to leaving their heirs open to sky- high estate taxes following death in 2011 or later. At present and until midnight of December 31, 2010 the estates of dying Americans will not be subject to taxes. After the Bush estate taxes expire one second past “Auld Lang Syne,” the so-called “Death Tax exemption” will go back to $1 million. The effect on small business and family business and family farms is sure to be devastating. Isn’t this a wonderful set of affairs, to save your family’s farm or business, you basically have to do yourself in . . . thank you, thank you, Barack . . . now that’s “fundamental transformation.”
Here’s what you can look forward to as the Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 all expire (information from the great folks at MyDollarPlan.com) unless something is done in Congress very soon:
Tax Cuts Expiring in 2010
1. Income Tax Rates. The top tax rate rises from 35% to 39.6%. In addition, if nothing is done, it will mean higher taxes for every single American and a return of the marriage tax penalty. See the proposed 2011 tax rates for more information.
2. Capital Gains. The 0% long term capital gains rate will go away. Capital gains rates will go up to 10% for lower tax brackets and from 15% to 20% for higher tax brackets.
3. Dividends. Dividends will be taxed as ordinary income, with the new higher rates. Right now the dividend tax rates are 10% and 15%.
4. Child Tax Credit. The child tax credit will return to $500 from the current $1,000 per child. In addition, it may not be refundable for some taxpayers.
5. 529 Plans. 529 plan withdrawals will not be allowed tax free for computer or Internet access.
6. Business Taxes. In addition, various business taxes will change including the payroll tax credit and section 179 expense deduction.
7. Estate Taxes. Without any action, the estate tax (or "death tax" as some like to call it) exemption will go back to a $1 million exemption.
8. Other Tax Credits. The tuition credits will be limited, as will the earned income tax credit.
9. Mortgage Premiums. You will no longer be able to deduct mortgage insurance premiums after December 31, 2010.
Five of these items (#1, #4, #6, #7, and #9) will be especially crippling to the nation as the country strives to rebound from the recent financial debacle. If Barack Obama had any economic sense we would see an across-the-board extension of all nine of these tax cuts. But Rajjpuut’s NOT holding his breath . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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While the overall impact on National Security of having nearly 500,000 classified military documents (about the conduct of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq) exposed has to be rated an unequivocal disaster . . . some seemingly shocking but harmless (from America’s point of view) details about the conduct of the war in Iraq also came to light. These items were revealed in the latest (2nd ) Wiki leaks disclosures:
1) That, yes, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) were found in Iraq in 2004.
2) Incredible savagery between civil-warring tribal elements in Iraq threatened to blow the whole country apart.
3) Despite complaints and accusations to the contrary, it appears that the United States handled its trust in Iraq with remarkable fairness and long-range balance while striving to leave Iraq better for our presence.
4) And most importantly, the huge role played by Iran in arming, training, and transporting saboteurs and instructors (and then in providing logistic support for this shadow organization harmful to Iraq’s quest for peace is also very well-documented.
A. A few comments seem in order: the poison mustard agents found in two separate caches as well as the blister agents (more a personnel incapacitating agent then a WMD) discovered elsewhere can certainly be called “WMDs” . . . they weren’t the manufacturing facilities that the Bush administration was hoping for . . . but they were certainly WMDs. Why then wasn’t the public notified? Who knew about this? If President G.W. Bush knew and refused to reveal it for whatever purpose, it certainly shows a strong resolve considering the lambasting he received from anti-war groups over the next four and a half years.
B. The idea of Vice President Joe Biden to create three separate nations of Iraq for the Kurds, Sunni and Shiite populations is surely shortsighted – for example why not make it four different countries and include the Christians (there are more Christians (3%) than there are Kurds and there are also plenty of Jews, Mandaeans and Zoroastrianists as well)? However, it is fact that the tribal animosities especially those between the Sunni and Shiite peoples constituting the two major blocs and of Iraq’s Muslim population are part of Sadaam Hussein’s legacy but historically also go all the way back to the death of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Overall 94% of the Iraqi people are Muslims and Shia and Sunni Muslims constitute 98% of that 94% and they both call each other infidels. The Shaykhist Muslims are a tiny minority constantly striving to keep out of the other two sects’ gun sights at all times. Really we’re talking about tribes here. In Afghanistan the tribal nature of lifestyle there is quite evident, but despite Iraq’s seeming sophistication, tribal hatred is alive and well even today.
C. After reading some of the Wikileak releases, it’s easy to understand why so many Iraqis are so pessimistic about the future and why so many of them called for the United States to maintain a presence for up to ten years . . . we had our problems but generally dealt with matters in Iraq in a very even-handed manner.
D. Could the reason that the WMD discoveries in Iraq went unreported be that Iran’s interference in Iraq might be at least partially justified by fear of WMDs? Hard to say. Nevertheless, there are a good 640 items dealing with the Iranians among the Wikileaked communiqués . . . and their role cannot be called “benign.” Now what do we think about the Iranian nuclear program, in light of the state-sponsored terrorism Iran has been guilty of?
E. How does President Obama’s decision to pull out of Iraq so precipitously look in light of these Wikileak revelations?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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“There are liars, damned liars and statisticians . . .” (old saying)


specifically quoted:


Obama Administration’s SEVERE

MISCOUNT of Stimulus jobs

Aims to Hide Sickening Truth

It’s considered unpatriotic by Mr. Obama to criticize him or his administration or their ineptness. If that’s so, you’re about to hear some truly unpatriotic blasphemy. Are you one of those Doubting Thomases very skeptical about the honesty of reported federal government statistics? The word on the street is that “figures don’t lie, but liars sure can figure.” Here’s a case in point, among all the “jobs created or saved by the Obama administration’s $787 Billion stimulus were 384 jobs created at Hormel’s Jennie-O Turkey Store in Willmar, Minnesota at a cost of $7,144,000 ( a mere $18,600 per job, fantastic by normal government standards). The summary of the grant reads this way: “production and delivery of small cooked deli breasts.” Sounds good. The turkey breasts in question are part of a $100 million package of grants received mainly for canned fruit, canned pork, and sliced ham for stocking food pantries across the nation.

OOOOps, one small problem: the 384 people hired eventually worked for less than 40 hours each. How many actual permanent jobs were created by this grant? ZERO! Cost per day for each of these jobs? $3,720. Are you still impressed? How much REAL money went into the pockets of Obama supporters for FAKE jobs on this one? Unfortunately, those statistics are not available . . . .

This is why virtually all federally released figures must be taken with a huge grain of salt by any intelligent voter. Weasel phrases akin to calling the neighborhood “pool parlor” a “Pocket Billiards Emporium” are the very stock in trade of federal liars like Barak Obama and all the people who surround him and support his efforts all the way right down to the sour-faced neighborhood bureaucrat. Do you remember back when Senator Obama was talking about creating five million new green-tech jobs as soon as he became president? If that was realistic and helpful, surely that’s where the bulk of the stimulus money should have gone, no? Well, Rajjpuut, and a whole hell of a lot of other bloggers around the country put the national media straight and that starry-eyed notion melted away like butter on a hot skillet bottom. Since the “green-tech” lie is a classic example of what we’re up against, it bears repeating . . . .

Admit it, it sounds terrific! Imagine five million new jobs in the green-tech industry helping get our nation off the oil bandwagon and all the pollution it produces. That was NICE. Now let’s face the facts . . . .

Up until about thirteen years ago, Spain was the top job creator among all nations in the European Union. Then they got the starry-eyed notion to pour money into "alternative energy," clean up the environment and create even more jobs via green tech. Sound familiar? One caveat for Mr. Obama, Spain's present unemployment rate at more than 20% is more than double the European Union average. Barak, of course doubles-down on green-tech, steadfastly refusing to let Americans drill off America's shoreline, in the country itself, or even to let Americans use new technologies to drill out old oil wells: all policies even the green-smitten Spaniards would call "absolutamente loco!"

So what do the stats tell us? The Spanish economy lost 2.2 jobs from the wider marketplace for every single green job created. That would mean Obama's program could cost America eleven million other jobs or a net loss of six million jobs, but wait . . . . Remember from our one-day turkey breast example, whenever liberal politicians "create" jobs they tend to count in "funny" sorts of ways, acting as if a one-week job and a permanent job were all the same thing. What happened in Spain was that ultimately only 10% of the green jobs they created were permanent jobs . . . ooooooops that means that instead of creating five million REAL JOBS, Obama will likely be creating five million bogus-counted funny-jobs in green tech that amount to only 500,000 real jobs-- so now we're looking at an overall loss of 10.5 million real jobs . . . that's 22 real jobs lost** by the subsidies needed to fund creation each single green-tech job, OUCH! Here’s a report from another heretic that Rajjpuut loves:


This info, from the U. S. Senate Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy, concludes that many green jobs pay low wages, require expensive taxpayer subsidies, and require killing existing jobs to subsidize these new green jobs. Of course, Missouri Senator Kit Bond author of that report Yellow Light on Green Jobs and subcommittee ranking member is a conservative Republican and he's surely regarded as "unpatriotic" by Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Obama too??? Senator Bond, by the way, is retiring by choice and will be sorely missed. And also, “sorely missed”? All those jobs created or saved by the Obama stimulus . . . . jobs that upon closer examination all POOF! Disappear into thin air.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** "How can this be?" you ask . . . . Government canNOT create jobs they can only redistribute wealth. Even creating apparent jobs in the military or the border patrol to carry out obvious and necessary government functions of protecting the nation comes at a cost of real jobs in the free market economy, it just so happens that almost all Americans agree those are worthy functions and don't begrudge the government the cost, but make no bones about it, there is a cost. World War II saw the "creation" of 16 million jobs and brought the Great Depression to an end because of that. What was the cost? Virtually all economic activity was diverted into the military sphere in one way or another and the entire country was under rationing beginning in the spring of 1942. Ordinary citizens found that certain foods were almost impossible to get and they cost much more than previously. Items like metals; gasoline and other fuels; tires and other rubber goods; a lot of food especially coffee, meats, butter, fats, cheese and oils; and even clothing such as nylons and shoes were rationed. In other words the citizens sacrificed greatly by government decree so the war effort could continue. Additionally, huge amounts of time and energy normally devoted to other activities by individuals and businesses was turned toward the war and the needs of the troops: scrap drives, huge drives for war bond sales, virtually all the normal activities of a nation at peace were foregone or dramatically reduced so the military could succeed. Besides the loss in people and in maimed individuals, the material wealth of the nation was greatly reduced, but it could have been far, far worse . . . imagine being a Japanese, Italian or German citizen and not only sacrificing so much, not only losing so many of your relatives, friends and neighbors, but also having your very homeland destroyed and so many of you killed in the process. War is not pretty and all the costs of it should always be understood before it's every embarked upon.

More reading desired?




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“If the folks in the Gulf were angry about the six-month drilling moratorium Obama sent them, this is a permanent moratorium on Gulf oil drilling operations . . . did you even notice? Put down that %&$(*$@%)#$% remote! Our country is being sent down the toilet and you’re watching television?” Rajjpuut

Would you Vote to Give America Away to the U.N.?

For all those of you who just can’t believe that America and the American dream are expendable in progressive-Democratic** eyes, open your eyes NOW. The United States House of Representatives under Democratic control (specifically led by Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer) and only needing a simple majority to pass any bill just voted to put great chunks of our oceans, our coasts and our oil under control of the United Nations. Would you vote to do that? Would you authorize your representative to do that. The Senate will soon take this matter up for vote. Would you authorize your state’s senators to vote for this?

Yesterday in this Rajjpuut’s Folly blog . . . .



we showed you a monstrous truth that apparently the Republican leadership hasn’t got the brains, guts or testicles to put out before you. Today’s truth about the so-called “CLEAR ACT” HR 3534 . . . .


shows you just exactly what happens when Americans are too busy watching their sit-coms and Irreality TV shows and too busy to pay attention to what the progressives (“we need to ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and flawed United States Constitution in order to bring about a Utopia here on earth”) in government are doing to us. In a nutshell . . . while most Americans are twiddling their thumbs and dipping their potato chips into unhealthy triple-cheese concoctions the global-thinking progressives in the House have just voted to give away our land, oceans and adjacent land masses and even the Great Lakes to an international body which will make us pay $900 million per year 2040. Would you vote for that? Would you authorize your rep to vote for that; or your senator to make it a law this coming week?

HR 3534 is designed to put America back into the year 1905. But it is far worse than that . . . . It is first of all: UNCONSTITUTIONAL. HR 3534 mandates membership in something called “the Law of the Sea Treaty” without the required two-thirds vote to ratify it in the U.S. Senate as is required of all treaties the country enters into. It creates permanent obstacles to normal American energy operations. It will be a permanent roadblock to American and drive American companies out of the Gulf permanently, delay future drilling, increase dependency on foreign oil, and will implement climate change legislation and youth education programs; but most important, it mandates membership in the Law of the Sea Treaty without the required two-thirds vote to ratify it in the U.S. Senate. If the folks in the Gulf were angry about the six-month drilling moratorium Obama sent us, this is a permanent moratorium on Gulf oil drilling operations . . . did you even notice? Put down that %&$(*$@%)#$% remote! Our country is being sent down the toilet and you’re watching television?”


We won’t dwell on how evil all this is, after all, you deserve it if you’re not paying attention and especially if you voted for progressives in the last three elections (about 85% of the Democrats and 10% of the Republicans in the House and Senate) . . . but, now that your eyes are open, are you going to let them pass this bill in the senate without a whimper from you?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** If you’ve been paying attention, you know that the progressive control of this country is now pushing 100% for Marxist aims . . . two months ago, a liberal think-tank did a poll in which 55% of Americans said the label “socialist” was fitting for Obama . . . well 90% of Americans haven’t paid attention. Obama is a Marxist and Marxists think globally (Workers of the world, UNITE!) and in their thinking, not just rich Americans but all Americans must “suffer a little” to redistribute wealth globally for the benefit of all (From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.) and if you haven’t the brains or guts to realize what’s happening, it’s called a “Fire Sale” on America.

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”. . . and then there’s welfare . . . . Obamacare created 388 brand new government agencies or offices and a whole new welfare culture so that now the whole mess (national debt; unfunded liabilities (in Medicare, Social Security and the federal side of Medicaid), Obamacare, Medicaid funding by the states; and welfare + interest will amount to roughly a $225 TRillion obligation. The Gross Domestic Product of the whole world is only about $56 Trillion, roughly one fourth of the mountain of debt and obligations we’re now facing. How can this be handled without impoverishing our children and grandchildren? Without reducing the nation to 4th world status?” Rajjpuut

Crocodile Tears of the Left

Flood America with Corruption

as the “BIG LIE” Dominates

Part V: Victim #5, The American Dream

Loyal readers are advised to skip ahead as we give a brief review. In this blog series, we’ve been exposing the self-described “victimhood” of progressives at the hands of their evil, racist, etc. conservative oppressors and showing you where the real victimhood is . . . .


The highlight of part I of this blog series (the link immediately above), and it was difficult to pick a single highlight with “TRUTH” the victim, was this well-documented statement:

Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!

The fact that such a statement is made NOW, 44 years after the chain of events began producing that statement is something that every American ought to be aware of, just as every American ought to be aware of the identities of Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and be able to articulate what Cloward-Piven strategy is . . . the fact that most Americans are totally ignorant of these things means someone hasn’t been doing their job. In Part II the victim was journalistic integrity . . . .


In Part III of the series we examined how the false victimhood of the progressives (we must “progress” beyond the outdated and deeply flawed U.S. Constitution) has created another real victim: “Responsibility” in the guise of the rising numbers of single-mother-families (a problem obviously created by everybody else’s sexism, according to feminists). As the irresponsible notion of deliberately choosing a single-parent family drags down all of society (see this link) destroys the American family and creates a new impoverished class in the country . . . .


Economics is a very simple area that the left has sought to hijack with the creation of their own branch of economic science called Keynesian economics. Keynesian economics only sort of explains what happens in Socialist and Totalitarian regimes, that’s why there’s about 80 different schools of Keynesian economics out there. Rajjpuut gives the basics of real (Classical) economics which NOT surprisingly explains everything that happens in any type of political system pretty much perfectly. Classical economics is not the same as Obamanomics, not at all. Taxing and spending and government interference boondoggles (GIBs) and government spending boondoggles and the deficits and debt they create are the antithesis of common-sense classical economics as we saw in our 4th installment . . . .


And while the left and their media sycophants are crying, “racists, sexists, bigots, etc. all day long proving themselves always the long-suffering victims and conservative Americans always the eternal oppressors, the fifth REAL victim of all these progressive-victim tales is:

Victim #5: The American Dream

The American Dream is a simple, beautiful thing . . . from the start people came here to find freedom from the heavy hand of big government they’d known in other lands. They continued to come here during the last 233 years because freedom was incarnated in the rule of law, the Constitution of the United States (itself based upon the Declaration of Independence) knowing that the Republic created upon America’s shores was a Meritocracy, that every man or woman who came here would find no real obstacles to their American Dream, to build a good life and open to all of them was the opportunity to leave their children a lot better off then they themselves started out. Thanks to a Century of Progressivism, the American Dream is on the endangered list . . . .

The American Dream is endangered because the very core principles of this nation have been set aside for far too long now. Thrift; industry; equality before the law; capitalism; freedom itself; integrity; and small, non-interfering government that lived by these principles





has all but disappeared from the American scene. The meritocracy has virtually vanished. Thrift has been replaced by personal, corporate and particularly government excesses and debt creation. Industry? Why? 48% of the people pay no taxes, the industrious and the job creators are taxed relentlessly as their 52% supports all the rest of society, most shamelessly, a bloated bureaucracy of unionized government workers who almost can’t be fired no matter how poorly they perform.

Repeatedly hard-working, hard-studying men and women who seek to advance themselves by entering important civil-service fields like the fire-department, police-department and first-responder medical crews find that it does no good to ace the test . . . because affirmative-action critics will steal the positions the hard-working/hard-studying folks actually earned; “capitalism” has become a dirty word and PROFIT has become the dirtiest of vile words as freedom itself has been perverted in a thousand ways . . . most often by abusing the once honored word “reform.”

Citizens are becoming aware that the word “reform” attached to a bill doesn’t mean anything is ever improved, it only means that government is expanding, spending is going up and taxes too . . . and the last time Obama, Pelosi and Reid showed integrity . . . . well, it hasn’t happened in Rajjpuut’s lifetime. Our ever expanding, ever spending, ever interfering government is the problem and the political class (the politicians and bureaucrats within the government) is the only group who benefits while the rest of us suffer. The biggest losers, the biggest victims? Our children and grandchildren.

Our $14 TRillion national debt is multiplying geometrically as this is being written. But that’s small potatoes. Since 1935 for Social Security and 1965 for Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid, the progressives have established these three entitlement programs as “pay as you go, set-aside” entities . . . but of course, the progressives in congress have seen to it that we never pay as we go, we never set aside the money collected for these purposes . . . the result? We now own $115 Trillion in unfunded liabilities (promises made to our people – often our aged) that we have not one single dollar set aside to pay off these promises.

On top of that as all three of these unfunded liabilities grow . . . the new Obamacare program will between 2019 and 2024 bankrupt every state in the union as they force states to fund the greater role for Medicaid required by that law. And then there’s welfare . . . . Obamacare created 388 brand new government agencies or offices and a whole new welfare culture so that now the whole mess (national debt; unfunded liabilities (in Medicare, Social Security and the federal side of Medicaid), Obamacare, Medicaid funding by the states; and welfare + interest will amount to roughly a $225 TRillion obligation. The Gross Domestic Product of the whole world is only about $56 Trillion, roughly one fourth of the mountain of debt and obligations we’re now facing. How can this be handled without impoverishing our children and grandchildren? Without reducing the nation to 4th world status? Can it be done?

Yes, it can and it can be done simply (but definitely NOT EASILY and definitely NOT QUICKLY). Barack Obama is committing the country to the path that Republican Progressive Herbert Hoover and Democratic Progressive Franklin Roosevelt took which turned a simple panic into first a depression (under Hoover) and then a Great Depression (under Roosevelt) that lasted over twelve years. The strange thing is that Roosevelt ran against the big government, big spending philosophies of Hoover and promised to revert to the strategies of Harding and Coolidge (cutting taxes by 47% and taxes by 49% and paying down 30% of the national debt) and then, of course, FDR pulled a Barack Obama on the country doing such things as confiscating the people’s gold (forced) at $20.76 per ounce and then devaluing the paper dollars he’d given them to $35 per ounce – stealing almost 70% of the value of the gold he’d confiscated.

The reason he won the election in 1932? Hoover was totally unpopular and FDR was promising common sense solutions that the people knew worked because they’d seen them work in making the “Invisible Depression” of 1920-21, well “invisible” . . . .



One proviso, our current situation and our current direction is much worse than what Harding faced taking over from progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson . . . so how tough could things be? Imagine elimination of Obamacare; government spending reduced 60%; taxes reduced the same 60%; and a commitment to reduce the national debt by 12% per year . . . does that sound austere to you?

Then consider this, let’s say, the problem with the economy and the national debt is wiped out in five years . . . NICE! Not so fast! Remember the $225 TRillion total we mentioned? Well that’s taken care of perhaps $16 TRillion and all the states are meanwhile going bankrupt and the federal government as well because of state and federal government pensions going through the roof to our unionized state and federal employees . . .

So we’re talking about letting states fail (go bankrupt) and state and federal workers getting their contracts renegotiated markedly downward and we’re talking about our wonderful union employees “pulling a Greece” and holding the country hostage with street violence . . . simple is one thing, easy solutions are yet another . . . .

Next Time: First Crocodile Tears, then Dismemberment Part VI

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Obama Seeks Texas Scapegoat

for Hurricanes Igor,Julia and Karl

A very strange thing happened to Payne Hertz, the 96-year-old who sometimes substitutes for Ol’ Rajjpuut on those ultra-rare occasions when Rajjpuut has a chance “to get lucky,” ‘er, finds himself with a schedule conflict. You might recall the fine interview that Hertz did with the polar bear** hunter Al Gore . . . .


naturally, we’ll let the elderly gent speak for himself . . . .

It happened this way, I had just left one of my gal’ friends’ apartment about 4:00 in the morning when a couple of juvenile d’s accosted me next to my Pierce-Arrow automobile. They wanted to shake me down, but I was in too good a mood all full of p’ ‘n vinegar to surrender my dignity right then. Of course I immediately pulled out my trusty pack of cards and, using the ancient Monte Carlo martial art form of Stri-chi-baccarat (self-defense with ordinary playing cards), disabled the taller of the two with a quick Jack of Diamonds to the right temple and a trey of Spades to his right knee which dropped him like yesterday’s bowel movement and was firing the niner of hearts full speed at his friend's lower midsection (technically in Stri-chi it’s called a "collateral damage appendectomy") when the tire iron he’d swung connected a glancing blow with my balding pate . . . as I fell, I could see through fuzzy vision he was worse off than me, but than I lost consciousness . . .

Suddenly it was bright daylight, I found myself occupying the body of a much younger, fatter, and far stupider man. I was on a golf course, that much was obvious. And then I saw that my golfing pard with his putter in his hand was none other than the president of the United States Barack Obama. Talk about a shocker! I could see the hammer and sickle stitched into his club covers and the tattoo of Karl Marx peeked through his white golf shirt. Yep, it was Obama all right!

I looked into the mirror of the cart and another surprise, the man that looked back at me was Chris Mathews, the cub reporter who is currently hosting a program called Softballs for Liberals on MSNBC . . . an incredible revulsion grabbed me and I found my new body projectile-vomiting . . . luckily a couple of secret service guards stepped between me and the president and protected him from my disgust. I dropped back weakly into my seat.

They paused the game for about three minutes while I swigged down some bottled water after rinsing my mouth and felt better. We had only three holes to play and let me tell you that being in the body of a younger man, even that out of shape stupid younger man, was great . . . I outdrove Obama on all three holes and outplayed him (what a frigging duffer!) badly and then discovered apparently we’d had a hundred dollar bet. Apparently we’d played several times before and he thought he owned me I guess, because he called my a “racist basta-d”, then smiled like it was a joke as he handed me ol’ Ben Franklin, but I could see he was plenty sore.

Anyhow, the real surprise was passing a newspaper vending machine about ten yards before the clubhouse. The headline was about something called the Hindenburg Omen which didn’t sound good. I could see the date was October 3rd, somehow I’d leaped exactly three weeks into the future besides being in the body of a liberal-slanting cub reporter. Anyway, we retired to the 19th hole and despite the secret service men reminding him that Muslims don’t drink and that he had four state functions scheduled for the rest of the day, he downed about five Miss Piggy Cocktails (I thought Muslims didn’t do pork either?) before he’d even deign to talk to me. No matter, I was preoccupied and too busy for him anyway. Was wondering about how to arrange getting to use my new body with the cocktail waitress I was flirting up . . . nobody was around, just the seven of us, the four secret service agents saw to that . . . just me and Ol’ Poor Sport was allowed in there with this gorgeous auburn-haired . . . .

Suddenly, he sneered, “Your chance to make me look good, Chris-boy!” Which apparently meant he’d allow me to ask him a few questions. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, get myself oriented to the happenings of the last twenty-one days and get him in the mood with some easy ones first . . . .

Q: “Mr. President, how would you describe your administration’s accomplishments for the past three weeks? And how do you feel about them?

He glared at me, for a couple seconds.

A: “I’ve told everybody and you should know better, Chris, I’m not answering questions about the problems we’ve had with disaster relief and I’m not answering questions about that Hindenburg stockmarket crap either . . . . Perhaps you might ask me a question about what it’s like travelling in Air Force One?”

Suddenly, the newspaper headlines I’d seen made sense. Apparently the names Igor, Julia and Karl were the names of three tropical storms, maybe even hurricanes . . . and there’d apparently been something real wrong happening on Wall Street. Now I really did want to get on his good side for at least a couple of questions . . . besides with a little luck I could make a killing in the stock market when I got back to my own time . . . IF I ever got back to my own time . . . .

Q: “You know me, Mr. President, I need to get the true picture . . . so that when I slant the story in your behalf, it’s ah . . . it’s got the necessary congruency . . .”

A: Sorry, Chris, must be the drinks, for a moment there I thought I was with Bill O’reilly or Glenn Beck, of course I know you’re in my camp . . . OK . . . OK . . . well, as you know our administration line is that we’re very disappointed in this Hindenburg scandal thing and of course the slow responses on all three hurricanes.”

Q: “Hindenburg scandal . . . thing?”

A: “Yes, yes, we didn’t think that the Business and Financial papers would make such a big deal about a little change like Robby Gibbs was using in his press conferences . . .”

Q: “Little change, Mr. President”

A: “You know calling the 2200 point drop on Wall Street last week ‘the G. W. Bush Crash,’ that’s really not all that much of a thing to overlook in the papers, you’d think . . . And just cause we haven’t helped anybody yet from those three storms . . . .”

Q: “Wow! I mean I can see how that would upset you, Mr. President . . .”

A: “I mean the whole country seemed very understanding -- even though our response was a lot slower than it was for Katrina and Rita -- when I explained that if George W. Bush hadn’t delayed all the vital global warming counter-activity so terribly long we’d have a cooler globe and everyone of the hurricanes wouldn’t be so violent, I mean category-4 twice and then a -three, that’s pretty rough.”

Q: “You blamed George W. Bush for slow response on all three hurricanes and a faltering stock market! ‘er, I mean to say, Mr. President. When you blamed him didn’t your media support stick with you as you expected?”

A: Well, of course, all us neo-marxists understand each oth^^ . . . .

Then, as suddenly as I’d been wisked into Chris Mathews’ fat body I found myself lying on the concrete back in New York twenty-one days earlier with a doozy of a headache and the still bodies of two bloody juvenile delinquents near me . . . . I know it sounds like I’m stretching the truth, but I’ll swear to it. I only regret that I never got to know that little waitress better . . . .

Well, thank you PH, good job under unusual circumstances . . . now do you readers understand why Rajjpuut never takes a vacation?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** recently the younger Alaskan Al Gore that Hertz interviewed in the earlier blog had some bad news for his cousin the older and uglier and fatter Al Gore from Tennessee we all know and love. 1) It seems that some naturalists recently revealed that the infamous “Inconvenient Truth” scene of a polar bear floating on an ice floe was not the picture of a polar bear in distress, but to the contrary -- pretty standard operating procedure for polar bears who regularly float out 10-12 miles from shore to find the best hunting grounds for seals and 2) Alaska and Canada are both now lifting their embargoes on hunting polar bears because of the large numbers of the beasts now found all up and down the Artic Circle. The Alaskan said, “Sadly, that may turn out to be a couple of inconvenient truths for my cuz” he grunted, “ Of course, now that the hunting ban is lifted, I can operate legally piling up those bountied bear feet for my Tennessee cuz.”

^^ By the way, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now says that their latest forecasts of government deficits and national debt says that by 2020 half of your taxes will go for interest on the national debt and that the national debt the American public will face by 2020 will amount to more than 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The CBO says that national debt per household will rise to $150,000. Damn, that G.W. Bush anyway.

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Obama Pigford II Case Fails the Smell Test

Pigford I Case Probably Valid;

Obama’s Pigford II Probably Fraudulent
Rajjpuut is predicting that thanks to the contributions of ACORN a whole lot of voting precincts in America this November will wind up with more votes cast than legally registered voters . . . and therein hangs a whole new tale about numbers just not adding up . . . .
The more one wades through the Obama Pigford v. Glickman II class action lawsuit the more one appears to be “stepping in something disgusting.” So as to avoid mincing of words, it seems highly probable that pre-presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama aligned himself against the taxpayers in a fraudulent class action suit aimed at benefitting NOMINAL BLACK FARMERS (remember that word “nominal”) who were supposedly discriminated against by the US Department of Agriculture. At stake, reopening a suit already ended which we’ll call “Pigford I” which addressed purported USDA discrimination from the beginning of 1983 to the end of 1997 a full fifteen year period . . . it seems the claimants were judged to have been right and their suit was settled. But wait, but wait . . . enter the magician . . . . Barack, the ACORN lawyer, Obama. Suddenly out of nowhere beginning as a senator in late 2006, Obama aligned himself with a purportedly whole new set of Pigford claimants (hence "Pigford II") in a discrimination case with a $1.25 Billion payout to redress the wrongs supposedly incurred by 88,000 Black Farmers . . . only one problem, Mr. Obama.

The most Black farmers documented at any one time in this country over the last 35 years is a bit over 39,000 (more on that later). Curious that so many of the Black farm claimants in your Pigford II case have lived their whole life in cities? Curiouser and curiouser yet, that so many of them are leading – “DOUBLE-LIVES or even 2.6 lives apiece??? What, Mr. President, is meant?
Let Ol' Rajjpuut explain.

It seems you’re saying Mr. President, that after all 13,348 of the original Pigford I class action (59% of the 22,505 claimants) payouts were made, that every single Black farmer in the United States still had legitimate beefs with the USDA for discrimination? But wait a minute, let’s be accurate here, don’t you remember, Barack, that the judge adjusted that first case so that a total of 16,000 Black farmers were paid $1 billion? So in effect, since 16,000 already were paid + 88,000 who hope to be paid in your new suit = 104,000 discriminated-against Black farmers. You’re claiming that the average Black farmer in the United states had 2.6 legitimate beefs against the USDA for loans not granted? Might we be so bold to suggest that this is just you and your ACORN background working the Wealth Redistribution angle on all those guilty White bastar-s for slavery which ended in 1865? And by the way, why and how did your friend Shirley Sherrod and her husband get a $13 million Pigford payday, the single largest payout of all? But, tut-tut, let's not speculate, let's just examine the numbers yet more carefully . . . .

Rajjpuut believes the original case was valid although it seems highly likely that not all the successful claimants were valid. But let's say 100% of them were. Good! Very good! However, Rajjpuut strongly suggests that Mr. Obama of 1996, the ACORN attorney (shaking-down and threatening lenders with all sorts of dire consequences including class action suits if they didn’t come up with specific loans for $300,000 homes to people without ID who claimed food stamps as their only source of income or even for illegal immigrants in accord with stage IV – before the Stage V Clinton Steroid version of mortgage-guarantee requirements passed in 1998) was still dormant in the 2006 flesh of Barack and emerged unbidden and then Mr. Obama got carried away and things spun out of control . . . so the only question now is, who Mr. Obama, . . . who are they that are not actually Black farmers that benefit from this new government largesse? The bigger question is this, what subset of Black farmers ever applied for loans in the period say 1975 (give them a few extra years) through 2000 . . . chances are that number might prove to be at most 40% of the whole group which gives us roughly 16,000 who might have been discriminated against if 100% of the loan applicants were actually indeed discriminated against . . . but chances are only about 12,000 of those (75%) might have legitimate claims . . . about 40% of white farmers who apply do get their loans so that seems fair. So if 12,000 were actually discriminated against, than each of them would have to own 8.5 legitimate complaints against the USDA to come up with the 104,000 . . . my, my the math does get out of hand.
Let’s look at another issue, fraudulent census reporting? Could it be that a lot of Black citizens might have developed a sudden need to call themselves Black farmers for the 2000 census?? Well, it is curious, Rajjpuut has investigated and discovered that the actual USDA census for 1987 the midpoint of the claim period we're suggesting (1975- 2000) actually shows there were fewer than 23,000 total Black farmers in the United States. What might explain the sudden jump to nearly double the 23,000 found in 1987 at later dates? Where did all these "nominal" Black farmers come from? And then there is this highly unusual jump to well beyond 80,000 Black farmers involved in this Pigford II law suit, dare one venture that . . . perhaps the very existence of the Pigford case inspired the dramatic increase in nominal Black farmers? When nothing adds up, Mr. Obama, things do actually add up to FRAUD. One wonders about how much ACORN assistance was required to trump up this little swindle?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The homely fellow calls out to a gorgeous girl passing him on the street, “The world’s going to end unless we have sex right now!” Astonished she turns quickly and replies, “Do we have time to get to a motel or must we do it right here?” scene from the movie “The Invention of Lying.”

Obama Puts Integrity and Honor

in the Ditch, Geithner** Says,

Bush Saved Car from Ruin

For those who fancy sound-bites and many people do:

ACORN and ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and progressive Dems deliberately pushed the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush braked and steered the vehicle into a controlled skid and allowed it to coast safely into a friendly ditch instead.

For those who believe everything Barack Obama says, Rajjpuut dares you to read this blog . . . . the truth contained in the preceding paragraph relies upon a recent statement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and a short string of logical and statistical facts that anyone with a 5th grade education can understand. But first a bit of background . . . .

A love letter is not a recipe for turtle soup; a suicide note is not a travelogue; a court summons is not graffiti; a nursery rhyme is not a thesaurus; an encyclopedia entry is not a page in a joke book; etc., etc. To people who think clearly . . . it’s starkly obvious that different styles and distinct types of communication have different purposes altogether. And it’s dramatically evident that some people use “communication” for utterly different and more sinister purposes than honorable folks usually do. For a good example of a bad example, let’s think about Barack Obama.

If one piece of Barack Obama’s medium-length communication can be seen to be “successful” in his eyes, it is clearly the parable of the car in the ditch. He’s repeated that little story at least thirty times. He’s repeated it on all sorts of occasions for a wide variety of audiences. He’s taken to embellishing the story like an old time serial writer getting paid by the word by talking about the heat, having other Democrats help him push the car out of the ditch, even talking about mud and insects in the ditch. Barack Obama loves that story!

If one slogan has been utterly positively met by his audiences over and over and over again, it can be summarized this way: “It’s all George W. Bush’s fault.” He’s repeated that statement or some corollary of it perhaps 500-600 times. He’s repeated it on all sorts of occasions for a wide variety of audiences. In some speeches he’s used that slogan or a corollary four or five times. And he’s seen to it that his administration and his party use the slogan repeatedly. Often the “Blame it all on Bush” slogan and the car in the ditch story are clearly the only really certain applause, however muted, that’s awaited his speeches of late.

Just like the parables of Jesus, Obama’s two terse communications are powerful in part because they are so short. Obviously the car is a metaphor for the U.S. economy and the ditch is a metaphor for the economic collapse. What do these two sound bites have in common? They both sidestep all blame and accuse Obama’s predecessors; they’re both used to create an immediate gut response rather than a thoughtful response; and they are both designed more to obscure the truth than to reveal it . . . in a phrase they’re both examples of a propaganda technique called “the Big Lie.”

Adolf Hitler in chapter 10 of Mein Kampf coined the term “the Big Lie” to refer to two purported Big Lies that he claimed the Jews, Communists and other “November Criminals” (these were his three main scape-goats) had propagated at the end of World War I as they sold Germany out: A) that the German army had been defeated in the field and B) that General Ludendorff was mostly responsible for Germany’s defeat. Of course, Mein Kampf and most of Hitler’s communications were in themselves Big Lies including his creation of the November Criminals idea; repetition of the Zionist Conspiracy among the Jews fable; and fabrication of the notion of Aryan superiority in blood and cultural achievement.

Among the propaganda techniques Hitler discussed, the Big Lie, he said, was a “a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone ‘could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously’ ergo it must be true." He continues, “In the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Hitler also advised upon how to exploit the Big Lie which was later summed up by American OSS intelligence officials this way in the profile they created of Der Fuhrer: “His primary rules of conduct are never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough virtually all people will sooner or later believe it.” Since Hitler also advised never admitting a lie was false, but just keep hammering away at it even if you look a bit ridiculous . . . we can predict that his spiritual godson Barack Obama, who seems to operate under the same megalomaniacal modus operandi will never stop blaming Bush and will never stop telling the car in the ditch story.

So for those of us who believe in clear thought and who can spot a “false prophet” miles away . . . . What exactly is wrong with Barack Obama’s “Blame it all on Bush” slogan and his “car in the ditch” parable? And why are Obama and ACORN deliberately pushing the car toward the cliff, in the more accurate sound bite given above?

Again, the Obama soundbites are designed to hide the truth and convince people of the validity of a Big Lie viscerally, in their gut, while bypassing their brains. They have the hyper-added benefit of being wonderful sound-bites themselves while at the same time hiding a truth so damning and yet virtually difficult to convey that ostensibly no sound bite can clear things up. It’s a lot like Mondale’s (“Where’s the beef?”) accusation of Gary Hart during the 1984 Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign which implied that Hart was little more than a pretty boy. So let us now show Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story up for the falsehood it is . . . .

ITEM: some statistics and some facts . . .

A) Richard Cloward and Frances Piven, two leftist Columbia U. professors (NYC) published their article, “The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty” in The Nation magazine in 1966. They opined that a welfare registration drive would put the entire nation in a crisis and the result of the crisis would be the Democratic party would institute (GNI) a guaranteed national income and presto that would be the elimination of poverty. The Cloward-Piven Strategy is based upon one of (self-avowed neo-Marxist community-organizer) Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (from his book, Rule #4 “Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules.”) Their idea is to manufacture a crisis to move the country to their socialistic ends. In 1967, they enlisted another radical community organizer George Wiley to create the (NWRO) National Welfare Rights Organization to test their theory by hook or by crook, he enlists over six million new welfare recipients. In eight years (1975) New York City is bankrupt and needs to be bailed out by the federal government. New York state barely escapes the city’s fate. Wiley, Cloward and Piven brag openly about their great deed hardly regretting that the GNI idea failed. Cloward and Piven suggest to Wiley and other radicals that housing and voter registration are the next two areas where C-P Strategy should be employed.

B) 1946- 1992 USA has 62-65% private home ownership, the envy of the world, the system was NOT broken and required NO fixing.

C) 99.76% of all US homes are bought with more than 3% down payment in 1975

D) To “fix” the broken home ownership problem, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 is passed by Jimmy Carter and progressive Democrats to force lending institutes to make bad loans they would otherwise not make. In Arkansas in ’77, ACORN is quickly created by George Wiley’s lieutenant Wade Rathke who will also later found the SEIU union. ACORN goes to work on both C-P recommended new territories: voter registration and housing. The organization also hooks up with Bill Clinton just elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, an up and coming politician who they will help and who will help them mightily. The group is mostly ineffective at first because CRA ’77 was so poorly crafted that smart lenders could avoid most of the forced lending to unqualifed people. But ACORN is patient.

E) By 1985, little has changed 99.5% of all home loans still are made with 3% or more down payment. Clinton was elected governor in 1978 at the age of 32. He’s defeated in ’80 but elected again four more times and serves a total of almost 12 years.

F) In 1992, George H.W. Bush who successfully vetoed 44 out of 45 bills he disliked fails to veto a big housing bill. Unfortunately, one of the small portions he hates about the bill expands CRA ’77 so that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the two huge government agencies) are now made part of the CRA mortgage-guarantee progam. The plot only sickens from here on out.

G) Clinton with the support of ACORN whips Bush and becomes President. One of the first things he does is create the Motor Voter Act (called by conservatives “a license for voter fraud”). He signs the bill into law with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official photograph (available in several places on the internet). ACORN can finally go to town on voter registration. In 1995, Clinton passes two laws expanding CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees. Even before that, at the end of 1994, a community organizer named Barack Obama begins working as an ACORN lawyer. He has taught Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals” to Chicago students and is very good at browbeating and shaking-down unwilling lenders to make them comply with the expansions of CRA ’77. Obama will work for ACORN for parts of the next three years. By 1995, the situation has changed dramatically in housing now 14% of all home loans are made to borrowers who cannot afford a 3%^^ or more home down payment. That is, since CRA ’77 was created lenders are now making 55 times as many questionable loans as they were in 1975.

H) In 1998, Bill Clinton, Democrats and especially Progressive Democrats and Progressive (we need to “progess” beyond the limitations of the "outdated and flawed" U.S. Constitution) Republicans pass a final expansion of CRA ’77 which puts the whole arena of mortgage-guarantees on steroids. Clinton, the first ACORN president, has delivered for them in a huge way on voter registration and on housing. Barack Obama is gone, but now ACORN goes nuts (pun intended). With Clinton’s new bill they immediately start browbeating loans for those without ID; those without jobs; people claiming food stamps as income; other welfare recipients; people without rental histories; people with horrific credit ratings; and even illegal aliens. Worst of all, ACORN gets real aggressive and finds they have little more trouble getting an impoverished applicant qualified for a $400,000 home than for a $120,000 one.

I) In November, 2003, James Stack of investech.com revealed a graph he called the “Housing Industry Bubble” (housing prices had soared, yes, but stocks in the housing industry had risen an amazing 1300% in a relatively short time) and began talking about a coming “sub-prime lending crisis.” We had ample warning, you see. Bush and the Republicans saw the problem within a year themselves and sought to correct things with a bill in January, 2005 that would have undone most of the steroid-like ills brought about by the 1998 final version of mortgage-guarantee legislation. They were defeated. Meanwhile thanks to ACORN and Clinton's law 34% of all home loans are made to applicants who pay less than 3% as a down payment. Roughly 135 times as many questionable loans are being made in 2005 as were made in 1975.

J) Finally in July of 2007, enough Democrats agreed that a problem existed to pass a heavily-diluted law based upon Bush's January, 2005 efforts. It proved to be way too little, way too late, but it did enough good that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recognized five days ago that Bush had saved our bacon. Without Bush’s administration passing that law, Geithner said, the recession would have been much, much deeper and housing prices would have dropped far, far lower. Americans that watch FOX News find this out three years after the fact, most Americans inundated by the mainstream media (MSM) will never find this out . . . . and in sum, the facts in a nutshell shaken together to make an accurate parable are that:

ACORN and ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and progressive Dems deliberately pushed the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush braked and steered the vehicle into a controlled skid and allowed it to coast safely into a friendly ditch instead.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Actually, the Treasury Secretary could have told a fuller story here: because Bush's original attempt to stop the bleeding and undo the damage in January, 2005 was rebuffed . . . . almost all of the CRA '77 legislation and its four expansions (including many horrific Clinton-Steroid version of '98 features) is still on the books like a timebomb waiting to explode the next time an ACORN-like entity wants to cause havoc. We need to return to the 1975 levels with perhaps 1/400 home loans made at 3% or less down payment. In other words we need to get out of the private sector's way. One other "tiny detail" should be mentioned to wrap up the last loose end. In 2003, Bush and the Republicans sought to change the oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (contending that congressional oversight was far too lax) but that initiative was also defeated by the Congress and most particularly the progressive Democratic wing of the congress that was abetting the whole process all along. Thank you, Barney Frank.

^^ It bears saying that 3% loans were originally created for fiscally-responsible veterans who qualified under a special program created for them. Once CRA '77 is created; almost anyone can get ZERO-Percent downpayment loans.

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Corrupt Journalism Top Story of the Decade

Come the late October or early November 2010 stock market collapse which the present “Hindenburg Omen” readings (a hit and a near miss on August 12th and August 11th this week respectively) are pointing at . . . a lot of Keynesian economists and other leftist pundits are going to be blaming Republicans for “obstructing” the tax and spend policies of Obama-Pelosi-Reid and their cohorts. They will, of course, neglect to put even .0001% of the blame on themselves or the five great scandals they have helped perpetrate. Those five scandals and their associated sub-scandals, in order of importance now, are . . . .

1. A. The Mainstream Media Sellout to the Left

B. The Mainstream Media Redefining “Racism”

2. A. Cloward-Piven Strategy Undercutting the economy and the consitution

B. Housing and Stock Market Abuses Going Unexamined

3. Progressives hijacking the Democratic Party

4. Republican Party Abandoning Conservativism, while Some

embrace Progressivism

5. Voting Fraud institutionalized in Motor Voter Act

If a TRUE story of the hijinks of the early 21st Century ever gets written, the failings and corruption of America’s “fourth estate” (the journalism profession) will prove to be the major cause of America’s woes. It’s been a long time coming, but the first key indicators were the widely disparate treatment of Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court confirmation hearings and the unsubstantiated sexual harrassment claims of Anita Hill on the one hand; and the virtual free ride given Bill Clinton considering the well-documented (tapes and blue dress, for instance) sexual shenanigans and Clinton’s eventual admitted confession that he lied to the American people.

In the one case, a good man’s reputation was outrageously trashed by the media and particularly the feminist reporters and commentators without one shred of evidence. In addition, the alleged victim was a lawyer who had the wherewithal to protect herself had even one of the charges she raised been true and a woman who had deliberately followed Clarence Thomas from one job to another.

In the other case a man with a history of covering up his nasty little philanderings (even with state troopers helping him find mousy unassertive women without the benefit of education or status) who was elected by “the soccer moms,” was not attacked and his integrity was never questioned (even after admitting to the lie) by the mainsteam media (MSM), most particularly the feminist reporters while the total lack of stories requiring comment from the National Organization for Women or other feminists was astounding.

Of course two months ago we discover the JournOList scandal where 400+ individuals on a special server were communicating strategies to boost the Democratic party and slam conservatives of all ilk. The mainstream media, naturally enough, did NOT cover this JournOList scandal in their own midst that had been ongoing for at least 12 years in which feminists in the media deliberately “bit their tongue” about Bill and Monica . . . where over 400 liberal journalists, academicians and media personnel conspired to downplay the Reverend Jeremiah Wright “Not ‘God Bless America,” but God Damn America” scandal and to seek stories of “Republican racism” as a diversion to make the story go away.

We also find out that this group had been conspiring since 2007 to make Barack Obama president, even to the total ignorance of a string of stories that showed that Hillary Clinton was cheated out of the presidency by fraudulent tactics that won Obama 13 of the 14 caucus states after losing a majority of the 44 primary voting states (some states had both a caucus and voting) including voting states Hillary Clinton had won by comfortable margins.

The media conspired to give us an Obama presidency and they’re now conspiring to make him look good and get him and his supporters re-elected. For example, in the Shirley Sherrod story, the leftist MSM tried without evidence to paint the problem child of the story as FOX news’ racist commentators (the timeline of events refutes that) while they’ve deliberately refused to cover a much more important story . . . did Barack Obama (and Sherrod?) conspire to defraud the country out of a good part of $1.25 Billion in the Pigford v. Glickman class action suit revived by then candidate Barack Obama. In that suit alleging racial discrimination by the Department of Agriculture, Sherrod got the largest award ($13 Million); and Obama appears to have multiplied the number of claimants to 86,000. Since the census shows we have at most 39,000 Black farmers and since its extraordinarily unlikely that even all of those 39,000 applied to the Ag Dept for a loan or felt they were discriminated in the process . . . Obama has a lot of explaining to do, but the media is not holding his feet to the fire.

Americans still blame conservatives and particularly George Bush for the financial collapse of 2007 to present. Don’t be shocked, but the liberal media has refused to cover . . . .

ITEM: What is this “community organizer” thing, anyway? Saul Alinsky was the most well-known community organizer, one of his famous quotes from his book “Rules for Radicals” is this one, “"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that ‘all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists.’ From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism."

ITEM: Perhaps six percent of Americans know who Saul Alinsky is and perhaps 55% of those in the know are MSM journalists, for example on the day following our last Christmas, just five days after affirming on air that he is “a liberal,” MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes, “Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the ’60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don’t like and it’s never perfect, you have to act in the end like there’s simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don’t get anything done. “I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused,” Matthews said on his “Hardball” show. In other words, one of the most powerful journalists in America, chooses sides and aligns himself with radical leftism in the person of self-avowed Marxist Saul Alinsky. But, for the most part, this “taking sides” is hidden and more insiduous, they never let you know that they want the Left to win.

ITEM: the MSM hasn’t covered Chicago Community Organizer Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals” or Obama and Hillary Clinton being Alinsky’s “Teacher’s Pets;” or Obama teaching “Rules for Radicals” and becoming a community organizer in the Alinsky mode and an ACORN lawyer. Alinsky dedicated his book this way, ““Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

ITEM: the creation and publication of Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1964 based upon Rules for Radicals.

ITEM: The MSM has not covered George Wiley, Frances Piven and Richard Cloward creating the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) in 1968, with the express purpose of bringing the system to collapse-point and getting the Democrats to institute a National Guaranteed Income (NGI).

ITEM: Nor has the MSM covered the 1975 bankruptcy of New York City and the near bankrutpcy of New York state being crowed about by Cloward, Piven and Wiley and Cloward and Piven regretting that it didn’t bring about the NGI, advising their people to move their activism into housing and voter registration next.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM connected the dots with the creation of ACORN in accord with Alinsky and C-P models; and the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring mortgage companies to deliberate give bad loans; and the further expansions of CRA ’77 in ’92, twice in ’95, and the steroid version in 1998.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM allowed Americans to see ACORN attorney Barack Obama in action shaking down banks and lending organizations to make bad loans and ACORN donations.

ITEM: The MSM understands all these connections, but say nothing about who really caused the sub-prime lending crisis . . . ACORN and others who forced lending organizations to make loans to folks without jobs; to folks with abysmal credit ratings; to folks without I.D.; to people without even a rental history; and even to many illegal aliens. The related problems that arose after the sub-prime lending crisis was first noticed (November, 2003, by James Stack of Investech.com along with his “Housing Bubble” chart) were severe, but the buildup of the sub-prime problems in the decade after 1998, when the steroid version of mortgage-guarantee legislation was created, were the primary cause of 99% of our fiscal problems. And those problems were not just something that happened, they were problems created by ACORN overloading the system in C-P fashion just as the NWRO did between 1967 and 1975.

An almost equal disservice from the MSM is their new definition of “racism.”

ITEM: Take the recent case of Omar Thornton. Omar was caught on tape stealing from the company. According to the union records and testimony Omar had never alleged racism before he shot and killed nine fellow employees, all White, during a disciplinary action against him. He was prepared for his own action after hiding a pistol in his lunchbox. The liberal media took Mr. Thornton’s last words a cell phone call alleging racism as GOSPEL. Mr. Thornton added that he’d killed the people and just wished he could have killed more of them. The MSM spin was that Omar acted in justifiable counter-attack to a racist environment. Logic says that the opposite was true: angered and ashamed at being caught stealing and about to be fired, Omar made a racist attack on White co-workers. But that doesn't play in the Oval Office, for Obama and the Dems and the MSM "racism" means being against the progressive agenda, nothing more and nothing less. When a Black man is not only elected president but gets more votes from Whites than the last two presidential candidates of his party and 48% of the White vote, the "race" card needs to be torn up. When Blacks only give his White adversary 4+% of the votes, perhaps we should discuss the true definition of racism, eh?

ITEM: The recently dropped case by the Obama Department of Justice against four New Black Panthers in paramilitary uniforms, one with a billy-club, shouting threats and racial slurs at White voters and threats at one Black poll watcher at a Philadelphia voting site in November, 2008 was abhorrent. The men were caught on videotape and arrested with cause. Three were let off. The other man (who on another video-tape is yelling about “killing crackers and killing they (sic) cracker babies”) was likewise unpunished . . . his sentence? He couldn’t go to that polling spot until 2012. Wow, talk about painful punishment! Of course he’s NOT a racist.

Americans still blame conservatives and particularly George Bush for the financial collapse of 2007 to present. The liberal media has refused to cover . . . .

ITEM: Perhaps six percent of Americans know who Saul Alinsky is and perhaps 55% of those in the know are MSM journalists, for example on the day following our last Christmas, just five days after affirming on air that he is “a liberal,” MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes, “Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the ’60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don’t like and it’s never perfect, you have to act in the end like there’s simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don’t get anything done. “I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused,” Matthews said on his “Hardball” show. In other words, one of the most powerful journalists in America, chooses sides and aligns himself with radical leftism. But, for the most part, this “taking sides” is hidden and more insiduous, they never let you know that they want the Left to win.

ITEM: the MSM hasn’t covered Chicago Community Organizer Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals” or Obama and Hillary Clinton being Alinsky’s “Teacher’s Pets;” or Obama teaching “Rules for Radicals” and becoming a community organizer in the Alinsky mode and an ACORN lawyer. Alinsky dedicated his book this way, ““Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

ITEM: the creation and publication of Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1964 based upon Rules for Radicals.

ITEM: The MSM has not covered George Wiley, Frances Piven and Richard Cloward creating the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) in 1968, with the express purpose of bringing the system to collapse-point and getting the Democrats to institute a National Guaranteed Income (NGI).

ITEM: Nor has the MSM covered the 1975 bankruptcy of New York City and the near bankrutpcy of New York state being crowed about by Cloward, Piven and Wiley and Cloward and Piven regretting that it didn’t bring about the NGI, advising their people to move their activism into housing and voter registration next.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM connected the dots with the creation of ACORN in accord with Alinsky and C-P models; and the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring mortgage companies to deliberate give bad loans; and the further expansions of CRA ’77 in ’92, twice in ’95, and the steroid version in 1998.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM allowed Americans to see ACORN attorney Barack Obama in action shaking down banks and lending organizations to make bad loans and ACORN donations.

ITEM: The MSM understands all these connections, but say nothing about who really caused the sub-prime lending crisis . . . ACORN and others who forced lending organizations to make loans to folks without jobs; to folks with abysmal credit ratings; to folks without I.D.; to people without even a rental history; and even to many illegal aliens. The related problems that arose after the sub-prime lending crisis was first noticed (November, 2003, by James Stack of Investech.com along with his “Housing Bubble” chart) were severe, but the buildup of the sub-prime problems in the decade after 1998, when the steroid version of mortgage-guarantee legislation was created, were the primary cause of 99% of our fiscal problems. And those problems were not just something that happened, they were problems created by ACORN overloading the system in C-P fashion just as the NWRO did between 1967 and 1975.

How, could this happen? You ask. Well, the liberal media somewhere after the First Gulf War began openly rooting for the ultra-left or progressive wing of the Democrats and when if doubt where to find justification began calling any and all conservatives racists and anti-woman, the same strategems they and the progressives employ so successfully today. If conservatives are racists, then none of their ideas are any good since they’re all based in racism. If conservatives are racists, no decent person could ever vote for them If conservatives are all anti-woman, no woman or decent man can vote for them.

Progressives believe we must “progress” beyond the Constitution, an inadequate and out-of-touch document and as Saul Alinsky taught them, “Even when you see the weaknesses in your argument, treat it all like it’s black and white and your adversary is wrong.” In other words, the “noble” progressive ends always justify the progressive means however slimy. This strategy shifted the Democratic Party sharply right toward a radical agenda that most Americans could not identify with. The Republican Party also became a much more big-spending groups and gradually progressive Republicans like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine became more and more common.
And so we approach the single most important “midterm” election in our nation’s history and hold it, hold it, there’s one more scandal to deal with. ACORN, you see was also involved with voter registration. 32 ACORN members have been convicted of voter fraud since 2008. The state of Washington was a beautiful example. Of some 1200 ACORN registrants there, less than 50 were genuine registration of real people. Now . . . .

ITEM: The MSM has claimed that no voter intimidation involving the Black Panthers occurred and then dropped coverage of the story.

ITEM: The MSM seemingly barely knows who Julie Fernandez is.

ITEM: Obama appointee to the Department of Justice (the folks who dropped the Black Panther story), Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez told a roomful of DOJ employees there was “Zero interest in prosecuting” cases of Black racism exercised against Whites.

ITEM: Julie Fernandez has also been quoted as another time before another large group saying the DOJ would not be investigating possible violations of the Motor Voter Act “because that would just decrease turnout.” Ms. Fernandez thinks dead voters; voters who’ve moved out of an area; illegal felons; and fraudulent voters registered by ACORN and others; ought to have as much right to vote as you and I do.

Item: The Civil Rights Commission investigating the dropping of the Black Panthers voter intimidation case has run into a stonewall. Ms. Fernandez has commanded the DOJ employees not to answer CRC subpoenas or to testify . . .

Oh, by the way, in the famous picture of Bill Clinton signing the Motor Voter Act (which conservatives rightly called "a license for voter fraud) who are the man and woman standing directly behind Mr. Clinton as he signs this weakened voting bill that Obama's not going to enforce? ** If and when America dies from one mortal blow after another, then consider the MSM willing accomplices and foul abettors of the crime.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Richard Cloward and Frances Piven, of course. The photo and information about what they’re wearing is found here:


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Bill Ayers, Ghostwriter for

Obama’s ‘Dreams from My Father,’

Still Angry with Obama and MSM

Well over a year ago the long-suspected fact that Bill^^ Ayers, the Weather Underground bomb planter, edited; and also wrote great portions of Obama’s first autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” was made official in a book by Christopher Anderson, “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage.” It was also revealed at that time that Bill Ayers was angry with Obama for not forwarding his share of the royalties and not acknowledging his efforts; and ultra-angry with the mainstream media (MSM) for not giving him coverage for his “well-deserved” anger.

The same Obama-praising and Obama-protecting media which has long refused to cover stories harmful to the president or his administration has, a year later, still not covered the tiff between Ayers and Obama; not reported on Ayers’ authorship of the book; barely covered the existence of the book at all; and certainly not vetted the book which strongly hints at Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr.’s (his father’s) vehement communism and how it got him thrown out of Kenya’s socialistic government as a radical. Naturally they MSM has not hinted that in the matter of “Dreams from My Father,” the Dreams from our president’s father clearly included 100% taxation, confiscation of foreign businesses by Kenya, confiscation of private property, redistribution of wealth from Kenya’s White and Asian populace to their Blacks, frced governmental control of key businesses, etc., etc., ad nauseum . . . .


Anderson confirmed the fact that Ayers gave Obama “considerable help” in writing; and actually edited “Dreams from My Father.” “Michelle asked Ayers, a family friend, to help Barack with the book after first telling Barack he needed to get Ayers’ help,” according to Anderson’s best-seller. The close relationship between Ayers and Barack came up in several places in the book which also revealed a few times when Barack’s ambition seemed on the verge of destroying the marriage; how Michelle decided it must be Sotomayor nominated for the Supreme Court; Michelle’s extreme jealousy related to a female campaign worker; and that with deadline looming, Ayers received a bit of “finished writing” a huge compilation of notes and tape recorded material and taped interviews of African relatives, and several sections of partial manuscript . . . in short a mess . . . which he than rather expertly turned into the President’s first autobiography.

Anderson, who’s written books on the Bush Family, the Kennedy’s and other polical notables said that Obama took his wife’s advice and got Ayers’ help “. . . they were friends and had worked on various projects together, it was no secret.”

Ayers, who helped in the first effort at bombing a statue in Chicago (for the purpose of “inflicting police casulties”) has, after a long initial silence on the matter told several media people, “Yes, I wrote “Dreams from My Father, I ghostwrote the the whole thing. I met with (Obama) three or four times and then I wrote the entire book. And now I would like the royalties.” That complaint is still heard from Ayers today and still ignored by the MSM.

Anderson in his book said, “in the end Ayers’ contribution . . . would be significant . . . so much that the book’s language, oddly specific references, literary devices and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers’ own writing.” Certainly the subtle but never absent connection to Barak Obama, Sr.’s love of communism which cost him his cushy job in the Kenyan bureaucracy “because he could not keep his mouth shut” according to Barak, Jr.’s half sister . . . is a constant Ayers’ theme.

While his own communistic leanings continue today, Ayers’ who co-authored the book “Prairie Fire” in 1973 (dedicated to over 200 persons from the great Harriet Tubman; convicted Robert Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan; “and all political prisoners in the United States”) with several other members of the Weather Underground and wrote and published “Fugitive Days: a Memoir,” has a distinctive style that is little changed over the three decades since his first book. However, the two books strike completely different tones: the first book defiant; the latter one more thoughtful and even apologetic when describing his days with the “Greenwich Village Bomb-makers.”

Columnist Cashill on the American Thinker website complained about the liberal mainstream media’s desire to shield Barak Obama from all suggestion of problem activities and acquaintanceships. Americans, for example, got a five-minute story on the disgrace and resignation of Obama's "Green Jobs Czar" communist Van Jones where something similar in the Bush Administration would have surely garnered two or even three weeks worth of coverage. Cashill said, "There is no more stunning example of this than the reporting on Christopher Andersen's new best seller. Every major news outlet in the English-speaking world felt compelled to review the book," Cashill wrote, "Yet not a single reviewer, as far as I could tell, dared mention the book's most newsworthy revelation, namely that Bill Ayers substantially aided Barack Obama in the writing of his 1995 memoir, 'Dreams From My Father.'"

Only one oblique media reference mentioned Ayers’ part in creating the book, noting that a conservative blog connected Ayers to Obama’s first book and their Hyde Park (Chicago) friendship contained video of Ayers’ admission, but that “Ayers was joking, of course” without explaining how they had established Ayers’ frame of mind and lack of sincerity. As far as the “conservative blog” in question by Anne Leary in the Backyard Conservative website describing her interview with Ayers the blog was mentioned and discredited (and that was that) without any evidence for doing so by all the liberal media.

So, Weatherman Underground bomber Bill Ayers wrote Barak Obama’s first book and is angry that he’s not received his royalties; and with the liberal MSM who won’t give him coverage to express his ire . . . it’s enough to make any radical furious.

Every time, it seems, Obama has sought to distance himself from someone like Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, and Bill Ayers (on several occasions) and other unsavory types the media has obligingly dropped the matter immediately . . . apparently only patriotic conservatives need to be “followed up on” by the newshounds and extreme leftist presidents are presumed innocent forever. So much for the integrity of the American MSM and the once great "fourth estate."

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Today, by the way, the NY Times ran an extraordinarily sympathetic article on PFC Bradley Manning and the torments of his growing up “a geek” and gay to boot. Too bad that won’t stop any of the U.S. Military or Afghan deaths caused byManning’s willful leaking of 160,000 secret and top secret documents. Rajjpuut remembers a similar compassionate NY Times article on Bill Ayers that even showed understanding for Ayers’ bomb-planting . . . it ran on the morning of September 11, 2001 --- OOOOPS!

** dare we use the phrase “JournOList”???


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“Say, Betcha Didn’t Know . . . .”
the Story Behind a NY Times “Retraction”
After her excellent comparison of the courage exhibited by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer compared to our wimpy President’s non-efforts to protect the nation’s borders, perhaps Sarah Palin ought to be making statements about the New York Times publishers, editors, reporters, columnists, op-ed writers, bloggers (and everybody but the janitors) all combined . . . lacking the “cajones” of a one-celled protozoan . . . Let’s talk about one “retraction” in the Times . . . .
Some months ago, the liberal media was alive with a story about TEA Party members yelling the N-word fifteen times (or twenty-nine times in one paper) at Black members of congress as they walked up the capitol steps on that sunny day in March when Obamacare was passed. This was considered BIG . . . front-page news cussed and discussed in every liberal broadcast for weeks to come. Only one problem, it never happened. The $100,000 reward offered to anyone who can show “verifiable video footage,” showing one instance (not fifteen or twenty-nine) of the n-word being used has been offered lo, these several months and no one has offered documentary evidence, much less collected the reward. Similarly, no video footage of any Black congressman or any congress member being spat upon on that day has ever emerged.
Just the other day, (and this is August 5th) almost five months after it purportedly happened, the New York Times finally (having researched the story carefully – hah!) ran a retraction/correction . . . well, sort of . . . .
What they did actually was not even deign to draw attention to the retraction/correction by putting it off as a separate item at all. Instead they boldly went where few retractions/corrections have gone: they placed it inconspicuously at the bottom of another story. To wit:
“The Political Times column last Sunday, about a generational divide over racial attitudes, erroneously linked one example of a racially charged statement to the Tea Party movement. While Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of such statements, there is no evidence that epithets reportedly directed in March at Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia, outside the Capitol, came from Tea Party members.”
“All the News that’s Fit to Print?” Really???? Perhaps the Times ought to change their motto to “All the Gutless Lies Obama Would Prefer We Print.” First of all, that, whatever else it is, is neither a correction nor a retraction. There is NO “we got it wrong and we apologize” aspect to that piece of garbage by the piece of garbage Times.
1. Notice that the actual event is left muddy, there’s no mention of the n-word or Mr. Lewis’ race . . . nothing that could make the “apology” meaningful.
2. Notice that the retraction/correction was certainly NOT page-one news like the original story was . . . .
3. Notice the retraction/correction refers to “one example” . . . when the Times -- by March, 2010 – had already been printing such accusations about the TEA Party and conservatives virtually non-stop without basis for over a year . . . and meanwhile has continued to spout out this nonsense ceaselessly since March, 2010.
4. The retraction/correction is over four months late and it’s not actually either a retraction or a correction and it does not apologize . . . it just says, “There is no evidence . . . epithets . . . came from TEA Party members” which is, at best a half-truth since . . .
5. The retraction/correction does NOT say “There is NO EVIDENCE any epithets with n-words were hurled by anyone at all.
6. The retraction/correction says “While Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of such statements,” but doesn’t say for every two thousand such accusations (not connections, but “accusations”) perhaps one** is true.
7. The retraction/correction talks about “a generational divide over racial attitudes” . . . that, my friends, is what has been known as a “weasel phrase” or possibly “a (or an) euphemism” . . . but which is actually just an old-fashioned LIE, not a half-truth, a LIE. It’s acting like . . . a) some sort of generation-gap exists and b) the TEA party (with older members?) treats differences in race one way that’s presumably at least a bit racist and c) the Times and its readers knows better because they are elite, intelligent, etc. but . . . RACISM, you Times morons, is RACISM, and lies are lies, and p_ss-poor journalism is pi__-poor journalism.
8. The Times seems to have never gone to the “horse’s mouth” for final verification of the event’s truth or falsity. Since Representative Lewis, a Black Democrat, is reportedly one of the few congressmen of either party, any race, any gender, any age who has been repeatedly and fairly called “honorable.” Yet Mr. Lewis has repeatedly refused to corroborate the stories about being spat upon or having the N-word hurled at him. Perhaps the Times should have asked Mr. Lewis, if his silence itself on this matter was “honorable” (since the only probable reason for this silence was to NOT gainsay his fellow Democrats)?
9. The Times has continuously run as straight-news, each and every liberal’s or left-wing Democrat’s accusation of RACISM as undeniable fact for at least the last ten years IF DIRECTED at CONSERVATIVES . . . but which has never attributed the barely 4% of Black votes going to Mc Cain while Obama received more and a larger percentage of White votes (almost 48%) than Kerry or Gore as having any racial significance at all. Isn’t it strange that the Times, which regards itself as so urbane and sophisticated in oh, so many ways, is so gullible that after ten years it has never figured out that the unending refuge for progressive (wanting to “progress” beyond the outdated and faulty Constitution) scoundrels is labelling all their opposition as “RACISTS.” How sophisticated is that? Just so the Times understands Rajjpuut clearly, he is saying the Times is guilty of not only abetting reverse-racism, but also of continuously and consistently falsely charging and abetting false charges of racism by others against Conservatives and conservative groups.
10. a) The Times recently OMITTED publishing news about a speech being applauded by the NAACP wherein a Black preacher and a couple of thugs who helped him beat up a Black entrepreneur (the man made a fortune in 2008 selling Obama buttons, but tried to sell “The audacity of dope” buttons featuring the president with a joint between his lips) were defended and lauded. The speaker repeatedly praised the preacher and the other thugs and called the entrepreneur repeatedly “an Uncle Tom.” b) the Times has also NOT investigated the story about the Black Panther voter intimidation suit being dropped nor c) the story about Obama appointee Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez ordering a roomful of Department of Justice employees to “forget about investigating voter intimidation and racism cases where the victims are White and the perpetrators are Black and d) nor have they run the story about Ms. Fernandez ordering DOJ employees to forget about “investigating violations of the Motor Voter Act” that is, e) like Ms. Fernandez, the New York Times is acting like racism is just something that Whites do to minorities, it can never happen the other way around.
The Times which, (in keeping with the “all-non-progressive’s are racists theme”) has ceaselessly slandered FOX News . . . but, in fact, the Times isn’t worthy of one-ten-thousandth the esteem which FOX’s real journalists earn every minute of every day. Cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly New York Times. Until such time as the same New York Times effort that’s gone into propagating these lies is shown for dispelling them and pointing out those who so blithely and continuously speak them, until that day . . . cowardly, cowardly New York Times.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**Rajjpuut who has attended three TEA Party events and never seen one instance of hate or racism does know of two instances worth mentioning since March, 2009 (a year before the Obamacare passage) . . . .

#1 In a specious incident, a fellow was shown on FOX News carrying a sign partially clouded over by their editorial staff that presumably said something like, "F_ck the N_ggers." In that 20 second-incident he was quickly confronted by about five male TEA Party members, an argument ensued, his sign was torn from his hands trampled upon, and he was physically escorted from their midst. FOX also showed coverage of three other networks' newcasts which just showed the man holding his sign with the word “nigg_rs” clearly visible in a still photograph.

#2 Within a supposed TEA Party splinter faction, (Rajjpuut has seen evidence that makes him believe it was used by Harry Reid in Nevada to choose his least capable opponent, Sharon Angle, to win the Republican nomination -- but who knows it could be a valid organization pursuing TEA Party goals) known as the TEA Party Express , there was an upper echelon official who is supposedly "a shock jock" who on his personal blogsite spouted hate attacks on Barack Obama and referred to Islam as having "a monkey god." After, what Rajjpuut believes was an inordinate length of time the shock-jock was forced to resign. In any case the TEA Party express has zero credibility with any of the TEA Party membership outside themselves.
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When you think about idle or under-used factories all around the United States like those in Indiana, Michigan, Georgia and Tennesse where automobiles used to be built, it’s obvious that for the hoped-for recovery to get anywhere near the 138 million non-farm jobs we had around 2006, those factories need to start up again and get humming with the production of new automobiles, or perhaps, retooled and modernized . . . producing new something elses. For those who don’t think the government is the problem, listen to the words of Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn, a member of the House energy and commerce committee . . . .

“Not far from my district the Spring Hill plant sits idle. GM pulled out of Spring Hill, once the proud home to the Saturn line, in the wake of its bankruptcy last year. Reopening the plant, either for the production of cars or anything else, will be critical to jobs growth in Middle Tennessee. At a listening session with constituents who live in the 7th district and used to commute to work in Spring Hill, the message was clear: to get the plant up and running again, Washington is going to have to do ... less.

Washington, or more specifically the Environmental Protection Agency, poses a significant challenge to any new enterprise that hopes to revitalize Spring Hill and Tennessee’s economy. While Tennesseans are looking for a new owner to come in, take over the Spring Hill plant and get it producing again, the EPA has proposed a series of regulations that would require businesses to certify they have limited carbon emissions or pay steep fines. These regulations are a result of their “endangerment finding” under the Clean Air Act that carbon dioxide and other green house gasses pose a threat to human life. (Rajjpuut interjects here . . . The EPA was violating its own rules with these “endangered findings.” They are prohibited by law*** from making environmental regulations based upon somebody else’s studies such as the discredited CRU “global-warming” nonsense. They must conduct their own studies and base all regulations only upon their own studies, if the studies prove conclusively that the moves are warranted. Marsha Blackburn continues . . . .)

“The new greenhouse gas rules will require anyone who buys the Spring Hill plant and performs any modifications on it — which they will likely have to do — to analyze all the greenhouse gas emissions from the plant and from all its potential new processes. Any new owner will have to report these emissions to the EPA. All the while, Tennesseans remain jobless.

“Most possible uses for the Spring Hill plant would cause the plant to exceed the 25,000 annual tons of carbon dioxide emissions the EPA proposes to allow, classifying it as a “major emitter.” Major emitters must go through additional review and permitting by the EPA, a process that could take months or years. These are years when an entrepreneur owns, maintains, and pays taxes on a non-productive facility — clearly a disincentive to anyone thinking of reopening a plant in the United States.

“To add to the cost, the EPA will require major emitters to purchase and install the ‘best available control technology’ to reduce emissions to an acceptable level. Even when that equipment is installed, the new owner isn’t done with EPA-imposed costs. Because the EPA found that the Clean Air Act applies to carbon dioxide, any new owners of the Spring Hill plant are open to being sued if the carbon capture technology fails or the plant ever exceeds the EPA emission ceiling. Such a specter of unanticipated cost would hang over the plant for its entire operational life. While potential new owners calculate the possible cost, Tennesseans go jobless.

“As Washington works to balance economic impact with the need to spur energy independence, the EPA lurks on the Hill with these disastrous carbon restrictions in its briefcase, threatening to detonate them on the economy in the event that the Senate doesn’t meet its minimum standard of economy-killing carbon limits. Its actions are a clear executive overreach.”

The rest of Blackburn’s commentary can be found at:


She proposed a bill that would void the EPA’s endangerment findings and prohibit the agency from regulating carbon emissions under the auspices of the Clean Air Act in an effort to help the Spring Hill plant re-emerge from its near death experience. She then talked about the EPA announcing a video contest with a $2,500 prize to help Americans appreciate how EPA regulations and the entire regulatory process “benefits the citizens.” The fact of the matter is that the EPA’s regulations are killing the country and are a huge part of the problem and the proposed Cap and Trade legislation would cost America at least $220 Billion each and every year it’s in effect probably much more. One of Mr. Obama’s cronies at CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) has admitted on TV that their group sees climate exchange as a “Ten TRillion Dollar industry.” Since that industry produces nothing but only sells literal “blue sky nothingness to the productive parts of the economy (a shakedown, if you will, by the EPA) then the rest of the economy must lose $10 TRillion for the CCX to exist since the output of the whole non-government economy is now between $15-$16 TRillion . . . you get an idea of just what a raping cap and trade will prove to our nation and its future. Clearly, Mr. Obama as a board member of CCX is operating in conflicting of interest when he pushed the legislative process and again when he commanded the EPA to regulate carbon emissions a la cap and trade. You can read the specifics of this illegal and unconstitutonal matter and of Al Gore’s and President Obama’s betrayal in these three prior Rajjpuut’s Folly blogs:




As mentioned often by this blogger, the President has been repeatedly guilty of illegal and unconstitutional acts. After his impeachment, it would also be fitting and proper if the mainstream media that aided and abetted his rise to power and his illegal activities by refusing to engage in journalism but instead served as cheerleaders who refused to vett his connections, his activities and his personal background . . . Obama’s betrayal might be great but the betrayal of mainstream journalism upon the American people has been greater. Here Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn explains the simplest truths that are so basic to understanding how a capitalist economy creates jobs . . . and yet such a story is never a part of the media’s “hot topics,” never.

Like Obama himself, the EPA has seriously overstepped their bounds and the misuse of bureaucratic power by the president and by the EPA is a huge problem. Ask the folks around Fresno county (the richest vegetable-growing region in the world) about their nearly 40% unemployment in some areas while the EPA to save the purportedly endangered Delta Smelt has forbidden use of irrigation piping and pumping in the region to save the smelt. The Fresno county workers got shafted by the EPA during a drought; and the consumers are paying much more for vegetables thanks to the EPA . . . and the EPA with such nonsense is killing the economy.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

*** The efforts of Marsha Blackburn and other Republicans in other states, made the EPA back down from their illegal stance. Supposedly, they canNOT return to this kind of heavy-handedness unless they themselves prove that global-warming is occurring and dangerous and that human activity is driving it. Of course we know from the Climate-Gate scandal that global-warming is a trumped-up result created by overzealous environmentalists pretending to do science but actually "cooking the books" by manipulation of data, as verified by the following article by the very liberal London Times talking about the actions of fellow Brits:
twelve days after the Climate-Gate data manipulation scandal at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) erupted, the most important liberal voice in Europe recognized the error of its ways and stopped promoting the lie that is "global-warming" but five months later our American media is still cheerleading for global-warming and for the godawful cap and trade and for the progressive Obama administration that will further kill our economy if allowed . . . and they still refuse to print any meaningful coverage of climate-gate; of cap and trade or about the connections between Gore, Obama, Goldman Sachs and several progressive foundationsa and CCX . . . .
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ARLINGTON CEMETERY -Jeopardy QuestionOn Jeopardy the other night, the final question was " How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the Tomb of the Unknowns ---- All three missed it --This is really an awesome sight to watch if you've never had the chance. Very moving experience, the soldiers' dedication is very evident, and the changing of the guards is fascinating in the precision of each movement.Tomb of the Unknown Soldier1. How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the Tomb of the Unknowns and why?21 steps : It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute which is the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walk and why?21 seconds for the same reason as answer number 1.3. Why are his gloves wet?His gloves are moistened to prevent his losing his grip on the rifle.4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time and , if not, why not?He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb. After his march across the path, he executes an about face and moves the rifle to the outside shoulder.5. How often are the guards changed?Guards are changed every thirty minutes,twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, he must be between 5' 10' and 6' 2' tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30".They must commit 2 years of life to guard the Tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives. They cannot swear in public for the rest of their lives and cannot disgrace the uniform or the tomb in any way.After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on his lapel signifying he served as guard of the tomb. There are only400 presently worn. The guard must obey these rules for the rest of his life or give up the wreath pin.The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the heat and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt.There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform. Guards dress for duty in front of a full-length mirror.The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone or watch TV. All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred. Among the notables are:President Taft,Joe Lewis {the boxer}Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, the most decorated soldier of WWII of Hollywood fame.Every guard spends five hours a day getting his uniforms ready for guard duty.ETERNAL REST GRANT THEM O LORD AND LET PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM.In 2003 as Hurricane Isabelle was approaching Washington, DC, ourUS Senate/House took 2 days off in anticipation of the storm. On the ABCevening news, it was reported that because of the dangers from the hurricane, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment. They respectfully declined the offer, 'No way, Sir!' Soaked to the skin,marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a service person. The Tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.God Bless and keep them.We can be very proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve.IN GOD WE TRUST
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Liberty verses Tyranny - Choose Wisely

Over the past 12 months, we have witnessed an unprecedented assault on our personal liberties. This assault has not come from some foreign power, but from our own tyrannical government.On Tuesday, January 19, a special election will be held in the state of Massachusetts to choose a new US Senator to replace Ted Kennedy. The results of this election could well decide our nation's future.Until now, Democrats have had filibuster-proof majorities in both the House and Senate, thus allowing them to ram through their socialist agenda, in spite of what the American people want. But the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts could give Republicans the critical 41st vote needed to stop the Democratic supermajority in the Senate.Brown opposes the government takeover of our health care system. He opposes giving terrorists constitutional rights and cap-and-trade legislation. Brown's election would not only derail the terrible health 'reform' bill, but much of the rest of Obama's agenda.Up until this week, Brown's election was not even considered to be a remote possibility. The seat has been in Democrat hands for nearly 60 years. But recent polls show that Brown has closed the gap and appears to now be in a statistical tie with his opponent.I urge you to watch an inspiring 90-second video and then decide what you can do to make a difference in this critical election:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nEoW-P81-0Please forward this message to others you know that are concerned about our nation's future. Thank you.
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