obamacare (204)

4063533761?profile=originalFolks, I am in Las Vegas preparing for the Campaign to Defeat Obama July 4th Telethon. We are raising funds to wage campaigns in four states which Obama won last election. Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Nevada are “in-play” this time around. Fifty electoral votes are up for grabs. Fifty electoral votes to Romney means fifty votes not going to Obama. I am co-hosting the telethon.

The driver who took me to my hotel said Las Vegas is struggling, thousands have been laid off and the housing market is in the tank. We both questioned, how on earth could Harry Reid have gotten reelected. But that's another story.

I could say this is our last July 4th as free Americans. However, I refuse to believe that. Yes, the task before us is quite challenging. Obamacare equals the end of freedom in America – government control of every aspect of our lives including who lives and who dies. A death panel will decide whether or not it makes economic sense to approve grandma's transparent. And by the way, to all those knuckleheads who believe the lie – Obamacare “ain't” free and it will be rationed.

Decades of indoctrination by liberal media and public schools has created a generation unlike their parents – people who were grateful for an opportunity to earn a living and did not feel entitled. Our parent's mindset was Government Welfare was something you took as a last resort until you got back on your feet. Obama has 47% of the country on food stamps and is running ads to recruit more.

The massive dark cloud of Obamacare looms large over our heads. Many patriots are depressed. I refuse to join their chorus. I still believe God has His Hand on America.

Patriots, we must vote out Obama and repeal Obamacare. This will require maintaining the House, winning the Senate and dethroning our socialist dictator.

This is why I and my committed team of patriots along with Conservative leaders across America are spending this Independence Day raising funds to take back America! God help us.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Isn’t it about time for Americans to stand up and defend our Constitutional Republic?

Posted on Godfather Politics-By Gary Demar-On July 2, 2012:

“Liberals hold their breath on July 4th and breathe easy on July 5th. They are afraid that a majority of Americans might actually read the Declaration and find out that our nation was founded on rebellion against tyranny — “For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.”

On July 3, 1776, John Adams wrote the following to his wife Abigail:

The second day[1] of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.[2]

Adams could not have foreseen that the principles of the Declaration are lost on the majority of Americans, and for that our elected officials are thankful.

Consider what Adams wanted us to celebrate: “It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.” Deliverance from what?: tyrannical government edicts and the unbridled taxing power of the State.

Rep. Paul Ryan — on ABC’s This Week (July 1, 2012) — got it right when he criticized those who claim that healthcare is a right that comes from government:

“We disagree with the notion that our rights come from government, that the government can now grant us and define our rights. Those are ours, they come from nature and God, according to the Declaration of Independence — a huge difference in philosophy.”

Liberals – Democrats and Republicans alike — hate the idea that rights don’t come from them.

There are other principles in the Declaration that the majority of government officials don’t want voters to know about for fear that the people will rebel against them:

1.     “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

2.    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

3.    “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

4.    “We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in general Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States.”

5.      “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

Time will tell if there are enough Americans who do understand the importance of the above words and will “alter or abolish” our present government and “institute [a] new government” on November 6, 2012.


1.     The official federal holiday is celebrated on July 4th, the day the final revisions to the Declaration were made. []

2.    “Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 3 July 1776, ‘Had a Declaration…’.” Adams Family Papers. Massachusetts Historical Society. []



Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:


I. Does the Declaration of Independence Still Matter?-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.-On July 4, 2012:



II. Video: What The Declaration Of Independence Really Means!-Posted on DickMorris.com-By Dick Morris-On July 4, 2012:



III. Why the Declaration of Independence Still Matters 236 Years Later!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Kelly McNair-On July 3, 2012:






V. The Imperial Executive: ‘Barack and George III—Separated by Centuries, Joined by Doctrine!’-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On July 5, 2012:



VI. Video: Allen West: Obama would ‘rather you be his slave and economically dependent upon him’!-Posted on YouTube.com-By rightscoop-On July 2, 2012:



VII. Rep. Steve King Says Obama Is Governing Like a ‘King’!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Elizabeth Harrington-On July 2, 2012:



VIII. Video: Allen West: Arrogant Obama Presidency Like King George III!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On June 19, 2012:



IX. Allen West: GOP Must Stop Obama’s ‘Imperial Presidency!’-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter-On January 10, 2012:



X. Spineless Congress Won’t Save Our Republic!-Posted on Western Journalism!-By TIM POWERS-On June 16, 2012:



XI. Molon Labe The “M” Word On Independence Day!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Elias Alias, Oath Keepers Editor-On July 4, 2012:



XII. Video: AN URGENT Message to OUR Military, Police, and Officials from 'We The People'!-Posted on YouTube.com-By johninitforfun-On April 27, 2012:





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Is History Repeating Itself?



Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?



The FCC Should Not Interfere With The Internet!


Note: The following videos share my sentiments and hopefully yours-You Decide:


We The People!



They’re Walking On The Fightin Side of Me!


“Food For Thought”

May you and your loved ones have a great and safe 4th of July.


God Bless The USA!


Semper Fi!


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Titanic II—Obama’s Second Term!


What's wrong with this picture?

Posted on The Patriot Post-On June 15, 2012:

The Foundation

“It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth—and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. ... For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”—Patrick Henry

Government & Politics

‘Titanic II: It’ll Be Different This Time’

“The Democrats are saying something like this: ‘We found a big hole that we did not dig. ... Give us two more years. If it doesn’t work, vote us out.’” That’s what Bill Clinton said about the economy—in 2010. There’s plenty of blame to go around for that hole, of course, but it’s worth remembering that Democrats took control of both houses of Congress—and the purse strings—almost a year before the recession started. And we can’t think of a better argument for voting Democrats out than how they bound and gagged the economy for the last five years.

One of Clinton’s most trusted strategists, James “It’s the Economy, Stupid” Carville, is painfully aware that the languishing economy doesn’t bode well for Democrats in November, and he’s advising Obama to quit talking about his record—a strategy he says is “wrong” and “will fail”—and focus on the future instead. Carville wrote, along with fellow strategists Stanley Greenberg and Erica Seifert, “We will face an impossible headwind in November if we do not move to a new narrative, one that contextualizes the recovery but, more importantly, focuses on what we will do to make a better future for the middle class.” In other words, it’s like the sequel to “Titanic,” and the ship will sink all over again.

Barack Obama isn’t listening to Carville, though. He gave a 54-minute speech yesterday at an Ohio community college—ironically, the same place Clinton made his remarks two years ago—in an attempt to “reframe” the issue. “Rerun” might be a better word because there was nothing new offered, no deviation from the bigger-government-fixes-everything template, and it was full of the usual mix of self-congratulation and blame for everyone else. In fact, we think we’ve heard it 54 times before.

Obama blamed the “policies of the last decade” for the bad economy, while arguing that Mitt Romney would gut education, science and green energy programs, as well as “end [Medicare] as we know it.” Arguing that he needs four more years because of George W. Bush is less than convincing, though as he reminded us last Friday, “the private sector is doing fine.”

He then whined that Romney’s campaign will go negative: “The other side will spend over a billion dollars on ads that tell you the economy is bad, that it’s all my fault ... that I can’t fix it because I think government is always the answer or because I didn’t make a lot of money in the private sector and don’t understand it or because I’m in over my head or because I think everything and everybody is doing just fine.”

“No, I don’t believe that government is the answer to all our problems,” Obama joked—at least we assume he had to be joking—before turning around and saying of his “investments” of taxpayer money, “The private sector can’t do it alone.” In fact, he says, government investment is necessary to help “the next Thomas Edison, the next Wright brothers.” Also laughably, he hammered the Bush tax cuts and alleged deregulation in general, only to later tout his own tax cuts and supposed deregulation.

All in all, the speech was a tired refrain of Obama’s old standbys, class warfare and government solutions—so much so that even a panel at MSNBC panned the speech. But Obama did offer one bit of wisdom: “This election is your chance to break [the] stalemate” between economic visions for the country. Indeed, it’s time for a change.

The Obama Presidency in a Nutshell

“I think people are still hurting. I think the economy has not recovered, and it’s not where it needs to be.”—White House Press Secretary Jay Carney

On Cross-Examination

“Now you may have heard that President Obama is on the other side of the state and he is going to be delivering a speech on the economy. He’s doing that because he hasn’t delivered a recovery for the economy. And he’s going to be a person of eloquence as he describes his plans for making the economy better but don’t forget, he’s been president for three and a half years. And talk is cheap. Action speaks very loud. ... What he says and what he does are not always the exact same thing.”—Mitt Romney, just before Obama’s speech.


Hope ‘n’ Change: Collusion on ObamaCare

We have long known that the Obama administration pulled out all the stops, legal and otherwise, to make ObamaCare a reality, but recent evidence indicates a staggeringly high level of collusion between the White House and pharmaceutical companies in crafting the legislation. The House Energy and Commerce Committee is investigating the relationship between the Obama White House and the drug industry lobby, led by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). The committee’s recent findings are the most glaring example of crony capitalism we have yet seen from this administration.

In 2009, when ObamaCare was coming together, drug makers eagerly stepped up to join the White House effort in order to protect their own interests from too much government regulation, and because they realized that the new entitlement might bring a wave of new customers their way. Emails from the drug makers and the White House show that the White House explicitly looked to Pfizer and other drug companies to provide financial and critical support for the bill, dangling promises of looser price controls and anti-re-importation provisions in exchange. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), then chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, took everything that PhRMA offered, and then pushed re-importation anyway. As part of the well-played skit, the White House stepped in, saved the drug companies from the re-importation provision, and PhRMA wrote a $150 million check for an advertising campaign that touted the virtues of ObamaCare to an increasingly skeptical public.

Democrats pretend to be the champions of the average American, but they had no problem cozying up to drug companies in order to get their own way. The drug companies in turn had no problem getting into bed with the White House if it meant bigger potential profits for them down the road.

Meanwhile, even if the Supreme Court strikes down ObamaCare, some of its provisions may live on with various insurance companies. UnitedHealth Group and other large insurers, for example, intend to keep the provision that allows families to keep their children on their plans up to age 26, and they will also maintain certain preventive measures with no out-of-pocket charges. On the other hand, they’re unlikely to stick to the portion of the law that requires them to take all comers regardless of pre-existing conditions, and they will probably ditch the requirement that insurers spend at least 80 percent of premiums on health-related costs.

Campaign Trail: Fundraiser-in-Chief

Barack Obama hit six fundraisers Tuesday in Baltimore and Philadelphia—tying the one-day record for fundraising events by a sitting president. The previous record, by the way, was held by ... wait for it ... Barack Obama. Obama has held a total of 160 fundraising events since officially kicking off his re-election campaign. To put that into perspective, by the same point in his first term, George W. Bush held 79 events.

On another campaign stop for barbecue, the president and his four guests left without paying the $55.58 bill. The White House did settle the tab before the end of the day, but the episode reminded us of a particular attack Obama made on Republicans. Rebutting their criticism of his deficit spending, he said it’s “like somebody goes to the restaurant, orders a big steak dinner, martini, all that stuff and then just as you’re sitting down, they leave and accuse you of running up the tab.” Just as with his budgets, he ordered something he didn’t pay for.

News From the Swamp: Federal Reserve Debt Holdings Skyrocket

Newly released numbers show that the Federal Reserve under Obama has become the largest shareholder in U.S. government debt. The Fed owned $302 billion in U.S. Treasury securities in January 2009. That portion rose an incredible 452 percent by April 2012, with the Fed now holding $1.67 trillion. In roughly the same time frame, China’s share of U.S. government debt rose from $740 billion to $1.17 trillion, and Japan’s share shot from $635 billion to just over $1 trillion. Together, these three entities possess 49 percent of all the new debt generated during Obama’s term, in which total debt rose 50 percent from $10 trillion to $15 trillion.”

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Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Nearly 80 percent of Americans don’t trust the government!


Where Is America Today?


Note: The following video shares my sentiments and hopefully yours-You Decide:


We The People!-Posted on YouTube.com-By nospopulus-On February 10, 2010:


“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!


Semper Fi!


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Governor Beshear

If anyone is available tomorrow afternoon.

On Monday, May 7 in Frankfort, the Beshear administration is holding a public meeting about the future of ObamaCare in Kentucky. If you can make it at 1pm on Monday to 200 Mero Street (Transportation Cabinet Building Auditorium C105), please come. in Frankfort

Kentucky has already budgeted more money for implementing ObamaCare than any other state but New York. Governor Beshear has been working behind the scenes to set up an ObamaCare health insurance exchange in Kentucky while most people are distracted by the U.S. Supreme Court decision on the ObamaCare mandate.

If he is not reversed quickly, Beshear will be able to run ObamaCare in Kentucky even if the federal law is overturned by the Supreme Court.

The Beshear Administration tried to keep this meeting quiet; please let people know and make it out if you c

This message was sent by eric wilson (ericwilson@ky912.com) from Kentucky We Surround Them & 9/12 Project.
To learn more about eric wilson, visit his/her member profile

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Obama Hates Senior Citizens


  • Extends Payroll Holdiay Tax Again draining Social Security
  • Depressed Interest on Seniors savings, bonds and Money Market


  • Hid Taxes in Obamacare
  • Reduced funding in Medicare
  • Rationing Healthcare




Obama Isn’t Your Friendly Neighborhood Doctor Looking Out For You














Obama Needs Four More Years To Finish Off Senior Citizens

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Left-wing congressman Barney Frank urged President Barack Obama not to push
ahead with healthcare reform, he revealed in an interview on Monday.

Instead he thought the Democrats should have pushed financial reform first,
and that concentrating on health cost the party the House in 2010.

"Healthcare is enormously important to people,"Frank told New York magazine.
"When you tell them that you¹re going to extend healthcare to people who
don¹t now have it, they don't see how you can do that without hurting them.

"We paid a terrible price for healthcare," the retiring Massachusetts
represntative added. "I would not have pushed it as hard."

Frank said that when Republican Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's old
Massachusetts Senate seat in 2010, he even suggested turning the clock back
on the Democrats legislative agenda.

"I would have started with financial reform but certainly not healthcare,"
he said.

Frank, who is retiring this year after 16 terms in the House, said he won't
miss Washington because of the increased partisanship, blaming it on modern

"Twenty years ago, people had a common set of facts that they read. They
read opinion journalists, but they got their information generally from
newspapers and from broadcasts.

"Now, the activists live in parallel universes, which are both separate and
echo chambers for each. If you're on the left, you listen to MSNBC, you go
to the blogs, Huffington Post, et cetera, and you basically hear only what
you agree with. If you're on the right, you watch Fox News and the talk
shows, and you hear only what you agree with.

"When we try to compromise, what you find is not people simply objecting to
the specific terms of the compromise, but the activists object even to your
trying to compromise, because they say, 'Look, everybody I know agrees with
us, so why are you giving in?'"

 (God Bless DIFFERENT "Universes"!...Cal)

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4063485038?profile=originalAs millions of my fellow Americans, I am extremely angry, outraged, and devastated by the Democrats' unbelievable arrogance and disdain for We The People. Despite our screaming "no" from the rooftops, they forced ObamaCare down our throats. Please forgive me for using the following crude saying, but it is very appropriate to describe what has happened. "Don't urinate on me and tell me it's raining."

Democrats say that their mission is to give all Americans health care. The Democrats are lying. Signing ObamaCare into law against our will and the Constitution is tyranny and step one of their hideous goal of having as many Americans as possible dependent on government, thus controlling our lives and fulfilling Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America.

I keep asking myself: How did our government move so far from the normal procedures of getting things done? Could a white president have so successfully pulled off shredding the Constitution to further his agenda? I think not.

Ironically, proving that America is completely the opposite of the evil, racist country they relentlessly accuse her of being, progressives used America's goodness, guilt, and sense of fair play against her. In their quest to destroy America as we know it, progressives borrowed a brilliant scheme from Greek mythology. They offered America a modern-day Trojan Horse, a beautifully crafted, golden, shiny new black man as a presidential candidate. Democrat Joe Biden lauded Obama as the first clean and articulate African-American candidate. Democrat Harry Reid said that Obama uses a black dialect only when he wants to.

White America relished the opportunity to vote for a black man, naïvely believing that they would never suffer the pain of being called racist again. Black Americans viewed casting their vote for Obama as the ultimate Affirmative Action for America's sins of the past.

Then there were the entitlement loser voters who said, "I'm votin' for the black dude who promises to take from those rich SOBs and give to me."

Just as the deceived Trojans dragged the beautifully crafted Trojan Horse into Troy as a symbol of their victory, deceived Americans embraced the progressives' young, handsome, articulate, and so-called moderate black presidential candidate as a symbol of their liberation from accusations of being a racist nation. Also like the Trojan Horse, Obama was filled with the enemy hiding inside.

Sunday, March 21, 2010, a secret door opened in Obama, the shiny golden black man. A raging army of Democrats charged out. Without mercy, they began their vicious, bloody slaughter of every value, freedom, and institution we Americans hold dear, launching the end of America as we know it.

Wielding swords of votes reeking with the putrid odor of backdoor deals, the Democrats landed a severe blow to America and individual rights by passing ObamaCare.

The mainstream liberal media has been relentlessly badgering the Tea Party movement with accusations of racism. Because I am a black Tea Party patriot, I am bombarded with interviewers asking me the same veiled question: "Why are you siding with these white racists against America's first African-American president?" I defend my fellow patriots who are white, stating, "These patriots do not give a hoot about Obama's skin color. They simply love their country and oppose his radical agenda. Obama's race is not an issue."

Recently, I have come to believe that perhaps I am wrong about Obama's race not being an issue. In reality, Obama's presidency has everything to do with racism, but not from the Tea Party movement. Progressives and Obama have exploited his race from the rookie senator's virtually unchallenged presidential campaign to his unprecedented bullying of America into ObamaCare. Obama's race trumped all normal media scrutiny of him as a presidential candidate, and most recently, even the Constitution of the United States. ObamaCare forces all Americans to purchase health care, which is clearly unconstitutional.

No white president could get away with boldly and arrogantly thwarting the will of the American people and ignoring laws. President Clinton tried universal health care. Bush tried social security reform. The American people said "no" to both presidents' proposals, and that was the end of it. So how can Obama get away with giving the American people the finger? The answer: He is black.

The mainstream liberal media continues to portray all who oppose Obama in any way as racist. Despite a list of failed policies, overreaches into the private sector, violations of the Constitution, and planned, destructive pieces of legislation too numerous to mention in this article, many Americans are still fearful of criticizing our first black president. Incredible.

My fellow Americans, you must not continue to allow yourselves to be "played" and intimidated by Obama's race or the historical context of his presidency. If we are to save America, the greatest nation on the planet, then Obama's progressive agenda must be stopped.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman http://www.campaigntodefeatobama.com/


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Americans It’s Time for Tough Love


Who’s gonna pay for Viagra for men or tampons, pads, and pantiliners for women? Taxpayers of course if Obama gets his way! Everything goes on our tab – including Obama’s fetish for Green Things and “God’s Country.”

We paid billions for those lousy “green companies” that didn’t create jobs yet they padded the pockets of the criminal scum. By the way another green company (Abound Solar) is hitting the dust laying off employees and taxpayers are about to lose 400 million dollars more.

They hit us for a debt ceiling increase, promising to reimburse us for that costly expense. What did we get – higher inflation, higher gas prices and a note from Congress saying poor ole Fannie’s financially strapped again due too many bonuses, too many incompetent CEO’s and back yard junk dogs. Fannie needs a little hand up amounting to the tune of 6.4 billion dollars.

No doubt we are our brother’s and sisters keeper, but there comes a point in time that little brother and little sister need to step up to the bat. Obama and DEMS say little sister wants “The Morning After Pill” so she can play around at night. I say, she can give up a couple of cokes, a bag of chips and buy it herself or if that doesn’t suit she can opt for abstinence. There comes a time that Americans must revert to “Tough Love.”

Congress treads on our freedoms and rights again – just like the Supreme Court they choose to rewrite the laws of our Nation. The Obamacare mandate forces contraception coverage on Religious Institutions who morally don’t believe in it. So Obama did a little soft shoe and pulled another skunk out of his hat.

He just sort of rewrote the mandate, bypassing the Religious Institutions and throwing the costly responsibility of contraceptives to the insurance companies. He ignored our religious beliefs and rights jamming the mandate down our throats insisting that insurance companies would have to offer the contraceptives. Guess who will foot this bill – it darn sure isn’t the insurance companies?

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/03/01/first-senate-vote-looms-on-obama-birth-control-policy/#ixzz1nupFQasD

Today a bill was nixed by Congress that would have allowed insurers to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage if employers had religious or moral objections. Once again Congress thumbed their noses at us and stomped on our Constitution.

There’s a lesson here that all Americans need to learn. A quote from Ronald Reagan, "The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much. To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last – but eat you he will."

I say, “Let’s quit feeding the crocodiles and send them back to the Zoos from whence they came.” It’s time to “Take Back Our Country America.”

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

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Tim Tebow, the Super Bowl, Newt Gingrich, and the Future of Our Country
By Kris Zane
February 6, 2012

When Tim Tebow, whose ubiquitous expression of his love for God on bended knee threw 316 yards and averaged 31.6 yards per completion in the Broncos-Steelers game, many saw it as a sign and connection to John 3:16, the most famous verse in the Bible.

But was the Super Bowl between the Patriots and Giants also a sign, a sort of David versus Goliath, a good versus evil: the Patriots from the greater Boston area, the seat of love for country, versus New York, the seat of liberalism, anti-American sentiment, and Occupy protesters defecating on police cars.

Even the Super Bowl TV ads seemed to be in a battle, between pro-American themed commercials versus the usual hedonistic fare.  One commercial had the theme from the movie Rocky, “Getting Strong Now” playing in the background, beckoning back to a time in America when we were proud of our country; when Presidents didn’t go around the world apologizing for America; a time when Supreme Court justices didn’t jaunt around the globe denigrating our Constitution, as Ruth Ginsberg did recently in Egypt. Heroes and Super hero-themed movies were also advertised, like GI Joe: Retaliation, the ultimate in good versus evil, and Avengers, with a slew of superheroes, when America could use a few super heroes to look up to. There was also an ad for Act of Valor, a movie that actually portrays our military and their families in a good light instead of the endless America-bashing Hollywood serves up endlessly.

Lady Gaga, instead of Madonna, could have been chosen for the halftime show: hedonism versus a love for God and country. But Madonna was chosen, again from a different era, when love of country and love of God were not dirty words. Madonna’s new upbeat song,  “Give Me All Your Luvin’”, performed during halftime, also beckoned back to a better time with the sound of girl bands in the 1980s like the Go Go’s, with visuals of football and cheerleaders, in which you couldn’t get much more American- themed. She closed her fantastic half-time show with “Like a Prayer,” flanked by a large choir, perhaps a sign to America that we should move away from the Secular Machine of the Obama administration, whose order to the Catholic Church under the ObamaCare HHS mandate to begin providing health insurance coverage in Catholic hospitals, universities, and charitable organizations that include contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients has been repudiated nationwide by the Catholic church, and has even led to the Obama Administration censoring Catholic chaplains in the military. The Catholic Church is now fighting back

Newt Gingrich, a Catholic, was one of the first to publicly repudiate the HHS mandate and also fits into our analogy. Mitt Romney, the Goliath, backed by an endless supply of money from Wall Street, droned on and on to the American public by the mainstream media as the “inevitable” Republican candidate and being stuffed down the throats of conservative America by the Republican machine and most of the Right-wing media as the only “viable” candidate, dwarfs our David, Newt Gingrich, but Romney the Goliath is no conservative. 

Newt Gingrich, with little money, is demonized ad nauseam by the mainstream media, the Left,  the Romney machine, the Republican Party, and now by most of the Right-wing media. ABC tried to destroy Gingrich by airing an interview with Newt’s ex-wife two days before the South Carolina primary—allegations that are not news, being told ad nauseam for years. John King, as if it were merely by chance, made the allegations by the ex-wife the very first question in the CNN debate in order to bring Gingrich down— ironically, it had the opposite effect. After Romney was trounced in South Carolina by Gingrich, the Romney machine spent fifteen million dollars on attack ads in Florida alone.  On January 25 and 26, the Right-wing media, led by National Review Online and followed byDrudge Report’s screaming headlines and most of the remainder of the Right-wing media,  mounted an orchestrated attack within hours of each other, questioning Gingrich’s support of and relationship with Ronald Reagan, of which those who were close to Reagan repudiated, including Ronald Reagan’s son. A large part of the Tea Party, however, and a huge grassroots movement on thousands of websites and with millions of tweets and emails, stayed strong in their candidate. 

Gingrich is not back backed by Wall Street. The Left has made him Enemy #1. Gingrich has been demonized by both the mainstream and most of the Right-wing media. Both the Romney machine and the Republican machine have perpetrated lies about him ad nauseam. He is faced with what looks like an insurmountable task. A David versus a Goliath. A Patriot versus a Giant. 
With the New England Patriots’ loss to the New York Giants, like Tebow’s 316 rushing yards being seen as a sign of God’s hand in man’s events, will Newt Gingrich the Patriot lose the election to Romney the Giant? Has God turned his back on David and taken the side of Goliath for the sins of this country? Will He deliver us into the hands of another four years of Obama—which is what a Romney Republican ticket will mean. Will America turn their backs on Gingrich, patriots, movies that instill and uplift American values; place Madonna’s musical resurrection as an aberration, and embrace Romney, hedonistic movies, Lady Gaga, and eventually, in the end, Obama’s secular socialist machine? Only God knows...
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Beware! Romney is a white Obama

Last December 1, 2010, I warned that Perry was not our man.  That threat is now departed.  But even more of a threat is Romney.  We all know that Romney was the precursor to the communist plan of "Obamacare."  Romney is much more dangerous than Perry.  In essence, Romney is a white Obama!  If you don't believe me, just go on over to see McCain's opposition research (http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/the-book-on-mitt-romney-here-is-john-mccains-ent) that was done during the 2008 election that America lost to the Communist Party when Obama was "elected."

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A Vision for Health Care in America

Here is a vision for health care in America that all people can agree upon:
Imagine a doctor and patient sitting in a doctor's office.  The patient has all the money they need to pay for their medical needs.  There are no insurance companies in the room.  There are no government bureaucrats in the room.  Just the doctor, the patient and the money.

How Do You Get There?  
With the tax deduction “Cash in the Hand”: 
For Individuals:
  • If you could deposit your income tax payment in a Health Savings Account, would you do it?
  • If you could deposit your property tax payment in a Health Savings Account, would you do it?
Waiters and Waitresses:
  • Would you like all the sales taxes collected each day by your employer to be divided equally between all the workers in the restaurant and deposited into a Health Savings Account for you?
Workers in a big box store:
  • Would you like your employers property tax bill divided equally between all the workers and deposited in your Health Savings Account for you?
  • Would you like your employers corporate income tax bill divided equally between all the workers and deposited in your Health Savings Account?
What can you do with the money in an Health Savings Account?
Buy Health Insurance
Pay for any health related expense
Do you want to live under the ObamaCare health care laws or would you rather have a Health Savings Account made possible by the tax deduction “Cash in the Hand”?

This and other papers can be found at www.cashinthehand.org

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10 Questions for Americans


by little tboca Times are tough; Americans are struggling just to keep food on the table. Many who are unemployed have given up looking for a job; they’re totally discouraged, angry and confused.College graduates are flipping pancakes at McDonalds, taking any part time job available and many have moved back to their parent’s home - they’ve lost hope.Seniors are finding higher health costs, less care and are being turned away by some PC’s. Instead of enjoying their retirement, seniors find that daily cost of living is increasing at a terrifying rate. Gasoline prices have soared, inflation has kicked in big time and many are finding retirement funds are dwindling and this is one of the scariest times of their lives.Here’s 10 questions that should be answered and after answering them look at yourself in the mirror and say, “What has happened to America the Beautiful, what do I want for my family, my grandchildren or myself, do I believe in the Constitution handed to us by our forefathers and do I want to “take my Country back” and restore it’s once strong foundations.1. Why did Americans lose 787 billion dollars?2. Why did our National Deficit jump 4 trillion dollars in less than three years?3. Why is Obamacare causing problems with businesses (big and small,) the medical world, private individuals and with insurance companies?4. Why are we losing billions of dollars to “green companies?”5. Why did Obama fund the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program with our stimulus money?6. Why are we backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya and Yemen placing one our great allies (Israel) in a very dangerous situation?7. Why was the debt ceiling passed before spending cuts were in place – why would we need a “super committee?8. Why haven’t Democrats created a balanced budget in 915 days?9. Why are Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae snagging big bonuses, when they contributed to our financial meltdown? Why isn’t our Government saying “No” to bonuses?10. Why is Obama and Democrats asking for a second stimulus amounting to 447 billion dollars?It’s time to restore our Government as a Government, of the people, by the people and for the people.May God Bless AmericaAs Always,Little Tboca
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ObamaCare Won In Court! What Is Next?

U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Obama Health Care Law
The ruling is the first by a federal appeals court on the overhaul
Yes, I Can

A federal appeals court in Cincinnati has upheld President Obama's health care overhaul. The ruling is the first by a federal appeals court on the overhaul. The three-judge 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel delivered a long opinion Wednesday with disagreement on some issues.

But it affirmed a Michigan federal judge's earlier ruling that Congress can require Americans to have minimum insurance coverage.

A conservative law center had challenged the provision. It said that it was unconstitutional and that Congress was overstepping its powers.

More than 30 legal challenges have been filed. The case is expected to eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.  http://teaparty.org/article.php?id=964


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              "Facing the most crucial election in modern times, this is no time for disunity . . . but disunity seems to be in the cards."
Would Romney Nomination
Split Conservative Vote,
Hand Re-election to Obama?
            Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the current front-runner in the race for the 2012 Republican Party presidential nomination, is doing three things very right:  he’s leading the pack while avoiding big gaffes and controversies. Governor Romney, however, came into June with four critical strikes against him and in some conservative eyes he got a 5th strike by refusing to sign a key pro-life pledge recently. It’s beginning to be more and more apparent that Governor Romney is perceived as being very much like John McCain. McCain could at best be called a “Republican Moderate,” although because many of his votes aligned with big-expansionistic government some in his party’s most right-most camps considered McCain a RINO (Republican In Name Only) or even a progressive member of the G.O.P.  Among the candidates and potential candidates out there, Governor Romney clearly appears to be the least conservative of all with the possible exception of ex-Ambassador John Huntsman (whose candidacy at present seems absolutely phantasmagoric).
            Let’s look more closely at Governor Mitt Romney’s presumptive five-strike situation:
1.      Obamacare, President Obama would have us believe, was based upon Romneycare in Massachusetts. Tim Pawlenty, before copping his plea in the most recent debate, even spoke of “Obamneycare.” In truth, while Romneycare went way too far, it resembles much more the sort of healthcare law mainstream Republicans like Newt Gingrich were advocating in the mid-90’s. Certainly at 74 pages rather than 2,773 any valid comparison-contrast is liable to support Governor Romney’s contentions. 
It was a state rather than a federal law but required the individual mandate provision to pay for it. Most importantly, the Massachusetts law stuck to the subject at hand while Obamacare is a total takeover of the healthcare system in a piecemeal fashion. Among other sins of Obamacare, that one monstrous law created 384 brand new federal government agencies (FDR’s twelve-plus years in office saw 40 new government agencies so Obamacare created 9.6 times as much new bureaucracy. Governor Romney’s law was adulterated by the overwhelmingly Democratic House and Senate in Massachusetts and seemingly came out quite different than he planned. Verdict: Romneycare is no real hindrance to Mitt Romney although the Big Lies told about it by Obama and the extreme right of the G.O.P. are somewhat embarrassing. 
Governor Romney needs to say, “The Massachusetts healthcare insurance law that I signed was adulterated by the Democrats in the legislators there, so what finally passed was NOT at all what I set out to pass and I should have been circumspect and vetoed it, regardless of the veto over-ride votes against me. If it happened today, I would veto it. However, comparing it to Obamacare is ridiculous and I will defend it as a mediocre and weak law, but not a horrific and evil law like Obamacare. We actually learned an awful lot from that law. You will recall that 2-3 years before we passed that law in Massachusetts, good strong conservative Republicans like Newt Gingrich and others were considering such a law for the federal government. The law I envisioned would have been 55 to 60 pages long compared to the almost 2,800 pages of Obamacare. I will effectively veto Obamacare my first day in office as president by giving every state and company in the country a waiver from Obamacare; then I’ll seek the votes in congress to veto it once and for all.”
2.     Governor Romney’s alignment with Global Warming alarmists recently applauded by Al (divide-and-conquer) Gore, however, is a serious, serious knock on the candidate’s judgment and an indication that he definitely leans well left of center at times. When tied in with his perceived violation of principle in supporting Romneycare, Governor Romney begins to look a bit like those great “conservative” Maine senators Olympia Snow and Susan Collins and like them appears now to deserve the hideous label “progressive Republican.”    Governor Romney apparently has not delved into the matter at all; never has mentioned the Climate Gate Scandal or the deliberate omission of 400 years of the Medieval Warm Period (also known as the Medieval Optimum which occurred before the Little Ice Age and was why Leif Erikson was able to settle in Greenland because Greenland was Green and almost glacier free then) which would have greatly challenged the whole Global Warming idea. Since in Europe, Global Warming theories now hold as much water as the Cardiff Giant (a famous anthropological hoax that was believed for about 45 years); they call environmentalists “mean greenies” and “watermelons” (green on the outside – pink or red commie-colored on the inside) because it now seems that the whole purpose of the Global Warming theatrics was to provide an excuse for virtually totalitarian government takeover of virtually everything. 
Governor Romney needs to read and understand the information at the following three websites. He then needs to absolutely and unequivocally state that Climate Gate showed that Global Warming was fraudulent science misused by fraudulent politicians to advance anti-business and anti-freedom agendas; and until the science is excellent science he will risk no American jobs or American money on any Global Warming schemes.
3)   Past Flip-Flop Behavior by Governor Romney shows him off potentially as a man of no backbone. He needs to take off 3-6 weeks; examine the positions of Ronald Reagan (and if possible adopt them 100%); of the TEA Party Contract from America; and the Republican Party’s Pledge to America . . . and then create a coherent policy and tell the American people what it is . . . then to follow it to the letter as promised. If this activity is not done soon Governor Romney will lose ALL credibility.
4) Associated with #1, #2, and #3 is the RINO charge held in many corners against Governor Romney. Republicans In Name Only like Scott Brown, Olympia Snow and Susan Collins are an embarrassment to the G.O.P. and since they vote with the Democratic Party 85-90% of the time . . . should NOT be allowed Republican funds for re-election campaigns or to use the G.O.P name. Only by handling this matter and #3 in the circumspect manner mentioned above, can Governor Romney hope to redeem himself. At question in the most significant election in our lifetime is nothing less than the survival of the American experiment in freedom.
5) Governor Romney is a devout Mormon or Latter Day Saint. On the one hand if a Muslim like Obama (under false Christian pretense who openly listened without apparent objection to Jeremiah Wright’s “God Damn America!”) can get voted into the Oval Office, then a Mormon ought to be more than all right. Whoever heard of a Mormon terrorist? Nevertheless, Governor Romney needs to address the matter proactively and swear greater allegiance to this country’s well-being than to any religious dictates a la John F. Kennedy. Governor Romney will definitely become a lightning rod for the left-sympathizing press and he’s sure to hear questions about Kolob; pre-existence; the mother goddess; becoming divine; multiplicity of gods; etc., etc. in a nasty attempt to discredit the man and the faith. 
At present probably the most devout and God-fearing and generous Christian people of faith on earth are the Latter-Day-Saints . . . but the leftwing American press has shown it has no honor in carrying on its biased campaigns on behalf of progressivism** and the Democratic Party, so expect their usual nonsense heightened by Obama-desperation and dirty tricks. Even a Romney vice-presidential candidacy could become a serious distraction under these conditions.  Has the liberal press given Governor Romney such a pass so far because they believe he’ll be the easiest to destroy later on?
             Rightly or wrongly as far as the crucial question of unifying his party and attracting Independents, unless he begins to act very circumspectly (as suggested above) and very, very quickly, Governor Romney would probably be the least unifying G.O.P. candidate since Gerald Ford in 1976.   He and Governor Sarah Palin may indeed be the dream ticket in the eyes of the Liberal Press. The extreme right of the G.O.P. will oppose him for all five reasons mentioned above . . . Independents will not respect a nominee who cannot control his own party. The Republican Party may well be standing at a “moment of utmost transition” as the Whig Party did in 1852 before total dissolution that year; the abyss in 1854; and non-existence in 1856, the cracks were clearly all there but all good Whigs were in full denial anyway.  Facing the most crucial election in modern times, this is no time for disunity . . . but disunity seems to be in the cards.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** http://fabiansocialism.info/
Progressivism is the doctrine that we must “progress” beyond the ‘outdated and ill-conceived American Constitution’ if we are to make ‘progress’ toward an earthly Utopia. Tied in with the Fabian Socialists in England, they were called progressives in America for about a quarter of a century. Once the evils of the movement became plain under Woodrow Wilson, the term “liberal” was favored for the next 85 years or so. Now the term liberal is associated with liberally taxing and spending America’s resources and “progressive” is the name de jour.

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                                                             All You'll Ever Need to Know 

                                       About Big Government Interference:

     Pythagorean theorem:......................24 words.


     Lord's prayer:..................................66 words.


     Archimedes' Principle:.....................67 words.

     Ten Commandments:........................179 words.


     Gettysburg Address:.......................286 words.

     Declaration of Independence:..........1,300 words.


     US Constitution with all 27 Amendments:........7,818 words.


     US Government regulations on sale of cabbage:….......26,911 words.
     Obamacare . . . . . . . . . 2,773 PAGES
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                        When in Doubt, Dems Attack Messenger,
Whistle-blowing McKinsey Consulting Firm
                “WHEN is this nonsense going to stop?”   AT&T calculated that dropping coverage and paying the fine rather than face the escalating future premiums associated with Obamacare and rising health care costs will save the huge firm $1.8 Billion annually. 
            We’re all familiar with journalists who protect their sources being sent to jail for “contempt of court.” High-profile global business consulting company McKinsey & Co. may soon be facing a similar situation. McKinsey’s great transgression? Not revealing the sources of a stunning new poll finding that “30% of employers intend to, or probably will stop offering employer-sponsored insurance after 2014 to avoid the expensive burden of Obamacare. The 78 million employees involved rank as just one more “unintended consequence” of the 2,773 page Obamacare law which creates 384 brand new federal agencies. 2014 is the year the full-impact of Obamacare is scheduled to kick-in.
            It gets worse than that, however . . . . Among businesses citing “a high awareness” of what Obamacare is all about,” over half of them are planning to drop health care insurance benefits for their workers. In a phrase, the death knell for private health insurance has been sounded. Among those uncomfortable with the tolling bell: the Democratic Party, specifically Dems in the Senate, and the Obama administration who are attacking McKinsey and the results of the study. Already the threats of senate hearings have been issued. Already “requests” for McKinsey data related to the study have been mentioned. Already talk of “subpoena” power (to get McKinsey to reveal the sources of its poll results) is rampant.
Besides the now infamous 1,920 “waivers” granting freedom from Obamacare to numerous unions and progressive employers favored by the Obama administration (In April 20% of all such waivers in the country were granted to one San Francisco district whose representative is House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi) other cracks are showing already in Obamacareland: unrelated studies have also shown that many small businesses employing slightly more than the “cut-off” number intend to lay off workers rather than face the prospect of mandatory expensive new Obamacare regulations “gutting their businesses.” (Obamacare requires employers of more than fifty workers to provide insurance for them or pay a fine).   In yet another unrelated study roughly 76% of such businesses this year intend to pay the $2,000 fine per employee rather than offer insurance and dealing with Obamacare. AT&T, for example, calculated that dropping coverage and paying the fine rather than face the escalating future premiums associated with Obamacare and rising health care costs will save the huge firm $1.8 Billion annually. 
Of course the kickback among Senate Dems was instantaneous. Hoping, it seems, to be able to pressure businesses with the temerity to respond honestly to the poll they want to know WHO? is responsible for such answers about their beloved takeover of the nation’s health care industry. A better question might be WHEN is this nonsense going to stop? You’ll recall that among the numerous phony projections used to sell Obamacare to the Dems themselves (no Republicans in the House or Senate voted for it) was the notion that only 2.5% of employers would find a way to opt out of the program. Chances are the Republican projections that huge portions of the business world would seek to escape Obamacare’s burdensome provisions sent the Obama administration to giggling among themselves . . . now it seems that 30% or perhaps 50%**(once they learn more of what Obamacare is all about) of all businesses might “vote with their feet” and endeavor to escape Obamacare. We repeat, “WHEN is this nonsense going to stop?”
It can now be expected that millions of the workers cut loose will be forced to shop within the government blessed "exchanges" – and will be eligible based on income levels for generous taxpayer funded premium subsidies thus predictably driving the cost to the taxpayers sky-high. Thus the Dems will once again be buying votes with taxpayer's money” – or worse, with debt borrowed from China.  ObamaCare makes subsidies available up to 400% of poverty level income.” This is wealth-redistribution that holds the potential to destroy capitalism in three years.   Thus it’s now official, the Republicans were right, rather than being a program that “pays for itself” as promised, the impact on the taxpayer and the treasury and the national debt will be in the tens of TRillions of dollars.   Bankruptcy of the nation looms.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**Once again the progressives in Washington, D.C. show their ignorance of reality and of the broken-window fallacy so that the taxpayer and the business owner and the owner’s employees are negatively impacted by a fanciful creation^^ of their deluded minds: Obamacare.
^^Of course that fanciful creation of the deluded mind of Jimmy Carter CRA ’77 (the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 which forced banks and mortgage lenders to knowingly make horrifically bad home loans to highly UNDERqualified loan seekers) sent the percentage of “suspect” loans in this country from 0.24% in 1975 to 34.1% in 2005 (after four legislative expansion – three by Bill Clinton – and a Clinton regulatory expansion) and created our sub-prime lending crisis and financial meltdown. Thanks to the Clinton steroid-version legislative expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998; ACORN in 2000 found it easier to put bad loan candidates into $440,000 homes than they’d been able to put better (but still Unqualified candidates) into $110,000 homes in 1990. Instead of 3% down payment loans of 1990, many illegal aliens; and welfare recipients whose only “income” was food stamps after 2000 were put into very expensive homes with ARMS (adjustable rate mortgages); a situation just waiting to meltdown into the abyss.
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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


By now most of us realize how Obamacare is designed to take control of healthcare decisions away from individuals and place them in the hands of bureaucrats.   After all, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid understood that as government gains more control over healthcare, the politicians have even greater powers to “sell” favors by granting exceptions, waivers and special rules that favor their friends and those who will donate to their campaigns.  This became all the more evident recently when 38 additional Obamacare waivers were granted to businesses in Nancy Pelosi’s district.


Unfortunately this level of institutionalized corruption in our Federal government has become commonplace.  What isn’t as apparent is how Obamacare is designed to take money out of all of our wallets by enacting additional taxes and penalties.  These taxes include increased Medicare taxes, penalties on plans the government feels offer to good of coverage, penalties on those who chose to not buy insurance and an excise tax on pharmaceutical companies.


1)     Beginning in 2013, payroll taxes from Medicare will increase by 62% for households that the government has decided are “higher income”.


2)     Similarly, Obamacare created a new 3.8% Medicare Tax on interest, dividends, royalties, rental income, capital gains, and annuities.



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               “Besides the ignorant things he said, however, Gingrich suggested that the G.O.P. symbol might be an elephant riding on a magic carpet which (if you look closer) proves to be a paycheck; while the Democrat’s symbol would be a Donkey living in a food stamp book teepee.  Gingrich also said that it was wrong for Republicans to talk about cutting Medicare since it left them open to being demagogued for the next decade and Medicare had only increased 14% under Obama while the federal side of Medicaid had risen 54% and food stamp costs had risen 60% under Obama, then he cited a food stamp increase from 33 million to 47 million Americans now on food stamp rolls an amazing 39.4% jump” in just two years.



Trump, Huckabee Drop-outs and Ex-Speaker’s

Implosion Puts Romney in Catbird Seat

For 2012 G.O.P. Presidential Nomination



               In a dramatic turn of events, the last three days marked climactic upheaval in the ranks of the Republican presidential candidates to replace Barack Obama in the Oval Office starting January, 2013.

               ITEM:  Mike Huckabee cited “spiritual reasons” for deciding NOT to contest the 2012 primary waters in an announcement made at the end of his Huckabee show on FOXNews channel Saturday.  With no effort at all, Huckabee was #2 in the polls among all candidates.  This is a huge game-changer among Republican and many other conservative voters.

               ITEM:  Pressured by his television network, NBC, Donald Trump announced today that he would NOT be running for president either.  Trump said “Business is my greatest passion and I’m not ready to leave the private sector.”  He also cited all the money that his hit show “Celebrity Apprentice” had been making for charity as a reason NOT to run.  Most pundits do NOT believe the Trump announcement changes much in the battle for 2012.  Most conservatives believed “The Donald” was moderate or even liberal; and had very little to offer conservative voters.  Especially after his recent foul-mouthed tirade, he’d lost a lot of his standing as a potential “statesman.”

               ITEM:  Only short days after announcing his decision to be a candidate for 2012 -- saying the election was the most important in America since Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 -- Newt Gingrich seemingly committed political suicide and greatly muddied the waters of the debate on Capitol Hill over raising the national debt ceiling and the Ryan Budget.  Gingrich (imitating Joe Biden??) offered not one but two terrific gaffes:

1)      He appeared to say that Obamacare was not so bad and that he personally supported something like it.

2)    He criticized Paul Ryan’s budget.  The Ryan budget which passed in the House with 238 Republican votes, Gingrich said was “radical.”  He continued, “I don’t support social-engineering from the right anymore than I support social-engineering from the left. 

               Unless Gingrich’s ploy will be to run as a Democrat and contest Obama in the primaries, his candidacy can no longer be regarded as valid.


               At this early stage these three key recent developments seem to put Mitt Romney in the driver’s seat.  He’ll presumably emerge with somewhere between 30-35% of the G.O.P. vote in upcoming polls.  He could have a lead of 2 ½ to 1 over his next closest rival presumably Gingrich (who had 15-16% in recent polls but hurt himself recently.  Rajjpuut believes that Mitch Daniels, Indiana Governor; Michelle Bachmann, Minnesota Representative; and businessman Herman Cain would benefit even more than Romney will from the three news items mentioned above.  The big winner, however, might just be the TEA Party.  Let’s look a bit closer at Romney and Gingrich and the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party . . . .

               Discussing Romney, DickMorris.com put it this way, “Romney was having a terrible week.  His speech on health care was terrible.  With Massachusetts up in arms over Romney-care and Republicans dead set against the individual and employer mandate, his failure to repudiate his program would have cost him dearly.  But now he is sitting on top of the world.”  Much truth there but perhaps a bit too rosy a picture painted for Romney . . . .

               Morris later made a personal appearance on the Hannity show on FOXNews and opined that Gingrich had not actually hurt himself, but rather that people just got the out of context version from the mainstream media.  NOT HARDLY, Richard!  However, in Gingrich’s favor these things must be said.

               Besides the ignorant things he mentioned, Gingrich suggested that the G.O.P. symbol might be an elephant riding on a magic carpet which (if you look closer) proves to be a paycheck; while the Democrat’s symbol would be a Donkey living in a food stamp book teepee.  Gingrich also said that it was wrong for Republicans to talk about cutting Medicare since it left them open to being demagogued for the next decade and Medicare had only increased 14% under Obama while the federal side of Medicaid had risen 54% and food stamp costs had risen 60% under Obama.  Then he cited a food stamp increase from 33 million to 47 million Americans now on food stamp rolls an amazing 39.4% jump in 28 months.

               Michelle Bachmann, Morris told Hannity, would benefit because she might get a lot of the social-conservatives favoring Huckabee.  Since Bachmann is a TEA Party favorite and the emphasis of the TEAs is on fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism, that does not compute . . . . Rick Santorum and possibly Sarah Palin would be more likely to gain in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion, with Bachmann and Herman Cain getting some lift as well.

               Morris said that “for Daniels, the withdrawal of Trump opens the way for him to become the main establishment business community rival to Romney.  And Huckabee's withdrawal opens the door for conservatives to support him as well.”  Morris thought that both Daniels and Bachmann needed to enter the race very soon.  Pawlenty, already in the tussle, was another one who Morris said would benefit greatly . . . but he left no doubt that in his view Romney might right now be the presumptive nominee.  Rajjpuut believes there’s a huge long way to New Hampshire not to mention the Oval Office and he doubts that Romney will get 30% of the Republican vote in Iowa or 25% in South Carolina.  Besides, who knows . . .  Chris Christy might just wind up running.


               Mitt Romney is the unquestioned early leader, that’s obvious.  But, the millstone of the Romneycare program in Massachusetts hangs heavy upon him.  His biggest worry has to be the TEA Party.  Romney has already pleaded with some TEA Party leaders for the TEAs NOT to run a third party candidate in 2012; some TEA Party folk recently took the opportunity after Romney’s weak Romneycare speech to call him “a walking hypocrite.” Surely  1) Michelle Bachmann, 2) Herman Cain, 3) Mitch Daniels and 4) Tim Pawlenty (after the three shake-ups this weekend) have to be considered far more compatible with the TEAs than Mitt Romney who is at best a moderate Republican and may because of his failure to repudiate Romneycare be looked upon by some as progressive (like Obama).  We’ve a long hot summer ahead of us . . . if one of these four separates himself or herself from the pack, Romney may be in jeopardy . . . then there’s the specter of a locked convention choosing Chris Christy as everyone’s favorite dark horse . . . we do live in exciting times.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“The Washington Post Company raked in $573,217 in taxpayer subsidies and CBS Corporation secured $722,388 worth of Americans’ money.”
“It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to The Daily Caller. “When NBC used to cover energy issues, they identified themselves as a subsidiary of General Electric. CBS and Washington Post will just have to disclose that they are subsidiaries of the Obama Administration.”

Obama Bribes CBS and Washington Post with
$1, 295,000 from Obamacare Slush Fund
            Sometimes it’s hard to figure things out. This “thing” discussed in this blog, however, although it’s a deep and moderately complicated issue, is now becoming quite clear. You do remember** when the much-ballyhooed New York Times and all its sycophants such as MSNBC, the Washington Post and CBS -- awhile back used the assassination attempt on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as an opportunity immediately to assert that hate-mongering by right-wing media outlets like talk radio, FoxNews and the “new online media” (more on this later) had driven a crazed right-winger to the attempt and to the resulting six deaths and wounding of thirteen; and then they all quickly dropped that line when it was proved that the would-be assassin was a crazed left-winger who asserted in his private blogs that he’d contributed to Ms. Giffords campaigns and who criticized the left for not moving fast enough (for being too slow in starting “the revolution,” perhaps?). No apologies or retractions were ever aired or printed by the Times, Post, MSNBC, CBS, etc. ad nauseum. Presumably the story they printed is 100% correct and needed no retractions?
Naturally they still continued to decry the nation’s conservatives as racists and haters responsible for all the evil in the world (that is, they continue around-the-clock demagoguery such as is now evident in the ongoing debt; deficit; debt-ceiling and budget stories^^) and in our country and then they called for less sharp “political rhetoric” (by which they meant anything a conservative might say) meanwhile over the past three years having ignored at least 80% of the real stories, with real evidence that have been revealed, they continue to glorify Barack Obama; Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid; big government; big taxes; big spending; huge UNfunded entitlement programs amounting to over $100 TRillion; huge deficits; a monstrously huge national debt; the unabated printing of money by the Federal Reserve Bankers and the inflation it’s causing; not to mention the campaign promises of one Obama to “bankrupt the coal industry” and that his “energy policy of cap and trade would necessarily cause electrical and other energy prices to skyrocket.” Those sound like real news to any intelligent and patriotic American, but not to the mainstream, lamestream media. That’s the background for this interesting story . . . and those caught red-handed in corruption . . . .
As mentioned above, some things are difficult to figure out. Rajjpuut, who was his J-school’s academic excellence award winner in journalism and who had some thirty feature excellent feature stories printed in the local daily while interning, loves journalism, real journalism that is . . . the kind that serves as a watchdog over government corruption and helps keep the voters informed . . . but Rajjpuut is no fan of the crony journalism that passes for news-gathering everywhere you look.  This time, however, it seems that the guilty parties on both sides of the corruption have been caught once again with their hands in the cookie jar.
 Now it turns out that the reason the leftwing media types have been cheering on the smaller government corruptions so prevalent in the Barack Obama administration and ignoring all the larger ones is that they’re not really neutral news-gatherers at all . . . no, no, no:  they’ve had a horse in the race all along . . . here’s another group of related stories they won’t choose to run:
ITEM: The Obamacare bill that passed, the one no one had time to read was NOT the bill promised but one substituted at the last minute just before the voting which illegally funded the program’s start-up $108 Billion beyond merely providing the ways and means . . . that is, it illegally took away the rights of future congresses to decide upon its funding year after year.
ITEM: That same Obamacare has provisions for several unmonitored slush funds most of them under the auspices of Health and Human Services Secretary Sibelius.
ITEM: Reporter Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller online news website revealed less than two weeks ago that several of these socialized-medicine slush funds were used to dole out several Billion dollars to favored recipients. From one of these slush funds called EERP (Early Retiree Re-insurance Program) almost $2 Billion worth of contributions to specific political allies including several unions; select corporations; and some government pension funds many associated with labor unions all were made within the last year. The Daily Caller is one of the “new media” that the mainstream media has been so unceasingly critical of. Their story unlike the typical mainstream media story on politics had no editorial opinion,  just facts easily verified by anyone actually seeking truth.
 ITEM: Two of Barack Obama’s biggest media cheerleaders: the Washington Post and CBS Television received hundreds of thousands of dollars each from EERP thus bankrolling the health care of these Obama-supporting cash-challenged companies’ retirement fund with government money a.k.a. your taxes and mine. “The Washington Post Company raked in $573,217 in taxpayer subsidies and CBS Corporation secured $722,388 worth of Americans’ money,” according to research presented by the Daily Caller. “It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to the Daily Caller.  “When NBC used to cover energy issues, they identified themselves as a subsidiary of General Electric. (So now) CBS and Washington Post will just have to disclose that they are subsidiaries of the Obama Administration.” 
ITEM: You will not be surprised to know that neither the Washington Post nor CBS nor the rest of the mainstream left-leaning media have reported on these corrupt practices.
ITEM:   A follow-up story on another “new media” blogsite:  Hot Air revealed that both The Washington Post and CBS have totally ignored problems with the slush fund secretly bankrolling health care for their early retirees.  Hot Air reported that a search for ERRP on the Post website last week revealed ZERO, zilch, nada concerning the corrupt practices.   Indeed,  searching the Post website for the full name of the slush fund revealed only one article from a right-wing source.   In keeping with that trend, a search on the CBS website, for ERRP also produced no entries — while a search for the full name of the slush fund returned only one entry, a link to the Obama administration’s health care reform website.
ITEM: The contrast in style and substance between the new media that the left has been so strongly critical of could not be greater. Real news, real watch-dogging of our government and its corruptions has been the domain of the right-wing media for quite some time. Even when both were criticizing President George W. Bush . . . while the left indulged in mere name-calling . . . evidence and supporting factual connections on subjects like Bush’s failure to protect the border; and the increased pace of shipping jobs overseas during the Bush administration came largely from the news gatherers among the right-wing media.
ITEM: Mr. Boyle’s original column in the Daily Caller was no exception. Research uncovered from Congressional testimony and other public documents was only part of his story he also sought and collected opposing points of view just like they teach you in J-school. And let us repeat:  there was zero editorial comment to be found in Boyle’s story . . . just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts.
ITEM: This latest abuse of public funds highlights the danger of ever-over-growing, ever-more-powerful centralized government and especially it sounds a warning about the abuses to come as the additional controls over the healthcare marketplace begin to unfold.
ITEM: Isn’t it ironic that real journalism severely-criticized by the cheerleaders of the left, uncovered a real story about real corruption between Mr. Obama’s so-called Healthcare Reform programs and between the same left-wing media that unthinkingly and uncritically supports every foolish idea Barack Obama presents them. “Bought and Paid For” is how one old friend of Rajjpuut’s father’s used to put it . . . “Bought and Paid For!”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** You do remember when these “usual subjects” ran stories for a month after the morning in late March, 2009, when Obamacare was passed (with Nancy Pelosi and her crowd marching up the Capitol steps bearing the over-sized gavel) claiming the “racist” TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party guilty of spitting on Black Democratic congressmen and calling them “nig_ers” “23 times. Of course when Andrew Breitbart offered $100,000 reward for conclusive evidence that this happened (he required just one instance of using the “N-word” to validate the charges and collect the $100,000) . . . strangely among all the dozens of reporters and cameras and videotape cassettes in evidence, no one has ever collected the money; indeed, no one has ever attempted to collect Breitbart’s money . . . but, of course, no apologies to the supposedly “racist, hate-mongering, stupid and astroturf” TEA Party was ever made. And, naturally, the amount of evidence showing this supposed racism, hate-mongering, stupidity and that they not a grassroots uprising but are a “Republican Party front organization has also not been forthcoming.
^^ The demagoguery is always the same: there is no debt crisis; there is enough money, especially if we take all that the rich (who create jobs via small business) have. Our children and grandchildren will only be hurt if the Republicans interfere with all the UNfunded entitlement programs the left insists are actually very well-funded. Those evil, insensitive conservatives want to throw grandma and all the poor out in the streets; and their highest desire is to see all welfare recipients eating catfood.
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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


When you examine Obamacare in detail, you find that the facts of the legislation contradict most of the selling points that the Liberals used as their basis for voting for the bill.


#1 – 18 Million People Added to Medicare while Cutting $500 Billion from the Program

Obamacare claims to cover 34 million new individuals with insurance.  The primary approach that the legislation uses to cover the uninsured is to expand the number of people under Medicare.   Yes, Medicare.  The same Medicare that was already scheduled to go bankrupt by 2017 before Obamacare passed.   The new legislation will add 18 million people to Medicare while reducing funding for Medicare by $500 billion.  Thus there is no choice but to reduce benefits to the existing Medicare recipients.  Given that more than half of the doctors in the United States do not accept Medicare, the further constraint of doctor availability will be another form of institutionalized rationing.


#2 – 17.1 Million Individuals with Private Insurance Will Lose Their Existing Coverage

Although more people are covered under Obamacare, the plan also causes a major redistribution of how individuals are covered for health care.  1.4 million citizens will lose their employer sponsored coverage and 15.7 will lose their other private coverage while they are shifted to either Medicare, “exchanges” under the plan, or will become uninsured.  Yes about 1 million individuals with insurance today will become uninsured and have no coverage under Obamacare.   So the economics of Obamacare will cause at least 17.1 million Americans to lose their existing coverage under Obamacare although the President assured us all that we would be able to keep our existing plans.  Continue...
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