epa (39)

Home of the Brave, not so much in the Senate

While we do have war hero's and I thank them for their service, it seems like the brave my have tired. No one will directly challenge Obama, Holder or other officials who ignore the citizens will, laws and Congress. They let agencies like the EPA run over them and citizens without recourse.

Where have the brave gone, aside from our current military people. Obama will be cutting their ranks and continues to make their job harder.

We need rescue from this administration. Obama will speak with Iranian terrorist and not the GOP, really?




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Home of the Brave, not so much in the Senate

While we do have war hero's and I thank them for their service, it seems like the brave my have tired. No one will directly challenge Obama, Holder or other officials who ignore the citizens will, laws and Congress. They let agencies like the EPA run over them and citizens without recourse.

Where have the brave gone, aside from our current military people. Obama will be cutting their ranks and continues to make their job harder.

We need rescue from this administration. Obama will speak with Iranian terrorist and not the GOP, really?




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Maybe it was to let Putin lead the world and slip America from the super power position? VIA,

Was it to allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapons, while wringing his hands?

Continue to print an extra 80 billion USD a month, until the dollar is no longer the number one currency?

The House passed a bill to continue to fund America, except for Obama care. The President goes around every day saying the GOP wants to shut down America. Obama could tell Reid to accept the bill and not shut down the government, but he will not. He has used the bully pulpit every day to fool Americans, because he thinks we are fools.

Continue to push Obama Care, the largest tax in the history of the world, 21 taxes, which was rammed down America's throat. Most selling points were lies and it will decimate the greatest health care system in the world.

Use every crisis and murder to get registration and ultimately ban most, if not all guns.

Sign the UN Small Arms Treaty to seek to neutralize the Second Amendment.

Use the EPA rules to execute Obama's war on coal and energy prices. Bypass Congress and declare the CO2 we breathe out as a pollutant. They have added social costs and a lower than possible CO2 limit from coal to kill any future plants. Germany's green program has driven up kilowatt costs from .06 to over .20 cents today, which is badly hurting industry in that country. Spain is broke from their  green program and Obama wants that for America too. While our energy costs are lower today, Obama's objective will be to make them skyrocket. This will break America and further kill off US jobs.

EPA rules make Coal fired plants come up to the latest standards if they upgrade, which means no upgrades and eventual shut down of the plants. Coal costs .03 to .04 per kilowatt and provides 45% of our power.


The EPA may delay the alternative fuel related tax that will sharply drive up gasoline prices until after the next election. We could be energy independent and stop buying middle east oil and the indirect funding of radical Islam and terrorists. This is never discussed in the press.

Global temps are down for the past decade and the Russians say it will continue for 250 years. This year Artic ice is up 60%.

Perhaps it was Obama's plan to cut our military and cede back superpower and world influence to the Russians?


Other than his book, The Dreams of my Father, we have few clues why he wants to see America shrink in the world. I guess it is to punish America and the west for the sins of our Fathers, as Obama and his Father perceived them.

The wealth re- distribution Ponzi scheme of carbon credit trading from the US and the West is one way to cut America down to size.


I doubt Obama will ever tell us what he intended.  





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War on Coal and America- Obama can do that!

Obama has had the EPA write new and never before used regulations that start his war on coal and Americans. While he may hesitate attacking foreigners, he has no such issues declaring and waging war on American energy and our citizens. After all, how do you put America in its place? One great way is to drive up energy costs, killing jobs while you say how you want just the opposite, which is Obama's game.

AS Obama said, you will be able to open a coal fired plant, but you will go bankrupt. That is all related to the new Utility Standards and the new emissions limit related to coal use. First, Obama had the EPA rule CO2, literally the air our of your mount and what plants use to make oxygen is a pollutant. Now, limiting the amount of CO2 to lower than possible for a coal fired they will not build a new one. If they improve one it must be brought up , so that will kill them.

This is just the beginning . 

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As we push for impeachment it seems that the origin of the president is dead.

However 2 others are heating up. Follows a Piece from Capitol Hill Daily today:

As you know, the whole nation is currently enraptured by three scandals – the Benghazi, IRS and DOJ/AP scandals.

But what most people don’t realize is that there are two more scandals that haven’t fully come to light yet.

Believe me, we’re on the verge of witnessing the greatest number of scandals ever seen in Washington – both at one period in time, and over the course of one presidency.

And that begs the question: When is enough, well, enough? It only took one scandal to dethrone Nixon.

Of course, the IRS, DOJ and Benghazi scandals have the nation in an uproar, but if those three can’t bury Obama, maybe these other two will put the nail in his coffin.

Unexposed Scandal #1: IRS-Like Targeting At the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Under the Obama administration, the IRS is now known as the Internal Revenge Service. An anonymous employee blew the whistle on how the whole system operates, and he made it perfectly clear that corrupt directives “come from the top.”

And it appears that holds true across several federal agencies. That’s why the EPA is currently involved in a similar scandal.

Supposedly, all federal agencies are required to distribute any requested documents as long as they don’t fall under certain specific exemptions. It’s part of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a federal law that gives the public the right to request federal agency records.

But like the IRS, the EPA has also been unfairly targeting conservatives while providing favorable treatment to liberal groups.

Recently, liberal groups requested 82 documents and conservative businesses requested 26.

Out of 82 requests, the EPA has waived fees for 75 major liberal environmental groups. If you don’t have your calculator on hand, that’s a 92% success rate.

On the flipside, conservative organizations have an abysmal 19% success rate. That’s right, 21 out of the 26 conservative groups’ FOIA requests were either rejected or completely ignored.

So there you have it… the EPA is blatantly conspiring with groups that share its same political agenda. This, along with the IRS scandal, confirms conservative fears of big government reign.

Unexposed Scandal #2: Obamacare Donor-Gate

Obamacare in and of itself is a scandal, mainly because of the sneaky way it was passed. And as the law has been slowly implemented, even more shameful behavior has come to light.

First of all, Sarah Hall Ingram – the woman in charge of the IRS division at the center of the recent scandal – is also heading up the division in charge of Obamacare tax regulation.

That should be plenty frightening on its own.

But if that weren't enough, members from the House have sent a letter to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Department of Human and Health Services, questioning shady donor activity.

We already know that Sebelius has a history of bending the law to forward this administration’s agenda, and now we’re seeing the same behavior that’s gotten her in trouble before.

It turns out the HHS has been soliciting donations from nonprofit organizations involved with implementing Obamacare. Though the law states that department officials are prohibited from fundraising in their own professional capacity, Sebelius has been directly calling top executives in the health industry as well as community organizations and church groups to coerce them into donating to nonprofits tied to Obamacare.

This is the definition of “conflict of interest,” and even if they aren’t deemed illegal, they’re undoubtedly unethical and, at the very least, should lead to her resignation.

The Silver Lining

We keep seeing more scandals and no impeachment process. I understand that it’s disheartening to think about the president getting away with five exposed scandals. But there’s always a silver lining…

Today, the president is on the defensive (despite being arrogant enough at first to think he didn’t need to be).

You know things have hit rock bottom when Piers Morgan and Jon Stewart can no longer defend you…

And now, instead of putting all his effort into leaving an even heavier footprint on our nation, he will need to focus on damage control. These investigations are going to go on for a very long time, and even if they don’t bring about his impeachment, they’ll certainly delay the implementation of most of his agenda.

as they say,

Yours in Freedom,


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Obama made a speech this week and I realized it was almost the same as his speech in 2005 and 2008. All talk, no action. He did say the GOP is doing nothing and chasing false stories, like IRS, NSA, Benghazi and others. Of course, these are real issues and need to be investigated, not just distractions. He wants jobs and says he wants jobs and then stymie's jobs at every turn, e.g., holding up the Keystone pipeline, excessive EPA regulations, Obama care ( Major job killer and economic killer), Illegal EEOC appointments and rulings, wasted money on non viable non economic alternative energy, war on coal, limitation of energy production on federal lands, slow energy permits, US wealth distribution, war on the US military ( Cuts in critical areas and reduction of 12 brigades), continued assault on States rights, i.e., the AG filing court rulings on Texas election system to force Federal approval, Obama and his race baiting in Texas and everywhere, e...tc.,.   The President said the GOP has no plan, but they do and have pushed a budget. We need a leader and a person to work out our issues and solve problems. I regret that we do not have such a leader in Obama. Leading from behind is not leadership.
WE could have an energy policy, eliminate or reduce the *EPA, Energy and Education departments . Set goal to be energy independent and use all natural resources. Allow the market place to develop future alternative energy and greatly reduce federal tax dollars. Drop ethanol subsidies and requirement for fuel. These savings could be used for food and aid where needed.  These * are fairly recent new departments and have billions in budgets. They should be hollowed out, distribute the money in block grants to the States and allow the States to control environmental, energy and education with limited federal oversight.
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A Tell of Democratic Leadership -Detroit

A Tell of Democratic Leadership.

There once was a great America city, where one on six American jobs were related to the businesses headquartered in this city of 2 million people. Detroit!

Now, under democratic leadership it has 700K citizens, 78,000 abandoned buildings, 58 minute wait time for a policeman, very high crime and murder rate , strict gun laws and the largest city in US history to file for bankruptcy.

Just think Obama and the democrats want to lead us, but to where and how bad will it get. Remember, Obama said his policies will make energy prices skyrocket, while we sit on more energy reserves that known in the world. EPA and other federal agencies issuing more new rules than ever before and a tripled federal deficit while printing 80 billion USD every month, propping up Wall Street. Manipulated inflation and unemployment numbers and not to be forgotten Obama care. I know Obama and the democrats can do for every American city what they have done for so many others, including Detroit.

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Wish Our Congress had the resolve

If our Congress had have the resolve and intestinal fortitude that the Egyptians have we would watching impeachment proceeding today. How similar was their leader  to ours? Big promises, switch and bait, radicals in charge after the election, ignores the Constitution when it serves him and ignores Congress and the courts when it serves him. If after all of that and Fast n Furious, AG issues, Benghazi, IRS, NSA , ignoring courts orders and the will of Congress not one woman or man in the House will move for impeachment of Obama. They could also impeach other Federal officials, but nothing is done.


Our leader has gone so far that Russia is amazed how far and fast our system has fallen, as they commented in Pravda back a couple of years ago. Can you imagine what they think now. Obama has declared he wishes we were no longer a nuclear power, but would settle for 300 or so nukes for a start. Below the level of China, so I am sure they and every other enemy of the US in the world could not be happier with Obama's position. Add his plan to give away our tax dollars while tripling our budget deficit and the must be ecstatic. He wants to redistribute as much as he can, which is all cap and trade is about except for the credit traders and related fees, which is AL Gore's piece of the pie. Obama's assault of every aspect of America, to transform it, attacks every part of our nation. NASA is re-tasked to Muslim outreach and climate change research. Military will be downsized by 12 brigades among other demoralizing actions. 1.8 billion ammo rounds purchased for Homeland Security along with riot and other gear, War on coal, war over with the Muslim terrorists, at least from our side, there are many more examples and issues, which I know Congress is aware of and still they do nothing.

Evil dwells where good men do nothing and nothing is what our elected representatives are doing. Aside from unlawful actions all we can do is pray and wait for the next election cycle. I will be looking for new State representatives and new national party to take over. 

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Zimmerman Distraction

Every media outlet, including Fox is 24 seven Zimmerman which distracts from the many issues that Obama has going on now. I bet it makes Obama happy that the media ignores world wide issues with this court coverage. They must think Zimmerman will not be convicted, as the evidence seems to indicate. In our system up to now, you are innocent until proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. That burden of proof may be too much for the State to prove. Any time a person is killed is terrible and the court will have to determine what happened and guilt. It is my understanding that Zimmerman is Hispanic and has many people of color in his family, hardly sounds like a racist type person.


All the while known issues, IRS abuse, Benghazi, Fast n Furious, EPA, Land Management abuses, 100 million dollar trips, billions of foreign aid while cutting US programs, 17 trillion in deficit, ignoring Federal court orders, Illegitimate EEOC members, Ignoring Congress on Dream Act and Cap and Trade, huge staffs, 76 Czars and 26 First Lady staffers, etc. . The media ignores these while focusing on Zimmerman who is accused of murder. What about the 10 to 15 murders every weekend in Chicago? Where is Jessie and Al on those murders and countless shootings in a strict gun control State and city? If it was just people, surely they would follow all and where most murders are happening. The fact that these race pimps do not jump on these other crimes means that there are other motivations. 

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4063705832?profile=originalPresident Barack Obama's –– who promised to have, and claims to be, the most transparent administration in history –– “political appointees are using secret government email accounts to conduct official business,” The Associated Press found. This ranges across several government agencies, including the Health and Human Services Department (HHS), the Labor Department (DOL) as well as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Just after the release of this information, Kathleen Sebelius came under fire about her emails, of which the AP published as KGS2@hhs.gov with her public email address of Kathleen.Sebelius@hhs.gov. When confronted by Fox News about the report, Sebelius denied any secrecy, “There is no secret email account, there’s a public email and a private email, and they’re all FOIABle, they’re all available.”


As the denials pile up, the White House shifts the blame, citing it as a practice used by previous administrations. However, the scale and scope across the government and this administration remains a mystery, because transparency is nil: “Most federal agencies have failed to turn over lists of political appointees' email addresses, which the AP sought under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) more than three months ago,” noted Fox News. According to the AP report last week, they are waiting for at least ten agencies to respond, including the Environmental Protection Agency and the departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, Treasury, Justice, Housing and Urban Development, Homeland Security, Commerce and Agriculture, of which "all have said they are working on a response to the AP.”


Former EPA Head Lisa Jackson’s Alter Ego, the Fictitious “Richard Windsor,” Wins Awards


This is just the latest in a slew of government officials that we can confirm who have been using suspect email practices, which adds to the lack of transparency within the Obama White House. As you may recall Lisa Jackson, the former head of the EPA –– chosen by Obama in 2009 –– used an “alter ego” as her email account to conduct government business.


In the fall of 2012 the name “Richard Windsor” triggered an environmental alarm –– what POLITICO called “an inadvertent ruckus for an agency already under fire from conservatives.” It “spawned a host of accusatory news reports and questions from lawmakers, all of them implying that Jackson was trying to dodge congressional oversight and public records laws by using a private email account under a fake name.”


A fake person, whom by the way, the White House knew about since at least February 2010, and now we learn "he" won several EPA awards.  The National Review divulged, "Documents released by the agency in response to a Freedom of Information Act request reveal that, for three years, the EPA certified Windsor as a "scholar of ethical behavior." The agency also documented the nonexistent Windsor’s completion of training courses in the management of e-mail records, cyber-security awareness, and what appears to be a counter-terror initiative that urges federal employees to report suspicious activity."


Needless to say, refutation is the usual response by the Obama administration in any wrongdoing (whether alleged or factual), and in some cases selective amnesia is their method of deflection. In this case, the EPA claimed that Jackson’s public account, jackson.lisap@epa.gov, was inundated with “1.5 million emails in fiscal year 2012.” Adding to their justification, “EPA administrators have been assigned two official, government-issued email accounts: a public account and an internal account,” EPA said in a statement to POLITICO back in November 2012. “The email address for the public account is posted on EPA's website and is used by hundreds of thousands of Americans to send messages to the administrator. The internal account is an everyday, working email account of the administrator to communicate with staff and other government officials.”

In the midst of this heated environment, Ms. Jackson resigned in December 2012 (and now works for Apple), and by January it became clear that the EPA email scandal was worse than most had originally thought. Brietbart.com put it best, "We’re not talking about some alias to be used for personal correspondence but a totally false identity in whose name official business was allegedly conducted created specifically to avoid federal record-keeping and disclosure requirements. And none of this would ever have been uncovered were it not for the courage of a still anonymous whistleblower and the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s (CEI) Christopher Horner, an attorney with the legal smarts and experience needed to unravel it all."


As early as April 2012, the EPA Intel came to light by Mr. Horner, who is also the author of The Liberal War on Transparency, "research for which uncovered a climate of deceit and obstruction at EPA." Eventually it sparked congressional inquiries, an inspector general investigation as well as a federal court order for the EPA to turn over “the first installment of some 12,000 secret, previously undisclosed emails.”


In January 2013, the EPA provided emails all right, but none that included Jackson’s alias. The next two batches released in February and March of this year were no better, as one set was “heavily redacted” and the other turned out to be a partial document dump. NOTE: a very incriminating timeline regarding EPA's "Richard Windsor" Email Scandal can be found at CEI, yet here we are over a year later, and we're no more closer to the truth.


Jackson, a "friend" of former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones (both far-left radical environmentalists), promised “environmental justice” and referred to this government agency as “Obama’s EPA” –– an agency whereas the president gave the largest budget in EPA history at the tune of $10.5 billion taxpayer-dollars, as well as a tremendous amount of "ECO power," of which the EPA has abused.


Nevertheless, what’s key here is that Jackson's fictitious email wasn’t used for recipe swapping or recycling tips. From what I gather, "Richard Windsor was used to conduct official business with environmental pressure groups, other special interests, and top staffers." The Daily Caller News Foundation also reported, "the Windsor account had also been used to correspond with Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack — who was using a secret account of his own — and outside environmental groups." Additionally, there was another EPA official who used a private email account to correspond with environmental groups in an attempt to "shield communications with environmental activists from public disclosure," documented The Daily Caller in January.


Evidence also emerged and was reported by Human Events in December 2012 which stated, “the existence of 12,000 emails (those court order ones) had either addressed to or authored by “'Richard Windsor'” included one of four key words submitted by Horner for a search –– coal, climate, endanger and MACT, a mercury rule expected to have a devastating impact on the coal industry and coal-fired electricity plants and raise rates for consumers."


Jackson was also in charge of other important issues like how to control so-called greenhouses gases, setting fuel standards for automobiles and approving an ethanol-based fuel. We also know that Jackson and the power allotted the EPA, (oops Obama's EPA), who is strongly aligned with President Obama's expensive and ongoing left-wing "climate change" agenda, was used to circumvent Congressional approval. For example, in 2009, the Obama administration was “unable to sell cap-and-trade as a job creator,” knowing that Americans see it as a job killer and a costly energy tax. So in December 2009, the Obama administration decided to go through the EPA to move their climate agenda via the Clean Air Act, ruling that “greenhouse gases threaten public health and the environment” and six key greenhouse gases were listed, including carbon dioxide (C02), opening the “regulation door” to carbon emissions from automobiles, power plants, and other sources.


EPA: Out with the “Richard Windsor” and in with "Obama's Green Quarterback," Holding the "Lack of Transparency" Football 


“Richard Windsor” may be off the team –– awards and all –– but as of late, Chris Horner has gone after EPA senior official, Gina McCarthy, who runs the EPA’s clean air division and in March was nominated by the president to replace outgoing chief Lisa Jackson. 


The charge: CEI filed a lawsuit that “alleges EPA has not provided the records or a substantive response to a late April Freedom of Information Act request, which covers dates McCarthy testified between 2009 and 2012.”


The Hill reported on this story at the end of May, of which the CEI alleged, “McCarthy regularly used text messaging as an alternative to email for work-related communications.” Not to mention McCarthy was apparently warned by a senior EPA official to “cease using that function on her PDA, due to concerns about the propriety of her texting about Members of Congress specifically on days when she testified before either the House or Senate.”


However, McCarthy, in April 2013 told Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), the top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee who was vetting her nomination, “I do not conduct business through personal email.” McCarthy is also on the record as stating that she doesn’t conduct business over instant messaging, either: “One good thing about being 58 is I don’t know how to use them,” McCarthy said. “I have never used an IM. I don’t know how.”


Widely known as Obama’s “green quarterback,” McCarthy hit some roadblocks on her way to head the EPA, including a boycott by senate Republican members of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, because she had refused to answer their questions about transparency in the agency. Needless to say, a week later (May 16) McCarthy was approved by the Senate committee, and as reported by the Washington Post, this was "after what Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) described as significant steps forward on transparency issues important to the GOP."


Is there confusion on texting vs. instant messages? Or maybe McCarthy has since learned how to IM. I don't know, but we'll keep tabs on this part of the EPA scandal, because as of this month, McCarthy's path forward to heading the EPA remains murky, as does the transparency within this agency and many others.



July 2012 House Oversight Hearing Revealed Shady Email Practices by Former DOE Loan Advisor Jonathan Silver


I'd love to compare notes with Chris Horner on the Green Corruption scandal, because according to Human Events, Horner also acknowledged that fourteen separate private email accounts helped solidify the Solyndra green energy deal that costs taxpayers over $500 million. The Solyndra Saga was just the beginning of President Obama's clean-energy failures (billions wasted) and crony capitalism run amok, of which I've been tracking for some time. I recently tallied 25 taxpayer-backed green energy firms that have gone bankrupt, and with an equal amount troubled.


Last summer I was one of the few that took issue with the fact that the former Department of Energy (DOE) Loan Advisor, Jonathan Silver, during his time at the DOE, participated in extremely shady email practices that included helping his “friends” get DOE loans, of which I discovered when viewing the July 18th Oversight hearing as well as chronicling the green corruption suspects since 2010.


A scandal that also comprises of internal DOE email correspondences (some from whistleblowers) going as far back as the passing of President Obama's 2009 trillion-dollar stimulus package, of which last fall we busted open the Energy Department's "Den of Deception," proving coercion, corruption, cronyism, and cover ups.


What astonished me was that Silver used his personal email account to “handle” DOE business, where he would forward emails from his DOE account to his personal email, and then respond from his personal email account. Now, Mr. Silver reasoned that it was out of “convenience,” however; this practice clearly violates the Federal Records Act of 1950 (at least the spirit of the law). Worse, these particular Obama appointees don't have an issue with lying to Congress while under oath, and have gone unpunished –– as is the case of Mr. Silver.


When questioned by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) at the July 18th hearing on how pervasive this practice was; Silver responded with, “Not terribly,” then followed, “I received tens of thousands of emails while I was in the program.” Congressman Gowdy then inquired about the percentage. Silver stated, “I don’t know the answer to that…”


During his testimony, Silver asserted that he had turned over all of his DOE correspondences (government documents), but as usual, it was only after the House Oversight Committee demanded them. During this hearing we also discover that the Obama administration had attempted to block their "legitimate discovery" in this particular case (as they stonewalled on most of the DOE inquiries led by the House Oversight). In fact the DOE specifically tried to prevent them from getting these documents, of which Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa's (R-CA) explained, "asking Mr. Silver’s attorney –– ordering him effectively –– to deliver the documents to them so they could limit and redact them, so they could decide what Congress was entitled to."


Obviously, the DOE was obstructing transparency, but still, this left me with many critical questions. Why did Silver handle DOE business in this fashion –– convenience or concealment? Is g-mail better than DOE e-mail? Did he forget his DOE password? I don’t know.


But what we do know is that this flies in the face of an administration that promised and promotes “unprecedented levels of transparency” and openness...



A day after the July 18th hearing, Chairman Issa appeared on Fox News, and summed up a few key points that he had sternly addressed during the hearing. When asked about Abound (another taxpayer-funded failure accompanied by its share of cronyism and corruption), here is what Issa had to say, “Thanks for covering yet another failed solar project –– one that again went outside the bounds and the rules for making the loan, and the American people are paying for it.”


Issa went on, “I think the most important thing that we saw was the discovery of Jonathan Silver and his various other Department of Energy employees deliberately producing an outside web of private emails in which they exchanged documents, strategized on how to get these loans approved, and so on…”


What do you think they are doing? Issa was asked


Issa’s answer, “I say it was pretty transparent, they’re being opaque…by circumventing these systems, they’re taking things out of what is statutorily required to be there…”


In closing...

Yep, the Obama administration is circumventing not only our Constitution, but evading government systems that were put into place to protect the American people against tyranny and enforce transparency while ensuring we have the proper mechanisms to keep our government accountable, which encompasses our elected officials, political appointees and their staff.


It's alarming the number of scandals plaguing the Obama White House, from Fast and Furious to Green Corruption (the DOE, DOI and EPA) to top officials engaging in shady email practices. Eventually we were faced with the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS political profiling, and the DOJ's chilling media meddling.


The most current and unprecedented controversy impacts every American, no matter what side of the political isle you're on, and our right to privacy. I'm referring the secret court order that allows the NSA to collect the metadata of Americans' phone calls for months at a time as well as operation PRISM –– justified by, yet goes beyond national security –– which began under President Bush in the wake of 9/11 and continued with the Obama administration.


However, Glenn Greenwald, a reporter for the British newspaper The Guardian and the one who broke "the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA's history," firmly warned that the Obama administration "has taken a warped and distorted view of the PATRIOT Act [now on steroids]," which I find horrifying, only to surmise that instead of a "war on terror," it has morphed into a "war on freedom."


While some of these scandals are deadly and disgraceful, others shed light on the political favoritism that runs across many government agencies, and now we search and find that many of these same agencies and others conduct government business in secret.


Worse, if it wasn't for watchdog groups like Chris Horner's, whistleblowers, a handful of media doing their job, Congressional oversight, and citizens speaking out, we wouldn't know about this raging "secret" email scandal running wild within the Obama administration. In fact we'd be in the dark about most of what our government is up to, which is a sad indictment of where we are as Country: a government that is too big, too expensive, and too intrusive, and as of late, has become too corrupt, abusive and secretive.


Even those on the Left had to cede, including President Obama's former campaign advisor, David Axelrod, whereas in an attempt to shield Obama from the IRS scandal had this to say, "How could Obama know what his underlings were doing when the government’s so big?"


While this statement makes the case for smaller government even bigger, more insightful words came out of Becky Gerritson's testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, whose Tea Party group was one of those targeted by the IRS abuse, "...And I’m telling my government that you’ve forgotten your place...”


In fact our government has it all backwards: instead of punishing government officials and employees for their proven misdeeds, abuses, and crimes, they crucify brave whistleblowers. No matter what side is in power, "we the people" should raise up along side the Becky's of our nation, and remind our government that America was founded and formed "with a government of the people, by the people, for the people."


We must stand firm, and demand punishment for those that abuse their power, and ensure that unwarranted and illegal secrecy STOPS, because there is a reason people do things in secret –– they usually have something to hide, and you never know, tyranny may be "lurking just around the corner"...


Two Women (one citizen & one energy columnist) join forces on One Mission: to expose one chunk of this Green Corruption scandal at a time.

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The Honorable Congressman Smith                                                                              10 June 2013

The Honorable Senator Cornyn

The Honorable Senator Cruz


Good morning Gentlemen;


With the recent revelations the Executive Branch of our government is spying on Americans - instead of jihadists and terrorists - I would like to pose a few questions for your consideration.


1. Why has no one in Congress forced this administration to revoke Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document IA-0257-09 (2009)? This document gives them their extra-legislative "authority" (sic) to declare Americans are the terrorists - instead of the real terrorists. How do you think Veterans feel about being called "terrorists" when many of these Veterans gave up quite a bit (some of them body parts) to fight for this Nation? I appreciate the Letter Congressman Smith wrote Janet Napolitano back in 2009 - but Gentlemen, this is not enough. This administration clearly ignores your letters!


2. In light of the recent revelations and claims the National Security Agency (NSA) and DHS were monitoring U.S. citizens phones, Internet and financial transactions - and in light of the massive computing power available within only one of these "Data Centers".... how is it that Congress has apparently accepted the excuse that all they are doing is logging records to and from? It is patently obvious to anyone with any knowledge of computers, that only one of these "data centers" has the capability of doing that particular alleged "job" - for the entire world - yet we have multiple "data centers" scattered over the U.S. with these abilities - one of them right here in San Antonio!

Is it not a bit more likely that they are, indeed, unconstitutionally spying on Americans e-mails, Internet, texts, telephone conversations and bank transactions? With multiple "data centers" and this kind of computing horsepower, they certainly have the ability to do so. I found an article written back on 10 June 2010 in the Tea Party Economist that stated there were 854,000 paid individuals spying on Americans. How many are there today?


3. We are in "sequestration", it began this year. Congress determined the amount would be an $86 Billion dollar cut. A report this morning found within the news online "Financial Times" - that the U.S. is spending $80 Billion annually on this intelligence gathering... Granted, not all of that would be going to these "data centers", but my assumption is a majority of it indeed is... There are indeed many programs this administration is spending taxpayer money on that fly in the face of Congressional rulings and decisions - yet the House has not pulled his plug to stop his frivolous squandering of taxpayer monies  and subsequent deepening of our National Debt. This administration seems bent on depleting our resources to the point where our Nation WILL default on loans - and our economy will fall in the toilet - providing President Obama his opportunity to declare martial law in a time of peace.


Do you really want to go there?


4. We have the Veterans Administration (VA) declaring certain Veterans are incapable of handling their own finances - all without due process of law or a Court involvement - removing their 2nd Amendment rights under the Constitution of the United States and "appointing" someone other than themselves or a family member to handle all of their finances.... We have a Democratic Senator who openly stated on-camera that all Military Veterans have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and should not be allowed to own a weapon. To date; approximately 160,000 Veterans Nation-wide have lost their 2nd Amendment rights by these VA actions and these Veterans are forced to fight this illegal and unconstitutional action in a Court of Law - because Congress has provided no assistance, has taken no action to put a stop to it. This should NOT be the way a Nation treats those who fought for it.

I cannot begin to express how disgraceful this is. Words evade me.


So, Gentlemen... we have Sequestration, we have the highest deficit in U.S. history, we have Executive Branch overreach that exceeds the limits of the Constitution of the United States, we have extra-legislative regulations that violate the Constitution (EPA, IRS, HHS), we have monstrous taxpayer expenditures not approved by Congress (State Department) and extra-legislative actions authored and executed on a daily basis by an administration gone wild with power (NSA, DOJ, CIA, DHS, VA).


I would like to know when you are going to convince your peers on the other side of the isle that they too - and their constituents, are at risk here.


And here is another thought for you to chew on and review; In all of these hearings and Investigations that continue in all of the existing known scandals, and the scandals that continue to be revealed... one thing stands apparent to every American.


No one is being held accountable.


What I mean by this:  every citizen knows that if they did any one of these crimes, "Perjury to Congress", "Contempt of Congress" as examples - they would find themselves behind bars for a long time. Yet we see on a daily basis, members of this administration lying to Congress, refusing to provide information Congress demands, delaying the production of information Congress demands... and no one is locked up. They are all walking around scot-free.



I submit Congress itself is destroying the system of checks and balances by not immediately holding them accountable - by locking them up when they refuse to answer or refuse to provide the information Congress demands.


I submit Congress is creating precedent that will be continually followed by every member of this administration who does not wish their agenda revealed to the public and Congress.


Gentlemen, I am not claiming yourselves are the ones doing this - please take no offense. However, I firmly believe you would discover if Congress started locking them up - they would start talking and you probably would not be able to shut them up. All of you certainly have friends on the other side of the isle... they are not necessarily bad just because they are Democrats. It might be a very good time to start trying to convince them this Executive Branch overreach directly pertains to them and their well-being, that following a political agenda simply because it originated in their party - might not be the smartest thing to do for long-term career goals.


It is already apparent to anyone who is listening to all of this that our Nation is in the midst of a coup. No, we do not wear tin-foil hats and yes, according to one member of Congress we are all "Whacko Birds".


So be it. If that is the description we carry, we will shoulder that (yet I reiterate we do not wear tin-foil hats). What we desire of our elected is action - not words, not letters. We want our Constitutional Republic government back, we want our freedom back. We want this administration removed in its entirety and our government restored. All of you have a place in that and yes, I voted for all three of you. I will do so again, but that might prove difficult if this agenda of President Obama's continues to play out to the obvious ending.




Aubrey Mason

San Antonio, Texas


Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott

The Honorable Congressman Stockman

The Honorable Senator Paul

Chairman, House Judicial Committee, The Honorable Congressman Bob Good latté

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Eight hundred years ago, King John of England issued some of the earliest environmental legislation; he ordered all of the hedgerows to be cut to the ground. This returned the ground to a more natural state. This caused havoc in England. The peasants used hedgerows as fences. Hedgerows kept animals out of their crops. Without hedgerows animals freely wandered into peasant’s fields to feed on their crops. Many people died of malnutrition and starvation.

Like the environmental leaders of today, King John didn’t really care about spotted owls, snail darters, kangaroo rats or any other species. He cared about exercising power. With the hedgerows down, King John felt a euphoric joy as he and the nobility rode down the crops chasing game, through farmers fields. Modern environmentalists get the same pleasure when they stop road projects, building projects and manufacturing projects. They’ve stopped farmers from watering their crops; put many people out of business and prevented new businesses from developing. They’ve done enormous damage to the country, and Environmental Protection Agency rules are a major factor in sending jobs to foreign countries and continuing the recession. These rules are a weapon against free markets and independent businesses. President Obama made it clear he is going to use EPA rules to bankrupt anyone who tries to mine coal. We can’t build factories, refineries or roads due the these rules. People can’t start and expand businesses without cheap energy and transportation. The businesses that thrive are those that are working on government contracts, or businesses which have some necessary service and no competition. In other words EPA rules are a major tool of crony capitalism. They are used to block and bankrupt people while rewarding chosen friends.

History provides some hope for the future. The social damage caused by the destruction of the hedgerows in England roused the people of England. It bred resentment that became a revolt. After a war, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta and recognize rights of citizens. It was one of the first times in history people resisted the unrestrained abuse of power. It’s time to do it again.

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Wisconsin Guv Walker First Gets it Right;
Then Screws-up in Battle vs. Unions
“Collective Bargaining for government employment conflicts with the interests of the nation and the tax-payers.”  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I respect the right of workers in the private sector to strike. Indeed, as president of my own union, I led the first strike ever called by that union. I guess I'm maybe the first one to ever hold this office who is a lifetime member of an AFL - CIO union. But we cannot compare labor-management relations in the private sector with government. Government cannot close down the assembly line. It has to provide without interruption the protective services which are government's reason for being. It was in recognition of this that the Congress passed a law forbidding strikes by government employees against the public safety . . . . I must tell those who failed to report for duty this morning they are in violation of the law, and if they do not report for work within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated.”  President Ronald Wilson Reagan
Confusion Reigns on All Fronts as Nation Stagnates;
Seethes in Obama-Created Swamp
            “. . . She’s the most disgraceful country that ever you have seen,
            They’re hanging men and women there for wearing o’ the green . . .”
            The Founding Fathers must be spinning at 300 revolutions per second in their graves right now. And like “dear old 'Oirelan'” in the song The Wearing of the Green, something quite disgraceful is going on in America right now. 
Item: Democratic Senators from Indiana and Wisconsin have left the states where they won election and are now roasting weenies and enjoying the Iron Chefs reality TV show in Illinois. This “protest” (which is really a disgusting aberration of their responsibilities as elected representatives of their state) is in its second week.
Item:   Spend, spend, spend and spend some more. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka is propagating the Democrats message that taxing creates jobs. Trumka, who next to SEIU President Andy Stern is the second-most frequent visitor to the White House and therefore ranks as an Obama-advisor, wants to dramatically raise the federal gas tax so that “a dedicated source of revenue will be created to fund infrastructure permanently.” Of course the unions and Democrats, who claim to be the proponents of the poor and the middle class, have to realize that taxes upon necessities like food and gas are “regressive” . . . that is they harm the middle-class and especially the poor by taking a far greater proportion of their meager disposable incomes for taxation. And then there’s the fact that a tax on gas amounts to a huge inflation as the costs of it will show up in every single item that’s bought or sold in the country. Of course, yes, more union and government jobs would be created at the cost of 2-5 times that many jobs in the private sector. This is an example of the well-known economic gaff called the “Broken Window Fallacy.”
Item:  the Democrats are now talking about renewing their highly successful, they say, “Cash for Clunkers program which is an example of “The Blessings of Destruction” another gaff that an Econ-101 should never make, much less an elected official.
specifically, Cash for Clunkers created a scarcity of used cars (they were destroyed in huge numbers, remember) and pushed the cost of the average used car in the country up $1,800.  Mr. President, the rich don't buy used cars, so who do you suppose your stupid law hurt?
Item: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has been thwarted in his attempt to bring his state back from a $3.6 BIllion shortfall and to free all state and county and local governments from the shackles of collective bargaining and may soon have to start laying off government employees to make his budget balance. By the way, there is no “right” to collective bargaining either in the constitution or the laws of nature, no matter how often such a “right” is trumpeted about.
Item: The just mentioned Governor Scott Walker is, however, playing favorites. No doubt because of the political realities, Governor Walker is not addressing unionized police and unionized fire-fighters in Wisconsin they are exempt under his new bill which otherwise would be an impossibly unpopular move.   A real statesman does the right thing, not the popular or expedient one.  The good governor needs to familiarize himself with the history of the 1981 Air Traffic Controllers Union that resulted in the firing of 11,000 ATC employees who refused to honor the law created by Reagan’s predecessor, Jimmy Carter; and who violated their oaths of office. Carter removed the ability of federal workers’ unions to strike or use other collective bargaining against the taxpayers with Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. In Walker’s defense, President Obama who often speaks without knowing anything about his subject: vowed that he would “put on comfortable shoes and march with a picket sign” anywhere where the collective bargaining process was being challenged . . . sounds like it’s been really challenged in Washington, D.C., Mr. President, no need to go to Wisconsin.
Item: President Barack Obama has ordered his INjustice Dept. to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act. The aim is twofold:  to please his gay supporters cementing their votes in his behalf; and to eventually make gay marriage legal with all the rights of real marriage including adoption. The folks at NAMBLA must be enjoying bouts of orgiastic excitement about now. Who cares about non-voting children after all?
Item: It’s begun abundantly clear since the revelation of the pathetic Obama budget that in his eyes no single government spending or government interference or government abuse or fraudulent government boondoggle deserves to be cut; apparently no federal government program ever created suffers from fraud, abuse or incompetence and all must be continued into perpetuity with ever-increasing budgets?   The United States’ federal government officially faces a $14.1 TRillion national debt and $112 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, and the federal side of Medicaid; and NOT including all the Welfare programs) and the president and his Progressive buddies on the left side of the aisle cannot understand why the America voters kicked so many of them out of office last November. They are refusing to consider $30 Billion in spending cuts and moving the country closer to a federal government shutdown. ‘Lest you think this is just the Rajjpuut’s interpretation of the economic situation . . . two voice no less far apart on the political continuum than Secretary of Defense Hillary Clinton and new TEA Party Senator Rand Paul when asked what constitutes the greatest threat to America’s security gave the same answer: the nation’s DEBT.
Item: That privileged class known as unionized government workers has become the new elite that President Obama prefers above and beyond all others. It works like this: The government unions use up to 85% of the union dues they collect for the salaries of union officials and for political contributions. 96% of those political contributions go to the campaign funds of Democratic candidates. Those candidates when elected create a bunch of new “goodies” for the unionized government workers whose dues again fund the bloated salaries of union officials and the war chests of the Democratic Party. If, occasionally, they are not successful in electing a lot of Democrats one year, little will be lost between then and the next election and the dues-campaign funds vicious circle continues eternally. And who pays for this vicious circle profitable to progressive Democrats and union leaders alike? The taxpayer, of course.
Item: Even without Obamacare, the ridiculous budget submitted by Obama will almost double the National Debt in the next decade: $13.2 TRillion more. The present Republican budget (which is just a preliminary <designed to make up for the fact that the last Pelosi House did not pass a budget> doesn’t include necessary further cuts . . . but IF the present Republican budget extended into the next decade it would result in additional debt of over $10 TRillion dollars. Of course with Obamacare, both budgets would swell by another $2.4 TRillion over the next decade.  When will the voters wise up? When will they understand that government spending programs and entitlement programs are all PONZI SCHEMES? When will they understand that Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said, “That government is best that governs least . . . “?
Item: The Obama administration is drawing up a bill that will charge sellers of artificial trees a “tariff” to support a marketing fund for the natural Christmas tree industry to make up for their ever falling share of the holiday tree market. Can one eagerly look forward to the day when the feds will bailout the natural tree promoters?
Item: You may not know these facts, but facts they are . . . the United States has discovered and verified the discovery of the biggest oil deposit in the world 88% beneath us and 12% below Canada called the Bakken Fields oil deposit. This makes Saudi Arabia look like energy-paupers. Even without the Bakken deposits (now outlawed for use except those portions under Indian reservations), recent advances in natural gas and oil drilling technology would presumably soon allow the United States to become an exporter of natural gas and IF drilling were maximized, to be virtually free of foreign oil dependence . . . but, of course, that would mean that green energy subsidies would not have any merit. Government studies showing that wind energy is NOT practicable for large scale use; and the Spanish economic study of the results of that nation’s 23-year failed (Unemployment went from 4% to 21%) green energy program have been stifled by the EPA and not reported in the mainstream/ lamestream media. The EPA and Progressive Democrats are attempting to quash reports contrary to their green agenda . . . for example: turbines require enormous quantities of concrete, steel, copper, and rare earth minerals – and huge orders of difficult resource extraction, refining, smelting, manufacturing and shipping and monstrous amounts of pollution and carbon dioxide emissions (which the EPA has called “toxic”) at every step of the way.
            Greater wind-turbine development which the Obama administration is describing as a “MUST” would also necessitate greater dependence upon China. Roughly 96% of the world’s rare earth production is centered now in China and Mongolia. Theirs is a very pollution-concentrated process which hopefully we will not emulate seeking rare earths here in the U.S. In 2009, China produced 150,000 tons of rare earth metals – and over 15,000,000 tons of waste.  As mentioned earlier, wind turbines do NOT work on a large-scale basis. Why? Because the backup power plants (the wind doesn’t always blow, hence the need for backups) are not only far more INefficient but according to the EPA’s own literature they also generate far more pollution and carbon dioxide than if they were able to run at full capacity. As backups for turbines they must operate constantly but ramp up to full power, and back down, numerous times daily, in response to shifting wind electricity production.

Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,
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Rasmussen: Only 26% Say

Nation is on the Right Track


            A recent Rasmussen Reports survey shows only 26% of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction while 68% of us believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Broken down by party sympathies: 43% of Democrats; 73% of Independents: and 88% of Republicans believe the country is headed the wrong way.  Only 48% of Democrats believe the country is moving in the right direction. Black voters are the only large bloc saying the country is on the right track with 52% agreeing; meanwhile 72% of Whites; and 75% of voters from groups not Black or White say the country is moving in the wrong direction. Here are a few areas of discontent:

ITEM: Rasmussen also showed that 75% want the Obamacare health care law changed at a minimum and 60% believe that it will cost much more than we’ve been told and increase the federal deficit. 55% say it must be repealed.

ITEM: 61% of voters say that Congress (U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate combined), no matter how bad things are, can always make things worse.

ITEM: Chinese President and leader of the Communist Party Hu Jintao has called the U.S. dollar functioning as the global currency a "product of the past" and is promoting a move by the global community toward his Chinese yuan for international investment.  Listen here to the video as George Soros the man who has stated that “the United States is the greatest threat to world stability and vowed to destroy the American Dollar; imagine his “new world order” being led by a Communist China which killed 58 million of its own people since 1950:



ITEM: Today the Environmental Protection Agency moved to keep one of President Obama’s more dubious promises. The EPA in moving toward closing down a West Virginia coal mine seems hell-bent upon confirming a statement that Obama made to the San Francisco Chronicle during Election 2008, “My energy and cap and trade policies won’t prevent you from building a coal mine, but you’ll go bankrupt if you do.” In the same interview, then Senator Obama, said, “My energy policies will necessarily make electricity prices skyrocket.” U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat who’s been pushing for jobs and economic growth was among the first to protest this ridiculous action.

ITEM: The U.S. labor Department is awarding hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and scholarships to fill scarce green jobs.   Despite the fact that no great number, if any, vacancies exist in green jobs across the nation numerous universities and specialized vocational schools are seeking grants of government cash to provide graduates for non-existent or scarce green jobs and the Labor Dept. is giving out the money in keeping with President Obama’s pledge to create five million green jobs. As mentioned earlier, based upon an economic study of the reasons that Spain went from the strongest economy in Europe in 1997 to one of the worst today (4% unemployment to 20.8% unemployed now) subsidies creating five million green jobs here will put eleven million jobs at risk in the real American economy and only 500,000 (10% of those jobs will prove permanent).

ITEM: The EPA is moving by government regulatory edict to force business closedowns for high carbon dioxide emissions having named CO2 a “toxic emission.” The same justification could allow the EPA to kill off all animals and humans as toxic emitters. Of course CO2 is necessary for plant life and plants create the oxygen we need.

ITEM: George Soros, who is right now seeking to destroy the American Dollar (Yes, he declared it openly; it won’t take much, George) after becoming a multi-billionaire by destroying four other currencies including the Russian Ruble and profiting from the meltdowns of seven others (George is known as “The man who broke the Bank of England”) has his CAP (Center for American Progress) providing financial support in the drive to expand California’s Paid Family Leave Law by imposing an increase of 1.2% on payroll taxes so that fathers and mothers will have even more time to bond with their newborns.

ITEM: While the federal government is going bankrupt and the state governments are likewise under huge pressure courtesy of huge union employee pensions and salaries. President Obama moved to freeze federal salaries (when it looks like budget cuts of 15% will be demanded in virtually all other areas of the budget?).

ITEM: The president of one of Ben Bernanke’s federal reserve banks, Charles Plosser, abhors Ben Bernanke's dramatic intervention policies toward the economy. Plosser, President of the Philadelphia federal reserve bank said, "Monetary policy cannot reverse the sharp decline in house prices when the economy has significantly over-invested in housing."  Plossser went on, "I have advocated the elimination of Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, which allowed the Fed to lend directly to 'corporations, partnerships and individuals' under 'unusual and exigent circumstances.” Plosser also said, “We are in danger of assigning to monetary policy a larger role than it can perform, in danger of asking it to accomplish tasks that it cannot achieve, and, as a result, in danger of preventing it from making the contribution that it is capable of making.”

ITEM: Coming soon to a town near you? Just about the worst housing market in the country is found in Nevada. The absolute worst housing market in Nevada is in and around Las Vegas . . . so, guess what? Las Vegas construction companies are building homes like crazy. What, the??? Yes, it’s true. Apparently, because so many Las Vegas homes and especially new homes have stayed empty for so long . . . new home buyers in Las Vegas don’t want to move into the virtual ghost towns infested with mice and rats and other vermin . . . so the only course of action seems to be to build in whole new areas (and eventually bulldoze the empty “ghost towns?”).

ITEM: You know that British health care system that sent thrills up the legs of Obama and his progressive congress?  The system they want to emulate and imitate? British Prime Minister David Cameron says his government will make fundamental changes to Britain's state-run health care system," according to the Associated Press.  Cameron aims to save money and cut red tape by giving control over management to family practitioners rather than bureaucrats. He said Monday, “standards of care in Britain have fallen behind other European countries." You do remember that Dr. Donald M. Berwick, Obama’s Medicare and Medicaid administrator, praised Britain’s National Health Care system as "one of the truly astounding human endeavors of modern times" about 16 months ago.

ITEM: Hypocrisy comes unglued . . . . Is there something in Tucson’s water? One of the victims of Jared Loughner’s shooting spree in Tucson nine days ago was a man named James Eric Fuller. Mr. Fuller’s website:  http://www.hypnothoughts.com/profile/JamesEricFuller   states among other things: “I use extraordinary persuasive charisma to interest blasé, apathetic, oblivious and at times hostile voters to listen to the voice of justice and consanguinity.” In a crowded Tucson town-hall meeting, Fuller recently told a TEA Party leader, “You’re dead” and when removed by deputies, called out to all those assembled, “You’re wh_res!” This coming less than four days since Fuller made the round of talk show programs on radio and TV accusing Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Speaker of the House John Boehner and the TEA Party of full responsibility for the shooting that killed six and wounded fourteen. So whose speech is “uncivil” and “incendiary” and “violent,” Mr. Fuller? If you listen to the LEFT and you listen to the RIGHT in their own words and watch their actions (violent protests; in Arizona, Oakland, Seattle, Pittsburg, etc. compared with sedate TEA Partiers sitting in lawn chairs) you’ll find the vast majority of instances of such speech have long belonged to the LEFT and the violence of the speech is unquestionably theirs as well. We’re sorry Mr. Fuller got shot, but he and the LEFT needs to practice what he and the LEFT preach: non-violence, tolerance and fairness.


ITEM: The House of Representatives is voting this week to repeal Obamacare. As President Obama’s “State of the Union” speech approaches shortly afterward, we’ll get a good luck at his latest pledges “to work with Republicans” and “to refocus on jobs and the economy.” Shortly after that the House, now controlled by Republicans, will be dealing with raising the debt ceiling and seeking to rollback his unspent stimulus money; and to rollback the budget to levels not seen since 2008 or 2006. The President’s true colors (centrist or leftist) should emerge very soon. 


ITEM:  The Obama Justice Department is siding with Labor Unions wanting to be able to pass out literature in front of shopping centers.  According to the union claims, Girl Scout cookie sellers and Salvation Army Santas show "unfairness" to Unions.  The Supreme Court has long held that unions and political activity can be treated differently than bona fide benevolent organizations with regard to free speech and assembly on private grounds; but Obama wants to waste your money to give the unions another chance . . . .



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,





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Wikileaks Info Shows Obama Used CIA as “Watermelons”






    With Hundreds of Millions of His 'Profits' at Stake

President Seeks Extortive Data

Against Countries Doubting Global Warming



Hillary Clinton is not the only high level American politician embarrassed by Wikileaks revelations.  According to documents released by Wikileaks, President Barack Obama employed covert CIA operatives to try to dig up scandalous data on countries opposed to the Copenhagen Climate Treaty which he’d so actively seek to sell to the world in December, 2009. Of course, one month prior to the Copenhagen meetings, the infamous release of tens of thousands of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of East Anglia (England) University which came to be known as “Climategate,” destroyed all of Obama’s dreams of triumphing on the world stage by leading virtually the entire planet into signing a Copenhagen Treaty with far sharper teeth than the nothing paper that the 2009 meeting produced. Shocked by Climategate, Europeans were not enthusiastic about getting involved with more green nonsense (Spain had gone from the #1 European economy in 1997 with 4% unemployment to one of the worst economies in the world with 21% unemployment after their experiment with subsidizing green job creation). Obama, except for a rousing speech against capitalism but praising him by Venezuelan communist leader Hugo Chavez came home from Copenhagen empty-handed.


Just as the Wikileaks data shows Hillary Clinton seeking diplomats to dig up dirt and embarrassing info on foreign leaders and diplomats; Wikileaks now shows that Barack Obama ordered the CIA to find similar information about whole countries and their supposed despoiling of the environment or coolness about global warming at Copenhagen. According to what Senator James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, told the Daily Caller website: Obama was “desperate to enforce its orthodoxy on global warming.”


Obama, Al Gore, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Franklin Raines, Richard Sandor, Valerie Jarret, Joel Rogers, John Ayers, the Shores Bank of Chicago, several Goldman Sachs bigwigs, and about fifty other well-known progressives stood to make vast fortunes if the United States passed Cap and Trade legislation in concert with world leaders united by a strong accord from Copenhagen. Climategate blew their plans out of the water and then the failure to achieve any consensus on strong global response at Copenhagen shot their scheme to hell. The folks in question all were part of a Chicago area initiative called CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) which expected to own the lion’s share of American carbon trading under cap and trade which Sandor estimated at a $10 TRillion yearly industry. In good times the U.S. economy amounts to $15 TRillion. Thus CCX would literally sell the country “blue sky” with its fictitious-based global warming driving carbon trading and drive all prices roughly 67% higher and enjoy commissions on a good part of 40% of the economy for scamming the people with a system that would eventually bankrupt the nation. Thanks to Climategate and Copenhagen the CCX enterprise “dissolved just within the last three weeks. A lot of progressive money was lost in the last thirteen months.


Not surprisingly, the same liberal so-called mainstream media (MSM) in America which refused to run the Climategate story linked above thirteen months ago to date has failed to show the Wikileaks revelation of Obama’s scandal (the link at the top of the blog is to the ultra-liberal London Times’ website which reported the Climategate story accurately but did NOT show this information: 




about the biggest fraud in Climategate the deliberate omission of the Medieval Warm Period from CRU calculations). The Wikileaks revelation on Obama ran in England’s The Guardian newspaper which reported that State Department administration officials, acting at the request of the CIA, sent a secret cable asking U.S. diplomats to gather intelligence on other countries’ preparations for the then-pending Copenhagen climate conference. The request also asked diplomats to be on the lookout for indications that countries were not fostering environmental cooperation and for evidence of countries circumventing U.N.-sponsored environmental treaties. In effect, Obama and the diplomats and the CIA were acting as “watermelons.”


A ‘watermelon’ (since the Climategate revelations) is what Europeans call an extreme environmentalist leader. Just as an “Oreo” in the United States is a Black that other Blacks say “is black on the outside but white on the inside” . . . a watermelon is somebody “green on the outside but pink to deep red on the inside.” That is, pretending to be concerned about the environment in order to push an ultra-socialist or Marxist agenda because cap and trade legislation would require an almost totalitarian state to administer. Climategate which was heavily covered in Europe but ignored in America undermined Obama’s Copenhagen hopes and apparently made him desperate. Given all the important data that’s resulted from Wikileaks, Rajjpuut is shocked to find himself saying that Julian Assange has proven himself to be a hero for freedom lovers everywhere . . . this Obama scandal and the similar blackmail-seeking actions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both revealed by Assange’s Wikileaks, show us an administration that will stop at nothing to advance its progressive/socialist agenda. To them clearly, their foul ends justify whatever super-foul means the opt to employ. Barack Obama is a watermelon. To push his collectivist agenda, he pretends to be environmentally-conscious, but he’s really only interested in the power that accrues to a government that has the power and scope to carry out such a grave assault on freedom as cap and trade would prove to be.


When the cap and trade bill stalled in the U.S. Senate after squeaking through the House of Representatives in the late spring of 2009, and then failed to advance out of the Senate for several months, Obama tried to circumvent the lawmakers and have the Environmental Protection Agency create law by regulatory edict. Shortly afterward the EPA published a regulatory change saying that henceforth Carbon Dioxide would be regarded by their agency as a toxic emission and levels would be controlled by the EPA. Fortunately, the EPA was violating its own charter. Florida and Virginia immediately sued and the short-lived regulation was rescinded because the EPA is not allowed to take anyone else’s studies (such as those of the East Anglia University CRU involved in Climategate) but must do its own research and congress must be allowed to monitor that research. CCX and Obama’s dreams of making a fortune scamming the American people while unveiling a virtual totalitarian state upon us all went up in smoke at the same moment.


According to Daily Caller website, in a leaked Feb. 17, 2010 cable, Michael Froman, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for international affairs, held a meeting with the European Union’s climate commissioner-designate, Conne Hedegaard, seeking to work around “unhelpful countries such as Venezuela or Bolivia” and get the Copenhagen treaty into force. Froman in the cable said the U.S. and E.U. “need to neutralize, co-opt or marginalize, co-opt or marginalize these and others such as Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador.” He also advocated using divide-and- conquer tactics to confront several of the more strident opponents to cap and trade and global warming orthodoxy and other Copenhagen treaty opponents, saying the U.S. and E.U. needed “to better handle third country obstructionism and avoid future train wrecks on climate …”


The Obama administration later cutoff aid to Ecuador and Bolivia last April that would have helped them reach the Copenhagen treaty’s carbon emission targets, citing their opposition to the agreement.


“I think this goes to show that to the left-wing of the Democratic Party, national security means anything you want it to,” former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton said. “I think it is certainly a misallocation of priorities to be using intelligence capabilities on something like climate change.” Rajjpuut would say it shows the progressive Democratic leaders are morally bankrupt.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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Our Federal Government’s Become EXPERT

in Fixing Everything that Ain’t Broken Yet

We’ve all heard the old rhyme, “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!” You may have also heard that the federal government has moved into crisis mode about the rising bedbug infestation in the country, but you probably didn’t know that under the Clinton administration, the progressive politicians in this country and their most progressive expression of the nanny-state . . . the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . . . began treating the bedbug as an endangered species (not literally, lighten up a bit) and today we’re reaping the rewards of their “enlightened” policies. Furthermore the enlightened feds are not backing down from their enlightened stance so that . . . in a nutshell, just as in the federal government’s law suit against Arizona's new immigration law moves forward, the feds are also giving the state of Ohio an enormously heavy-handed hard time because GASP, Ohio is striving mightily to eradicate the little pests.

How bad has the problem gotten? The EPA has announced its second national bedbug summit for this winter in Washington, D.C. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City and the Wall Street Journal discovered bedbugs in their confines last week. And meanwhile since its last bedbug summit in April, 2009, the problem has gotten much worst and the EPA is still sitting on its hands unable or unwilling to make a decision since then on raising their ban on stronger more effective pesticides first put into effect under the Clinton administration. In the eighteen months since the last bedbug summit, the EPA has not been idle, however, they’ve changed their website info on bedbugs seven times.

The bedbug “problem” was practically non-existent between the end of World War II and the mid 1990’s when Clinton’s people decided to fix what wasn’t broken and ban all-manner of effective pesticides. Congress passed a major pesticides law in 1996 and the Clinton EPA banned several classes of chemicals that had been effective bedbug eradicators. And even now as public health officials around the country are clamoring to bring those chemicals back to help solve the bed bug “emergency,” EPA bureaucrats have downplayed the idea and environmentalists are pushing hard against the effort, citing safety concerns. Yup! Yup, they fixed the problem real good! Yup!

And, yup, EPA chief Lisa Jackson, who dismissed Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s appeals over the issue in a June letter, still pompously assumes that only the feds know what’s best for the rest of us. Ohio has just been “presumptuous” enough to assume that they can allow the use of an effective bedbug fighting pesticide called “Propoxur” which has NOT been banned by the EPA yet. The best that can be said for bureaucrat Lisa Jackson is that she hasn’t outright banned Propoxur YET! Propoxur, you see was allowed for use in residential homes until 2007 and has never been actually banned at all. The EPA, in its wisdom said (without studies one way or another) that they feared that Propoxur might prove dangerous for children. Rather than paying for an expensive re-do of their own original studies of the pesticide . . . knowing the vagaries of the EPA’s whims, the manufacturer of Propoxur decided not to strive to sell the product in the United States. Any Propoxur manufactured before 2007 is still available for use in residential areas, so pest controllers have a limited supply they could use . . . and that’s Ohio’s plan.

Are you getting the gist of all this? The federal government is now in crisis mode to fix a problem they created (a very familiar pattern as you’ll soon see). The federal government has become expert in “fixing what isn’t broken” with GIBs and GBSBs (government interference boondoggles and government big-spending boondoggles) and reducing our freedoms and our lifestyles as a result . . . .

ITEM: based on the non-science of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, the United States and eventually the world moved to ban DDT, the safest and most effective pesticide ever created (you can literally drink DDT or use it on your salad as a dressing). Malaria deaths which dropped to 43,000 worldwide in 1970 now stand at 2,000,000 every year. Ms. Carlson’s book and the EPA over-reaction without doing any real studies have killed 75 million people since 1970.

ITEM: to save a three-inch fish, the delta smelt, from getting sucked into irrigation piping, in the middle of a seven-year drought, the EPA has banned much irrigation in central California around Fresno . . . turning the nation’s vegetable basket into a dry, lifeless center of unemployment.

ITEM: In 1975, the United States was the envy of the world averaging 64% private home ownership year after year. Only one in every 404 home loans was made at 3% down payment or less -- almost all home loans were granted at 10-25% down payment. In 1977, the Carter administration passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) to force mortgage lenders to make bad loans to people who could not reasonably be said to qualify for such loans. In 1993 the Clinton administration used regulatory processes to bypass congress and give the CRA laws real teeth; in 1995 Clinton and congress was able to expand CRA ’77 law twice; in 1998 in a steroid-version expansion of CRA Clinton and congress made another CRA expansion. The result of fixing a system that wasn’t broken?

By 2005, 34% of all home loans were made at 3% down payment or less (an increase of 13,800% in the ratio of presumably unwise home loans in America since 1975); worse, borrowers who would have had trouble getting a $120,000 loan in 1993, were being put into $400-$500,000 homes in 2005. Thanks to the ACORN** efforts (to overload the system a la the same Cloward-Piven Strategy that bankrupted NYC in 1975 after overloading welfare for eight years) on behalf of people without jobs; people with atrocious credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people with food stamps as their only “income”; other people on some form of welfare; and even illegal aliens . . . the country found itself in a “sub-prime lending crisis” that the government with the willing help of ACORN and progressives had created.

Are you still a fan of big government? Do you still think the government knows best? Do you think they can do a better job with your money, after raising your taxes, than you can do with it? Was the system broken before 1965 when Lyndon Johnsons’ “Great Society” programs expanded welfare dramatically; created Medicare and Medicaid (federal and state programs both) and led us to two monstrous entitlement programs that today have put the U.S. government $80 TRillion behind the 8-ball in UNFUNDED liabilities? Did you know that the obligations on the state side of Medicaid will bankrupt all but one or two states by 2024? What about Social Security, did you know that the SSA is $34 TRillion in the hole in UNFUNDED liabilities? That social security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid now are approaching $115 TRillion in UNFUNDED liabilities? Did you know that all three of these programs are “set-asides,” but that rather than setting the money aside as required by law, the government used that money and even borrowed more to create not only those three huge UNFUNDED liabilities but also our present national debt of roughly $13.8 TRillion? Do you understand why so many people are up in arms about respecting our Constitution? About taking care of our nation’s fiscal mess? About reducing taxes? About reducing spending? About taking the country back from politicians and putting it back in the hands of the people? About returning to sanity?

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Here's an email I received from Grassfire Nations. Use Grassfire to fax your individual message to Congress.

A message to all members of Patriotic Resistance

Grassfire Nation News Update:
Carbon Tax And the EPA


Dear Patriot,

This week, Senators Liebermann and Kerry are announcing
their latest Cap and Trade Carbon Tax bill. But unless
grassroots citizens act now, the debate could be over
before it even begins.

Here's why.

As you may know, the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) in December ruled that CO2 is an "endangerment"
pollutant, giving the agency authority to regulate
CO2 -- regardless of what Congress does.

For months, President Obama has all-but threatened to
use the EPA to bypass Congress and seize government
control of the air we breathe -- especially if Congress
could not pass Cap and Tax. That plan is just weeks
away from full implementation through the EPA.

Without even a vote in Congress, Obama --
through the EPA -- is already moving quickly
to put the energy sector of the economy under
the government's control.

+ + Opportunity to stop the Obama-EPA power grab

Fortunately, certain members of Congress are challenging
the aggressive encroachment of Obama's statist tentacles
by introducing a resolution (SJ Res. 26) to disapprove
the EPA's over-reaching actions. This resolution would
block the EPA from imposing the Obama carbon scheme.

A vote must come by June 7 and is expected before Memorial
, which means citizens have just a few weeks at most
to let their voices be heard.

+ + Fax Key Senators Today

We are making available our FaxFire system for citizens
who want to have a voice in this very important debate.
Grassfire Nation will prepare and send your personalized
fax message directly to your two Senators,
Representative, as well as other key lawmakers who are as
of this alert STILL UNDECIDED on this issue.

Make sure you are in the first wave of faxes
by clicking here:


+ + Exposing Yet Another Political Power Grab

It is now clear that, whenever possible, the Obama
administration and the Pelosi/Reid Congress will bypass
public debate and even votes in Congress to implement
their agenda.

They did it with healthcare and now they are doing it
with the Carbon Tax scheme by expanding government
authority through the EPA.

It's just another power grab -- and in their minds even
better if it is all done in some bureaucrat's office far
away from public scrutiny.

Well, Patriot, the jig is up, and it's not going
to work.

Americans today are fed up with the political ploys,
tactics and games being employed to grow government and
shrink our individual freedom.

Click here now to take action:


If you prefer to send faxes on your own we've done all
the work for you. Simply click here to download targets
and letters now. On the left side of the page is the text
Contact List with Fax Numbers:


Thanks for the stand you are taking!

Your friends at Grassfire Nation and ResistNet.com

P.S. Our contacts tell us the vote could come as soon as next
week -- and most likely before Memorial Day. If you want to
have a voice in this debate, go here to send your faxes:


News Sources:

Daily Caller--Surprise vote on Carbon Tax:

Original EPA release declaring CO2 pollutant:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message.
This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal
messages. To reply click on the link at the end)

+ + + + +
Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a
million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is
dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a
real impact on the key issues of our day. ResistNet.com is the
official social network of Grassfire Nation.
Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

+ + Comments on this message?


To change your email preferences log in at http://www.resistnet.com
and click on settings on the right side and then email on the left.

Thank you!

A special thank you to everyone who donated this past week. Your donations help to ensure that we are able to participate in national events and to bring you the tools you need to take action and vote responsibly.

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When you think about idle or under-used factories all around the United States like those in Indiana, Michigan, Georgia and Tennesse where automobiles used to be built, it’s obvious that for the hoped-for recovery to get anywhere near the 138 million non-farm jobs we had around 2006, those factories need to start up again and get humming with the production of new automobiles, or perhaps, retooled and modernized . . . producing new something elses. For those who don’t think the government is the problem, listen to the words of Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn, a member of the House energy and commerce committee . . . .

“Not far from my district the Spring Hill plant sits idle. GM pulled out of Spring Hill, once the proud home to the Saturn line, in the wake of its bankruptcy last year. Reopening the plant, either for the production of cars or anything else, will be critical to jobs growth in Middle Tennessee. At a listening session with constituents who live in the 7th district and used to commute to work in Spring Hill, the message was clear: to get the plant up and running again, Washington is going to have to do ... less.

Washington, or more specifically the Environmental Protection Agency, poses a significant challenge to any new enterprise that hopes to revitalize Spring Hill and Tennessee’s economy. While Tennesseans are looking for a new owner to come in, take over the Spring Hill plant and get it producing again, the EPA has proposed a series of regulations that would require businesses to certify they have limited carbon emissions or pay steep fines. These regulations are a result of their “endangerment finding” under the Clean Air Act that carbon dioxide and other green house gasses pose a threat to human life. (Rajjpuut interjects here . . . The EPA was violating its own rules with these “endangered findings.” They are prohibited by law*** from making environmental regulations based upon somebody else’s studies such as the discredited CRU “global-warming” nonsense. They must conduct their own studies and base all regulations only upon their own studies, if the studies prove conclusively that the moves are warranted. Marsha Blackburn continues . . . .)

“The new greenhouse gas rules will require anyone who buys the Spring Hill plant and performs any modifications on it — which they will likely have to do — to analyze all the greenhouse gas emissions from the plant and from all its potential new processes. Any new owner will have to report these emissions to the EPA. All the while, Tennesseans remain jobless.

“Most possible uses for the Spring Hill plant would cause the plant to exceed the 25,000 annual tons of carbon dioxide emissions the EPA proposes to allow, classifying it as a “major emitter.” Major emitters must go through additional review and permitting by the EPA, a process that could take months or years. These are years when an entrepreneur owns, maintains, and pays taxes on a non-productive facility — clearly a disincentive to anyone thinking of reopening a plant in the United States.

“To add to the cost, the EPA will require major emitters to purchase and install the ‘best available control technology’ to reduce emissions to an acceptable level. Even when that equipment is installed, the new owner isn’t done with EPA-imposed costs. Because the EPA found that the Clean Air Act applies to carbon dioxide, any new owners of the Spring Hill plant are open to being sued if the carbon capture technology fails or the plant ever exceeds the EPA emission ceiling. Such a specter of unanticipated cost would hang over the plant for its entire operational life. While potential new owners calculate the possible cost, Tennesseans go jobless.

“As Washington works to balance economic impact with the need to spur energy independence, the EPA lurks on the Hill with these disastrous carbon restrictions in its briefcase, threatening to detonate them on the economy in the event that the Senate doesn’t meet its minimum standard of economy-killing carbon limits. Its actions are a clear executive overreach.”

The rest of Blackburn’s commentary can be found at:


She proposed a bill that would void the EPA’s endangerment findings and prohibit the agency from regulating carbon emissions under the auspices of the Clean Air Act in an effort to help the Spring Hill plant re-emerge from its near death experience. She then talked about the EPA announcing a video contest with a $2,500 prize to help Americans appreciate how EPA regulations and the entire regulatory process “benefits the citizens.” The fact of the matter is that the EPA’s regulations are killing the country and are a huge part of the problem and the proposed Cap and Trade legislation would cost America at least $220 Billion each and every year it’s in effect probably much more. One of Mr. Obama’s cronies at CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) has admitted on TV that their group sees climate exchange as a “Ten TRillion Dollar industry.” Since that industry produces nothing but only sells literal “blue sky nothingness to the productive parts of the economy (a shakedown, if you will, by the EPA) then the rest of the economy must lose $10 TRillion for the CCX to exist since the output of the whole non-government economy is now between $15-$16 TRillion . . . you get an idea of just what a raping cap and trade will prove to our nation and its future. Clearly, Mr. Obama as a board member of CCX is operating in conflicting of interest when he pushed the legislative process and again when he commanded the EPA to regulate carbon emissions a la cap and trade. You can read the specifics of this illegal and unconstitutonal matter and of Al Gore’s and President Obama’s betrayal in these three prior Rajjpuut’s Folly blogs:




As mentioned often by this blogger, the President has been repeatedly guilty of illegal and unconstitutional acts. After his impeachment, it would also be fitting and proper if the mainstream media that aided and abetted his rise to power and his illegal activities by refusing to engage in journalism but instead served as cheerleaders who refused to vett his connections, his activities and his personal background . . . Obama’s betrayal might be great but the betrayal of mainstream journalism upon the American people has been greater. Here Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn explains the simplest truths that are so basic to understanding how a capitalist economy creates jobs . . . and yet such a story is never a part of the media’s “hot topics,” never.

Like Obama himself, the EPA has seriously overstepped their bounds and the misuse of bureaucratic power by the president and by the EPA is a huge problem. Ask the folks around Fresno county (the richest vegetable-growing region in the world) about their nearly 40% unemployment in some areas while the EPA to save the purportedly endangered Delta Smelt has forbidden use of irrigation piping and pumping in the region to save the smelt. The Fresno county workers got shafted by the EPA during a drought; and the consumers are paying much more for vegetables thanks to the EPA . . . and the EPA with such nonsense is killing the economy.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

*** The efforts of Marsha Blackburn and other Republicans in other states, made the EPA back down from their illegal stance. Supposedly, they canNOT return to this kind of heavy-handedness unless they themselves prove that global-warming is occurring and dangerous and that human activity is driving it. Of course we know from the Climate-Gate scandal that global-warming is a trumped-up result created by overzealous environmentalists pretending to do science but actually "cooking the books" by manipulation of data, as verified by the following article by the very liberal London Times talking about the actions of fellow Brits:
twelve days after the Climate-Gate data manipulation scandal at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) erupted, the most important liberal voice in Europe recognized the error of its ways and stopped promoting the lie that is "global-warming" but five months later our American media is still cheerleading for global-warming and for the godawful cap and trade and for the progressive Obama administration that will further kill our economy if allowed . . . and they still refuse to print any meaningful coverage of climate-gate; of cap and trade or about the connections between Gore, Obama, Goldman Sachs and several progressive foundationsa and CCX . . . .
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Come down, come down from your ivory tower, Barak!

Contrary to all evidence from recent history, President Barak, “the Liar,” Obama still thinks that if he “ ‘says it’s so,’ PRESTO! It is definitely so.” Using an EPA directive, Mr. Obama, has decreed that by 2016 the fuel efficiency standards for all models of combined trucks and passenger car fleets of new cars in the country will be 35.5 miles per gallon . . . an efficiency increase of almost 10 miles per gallon. Just as Obama said he will create five million “green tech jobs” without any underlying technology” to back him up

. . . now the anointed wunderchild believes that his magic silver-tongue will overnight create almost 37% greater automobile efficiency. In the real world, Mr. President, cause and effect still rule the day!

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been seemingly pushed to the back burner in Obamaville these days. Besides the mileage demands, the Environmental Protection Agency directive set a tailpipe emissions standard of 250 grams (8.75 ounces) of carbon dioxide per mile for vehicles sold in 2016, equal to what they say would be emitted by vehicles meeting the mileage standard (which again is something Mr. Obama says is so, but which in all probability has no real connection to real physics, chemistry or mechanical certitude). The EPA has now issued its first rules ever on vehicle greenhouse gas emissions following the landmark 2007 Supreme Court decision concerning such EPA edicts.

Since you seem to have overlooked it, Barak, let Ol' Rajjpuut remind you, the EPA is not allowed carte blanche to invent demands out of blue sky or to establish rules based upon foreign say-so (such as the global warming myth now unravelling everywhere as we speak) but must make actual studies, scientific and repeatable studies on its own part, need we remind you, that verify the truth or definite possibility of what it's asking or demanding. So, Barak, where are those studies? When did the EPA invent the new technology to finally and irrevocably replace ICE (the internal combustion engine) on American soil? Show us something, Loudmouth, show us something! How about you spell out U-N-C-O-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N-A-L for us yet again. Does your White House floor mat not say "Welcome" like everybody else's or does it start out "We the people, in order to create ". . . .?

Here's your "satisfy our idiot progressive base" party line: "These historic new standards set ambitious, but achievable, fuel economy requirements for the automotive industry that will also encourage new and emerging technologies," according to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "We will be helping American motorists save money at the pump, while putting less pollution in the air." Such noble goals and such B.S. execution . . . get real, Mr. President! Other countries can fail to meet these ridiculous goals and live with it by selling their cars elsewhere. With your interference today, the U.S. automakers cannot survive unless they meet the goal established . . . did you just personally invent a prototype of a 40% more efficient engine process, Mr. President? If not, butt out, fool!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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