Bob VanDeHey's Posts (418)

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Obama Leadership Lack

Wow, the mainstream media waxed orgasmic. Calling Barack Obama “BRILLIANT” so often today, you'd be forgiven for thinking Obama was Wellington defeating Napoleon. Obama repeatedly received these unrestrained accolades for the firing of top Afghan War General Stanley Mc Chrystal for Stanley Mc’s absured lack of good judgment shown by a) letting a Leftist hatchet** artist journalist embed with the top command in Afghanistan and B) for Mc Chrystal and his top aides flapping their mouths disrespectfully when referring to civilian leadership and c) doing so in front of that Leftist journalist Michael Hastings and d) for blaming the civilian leadership for their own lack of results on the ground.

Let’s be clear here: Mc Chrystal acted like a malcontent recruit not like the genius military leader he was reputed to be. Obama’s move was the only even semi-logical thing he could do . . . the fully logical things would have been to have given the war effort the full 40,000 surge troops request, to give them back in August when requested and to have never been so stupid as to give out a firm “withdrawal date” in advance. That last move is known by those who understand strategic issues as “aiding and comforting the enemy.”

Let us go further, the Obama administration besides second-guessing the surge request and dithering for five months before giving only part of what was asked for . . . besides all that, the Obama administration lacks a real strategy to fight terror either at home or around the globe. In fact, except for extreme good luck so far as seen in the case of the underwear bomber and the boob trying to bomb Times Square . . . there have been virtually NO successes on the terror front since Obama became president. LUCK is definitely NOT a solid strategy for keeping our people safe at home and for winning the War in Afghanistan. WE ARE AT WAR and have been demonstrably so since Osama Bin Laden openly and defiantly and proudly declared war against us in 1992 . . . and officially so since 9/11/2001.

Today, however, we are told we are NOT at war. There is no terror or terrorism, just “man-caused disasters.” NO, Mr. Obama, the Titanic is a man-caused disaster. And, of course, the contortionism required to eliminate accurate and necessary words like Islam, Muslim, radicals, Jihadists, etc. and to avoid the appearance of any GASP, conspiracy with Al Queda in Yemen at its root . . . any old-time vaudevillest would be super proud of the administration's tap dance around the full disclosure of the truth.

House Minority Leader, Boehner’s commented a while back, "The Obama administration has spoon-fed the American people bland reassurances, saying this was a 'one-off' and a 'lone wolf.' This is the rhetoric of an administration that continues to operate without a real, comprehensive plan to confront and defeat the terrorist threat." Of course, the always “out-to-lunch” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected the obvious truth that luck was the reason for the Times Square plot’s failure. "Oh please, please," she said. "The harder we work the luckier we get, and I think that's sort of the point” as she implied vigilant citizens are one part of the administration's “comprehensive strategy” to combat terrorism, which goes hand in hand with law enforcement.

Really? What public-service messages have gone out educating citizens what to do? how to do it? who to contact? what kind of vigil would be most helpful? and most importantly how to get lucky? President Lincoln’s body-guard relied on luck, too, Nancy-dear. John Wilkes Booth drilled a tiny spyhole in the back of the presidential box in Ford's theater so he could reconnoiter the situation accurately and he had an effective plan that worked even though he did his dastardly deed without trying to hide his identity and while using totally unnecessary flair (jumping upon stage and yelling, “Sic semper, tyrannis!”) . . . for the sake of our people's well-being, let’s give our present enemies at least as much credit.

Mr. Obama is instead currently also relying upon luck to hopefully keep a bloodbath from occurring inside Arizona and other border states, not to mention Islamic radical terror plots. Just as the blood on the hands of the Islamic terrorist who perpetrated the Ft. Hood massacre is also on Barack Obama’s hands, so too is the blood that’s sure to flow inside our border states. Yes, we need a brilliant president who is “decisive, firm and bold,” but Barack Obama fails on all four counts . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery, (we wish you exceptionally well General Petraeus!)

** the same fellow once travelled around with Bill O'Reilly for about a week and rather than giving an accurate portrayal, carefully picked his partial-quotes and anecdotes taken out of context to make O'Reilly sound like he was baised and unintelligent.
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Obama Allowed BP to Continue Drilling

Despite Severe Problems Two Months Prior to Explosion

First the good news, Barack Obama DID get the word about the Gulf offshore drilling explosion at Deepwater Horizon on Day One. However, it seems there’s an awful lot of bad news tied into the story . . . first the big picture . . . .

It’s been said, “there are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics.” President Obama is, it seems, guilty of “ultra-gross statisticulating.” You probably heard him say in his recent speech, “. . . we’re running out of oil and places to drill.” But did you know that federal data from the Minerals Management Service (MMS) of the U.S. Department of Interior proves the United States has enough oil and natural gas to fuel more than 65 million cars for 60 years, and enough natural gas to heat 60 million homes for 160 years and that the American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the U.S. could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs, as well as $1.7 trillion in revenues to federal, state, and local governments, all while fostering greater energy security. Does that seem like a huge disconnect to you? Read on, the plot SICKENS . . . .

Most Americans don’t know it, but because of the lunatic fringe of the environmental movement, this country has not been allowed to build one single refinery on American soil since 1974 (36 years!). You probably ARE aware that except for Indian land all other new drilling and exploration on American shore and in shallow-water offshore has been banned in deference to the same environmentalists. You probably don’t know that virtually all oil spills are a product of tanker ship mishaps and that we’ve only had one significant oil spill offshore in thirty years. You probably also don’t know that the BP oil spil was perfectly preventable and that the Obama administration knew about real and potential problems associated with the Macondo oil site over two months before the rest of us ever heard the name “Deepwater Horizon.”

All this hypocrisy and incompetence came together this week with reports that British Petroleum (BP) was (for roughly ten days in very early February) fighting against a series of cracks and other offshore problems at the Macondo well off the Louisiana coastline, this year, right from the earliest moments of drilling. That is, the deepest well in the world (some 30,000 feet down into gulf below the ocean floor) had major problems from the get go; and the Obama administration knew about it over two months prior to the Deepwater Horizon explosion (on February 13, to be specific) . . . when ten days later BP filed with America’s Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the Obama administration and BP not only did not inform the public about the problem, but MMS was actually preparing to give BP a safety award within days of when that explosion took place. That, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg.

There is also a report that a California scientist from the University of California at Berkeley warned of even more serious problems at around the same time when “the damn rig almost blew up.” The administration was also informed about this development, six weeks before the rig's fatal explosion when the engineer from the UC, Berkeley, announced to the world a near miss of an explosion on the rig then. Makes Mr. Obama’s present “moratorium” look like shutting the barn after all the livestock’s long since fled, doesn’t it?

Then there are unsubstantiated reports that BP was asking for the administration's help on this matter long before the deadly accident and the now gushing well slime. So putting this all together, the eleven men who died need not have died. The explosion need not have happened. And the gulf oil spill need not still be going on, or even to have occurred in the first place. Mr. Obama and Mr. Salazar had information in their hands that needed to be acted upon in mid-February.

The American mainstream media has once again failed to unearth the story. Oh, should we mention that the always Obama-butt-kissing MSNBC is owned by General Electric (which is heavily involved in the circle of infamy we’ll be revealing here in the next few days)? Or that the single largest American company poised to profit from Obama’s cap and trade and green-jobs energy policy . . . and yes, from this oil spill, is GE? Well, at least GE has a good (self-interested) reason not to blow the whistle on the scandal, but what about CNN? ABC? or CBS? Perhaps they’re just incompetent, who knows? FoxNews, as usual is at the center of revealing the fiasco, and the Obama administration and Soros and the usual suspects are all declining invitations from FoxNews to comment.

Meditate on that, and tie it into the fact that the Obama-favoring media is not telling the public that roughly nine weeks before the explosion, both BP and Obama knew that the project was in deep trouble. Did we mention the tip of an iceberg?

Right about now, Multi-billionaire George Soros-owned Media (a progressive blogsite heavily aligned with the Obama administration) is going out of it’s cyberspace gourd trying to spin a bunch of lies to distract attention from the final scandal of the Obama administration. Sorry George, you backed the wrong horse this time, go corrupt another country!

What would you say if told that Obama, who’s now banned offshore drilling at more than five hundred feet was busy Oking a $2 Billion “preliminary commitment’ to loan money to Petrobras (the Brazillian deep-drilling oil giant) so they could drill at 14,022 feet? The original process was begun by the Bush administration for the purpose of securing future oil. But Barack Obama went along with it. Let’s see that’s over twenty-eight times deeper than Deepwater Horizon . . . . Now that’s a commitment to environmentalism, from our environmental president, isn’t it?

What would you say if told that Soros, the man responsible for 70% of Obama’s foreign presidential campaign donations, had announced in advance virtually every major Obama oil or energy policy weeks before they happened . . . since inauguration day through his Center for American Progress (CAP), a progressive policy think-tank? Wow, Rajjpuut would call that quite a coincidence.

What if you found out Soros, Gore, Obama and many from that same circle of thieves surrounding the Chicago Climate eXchange (CCX) and looking to profit by hundreds of billions if and when Obama’s Cap and Trade bill becomes law were all closely aligned with Soros’ C.A.P. (Center for American Progress), and numerous other Soros-created or Soros-funded or otherwise Soros-entangled progressive foundations and media groups such as, the Tides Foundation, etc. were all involved? Did we mention that Soros’ second-largest investment is in a company called Petrobras?

A. Let’s take a quick breather here, “environmental-pal” Obama is loaning money to Petrobras (Petro Brasil) to drill in water twenty-eight times deeper than the deepest well allowed under his six-month offshore moratorium. That seems like a disconnect.

B. Obama claimed to have been involved with the Deepwater Horizon explosion and Gulf oil spill “since Day One” but actually he, or at least Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, knew about problems at the site over two months earlier and Americans were not informed and MMS was still giving BP a safety award. Another disconnect?

C. Obama’s single largest donor was British Petroleum. Hmmmm, is that a "connect"?

D. The single most profitted person in all this is George Soros, the single-largest “investor” in the presidential campaign of Barack Obama? Soros makes out like a bandit because he is the second-largest investor in Petrobras which is the company most poised to profit under Obama’s six-month moratorium. Curioser and curioser?

E. The ever-vigilant American media have failed to connect the dots. In fact Obama’s greatest media sycophant General Electric (yep, they own MSNBC) is also connected to Petrobras.

OK, got all that? Here’s a bit more detail that ties it all together in a nice blue package with a progressive knot: there are two brothers, the Podesta brothers working the inside game for Soros and Obama . . . ah, it’s getting late, Rajjpuut needs his beauty rest. MORE TOMORROW . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The 10th Amendment of the Constitution is just one more part of the United States Constitution that Barack Obama finds objectionable. While NOT deliberately spitting on two different*** Arizona laws (created because of federal government dithering over the little matter of immigration law enforcement to help border states) or on the Constitution itself, Obama’s disdain for real American statesmanship and the real American Constitution is obvious. To think just seventeen short months ago he rose his hand and swore to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" -- after his actions of those past months who can ever believe anything the man says? Obama and his administration have expressed “grave concern” over both Arizona illegal immigration laws but is going to court to fight the most recently written one. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, spoiling for a fight on 10th Amendment grounds called Obama's decision "outrageous" but "not surprising" after Obama administration officials confirmed Friday that they plan to file a lawsuit challenging the state's anti-illegal immigration law. "Our federal government should be using its legal resources to fight illegal immigration, not the law-abiding citizens of Arizona," the fiesty Brewer said.

Meanwhile, the Arizona Attorney General, Terry Goddard, said his office plans to withdraw as the state's lawyers in legal challenges to the law, leaving Brewer's handpicked attorneys to defend it. Goddard, a Democrat said to be planning to run for the Arizona governorship for a third time after two earlier failures to win election, and Brewer a Republican have squabbled repeatedly about the law. To a certain extent that’s not been a bad thing.

After Goddard made his objections known to the earliest permutation of the Arizona law, A) the original law was strengthened B) provisions were added to directly address Goddard’s and Obama’s and many Democrats’ objections to the possibility of police officers using the new law as an excuse for “racial profiling” and C) Brewer had a special provision added saying that the Arizona governor could defend the new version of the law however she chose, rather than being required to fight legal challenges to the law and her state’s rights to protect itself from the illegal invasion from the south (which has made Phoenix the #2 kidnap city in the world only behind drug capital Bogota, Colombia) with a lukewarm state attorney general in center stage. Brewer said "I will ensure the immigration laws we passed are vigorously defended all the way to the United States Supreme Court if necessary, where this reasonable law will ultimately be found constitutional," something she wasn’t sure Goddard was prepared to do whole-heartedly.

The law taking effect July 29 requires state police officers to question a person's immigration status if there's a reasonable suspicion that he or she is in the country illegally. Five or six legal challenges have been filed to the law since April virtually all claiming that the new law will lead to “racial profiling” and it’s the federal government’s responsibility to regulate immigration. Duh! And what about the present climate when the federal government believes illegal immigration benefits it? Mr. Obama has made no pretext of defending the border. He is seeking so-called comprehensive immigration “reform,” a weasel term meaning the power to grant citizenship to the 14-25 million illegals now in the country since it's generally accepted that 80% or more of them would vote Democratic and ensure Obama’s re-election in 2012. He has thus far been told he hasn't the votes to pass such a bill into law.

On Friday evening, June 18, Brewer's defense team asked a federal judge to throw out suits by the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups challenging the law's constitutionality. Recently, Obama officials confirmed plans to file their lawsuit after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in an interview with a TV station in Ecuador (nice that U.S. citizens hear about the matter from a foreign TV station, eh?) earlier this month that the administration would challenge the law in court, though officials had long said the issue was under review. The administration at this point is just building its case and definitely expects to file suit. Brewer told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren, she's ready for a fight.

"What a disappointment," Brewer said on Thursday, adding she was shocked the administration would make such an announcement on foreign TV without giving Arizona officials the news first. "We are NOT going to back away from this issue," Brewer said. "We are going to pursue it, we're going to be very aggressive," Brewer said. "We'll meet them in court ... And we will win. The citizens of America agree with Arizona."

Meanwhile the Obama administration has thus far failed to deliver promised National Guard troops to the border states. Obama’s original promise was to send unarmed National Guardsmen to “relieve” the paperwork and other pressures from U.S. Border Patrol officers . . . but even that pathetic pledge has been broken.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

*** Obama has also let known his displeasure with an earlier Arizona law that allows the state to suspend the licenses or refuse licensing of businesses repeatedly violating the national immigration laws by KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens. Attorney General Eric Holder has called both laws "unconstitutional." Apparently, in the case of the employers' law, once again Eric Holder has not read the law he's criticizing. The latest provision to the nation's immigration laws along those lines passed in the mid '80's says that the Federal Government canNOT get involved in licensing of businesses and that aspect is left for state regulation.
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After a week in which the White House achieved a $20 Billion Gulf reparations fund and in which Obama blamed Republicans for the joblessness in America, the pollsters at Gallup show a firm majority of Americans right now oppose the 2012 re-election of Barack Obama. 51% of Americans think Mr. Obama should NOT be re-elected while only 46% say he should. Among Democrats 77% want to re-elect while 87% of Republicans oppose. Independents show 53% in opposition to re-election and 43% in favor. Today’s Rasmussen polls showed that among “probable voters” 45% strongly DISapprove of Mr. Obama’s job performance while only 25% strongly approve giving the president a -20 overall Presidential Index rating (Mr. Obama began with a +30 Presidential Index rating in January, 2009).

Overall in the Rasmussen poll, 42% of likely voters at least somewhat approve of Mr. Obama’s efforts and 57% at least somewhat DISapprove. The recent oval office speech by Obama about the Gulf oil debacle helped him slightly with Democrats. President Obama’s numbers have typically bounced following a national television event usually “up a little” (on only one occasion before they dropped slightly). 48% of Democrats now Strongly Approve. That’s up two points since the speech. 77% of Republicans Strongly DISapprove, also up two points since the speech. Among those NOT affiliated with either major party, 49% now Strongly DISapprove. That’s up five points since Tuesday’s speech. Here are some of the issues preying upon voters’ minds:
Most are pleased that $20 Billion has been set aside for Gulf damage claims but a slim majority are worried about a federal government takeover of the claims process; and to a lesser extent of the oil industry. The six-month moratorium on all offshore drilling is heavily criticized. So much involvement in the past nineteen months by the federal government taking over the car industry, banks and insurance companies, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the health care industry, the student loan industry, etc. has three-fifths of the nation up in arms. Given the administration’s open revelation that the cap and trade legislation would “bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily skyrocket the price of electricity;” and the realization that major tax increases are coming on January 1, 2011 when the Bush era tax breaks are rescinded; and the huge tax increases tied to Obamacare which 62% of voters want repealed . . . voters are outraged by taxes and spending and debt and apparent big government incompetence (MMS was about to give BP a safety award when the explosion occurred and signing off on several safety$$ issues; and the lack of competent response to cleaning up the mess).
Raising taxes, dramatically raising spending and deficits and national debt, and endless government takeovers of the private sector are very unpopular. Virtually no voters believe that the almost $1 TRillion stimulus money spent has created or saved any jobs; most disagree that the White House was “engaged from Day One” of the Gulf disaster.
Recent revelations that federal government employees receive on average DOUBLE what their private sector counterparts earn ($120,000 when both wages and benefits are considered vs. $62,000) has also angered some. The only sector of the economy that’s grown under Barack Obama has been government jobs.
In Rajjpuut’s none-too humble opinion. There are only two hopes for Mr. Obama and his out-of-touch progressives: A) somehow achieving citizenship for 20 million illegal aliens and getting 80% of their votes, which is becoming more unlikely by the day, or . . . B) dictatorial takeover, so guess which one Mr. Obama will attempt to pull off in order to "fundamentally transform America?"
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,**
$$ The 1990 and 1994 safety requirements were both ignored. In particular ten (10) firebooms were required at the site and NONE were there.

** in answer to questions recently raised about Rajjpuut’s “sign-off” . . . saying that “long” life was totally understandable; “strong” life was a bit unique; but “ornery” was downright weird . . . . Look at it this way: it’s a hope for a re-balancing and a return to American virtues. Rajjpuut honestly believes that the big shift to the ultra-left by the media which has refused to cover stories contrary to that viewpoint for almost forty years now was begun first by the “hippie” movement and the environmental movement being commandeered by people who thought that living in communes (root word of “communism”) was a good thing. Rajjpuut earnestly hopes that his readers will indeed live long; and stay strong in body, mind and spirit and vote along those lines as well; and show an ornery, feisty streak to help win the country back for the traditional constitutional, fiscal and libertarian^^ values including respectful discourse in the public arena.
^^ Libertarian values are constitutionalism; strong national defense including of our borders; fiscal-conservatism; and a largely live-and-let-live social outlook (for example, protect gays and all Americans from violence and injustice; let the gays have their unions legitimized with all the rights accorded married couples EXCEPT adoption and palimony). Most important to Libertarians is the 10th Amendment which allows Americans to “vote with their feet” and move from states with onerous tax burdens and ridiculous spending legislatures to states more in line with the original U.S. Constitution such as Texas (which still has a part-time legislature) rather than having all states become homogenized “departments” of a runaway federal government.
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According to the highly accurate Rasmussen Reports polls, 66% of American voters are angry at the media and 33% call themselves “very angry” at the media. The question did not differentiate which media sources were causing this anger. This is not necessarily a new perception, voters for years have insisted that the American media have a strong “liberal bias.” Back in the final months of the 2008 election, 51% of voters said that most reporters were trying to help Obama win the presidency while only 7% said the media was trying to help John McCain and 31% thought media coverage was neutral.

68% of voters say that when covering political campaigns and news, reporters try to help politicians they favor. 48% today believe that most reporters when they write or talk about President Obama are trying to help the president pass his agenda and only 18% of voters believe that reporters are interested in blocking Obama’s agenda. The media fairness issue is big in most voters’ eyes as 54% of voters think most reporters would hide any information they uncovered that might hurt a candidate they wanted to win, up seven points from November 2008 when voters already thought media bias was a problem.

In all 51% of voters today label reporters as more liberal than they are; while only 15% say reporters are more conservative than they are and 55% of voters say media bias is a bigger problem in America than campaign contributions from big donors.

Another area of anger is the Gulf oil spill. The vast majority of Americans are blaming British Petroleum (BP) for the explosion and leak. However, 67% of Americans believe the U.S. government does not inspect offshore oil rigs properly and 33% say it’s very likely that the problem could have been avoided IF government inspectors had done a better job. Certainly, since the ’90 and ’94 safety laws were “signed off on;” BP was one week away from getting a safety award from the government’s MMS; and since ten fire booms were required at the Deepwater Horizon site and zero were there . . . the public perception seems grounded in fact. Since these facts have NOT been widely disseminated by the media, perhaps this too is part of the anger Americans feel toward the media?
An area of doubt for Americans is that of Global Warming, many more Americans are expressing doubt and say that scientists are "not in accord" about global warming. 59% of Americans say they are not willing to pay more in taxes and utility costs to generate cleaner energy and fight global warming. Since the American mainstream media have chosen to give zero% coverage to the Climategate scandal that even the liberal London Times showed up as fraudulent "science," perhaps this too is part of the anger Americans feel toward the media?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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According to the highly accurate Rasmussen Reports polls, 66% of American voters are angry at the media and 33% call themselves “very angry” at the media. The question did not differentiate which media sources were causing this anger. This is not necessarily a new perception, voters for years have insisted that the American media have a strong “liberal bias.” Back in the final months of the 2008 election, 51% of voters said that most reporters were trying to help Obama win the presidency while only 7% said the media was trying to help John McCain and 31% thought media coverage was neutral.

68% of voters say that when covering political campaigns and news, reporters try to help politicians they favor. 48% today believe that most reporters when they write or talk about President Obama are trying to help the president pass his agenda and only 18% of voters believe that reporters are interested in blocking Obama’s agenda. The media fairness issue is big in most voters’ eyes as 54% of voters think most reporters would hide any information they uncovered that might hurt a candidate they wanted to win, up seven points from November 2008 when voters already thought media bias was a problem.

In all 51% of voters today label reporters as more liberal than they are; while only 15% say reporters are more conservative than they are and 55% of voters say media bias is a bigger problem in America than campaign contributions from big donors.

Another area of anger is the Gulf oil spill. The vast majority of Americans are blaming British Petroleum (BP) for the explosion and leak. However, 67% of Americans believe the U.S. government does not inspect offshore oil rigs properly and 33% say it’s very likely that the problem could have been avoided IF government inspectors had done a better job. Certainly, since the ’90 and ’94 safety laws were “signed off on;” BP was one week away from getting a safety award from the government’s MMS; and since ten fire booms were required at the Deepwater Horizon site and zero were there . . . the public perception seems grounded in fact. Since these facts have NOT been widely disseminated by the media, perhaps this too is part of the anger Americans feel toward the media?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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As if he hadn’t already done enough evil in the last seventeen months, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Democrat from Nevada) is still aiming to pass two more disgraceful pieces of legislation opposing the best interests of the American public. A long shot is Reid’s attempt at so-called Immigration “Reform” hoping to pass a law that will give amnesty and nine months later citizenship to 20 million illegal aliens in this country. That accomplishment, if it comes would be the ultimate coup for Reid’s master Obama and practically guarantee Obama re-election and Democrats control of the country for the next 20 years.

Little known, however, is Reid’s aim to create a national police force for Barack Obama killing two birds with one horrible stone . . . Reid is pushing the “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act (HR 413) as a way to solidify the strength of unions in the country and hand Obama a national police and fire force loyal to him more than the states and cities they protect.

The temerity of the Democrats in aiming to make individual union “yea” or “no” choices into a matter of national law is scandalous. Of course, Reid is talking up the proposed laws as “crucial to national security.” One wonders if radical Islamic Jihadists are part of that particular vision of national safety? The law “benignly” seeks to nationalize rules governing every police, fire and other first responder union in the country and to have every single policeman and fireman and emergency responder to be represented by collective bargaining rules emanating from Washington, D.C. In the process, state rules and municipal rules would be nullified.

You’d think the Greek example of overly powerful national unions would have been an abject lesson for Harry Reid, who’s never met a socialist law which didn’t send an orgasmic thrill up his leg. By taking away the local and state control over police and fire forces, this is a tremendous challenge to the 10th Amendment’s separation of federal powers from state and local ones. Of course, national unions would also determine pay and benefits as well as promotions. An evil law that deserves to be flushed down the toilet.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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According to Margaret Thatcher, “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” According to Barack Obama’s words and actions, there has NEVER been a single problem with socialism or with “scientific socialism inter alia ‘communism.’” Why else would he continue to use Spain as the poster-boy for all the great things he wants to bring us courtesy of his “Great Economy” and violate standing laws to deny real creditors the money due them and instead divert that money into stock ownership to his auto workers union** friends? However, while Barack Obama was putting on his make-up prior to his Oval Office oil spill speech, the Spanish government was telling Spaniards “Oooops, we made a mistake and now we have to undo it.” The brief history is this:

Candidate Obama promised to create five million green jobs in his first term and move the United States “boldly toward” a booming new economy. President Obama has since repeatedly mentioned that goal and repeatedly put Spain out there as his model for America.

Spain, in 1997 was indeed the poster-child for European economic soundness with a booming economy and a miniscule 3% joblessness.

Spain along with Denmark and a few other governments began a shift to a “green economy” by instituting subsidies for environmentally-friendly businesses. They originally expected that roughly $125, 000 could fund the creation of any typical green job. There was an expectancy that these green jobs would be permanent and create a more environmentally-friendly and sustainable economy.

Spain today is almost as bad off as bankrupt Greece is. Last year unemployment reached 17.8%, today it sits at nearly 21%. A Spanish economist finished his study of the green disaster last year and released the results to the world . . . more on this later . . . but in the face of a further collapse in the Euro and a worsening overall Spanish national economy initiating even higher interest rates necessary to sell Spanish bonds and (most Greece like of all) as Spanish unions are calling for a general strike, of the seven endangered European economies, Spain is only marginally better off than the bankrupt Greeks.

Last night, during his speech, Barack Obama again praised Spanish efforts and brought up his promise to create green jobs (as well as the America-killing cap and trade legislation he’s pushing). You’d think that Spain’s green efforts were an unmitigated success, eh?

Yesterday, the Spanish government let it be known that now after a dozen years, they'd begin looking at de-subsidizing green jobs. What that means isn't exactly clear. Removing 10% of the taxpayer backing? Removing 50%? Removing 90%. Let's see what percentage of the new green jobs subsidized every year will now be funded . . . and, under these new circumstances what percentage of green jobs will actually prove permanent. Less than 5%? Less than 2%?

All Obama's words came despite the forenamed Spanish economic study which shows that a) each green job in Spain required a $675,000 subsidy b) the taxes required to create each new green job cost the loss of 2.2 real jobs in the real Spanish economy c) the average green job lasted less than 18 months d) only 10% of the green jobs proved permanent e) the average pay amounted to $10-$14 per hour only, and most importantly f) based upon the very Spanish model Obama’s praising, it’s probable his promised five-million new green-tech jobs would cost eleven-million real jobs and only 500,000 of these green jobs would prove permanent . . . a 22/1 ratio of lost real jobs compared to permanent green jobs created.

For any half-way thinking American, the president’s logic, or lack thereof, amounts to a whole lot to swallow . . . It remains to be seen if so many Americans will once again allow themselves to be taken in by our president. At least 60 lies issued from his facile lips during his first Oval Office staging, but five of these lies are so serious and so obvious that it’s a wonder that a huge collective “Bull-shi-!” did not roar across the nation when those false words escaped his lips, to wit:

1. “We’re running out of places to drill for oil."

2. “We’ve been on top of this since Day One."

3. The unspoken lie: “Bush is responsible for this problem too,” was hinted at in a slightly veiled manner as he talked about the failures of MMS.

4. Mr. Obama talked about converting to “a profitable new green industry” leading the way to future American prosperity.

5. And the illogical conclusion, “This proves we must institute ‘cap and trade’ legislation and green jobs at a cost of TRillions” (that’s right Cap and Trade is a $10 TRillion tax applied to the economy according to Obama associate Richard Sandor president of the Chicago Climate Exchange,CCX, a monstrous conflict of interest that he and Gore and Obama are part of); and the earlier mentioned Spanish green-economy disaster.

Let us now take on the five greatest of Obama’s sixty lies . . . first of all we are NOT running out of oil or lacking places to drill for oil. The environmental fringe has prevented us from building any new refineries here since 1974. The environmental fringe has made it difficult if not impossible to drill on land in this country or for safer shallower offshore wells. And most importantly we now have discovered the largest oil reserve in the world far bigger than the entire Middle East: the Baaken Field . . .

unfortunately, only the Indian tribes owning land above the Baaken oil reserves are allowed to drill there.

Secondly, Obama and his administration have actually been dithering since Day One and have NOT been “on top of it.” If they had been, the easily predictable effect offshore, on the beaches, in the marshes and on the fishing and tourist industry would presumably have been met by an incisive federal effort to combat the spill’s effect starting about Day Ten and Mr. Obama would have made last night’s speech about Day Seven.

Thirdly, Mr. Bush has been out of office for almost seventeen months now. Mr. Obama promised to clean up the mess in D. C. as well as the mess in our economy and has not done either, but instead has resorted to blaming Bush for his own failures since Inauguration Day. This economy and this administration are Mr. Obama’s NOW and it's time for the buck to actually stop with him.

Fourth, his monstrous lie, he called green-tech jobs “profitable.” If they were profitable, we would have a major green industry in this country and we do not. If these green jobs were profitable, there would be no problem with oil and it’s emissions. Mr. Obama believes that an edict by him from Washington is all it takes and then POOF! the scientific breakthrough needed will appear overnight magically and then . . . yes, then green jobs will be profitable.

And lastly, Cap and Trade is a conflict of interest that will enrich Mr. Obama, Mr. Gore, about twenty of their key cronies and ten well-known progressive foundations while crippling the American economy to the tune of $10 TRillion each and every year. And both Cap and Trade and “green jobs” are based on the fringe environmental lie that man-caused greenhouse gasses are creating dangerous global warming. That lie was shown by the ultra-liberal London Times to be an absolute fraud:

Clearly, Obama has a lot of blue-sky in mind for all Americans. For a supposedly intelligent fellow, Mr. Obama (and his progressives) do an awful lot of “thinking” with their emotions. “If I want it, it must happen – let there be light!” is not the basis for a logical energy policy.

Mr. Obama, either really does NOT care about Americans and the American economy; or he believes in word-magic . . . the certainty that his merely saying something is so, makes it so. He owns an administration of lawyers and left-wing radicals and neither he nor any single member of his administration has ever produced a useful good or service in their combined lifetime, but he is cocksure that throwing money down the green rat-hole will produce a viable alternative energy economy capable of sustaining 140 million jobs and adding at least 3 million new jobs every year. Our president is delusional. If George Washington marveling at the antics and electrical discoveries of Benjamin Franklin had insisted upon gambling the economy of 1791 America on creating an “electric power grid” he would have been at least as sane as Barack Obama because if green jobs don’t kill 21st Century America; his Cap and Trade and Green Jobs initiatives surely will.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

**in the case of Chrysler's bankruptcy personally orchestrated by Mr. Obama against 220 years of legal precedent
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Four Lessons Larger than Life . . . .

Americans Must Stand for Something

Rather Than Falling for Anything

Though NOT believing in astrology, Ol’ Rajjpuut is a Libra, one of those well-balanced people who occasionally like to throw their weight around. Besides a strong preference for cheeseless six-ingredient pizzas and eating the entire apple except for its stem, he has a particular fetish for learning about things that happened on his birthday, October 16, throughout history. For example:

On October 16, 1859, John Brown made his famous raid of “patriotic treason” on Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia’s federal armory; in 1962, President Kennedy was shown the photos of missile silos in Communist Cuba taken a day earlier; in 1964, Red China got nuclear weapons joining England, France, the USSR and USA; in 1793, the beheading of Marie Antoinette by the guillotine; in 1946, the hanging of the original ten Nazi war criminals after the Nuremberg trials; in 1854, the birth of Oscar Wilde; in 1888, the birth of Eugene O’Neill; in 1919, the first popular speech in Munich by Adolf Hitler transforming him overnight into the de facto leader of the Nazi party in Germany; and also in 1919, the publishing of this poem:

The Gods of the Copybook Headings**

by Rudyard Kipling

As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.

We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place;
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "The Wages of Sin is Death."

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four—
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man—
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:—
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

Let’s call that poem by Kipling, “Exhibit A” that the popularity of an idea or plan has no necessary relation to its wisdom or factual basis. Truly we human beings have a nasty tendency to “throw the baby out with washwater” and ignore history’s lessons until we repeat them as Kipling emphasized in his poem above. While it’s true that “a certain foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,” the operative words in that saying are “certain” and “foolish” not consistency . . . it is the practice of consistently doing the right things and thinking the right thoughts and operating our businesses and our lives with the right “spirit” that leads to true success. If a vital 7-10% of success and a good life is based upon NOT being trapped by the past; perhaps the other crucial 90-93% is knowing what the hell we’re talking about, because we truly understand our own and all history and are somewhat expert in the areas we’re involved in. The next great lesson for our times is this from Ben Franklin, we’ll call it “Exhibit B”:

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

A third great lesson is this from Nobel Prize-winning economist Friedrich A. Hayek, we’ll consider it “Exhibit C”:

“Man does NOT and canNOT know everything and when he acts as if he does, disaster follows.”

And from the greatest and most tested of our United States’ Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, our “Exhibit D”:

“As I would not be a slave; I would not be a master.”

You well might ask, “What’s all this got to do with the price of Chinese tea?” Exhibit B: When Franklin says, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor safety,” he is talking directly about those who would give away your liberty by promising you that their upcoming “Nanny-State” will take care of you from cradle to grave . . . that is, socialists, communists, various Utopians and all manner of collectivists.

When in Exhibit D: Lincoln says, “As I would not be a slave; I would not be a master,” he is talking about those who would enslave you; would become your master as part of the huge government entity that would have its tentacles reaching into every part of everyone’s lives and emphasizing that both roles master and slave are hideous.

In Kipling’s poem Exhibit A: “The Gods of the Copybook Headings,” we’re reminded that change for change’s sake is a losing proposition now and always has been. Some of our traditions are at least two million years old; our culture and the experiences of the past have value and should NOT be discarded on promises of blue sky and concession rights in Atlantis circa 3000 B.C. An awful lot of grief has been created by Utopians and Utopian movements promising brand new Edens but never delivering.

And Hayek’s quotation, Exhibit C: “Man does NOT and canNOT know everything and when he acts as if he does, disaster follows,” is wisdom aiming to protect us against charismatic hucksters who want to sell us a pig in a poke. Just because someone has an attractive, confident personality and believes something with all their heart, mind and soul doesn’t mean they’re right or their words are true . . . and it doesn’t mean you should drink their kool-aid either. TRUE BELIEVERS -- whether they’re the Jim Jones,’ radical Islamist Jihadists, or Heaven’s Gate leaders or anyone following any of those folks – such TRUE BELIEVERS tend to be wrong about thirty times more often then they’re right and if we’re not circumspect and cautious they can lose us our lives, liberty and sacred honor and perhaps our very souls.

The 2008 election was a referendum on these four exhibits . . . the eclectorate got what they deserved: a charismatic huckster and true believer leading us toward his kool-aid. Unfortunately, 2008’s other offering was a progressive Republican who though he was perhaps one hundred times preferable to Barack Obama, was just Tweedle-dumb running against Tweedle-dumber. The biggest potential virtue of Barack Obama is in reminding all American voters of the four great truths represented by Exhibits A, B, C and D and reminding us how wonderful the United States of America is by threatening us seriously with its loss.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** What in the hell are “copybook headings?” In the old penmanship books they not only taught kids to print and write longhand, but did so with a constant barrage of wise counsel such as: “A penny saved is a penny earned.” “A fool and his money are soon parted.” “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” “Fortune favors the bold.” “Better late than never.” “Never look a gift horse in the mouth.” "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." “If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” Etc., etc.

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Clock Ticks Down on the American Experiment

Even though it somehow “didn’t rate a mention” in Time magazine’s 100 most important newsmakers of 2009, the fact is that the TEA (Taxed Enough Already and Taken Enough Abuse) Party is the single most important political dynamic in America today. The TEA Party has the ability to make or break America. The most important negative trends leading toward “breaking” the country are these:

1. There is no united TEA Party forwarding important goals and blocking destructive ones. For example some want to make the TEA Party a third party running in opposition to Republicans and Democrats which means that political funding must be pursued and the likelihood is that the TEA Party under those circumstances will divide conservative votes and ensure the continuation of Progressive dominance** of the Democratic Party and of the nation.

2. The incredibly important “Contract FROM America” has been virtually ignored. Rajjpuut firmly believes that next to the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, this is the most important document emphasizing human liberty ever written. Certainly it’s the most important such document in our turbulent times – and it’s being ignored by the TEA Party rather than made into PSA (public service announcements) educating the rest of America exactly what the TEA Party stands for. For example if you visit the link:

you'll find a pretty good slide show on the "Contract From America" but it's kind of sick when the best information in the most attractive form on the most important single TEA Party activity in its history has to be found on the Huffington Post, no? All TEA Party sites ought to have a TEA Party 13 slide presentation explaining how the contract came about and the 10 items in the contract starting with #1 "Protect the Constitution" fully explained.

3. Some effort by the ultra-right Republicans to “co-opt the TEA Party” for their own ultra-conservative SOCIAL programs emphasizing abortion; creationism; blurring of church and state separation and the paramountcy of Christianity which endangers the ability of all Conservatives (including Independents and Democrats) to agree on the VITAL matters mentioned below . . . .

On the other hand, thus far the TEA Party has demonstrated mostly a potential for greatly benefitting and perhaps saving the nation. The movement has reflected logic, NON-VIOLENCE and the traditional American grit and libertarianism associated with the FOUNDING FATHERS . . . and MUST continue to do so, if it is to continue to work as a constructive and salutatory force in the nation. The most vital truths right now are these for the United States of America, the country has . . . .

A. A Constitutional crisis that truly requires constitutional-conservatives to step up

B. A taxation, deficits, National Debt and government-spending crisis that truly requires fiscal-conservatives to step up

C. A jobs and overall economic crisis that truly requires fiscal-conservatives to step up

D. A philosophical crisis featuring a battle to the death with a socialist/marxist president intent on fundamentally transforming America into another Cuba . . . this battle requires fiscal-conservatives and constitutional conservatives to truly step up and to unite in common cause.

At present roughly 97% of Republican-conservatives ; 68% of conservative Independents and 52% of conservative Democrats agree that we are in crisis mode. That is a dominating force IF allowed to remain united. In the past this conservative force has never been fully united. Why?

In the past, the Right-wing of the Republican Party has insisted upon four things that irritate some Independent conservatives quite a bit and virtually all Democratic conservatives totally:

1. An absolute ban on abortions even where the life of the mother is in question; cases of rape or incest; or even when extremely young girls become pregnant. This is the single largest and most emotional issue. Unless CONSERVATIVES can agree to leave this issue a matter of personal faith (and abortion IS and has been the law of the land for almost 40 years now) they will continue to cancel each other's votes and make elections of Barack Obamas and other serious radicals from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party into a regular event.

2. Refusal to acknowledge complete separation of church and state. For example, saying it's all right and "normal" to teach Christmas carols in PUBLIC schools attended by Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, atheists, etc. (Obviously what's taught in private religious-oriented schools is a totally different matter.) Anyone who can't see that the founding fathers would be aghast at 1. the government being involved in educationa at all and 2. people insisting that something paid for by the government could fly in the face of separation of church and state needs to familiarize themselves with the Founding Fathers; the doctrine of full separation of church ande state; and with the positions of Independent and Democratic Conservatives on this all-important matter and ask themselves how deeply do they want Barack Obama to win in 2012; achieve 20 million new voting illegal aliens and finish off the American Republic?

3. Attempting to institute the teaching of creationism in PUBLIC school science classes in opposition to evolution. Same criticism by the Founding Fathers mentioned in the preceeding paragraph applies. Why is the government involved in funding schoools? Why do some people insist that items of the Christian faith should be pushed down the throats of people of other religions where the government is funding things? . . . and there is the other question, of why people can call everybody else's creation story a "myth" but insist that the Judeo-Christian creation story is 100% literally true even though often many of the same events show up?

4. A stance on individual differences that allows the Democratic Party to label with some accuracy the extreme-right as racist and the entire Republican Party as a regional (for the south) party and not a national party. Within reason, a "live-and-let-live" libertarianism is the only stance that makes sense. Clearly 85% of Americans, while they may accept gay unions are opposed to gay "marriage" and certainly to gays adopting children . . . the conservatives need to forget their differences (eliminate the negatives) and accentuate their positive agreements. 'tis the only hope for America.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** specifically, David Plouffe’s been brought back to control the national Democratic effort. Reading the leftist blogsites, clearly the Democratic plan is simple and they believe it will do surprisingly well this November:

1. Using their huge e-mail list, aim to “re-energize” and bring back at least 90% of the first time and other voters that elected Barack Obama in 2008.

2. Blame Bush for the nation’s ills.

3. Blame Republicans as the “Party of No” for obstructing the president’s policies which would have otherwise, they’ll say, already have cured the country’s problems.

4. Use what they call the “divisive TEA Party effect” to split the conservative vote and to make the opponents of Democrats run on policies that are well to the right of center which, they believe, will alienate the voters greatly.

Rajjpuut, personally, believes the Dems have badly misjudged the electorate’s emotions and except for the possibility of #3, IF the TEA Party chooses candidates rather than revealing their “Contract from America” via PSAs and serving their natural role as “king-makers” the progressive Dems and progressive Republicans are cruising for a bruising. So, clearly, the TEA Party needs to

1. Publicize its main document repeatedly

2. Avoid the ultra-right Republicans

3. Concentrate on fiscally and constitutionally conservative issues such as those in the “Contract FROM America.”

4. Stay independent, logical, Non-violent and simply honest and patriotic and allow the Progressives enough rope to hang themselves.

5. Also emphasize the Obama economic record, the Obama anti-Americanism and the Obama transformation toward socialism at every opportunity. Help conservative Republicans and conservative Independents and Conservative Democrats get elected by running essentially against Barack Obama.

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U-Tube Video Puts the Question
to Gullible American Voters

As you may know, in keeping with his pledge to "fundamentally transform America," Barack Obama has failed to live up to his pledge to keep unemployment figures under 8%. Currently he’s glorying in a recent report that shows that 443,000 new jobs were created last month. Not mentioning that 411,000 of them were temporary government census worker positions. One thing also not mentioned is that despite the nation’s job woes, Obama has seen to the expansion of government employment undercutting the private sector and killing the creation of REAL (productive) jobs. While the private sector has lost over 4.3 million jobs on Obama’s watch the public sector has expanded by over 460,000 jobs.

Note in some studies, when it comes to permanent jobs, the Federal government pays up to $12 MORE per hour for the same job as a private sector employer will and offers “through-the-roof” benefits and the option of retirement at age 52 with accordingly through-the roof lifetime benefits and extreme high retirement pay closely akin to what the union workers in Greece were getting before that country’s collapse. Throw in his Obamacare health "reform" program and his attempts at job-killing cap and trade legislation and anyone with a brain ought to be able to see that on performance alone, he is radically restructuring this country and destroying our children's and grandchildren's future. As if all that were not bad enough:

U-tube pulled the original, must be communists running their site, so go to: does-not-want-you-to-see/blog-345923/ will work, but you may need to select it, copy and paste in your address bar

Rajjpuut has watched this ten-minute video four times and while he's NOT deeply impressed with the spirit of the first 30 seconds of it, he's done a lot of research and concurs with roughly 99%** of the facts and about 92% of the spirit of this video. Every American voter ought to see the video check it out with their own research and make up their own minds. If you feel as strongly as Rajjpuut does about the implications of the first two paragraphs of this blog and the clear socialistic pattern shown in the video, he’d be honored if you’d pass it on to your e-mail list. Thank you.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** The video is overly aggressive at the start and woefully inadequate in a few other places later. For example talking about weaknesses: Rajjpuut does not like at all the many “birther implications” in this video . . . yes there is a “technically” strong argument. However, in the true spirit of things, no matter how evil and screwed up his mother was (she was making these decisions for him during his childhood not him making them for her) he was born to an American woman and in “spirit” is an American citizen.

Some places that Rajjpuut sees the video dropping the ball are these: he would describe the religion of both Obama’s mother and birth-father as either “none” or atheism. Most importantly the video doesn’t reveal enough about Barak (without a ‘c’), Sr.’s communism which was conveniently NOT mentioned in Barack, Jr’s first autobiography “Dreams from My Father.” That can be found here:

Notice the reference therein to “scientific socialism – inter alia communism” on the first page of the article; and later discussion of the benefits of “100% taxation”; takeover and nationalization of foreign businesses in Kenya; need for redistribution of wealth out of Kenyan Asian and Kenyan White hands to benefit Kenyan Blacks and the whole litany of desires of a typical “fellow traveller” (died-in-the-wool communist).

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Harvard Study Reveals: Incumbents KILL jobs

FACTS are Facts, Incumbent Spending KILLS jobs***

OH, my GOD! OH, my GOD! OH, my GOD! OH, my GOD! Rajjpuut, who distrusts big government mightily, has seldom enjoyed writing anything as much as this blog . . . . it began with a recent Rasmussen poll that said that only 18% of likely voters believed that additional government spending would help the economy. Were they right, those 18%? Certainly our president acts like he believes they’re right. Where to find the truth, where to turn?

Truth is crucially important to the well-being of a democratic-republic. Unfortunately, the newspaper of today is quickly becoming a dinosaur. Meanwhile, only one among the large broadcast TV news organizations is actually trusted more than doubted (FOX News) according to media polls from the last few years. Six important things that clearly can be and must be said about mainstream “lamestream media” today (whether broadcast or print media) are:

1. They love talking to politicians and celebrities in other fields like sports and entertainment.

2. They seem to believe it’s impossible to learn much about government from everyday citizens.

3. They actually believe that a politician and what he/she has to say is “important news” to the detriment of actually chasing down real news about the pain politicians bring into our daily lives and reading and studing proposed laws.

4. They have virtually no curiosity and believe almost anything a liberal or progressive politician tells them and doubt virtually everything a conservative politician utters. And, thus lacking that all-essential curiosity . . . .

5. Add little of value to the American scene. The so-called “Fourth Estate” has degenerated into public relations helpers for the political class (politicians and those whose jobs or livelihood are enhanced by politicians).

6. They have long ago forgotten what real journalism is about.

Rajjpuut intends to remind them what journalism is all about. Let’s take a look at their “a-curiosity” or “in-curiosity” a bit closer . . . at their tendency to believe what politicians they favor tell them and what Americans themselves believe about incumbents. One of the biggest reasons that term limits for congressmen has been an unpopular item is the perpetual editorial you’ll see about the need to maintain the status quo and support a district’s rep or state’s senator because that incumbent is seen as valuable. The idea that virtually all idiot mainstream media hold dear is that incumbency translates into tangible benefits that can be measured economically and in prestige. A one-word definition of that economic and prestige benefit? PORK!

Of course that old wives’ tale is based upon the most common economic myth of all, that private sector jobs can be efficiently and profitably be created by actions that politicians make. Bah humbug! This myth is the bedrock foundation of that idiotic notion known as “Keynesian Economics.” Keynesians consistently claim to have refuted the commonsense proposition that if 75% of all tax dollars were returned to the taxpayers and politicians had to live within a sound budget on the other 25%, this country would see a resurgence of unbelievable proportions . . . an economic miracle that would within half a decade eliminate our national debt and within four decades wipe out all the non-funded obligations. More on proving that later . . . but lets talk about PORK . . . .

While it might be true that PORK helps some, let’s say 3-4% of the populace, it’s undeniable that PORK and other unwise government spending boondoggles and government interference boondoggles (GSBs and GIBs) depreciates the lives of 96% of all American businesses and individuals. However, that last sentence is totally at odds with the myth we’ve been talking about. This myth about the value to a district of an incumbent representative and therefore the need to continually re-elect him is the single greatest driving force behind the swallowing-whole of the private sector by the government . . . . which occurred slowly since 1933, but which has accelerated under progressive politicians from LBJ to the present . . . to be concise every president except Ronald Reagan.

You remember Ronald Reagan, the fellow in office when the Berlin Wall came down and 21 million new jobs were created? And remember this, Reagan was obstructed by Democratic majorities in the house of representatives (the Contract with America in 1994, was the first time that Republicans held a majority there since 1954) for all eight years. He was forced to compromise with the Democrats and let through a huge shipload (whatever) of unwise spending bills to get his tax cuts approved. And Reagan wasn’t proud of the deficits and debt created on his watch . . . but what else could he do? The decade of the 90’s became the second most productive in history given the impetus of Reagan’s years (the most productive was the Roaring 20’s – more on that in a moment).

Four months ago, three Harvard professors at that university’s School of Business (Lauren Cohen, Joshua Coval and Christopher Malloy) were researching the “Benefits of PORK myth.” By the way, ‘tis a well known fact that in large part, our universities are dominated by left-wing professors and even our business schools presumably are mostly believers in the Keynesian myths that the Nobel Prize people find so enthralling . . . so it’s utterly REFRESHING to find real curiosity among professors about government activities. Anyway, back to the chase: the threesome named above were examing correlations between “politically-connected firms and powerful legislative chairmen” when the rock they tripped over turned out to be the ultimate gold nugget of truth. In a phrase their serendipity kicked up the troublesome fact that GOVERNMENT SPENDING KILLS JOBS or as Mark Hemingway at Beltway Confidential put it . . . WHEN GOVERNMENT SPENDING GROWS, THE PRIVATE SECTOR SHRINKS. And as they got deeper into it, they concluded that SPENDING by INCUMBENT POLITICIANS KILLS JOBS. You can look over their research (finished three months back) here:

Or here:

Their study examining government earmark and budget data from the past four decades – found this trend to be consistent across all variables. Specifically, it affected both large and small firms in large and small states, and it followed the ascension of committee chairmen in both the House and Senate. The study found also that damage to the private sector was “partially reversed” when the committee chairmen either lost their seats or retired.

Let us be clear here, these three professors did what journalists should have long ago done, they went to study the assumption (in logic known as the “premise”) that as a state’s congressional delegation grew in stature and power in Washington, D.C., local businesses would benefit from the increased federal spending sure to come their way . . . but they discovered that the opposite was true. Indeed, companies experienced lower sales and downsized, cutback, retooled and retrenched by cutting payroll, R&D budgets, and virtually all other expenses. Their study showed that as incumbency acculated following a congressman’s ascendancy to the chairmanship of important committees, the average firm in his state cut back capital expenditures by roughly 15 percent.

Now Rajjpuut can hear the scared liberals and progressives in particular screaming, “But, but, that’s . . . just one study.” That’s true. One study that cries out for term limits for politicians and limited government and utter fiscal responsibility.

Here’s a slightly related study:

This link is about a study in which a government spending boondggle took Spain from a booming economy with 3% unemployment 13-14 years ago, to being only behind Greece among struggling European countries and to 17.8% unemployment last year and almost 21% this year. How? By forcing their country into a green jobs commitment similar to what President Obama is now proposing. Obviously, the Spanish citizens are NOT better off because of government spending and government interference. Notice those words in italics “by forcing.” No matter what country you live in, politicians tend to accumulate power and status as they accumulate “tenure.” As power nears abolute power, corruptness such as the PORK in the Harvard study and the “forcible rape” of Spain grow more and more probable. Power can corrupt. Absolute power virtually always does corrupt . . . .

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


*** three brief essays to convince anyone who “buys into” common sense are:

the most famous essay in economics but one the Keynesians pretend doesn’t exist

is “The Broken Window” parable

is the “one lesson”

is the entire book “Economics in one Lesson” from which the broken window and one lesson come

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Obama, Gore, Joel Rogers Killing U.S.


Up to 90% of the European cap and trade is a fraud according to Europol, the European criminal intelligence agency. "The European Union Emission Trading System has been the victim of fraudulent traders in the past 18 months," said the investigative agency in a statement. "This resulted in losses of approximately five billion euros for several national tax revenues." The agency, based in The Hague, added that it estimated "in some countries, up to 90 percent of the whole market volume was caused by fraudulent activities." Europol officials aired these conclusions after a raid six months ago.


31,000 American scientists have signed a petition denying the legitimacy of global-warming as real science. Over 9,000 of these scientists hold Ph.D.s. Cap and Trade is intended to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.


Mr. Obama admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle his policies will “bankrupt the coal industry.”


Global warming has been proven to be a hoax. Even the ultra-liberal London Times, long-time champion of man-caused global warming has run scathing stories about the fraudulent science being done by the East Anglia University Climate Research Unit (CRU) upon which global-warming theory was based.


It would mean the end of the American Republic. It would mean the end of free-market capitalism. It would mean the end of the best and freest society the world has ever known. The book, Obama’s first autobiography “Dreams from My Father,” Obama’s first autobiography that the media refused to read and investigate tells us what the end product he is seeking will look like. Here are the words of father (Barak, without a ‘c’ Senior) and son . . . notice the reference to the advisibility and benefits of “100% taxes” and the old man’s reverence for “scientific socialism - iter alia - communism.”


Mr. Obama has admitted “the price of electricity will necessarily skyrocket” under his cap and trade policies.


Even discounting inflation already underway, Cap and Trade when fully implemented will raise the cost of all American goods and services 67%. CCX (more below) President Richard Sandor admitted that Cap and Trade was a “$10 TRillion industry” (not mentioning its an industry that produces no goods and services but just “taxes” those who do). Slapping a $10 TRillion industry on top of a $15 TRillion economy means that costs will rise and produce a $25 TRillion economy without one single more product or service produced . . . thus prices will rise by 67% on average.


Phil Jones, director of CRU, at the center of the global-warming hoax, besides saying he “considered killing himself” when news of the hoax came out admitted they had deliberately thrown away data so that no other scientists could “replicate their research” or discover and prove their fraud.


Mr. Obama, Al Gore, Joel Rogers, Richard Sandor and about fifteen to twenty more of their progressive/marxist intimates and ten different progressive foundations have set up the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) which will make most of them multi-billionaires, billionaires and multi-millionaires at least . . . they have, in short an incredible conflict of interest in pushing this bill. click on the “CCX scandal” pages 1-4


The leader of this conspiracy, Canadian billionaire (ex-U.N. bigwig and environmental kook) Maurice Strong, exposed the group’s purpose in 1990 when he wrote,

“. . . what if a small group of . . . world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about? . . .”

Strong has said he was discussing the plot of a novel he was going to write. Well Michael Chricton (of “Jurassic Park,” “Andromeda Strain” and a dozen other “technology-run-amuck” techno-thrillers set out to write the same novel. Only difference, when Crichton (who is a research junkie) was done studying the matter he had written a novel about a conspiracy to dominate the world based upon fraudulent global warming data, fraudulently manipulated which the Climate-Gate Scandal has shown to actually be the case . . . . His 2005 novel “State of Fear” is actually an expose of the global-warming hoax and several characters resembling Strong, Joel Rogers, Al Gore, Richard Sandor and Barack Obama play major roles in the novel.


Joel Rogers, the mastermind of the nuts and bolts (Creator of the Apollo Alliance and “the New Green Deal”) behind the whole conspiracy and the CCX rip-off has admitted that even if we brought the entire American economy to the level of 1900, the effect on global temperatures would be minimal (0.2 degrees) by 2100 and their stated aim of bringing the world’s carbon emissions back to 1980 level is impossible but that the whole thing is actually a power grab.

And now the top #1 Reason to Reject Obama’s Cap and Trade bill:


Obama has threatened to create five million green-tech jobs. Spain, which about 13-14 years ago was the #1 booming economy in the European Union with only 3% unemployment did a study of what went wrong with their green-initiative. Today Spain has 21% unemployment and the worst economy in Europe except for Greece; many companies have left Spain. video is a year old, made when Spanish unemployment stood at 17.8%

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


Read more…

America's Future Could Be VERY BLEAK


31,000 American scientists have signed a petition denying the legitimacy of global-warming as real science. Over 9,000 of these scientists hold Ph.D.s. Cap and Trade is intended to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.


Mr. Obama admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle his policies will “bankrupt the coal industry.”


Global warming has been proven to be a hoax. Even the ultra-liberal London Times, long-time champion of man-caused global warming has run scathing stories about the fraudulent science being done by the East Anglia University Climate Research Unit (CRU) upon which global-warming theory was based.


It would mean the end of the American Republic. It would mean the end of free-market capitalism. It would mean the end of the best and freest society the world has ever known. The book, Obama’s first autobiography “Dreams from My Father,” Obama’s first autobiography that the media refused to read and investigate tells us what the end product he is seeking will look like. Here are the words of father (Barak, without a ‘c’ Senior) and son . . . notice the reference to the advisibility and benefits of “100% taxes” and the old man’s reverence for “scientific socialism - iter alia - communism.”


Mr. Obama has admitted “the price of electricity will necessarily skyrocket” under his cap and trade policies.


Even discounting inflation already underway, Cap and Trade when fully implemented will raise the cost of all American goods and services 67%. CCX (more below) President Richard Sandor admitted that Cap and Trade was a “$10 TRillion industry” (not mentioning its an industry that produces no goods and services but just “taxes” those who do). Slapping a $10 TRillion industry on top of a $15 TRillion economy means that costs will rise and produce a $25 TRillion economy without one single more product or service produced . . . thus prices will rise by 67% on average.


Phil Jones, director of CRU, at the center of the global-warming hoax, besides saying he “considered killing himself” when news of the hoax came out admitted they had deliberately thrown away data so that no other scientists could “replicate their research” or discover and prove their fraud.


Mr. Obama, Al Gore, Joel Rogers, Richard Sandor and about fifteen to twenty more of their progressive/marxist intimates and ten different progressive foundations have set up the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) which will make most of them multi-billionaires, billionaires and multi-millionaires at least . . . they have, in short an incredible conflict of interest in pushing this bill. click on the “CCX scandal” pages 1-4


The leader of this conspiracy, Canadian billionaire (ex-U.N. bigwig and environmental kook) Maurice Strong, exposed the group’s purpose in 1990 when he wrote,

“. . . what if a small group of . . . world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about? . . .”

Strong has said he was discussing the plot of a novel he was going to write. Well Michael Chricton (of “Jurassic Park,” “Andromeda Strain” and a dozen other “technology-run-amuck” techno-thrillers set out to write the same novel. Only difference, when Crichton (who is a research junkie) was done studying the matter he had written a novel about a conspiracy to dominate the world based upon fraudulent global warming data, fraudulently manipulated which the Climate-Gate Scandal has shown to actually be the case . . . . His 2005 novel “State of Fear” is actually an expose of the global-warming hoax and several characters resembling Strong, Joel Rogers, Al Gore, Richard Sandor and Barack Obama play major roles in the novel.


Joel Rogers, the mastermind of the nuts and bolts (Creator of the Apollo Alliance and “the New Green Deal”) behind the whole conspiracy and the CCX rip-off has admitted that even if we brought the entire American economy to the level of 1900, the effect on global temperatures would be minimal (0.2 degrees) by 2100 and their stated aim of bringing the world’s carbon emissions back to 1980 level is impossible but that the whole thing is actually a power grab. the whole video is 56 minutes long, Rogers starts talking about minute 31:30 so slide the control to that point and listen to the “great man” talk . . . .

And now the top #1 Reason to Reject Obama’s Cap and Trade bill:


Obama has threatened to create five million green-tech jobs. Spain, which about 13-14 years ago was the #1 booming economy in the European Union with only 3% unemployment did a study of what went wrong with their green-initiative. Today Spain has 21% unemployment and the worst economy in Europe except for Greece; many companies have left Spain. video is a year old when

Spanish unemployment stood at 17.8%

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


Read more…

Recently President Obama waxed positively orgasmic over the “creation” of 443,000 “new jobs” in the economy. De-emphasized in his glowing report was the fact that 411,000 of these “new” jobs were temporary census positions and not real jobs at all. By the way the Census department has 560,000 odd employees and roughly a full 150,000 of them are permanent employees. Since the cost of running the census this year was $14+ Billion or roughly $10 Billion more than it cost to count everybody in 2000; and since those permanent employees must logically speaking not have much to do for 9.5 years of every ten within the census cycle . . . a whole lot of waste seems to be wrapped up in this particular government department, no?

Waste in government is pervasive and all of it kills jobs. In a similar way, common sense would rule against 90+% of all government spending programs and 88% of all new laws. Without term limits for congress, the evil done by career politicians and particularly progressive Republican and Democratic career politicos feeding at the public trough has become almost fatal to the country as a whole. Perhaps they should wait two days for every ten pages of a proposed new law and cuss and discuss it thoroughly . . . . so the 3,000 page Obamacare bill finally passed would require a minimum of, say, 21 months to get the bill right . . . or better yet, pass a realistic and helpful 150 page law over a period of one month. In any case, government spending annihilates jobs and destroys the private sector. Back to the Census . . . .

In fairness, this is nothing new, President Clinton made a huge deal about a bunch of very similar “new” jobs in 2000 precisely ten years earlier and presumably President George H. W. Bush did so also in 1990 and President Jimmy Carter likewise in 1980, etc., etc. This is, of course, a big lie and the jobs in question are, of course, false entities by any reasonable understanding . . . virtually as soon as they’re “created” they disappear from the economy. Let’s delve more deeply into this matter . . . .

Because of population growth, the American economy right now requires averaging 250,000 “new” jobs to be created every single month just so our official UNemployment rate can stay the same (coming out of college or high school every June etc. we add three million new job-seekers every year . . . as we’ve seen, it doesn’t seem to matter to the politicians whether or not the jobs in question can reasonably be considered REAL jobs or not. To the more reasonable among us, a.k.a. “taxpayers,” however, it makes a huge difference. REAL jobs are permanent and they help slightly offset all the government tax-spending jobs out there which are now being created hand over fist. For now, let that definition of a “REAL job” suffice. Let’s look at government jobs and their characteristics, what are the differences between government jobs and real jobs?

Government jobs tend to be . . .

1. Artificial concepts not precisely “necessary” in the big picture. Are, for example, government census workers and government people examining bee population shifts, and government people researching “human dating behavior” strictly needed? What great loss to society would occur if they didn’t exist? How much taxpayer money would be saved if these jobs were eliminated (or if census workers asked one-third the questions)?

2. Government jobs are UNproductive. No goods or services are added to the country as a result of their existence.

3. Government jobs tend to pay more, thus putting the potentially best and most productive people into Unproductive positions.

4. Government jobs tend to have the greatest benefits adding to the overall cost and since their retirement benefits are among the greatest, that payment goes on sucking away at the country’s lifeblood long after these workers retire.

5. Government jobs tend to have the most substantial perquisites (perks). It isn’t just the President whose actual job cost cannot be calculated, but virtually all the upper echelon government employees whose perks bleed the rest of us dry.

6. Government jobs are destroyers of REAL jobs in the REAL economy. Spain was the poster-child for the European Union about a decade back with a booming economy and only 3% unemployment. Then they adopted a “green-jobs” policy. Today Spain’s unemployment is just over 20%. President Obama threatened us with the creation of five million green jobs. Since the $675,000 subsidization cost of each Spanish green job cost 2.2 jobs in the real Spanish economy, we could expect losing eleven million real jobs?

7. Jobs that create a whole artificial group (the “political class”) within our society which seeks to perpetuate itself and enlarge itself and its budgets at all costs. The “imperatives” of this new “special interest group” seem to be contrary to the interests and needs of mainstream Americans.

8. Jobs whose creation is aligned with bigger, more onerous government, more red tape and more likelihood of finding a “boot on our neck.”

9. Jobs which tend to be temporary such as the census workers’ situation. In the recent Spanish studies of their economic collapse. It was revealed that only one in ten of the green jobs they created actually lasted much beyond the original funding period. In terms of Mr. Obama’s proposal to create five million new green-tech jobs, that means that he’d only be creating 500,000 permanent jobs (at a cost of eleven million real permanent jobs, remember).

10. Jobs for which the real cost is never shown, or even ever known. How much does it cost to have a President of the United States? Obvious things like salary, upkeep of the White House and paying for the White House staff, security, Air Force One, Camp David, travel and entertaining foreign dignitaries and an extensive communications grid in place pale before the perks of the office. Look at the inaugurations, the presidential balls, bringing in of entertainers like Paul McCartney, etc, how much does it cost to have a president of the United States. Rajjpuut estimates this one employee costs us DIRECTLY at least $1 Billion. The indirect cost of Mr. Obama, personally is, of course, potentially in the hundreds of TRillions of dollars and that’s just the money cost . . . . How much does it cost to have an Environmental Protection Agency that puts 40% of some central California workers out of a job by insisting that a two-inch fish was endangered by irrigation pumps to water the vegetable basket of the nation?

11. Sometimes a job whose existence is onerous and an abomination to much of the rest of the country: IRS agents come to mind.

12. Political, often, by their very nature rather than neutral. Jobs aligned with OSHA and the EPA, for example tend to be created by liberals. Defense contracts tend to be created by actions from conservatives.

13. A situation where not only Unproductive but often actually slipshod work is done. Look at our present Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Laws were put in place in 1990 and 1994 to protect our safety. The Bush and Obama administration “signed off” on many of these safety requirements for British Petroleum (such as the need for ten fire booms on site – there were ZERO fire booms present when the explosion occurred). Indeed, the governmental regulation agency MMS was prepared to give BP its highest safety award five or six days after the explosion occurred – that notion is now on hold, and no award has been granted. One of the biggest series of pathetic and scary jokes is the notion of “Close enough for government work.”

14. Often a job where ethical considerations are routinely NOT even considered. During the Bush administration, a governmental oversight group found out that oil companies were routinely wining, dining, having sex with, and providing drugs for the governmental employees charged with oversight for the oil industry. NICE.

15. Despite the “merit system,” of exams, etc. created for civil servants a job given to political friends more often than not. Of all the stimulus funds thus far over 68% has been spent in areas that voted disproportionately for Obama over Mc Cain in 2008. Even though many more actual counties either voted for Mc Cain or slightly-favored Obama , only 31% of the total stimulus funds went there.

16. Despite the so-called merit system, a job given to certain preferred portions of society over the rest of society. Affirmative action in government hiring has been an abysmal failure. The Sotomayor fire-fighter case highlighted some of the obvious discrepancies.

17. Often a job that works at cross-purposes to the rest of society. Rajjpuut recently found himself with a suspended driver’s license courtesy of a ridiculous clerical error when a paid speeding ticket dropped through the cracks in the system. When asked how to get the matter straightened out . . . ‘you’ll have to wait 30 days that’s the requirement, can’t get around it,” no way to correct their mistake . . . . So many of burdensome errors and deliberate red tape and obstruction and waste of time in society is attributable to government officiousness. OSHA and the IRS and EPA cost of tens of billions of dollars every year. Teachers across the nation (hired by the school districts but loyal only to their union) are now teaching that the Founding Fathers were tyrants and racists and otherwise no goodniks while praising labor unions and socialism in their classes. In Los Angeles the lie that the two Arizona immigration laws are racist has been ordered taught in civics classes. One L.A. history making a "field trip" to Arizona to protest the Arizona immigration law before travelling posed before a mural in their school with Castro, Che Guevarra, Uncle Ho and Lenin. Three other L.A. social studies teachers are overtly and directly emphasizing to Hispanic students (at least 40% of them illegals) the need for a Revolution within the United States to give back lands lost by Mexico in 1946's Mexican-American War . . . . which government are these govt. employees working for?

18. Many government jobs are “make-work” creations designed to expand the empire of some muckety-muck bureaucrat. Promotions routinely come (all out of proportion to actual “production”) to those in government who command the most money . . . which usually means those who command the most subordinates. Expand the “scope” of your office (usually unnecessarily and unwisely) and get promoted to a higher position where you, of course, want to expand again. Activity is easily confused for results in government . . . .

19. Without exception, governmental regulatory jobs are absolutely dominated by the industries they supposedly oversee – remember our example of the (literally) in bed together relationship between the big oil companies and MMS. For another example, at the managerial and supervisory levels, the FDA is virtually, the best job in the world for ex-bigwig pharmaceutical workers to consider. The ethics, or lack thereof, of this incestuous relationship literally kills many Americans every year. What is the number three cause of deaths and number five cause of hospital visits in the country? Huge numbers of "iatrogenic" deaths and injuries from legally prescribed medicines result every year from FDA incompetence. The ADA and its oversight of the food industry is presumably even less compent than the FDA now, over a century since Sinclair Lewis wrote his blockbuster novel, "The Jungle" exposing corruption and uncleanliness in the American food industry.

20. Require “emergency” spending virtually every year. To “justify their budgets, government agencies routinely find themselves spending money willy-nilly so that next year’s budget can be as large or larger.

21. Is often a necessary job, which when done rightly puts the job occupant out of work. This happens when a war is won, for example. But most of the time on the rare occasion when a government job has solved the problem it was created to end, the job is somehow made a permanent drain upon society. In fact, it’s often a job whose self-perpetuation is an actual danger to the country. Most people do not know that originally, the U.S. congress met every other year for 140 days only. Texas in its wisdom has a similar part-time legislature even today. The cost to the nation of a permanent legislature is incalculable, bad laws clearly outnumber good ones by about a 12/1 ratio. Then there’s the pork and other corruptions that occur because of the need to get re-elected of the incumbent rascals that have already hurt us . . . etc., etc., ad nauseum.

22. A government job is quite often a position whose day-to-day operating standards and procedures defy all logic. Families or small businesses who operated using the same guidelines that government routinely follows would be quickly ruined. Big businesses could survive a bit longer but who can operate successfully a) without a budget such as our present Congress is now doing even though a budget is required by law b) continually spending much more than you have c) creating set-asides such as Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid and then never actually setting the money required by law aside so that now besides our almost $14 TRillion national debt we also have almost $110 TRillion in UNfunded obligations d) Not honoring simple common-sense, for example the new "Pay-Go" law was a good idea. It said no new spending could occur without either the generation of a new tax or the cutting in costs from elsewhere in the federal budget to pay for the proposed new project. How often has Pay-Go been followed since it was created in February? NEVER! The rascals simply call everything an "emergency" and then forget about Pay-Go.

23. When it comes to progressive job creation, there seems to an "ivory tower" approach consistently in evidence. Let's talk about the Gulf oil spill again. Rabid environmentalism stopped much of the inland drilling and pumping and all the near shore drilling and pumping. The facts are that BP screwed up monumentally; governmental regulators -- whose responsibility it was to keep BP operating safely -- screwed up monumentally; and environmentalists who pushed for exactly the deep offshore drilling we now are faced with when we didn't really have the completely safe technology to do it are also deeply at fault. Another example: in 1972, worldwide deaths from malaria amounted to fewer than 50,000. However, since the U.N. and the United States outlawed DDT, fifty million people have died around the world due to pseudo-science claims that DDT was harmful to non-insect life never proved. The president's aim to create five million green-tech@@ jobs is likewise based upon the pseudo-science of global warming^^ and is presuming that "saying it's so makes it so." If President Grant had said that we were going to create 800,000 new electric jobs in 1870 . . . his saying it's possible is NOT equivalent in reality to it being possible. 800,000 American jobs in electricity didn't come to be until about 1922 over half a century later. How many real jobs would have been lost over those fifty years if Grant and his successors had followed such an ignorant path? What would have been the economic and overall history of the country? Promising the unachievable has grown into a virtually criminal political art.

Here, in a very brief essay, is much that people need to know about how economics actually works in modern life . . . .

Liberals and Progressives do not know nor appreciate that little essay, they believe that the creative problem-solving part of human nature is actually benefitted by big government. The sad pattern is that liberals and progressives do not have even the slightest understanding of economics and therefore proselytize a utopian picture totally out of contact with the demands and conditions of the REAL world. Survival and "thrival" in the Real world is based upon surplus goods, a.k.a. profits. Liberals and progressives have a real yen for criticizing profits and business at every turn. Not realizing that prosperity means surplus, and "obscene profits," Liberals condemn the very lifeblood of modern society. REAL jobs are created by four possible motivations:

a. survival problems

b. profit/surplus problems

c. combinations of a and b

d. innovation and entreprenuerial expression

Taking things back to "basics" two million years ago . . . virtually everything that was done by humanoids other than children's play and sex during pregnancy was a necessary "job" for the individual and group's survival. In particular, the need for nomad hunter-gatherers to find adequate shelter; protect themselves from large carnivorous animals; and most importantly to secure adequate food and water was often an hour-to-hour imperative. Their eonomic system was absolutely 100% communistic.

Shortly after the coming of CroMagnon man roughly 35,000 years ago, earlier patterns of nomadic hunting became culturally locked in and tied to technological innovations (like taming of the dog; making of spear-chuckers, bows and arrows, spears and hand tools, domestic tools, tents, clothing, sewing tools, water bladders, leather bags, and later even baskets) and for the first time ever . . . occasional surpluses were possible. The necessity of constant travel made it impossible to carry much in the way of surplus clothing, tools, weapons, etc. -- even heavy tents were a huge problem . . . but food and water surpluses were absolutely necessary for Cro-Magnon's. Virtually every culture gathered vine-dried fruits equivalent to raisins and learned to dry meat. A well-known example, during the late Cro-Magnon years, the American Indians' pemmican was one of the greatest such innovations: a fat-dense**, calorie-rich, nutritious, easily carried food surplus. Virtually every family had their own "spiced-up" pemmican recipes passed down from mother to daughter. Because each family was largely responsible for its own survival and creation of surpluses a cross between communism and light "capitalism" say 98% communistic. (We exaggerate some in calling any part of this system "capitalistic" because until the adaptation of money in many cultures roughly 7,000 years ago, very little "specialization of labor " beyond gender and age specialization which had been going on for almost two million years actually existed.) Again, we're talking 98% communistic or socialistic society.

When natural "Edens," such as in coastal situations in the Mediterranean and California and Egypt, existed greater surpluses were possible and less travelling was necessary. Soon rudimentary agriculture became possible and domestication of the horse, goat, sheep, cattle and semi-domestication of the cat (feral cats loved "amber waves of grain" and the mice, rats and other rodents that fed upon the crops) provided the possibility of "permanent villages" existing. And what exactly made this all possible? SURPLUS a.k.a. PROFIT. Specialized labor like carpentry, pottery, basket-weaving, farming, fishing, metalworking and even soldiering first appeared during this era in these Edens. No longer was it necessary for the full range of hunter-gatherer skills to be practiced by virtually every single member of the tribe. At first a strictly barter economy existed but soon money was created. After the initial idea of surplus (storing up some of the excess food against "rainy days" which operated over two million years to ensure mankind's survival and advancement) money was the greatest single innovation for mankind's survival and advancement of all. Money was, in effect, nothing less than "stored surplus work." While this might sound to most of us today like pretty much a 100% capitalistic society . . . reality was considerably different since forcible tax collection (of grain and goods and coin) by tyrannical rulers was pretty much the order of the day. Later as "nobility by direct bloodline from God" became a normal part of the ruling class's rationale for existence, various sorts of feudal-type arrangements became the norm in virtually every "civilized country" or duchy in the world with a trifling few short-lived Republics thrown in among all the ordinary despotic states and semi-benevolent monarchies.

The economic system known as capitalism was found almost purely among guild-craftsman and folks like independent black smiths and cottage industries like weaving particularly in England and until about 1750 that's the way it was. The "most capitalistic" country in the world with its merchants, craftsman, cottage industries and independent farmers was perhaps 40% capitalistic. The feudal system with all the British lords and ladies was still deeply tied into the overall economic picture. Then came James Watt and the Industrial Revolution. Although the Luddites (cottage weavers put out of work by the water and steam power looms and other textile innovations) rebelled, the benefits to all British society of cheap cloth was among the most shocking and positive things that had ever happened in all of history.

Without the expansion of nobility into the American colonies, rugged individualism prevailed and this nation quickly became the most capitalistic society the Earth has ever seen, perhaps 99.7% so in 1787. The last burst of capitalism released upon America occurred during the Reagan years 1981-1989 when 21 million jobs were created. However, because Republican Reagan was faced with Democratic control of the House and Senate and needed to compromise with Dems to pass his own pet projects . . . the National Debt skyrocketed.

The single-most Capitalistic period in American history was the Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge era sandwiched between progressive presidents Woodrow Wilson and Herbert Hoover. The "Unknown Depression" of 1921-22 was met steadfastly by Harding and Coolidge (after Harding's Death) by cutting taxes 50% and spending 49%. The Roaring Twenties that ensued was the single most transformational decade in history as the Unknown Depression ended in late 1922. Little known by most people is that Democratic progressive Franklin Delano Roosevelt ran constantly and was elected for promising he would return to the Harding-Coolidge tax-reduction and spending- reduction paradigm as he succeeded progressive Republican Hoover. He obviously lied and did the opposite and America suffered under a dozen-year Great Depression extended by his socialistic efforts while the rest of the world had a fairly short "little 'd' depression." Ultimately, the facts of economic life are this: as in so many other ways, when it comes to jobs and the economy: "that government is best which governs least."

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,


** should you ever find yourself in an extended survival situation, it isn't only getting enough calories and traditional nutrients that matters, you could actually get 3,500 calories a day and die malnourished if you can't supply the body's need for fat from the ultra-lean rabbits, fish and birds you're most likely to catch.

@@the Spanish green-tech economic debacle is clearly pertinent

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Slick Obama Sells Israel Down the River
This article will sound highly critical of Barack Obama and highly supportive of the Israeli naval blockade. And so, it clearly is and should be. However, Rajjpuut is NO friend of Israel. That revelation is important to his search for truth and to the readers'. Rajjpuut has written several blogs clearly outlining the outrageous history of how the United Nations gave away Muslim Arab land owned by those Arabs for almost nineteen hundred consecutive years to the Jews in 1948 in atonement for European and American guilt over the Holocaust. Rajjpuut has repeatedly agreed with Muslim viewpoints that World War II was NOT a Muslim-caused war and that the Arabs and Muslims played NO role in the Holocaust and owed the Jews NOTHING. Similarly, Rajjpuut holds no animosity nor does he find anything to criticize about the Israeli Jews, in their place he'd have done exactly what they did: that is, carve a Jewish state out of the only land they could find. In fact given the Democratic leanings and capitalist expression found in Israel, Rajjpuut finds much to praise. (Almost everything but their highly socialistic economic system, as a matter of fact.)
All that being said, facts are facts are facts and since the Jewish nation^^ was NOT carved out of Nazi Germany and Nazi Austria (where by all rights it clearly SHOULD have been) . . . it, Israel (like the abortion laws in the United States) is a fact of life and like all facts of life must be dealt with honestly, intelligently, courageously and justly . . . hence this blog . . . .
Barack Obama might not have any guts or integrity, but once again, Israel showed it has plenty of each when it continued to honor its blockade of military shipping to Gaza. The administration of “Nobel-Peace-Prize” recipient Obama has joined “the world” in condemning Israel for its “aggression” in enforcing that nation’s naval blockade of Hamas, conveniently overlooking six key facts . . . .
1. Not only Israel but also Egypt is currently enforcing a naval blockade against arms and support for Hamas, the present governing body of the Palestinians in the Gaza strip. Egypt is a Muslim country and if they wished the violent Hamas regime to have weapons it would be a simple matter for Egypt to allow transport overland into Gaza. Naval blockades are a completely legal way (under U.N. rules) for a country to deal with a belligerent neighbor such as Gaza has proven itself since Hamas came to power there.
2. The three-year old blockade was originally brought about because of thousands of small arms, mortar, rocket and artillery attacks from Gaza into Israel since Hamas came into power. Those attacks have shockingly virtually ceased since the blockade went into effect.
3. The Hamas charter states that elimination of Israel from the face of the earth is their goal. Their earlier attacks underlined their commitment to that end. Every nation has a right to defend itself or to prevent enemy nations from obtaining armament, hence Israel's naval blockade of Gaza.
4. The recent attempt by a “humanitarian peace coalition” to run the Israeli blockade which resulted in nine blockade-runners being killed was created by the Turkish ship
A. Attempting to run the legal blockade and
B. When the Israelis boarded the ship, by a stunning display of violence from those on board the Turkish ship. The media worldwide (other than in Israel and on Fox News) has condemned the deaths but not shown the video footage which shows that passengers on the Turk ship instigated ALL the violence and that two Israelis were badly injured before the Israelis decided to return violence with more principled and lethal violence. Calling yourself a “peace mission” means nothing when you attack a legitimate boarding party with metal pipes conveniently cut to the length of a baseball bat.
5. Before setting sail, several of the passengers aboard the Turkish vessel had written wills and letters to their next of kin indicating that they expected to become martyrs and thus it’s obvious they had staged the whole incident in hopes of breaking the blockade either at that moment or helping end it in the future. Several of the passengers were already on the international warning list as violent jihadists.
6. Unlike Mr. Obama who is parading around the world humbling himself and our nation to every third-rate dictator he can find, Israel recognizes clearly the need for strength to ensure peace. Amazingly “Peace Prize” recipient Obama is as ignorant of that fact as he is of economics, business, and our own nation’s traditions and Constitution (although purportedly he taught Constitutional Law while simultaneously teaching Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” in Chicago).
Naturally, the gutless Barack Obama, who spent parts of five years as a “prize student” at a Muslim private school in Jakarta, Indonesia (where they now have a statue of him as a ten-year old with a butterfly** balanced upon his thumb) aligned himself with asinine (given the obvious five facts listed above) public opinion in condemning the Israeli action. When Israel attacks Iran, as they soon must to eliminate that belligerent country’s nuclear capability, Obama will likewise condemn that action . . . when that happens, Rajjpuut will applaud mightily. Every nation has the right and duty to protect itself. Israel represents everything Obama hates: Jews, a Republic, a democracy, and successful capitalist nation. And let’s go further and make things clearer . . . .
Isn’t it amazing that all the while Obama's Left is accusing peaceful Conservatives in our country of racism, anti-semitism and Nazism . . . they’ve apparently forgotten that the term “Nazi” is short for “National-Socialist.” Socialism@@ routinely and consistently across history has attacked the Jewish people because of their renowned tendency (being denied the right to own land in many countries) to operate profitable businesses – to succeed as captalists. Like all socialists and communists throughout history Obama is an anti-semite (Karl Marx was a self-hating Lutheran-born child whose parents converted him and themselves to Judaism, who later became an atheist who repeatedly disparaged Jews and called them all, “puppets and puppeteers of capitalism” and quoted Feuerbach, calling the Jewish god Yaweh "nothing but the personified selfishness of the Israelitish (sic) people” but then expanded his own diatribe to outshine his hallowed mentor in vitriol: “Money,” he wrote, "is the jealous god of Israel, beside which no other god may exist . . . . What is the real Jew? What is the profane basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Hucksterism. What is his worldly god? Money."
And Barack (whose birth-father Barak, with no ‘c’ Obama, wrote a scathing editorial commentary calling for “scientific socialism, i.e. communism$$” for Kenya while discussing the merits of 100% taxes on the rich and takeover of foreign business and spreading the wealth of Kenyans into Black Kenyan hands and out of Asian- and White-Kenyan control) Obama? He is the real Nazi, the real National-Socialist who’d love nothing better than to see Israel and its troublesome Jews wiped off the face of the earth. Heil Slick Barack, Heil!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Like Rajjpuut said, the anti-Nazi nation in question should have been carved out of the Nazi homeland in Germany and Austria. And why not make it a homeland for all the people the Nazis persecuted and attempted genocide upon? That is Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally-retarded, nobility, the intelligentsia, political dissidents, and those suffering from physical birth-defects, for example, all deserved a homeland every bit as much as the Jews did. Hitler saw to the killing of 13 million people and less than half of them were Jews.
By the way, socialism in the forms found in the USSR-Russia; Red China and Nazi Germanyeasily deliberately and directly killed at least 91 million (presumably more) civilian people during the 20th Century. Even, the one socialist hero found on so many ignorant people's t-shirts, Che Guevara, reputedly bragged he personally killed almost 200 people and clearly oversaw the deaths and imprisonment of many, many more . . . exactly what is it about socialism that is so attractive? And why is it that the mainstream media wish to protect Barack Obama from all criticism?

@@ and if you in ignorance say, "Come now, the Nazis weren't real socialists," then you in your inexperience haven't examined the platforms of those National Socialists Nazis. They wanted pretty much what Barack Obama wants, including hurting their political enemies.

$$ Here's Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.'s essay:

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‘Poll-Bounce’ from Slick Obama Speeches
Not Lasting Nearly So Long These Days
There’s a strange dichotomy – a weird chasm -- in the brains of those on the Left. Much more slowly than the conservatives in this country, but oh so slowly and oh so surely the Left has been noticing the deeds of Barack Obama and he’s been dropping steadily in their esteem as a result. For example, Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for today, Saturday, June 5, 2010 shows that 25% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Slick Barack is performing his role as president while 42% Strongly DISapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17. And yet, every time that’s happened (for example ten days back his strong approval was at 23% and his strong disapproval was at 44%) he’ll make a “key speech” and suddenly he’s bounced back to only -7 or -10 in the polls again. That pattern has gone on now for well over a year.
Yes, Obama’s approval rating has gradually slid lower and lower. But the surprising thing is how much credence the “great man’s words” carry with the adoring Left. While Unaffiliated voters and Republicans grade him on his deeds, clearly the Left is just sitting at home waiting to be inspired by his voice over and over and over again. One good thing, however, is that each time Obama’s silver-tongued 'bounce' has lasted for a shorter and shorter time. The last bounce came when he gave his “the buck stops with me” (about the Gulf oil spill) speech nine days ago early in the day on Thursday, May 27. In contrast, when he addressed Congress on Obamacare the “tongue-bounce” lasted almost a full month. More and more Americans are grading Obama on his deeds rather than his promises and more and more are finding the president grossly wanting on GO, despite his always intriguing SHOW.
It all comes down to the American Dream . . . . According to info from the Rasmussen Consumer Index surveys, most Republicans (57%) believe the economy is getting worse while a plurality of Democrats (46%) say it is getting better. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 29% say better and 43% worse. However, when asked about their own personal finances, a plurality of Republicans, Democrats, and unaffiliated voters all say “things are getting worse.”
According to Rasmussen, “It will take several days before the impact of yesterday’s jobs report is reflected in the daily consumer confidence updates,” but the situation on the home owner front is perhaps the single-most bleak aspect of the present economy: right now, one in seven homeowners (14%) expect to miss a mortgage payment in the next six months but only 55% of homeowners believe their home is currently worth more than the mortgage. This data show that Mr. Obama’s mortgage-relief plan has been a dismal failure and has done exactly the opposite of what it was supposed to do as foreclosure rates keep rising around the country.
Most recently, Mr. Obama is seemingly enjoying flaunting his "superior" intellect in constant opposition to the will of the American people as he did on Obamacare. For a recent example, Rasmussen polls showed that 70% of voters favor strong sanctions against employers who hire illegal immigrants; 50% favor sanctions on landlords who provide housing for illegal immigrants; and 58% say a child born to an illegal immigrant in this country should NOT become a U.S. citizen automatically. Mr. Obama is deliberately NOT protecting our southern borders; has made five-weeks worth of nasty remarks about Arizona’s efforts to protect her own borders and now opposes an earlier Arizona law from his own Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano when she was Arizona governor imposing sanctions on employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

That law has already been tested** and passed muster by the most liberal federal court in the country, but Obama is now seeking to take it all the way to the U.S. Surpreme Court. Among Rajjpuut’s friends, 96% believe that Mr. Obama’s “Comprehensive Immigration “Reform” is just a euphemism for
making 13-20 million illegal aliens into virtually automatic U.S. citizens expecting 80% of them to vote Democrat and insure him his second term.
Despite actions, rhetoric and figures like those above and the most truly gruesome first fifteen months in office of any of our first forty-four presidents, Democrats in particular, find it difficult if not impossible to criticize Obama. Overall, 45% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove. The lowest presidential overall approval has been 42% so far. In Ol’ Rajjpuut’s eyes anything above 7% strong approval by 100% of the certifiable 7% of maniacs in this country means the nation is standing up to its neck in deep doggy-doo.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** It jives 100% as it should with the applicable 1986 federal immigration law. In fact, the federal law gives the right to license or remove licensing for companies due to immigration violations to the states and forbids the federal government from getting involved.
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"SIGH-PIE-B" R Us? Euro in Big Trouble
Take a closer look at the economies of eight European countries since the Greek bailout by the European Union (EU) and International Monetary Fund** (IMF). Specifically examining, Spain, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Ireland, England and Belgium -- the lot of which can be abbreviated “SIGH-PIE-B” – gives one a sad, sad view. Belgium and Hungary are the latest to disappoint and still have hopes. England also could make it and avoid bankruptcy and fiscal collapse, if they get out of the European Union (and their currency is still separate). But let NOT Americans get too complacent.
The Debt/GDP ratio (Gross Domestic Product) which we Americans are burdened under is worse than seven of these eight troubled nations (all but Greece). Additionally, our Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has inflated our circulating currency to a level fifteen times where it stood in September 2008. Since our president is also willfully adopting policies far worse than any of these countries now have in place and is confounding and obstructing our economy’s chances at recovery by leaps and bounds when will we here in the United States suffer their fate?
If we didn’t have an extremely resilient capitalist economy as our foundation and a relatively low level of unionized labor, we’d already be feeling much of the pain Greece has suffered, but Barack Obama’s moving quickly to cure us of those impediments to financial Armageddon . . . .
Right now one of the great anomalies, and the only thing keeping the Obamunistic American economy afloat is the fact that 98% of people who look at investing in the dollar see a mysteriously rising currency . . . more fools they. Because conventionally people only compare the Dollar to the Euro and vice-versa . . . investors worldwide are not seeing the obvious and clear collapse of the once mighty dollar right befor our eyes but only an artificial bull-market in the buck which is all that’s keeping us afloat. And where, pray tell, should they be looking? They'll undoubtedly soon look at gold, look at platinum, look at palladium, look at silver, look at copper and pretty soon start looking at the prices of ALL commodities such as food, gas, electricity, electronic goods, etc.
When the true nature of the inflating dollar and the weakness of the American economy starts to become obvious, say about September . . . the Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Indian and Brazillian investors holding rapidly devaluing greenbacks will sooner or later come to their senses and start buying up hard currency, oil and precious metals with dollars and the Obama daydream will vanish into thin air as funds loaned to us by other countries will become very expensive (say at 10-12% interest). Not satisfied with this state of affairs, however, Obama is seeking to inflict the coup de gras upon our troubled economy with “America’s Power Act,” a slimy euphemism for cap and trade or cap and tax legislation.
The quickest collapse in Europe happened to Spain, which was the poster boy for European economic-soundness around ten or eleven years ago with a booming economy and a miniscule 3% unemployment rate. Spain then, however, adopted a green-jobs^^ economic policy and now has 21% unemployment and is rapidly moving toward Greece’s level of unsoundness. Just two days ago, Barack Obama praised the green economy of Spain and said he intends to “break our dependence upon oil once and for all" (not foreign oil – but all oil). Yep, SIGH-PIE-B R us!
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** $70 Billion from American Taxpayers went into the Greek bailout fiasco
^^subsidizing each green job cost $677,000 in dollars on average and cost 2.2 real jobs from the wider economy; most were temporary; only 10% proved permanent; pay typically ran from $10-$14 per hour . . . . The sad end result : 22 real permanent jobs were lost for every permanent government-created green job and green-tech is actually marginally better in Spain than it is here in America. Green jobs killed Spain. The current Spanish slang term for curse words is not “4-letter words” as Americans say it, but “palabras verdes” . . . green words.
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It’s never a good sign when the leader of the free world seemingly starts substituting crack-cocaine for his two and a half-pack a day cigarette habit. Too harsh a judgment? Listen up, then judge for yourself.

Item One:
As you know, President Obama and his administration have lately bad-mouthed the recently created Arizona immigration law in a cynical attempt to activate the Democratic Party base for this November’s mid-term elections. Well, now the stakes have been raised by the president who seems intent upon showing the world how little he respects the opinion of the common American citizens and common-sense itself. Mr. Obama has turned the White House legal-beagles upon Arizona again. This time the target is Arizona’s anti-illegal alien employer sanctions. Mr. Obama again says Arizona is acting beyond its jurisdiction, illegal immigration in every aspect is 100% a federal responsibility, and ONLY a federal responsibility, according to him and he says his White House attorneys will issue a legal challenge to Arizona. What’s wrong with all that?

Item A: The federal law concerning employers of illegals does say that states CAN control the licensing of such companies. In fact, the applicable law from 1986 forbids the federal government from doing anything at all to employers and puts all possibility of dealing with these companies under state control.

Item B: The Arizona anti-alien employer laws in Arizona are 100% in line with federal laws. To wit: for any firm found guilty of KNOWINGLY hiring undocumented workers a violation in Arizona would result in suspension of the business’s privilege of operating for an unspecified time possibly as little as ten days. A second violation of this law by an employer within three years of the first violation would forbid the company from doing business in Arizona.

Item C: Most surprisingly, the Arizona law has already been challenged and upheld by the single most liberal court in the country. In effect Mr. Obama is calling the Federal Court in San Francisco’s 9th District “too conservative.” Wow!

Item D: Ex- Arizona Governor Napolitano now, the Obama Homeland Security Secretary, was behind the passage of this law which Obama is now calling illegal and ill-advised.

Item Two: Mr. Obama (who himself refuses to respect the Pledge of Allegiance and stand at attention with his hand over his heart during its recital or to recite it himself) and his enthusiastic and violently active followers are sneakily trying to change the wording of the pledge in American minds.

You’ll recall the words in question are “one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all.” Leaving their attack on the word “God” out of things for now . . . the word popping up everywhere that socialists march in the street is “FAIRNESS” and the mantra that is heard in every such demonstration is “fairness and justice.” Apparently Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother** never told baby Barack that “life isn’t fair.” Rajjpuut would add that inflicting one-person’s or one group’s idea of fairness upon the rest of the people by forced equality, for one example re-distribution of wealth as a policy, is the ultimate threat to LIBERTY. Fairness and equality are the key words in communist and socialist dogma. Only one type of fairness and one type of equality matter: equal justice before the law and due process.

Item Three: Your ears are not deceiving you. President Obama is now choosing to use the oil spill for politics, of course. As part of his renewed attack on the oil industry, he’s talking about stopping or suspending all offshore oil drilling. That will really help the gulf jobs situation, won’t it? More importantly, he’s started heating up for his evil^^ cap and tax bill all over again; and praising Spain and its green-industry and talking about “weaning ourselves of oil-dependence.” Unmentioned by Mr. Obama is that Spain, once the economic poster child for the European Union, had a vibrant economy with only 3% unemployment a few years back. Then Spain instituted a green jobs program and now has 21% unemployment. Each green job cost $677,000. Each green jobs cost taxes that eliminated 2.2 jobs in the real free market economy. The average green job lasted less than six months and only 10% of green jobs proved permanent with an average salary of $13-$14 per hour. So, if Mr. Obama creates the five million green jobs he’s boasting about . . . expect a loss of eleven million real jobs. Expect the average 90% of the green jobs to be temporary only and only 500,000 permanent green jobs to be created . . . in short, expect the ultimate financial Armageddon.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** How come Americans were NOT told by mainstream media fully investigating his background that Barack Obama was raised in a communist household, by a communist mother and grandfather and his birth-father (subject of Obama’s first autobiography “Dreams from My Father”) was extolling the virtues of 100% taxation and “scientific socialism” a.k.a. communism in Kenya when his son was three years old ( and about his Marxist associates?

^^Cap and trade will turn a $15 TRillion economy into a $25 TRillion economy without one new manufactured good or without one new service provided. How? by raising costs 67% for virtually every single item or service in the country. That extra $10 TRillion is aimed right at progressive pockets. Mr. Gore, Mr. Obama, Richard Sandor, Franklin Raines, Joel Rogers, Goldman Sachs, and a good 10-12 progressive foundations and at least a score of other progressive politicians will all be monstrously enriched if and when cap and trade legislation becomes law and their Chicago Climate Exchange becomes obscenely profitable. And, of course, it’s all based upon saying that the carbon dioxide we exhale is dangerous to the planet . . . a proven LIE, as reported by the London Times when they exposed the Climate-Gate data falsification.

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A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting Birdie Balls** in the park. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . but first a bit of background . . . .

Since the mainstream media outlets refuse to cover stories that make Barack Obama and Al Gore look bad, such as this one from over six months ago which took the British press by storm:


one can’t help but wonder, “What exactly do our mainstream American newspapers and TV networks know that these two leading London papers, including the ultra-liberal London Times, just a stone’s throw from the Climate-Gate scandal nexus at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in East Anglia University haven’t a clue about?” And then there’s this infamous Obama half-truth . . . .

Why “infamous,” and why a “half-truth” you ask? Well, there’s Barack Obama directly telling all of us, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket . . . ” and yet what’s really happening is NOT really an admission by him that “to do the right thing for America, Americans are going to have to suffer a bit at the gas pump and suffer a whole lot more paying their electricity bills” (which is bad enough since global-warming is actually a lie) but all the while he’s saying this, he and his cronies are going to make all prices (not just electricity) in America jump by roughly 67%^^ even without inflation factored in. And 40% of all the money spent in America would be siphoned off by the numerous guilty parties involved . . . .

If these two stories are solid, and Rajjpuut UNequivocally tells you, “They’re SOLID,” then it’s the biggest scandal America has ever known. However, once again the mainstream American media won’t touch the story. Why not? Rajjpuut was his university's Academic Excellence Award Winner in journalism and if there's one thing he understands it's what goes into making a big story from the media's point of view . . . and this one truly amounts to a HUGE story. It amounts to big headlines and . . . it is, we remind you, 100% solid . . . it involves some huge names . . . it represents the greatest scam ever perpetrated upon the American people . . . somehow, somehow that Rajjpuut can't figure out their reluctance is related to the story above which the American mainstream media refused to even refer to once (can they be that committed to global warming as undeniable truth?) . . . and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to follow the story, Rajjpuut has and you can easily do so yourself. The corruption involved touches Barack Obama, Al Gore, the Goldman Sachs investment firm Fannie Mae; 10-12 huge and well-known progressive (“We must progress beyond the U.S. Constitution . . .”) non-profit foundations; and a repeating cast of socialist-marxist characters (whose names keep popping up every time you investigate the leadership of the CCX <Chicago Climate eXchange> Joel Rogers, Van Jones, Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong, etc., etc. ad nauseum); the semi-bankrupt Shore Bank in Chicago and the owners or board of directors all tied into a plan to cheat Americans out of $10 TRillion a year.

So back to paragraph #1 above, this blog began saying, “A very strange thing happened to Rajjpuut two days ago while he was trying to sharpen his golf game hitting “Birdie Balls” in the park near his old Longmont home. He was having a terrific practice sesssion when . . . .”

About 40 yards away, a blue-black car (Lexus?) pulled up and parked. About ten seconds later the car’s horn was honked twice after a particularly long and true draw shot. A slender brunette woman in a teal form-hugging dress in heels emerged from the driver’s side and walked half-way toward him, then stopped and said, “You’re Rajjpuut (badly mispronouncing the name in the process -- "RaHHH-Poot" is correct) the guy blogging about CCX and cap and trade for the TEA Party?”

Rajjpuut was stunned, he thought he was pretty much anonymous. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Tipper knows so she’s going to get a divorce.”

Rajjpuut was ultra-stunned. The woman turned and ran back to her vehicle. Suddenly understanding, he yelled after her, “Who are you? How do you know this?” but got no response.

As he felt both his blood and all his power draining away to his feet, Rajjpuut murmurred the only thing that came to mind, “Tell Glenn Beck,” suddenly he realized she couldn’t hear him so he yelled out at the top of his lungs, “Please, TELL Glenn Beck!”

She turned to look at him for an instant, then opened the door and drove quickly away.

It appeared her license plate was the green and white mountains outline that all Coloradoans are familiar with. Rajjpuut had not worn his glasses . . . . Needless to say, Rajjpuut hooked or sliced every swing over the next quarter hour. Was it a hoax? Who was she? How did she find him? Was someone playing an elaborate prank? What was going wrong with his swing? Was somebody right then and there laughing away at his expense? What am I doing wrong to cause all these hooks? Does this women really know something? Can I blog this, dare I blog this, I have no real source? How likely was it that someone in Colorado who knows Tipper Gore reads my blogs? I was doing so great, why couldn't she have come by half an hour later? Was this real? Did I dare blog it?

Yesterday, the news came out that Al and Tipper Gore were getting divorced or getting separated depending upon which source you read. Today the news came out that Barack Obama was making a concerted effort to revive his cap and trade bill “America’s Power Act” and was using the Gulf oil spill to move toward “100% energy independence” based upon green-energy## sources and “totally ending dependence upon fossil fuels.” Sounds like her story’s been confirmed . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



^^ the figure given in the article of $15 TRillion is presumed an exaggeration of 50%; the correct figure is ONLY roughly $10 TRillion. The American economy right now amounts to $15 TRillion so adding $10 TRillion on top of it unnecessarily without adding one single manufactured good or one single provided service means that everything in the economy that costs, say, $15.00 will now cost $25.00 an increase of roughly 67%.

## Which sounds like a plan much worse than what recently bankrupted Spain. Spain had about 3% unemployment and was the economic poster-child for the European Union around 2001. Today they’re suffering under roughly 21% unemployment after instigating a green-jobs program. After Greece, Spain may well be the next European domino to fall . . . .

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